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1 files changed, 232 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Toplevel2.v b/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Toplevel2.v
index 652dd2d53..117381c8c 100644
--- a/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Toplevel2.v
+++ b/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Toplevel2.v
@@ -2144,6 +2144,11 @@ Module Fancy.
valid_scalar x ->
valid_scalar y ->
valid_ident r (new_cc_to_name r MUL128UU) (ident.fancy_mulhh 256) (x, y)%expr_pat
+ | valid_fancy_rshi :
+ forall r imm x y,
+ valid_scalar x ->
+ valid_scalar y ->
+ valid_ident r (new_cc_to_name r (RSHI imm)) (ident.fancy_rshi 256 imm) (x, y)%expr_pat
| valid_fancy_selc :
forall r c x y,
(of_prefancy_scalar (t:= base.type.type_base tZ) c = r CC.C) ->
@@ -2173,10 +2178,27 @@ Module Fancy.
valid_ident r (new_cc_to_name r ADDM) ident.fancy_addm (x, y, m)%expr_pat
+ Check valid_ident.
+ Check
+ (forall s d idc r rf x f e,
+ valid_ident r rf idc x ->
+ LetInAppIdentZZ s d (uint256, r[0~>1]) (expr.Ident idc) x f = e).
Inductive valid_expr
: forall t,
(CC.code -> name) -> (* the last variables that wrote to each flag *)
@cexpr var t -> Prop :=
+ | valid_LetInZ_loosen :
+ forall s d idc r rf x f u ia,
+ valid_ident r rf idc x ->
+ 0 < u < wordmax ->
+ (forall x, valid_expr _ (rf x) (f x)) ->
+ of_prefancy_ident idc x = Some ia ->
+ (forall cc ctx,
+ (forall n v, consts v = Some n -> ctx n = v) ->
+ (forall n, ctx n mod wordmax = ctx n) ->
+ let args := Tuple.map ctx (projT2 ia) in
+ spec (projT1 ia) args cc mod wordmax = spec (projT1 ia) args cc mod (u+1)) ->
+ valid_expr _ r (LetInAppIdentZ s d r[0~>u] (expr.Ident idc) x f)
| valid_LetInZ :
forall s d idc r rf x f,
valid_ident r rf idc x ->
@@ -2185,7 +2207,9 @@ Module Fancy.
| valid_LetInZZ :
forall s d idc r rf x f,
valid_ident r rf idc x ->
- (forall x, valid_expr _ (rf x) (f x)) ->
+ (forall x : var (type.base (base.type.type_base tZ * base.type.type_base tZ)%etype),
+ fst x = snd x ->
+ valid_expr _ (rf x) (f x)) ->
valid_expr _ r (LetInAppIdentZZ s d (uint256, r[0~>1]) (expr.Ident idc) x f)
| valid_Ret :
forall r x,
@@ -2448,6 +2472,54 @@ Module Fancy.
(forall n0 : name, consts 0 = Some n0 -> cctx n0 = false) /\
(forall n1 : name, consts 1 = Some n1 -> cctx n1 = true).
+ Lemma of_prefancy_identZ_loosen_correct {s} idc:
+ forall (x : @cexpr var _) i ctx G cc cctx x2 r rf f u,
+ @valid_ident (type.base s) (type_base tZ) r rf idc x ->
+ LanguageWf.Compilers.expr.wf G (#idc @ x)%expr_pat x2 ->
+ LanguageWf.Compilers.expr.wf G #(ident.Z_cast r[0~>u]) f ->
+ 0 < u < wordmax ->
+ cc_good cc cctx ctx r ->
+ (forall n v, consts v = Some n -> In (existZ (n, v)) G) ->
+ (forall t v1 v2, In (existT _ (type.base t) (v1, v2)) G -> interp_base ctx cctx v1 = v2) ->
+ (forall n, ctx n mod wordmax = ctx n) ->
+ of_prefancy_ident idc x = Some i ->
+ (spec (projT1 i) (Tuple.map ctx (projT2 i)) cc mod wordmax = spec (projT1 i) (Tuple.map ctx (projT2 i)) cc mod (u+1)) ->
+ spec (projT1 i) (Tuple.map ctx (projT2 i)) cc mod wordmax = (cinterp f (cinterp x2)).
+ Proof.
+ Time
+ inversion 1; inversion 1; cbn [of_prefancy_ident]; hammer; (simplify_ident; [ ]). (* TODO : suuuuuper slow *)
+ all:
+ rewrite cast_mod by omega;
+ match goal with
+ | H : context [spec _ _ _ mod _ = _] |- ?x mod wordmax = _ mod ?m =>
+ replace (x mod wordmax) with (x mod m) by auto
+ end.
+ all: cbn - [Z.shiftl wordmax]; cbv [cc_good] in *; destruct_head'_and;
+ repeat match goal with
+ | H : CC.cc_c _ = _ |- _ => rewrite H
+ | H : CC.cc_m _ = _ |- _ => rewrite H
+ | H : CC.cc_l _ = _ |- _ => rewrite H
+ | H : CC.cc_z _ = _ |- _ => rewrite H
+ | H: of_prefancy_scalar _ = ?r ?c |- _ => rewrite <-H
+ | _ => progress rewrite ?cc_m_zselect, ?cc_l_zselect by auto
+ | _ => progress rewrite ?Z.add_modulo_correct, ?Z.geb_leb by auto
+ | |- context [cinterp ?x] =>
+ erewrite of_prefancy_scalar_correct with (e2:=x) by eauto
+ | |- context [cinterp ?x] =>
+ erewrite <-of_prefancy_scalar_carry with (e:=x) by eauto
+ | |- context [if _ (of_prefancy_scalar _) then _ else _ ] =>
+ cbv [Z.zselect Z.b2z];
+ break_innermost_match; Z.ltb_to_lt; try reflexivity;
+ congruence
+ end; try reflexivity.
+ { (* RSHI case *)
+ cbv [Z.rshi].
+ rewrite Z.land_ones, Z.shiftl_mul_pow2 by (cbv; congruence).
+ change (2 ^ Z.log2 wordmax) with wordmax.
+ break_innermost_match; try congruence; [ ]. autorewrite with zsimplify_fast.
+ repeat (f_equal; try ring). }
+ Qed.
Lemma of_prefancy_identZ_correct {s} idc:
forall (x : @cexpr var _) i ctx G cc cctx x2 r rf f,
@valid_ident (type.base s) (type_base tZ) r rf idc x ->
@@ -2460,26 +2532,8 @@ Module Fancy.
of_prefancy_ident idc x = Some i ->
spec (projT1 i) (Tuple.map ctx (projT2 i)) cc mod wordmax = (cinterp f (cinterp x2)).
- Time
- inversion 1; inversion 1; cbn [of_prefancy_ident]; hammer; (simplify_ident; [ ]); (* TODO : suuuuuper slow *)
- cbn - [Z.shiftl]; cbv [cc_good] in *; destruct_head'_and;
- repeat match goal with
- | H : CC.cc_c _ = _ |- _ => rewrite H
- | H : CC.cc_m _ = _ |- _ => rewrite H
- | H : CC.cc_l _ = _ |- _ => rewrite H
- | H : CC.cc_z _ = _ |- _ => rewrite H
- | H: of_prefancy_scalar _ = ?r ?c |- _ => rewrite <-H
- | _ => progress rewrite ?cc_m_zselect, ?cc_l_zselect by auto
- | _ => progress rewrite ?Z.add_modulo_correct, ?Z.geb_leb by auto
- | |- context [cinterp ?x] =>
- erewrite of_prefancy_scalar_correct with (e2:=x) by eauto
- | |- context [cinterp ?x] =>
- erewrite <-of_prefancy_scalar_carry with (e:=x) by eauto
- | |- context [if _ (of_prefancy_scalar _) then _ else _ ] =>
- cbv [Z.zselect Z.b2z];
- break_innermost_match; Z.ltb_to_lt; try reflexivity;
- congruence
- end; reflexivity.
+ intros; eapply of_prefancy_identZ_loosen_correct; try eassumption; [ | ].
+ { cbn; omega. } { intros; f_equal; ring. }
Lemma of_prefancy_identZZ_correct' {s} idc:
forall (x : @cexpr var _) i ctx G cc cctx x2 r rf f,
@@ -2669,7 +2723,7 @@ Module Fancy.
cbn [of_prefancy of_prefancy_step]; intros;
match goal with H : context [interp_base _ _ _ = _] |- _ =>
pose proof (H (base.type.type_base base.type.Z)) end;
- try solve [prove_Ret]; [ | ]; hammer;
+ try solve [prove_Ret]; [ | | ]; hammer;
match goal with
| H : context [interp (of_prefancy _ _) _ _ = _]
|- interp _ ?cc' ?ctx' = _ =>
@@ -2699,7 +2753,11 @@ Module Fancy.
| _ => solve [eauto using Z.mod_small, b2z_range]
| _ => progress autorewrite with zsimplify_fast
| _ => progress side_cond
- end; [ | ].
+ end; [ | | ].
+ { cbn - [cc_spec]; cbv [id]; cbn - [cc_spec].
+ inversion wf_x; hammer.
+ erewrite of_prefancy_identZ_loosen_correct by eauto.
+ reflexivity. }
{ cbn - [cc_spec]; cbv [id]; cbn - [cc_spec].
inversion wf_x; hammer.
erewrite of_prefancy_identZ_correct by eassumption.
@@ -2854,6 +2912,11 @@ Module Fancy.
+ Lemma make_ctx_cases consts_list n :
+ make_ctx consts_list n = 0 \/
+ In (n, make_ctx consts_list n) consts_list.
+ Proof. induction consts_list; cbn; ez. Qed.
Lemma only_integers consts_list t v1 v2 :
In (existT (fun t : type => (var positive t * type.interp base.interp t)%type) (type.base t)
(v1, v2)%zrange) (make_pairs consts_list) ->
@@ -2868,11 +2931,23 @@ Module Fancy.
Proof. intro H; apply only_integers in H. congruence. Qed.
+ Definition make_cc last_wrote ctx carry_flag : CC.state :=
+ {| CC.cc_c := carry_flag;
+ CC.cc_m := cc_spec CC.M (ctx (last_wrote CC.M));
+ CC.cc_l := cc_spec CC.L (ctx (last_wrote CC.L));
+ CC.cc_z := cc_spec CC.Z (ctx (last_wrote CC.Z)
+ + (if (last_wrote CC.C =? last_wrote CC.Z)%positive
+ then wordmax * Z.b2z carry_flag else 0));
+ |}.
Hint Resolve Pos.lt_trans Pos.lt_irrefl Pos.lt_succ_diag_r Pos.eqb_refl.
Hint Resolve in_or_app.
Hint Resolve make_consts_ok make_pairs_ok make_ctx_ok no_pairs.
(* TODO : probably not all of these preconditions are necessary -- prune them sometime *)
- Lemma of_Expr_correct next_name consts_list arg_list error cc
+ Lemma of_Expr_correct next_name consts_list arg_list error
+ (carry_flag : bool)
+ (last_wrote : CC.code -> positive) (* variables which last wrote to each flag; put RegZero if flag empty *)
t (e : Expr t)
(x1 : type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow (var positive) t)
(x2 : type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow _ t) result :
@@ -2880,19 +2955,29 @@ Module Fancy.
let e2 := (invert_expr.smart_App_curried (e _) x2) in
let ctx := make_ctx (consts_list ++ arg_list) in
let consts := make_consts consts_list in
+ let cc := make_cc last_wrote ctx carry_flag in
let G := make_pairs consts_list ++ make_pairs arg_list in
+ (forall c, last_wrote c < next_name)%positive ->
(forall n v, In (n, v) (consts_list ++ arg_list) -> (n < next_name)%positive) ->
+ (In (last_wrote CC.C, Z.b2z carry_flag) consts_list) ->
(forall n v1 v2, In (n, v1) (consts_list ++ arg_list) ->
In (n, v2) (consts_list ++ arg_list) -> v1 = v2) (* no duplicate names *) ->
(forall v1 v2, In (v1, v2) consts_list -> v2 mod 2 ^ 256 = v2) ->
(forall v1 v2, In (v1, v2) arg_list -> v2 mod 2 ^ 256 = v2) ->
(LanguageWf.Compilers.expr.wf G e1 e2) ->
- valid_expr _ consts _ e1 ->
+ valid_expr _ error consts _ last_wrote e1 ->
interp_if_Z e2 = Some result ->
interp Pos.eqb wordmax cc_spec (of_Expr next_name consts e x1 error) cc ctx = result.
cbv [of_Expr]; intros.
- eapply of_prefancy_correct with (name_lt := Pos.lt) (cctx := fun _ => false); cbv [id]; eauto;
+ eapply of_prefancy_correct with (name_lt := Pos.lt)
+ (cctx := fun n => if (n =? last_wrote CC.C)%positive
+ then carry_flag
+ else match make_consts consts_list 1 with
+ | Some n1 => (n =? n1)%positive
+ | _ => false
+ end);
+ cbv [id]; eauto;
try apply Pos.eqb_neq; intros;
try solve [apply make_ctx_ok; auto; apply make_pairs_ok;
cbv [make_pairs]; rewrite map_app; auto ];
@@ -2904,6 +2989,26 @@ Module Fancy.
| _ => solve [eauto]
| _ => solve [exfalso; eauto]
+ (* TODO : clean this up *)
+ { cbv [cc_good make_cc]; repeat split; intros;
+ [ rewrite Pos.eqb_refl; reflexivity | | ];
+ break_innermost_match; try rewrite Pos.eqb_eq in *; subst; try reflexivity;
+ repeat match goal with
+ | H : make_consts _ _ = Some _ |- _ =>
+ apply make_consts_ok, make_pairs_ok in H
+ | _ => apply Pos.eqb_neq; intro; subst
+ | _ => inversion_option; congruence
+ end;
+ match goal with
+ | H : In (?n, ?x) consts_list, H': In (?n, ?y) consts_list,
+ H'' : forall n x y, In (n,x) _ -> In (n,y) _ -> x = y |- _ =>
+ assert (x = y) by (eapply H''; eauto)
+ end; destruct carry_flag; cbn [Z.b2z] in *; congruence. }
+ { match goal with |- context [make_ctx ?l ?n] =>
+ let H := fresh in
+ destruct (make_ctx_cases l n) as [H | H];
+ [ rewrite H | apply in_app_or in H; destruct H ]
+ end; eauto. }
End Proofs.
End Fancy.
@@ -3416,7 +3521,28 @@ Module Barrett256.
interp (invert_expr.smart_App_curried e (x1, (x2, tt))) = interp e x1 x2.
- Lemma barrett_red256_fancy_correct cc_start_state :
+ Lemma loosen_rshi_subgoal (ctx : positive -> Z) (n z: positive) cc :
+ ctx z = 0 ->
+ ctx n mod 2^256 = ctx n ->
+ Fancy.spec (Fancy.RSHI 255) (Tuple.map (n:=2) ctx (z, n)) cc mod 2 ^ 256 =
+ Fancy.spec (Fancy.RSHI 255) (Tuple.map (n:=2) ctx (z, n)) cc mod (1+1).
+ Proof.
+ intros Hz Hn. cbn [Tuple.map Tuple.map' fst snd]. rewrite Hz, <-Hn.
+ replace (1+1) with 2 by omega. assert (2 < 2^256) by (cbn; omega).
+ cbn [Fancy.spec Fancy.RSHI]. autorewrite with zsimplify_fast.
+ rewrite Z.shiftr_div_pow2 by omega.
+ match goal with |- context [(?x / ?d) mod _] =>
+ assert (0 <= x / d < 2);
+ [ | rewrite !(Z.mod_small (x / d)) by omega; reflexivity ]
+ end.
+ split; [ solve [Z.zero_bounds] | ].
+ apply Z.div_lt_upper_bound; [ cbn; omega | ].
+ eapply Z.lt_le_trans; [ apply Z.mod_pos_bound; cbn; omega | ].
+ cbn; omega.
+ Qed.
+ (* TODO: don't rely on the C, M, and L flags *)
+ Lemma barrett_red256_fancy_correct :
forall xLow xHigh error,
0 <= xLow < 2 ^ machine_wordsize ->
0 <= xHigh < M ->
@@ -3427,7 +3553,15 @@ Module Barrett256.
let RegxLow := 5%positive in
let consts_list := [(RegMuLow, muLow); (RegMod, M); (RegZero, 0)] in
let arg_list := [(RegxHigh, xHigh); (RegxLow, xLow)] in
- Fancy.interp Pos.eqb Fancy.wordmax Fancy.cc_spec (barrett_red256_fancy RegxLow RegxHigh RegMuLow RegMod RegZero error) cc_start_state (Fancy.make_ctx (consts_list ++ arg_list)) = (xLow + 2 ^ machine_wordsize * xHigh) mod M.
+ let ctx := Fancy.make_ctx (consts_list ++ arg_list) in
+ let carry_flag := false in (* TODO: don't rely on this value, given it's unused *)
+ let last_wrote := (fun x : Fancy.CC.code =>
+ match x with
+ | Fancy.CC.C => RegZero
+ | _ => RegxHigh (* xHigh needs to have written M; others unused *)
+ end) in
+ let cc := Fancy.make_cc last_wrote ctx carry_flag in
+ Fancy.interp Pos.eqb Fancy.wordmax Fancy.cc_spec (barrett_red256_fancy RegxLow RegxHigh RegMuLow RegMod RegZero error) cc ctx = (xLow + 2 ^ machine_wordsize * xHigh) mod M.
rewrite barrett_red256_fancy_eq.
@@ -3435,14 +3569,21 @@ Module Barrett256.
rewrite <-barrett_red256_correct_full by auto.
eapply Fancy.of_Expr_correct with (x2 := (xLow, (xHigh, tt))).
{ cbn; intros; subst RegZero RegMod RegMuLow RegxHigh RegxLow.
- intuition; Prod.inversion_prod; subst; cbv; congruence. }
+ intuition; Prod.inversion_prod; subst; cbv. break_innermost_match; congruence. }
{ cbn; intros; subst RegZero RegMod RegMuLow RegxHigh RegxLow.
- intuition; Prod.inversion_prod; subst; congruence. }
+ intuition; Prod.inversion_prod; subst; cbv; congruence. }
+ { cbn; intros; subst RegZero RegMod RegMuLow RegxHigh RegxLow. tauto. }
{ cbn; intros; subst RegZero RegMod RegMuLow RegxHigh RegxLow.
intuition; Prod.inversion_prod; subst; cbv; congruence. }
{ cbn; intros; subst RegZero RegMod RegMuLow RegxHigh RegxLow.
match goal with |- context [_ mod ?m] => change m with (2 ^ machine_wordsize) end.
assert (M < 2 ^ machine_wordsize) by (cbv; congruence).
+ assert (0 <= muLow < 2 ^ machine_wordsize) by (split; cbv; congruence).
+ intuition; Prod.inversion_prod; subst; apply Z.mod_small; omega. }
+ { cbn; intros; subst RegZero RegMod RegMuLow RegxHigh RegxLow.
+ match goal with |- context [_ mod ?m] => change m with (2 ^ machine_wordsize) end.
+ assert (M < 2 ^ machine_wordsize) by (cbv; congruence).
+ assert (0 <= muLow < 2 ^ machine_wordsize) by (split; cbv; congruence).
intuition; Prod.inversion_prod; subst; apply Z.mod_small; omega. }
{ cbn.
repeat match goal with
@@ -3450,7 +3591,67 @@ Module Barrett256.
| _ => progress step
| _ => econstructor
end. }
- { admit. (* valid_expr *) }
+ { cbn. cbv [muLow M].
+ About Fancy.of_prefancy_scalar.
+ Ltac sub :=
+ repeat match goal with
+ | _ => progress intros
+ | |- context [Fancy.valid_ident] => econstructor
+ | |- context[Fancy.valid_scalar] => econstructor
+ | |- context [Fancy.valid_carry] => econstructor
+ | _ => reflexivity
+ | |- _ <> None => cbn; congruence
+ | |- Fancy.of_prefancy_scalar _ _ _ _ = _ => cbn; solve [eauto]
+ end.
+ econstructor; [ solve [sub] | intros ].
+ econstructor; [ solve [sub] | intros ].
+ eapply Fancy.valid_LetInZ_loosen; try solve [sub];
+ [ cbn; omega | | intros; apply loosen_rshi_subgoal; solve [eauto] ].
+ econstructor; [ solve [sub] | intros ].
+ econstructor; [ solve [sub] | intros ].
+ econstructor; [ solve [sub] | intros ].
+ econstructor; [ solve [sub] | intros ].
+ econstructor; [ solve [sub] | intros ].
+ econstructor; [ solve [sub] | intros ].
+ econstructor.
+ { sub. cbn. admit.
+ (* TODO : This needs to be ADD, not ADDC 0! Fix in fancy rewrite rules! *) }
+ intros.
+ econstructor; [ solve [sub] | intros ].
+ econstructor.
+ { sub. cbn. admit.
+ (* TODO : This needs to be ADD, not ADDC 0! Fix in fancy rewrite rules! *) }
+ intros.
+ econstructor.
+ { sub. admit.
+ (* TODO: this is the too-tight RSHI cast *) }
+ econstructor.
+ { sub. cbn. admit.
+ (* TODO : This needs to be ADD, not ADDC 0! Fix in fancy rewrite rules! *) }
+ intros.
+ econstructor; [ solve [sub] | intros ].
+ econstructor; [ solve [sub] | intros ].
+ econstructor; [ solve [sub] | intros ].
+ econstructor; [ solve [sub] | intros ].
+ econstructor; [ solve [sub] | intros ].
+ econstructor; [ solve [sub] | intros ].
+ econstructor.
+ { sub. cbn. admit.
+ (* TODO : This needs to be ADD, not ADDC 0! Fix in fancy rewrite rules! *) }
+ intros.
+ econstructor; [ solve [sub] | intros ].
+ econstructor.
+ { sub. cbn. admit.
+ (* TODO : This needs to be ADD, not ADDC 0! Fix in fancy rewrite rules! *) }
+ intros.
+ econstructor; [ solve [sub] | intros ].
+ econstructor; [ solve [sub] | intros ].
+ econstructor; [ solve [sub] | intros ].
+ econstructor; [ solve [sub] | intros ].
+ econstructor; [ solve [sub] | intros ].
+ econstructor; [ solve [sub] | intros ].
+ econstructor. sub. }
{ cbn - [barrett_red256].
cbv [id].
cbv [expr.Interp].