path: root/etc/compile-by-zinc/compile-to-zinc.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'etc/compile-by-zinc/compile-to-zinc.py')
1 files changed, 170 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/etc/compile-by-zinc/compile-to-zinc.py b/etc/compile-by-zinc/compile-to-zinc.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..9d8fde45e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/compile-by-zinc/compile-to-zinc.py
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from __future__ import with_statement
+import codecs, re
+import subprocess
+LAMBDA = u'\u03bb'
+CORES = ('ADD_MUL0', 'ADD_MUL1', 'MUL0', 'LEA_BW0', 'LEA_BW1')
+BITWISE_CORES = tuple({
+ 'core' : { 'name' : core_name , 'latency' : 1 },
+ 'latency' : 1
+ } for core_name in ('LEA_BW0', 'LEA_BW1'))
+MODEL = {
+ '*': tuple({
+ 'core' : { 'name' : core_name , 'latency' : 1 },
+ 'latency' : 3
+ }
+ for core_name in ('ADD_MUL0', 'ADD_MUL1', 'MUL0')),
+ '+': tuple({
+ 'core' : { 'name' : core_name , 'latency' : 1 },
+ 'latency' : 1
+ }
+ for core_name in ('ADD_MUL0', 'ADD_MUL1', 'LEA_BW0', 'LEA_BW1')),
+ }
+def get_lines(filename):
+ with codecs.open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf8') as f:
+ lines = f.read().replace('\r\n', '\n')
+ return [line.strip() for line in re.findall("%s '.*?[Rr]eturn [^\r\n]*" % LAMBDA, lines, flags=re.DOTALL)[0].split('\n')]
+def strip_casts(text):
+ return re.sub(r'\(u?int[0-9]*_t\)\s*\(?([^\)]*)\)?', r'\1', text)
+def parse_lines(lines):
+ lines = list(map(strip_casts, lines))
+ assert lines[0][:len(LAMBDA + ' ')] == LAMBDA + ' '
+ assert lines[0][-1] == ','
+ ret = {}
+ ret['vars'] = lines[0][len(LAMBDA + ' '):-1]
+ assert lines[-1][-1] == ')'
+ ret['return'] = lines[-1][:-1].replace('return ', '').replace('Return ', '')
+ ret['lines'] = []
+ for line in lines[1:-1]:
+ datatype, varname, arg1, op, arg2 = re.findall('^(u?int[0-9]*_t) ([^ ]*) = ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*);$', line)[0]
+ ret['lines'].append({'type':datatype, 'out':varname, 'op':op, 'args':(arg1, arg2), 'source':line})
+ print('Compiling %d of %d lines...' % (MAX_INSTRUCTION_WINDOW, len(ret['lines'])))
+ ret['lines'] = ret['lines'][:MAX_INSTRUCTION_WINDOW]
+ return ret
+def get_var_names(input_data):
+ return tuple(line['out'] for line in input_data['lines'])
+def get_input_var_names(input_data):
+ return tuple(i for i in data['vars'].replace('%core', '').replace(',', ' ').replace('(', ' ').replace(')', ' ').replace("'", ' ').split(' ')
+ if i != '')
+def make_decls(input_data):
+ var_names = get_var_names(input_data)
+ ret = ''
+ ret += 'set of int: CORE = 1..%d;\n' % len(CORES)
+ for i, core in enumerate(CORES):
+ ret += 'CORE: %s = %d; ' % (core, i+1)
+ ret += '\n'
+ for var in var_names:
+ ret += 'var int: %s_loc;\n' % var
+ ret += 'var int: %s_latency;\n' % var
+ ret += 'var CORE: %s_core;\n' % var
+ ret += 'var int: RET_loc;\n'
+ return ret
+def make_disjoint(input_data):
+ var_names = get_var_names(input_data)
+ ret = ''
+ for var in var_names:
+ ret += 'constraint %s_loc >= 0;\n' % var
+ ret += 'constraint %s_latency >= 0;\n' % var
+ ret += 'constraint %s_loc + %s_latency <= RET_loc;\n' % (var, var)
+ # TODO: Figure out if this next constraint actually helps things....
+ max_ret_loc = ('constraint RET_loc <= %d;\n'
+ % (len(var_names)
+ #ret += max_ret_loc
+ ret += '\n'
+ for var_i in range(len(var_names)):
+ for var_j in range(var_i+1, len(var_names)):
+ ret += 'constraint %s_loc != %s_loc;\n' % (var_names[var_i], var_names[var_j])
+ ret += '\n'
+ return ret
+def make_dependencies(input_data):
+ var_names = get_var_names(input_data)
+ ret = ''
+ for line in input_data['lines']:
+ for arg in line['args']:
+ if arg in var_names and arg[0] not in '0123456789':
+ ret += ('constraint %s_loc + %s_latency <= %s_loc;\n'
+ % (arg, arg, line['out']))
+ ret += '\n'
+ return ret
+def make_cores(input_data):
+ ret = ''
+ for line in input_data['lines']:
+ ret += 'constraint '
+ possible_cores = []
+ cores = MODEL[line['op']]
+ for core in cores:
+ possible_cores.append('(%s_latency == %d /\ %s_core == %s)'
+ % (line['out'], core['latency'] * INSTRUCTIONS_PER_CYCLE,
+ line['out'], core['core']['name']))
+ ret += ' \/ '.join(possible_cores)
+ ret += ';\n'
+ return ret
+def make_cores_disjoint(input_data):
+ var_names = get_var_names(input_data)
+ ret = ''
+ for core in CORES:
+ for var_i in range(len(var_names)):
+ for var_j in range(var_i+1, len(var_names)):
+ op_i = input_data['lines'][var_i]['op']
+ op_j = input_data['lines'][var_j]['op']
+ latencies_i = [val['core']['latency'] for val in MODEL[op_i] if val['core']['name'] == core]
+ latencies_j = [val['core']['latency'] for val in MODEL[op_j] if val['core']['name'] == core]
+ if len(latencies_i) == 0 or len(latencies_j) == 0: continue
+ assert len(latencies_i) == 1
+ assert len(latencies_j) == 1
+ ret += ('constraint (%(vari)s_core != %(core)s \\/ %(varj)s_core != %(core)s) \\/ (%(vari)s_loc + %(latencyi)d <= %(varj)s_loc \\/ %(varj)s_loc + %(latencyj)d <= %(vari)s_loc);\n'
+ % { 'vari':var_names[var_i] , 'varj':var_names[var_j] , 'core':core ,
+ 'latencyi':latencies_i[0] * INSTRUCTIONS_PER_CYCLE,
+ 'latencyj':latencies_j[0] * INSTRUCTIONS_PER_CYCLE})
+ ret += '\n'
+ return ret
+def make_output(input_data):
+ ret = 'solve minimize RET_loc;\n\n'
+ ret += 'output [ "{\\n" ++\n'
+ for line in input_data['lines']:
+ ret += (' " \'%(var)s_loc\': " ++ show(%(var)s_loc) ++ ", \'%(var)s_latency\': " ++ show(%(var)s_latency) ++ ", \'%(var)s_core\': " ++ show(%(var)s_core) ++ ",\\n" ++\n %% %(source)s\n'
+ % { 'var':line['out'] , 'source':line['source'] })
+ ret += ' " \'RET_loc\': " ++ show(RET_loc) ++ "\\n" ++\n'
+ ret += ' "}" ]\n'
+ return ret
+data = parse_lines(get_lines('femulDisplay.log'))
+with open('femulDisplay.mzn', 'w') as f:
+ f.write(make_decls(data))
+ f.write(make_disjoint(data))
+ f.write(make_dependencies(data))
+ f.write(make_cores(data))
+ f.write(make_cores_disjoint(data))
+ f.write(make_output(data))
+p = subprocess.Popen(['/usr/bin/time', '-f', 'real: %e, user: %U, sys: %S, mem: %M ko', 'minizinc', 'femulDisplay.mzn'])