path: root/coqprime/num/NEll.v
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+(* This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* Benjamin.Gregoire@inria.fr Laurent.Thery@inria.fr *)
+Require Import ZArith Znumtheory Zpow_facts.
+Require Import CyclicAxioms DoubleCyclic BigN Cyclic31 Int31.
+Require Import W.
+Require Import Mod_op.
+Require Import ZEll.
+Require Import Bits.
+Import CyclicAxioms DoubleType DoubleBase.
+Set Implicit Arguments.
+Open Scope Z_scope.
+Record ex: Set := mkEx {
+ vN : positive;
+ vS : positive;
+ vR: List.list (positive * positive);
+ vA: Z;
+ vB: Z;
+ vx: Z;
+ vy: Z
+Coercion Local Zpos : positive >-> Z.
+Record ex_spec (exx: ex): Prop := mkExS {
+ n2_div: ~(2 | exx.(vN));
+ n_pos: 2 < exx.(vN);
+ lprime:
+ forall p : positive * positive, List.In p (vR exx) -> prime (fst p);
+ lbig:
+ 4 * vN exx < (Zmullp (vR exx) - 1) ^ 2;
+ inC:
+ vy exx ^ 2 mod vN exx = (vx exx ^ 3 + vA exx * vx exx + vB exx) mod vN exx
+Section NEll.
+Variable exx: ex.
+Variable exxs: ex_spec exx.
+Variable zZ: Type.
+Variable op: ZnZ.Ops zZ.
+Variable op_spec: ZnZ.Specs op.
+Definition z2Z z := ZnZ.to_Z z.
+Definition zN := snd (ZnZ.of_pos exx.(vN)).
+Variable mop: mod_op zZ.
+Variable mop_spec: mod_spec op zN mop.
+Variable N_small: exx.(vN) < base (ZnZ.digits op).
+Lemma z2ZN: z2Z zN = exx.(vN).
+apply (@ZnZ.of_Z_correct _ _ op_spec exx.(vN)); split; auto with zarith.
+Definition Z2z z :=
+ match z mod exx.(vN) with
+ | Zpos p => snd (ZnZ.of_pos p)
+ | _ => ZnZ.zero
+ end.
+Definition S := exx.(vS).
+Definition R := exx.(vR).
+Definition A := Z2z exx.(vA).
+Definition B := Z2z exx.(vB).
+Definition xx := Z2z exx.(vx).
+Definition yy := Z2z exx.(vy).
+Definition c3 := Z2z 3.
+Definition c2 := Z2z 2.
+Definition c1 := Z2z 1.
+Definition c0 := Z2z 0.
+Inductive nelt: Type :=
+ nzero | ntriple: zZ -> zZ -> zZ -> nelt.
+Definition pp := ntriple xx yy c1.
+Definition nplus x y := mop.(add_mod) x y.
+Definition nmul x y := mop.(mul_mod) x y.
+Definition nsub x y := mop.(sub_mod) x y.
+Definition neq x y := match ZnZ.compare x y with Eq => true | _ => false end.
+Notation "x ++ y " := (nplus x y).
+Notation "x -- y" := (nsub x y) (at level 50, left associativity).
+Notation "x ** y" := (nmul x y) (at level 40, left associativity).
+Notation "x ?= y" := (neq x y).
+Definition ndouble: zZ -> nelt -> (nelt * zZ):= fun (sc: zZ) (p1: nelt) =>
+ match p1 with
+ nzero => (p1, sc)
+ | (ntriple x1 y1 z1) =>
+ if (y1 ?= c0) then (nzero, z1 ** sc) else
+ (* we do 2p *)
+ let m' := c3 ** x1 ** x1 ++ A ** z1 ** z1 in
+ let l' := c2 ** y1 ** z1 in
+ let m'2 := m' ** m' in
+ let l'2 := l' ** l' in
+ let l'3 := l'2 ** l' in
+ let x3 := m'2 ** z1 -- c2 ** x1 ** l'2 in
+ (ntriple
+ (l' ** x3)
+ (l'2 ** (m' ** x1 -- y1 ** l') -- m' ** x3)
+ (z1 ** l'3), sc)
+ end.
+Definition nadd := fun (sc: zZ) (p1 p2: nelt) =>
+ match p1, p2 with
+ nzero, _ => (p2, sc)
+ | _ , nzero => (p1, sc)
+ | (ntriple x1 y1 z1), (ntriple x2 y2 z2) =>
+ let d1 := x2 ** z1 in
+ let d2 := x1 ** z2 in
+ let l := d1 -- d2 in
+ let dl := d1 ++ d2 in
+ let m := y2 ** z1 -- y1 ** z2 in
+ if (l ?= c0) then
+ (* we have p1 = p2 o p1 = -p2 *)
+ if (m ?= c0) then
+ if (y1 ?= c0) then (nzero, z1 ** z2 ** sc) else
+ (* we do 2p *)
+ let m' := c3 ** x1 ** x1 ++ A ** z1 ** z1 in
+ let l' := c2 ** y1 ** z1 in
+ let m'2 := m' ** m' in
+ let l'2 := l' ** l' in
+ let l'3 := l'2 ** l' in
+ let x3 := m'2 ** z1 -- c2 ** x1 ** l'2 in
+ (ntriple
+ (l' ** x3)
+ (l'2 ** (m' ** x1 -- y1 ** l') -- m' ** x3)
+ (z1 ** l'3), z2 ** sc)
+ else (* p - p *) (nzero, m ** z1 ** z2 ** sc)
+ else
+ let l2 := l ** l in
+ let l3 := l2 ** l in
+ let m2 := m ** m in
+ let x3 := z1 ** z2 ** m2 -- l2 ** dl in
+ (ntriple (l ** x3)
+ (z2 ** l2 ** (m ** x1 -- y1 ** l) -- m ** x3)
+ (z1 ** z2 ** l3), sc)
+ end.
+Definition nopp p :=
+ match p with nzero => p | (ntriple x1 y1 z1) => (ntriple x1 (c0 -- y1) z1) end.
+Fixpoint scalb (sc: zZ) (b:bool) (a: nelt) (p: positive) {struct p}:
+ nelt * zZ :=
+ match p with
+ xH => if b then ndouble sc a else (a,sc)
+ | xO p1 => let (a1, sc1) := scalb sc false a p1 in
+ if b then
+ let (a2, sc2) := ndouble sc1 a1 in
+ nadd sc2 a a2
+ else ndouble sc1 a1
+ | xI p1 => let (a1, sc1) := scalb sc true a p1 in
+ if b then ndouble sc1 a1
+ else
+ let (a2, sc2) := ndouble sc1 a1 in
+ nadd sc2 (nopp a) a2
+ end.
+Definition scal sc a p := scalb sc false a p.
+Definition scal_list sc a l :=
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (asc: nelt * zZ) p1 => let (a,sc) := asc in scal sc a p1) l (a,sc).
+Fixpoint scalL (sc:zZ) (a: nelt) (l: List.list positive) {struct l}: (nelt * zZ) :=
+ match l with
+ List.nil => (a,sc)
+ | List.cons n l1 =>
+ let (a1, sc1) := scal sc a n in
+ let (a2, sc2) := scal_list sc1 a l1 in
+ match a2 with
+ nzero => (nzero, c0)
+ | ntriple _ _ z => scalL (sc2 ** z) a1 l1
+ end
+ end.
+Definition zpow sc p n :=
+ let (p,sc') := scal sc p n in
+ (p, ZnZ.to_Z (ZnZ.gcd sc' zN)).
+Definition e2E n :=
+ match n with
+ nzero => ZEll.nzero
+ | ntriple x1 y1 z1 => ZEll.ntriple (z2Z x1) (z2Z y1) (z2Z z1)
+ end.
+Definition wft t := z2Z t = (z2Z t) mod (z2Z zN).
+Lemma vN_pos: 0 < exx.(vN).
+red; simpl; auto.
+Hint Resolve vN_pos.
+Lemma nplusz: forall x y, wft x -> wft y ->
+ z2Z (x ++ y) = ZEll.nplus (vN exx) (z2Z x) (z2Z y).
+intros x y Hx Hy.
+unfold z2Z, nplus.
+rewrite (mop_spec.(add_mod_spec) _ _ _ _ Hx Hy); auto.
+rewrite <- z2ZN; auto.
+Lemma nplusw: forall x y, wft x -> wft y -> wft (x ++ y).
+intros x y Hx Hy.
+unfold wft.
+pattern (z2Z (x ++ y)) at 2; rewrite (nplusz Hx Hy).
+unfold ZEll.nplus; rewrite z2ZN.
+rewrite Zmod_mod; auto.
+apply (nplusz Hx Hy).
+Lemma nsubz: forall x y, wft x -> wft y ->
+ z2Z (x -- y) = ZEll.nsub (vN exx) (z2Z x) (z2Z y).
+intros x y Hx Hy.
+unfold z2Z, nsub.
+rewrite (mop_spec.(sub_mod_spec) _ _ _ _ Hx Hy); auto.
+rewrite <- z2ZN; auto.
+Lemma nsubw: forall x y, wft x -> wft y -> wft (x -- y).
+intros x y Hx Hy.
+unfold wft.
+pattern (z2Z (x -- y)) at 2; rewrite (nsubz Hx Hy).
+unfold ZEll.nsub; rewrite z2ZN.
+rewrite Zmod_mod; auto.
+apply (nsubz Hx Hy).
+Lemma nmulz: forall x y, wft x -> wft y ->
+ z2Z (x ** y) = ZEll.nmul (vN exx) (z2Z x) (z2Z y).
+intros x y Hx Hy.
+unfold z2Z, nmul.
+rewrite (mop_spec.(mul_mod_spec) _ _ _ _ Hx Hy); auto.
+rewrite <- z2ZN; auto.
+Lemma nmulw: forall x y, wft x -> wft y -> wft (x ** y).
+intros x y Hx Hy.
+unfold wft.
+pattern (z2Z (x ** y)) at 2; rewrite (nmulz Hx Hy).
+unfold ZEll.nmul; rewrite z2ZN.
+rewrite Zmod_mod; auto.
+apply (nmulz Hx Hy).
+Hint Resolve nmulw nplusw nsubw.
+Definition wfe p := match p with
+ ntriple x y z => wft x /\ wft y /\ wft z
+| _ => True
+Lemma z2Zx: forall x, z2Z (Z2z x) = x mod exx.(vN).
+unfold Z2z; intros x.
+generalize (Z_mod_lt x exx.(vN)).
+case_eq (x mod exx.(vN)).
+intros _ _.
+simpl; unfold z2Z; rewrite ZnZ.spec_0; auto.
+intros p Hp HH; case HH; auto with zarith; clear HH.
+intros _ HH1.
+case (ZnZ.spec_to_Z zN).
+generalize z2ZN; unfold z2Z; intros HH; rewrite HH; auto.
+intros _ H0.
+set (v := ZnZ.of_pos p); generalize HH1.
+rewrite (ZnZ.spec_of_pos p); fold v.
+case (fst v).
+ simpl; auto.
+intros p1 H1.
+contradict H0; apply Zle_not_lt.
+apply Zlt_le_weak; apply Zle_lt_trans with (2:= H1).
+apply Zle_trans with (1 * base (ZnZ.digits op) + 0); auto with zarith.
+apply Zplus_le_compat; auto.
+apply Zmult_gt_0_le_compat_r; auto with zarith.
+ case (ZnZ.spec_to_Z (snd v)); auto with zarith.
+ case p1; red; simpl; intros; discriminate.
+ case (ZnZ.spec_to_Z (snd v)); auto with zarith.
+intros p Hp; case (Z_mod_lt x exx.(vN)); auto with zarith.
+rewrite Hp; intros HH; case HH; auto.
+Lemma z2Zx1: forall x, z2Z (Z2z x) = z2Z (Z2z x) mod z2Z zN.
+unfold Z2z; intros x.
+generalize (Z_mod_lt x exx.(vN)).
+case_eq (x mod exx.(vN)).
+intros _ _.
+simpl; unfold z2Z; rewrite ZnZ.spec_0; auto.
+intros p H1 H2.
+case (ZnZ.spec_to_Z zN).
+generalize z2ZN; unfold z2Z; intros HH; rewrite HH; auto.
+intros _ H0.
+case H2; auto with zarith; clear H2; intros _ H2.
+rewrite Zmod_small; auto.
+set (v := ZnZ.of_pos p).
+ case (ZnZ.spec_to_Z (snd v)); auto.
+generalize H2; rewrite (ZnZ.spec_of_pos p); fold v.
+case (fst v).
+ simpl; auto.
+intros p1 H.
+contradict H0; apply Zle_not_lt.
+apply Zlt_le_weak; apply Zle_lt_trans with (2:= H).
+apply Zle_trans with (1 * base (ZnZ.digits op) + 0); auto with zarith.
+apply Zplus_le_compat; auto.
+apply Zmult_gt_0_le_compat_r; auto with zarith.
+ case (ZnZ.spec_to_Z (snd v)); auto with zarith.
+ case p1; red; simpl; intros; discriminate.
+ case (ZnZ.spec_to_Z (snd v)); auto with zarith.
+intros p Hp; case (Z_mod_lt x exx.(vN)); auto with zarith.
+rewrite Hp; intros HH; case HH; auto.
+Lemma c0w: wft c0.
+red; unfold c0; apply z2Zx1.
+Lemma c2w: wft c2.
+red; unfold c2; apply z2Zx1.
+Lemma c3w: wft c3.
+red; unfold c3; apply z2Zx1.
+Lemma Aw: wft A.
+red; unfold A; apply z2Zx1.
+Hint Resolve c0w c2w c3w Aw.
+Ltac nw :=
+ repeat (apply nplusw || apply nsubw || apply nmulw || apply c2w ||
+ apply c3w || apply Aw); auto.
+Lemma nadd_wf: forall x y sc,
+ wfe x -> wfe y -> wft sc ->
+ wfe (fst (nadd sc x y)) /\ wft (snd (nadd sc x y)).
+intros x; case x; clear; auto.
+intros x1 y1 z1 y; case y; clear; auto.
+ intros x2 y2 z2 sc (wfx1,(wfy1, wfz1)) (wfx2,(wfy2, wfz2)) wfsc;
+ simpl; auto.
+ case neq.
+ 2: repeat split; simpl; nw.
+ case neq.
+ 2: repeat split; simpl; nw.
+ case neq.
+ repeat split; simpl; nw; auto.
+ repeat split; simpl; nw; auto.
+ Lemma ztest: forall x y,
+ x ?= y =Zeq_bool (z2Z x) (z2Z y).
+ Proof.
+ intros x y.
+ unfold neq.
+ rewrite (ZnZ.spec_compare x y); case Zcompare_spec; intros HH;
+ match goal with H: context[x] |- _ =>
+ generalize H; clear H; intros HH1
+ end.
+ symmetry; apply GZnZ.Zeq_iok; auto.
+ case_eq (Zeq_bool (z2Z x) (z2Z y)); intros H1; auto;
+ generalize HH1; generalize (Zeq_bool_eq _ _ H1); unfold z2Z;
+ intros HH; rewrite HH; auto with zarith.
+ case_eq (Zeq_bool (z2Z x) (z2Z y)); intros H1; auto;
+ generalize HH1; generalize (Zeq_bool_eq _ _ H1); unfold z2Z;
+ intros HH; rewrite HH; auto with zarith.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma zc0: z2Z c0 = 0.
+ Proof.
+ unfold z2Z, c0, z2Z; simpl.
+ generalize ZnZ.spec_0; auto.
+ Qed.
+Ltac iftac t :=
+ match t with
+ context[if ?x ?= ?y then _ else _] =>
+ case_eq (x ?= y)
+ end.
+Ltac ftac := match goal with
+ |- context[?x = ?y] => (iftac x);
+ let H := fresh "tmp" in
+ (try rewrite ztest; try rewrite zc0; intros H;
+ repeat ((rewrite nmulz in H || rewrite nplusz in H || rewrite nsubz in H); auto);
+ try (rewrite H; clear H))
+ end.
+Require Import Zmod.
+Lemma c2ww: forall x, ZEll.nmul (vN exx) 2 x = ZEll.nmul (vN exx) (z2Z c2) x.
+intros x; unfold ZEll.nmul.
+unfold c2; rewrite z2Zx; rewrite Zmodml; auto.
+Lemma c3ww: forall x, ZEll.nmul (vN exx) 3 x = ZEll.nmul (vN exx) (z2Z c3) x.
+intros x; unfold ZEll.nmul.
+unfold c3; rewrite z2Zx; rewrite Zmodml; auto.
+Lemma Aww: forall x, ZEll.nmul (vN exx) exx.(vA) x = ZEll.nmul (vN exx) (z2Z A) x.
+intros x; unfold ZEll.nmul.
+unfold A; rewrite z2Zx; rewrite Zmodml; auto.
+Lemma nadd_correct: forall x y sc,
+ wfe x -> wfe y -> wft sc ->
+ e2E (fst (nadd sc x y)) = fst (ZEll.nadd exx.(vN) exx.(vA) (z2Z sc) (e2E x) (e2E y) )/\
+ z2Z (snd (nadd sc x y)) = snd (ZEll.nadd exx.(vN) exx.(vA) (z2Z sc) (e2E x) (e2E y)).
+intros x; case x; clear; auto.
+intros x1 y1 z1 y; case y; clear; auto.
+ intros x2 y2 z2 sc (wfx1,(wfy1, wfz1)) (wfx2,(wfy2, wfz2)) wfsc; simpl.
+ ftac.
+ ftac.
+ ftac.
+ simpl; split; auto.
+ repeat ((rewrite nmulz || rewrite nplusz || rewrite nsubz); auto).
+ simpl; split; auto.
+ repeat ((rewrite nmulz || rewrite nplusz || rewrite nsubz||
+ rewrite c2ww || rewrite c3ww || rewrite Aww); try nw; auto).
+ rewrite nmulz; auto.
+ simpl; split; auto.
+ repeat ((rewrite nmulz || rewrite nplusz || rewrite nsubz); auto).
+ simpl; split; auto.
+ repeat ((rewrite nmulz || rewrite nplusz || rewrite nsubz ||
+ rewrite c2ww || rewrite c3ww || rewrite Aww); try nw; auto).
+ Qed.
+ Lemma ndouble_wf: forall x sc,
+ wfe x -> wft sc ->
+ wfe (fst (ndouble sc x)) /\ wft (snd (ndouble sc x)).
+intros x; case x; clear; auto.
+intros x1 y1 z1 sc (wfx1,(wfy1, wfz1)) wfsc;
+ simpl; auto.
+ repeat (case neq; repeat split; simpl; nw; auto).
+Lemma ndouble_correct: forall x sc,
+ wfe x -> wft sc ->
+ e2E (fst (ndouble sc x)) = fst (ZEll.ndouble exx.(vN) exx.(vA) (z2Z sc) (e2E x))/\
+ z2Z (snd (ndouble sc x)) = snd (ZEll.ndouble exx.(vN) exx.(vA) (z2Z sc) (e2E x)).
+intros x; case x; clear; auto.
+ intros x1 y1 z1 sc (wfx1,(wfy1, wfz1)) wfsc; simpl.
+ ftac.
+ simpl; split; auto.
+ repeat ((rewrite nmulz || rewrite nplusz || rewrite nsubz); auto).
+ simpl; split; auto.
+ repeat ((rewrite nmulz || rewrite nplusz || rewrite nsubz ||
+ rewrite c2ww || rewrite c3ww || rewrite Aww); try nw; auto).
+ Qed.
+Lemma nopp_wf: forall x, wfe x -> wfe (nopp x).
+intros x; case x; simpl nopp; auto.
+intros x1 y1 z1 [H1 [H2 H3]]; repeat split; auto.
+Lemma scalb_wf: forall n b x sc,
+ wfe x -> wft sc ->
+ wfe (fst (scalb sc b x n)) /\ wft (snd (scalb sc b x n)).
+intros n; elim n; unfold scalb; fold scalb; auto.
+ intros n1 Hrec b x sc H H1.
+ case (Hrec true x sc H H1).
+ case scalb; simpl fst; simpl snd.
+ intros a1 sc1 H2 H3.
+ case (ndouble_wf _ H2 H3); auto;
+ case ndouble; simpl fst; simpl snd; intros x2 sc2 H4 H5.
+ case b; auto.
+ case (nadd_wf _ _ (nopp_wf _ H) H4 H5); auto;
+ case ndouble; simpl fst; simpl snd; intros x2 sc2 H4 H5.
+ intros n1 Hrec b x sc H H1.
+ case (Hrec false x sc H H1).
+ case scalb; simpl fst; simpl snd.
+ intros a1 sc1 H2 H3.
+ case (ndouble_wf _ H2 H3); auto;
+ case ndouble; simpl fst; simpl snd; intros x2 sc2 H4 H5.
+ case b; auto.
+ case (nadd_wf _ _ H H4 H5); auto;
+ case ndouble; simpl fst; simpl snd; intros x2 sc2 H4 H5.
+intros b x sc H H1; case b; auto.
+case (ndouble_wf _ H H1); auto.
+Lemma scal_wf: forall n x sc,
+ wfe x -> wft sc ->
+ wfe (fst (scal sc x n)) /\ wft (snd (scal sc x n)).
+intros n; exact (scalb_wf n false).
+Lemma nopp_correct: forall x,
+ wfe x -> e2E x = ZEll.nopp exx.(vN) (e2E (nopp x)).
+intros x; case x; simpl; auto.
+intros x1 y1 z1 [H1 [H2 H3]]; apply f_equal3 with (f := ZEll.ntriple); auto.
+rewrite nsubz; auto.
+rewrite zc0.
+unfold ZEll.nsub, ninv; simpl.
+apply sym_equal.
+rewrite <- (Z_mod_plus) with (b := -(-z2Z y1 /exx.(vN))); auto with zarith.
+rewrite <- Zopp_mult_distr_l.
+rewrite <- Zopp_plus_distr.
+rewrite Zmult_comm; rewrite Zplus_comm.
+rewrite <- Z_div_mod_eq; auto with zarith.
+rewrite Zopp_involutive; rewrite <- z2ZN.
+apply sym_equal; auto.
+Lemma scalb_correct: forall n b x sc,
+ wfe x -> wft sc ->
+ e2E (fst (scalb sc b x n)) = fst (ZEll.scalb exx.(vN) exx.(vA) (z2Z sc) b (e2E x) n)/\
+ z2Z (snd (scalb sc b x n)) = snd (ZEll.scalb exx.(vN) exx.(vA) (z2Z sc) b (e2E x) n).
+intros n; elim n; clear; auto.
+intros p Hrec b x sc H1 H2.
+ case b; unfold scalb; fold scalb.
+ generalize (scalb_wf p true x H1 H2);
+ generalize (Hrec true _ _ H1 H2); case scalb; simpl.
+ case ZEll.scalb; intros r1 rc1; simpl.
+ intros a2 sc2 (H3, H4) (H5, H6); subst r1 rc1.
+ apply ndouble_correct; auto.
+ generalize (scalb_wf p true x H1 H2);
+ generalize (Hrec true _ _ H1 H2); case scalb; simpl.
+ case ZEll.scalb; intros r1 rc1; simpl.
+ intros a2 sc2 (H3, H4) (H5, H6); subst r1 rc1.
+ generalize (ndouble_wf _ H5 H6);
+ generalize (ndouble_correct _ H5 H6); case ndouble; simpl.
+ case ZEll.ndouble; intros r1 rc1; simpl.
+ intros a3 sc3 (H7,H8) (H9,H10); subst r1 rc1.
+ replace (ZEll.nopp (vN exx) (e2E x)) with
+ (e2E (nopp x)).
+ apply nadd_correct; auto.
+ generalize H1; case x; auto.
+ intros x1 y1 z1 [HH1 [HH2 HH3]]; split; auto.
+ rewrite nopp_correct; auto.
+ apply f_equal2 with (f := ZEll.nopp); auto.
+ generalize H1; case x; simpl; auto; clear x H1.
+ intros x1 y1 z1 [HH1 [HH2 HH3]];
+ apply f_equal3 with (f := ZEll.ntriple); auto.
+ repeat rewrite nsubz; auto.
+ rewrite zc0.
+ unfold ZEll.nsub; simpl.
+ rewrite <- (Z_mod_plus) with (b := -(-z2Z y1 /exx.(vN))); auto with zarith.
+ rewrite <- Zopp_mult_distr_l.
+ rewrite <- Zopp_plus_distr.
+ rewrite Zmult_comm; rewrite Zplus_comm.
+ rewrite <- Z_div_mod_eq; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zopp_involutive; rewrite <- z2ZN.
+ apply sym_equal; auto.
+ generalize H1; case x; auto.
+ intros x1 y1 z1 [HH1 [HH2 HH3]]; split; auto.
+intros p Hrec b x sc H1 H2.
+ case b; unfold scalb; fold scalb.
+ generalize (scalb_wf p false x H1 H2);
+ generalize (Hrec false _ _ H1 H2); case scalb; simpl.
+ case ZEll.scalb; intros r1 rc1; simpl.
+ intros a2 sc2 (H3, H4) (H5, H6); subst r1 rc1.
+ generalize (ndouble_wf _ H5 H6);
+ generalize (ndouble_correct _ H5 H6); case ndouble; simpl.
+ case ZEll.ndouble; intros r1 rc1; simpl.
+ intros a3 sc3 (H7,H8) (H9,H10); subst r1 rc1.
+ replace (ZEll.nopp (vN exx) (e2E x)) with
+ (e2E (nopp x)).
+ apply nadd_correct; auto.
+ rewrite nopp_correct; auto.
+ apply f_equal2 with (f := ZEll.nopp); auto.
+ generalize H1; case x; simpl; auto; clear x H1.
+ intros x1 y1 z1 [HH1 [HH2 HH3]];
+ apply f_equal3 with (f := ZEll.ntriple); auto.
+ repeat rewrite nsubz; auto.
+ rewrite zc0.
+ unfold ZEll.nsub; simpl.
+ rewrite <- (Z_mod_plus) with (b := -(-z2Z y1 /exx.(vN))); auto with zarith.
+ rewrite <- Zopp_mult_distr_l.
+ rewrite <- Zopp_plus_distr.
+ rewrite Zmult_comm; rewrite Zplus_comm.
+ rewrite <- Z_div_mod_eq; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite Zopp_involutive; rewrite <- z2ZN.
+ apply sym_equal; auto.
+ generalize H1; case x; auto.
+ intros x1 y1 z1 [HH1 [HH2 HH3]]; split; auto.
+ generalize (scalb_wf p false x H1 H2);
+ generalize (Hrec false _ _ H1 H2); case scalb; simpl.
+ case ZEll.scalb; intros r1 rc1; simpl.
+ intros a2 sc2 (H3, H4) (H5, H6); subst r1 rc1.
+ apply ndouble_correct; auto.
+intros b x sc H H1.
+case b; simpl; auto.
+apply ndouble_correct; auto.
+Lemma scal_correct: forall n x sc,
+ wfe x -> wft sc ->
+ e2E (fst (scal sc x n)) = fst (ZEll.scal exx.(vN) exx.(vA) (z2Z sc) (e2E x) n)/\
+ z2Z (snd (scal sc x n)) = snd (ZEll.scal exx.(vN) exx.(vA) (z2Z sc) (e2E x) n).
+intros n; exact (scalb_correct n false).
+Lemma scal_list_correct: forall l x sc,
+ wfe x -> wft sc ->
+ e2E (fst (scal_list sc x l)) = fst (ZEll.scal_list exx.(vN) exx.(vA) (z2Z sc) (e2E x) l)/\
+ z2Z (snd (scal_list sc x l)) = snd (ZEll.scal_list exx.(vN) exx.(vA) (z2Z sc) (e2E x) l).
+intros l1; elim l1; simpl; auto.
+unfold scal_list, ZEll.scal_list; simpl; intros a l2 Hrec x sc H1 H2.
+generalize (scal_correct a _ H1 H2) (scal_wf a _ H1 H2); case scal.
+case ZEll.scal; intros r1 rsc1; simpl.
+simpl; intros a1 sc1 (H3, H4) (H5, H6); subst r1 rsc1; auto.
+Lemma scal_list_wf: forall l x sc,
+ wfe x -> wft sc ->
+ wfe (fst (scal_list sc x l)) /\ wft (snd (scal_list sc x l)).
+intros l1; elim l1; simpl; auto.
+unfold scal_list; intros a l Hrec x sc H1 H2; simpl.
+generalize (@scal_wf a _ _ H1 H2);
+ case (scal sc x a); simpl; intros x1 sc1 [H3 H4]; auto.
+Lemma scalL_wf: forall l x sc,
+ wfe x -> wft sc ->
+ wfe (fst (scalL sc x l)) /\ wft (snd (scalL sc x l)).
+intros l1; elim l1; simpl; auto.
+intros a l2 Hrec x sc H1 H2.
+generalize (scal_wf a _ H1 H2); case scal; simpl.
+intros a1 sc1 (H3, H4); auto.
+generalize (scal_list_wf l2 _ H1 H4); case scal_list; simpl.
+intros a2 sc2; case a2; simpl; auto.
+intros x1 y1 z1 ((V1, (V2, V3)), V4); apply Hrec; auto.
+Lemma scalL_correct: forall l x sc,
+ wfe x -> wft sc ->
+ e2E (fst (scalL sc x l)) = fst (ZEll.scalL exx.(vN) exx.(vA) (z2Z sc) (e2E x) l)/\
+ z2Z (snd (scalL sc x l)) = snd (ZEll.scalL exx.(vN) exx.(vA) (z2Z sc) (e2E x) l).
+intros l1; elim l1; simpl; auto.
+intros a l2 Hrec x sc H1 H2.
+generalize (scal_wf a _ H1 H2) (scal_correct a _ H1 H2); case scal; simpl.
+case ZEll.scal; intros r1 rsc1; simpl.
+intros a1 sc1 (H3, H4) (H5, H6); subst r1 rsc1.
+generalize (scal_list_wf l2 _ H1 H4) (scal_list_correct l2 _ H1 H4); case scal_list; simpl.
+case ZEll.scal_list; intros r1 rsc1; simpl.
+intros a2 sc2 (H7, H8) (H9, H10); subst r1 rsc1.
+generalize H7; clear H7; case a2; simpl; auto.
+rewrite zc0; auto.
+intros x1 y1 z1 (V1, (V2, V3)); auto.
+generalize (nmulw H8 V3) (nmulz H8 V3); intros V4 V5; rewrite <- V5.
+apply Hrec; auto.
+Lemma f4 : wft (Z2z 4).
+red; apply z2Zx1.
+Lemma f27 : wft (Z2z 27).
+red; apply z2Zx1.
+Lemma Bw : wft B.
+red; unfold B; apply z2Zx1.
+Hint Resolve f4 f27 Bw.
+Lemma mww: forall x y, ZEll.nmul (vN exx) (x mod (vN exx) ) y = ZEll.nmul (vN exx) x y.
+intros x y; unfold ZEll.nmul; rewrite Zmodml; auto.
+Lemma wwA: forall x, ZEll.nmul (vN exx) x exx.(vA) = ZEll.nmul (vN exx) x (z2Z A).
+intros x; unfold ZEll.nmul.
+unfold A; rewrite z2Zx; rewrite Zmodmr; auto.
+Lemma wwB: forall x, ZEll.nmul (vN exx) x exx.(vB) = ZEll.nmul (vN exx) x (z2Z B).
+intros x; unfold ZEll.nmul.
+unfold B; rewrite z2Zx; rewrite Zmodmr; auto.
+ Lemma scalL_prime:
+ let a := ntriple (Z2z (exx.(vx))) (Z2z (exx.(vy))) c1 in
+ let isc := (Z2z 4) ** A ** A ** A ++ (Z2z 27) ** B ** B in
+ let (a1, sc1) := scal isc a exx.(vS) in
+ let (S1,R1) := psplit exx.(vR) in
+ let (a2, sc2) := scal sc1 a1 S1 in
+ let (a3, sc3) := scalL sc2 a2 R1 in
+ match a3 with
+ nzero => if (Zeq_bool (Zgcd (z2Z sc3) exx.(vN)) 1) then prime exx.(vN)
+ else True
+ | _ => True
+ end.
+ Proof.
+ intros a isc.
+ case_eq (scal isc a (vS exx)); intros a1 sc1 Ha1.
+ case_eq (psplit (vR exx)); intros S1 R1 HS1.
+ case_eq (scal sc1 a1 S1); intros a2 sc2 Ha2.
+ case_eq (scalL sc2 a2 R1); intros a3 sc3; case a3; auto.
+ intros Ha3; case_eq (Zeq_bool (Zgcd (z2Z sc3) (vN exx)) 1); auto.
+ intros H1.
+ assert (F0:
+ (vy exx mod vN exx) ^ 2 mod vN exx =
+ ((vx exx mod vN exx) ^ 3 + vA exx * (vx exx mod vN exx) +
+ vB exx) mod vN exx).
+ generalize exxs.(inC).
+ simpl; unfold Zpower_pos; simpl.
+ repeat rewrite Zmult_1_r.
+ intros HH.
+ match goal with |- ?t1 = ?t2 => rmod t1; auto end.
+ rewrite HH.
+ rewrite Zplus_mod; auto; symmetry; rewrite Zplus_mod; auto; symmetry.
+ apply f_equal2 with (f := Zmod); auto.
+ apply f_equal2 with (f := Zplus); auto.
+ rewrite Zplus_mod; auto; symmetry; rewrite Zplus_mod; auto; symmetry.
+ apply f_equal2 with (f := Zmod); auto.
+ apply f_equal2 with (f := Zplus); auto.
+ rewrite Zmult_mod; auto; symmetry; rewrite Zmult_mod; auto; symmetry.
+ apply f_equal2 with (f := Zmod); auto.
+ apply f_equal2 with (f := Zmult); auto.
+ rewrite Zmod_mod; auto.
+ match goal with |- ?t1 = ?t2 => rmod t2; auto end.
+ rewrite Zmult_mod; auto; symmetry; rewrite Zmult_mod; auto; symmetry.
+ apply f_equal2 with (f := Zmod); auto.
+ rewrite Zmod_mod; auto.
+ generalize (@ZEll.scalL_prime exx.(vN)
+ (exx.(vx) mod exx.(vN))
+ (exx.(vy) mod exx.(vN))
+ exx.(vA)
+ exx.(vB)
+ exxs.(n_pos) exxs.(n2_div) exx.(vR)
+ exxs.(lprime) exx.(vS) exxs.(lbig) F0); simpl.
+generalize (@scal_wf (vS exx) a isc) (@scal_correct (vS exx) a isc).
+unfold isc.
+rewrite nplusz; auto; try nw; auto.
+repeat rewrite nmulz; auto; try nw; auto.
+ repeat rewrite z2Zx.
+repeat rewrite wwA || rewrite wwB|| rewrite mww.
+replace (e2E a) with (ZEll.ntriple (vx exx mod vN exx) (vy exx mod vN exx) 1).
+case ZEll.scal.
+fold isc; rewrite HS1; rewrite Ha1; simpl; auto.
+intros r1 rsc1 HH1 HH2.
+case HH1; clear HH1.
+ unfold c1; repeat split; red; try apply z2Zx1.
+ unfold isc; nw.
+case HH2; clear HH2.
+ unfold c1; repeat split; red; try apply z2Zx1.
+ unfold isc; nw.
+intros U1 U2 W1 W2; subst r1 rsc1.
+generalize (@scal_wf S1 a1 sc1) (@scal_correct S1 a1 sc1).
+case ZEll.scal.
+intros r1 rsc1 HH1 HH2.
+case HH1; clear HH1; auto.
+case HH2; clear HH2; auto.
+rewrite Ha2; simpl.
+intros U1 U2 W3 W4; subst r1 rsc1.
+generalize (@scalL_wf R1 a2 sc2) (@scalL_correct R1 a2 sc2).
+case ZEll.scalL.
+intros n; case n; auto.
+rewrite Ha3; simpl.
+intros rsc1 HH1 HH2.
+case HH1; clear HH1; auto.
+case HH2; clear HH2; auto.
+intros _ U2 _ W5; subst rsc1.
+rewrite H1; auto.
+intros x1 y1 z1 sc4; rewrite Ha3; simpl; auto.
+intros _ HH; case HH; auto.
+intros; discriminate.
+unfold a; simpl.
+unfold c1; repeat rewrite z2Zx.
+rewrite (Zmod_small 1); auto.
+generalize exxs.(n_pos).
+auto with zarith.
+End NEll.
+Fixpoint plength (p: positive) : positive :=
+ match p with
+ xH => xH
+ | xO p1 => Psucc (plength p1)
+ | xI p1 => Psucc (plength p1)
+ end.
+Theorem plength_correct: forall p, (Zpos p < 2 ^ Zpos (plength p))%Z.
+assert (F: (forall p, 2 ^ (Zpos (Psucc p)) = 2 * 2 ^ Zpos p)%Z).
+intros p; replace (Zpos (Psucc p)) with (1 + Zpos p)%Z.
+rewrite Zpower_exp; auto with zarith.
+rewrite Zpos_succ_morphism; unfold Zsucc; auto with zarith.
+intros p; elim p; simpl plength; auto.
+intros p1 Hp1; rewrite F; repeat rewrite Zpos_xI.
+assert (tmp: (forall p, 2 * p = p + p)%Z);
+ try repeat rewrite tmp; auto with zarith.
+intros p1 Hp1; rewrite F; rewrite (Zpos_xO p1).
+assert (tmp: (forall p, 2 * p = p + p)%Z);
+ try repeat rewrite tmp; auto with zarith.
+rewrite Zpower_1_r; auto with zarith.
+Theorem plength_pred_correct: forall p, (Zpos p <= 2 ^ Zpos (plength (Ppred p)))
+intros p; case (Psucc_pred p); intros H1.
+subst; simpl plength.
+rewrite Zpower_1_r; auto with zarith.
+pattern p at 1; rewrite <- H1.
+rewrite Zpos_succ_morphism; unfold Zsucc; auto with zarith.
+generalize (plength_correct (Ppred p)); auto with zarith.
+Definition pheight p := plength (Ppred (plength (Ppred p))).
+Theorem pheight_correct: forall p, (Zpos p <= 2 ^ (2 ^ (Zpos (pheight p))))%Z.
+intros p; apply Zle_trans with (1 := (plength_pred_correct p)).
+apply Zpower_le_monotone; auto with zarith.
+split; auto with zarith.
+unfold pheight; apply plength_pred_correct.
+Definition isM2 p :=
+ match p with
+ xH => false
+| xO _ => false
+| _ => true
+Lemma isM2_correct: forall p,
+ if isM2 p then ~(Zdivide 2 p) /\ 2 < p else True.
+intros p; case p; simpl; auto; clear p.
+intros p1; split; auto.
+intros HH; inversion_clear HH.
+generalize H; rewrite Zmult_comm.
+case x; simpl; intros; discriminate.
+case p1; red; simpl; auto.
+Definition ell_test (N S: positive) (l: List.list (positive * positive))
+ (A B x y: Z) :=
+ let op := cmk_op (Peano.pred (nat_of_P (get_height 31 (plength N)))) in
+ let mop := make_mod_op op (ZnZ.of_Z N) in
+ if isM2 N then
+ match (4 * N) ?= (ZEll.Zmullp l - 1) ^ 2 with
+ Lt =>
+ match y ^ 2 mod N ?= (x ^ 3 + A * x + B) mod N with
+ Eq =>
+ let ex := mkEx N S l A B x y in
+ let a := ntriple (Z2z ex op x) (Z2z ex op y) (Z2z ex op 1) in
+ let A := (Z2z ex op A) in
+ let B := (Z2z ex op B) in
+ let d4 := (Z2z ex op 4) in
+ let d27 := (Z2z ex op 27) in
+ let da := mop.(add_mod) in
+ let dm := mop.(mul_mod) in
+ let isc := (da (dm (dm (dm d4 A) A) A) (dm (dm d27 B) B)) in
+ let (a1, sc1) := scal ex op mop isc a S in
+ let (S1,R1) := ZEll.psplit l in
+ let (a2, sc2) := scal ex op mop sc1 a1 S1 in
+ let (a3, sc3) := scalL ex op mop sc2 a2 R1 in
+ match a3 with
+ nzero => if (Zeq_bool (Zgcd (z2Z op sc3) N) 1) then true
+ else false
+ | _ => false
+ end
+ | _ => false
+ end
+ | _ => false
+ end
+ else false.
+Lemma Zcompare_correct: forall x y,
+ match x ?= y with Eq => x = y | Gt => x > y | Lt => x < y end.
+intros x y; unfold Zlt, Zgt; generalize (Zcompare_Eq_eq x y); case Zcompare; auto.
+Lemma ell_test_correct: forall (N S: positive) (l: List.list (positive * positive))
+ (A B x y: Z),
+ (forall p, List.In p l -> prime (fst p)) ->
+ if ell_test N S l A B x y then prime N else True.
+intros N S1 l A1 B1 x y H; unfold ell_test.
+generalize (isM2_correct N); case isM2; auto.
+intros (H1, H2).
+match goal with |- context[?x ?= ?y] =>
+ generalize (Zcompare_correct x y); case Zcompare; auto
+end; intros H3.
+match goal with |- context[?x ?= ?y] =>
+ generalize (Zcompare_correct x y); case Zcompare; auto
+end; intros H4.
+set (n := Peano.pred (nat_of_P (get_height 31 (plength N)))).
+set (op := cmk_op n).
+set (mop := make_mod_op op (ZnZ.of_Z N)).
+set (exx := mkEx N S1 l A1 B1 x y).
+set (op_spec := cmk_spec n).
+assert (exxs: ex_spec exx).
+ constructor; auto.
+assert (H0: N < base (ZnZ.digits op)).
+ apply Zlt_le_trans with (1 := plength_correct N).
+ unfold op, base.
+ rewrite cmk_op_digits.
+ apply Zpower_le_monotone; split; auto with zarith.
+ generalize (get_height_correct 31 (plength N)); unfold n.
+ set (p := plength N).
+ replace (Z_of_nat (Peano.pred (nat_of_P (get_height 31 p)))) with
+ ((Zpos (get_height 31 p) - 1) ); auto with zarith.
+ rewrite pred_of_minus; rewrite inj_minus1; auto with zarith.
+ rewrite <- Zpos_eq_Z_of_nat_o_nat_of_P; auto with zarith.
+ generalize (lt_O_nat_of_P (get_height 31 p)); auto with zarith.
+assert (mspec: mod_spec op (zN exx op) mop).
+ unfold mop; apply make_mod_spec; auto.
+ rewrite ZnZ.of_Z_correct; auto with zarith.
+generalize (@scalL_prime exx exxs _ op (cmk_spec n) mop mspec H0).
+lazy zeta.
+unfold c1, A, B, nplus, nmul;
+ simpl exx.(vA); simpl exx.(vB); simpl exx.(vx); simpl exx.(vy);
+ simpl exx.(vS); simpl exx.(vR); simpl exx.(vN).
+case scal; intros a1 sc1.
+case ZEll.psplit; intros S2 R2.
+case scal; intros a2 sc2.
+case scalL; intros a3 sc3.
+case a3; auto.
+case Zeq_bool; auto.
+Time Eval vm_compute in (ell_test
+ 329719147332060395689499
+ 8209062
+ (List.cons (40165264598163841%positive,1%positive) List.nil)
+ (-94080)
+ 9834496
+ 0
+ 3136).
+Time Eval vm_compute in (ell_test
+ 1384435372850622112932804334308326689651568940268408537
+ 13077052794
+ (List.cons (105867537178241517538435987563198410444088809%positive, 1%positive) List.nil)
+ (-677530058123796416781392907869501000001421915645008494)
+ 0
+ (-169382514530949104195348226967375250000355478911252124)
+ 1045670343788723904542107880373576189650857982445904291