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2 files changed, 55 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/src/Reflection/Z/Interpretations.v b/src/Reflection/Z/Interpretations.v
index ce8bcc9ce..f9b767b66 100644
--- a/src/Reflection/Z/Interpretations.v
+++ b/src/Reflection/Z/Interpretations.v
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Module LiftOption.
| TZ => option T
- Definition of' {ty} : Syntax.interp_flat_type interp_base_type' ty -> interp_flat_type ty
+ Definition of' {t} : Syntax.interp_flat_type interp_base_type' t -> interp_flat_type t
:= @smart_interp_flat_map
interp_base_type' interp_flat_type
@@ -45,23 +45,32 @@ Module LiftOption.
| Some x', Some y' => Some (x', y')
| _, _ => None
- ty.
+ t.
- Fixpoint to' {ty} : interp_flat_type ty -> Syntax.interp_flat_type interp_base_type' ty
- := match ty return interp_flat_type ty -> Syntax.interp_flat_type interp_base_type' ty with
+ Fixpoint to' {t} : interp_flat_type t -> Syntax.interp_flat_type interp_base_type' t
+ := match t return interp_flat_type t -> Syntax.interp_flat_type interp_base_type' t with
| Tbase TZ => fun x => x
| Prod A B => fun x => (@to' A (option_map (@fst _ _) x),
@to' B (option_map (@snd _ _) x))
+ Definition lift_relation {interp_base_type2}
+ (R : forall t, T -> interp_base_type2 t -> Prop)
+ : forall t, interp_base_type' t -> interp_base_type2 t -> Prop
+ := fun t x y => match of' (t:=Tbase t) x with
+ | Some x' => R t x' y
+ | None => True
+ end.
Definition Some {t} (x : T) : interp_base_type' t
:= match t with
| TZ => Some x
End lift_option.
- Global Arguments of' {T ty} _.
- Global Arguments to' {T ty} _.
+ Global Arguments of' {T t} _.
+ Global Arguments to' {T t} _.
Global Arguments Some {T t} _.
+ Global Arguments lift_relation {T _} R _ _ _.
End LiftOption.
Module Word64.
@@ -364,6 +373,15 @@ Module BoundedWord64.
| TZ => boundedWordToWord64
+ (** XXX FIXME(jgross) This is going to break horribly if we need to support any types other than [Z] *)
+ Definition to_word64' ty : BoundedWord -> Word64.interp_base_type ty
+ := match ty return BoundedWord -> Word64.interp_base_type ty with
+ | TZ => fun x => boundedWordToWord64 (Some x)
+ end.
+ Definition to_Z' ty : BoundedWord -> Z.interp_base_type ty
+ := fun x => Word64.to_Z _ (to_word64' _ x).
Definition of_Z ty : Z.interp_base_type ty -> interp_base_type ty
:= fun x => of_word64 _ (Word64.of_Z _ x).
Definition to_Z ty : interp_base_type ty -> Z.interp_base_type ty
@@ -550,43 +568,19 @@ Module BoundedWord64Tuple.
End BoundedWord64Tuple.
Module Relations.
- Definition lift_relation {T} (R : BoundedWord64.BoundedWord -> T -> Prop) : BoundedWord64.t -> T -> Prop
- := fun x y => match x with
- | Some _ => True
- | None => False
- end -> match x with
- | Some x' => R x' y
- | None => True
- end.
- Definition related'_Z (x : BoundedWord64.BoundedWord) (y : Z) : Prop
- := Word64.word64ToZ (BoundedWord64.value x) = y.
- Definition related_Z : BoundedWord64.t -> Z -> Prop := lift_relation related'_Z.
- Definition related_Zi t : BoundedWord64.interp_base_type t -> Z.interp_base_type t -> Prop
- := match t with TZ => related_Z end.
- Definition related'_word64 (x : BoundedWord64.BoundedWord) (y : Word64.word64) : Prop
- := BoundedWord64.value x = y.
- Definition related_word64 : BoundedWord64.t -> Word64.word64 -> Prop := lift_relation related'_word64.
- Definition related_word64i t : BoundedWord64.interp_base_type t -> Word64.interp_base_type t -> Prop
- := match t with TZ => related_word64 end.
- Definition related_bounds (x : BoundedWord64.t) (y : ZBounds.t) : Prop
- := match x, y with
- | Some x, Some y
- => BoundedWord64.lower x = ZBounds.lower y /\ BoundedWord64.upper x = ZBounds.upper y
- | Some _, _
- => False
- | None, None => True
- | None, _ => False
- end.
- Definition related_boundsi t : BoundedWord64.interp_base_type t -> ZBounds.interp_base_type t -> Prop
- := match t with TZ => related_bounds end.
- Definition related_word64_Z : Word64.word64 -> Z -> Prop
- := fun x y => Word64.word64ToZ x = y.
- Definition related_word64_Zi t : Word64.interp_base_type t -> Z.interp_base_type t -> Prop
- := match t with
- | TZ => related_word64_Z
- end.
+ Definition related'_Z {t} (x : BoundedWord64.BoundedWord) (y : Z.interp_base_type t) : Prop
+ := BoundedWord64.to_Z' _ x = y.
+ Definition related_Z t : BoundedWord64.interp_base_type t -> Z.interp_base_type t -> Prop
+ := LiftOption.lift_relation (@related'_Z) t.
+ Definition related'_word64 {t} (x : BoundedWord64.BoundedWord) (y : Word64.interp_base_type t) : Prop
+ := BoundedWord64.to_word64' _ x = y.
+ Definition related_word64 t : BoundedWord64.interp_base_type t -> Word64.interp_base_type t -> Prop
+ := LiftOption.lift_relation (@related'_word64) t.
+ Definition related_bounds t : BoundedWord64.interp_base_type t -> ZBounds.interp_base_type t -> Prop
+ := fun x y => BoundedWord64.to_bounds _ x = y.
+ Definition related_word64_Z t : Word64.interp_base_type t -> Z.interp_base_type t -> Prop
+ := fun x y => Word64.to_Z _ x = y.
Section lift.
Context {interp_base_type1 interp_base_type2 : base_type -> Type}
@@ -669,7 +663,7 @@ Module Relations.
(proj_option : forall t, interp_base_type1 -> interp_base_type2 t).
Let R {t : flat_type base_type} f g :=
- let f' := LiftOption.of' (ty:=t) f in
+ let f' := LiftOption.of' (t:=t) f in
match f' with
| Some f' => SmartVarfMap proj_option f' = g
| None => True
@@ -761,27 +755,30 @@ Module Relations.
let v := fresh in
let t := fresh in
intros t v; destruct t; intros; simpl in *; hnf; simpl;
- cbv [BoundedWord64.word64ToBoundedWord related'_Z related'_word64] in *;
+ cbv [BoundedWord64.word64ToBoundedWord related'_Z LiftOption.of' related_Z related_word64 related'_word64] in *;
break_innermost_match; simpl;
first [ tauto
| Z.ltb_to_lt;
pose proof (Word64.word64ToZ_log_bound v);
try omega ].
- Lemma related_Z_const : related_const related_Zi Word64.interp_base_type BoundedWord64.of_word64 Word64.to_Z.
+ Lemma related_Z_const : related_const related_Z Word64.interp_base_type BoundedWord64.of_word64 Word64.to_Z.
Proof. related_const_t. Qed.
- Lemma related_bounds_const : related_const related_boundsi Word64.interp_base_type BoundedWord64.of_word64 ZBounds.of_word64.
+ Lemma related_bounds_const : related_const related_bounds Word64.interp_base_type BoundedWord64.of_word64 ZBounds.of_word64.
Proof. related_const_t. Qed.
- Lemma related_word64_const : related_const related_word64i Word64.interp_base_type BoundedWord64.of_word64 (fun _ x => x).
+ Lemma related_word64_const : related_const related_word64 Word64.interp_base_type BoundedWord64.of_word64 (fun _ x => x).
Proof. related_const_t. Qed.
- Lemma related_Z_op : related_op related_Zi (@BoundedWord64.interp_op) (@Z.interp_op).
+ Lemma related_Z_op : related_op related_Z (@BoundedWord64.interp_op) (@Z.interp_op).
let op := fresh in intros ?? op; destruct op; simpl.
- repeat first [ progress cbv [related_Z lift_relation related'_Z BoundedWord64.value]
+ repeat first [ progress cbv [related_Z LiftOption.lift_relation related'_Z BoundedWord64.value]
+ | progress unfold LiftOption.of' in *
| progress intros
| progress destruct_head' prod
| progress destruct_head' and
+ | progress destruct_head' option
+ | progress inversion_option
| progress specialize_by (exact I)
| progress subst
| progress break_match
@@ -789,20 +786,20 @@ Module Relations.
| progress simpl @fst in *
| progress simpl @snd in *
| destruct_head' BoundedWord64.BoundedWord ].
- { cbv [related_Z lift_relation related'_Z].
+ { cbv [related_Z LiftOption.lift_relation related'_Z].
intros; break_match.
- unfold related_Z, BoundedWord64.t, lift_relation, related'_Z, BoundedWord64.value.
+ unfold related_Z, BoundedWord64.t, LiftOption.lift_relation, related'_Z, BoundedWord64.value.
match goal with
| [ H : _ = Some _ |- _ ] => apply BoundedWord64.value_add in H; simpl in H
- apply Word64.word64ToZ_add; auto;
+ (*apply Word64.word64ToZ_add; auto;*)
admit. }
- Lemma related_bounds_op : related_op related_boundsi (@BoundedWord64.interp_op) (@ZBounds.interp_op).
+ Lemma related_bounds_op : related_op related_bounds (@BoundedWord64.interp_op) (@ZBounds.interp_op).
Proof. admit. Admitted.
- Lemma related_word64_op : related_op related_word64i (@BoundedWord64.interp_op) (@Word64.interp_op).
+ Lemma related_word64_op : related_op related_word64 (@BoundedWord64.interp_op) (@Word64.interp_op).
Proof. admit. Admitted.
Create HintDb interp_related discriminated.
diff --git a/src/Specific/GF25519Reflective/Common.v b/src/Specific/GF25519Reflective/Common.v
index d42388b75..aa9b88122 100644
--- a/src/Specific/GF25519Reflective/Common.v
+++ b/src/Specific/GF25519Reflective/Common.v
@@ -118,9 +118,9 @@ Notation correct_and_bounded_genT ropW'v ropZ_sigv
let ropBounds := MapInterp ZBounds.of_word64 ropW' in
let ropBoundedWord64 := MapInterp BoundedWord64.of_word64 ropW' in
ropZ = proj1_sig ropZ_sig
- /\ interp_type_rel_pointwise2 Relations.related_Zi (Interp (@BoundedWord64.interp_op) ropBoundedWord64) (Interp (@Z.interp_op) ropZ)
- /\ interp_type_rel_pointwise2 Relations.related_boundsi (Interp (@BoundedWord64.interp_op) ropBoundedWord64) (Interp (@ZBounds.interp_op) ropBounds)
- /\ interp_type_rel_pointwise2 Relations.related_word64i (Interp (@BoundedWord64.interp_op) ropBoundedWord64) (Interp (@Word64.interp_op) ropW))
+ /\ interp_type_rel_pointwise2 Relations.related_Z (Interp (@BoundedWord64.interp_op) ropBoundedWord64) (Interp (@Z.interp_op) ropZ)
+ /\ interp_type_rel_pointwise2 Relations.related_bounds (Interp (@BoundedWord64.interp_op) ropBoundedWord64) (Interp (@ZBounds.interp_op) ropBounds)
+ /\ interp_type_rel_pointwise2 Relations.related_word64 (Interp (@BoundedWord64.interp_op) ropBoundedWord64) (Interp (@Word64.interp_op) ropW))
(only parsing).
Ltac rexpr_correct :=