path: root/coqprime/Coqprime/UList.v
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diff --git a/coqprime/Coqprime/UList.v b/coqprime/Coqprime/UList.v
index 32ca6b2a0..7b9d982ea 100644
--- a/coqprime/Coqprime/UList.v
+++ b/coqprime/Coqprime/UList.v
@@ -7,33 +7,33 @@
- UList.v
- Definition of list with distinct elements
- Definition: ulist
+ UList.v
+ Definition of list with distinct elements
+ Definition: ulist
-Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
-Require Import Coq.Arith.Arith.
-Require Import Coqprime.Permutation.
-Require Import Coq.Lists.ListSet.
+Require Import List.
+Require Import Arith.
+Require Import Permutation.
+Require Import ListSet.
Section UniqueList.
Variable A : Set.
Variable eqA_dec : forall (a b : A), ({ a = b }) + ({ a <> b }).
(* A list is unique if there is not twice the same element in the list *)
Inductive ulist : list A -> Prop :=
ulist_nil: ulist nil
| ulist_cons: forall a l, ~ In a l -> ulist l -> ulist (a :: l) .
Hint Constructors ulist .
(* Inversion theorem *)
Theorem ulist_inv: forall a l, ulist (a :: l) -> ulist l.
intros a l H; inversion H; auto.
(* The append of two unique list is unique if the list are distinct *)
Theorem ulist_app:
forall l1 l2,
ulist l1 ->
@@ -48,16 +48,18 @@ apply ulist_inv with ( 1 := H0 ); auto.
intros a0 H3 H4; apply (H2 a0); auto.
(* Iinversion theorem the appended list *)
Theorem ulist_app_inv:
forall l1 l2 (a : A), ulist (l1 ++ l2) -> In a l1 -> In a l2 -> False.
intros l1; elim l1; simpl; auto.
-intros a l H l2 a0 H0 [H1|H1] H2;
-inversion H0 as [|a1 l0 H3 H4 H5]; clear H0; auto;
- subst; eauto using ulist_inv with datatypes.
+intros a l H l2 a0 H0 [H1|H1] H2.
+inversion H0 as [|a1 l0 H3 H4 H5]; auto.
+case H3; rewrite H1; auto with datatypes.
+apply (H l2 a0); auto.
+apply ulist_inv with ( 1 := H0 ); auto.
(* Iinversion theorem the appended list *)
Theorem ulist_app_inv_l: forall (l1 l2 : list A), ulist (l1 ++ l2) -> ulist l1.
intros l1; elim l1; simpl; auto.
intros a l H l2 H0.
@@ -66,13 +68,13 @@ intros H5; case iH2; auto with datatypes.
apply H with l2; auto.
(* Iinversion theorem the appended list *)
Theorem ulist_app_inv_r: forall (l1 l2 : list A), ulist (l1 ++ l2) -> ulist l2.
intros l1; elim l1; simpl; auto.
intros a l H l2 H0; inversion H0; auto.
(* Uniqueness is decidable *)
Definition ulist_dec: forall l, ({ ulist l }) + ({ ~ ulist l }).
intros l; elim l; auto.
intros a l1 [H|H]; auto.
@@ -81,7 +83,7 @@ right; red; intros H1; inversion H1; auto.
right; intros H1; case H; apply ulist_inv with ( 1 := H1 ).
(* Uniqueness is compatible with permutation *)
Theorem ulist_perm:
forall (l1 l2 : list A), permutation l1 l2 -> ulist l1 -> ulist l2.
intros l1 l2 H; elim H; clear H l1 l2; simpl; auto.
@@ -101,7 +103,7 @@ intros H; case iH1; simpl; auto.
inversion_clear H0 as [|ia il iH1 iH2]; auto.
inversion iH2; auto.
Theorem ulist_def:
forall l a,
In a l -> ulist l -> ~ (exists l1 , permutation l (a :: (a :: l1)) ).
@@ -110,7 +112,7 @@ absurd (ulist (a :: (a :: l1))); auto.
intros H2; inversion_clear H2; simpl; auto with datatypes.
apply ulist_perm with ( 1 := H1 ); auto.
Theorem ulist_incl_permutation:
forall (l1 l2 : list A),
ulist l1 -> incl l1 l2 -> (exists l3 , permutation l2 (l1 ++ l3) ).
@@ -132,7 +134,7 @@ intros l4 H4; exists l4.
apply permutation_trans with (a :: l3); auto.
apply permutation_sym; auto.
Theorem ulist_eq_permutation:
forall (l1 l2 : list A),
ulist l1 -> incl l1 l2 -> length l1 = length l2 -> permutation l1 l2.
@@ -148,7 +150,7 @@ replace l1 with (app l1 l3); auto.
apply permutation_sym; auto.
rewrite H5; rewrite app_nil_end; auto.
Theorem ulist_incl_length:
forall (l1 l2 : list A), ulist l1 -> incl l1 l2 -> le (length l1) (length l2).
@@ -164,8 +166,8 @@ intros l1 l2 H1 H2 H3 H4.
apply ulist_eq_permutation; auto.
apply le_antisym; apply ulist_incl_length; auto.
Theorem ulist_incl_length_strict:
forall (l1 l2 : list A),
ulist l1 -> incl l1 l2 -> ~ incl l2 l1 -> lt (length l1) (length l2).
@@ -178,14 +180,14 @@ intros H2; case Hi0; auto.
intros a HH; apply permutation_in with ( 1 := H2 ); auto.
intros a l Hl0; (rewrite plus_comm; simpl; rewrite plus_comm; auto with arith).
Theorem in_inv_dec:
forall (a b : A) l, In a (cons b l) -> a = b \/ ~ a = b /\ In a l.
intros a b l H; case (eqA_dec a b); auto; intros H1.
right; split; auto; inversion H; auto.
case H1; auto.
Theorem in_ex_app_first:
forall (a : A) (l : list A),
In a l ->
@@ -201,7 +203,7 @@ case H; auto; intros l1 [l2 [Hl2 Hl3]]; exists (a1 :: l1); exists l2; simpl;
subst; auto.
intros H4; case H4; auto.
Theorem ulist_inv_ulist:
forall (l : list A),
~ ulist l ->
@@ -237,7 +239,7 @@ replace (l1 ++ (a1 :: (l2 ++ (a1 :: l3))))
with ((l1 ++ (a1 :: l2)) ++ (a1 :: l3)); auto with datatypes.
(repeat (rewrite <- ass_app; simpl)); auto.
Theorem incl_length_repetition:
forall (l1 l2 : list A),
incl l1 l2 ->
@@ -251,11 +253,11 @@ intros l1 l2 H H0; apply ulist_inv_ulist.
intros H1; absurd (le (length l1) (length l2)); auto with arith.
apply ulist_incl_length; auto.
End UniqueList.
Implicit Arguments ulist [A].
Hint Constructors ulist .
Theorem ulist_map:
forall (A B : Set) (f : A -> B) l,
(forall x y, (In x l) -> (In y l) -> f x = f y -> x = y) -> ulist l -> ulist (map f l).
@@ -268,7 +270,7 @@ case in_map_inv with ( 1 := H1 ); auto with datatypes.
intros b1 [Hb1 Hb2].
replace a1 with b1; auto with datatypes.
Theorem ulist_list_prod:
forall (A : Set) (l1 l2 : list A),
ulist l1 -> ulist l2 -> ulist (list_prod l1 l2).