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3 files changed, 1373 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/_CoqProject b/_CoqProject
index 9fdef01d8..4dec8ffeb 100644
--- a/_CoqProject
+++ b/_CoqProject
@@ -262,6 +262,7 @@ src/Experiments/NewPipeline/LanguageWf.v
diff --git a/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/RewriterInterpProofs1.v b/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/RewriterInterpProofs1.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..450c9ba09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/RewriterInterpProofs1.v
@@ -0,0 +1,1349 @@
+Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
+Require Import Coq.micromega.Lia.
+Require Import Coq.Lists.SetoidList.
+Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
+Require Import Coq.Classes.Morphisms.
+Require Import Coq.MSets.MSetPositive.
+Require Import Coq.FSets.FMapPositive.
+Require Import Coq.Logic.FunctionalExtensionality.
+Require Import Crypto.Experiments.NewPipeline.Language.
+Require Import Crypto.Experiments.NewPipeline.LanguageInversion.
+Require Import Crypto.Experiments.NewPipeline.LanguageWf.
+Require Import Crypto.Experiments.NewPipeline.UnderLetsProofs.
+Require Import Crypto.Experiments.NewPipeline.GENERATEDIdentifiersWithoutTypesProofs.
+Require Import Crypto.Experiments.NewPipeline.Rewriter.
+Require Import Crypto.Experiments.NewPipeline.RewriterWf1.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.MSetPositive.Facts.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.BreakMatch.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SplitInContext.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SpecializeAllWays.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SpecializeBy.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.RewriteHyp.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.Head.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.CPSId.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SetEvars.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SubstEvars.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.TransparentAssert.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Prod.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Sigma.Related.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ListUtil.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ListUtil.SetoidList.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Option.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.CPSNotations.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.HProp.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Decidable.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations.
+Import ListNotations. Local Open Scope bool_scope. Local Open Scope Z_scope.
+Import EqNotations.
+Module Compilers.
+ Import Language.Compilers.
+ Import LanguageInversion.Compilers.
+ Import LanguageWf.Compilers.
+ Import UnderLetsProofs.Compilers.
+ Import GENERATEDIdentifiersWithoutTypesProofs.Compilers.
+ Import Rewriter.Compilers.
+ Import RewriterWf1.Compilers.
+ Import expr.Notations.
+ Import defaults.
+ Import Rewriter.Compilers.RewriteRules.
+ Import RewriterWf1.Compilers.RewriteRules.
+ Module Import RewriteRules.
+ Module Compile.
+ Import Rewriter.Compilers.RewriteRules.Compile.
+ Import RewriterWf1.Compilers.RewriteRules.Compile.
+ Section with_var.
+ Local Notation type_of_list
+ := (fold_right (fun a b => prod a b) unit).
+ Local Notation type_of_list_cps
+ := (fold_right (fun a K => a -> K)).
+ Context {ident var : type.type base.type -> Type}
+ (eta_ident_cps : forall {T : type.type base.type -> Type} {t} (idc : ident t)
+ (f : forall t', ident t' -> T t'),
+ T t)
+ {pident : type.type pattern.base.type -> Type}
+ (pident_arg_types : forall t, pident t -> list Type)
+ (pident_unify pident_unify_unknown : forall t t' (idc : pident t) (idc' : ident t'), option (type_of_list (pident_arg_types t idc)))
+ {raw_pident : Type}
+ (strip_types : forall t, pident t -> raw_pident)
+ (raw_pident_beq : raw_pident -> raw_pident -> bool)
+ (full_types : raw_pident -> Type)
+ (invert_bind_args invert_bind_args_unknown : forall t (idc : ident t) (pidc : raw_pident), option (full_types pidc))
+ (type_of_raw_pident : forall (pidc : raw_pident), full_types pidc -> type.type base.type)
+ (raw_pident_to_typed : forall (pidc : raw_pident) (args : full_types pidc), ident (type_of_raw_pident pidc args))
+ (raw_pident_is_simple : raw_pident -> bool)
+ (pident_unify_unknown_correct
+ : forall t t' idc idc', pident_unify_unknown t t' idc idc' = pident_unify t t' idc idc')
+ (invert_bind_args_unknown_correct
+ : forall t idc pidc, invert_bind_args_unknown t idc pidc = invert_bind_args t idc pidc)
+ (eta_ident_cps_correct : forall T t idc f, @eta_ident_cps T t idc f = f _ idc)
+ (raw_pident_to_typed_invert_bind_args_type
+ : forall t idc p f, invert_bind_args t idc p = Some f -> t = type_of_raw_pident p f)
+ (raw_pident_to_typed_invert_bind_args
+ : forall t idc p f (pf : invert_bind_args t idc p = Some f),
+ raw_pident_to_typed p f = rew [ident] raw_pident_to_typed_invert_bind_args_type t idc p f pf in idc).
+ Local Notation type := (type.type base.type).
+ Local Notation expr := (@expr.expr base.type ident var).
+ Local Notation pattern := (@pattern.pattern pident).
+ Local Notation UnderLets := (@UnderLets.UnderLets base.type ident var).
+ Local Notation ptype := (type.type pattern.base.type).
+ Local Notation value' := (@value' base.type ident var).
+ Local Notation value := (@value base.type ident var).
+ Local Notation value_with_lets := (@value_with_lets base.type ident var).
+ Local Notation Base_value := (@Base_value base.type ident var).
+ Local Notation splice_under_lets_with_value := (@splice_under_lets_with_value base.type ident var).
+ Local Notation splice_value_with_lets := (@splice_value_with_lets base.type ident var).
+ Local Notation rawexpr := (@rawexpr ident var).
+ Local Notation eval_decision_tree := (@eval_decision_tree ident var raw_pident full_types invert_bind_args invert_bind_args_unknown type_of_raw_pident raw_pident_to_typed raw_pident_is_simple).
+ Local Notation reveal_rawexpr_cps_gen := (@reveal_rawexpr_cps_gen ident var).
+ Local Notation reveal_rawexpr_cps := (@reveal_rawexpr_cps ident var).
+ Local Notation eval_rewrite_rules := (@eval_rewrite_rules ident var pident pident_arg_types pident_unify pident_unify_unknown raw_pident full_types invert_bind_args invert_bind_args_unknown type_of_raw_pident raw_pident_to_typed raw_pident_is_simple).
+ Local Notation rewrite_rulesT := (@rewrite_rulesT ident var pident pident_arg_types).
+ Local Notation rewrite_with_rule := (@rewrite_with_rule ident var pident pident_arg_types pident_unify pident_unify_unknown).
+ Let type_base (t : base.type) : type := type.base t.
+ Coercion type_base : base.type >-> type.
+ Context (reify_and_let_binds_base_cps : forall (t : base.type), expr t -> forall T, (expr t -> UnderLets T) -> UnderLets T).
+ Local Notation "e <---- e' ; f" := (splice_value_with_lets e' (fun e => f%under_lets)) : under_lets_scope.
+ Local Notation "e <----- e' ; f" := (splice_under_lets_with_value e' (fun e => f%under_lets)) : under_lets_scope.
+ Local Notation "e1 === e2" := (existT expr _ e1 = existT expr _ e2) : type_scope.
+ Local Existing Instance SetoidList.eqlistA_equiv.
+ Local Ltac rew_swap_list_step :=
+ match goal with
+ | [ H : swap_list ?a ?b ?ls1 = Some ?ls2, H' : context[swap_list ?a ?b ?ls2] |- _ ]
+ => rewrite (swap_swap_list H) in H'
+ | [ H : swap_list ?a ?b ?ls1 = Some ?ls2 |- context[swap_list ?a ?b ?ls2] ]
+ => rewrite (swap_swap_list H)
+ | [ H : swap_list ?a ?b ?ls1 = Some ?ls2 |- context[swap_list ?a ?b ?ls1] ]
+ => rewrite H
+ | [ H : swap_list ?a ?b ?ls1 = Some ?ls2,
+ H' : swap_list ?a ?b ?ls3 = Some ?ls4,
+ Hl : eqlistA ?R ?ls2 ?ls3
+ |- _ ]
+ => unique pose proof (swap_swap_list_eqlistA H H' Hl)
+ end.
+ Local Ltac rew_eval_decision_tree_step :=
+ match goal with
+ | [ H : (forall ctx' cont', eval_decision_tree ctx' ?d cont' = None \/ _)
+ |- context[eval_decision_tree ?ctx ?d ?cont] ]
+ => let H' := fresh in
+ destruct (H ctx cont) as [H' | [? [? [H' ?] ] ] ]; rewrite H'
+ end.
+ Local Hint Constructors eqlistA.
+ Local Hint Unfold rawexpr_equiv.
+ Local Hint Unfold rawexpr_equiv_expr.
+ Lemma eval_decision_tree_correct_Switch_cons
+ {T} ctx icase icases app_case d cont
+ (res := @eval_decision_tree T ctx (Switch (icase :: icases) app_case d) cont)
+ : (exists b,
+ res = match ctx with
+ | r :: ctx
+ => eval_decision_tree ctx (snd icase) (fun k ctx' => cont k (reveal_rawexpr_cps_gen (Some b) r _ id :: ctx'))
+ | _ => None
+ end)
+ \/ res = eval_decision_tree ctx (Switch icases app_case d) cont
+ \/ res = match app_case with
+ | Some app_case => eval_decision_tree ctx app_case cont
+ | None => None
+ end
+ \/ res = eval_decision_tree ctx d cont.
+ Proof using raw_pident_to_typed_invert_bind_args invert_bind_args_unknown_correct.
+ destruct icase as [p icase]; subst res; cbn [fst snd].
+ destruct ctx as [|r ctx]; [ now cbn; auto | ].
+ destruct r.
+ all: cbn [eval_decision_tree fold_right].
+ all: destruct app_case as [app_case|].
+ Set Ltac Profiling.
+ Reset Ltac Profile.
+ all: repeat first [ match goal with
+ | [ |- context[?x = ?x \/ _] ] => solve [ auto ]
+ | [ |- context[_ \/ ?x = ?x] ] => solve [ auto ]
+ | [ H : ?x = ?y |- context[?y = ?x \/ _] ] => solve [ auto ]
+ | [ H : ?y = ?x |- context[?x = ?y \/ _] ] => solve [ auto ]
+ | [ H : _ = ?v |- (exists b, ?v = _) \/ _ ]
+ => left; eexists; (idtac + symmetry); eassumption
+ | [ H : ?v = _ |- (exists b, ?v = _) \/ _ ]
+ => left; eexists; (idtac + symmetry); eassumption
+ | [ H : context[invert_bind_args_unknown ?a ?b ?c] |- _ ] => rewrite invert_bind_args_unknown_correct in H
+ | [ |- context[invert_bind_args_unknown ?a ?b ?c] ] => rewrite invert_bind_args_unknown_correct
+ | [ H : context[eval_decision_tree _ _ (fun _ _ => None)] |- _ ]
+ => rewrite eval_decision_tree_cont_None in H
+ | [ |- context[eval_decision_tree _ _ (fun _ _ => None)] ]
+ => rewrite eval_decision_tree_cont_None
+ | [ |- (exists b, ?f _ = ?f _) \/ _ ]
+ => left; eexists; reflexivity
+ end
+ | progress subst
+ | progress inversion_sigma
+ | progress inversion_option
+ | progress cbv [reveal_rawexpr_cps reveal_rawexpr_cps_gen value] in *
+ | progress cbn [value'] in *
+ | progress expr.invert_match
+ | break_match_hyps_step ltac:(fun v => is_var v; let t := type of v in unify t type)
+ | break_match_step ltac:(fun v => is_var v; let t := type of v in unify t type)
+ | match goal with
+ | [ |- context[match ?d with Failure => _ | _ => _ end] ] => is_var d; destruct d
+ end
+ | progress cbn [eq_rect Option.sequence Option.sequence_return] in *
+ | progress cbv [id option_bind' Option.bind Option.sequence Option.sequence_return] in *
+ | match goal with
+ | [ H : invert_bind_args _ _ _ = Some _ |- _ ]
+ => pose proof (@raw_pident_to_typed_invert_bind_args _ _ _ _ H);
+ generalize dependent (@raw_pident_to_typed_invert_bind_args_type _ _ _ _ H); clear H; intros
+ | [ |- context[rew [?P] ?pf in ?v] ]
+ => lazymatch type of pf with
+ | ?t1 = ?t2
+ => generalize dependent v; generalize dependent pf;
+ (generalize dependent t1 || generalize dependent t2);
+ intros; subst
+ end
+ | [ H : ?t = rew [?P] ?pf in ?v |- _ ]
+ => generalize dependent t; intros; subst
+ | [ H : context[rew [?P] ?pf in ?v] |- _ ]
+ => lazymatch type of pf with
+ | ?t1 = ?t2
+ => generalize dependent v; generalize dependent pf;
+ (generalize dependent t1 || generalize dependent t2);
+ intros; subst
+ end
+ | [ |- context[match @fold_right ?A ?B ?f ?v ?ls with Some _ => _ | _ => _ end] ]
+ => destruct (@fold_right A B f v ls) eqn:?
+ end
+ | break_innermost_match_step ].
+ Qed.
+ Fixpoint eval_decision_tree_correct {T} d ctx cont
+ (res := @eval_decision_tree T ctx d cont)
+ {struct d}
+ : res = None
+ \/ exists n ctx',
+ res = cont n ctx'
+ /\ SetoidList.eqlistA rawexpr_equiv ctx ctx'.
+ Proof using raw_pident_to_typed_invert_bind_args invert_bind_args_unknown_correct.
+ specialize (eval_decision_tree_correct T).
+ subst res; cbv zeta in *; destruct d.
+ all: [ > specialize (eval_decision_tree_correct ltac:(assumption))
+ | clear eval_decision_tree_correct
+ |
+ | specialize (eval_decision_tree_correct ltac:(assumption)) ].
+ { cbn [eval_decision_tree]; cbv [Option.sequence]; break_innermost_match; eauto.
+ all: right; repeat esplit; (idtac + symmetry); (eassumption + reflexivity). }
+ { cbn; eauto. }
+ { let d := match goal with d : decision_tree |- _ => d end in
+ pose proof (eval_decision_tree_correct d) as eval_decision_tree_correct_default.
+ let app_case := match goal with app_case : option decision_tree |- _ => app_case end in
+ pose proof (match app_case return match app_case with Some _ => _ | _ => _ end with
+ | Some app_case => eval_decision_tree_correct app_case
+ | None => I
+ end) as eval_decision_tree_correct_app_case.
+ let icases := match goal with icases : list (_ * decision_tree) |- _ => icases end in
+ induction icases as [|icase icases IHicases];
+ [ clear eval_decision_tree_correct | specialize (eval_decision_tree_correct (snd icase)) ].
+ (* now that we have set up guardedness correctly, we can
+ stop worrying so much about what order we destruct
+ things in *)
+ 2: destruct (@eval_decision_tree_correct_Switch_cons _ ctx icase icases app_case d cont)
+ as [ [? H] | [H| [H|H] ] ];
+ rewrite H; try assumption.
+ all: destruct app_case as [app_case|]; try (left; reflexivity).
+ all: destruct ctx as [|ctx0 ctx]; [ try (left; reflexivity) | ].
+ all: try destruct ctx0.
+ all: cbn [eval_decision_tree fold_right]; cbv [reveal_rawexpr_cps reveal_rawexpr_cps_gen Option.sequence Option.sequence_return].
+ all: repeat first [ rew_eval_decision_tree_step
+ | progress cbv [value id] in *
+ | progress cbn [value'] in *
+ | assumption
+ | reflexivity
+ | progress subst
+ | progress inversion_option
+ | expr.invert_match_step
+ | match goal with
+ | [ |- ?x = ?x \/ _ ] => left; reflexivity
+ | [ |- Some _ = None \/ _ ] => right
+ | [ |- None = Some _ \/ _ ] => right
+ | [ |- ?v = None \/ _ ]
+ => lazymatch v with
+ | match ?d with Failure => None | TryLeaf _ _ => None | _ => _ end
+ => let H := fresh in
+ assert (H : v = None) by (destruct d; auto); rewrite H
+ | match ?d with Failure => ?x | TryLeaf _ _ => ?y | _ => _ end
+ => let H := fresh in
+ assert (H : v = x \/ v = y) by (destruct d; auto);
+ destruct H as [H|H]; rewrite H
+ end
+ | [ |- context[match ?x with nil => None | cons _ _ => _ end] ]
+ => is_var x; destruct x
+ | [ |- match match ?x with nil => None | cons _ _ => _ end with None => None | Some _ => _ end = None \/ _ ]
+ => is_var x; destruct x; [ left; reflexivity | ]
+ | [ |- _ \/ exists n ctx', ?f ?a ?b = ?f n ctx' /\ _ ]
+ => right; exists a, b; split; [ reflexivity | ]
+ | [ |- exists n ctx', ?f ?a ?b = ?f n ctx' /\ _ ]
+ => right; exists a, b; split; [ reflexivity | ]
+ | [ H : ?f ?a ?b = Some ?v |- exists n ctx', Some ?v = ?f n ctx' /\ _ ]
+ => exists a, b; split; [ symmetry; assumption | ]
+ end
+ | break_match_hyps_step ltac:(fun v => is_var v; let t := type of v in unify t type)
+ | match goal with
+ | [ H : rawexpr_equiv ?a ?b |- eqlistA _ _ _ ] => unique assert (rawexpr_equiv b a) by (symmetry; exact H)
+ | [ H : eqlistA _ (_ :: _) _ |- eqlistA _ _ _ ] => inversion H; clear H; subst
+ | [ H : eqlistA _ nil _ |- eqlistA _ _ _ ] => inversion H; clear H; subst
+ | [ |- eqlistA _ (cons _ _) (cons _ _) ] => constructor
+ | [ |- eqlistA _ nil nil ] => constructor
+ | [ |- rawexpr_equiv _ _ ] => solve [ auto ]
+ | [ |- rawexpr_equiv (rValue ?v) ?r ] => change (rawexpr_equiv (rExpr v) r)
+ end
+ | break_innermost_match_step
+ | break_innermost_match_hyps_step ]. }
+ { cbn [eval_decision_tree];
+ repeat first [ rew_eval_decision_tree_step
+ | rew_swap_list_step
+ | solve [ eauto ]
+ | break_innermost_match_step ]. }
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eval_rewrite_rules_correct
+ (do_again : forall t : base.type, @expr.expr base.type ident value t -> UnderLets (expr t))
+ (maybe_do_again
+ := fun (should_do_again : bool) (t : base.type)
+ => if should_do_again return ((@expr.expr base.type ident (if should_do_again then value else var) t) -> UnderLets (expr t))
+ then do_again t
+ else UnderLets.Base)
+ (d : decision_tree)
+ (rew_rules : rewrite_rulesT)
+ (e : rawexpr)
+ (res := @eval_rewrite_rules do_again d rew_rules e)
+ : res = UnderLets.Base (expr_of_rawexpr e)
+ \/ exists n pf e',
+ nth_error rew_rules n = Some pf
+ /\ Some res
+ = rewrite_with_rule do_again (expr_of_rawexpr e) e' pf
+ /\ rawexpr_equiv e e'.
+ Proof using raw_pident_to_typed_invert_bind_args invert_bind_args_unknown_correct.
+ subst res; cbv [eval_rewrite_rules].
+ refine (let H := eval_decision_tree_correct d [e] _ in _).
+ destruct H as [H| [? [? [H ?] ] ] ]; rewrite H; cbn [Option.sequence Option.sequence_return];
+ [ left; reflexivity | ]; clear H.
+ inversion_head' eqlistA.
+ unfold Option.bind at 1.
+ break_innermost_match_step; [ | left; reflexivity ].
+ cbn [Option.bind Option.sequence Option.sequence_return].
+ match goal with
+ | [ |- (Option.sequence_return ?x ?y) = _ \/ _ ]
+ => destruct x eqn:?
+ end; [ | left; reflexivity ]; cbn [Option.sequence_return].
+ right; repeat esplit; try eassumption; auto.
+ Qed.
+ End with_var.
+ Section with_interp.
+ Local Notation type_of_list
+ := (fold_right (fun a b => prod a b) unit).
+ Local Notation type_of_list_cps
+ := (fold_right (fun a K => a -> K)).
+ Context {ident : type.type base.type -> Type}
+ {ident_interp : forall t, ident t -> type.interp base.interp t}
+ (eta_ident_cps : forall {T : type.type base.type -> Type} {t} (idc : ident t)
+ (f : forall t', ident t' -> T t'),
+ T t)
+ {pident : type.type pattern.base.type -> Type}
+ (pident_arg_types : forall t, pident t -> list Type)
+ (pident_unify pident_unify_unknown : forall t t' (idc : pident t) (idc' : ident t'), option (type_of_list (pident_arg_types t idc)))
+ {raw_pident : Type}
+ (strip_types : forall t, pident t -> raw_pident)
+ (raw_pident_beq : raw_pident -> raw_pident -> bool)
+ (full_types : raw_pident -> Type)
+ (invert_bind_args invert_bind_args_unknown : forall t (idc : ident t) (pidc : raw_pident), option (full_types pidc))
+ (type_of_raw_pident : forall (pidc : raw_pident), full_types pidc -> type.type base.type)
+ (raw_pident_to_typed : forall (pidc : raw_pident) (args : full_types pidc), ident (type_of_raw_pident pidc args))
+ (raw_pident_is_simple : raw_pident -> bool)
+ (pident_unify_unknown_correct
+ : forall t t' idc idc', pident_unify_unknown t t' idc idc' = pident_unify t t' idc idc')
+ (invert_bind_args_unknown_correct
+ : forall t idc pidc, invert_bind_args_unknown t idc pidc = invert_bind_args t idc pidc)
+ (eta_ident_cps_correct : forall T t idc f, @eta_ident_cps T t idc f = f _ idc)
+ (raw_pident_to_typed_invert_bind_args_type
+ : forall t idc p f, invert_bind_args t idc p = Some f -> t = type_of_raw_pident p f)
+ (raw_pident_to_typed_invert_bind_args
+ : forall t idc p f (pf : invert_bind_args t idc p = Some f),
+ raw_pident_to_typed p f = rew [ident] raw_pident_to_typed_invert_bind_args_type t idc p f pf in idc)
+ (pident_to_typed
+ : forall t idc (evm : EvarMap),
+ type_of_list (pident_arg_types t idc) -> ident (pattern.type.subst_default t evm))
+ (ident_interp_Proper : forall t, Proper (eq ==> type.eqv) (@ident_interp t))
+ (pident_unify_to_typed
+ : forall t t' idc idc' v,
+ pident_unify t t' idc idc' = Some v
+ -> forall evm pf,
+ rew [ident] pf in @pident_to_typed t idc evm v = idc').
+ Local Notation var := (type.interp base.interp) (only parsing).
+ Local Notation type := (type.type base.type).
+ Local Notation expr := (@expr.expr base.type ident var).
+ Local Notation pattern := (@pattern.pattern pident).
+ Local Notation UnderLets := (@UnderLets.UnderLets base.type ident var).
+ Local Notation ptype := (type.type pattern.base.type).
+ Local Notation value' := (@value' base.type ident var).
+ Local Notation value := (@value base.type ident var).
+ Local Notation value_with_lets := (@value_with_lets base.type ident var).
+ Local Notation Base_value := (@Base_value base.type ident var).
+ Local Notation splice_under_lets_with_value := (@splice_under_lets_with_value base.type ident var).
+ Local Notation splice_value_with_lets := (@splice_value_with_lets base.type ident var).
+ Local Notation rawexpr := (@rawexpr ident var).
+ Local Notation eval_decision_tree := (@eval_decision_tree ident var raw_pident full_types invert_bind_args invert_bind_args_unknown type_of_raw_pident raw_pident_to_typed raw_pident_is_simple).
+ Local Notation eval_rewrite_rules := (@eval_rewrite_rules ident var pident pident_arg_types pident_unify pident_unify_unknown raw_pident full_types invert_bind_args invert_bind_args_unknown type_of_raw_pident raw_pident_to_typed raw_pident_is_simple).
+ Local Notation rewrite_rulesT := (@rewrite_rulesT ident var pident pident_arg_types).
+ Local Notation rewrite_with_rule := (@rewrite_with_rule ident var pident pident_arg_types pident_unify pident_unify_unknown).
+ Local Notation reify := (@reify ident var).
+ Local Notation reflect := (@reflect ident var).
+ (*Local Notation rawexpr_equiv_expr := (@rawexpr_equiv_expr ident var).*)
+ Local Notation rewrite_rule_data_interp_goodT := (@rewrite_rule_data_interp_goodT ident pident pident_arg_types pident_to_typed ident_interp).
+ Local Notation rewrite_rules_interp_goodT := (@rewrite_rules_interp_goodT ident pident pident_arg_types pident_to_typed ident_interp).
+ Local Notation rewrite_ruleTP := (@rewrite_ruleTP ident var pident pident_arg_types).
+ Local Notation rewrite_ruleT := (@rewrite_ruleT ident var pident pident_arg_types).
+ Local Notation unify_pattern := (@unify_pattern ident var pident pident_arg_types pident_unify pident_unify_unknown).
+ Local Notation unify_pattern' := (@unify_pattern' ident var pident pident_arg_types pident_unify pident_unify_unknown).
+ Local Notation under_with_unification_resultT_relation_hetero := (@under_with_unification_resultT_relation_hetero ident var pident pident_arg_types).
+ Local Notation under_with_unification_resultT'_relation_hetero := (@under_with_unification_resultT'_relation_hetero ident var pident pident_arg_types).
+ Local Notation assemble_identifier_rewriters := (@assemble_identifier_rewriters ident var eta_ident_cps pident pident_arg_types pident_unify pident_unify_unknown raw_pident full_types invert_bind_args invert_bind_args_unknown type_of_raw_pident raw_pident_to_typed raw_pident_is_simple).
+ Local Notation assemble_identifier_rewriters' := (@assemble_identifier_rewriters' ident var pident pident_arg_types pident_unify pident_unify_unknown raw_pident full_types invert_bind_args invert_bind_args_unknown type_of_raw_pident raw_pident_to_typed raw_pident_is_simple).
+ Local Notation pattern_default_interp' := (@pattern_default_interp' ident pident pident_arg_types pident_to_typed (@ident_interp)).
+ Local Notation pattern_default_interp := (@pattern_default_interp ident pident pident_arg_types pident_to_typed (@ident_interp)).
+ Local Notation pattern_collect_vars := (@pattern.collect_vars pident).
+ Local Notation app_with_unification_resultT_cps := (@app_with_unification_resultT_cps pident pident_arg_types).
+ Local Notation app_transport_with_unification_resultT'_cps := (@app_transport_with_unification_resultT'_cps pident pident_arg_types).
+ Local Notation with_unification_resultT' := (@with_unification_resultT' pident pident_arg_types).
+ Local Notation value'_interp := (@value'_interp ident ident_interp).
+ Local Notation eval_decision_tree_correct := (@eval_decision_tree_correct ident var raw_pident full_types invert_bind_args invert_bind_args_unknown type_of_raw_pident raw_pident_to_typed raw_pident_is_simple invert_bind_args_unknown_correct raw_pident_to_typed_invert_bind_args_type raw_pident_to_typed_invert_bind_args).
+ Local Notation expr_interp_related := (@expr.interp_related _ ident _ ident_interp).
+ Local Notation UnderLets_interp_related := (@UnderLets.interp_related _ ident _ ident_interp _ _ expr_interp_related).
+ Local Notation rawexpr_interp_related := (@rawexpr_interp_related ident ident_interp).
+ Local Notation value_interp_related := (@value_interp_related ident ident_interp).
+ Local Notation unification_resultT'_interp_related := (@unification_resultT'_interp_related ident pident pident_arg_types ident_interp).
+ Local Notation unification_resultT_interp_related := (@unification_resultT_interp_related ident pident pident_arg_types ident_interp).
+ Let type_base (t : base.type) : type := type.base t.
+ Coercion type_base : base.type >-> type.
+ Context (reify_and_let_binds_base_cps : forall (t : base.type), expr t -> forall T, (expr t -> UnderLets T) -> UnderLets T)
+ (interp_reify_and_let_binds_base
+ : forall t e v,
+ expr_interp_related e v
+ -> UnderLets_interp_related (@reify_and_let_binds_base_cps t e _ UnderLets.Base) v).
+ Local Notation reify_and_let_binds_cps := (@reify_and_let_binds_cps ident var reify_and_let_binds_base_cps).
+ Local Notation "e <---- e' ; f" := (splice_value_with_lets e' (fun e => f%under_lets)) : under_lets_scope.
+ Local Notation "e <----- e' ; f" := (splice_under_lets_with_value e' (fun e => f%under_lets)) : under_lets_scope.
+ Local Lemma pident_unify_to_typed'
+ : forall t t' idc idc' v,
+ pident_unify t t' idc idc' = Some v
+ -> forall evm pf,
+ @pident_to_typed t idc evm v = rew [ident] pf in idc'.
+ Proof using pident_unify_to_typed.
+ intros t t' idc idc' v H evm pf.
+ pose proof (@pident_unify_to_typed t t' idc idc' v H evm (eq_sym pf)).
+ subst; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma interp_Base_value {t v1 v2}
+ : value_interp_related v1 v2
+ -> value_interp_related (@Base_value t v1) v2.
+ Proof using Type.
+ cbv [Base_value]; destruct t; exact id.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma interp_splice_under_lets_with_value_of_ex {T T' t R e f v}
+ : (exists fv (xv : T'),
+ UnderLets.interp_related ident_interp R e xv
+ /\ (forall x1 x2,
+ R x1 x2
+ -> value_interp_related (f x1) (fv x2))
+ /\ fv xv = v)
+ -> value_interp_related (@splice_under_lets_with_value T t e f) v.
+ Proof using Type.
+ induction t as [|s IHs d IHd].
+ all: repeat first [ progress cbn [value_interp_related splice_under_lets_with_value] in *
+ | progress intros
+ | progress destruct_head'_ex
+ | progress destruct_head'_and
+ | progress subst
+ | eassumption
+ | solve [ eauto ]
+ | now (eapply UnderLets.splice_interp_related_of_ex; eauto)
+ | match goal with
+ | [ H : _ |- _ ] => eapply H; clear H
+ | [ |- exists fv xv, _ /\ _ /\ _ ]
+ => do 2 eexists; repeat apply conj; [ eassumption | | ]
+ end ].
+ Qed.
+ Lemma interp_splice_value_with_lets_of_ex {t t' e f v}
+ : (exists fv xv,
+ value_interp_related e xv
+ /\ (forall x1 x2,
+ value_interp_related x1 x2
+ -> value_interp_related (f x1) (fv x2))
+ /\ fv xv = v)
+ -> value_interp_related (@splice_value_with_lets t t' e f) v.
+ Proof using Type.
+ cbv [splice_value_with_lets]; break_innermost_match.
+ { apply interp_splice_under_lets_with_value_of_ex. }
+ { intros; destruct_head'_ex; destruct_head'_and; subst; eauto. }
+ Qed.
+ Lemma interp_reify_and_let_binds {with_lets t v1 v}
+ : value_interp_related v1 v
+ -> UnderLets_interp_related (@reify_and_let_binds_cps with_lets t v1 _ UnderLets.Base) v.
+ Proof using interp_reify_and_let_binds_base.
+ cbv [reify_and_let_binds_cps]; break_innermost_match;
+ repeat first [ progress intros
+ | progress destruct_head'_ex
+ | progress destruct_head'_and
+ | progress subst
+ | solve [ eauto ]
+ | apply reify_interp_related
+ | eapply @UnderLets.splice_interp_related_of_ex with (RA:=expr_interp_related);
+ eexists (fun x => x), _; repeat apply conj;
+ [ eassumption | | reflexivity ] ].
+ Qed.
+ (*Local Infix "===" := expr_interp_related : type_scope.
+ Local Infix "====" := value_interp_related : type_scope.
+ Local Infix "=====" := rawexpr_interp_related : type_scope.*)
+ Fixpoint types_match_with (evm : EvarMap) {t} (e : rawexpr) (p : pattern t) {struct p} : Prop
+ := match p, e with
+ | pattern.Wildcard t, e
+ => pattern.type.subst t evm = Some (type_of_rawexpr e)
+ | pattern.Ident t idc, rIdent known t' _ _ _
+ => pattern.type.subst t evm = Some t'
+ | pattern.App s d f x, rApp f' x' _ _
+ => @types_match_with evm _ f' f
+ /\ @types_match_with evm _ x' x
+ | pattern.Ident _ _, _
+ | pattern.App _ _ _ _, _
+ => False
+ end.
+ Lemma preunify_types_to_match_with {t re p evm}
+ : match @preunify_types ident var pident t re p with
+ | Some None => True
+ | Some (Some (pt, t')) => pattern.type.subst pt evm = Some t'
+ | None => False
+ end
+ -> types_match_with evm re p.
+ Proof using Type.
+ revert re; induction p; intro; cbn [preunify_types types_match_with];
+ break_innermost_match; try exact id.
+ all: repeat first [ progress Bool.split_andb
+ | progress type_beq_to_eq
+ | progress inversion_option
+ | progress Reflect.beq_to_eq
+ (@type.type_beq pattern.base.type pattern.base.type.type_beq)
+ (@type.internal_type_dec_bl pattern.base.type pattern.base.type.type_beq pattern.base.type.internal_type_dec_bl)
+ (@type.internal_type_dec_lb pattern.base.type pattern.base.type.type_beq pattern.base.type.internal_type_dec_lb)
+ | progress subst
+ | reflexivity
+ | progress cbn [Option.bind pattern.type.subst_default pattern.type.subst]
+ | rewrite pattern.type.eq_subst_default_relax
+ | rewrite pattern.type.subst_relax
+ | match goal with
+ | [ H : (forall re, match preunify_types re ?p with _ => _ end -> _)
+ |- context[preunify_types ?re' ?p] ]
+ => specialize (H re')
+ end
+ | break_innermost_match_hyps_step
+ | progress intros
+ | solve [ auto ]
+ | exfalso; assumption
+ | progress type.inversion_type
+ | progress cbv [Option.bind] in * ].
+ Qed.
+ Lemma unify_types_match_with {t re p evm}
+ : @unify_types ident var pident t re p _ id = Some evm
+ -> types_match_with evm re p.
+ Proof using Type.
+ intro H; apply preunify_types_to_match_with; revert H.
+ cbv [unify_types id].
+ break_innermost_match; intros; inversion_option; try exact I.
+ RewriteRules.pattern.type.add_var_types_cps_id.
+ cbv [option_type_type_beq] in *; break_innermost_match_hyps; type_beq_to_eq; inversion_option.
+ let H := match goal with H : option_beq _ _ _ = true |- _ => H end in
+ apply internal_option_dec_bl in H;
+ [ | intros; type_beq_to_eq; assumption ].
+ subst.
+ assumption.
+ Qed.
+ Local Notation mk_new_evm0 evm ls
+ := (fold_right
+ (fun i k evm'
+ => k match PositiveMap.find i evm with
+ | Some v => PositiveMap.add i v evm'
+ | None => evm'
+ end) (fun evm' => evm')
+ (List.rev ls)) (only parsing).
+ Local Notation mk_new_evm' evm ps
+ := (mk_new_evm0
+ evm
+ (PositiveSet.elements ps)) (only parsing).
+ Local Notation mk_new_evm evm ps
+ := (mk_new_evm' evm ps (PositiveMap.empty _)) (only parsing).
+ Lemma types_match_with_Proper_evm {t p evm evm' re}
+ (Hevm : forall k, PositiveSet.mem k (pattern_collect_vars p) = true -> PositiveMap.find k evm = PositiveMap.find k evm')
+ : @types_match_with evm t re p <-> @types_match_with evm' t re p.
+ Proof using Type.
+ revert re; induction p, re; cbn [types_match_with pattern_collect_vars] in *.
+ all: repeat first [ progress cbn [type_of_rawexpr] in *
+ | match goal with
+ | [ H : context[PositiveSet.mem _ (PositiveSet.union _ _)] |- _ ]
+ => setoid_rewrite PositiveSetFacts.union_b in H
+ | [ H : context[orb _ _ = true] |- _ ]
+ => setoid_rewrite Bool.orb_true_iff in H
+ end
+ | reflexivity
+ | progress split_contravariant_or
+ | progress specialize_by_assumption
+ | erewrite pattern.type.subst_eq_if_mem by eassumption
+ | match goal with
+ | [ H : _ |- _ ] => rewrite H by assumption
+ | [ |- (?x = Some ?y) <-> (?x' = Some ?y) ]
+ => cut (x = x'); [ let H := fresh in intro H; rewrite H; reflexivity | ]
+ end
+ | apply pattern.type.subst_eq_if_mem ].
+ Qed.
+ Lemma mem_pattern_collect_vars_types_match_with {evm t re p x}
+ (H : @types_match_with evm t re p)
+ (Hmem : PositiveSet.mem x (pattern_collect_vars p) = true)
+ : PositiveMap.find x evm <> None.
+ Proof using Type.
+ revert re H; induction p; intros.
+ all: repeat first [ progress cbn [pattern_collect_vars types_match_with] in *
+ | eapply pattern.type.mem_collect_vars_subst_Some_find; eassumption
+ | progress destruct_head'_and
+ | progress specialize_by_assumption
+ | assumption
+ | exfalso; assumption
+ | rewrite PositiveSetFacts.union_b, Bool.orb_true_iff in *
+ | progress destruct_head'_or
+ | break_innermost_match_hyps_step
+ | match goal with
+ | [ H : forall re, types_match_with ?evm re ?p -> _, H' : types_match_with ?evm _ ?p |- _ ] => specialize (H _ H')
+ end ].
+ Qed.
+ Lemma mem_collect_vars_pattern_to_type {t p k}
+ : PositiveSet.mem k (pattern.type.collect_vars t) = true
+ -> PositiveSet.mem k (@pattern_collect_vars t p) = true.
+ Proof using Type.
+ induction p.
+ all: repeat first [ progress intros
+ | assumption
+ | progress cbn [pattern_collect_vars pattern.type.collect_vars] in *
+ | progress split_contravariant_or
+ | progress specialize_by_assumption
+ | rewrite PositiveSetFacts.union_b, Bool.orb_true_iff in *
+ | solve [ auto ] ].
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eq_subst_types_pattern_collect_vars t0 pt t evm evm0
+ (evm' := mk_new_evm' evm (@pattern_collect_vars t0 pt) evm0)
+ (Hty : pattern.type.subst t0 evm = Some t)
+ : pattern.type.subst t0 evm' = Some t.
+ Proof using Type.
+ rewrite <- Hty; symmetry; apply pattern.type.subst_eq_Some_if_mem; subst evm'; intros; try congruence; [].
+ rewrite pattern.base.fold_right_evar_map_find_In.
+ erewrite mem_collect_vars_pattern_to_type by eassumption.
+ break_innermost_match; congruence.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eq_subst_types_pattern_collect_vars_empty_iff t0 pt evm (evm0:=PositiveMap.empty _)
+ (evm' := mk_new_evm' evm (@pattern_collect_vars t0 pt) evm0)
+ : pattern.type.subst t0 evm = pattern.type.subst t0 evm'.
+ Proof using Type.
+ apply pattern.type.subst_eq_if_mem; subst evm' evm0; intro.
+ intro H; rewrite pattern.base.fold_right_evar_map_find_In, PositiveMap.gempty, mem_collect_vars_pattern_to_type by assumption.
+ break_innermost_match; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma types_match_with_new_evm_iff {t re p evm}
+ (evm' := mk_new_evm evm (pattern_collect_vars p))
+ : @types_match_with evm' t re p <-> @types_match_with evm t re p.
+ Proof using Type.
+ clear -type_base; subst evm'; apply types_match_with_Proper_evm.
+ intro k; rewrite pattern.base.fold_right_evar_map_find_In.
+ intro H; rewrite H.
+ rewrite PositiveMap.gempty.
+ break_innermost_match; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eq_type_of_rawexpr_of_types_match_with {t re p evm}
+ (Ht : @types_match_with evm t re p)
+ (Ht' : rawexpr_types_ok re (type_of_rawexpr re))
+ (evm' := mk_new_evm evm (pattern_collect_vars p))
+ : pattern.type.subst t evm' = Some (type_of_rawexpr re).
+ Proof using Type.
+ clear -Ht Ht' type_base.
+ subst evm'.
+ apply eq_subst_types_pattern_collect_vars.
+ revert re Ht Ht'; induction p.
+ all: repeat first [ progress intros
+ | progress cbn [type_of_rawexpr types_match_with pattern.type.subst rawexpr_types_ok] in *
+ | progress cbv [Option.bind] in *
+ | progress inversion_option
+ | progress specialize_by_assumption
+ | progress specialize_by eauto using rawexpr_types_ok_for_type_of_rawexpr
+ | progress subst
+ | assumption
+ | reflexivity
+ | exfalso; assumption
+ | progress destruct_head'_and
+ | break_innermost_match_hyps_step
+ | match goal with
+ | [ H : forall re, types_match_with ?evm re ?p -> _, H' : types_match_with ?evm _ ?p |- _ ]
+ => specialize (H _ H')
+ | [ H : rawexpr_types_ok _ _ |- _ ] => apply eq_type_of_rawexpr_of_rawexpr_types_ok in H
+ | [ H : context[type_of_rawexpr ?re] |- _ ]
+ => generalize dependent (type_of_rawexpr re)
+ | [ H : type.arrow _ _ = type.arrow _ _ |- _ ]
+ => inversion_clear H
+ end ].
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eq_type_of_rawexpr_of_types_match_with' {t re p evm}
+ (Ht : @types_match_with evm t re p)
+ (Ht' : rawexpr_types_ok re (type_of_rawexpr re))
+ (evm' := mk_new_evm evm (pattern_collect_vars p))
+ : type_of_rawexpr re = pattern.type.subst_default t evm'.
+ Proof using Type.
+ symmetry; eapply pattern.type.subst_Some_subst_default, eq_type_of_rawexpr_of_types_match_with; eassumption.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma app_transport_with_unification_resultT'_pattern_default_interp'_cps_id
+ {K t p evm1 evm2 args k T k'}
+ : @app_transport_with_unification_resultT'_cps
+ _ t p evm1 evm2 _
+ (@pattern_default_interp' K t p _ k) args
+ T k'
+ = (v0 <- (@app_transport_with_unification_resultT'_cps
+ _ t p evm1 evm2 _
+ (@pattern_default_interp' _ t p _ id) args
+ _ (@Some _));
+ k' (k v0))%option.
+ Proof using Type.
+ revert K evm1 evm2 args k T k'; induction p.
+ all: repeat first [ progress intros
+ | progress cbn [pattern_default_interp' unification_resultT' app_transport_with_unification_resultT'_cps eq_rect] in *
+ | reflexivity
+ | progress inversion_option
+ | progress subst
+ | progress cbv [id Option.bind option_map] in *
+ | progress fold (@with_unification_resultT')
+ | rewrite app_lam_type_of_list
+ | break_innermost_match_step
+ | break_innermost_match_hyps_step
+ | progress rewrite_type_transport_correct
+ | progress type_beq_to_eq
+ | progress cps_id'_with_option app_transport_with_unification_resultT'_cps_id
+ | match goal with
+ | [ H : forall K evm1 evm2 args k T k', _ = _, H' : context[app_transport_with_unification_resultT'_cps (pattern_default_interp' _ ?evm1v ?kv) ?argsv ?Tv ?k'v] |- _ ]
+ => lazymatch kv with
+ | @id _ => fail
+ | (fun x => x) => fail
+ | _ => idtac
+ end;
+ rewrite (H _ _ _ _ kv Tv k'v) in H'
+ | [ H : forall K evm1 evm2 args k T k', _ = _ |- context[app_transport_with_unification_resultT'_cps (pattern_default_interp' _ ?evm1v ?kv) ?argsv ?Tv ?k'v] ]
+ => lazymatch kv with
+ | @id _ => fail
+ | (fun x => x) => fail
+ | _ => idtac
+ end;
+ rewrite (H _ _ _ _ kv Tv k'v)
+ end ].
+ Qed.
+ Local Ltac solve_side_condition_equations :=
+ repeat
+ repeat
+ first [ progress intros
+ | assumption
+ | progress subst
+ | progress cbv [Option.bind] in *
+ | progress inversion_option
+ | match goal with
+ | [ |- ?x = ?x ] => reflexivity
+ | [ H : ?x = ?x |- _ ] => clear H
+ | [ H : expr_interp_related _ _ |- type_of_rawexpr _ = _ ] => clear H
+ | [ H : rawexpr_interp_related _ _ |- type_of_rawexpr _ = _ ] => clear H
+ | [ H : types_match_with _ _ _ |- type_of_rawexpr _ = _ ] => apply eq_type_of_rawexpr_of_types_match_with in H; [ | eapply rawexpr_types_ok_for_type_of_rawexpr; eassumption ]
+ | [ H : rawexpr_types_ok _ _ |- type_of_rawexpr _ = _ ] => apply eq_type_of_rawexpr_of_rawexpr_types_ok in H
+ | [ H : context[pattern.type.subst ?t (fold_right (fun i k evm' => k match PositiveMap.find i ?evm with _ => _ end) _ _ (PositiveMap.empty _))] |- _ ]
+ => rewrite <- eq_subst_types_pattern_collect_vars_empty_iff in H
+ | [ H : type.arrow _ _ = type.arrow _ _ |- _ = _ :> type ]
+ => inversion H; clear H
+ | [ |- type.arrow _ _ = type.arrow _ _ ] => apply f_equal2
+ | [ |- _ = _ :> type ]
+ => match goal with
+ | [ |- context[type_of_rawexpr ?re] ]
+ => is_var re; generalize dependent (type_of_rawexpr re)
+ | [ H : context[type_of_rawexpr ?re] |- _ ]
+ => is_var re; generalize dependent (type_of_rawexpr re)
+ end
+ end
+ | progress cbn [pattern.type.subst] in *
+ | progress break_match_hyps
+ | match goal with
+ | [ |- pattern.type.subst_default ?t _ = pattern.type.subst_default ?t _ ] => reflexivity
+ | [ |- ?t = pattern.type.subst_default _ _ ]
+ => is_var t; symmetry; apply pattern.type.subst_Some_subst_default
+ end ].
+ Lemma interp_unify_pattern' {t re p evm res v}
+ (Hre : rawexpr_interp_related re v)
+ (H : @unify_pattern' t re p evm _ (@Some _) = Some res)
+ (Ht : @types_match_with evm t re p)
+ (Ht' : rawexpr_types_ok re (type_of_rawexpr re))
+ (evm' := mk_new_evm evm (pattern_collect_vars p))
+ (*Hty : type_of_rawexpr re = pattern.type.subst_default t evm'
+ := eq_type_of_rawexpr_of_types_match_with' Ht Ht'*)
+ (Hty : type_of_rawexpr re = pattern.type.subst_default t evm'
+ := eq_type_of_rawexpr_of_types_match_with' Ht Ht')
+ : exists resv : _,
+ unification_resultT'_interp_related res resv
+ /\ app_transport_with_unification_resultT'_cps
+ (pattern_default_interp' p evm' id) resv _ (@Some _)
+ = Some (rew Hty in v).
+ Proof using pident_unify_unknown_correct pident_unify_to_typed.
+ clear -pident_unify_unknown_correct pident_unify_to_typed Hre H Ht Ht' Hty.
+ clearbody Hty.
+ (*assert (Ht : @types_match_with evm t re p) by (eapply types_match_with_of_unify_pattern'; eassumption).*)
+ assert (Hevm' : @types_match_with evm' t re p) by now apply types_match_with_new_evm_iff.
+ clearbody evm'; cbv [unification_resultT'_interp_related].
+ revert re res v evm' H Hre Hty Ht' Ht Hevm'; induction p; cbn [unify_pattern' related_unification_resultT' unification_resultT' rawexpr_interp_related app_transport_with_unification_resultT'_cps pattern_default_interp'] in *.
+ all: repeat
+ ((unshelve
+ (repeat first [ progress intros
+ | rewrite pident_unify_unknown_correct in *
+ | progress cbv [Option.bind option_bind'] in *
+ | progress cbn [fst snd rawexpr_interp_related eq_rect rawexpr_types_ok] in *
+ | progress inversion_option
+ | progress destruct_head'_ex
+ | progress destruct_head'_and
+ | progress inversion_sigma
+ | progress subst
+ | progress eliminate_hprop_eq
+ | progress specialize_by_assumption
+ | progress specialize_by eauto using rawexpr_types_ok_for_type_of_rawexpr
+ | exfalso; assumption
+ | assumption
+ | match goal with
+ | [ |- ?x = ?x ] => reflexivity
+ | [ |- { x : _ | _ = x } ] => eexists; reflexivity
+ | [ |- exists x, _ = x /\ _ ] => eexists; split; [ reflexivity | ]
+ | [ |- exists x, _ /\ Some x = Some _ ] => eexists; split; [ | reflexivity ]
+ end
+ | progress cps_id'_with_option unify_pattern'_cps_id
+ | progress cps_id'_with_option app_transport_with_unification_resultT'_cps_id
+ | progress rewrite_type_transport_correct
+ | progress type_beq_to_eq
+ | rewrite app_lam_type_of_list
+ | break_innermost_match_hyps_step
+ | break_innermost_match_step
+ | match goal with
+ | [ |- exists x : _ * _, (_ /\ _) /\ _ ] => eexists (_, _); split; [ split; eassumption | ]
+ | [ |- exists res, value_interp_related (value_of_rawexpr _) res ]
+ => eexists; eapply value_of_rawexpr_interp_related; eassumption
+ | [ |- value_interp_related (value_of_rawexpr _) _ ]
+ => eapply value_of_rawexpr_interp_related; eassumption
+ | [ |- Some _ = Some _ ] => apply f_equal
+ | [ H : context[eq_type_of_rawexpr_of_types_match_with' ?H1 ?H2] |- _ ]
+ => generalize dependent (eq_type_of_rawexpr_of_types_match_with' H1 H2)
+ | [ H : context[rew ?pf in _] |- _ ]
+ => tryif is_var pf then destruct pf else generalize dependent pf
+ | [ |- context[rew ?pf in _] ]
+ => tryif is_var pf then destruct pf else generalize dependent pf
+ | [ |- context[rew _ in rew _ in _] ]
+ => rewrite <- eq_trans_rew_distr
+ | [ |- (rew ?pf1 in ?f) (rew ?pf2 in ?x) = ?f ?x ]
+ => clear; cbv [eq_rect]
+ end
+ | progress cbn [type_of_rawexpr expr.interp types_match_with pattern.type.subst pattern.type.subst_default] in *
+ | erewrite pident_unify_to_typed' with (pf:=eq_refl) by eassumption
+ | break_match_step ltac:(fun _ => idtac)
+ | progress fold (@with_unification_resultT') in *
+ | match goal with
+ | [ H : context[app_transport_with_unification_resultT'_cps (pattern_default_interp' _ ?evm1v ?kv) ?argsv ?Tv ?k'v] |- _ ]
+ => lazymatch kv with
+ | @id _ => fail
+ | (fun x => x) => fail
+ | _ => idtac
+ end;
+ rewrite (@app_transport_with_unification_resultT'_pattern_default_interp'_cps_id _ _ _ _ _ argsv kv Tv k'v) in H
+ | [ |- context[app_transport_with_unification_resultT'_cps (pattern_default_interp' _ ?evm1v ?kv) ?argsv ?Tv ?k'v] ]
+ => lazymatch kv with
+ | @id _ => fail
+ | (fun x => x) => fail
+ | _ => idtac
+ end;
+ setoid_rewrite (@app_transport_with_unification_resultT'_pattern_default_interp'_cps_id _ _ _ _ _ argsv kv Tv k'v)
+ | [ H : app_transport_with_unification_resultT'_cps ?f ?x _ (@Some _) = ?a,
+ H' : app_transport_with_unification_resultT'_cps ?f' ?x _ (@Some _) = ?a'
+ |- _ ]
+ => unify f f';
+ assert (a = a') by (etransitivity; (idtac + symmetry); eassumption);
+ clear H'
+ | [ H : context[ex _] |- _ ]
+ => unshelve edestruct H; clear H;
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | [ |- rawexpr_types_ok _ _ ] => eapply rawexpr_types_ok_for_type_of_rawexpr; eassumption
+ | [ |- unify_pattern' _ _ _ _ _ = Some _ ] => eassumption
+ | [ |- types_match_with ?evm _ _ ] => tryif is_evar evm then idtac else assumption
+ | [ |- rawexpr_interp_related _ _ ] => eassumption
+ | _ => idtac
+ end; shelve_unifiable;
+ [ shelve.. | ]
+ | [ |- type_of_rawexpr _ = _ ] => solve [ solve_side_condition_equations ]
+ | [ |- types_match_with _ _ _ ] => solve [ solve_side_condition_equations ]
+ end ]));
+ shelve_unifiable).
+ 1-2:match goal with
+ | [ H : ?x == ?y |- ?x = ?y ]
+ => apply (type.eqv_iff_eq_of_funext (fun _ _ => functional_extensionality)), H
+ end.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma interp_unify_pattern {t re p v res}
+ (Hre : rawexpr_interp_related re v)
+ (Ht' : rawexpr_types_ok re (type_of_rawexpr re))
+ (H : @unify_pattern t re p _ (@Some _) = Some res)
+ (evm' := mk_new_evm (projT1 res) (pattern_collect_vars p))
+ : exists resv,
+ unification_resultT_interp_related res resv
+ /\ exists Hty, (app_with_unification_resultT_cps (@pattern_default_interp t p) resv _ (@Some _) = Some (existT (fun evm => type.interp base.interp (pattern.type.subst_default t evm)) evm' (rew Hty in v))).
+ Proof using pident_unify_unknown_correct pident_unify_to_typed.
+ subst evm'; cbv [unify_pattern unification_resultT_interp_related unification_resultT related_unification_resultT app_with_unification_resultT_cps pattern_default_interp] in *.
+ repeat
+ (unshelve
+ (repeat first [ progress cbv [Option.bind related_sigT_by_eq] in *
+ | progress cbn [projT1 projT2 eq_rect] in *
+ | progress destruct_head'_ex
+ | progress destruct_head'_and
+ | progress inversion_option
+ | progress subst
+ | exfalso; assumption
+ | eassumption
+ | match goal with
+ | [ H : unify_types _ _ _ _ = Some _ |- _ ] => apply unify_types_match_with in H
+ | [ H : unify_pattern' _ _ _ _ _ = Some _, H'' : rawexpr_types_ok _ _ |- _ ]
+ => let T := type of H in
+ unique pose proof (H : id T) (* save an extra copy *);
+ epose proof (interp_unify_pattern' _ H _ H'')
+ | [ H : pattern.type.app_forall_vars (pattern.type.lam_forall_vars _) _ = Some _ |- _ ] => pose proof (pattern.type.app_forall_vars_lam_forall_vars H); clear H
+ | [ H : pattern.type.app_forall_vars (pattern.type.lam_forall_vars _) _ = None |- None = Some _ ]
+ => exfalso; revert H;
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | [ |- ?x = None -> False ]
+ => change (x <> None)
+ end;
+ rewrite app_lam_forall_vars_not_None_iff
+ end
+ | progress cps_id'_with_option unify_types_cps_id
+ | progress cps_id'_with_option unify_pattern'_cps_id
+ | progress cps_id'_with_option app_transport_with_unification_resultT'_cps_id
+ | break_innermost_match_hyps_step
+ | break_innermost_match_step
+ | match goal with
+ | [ |- exists x : sigT _, _ ] => eexists (existT _ _ _)
+ | [ |- { pf : _ = _ | _ } ] => exists eq_refl
+ | [ |- { pf : _ = _ & _ } ] => exists eq_refl
+ | [ |- _ /\ _ ] => split
+ | [ |- Some _ = Some _ ] => apply f_equal
+ | [ |- existT _ _ _ = existT _ _ _ ] => apply Sigma.path_sigT_uncurried
+ | [ H : forall x : rawexpr_types_ok ?a ?b, _, H' : rawexpr_types_ok ?a ?b |- _ ] => specialize (H H')
+ end
+ | break_match_step ltac:(fun _ => idtac)
+ | reflexivity
+ | progress intros
+ | eapply mem_pattern_collect_vars_types_match_with; eassumption
+ | exists (eq_type_of_rawexpr_of_types_match_with' ltac:(eassumption) ltac:(eassumption))
+ | match goal with
+ | [ |- rew ?pf in _ = rew ?pf' in _ ]
+ => cut (pf = pf'); generalize pf pf'; [ intros; subst; reflexivity | clear; cbv beta zeta; intros ];
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | [ |- ?a = ?b :> (?x = ?y) ]
+ => generalize dependent x; generalize dependent y; intros; subst; eliminate_hprop_eq; reflexivity
+ end
+ end ])).
+ (* For 8.7 compatibility *)
+ Grab Existential Variables.
+ all: assumption.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma interp_maybe_do_again
+ (do_again : forall t : base.type, @expr.expr base.type ident value t -> UnderLets (expr t))
+ (Hdo_again : forall t e v,
+ expr.interp_related_gen ident_interp (fun t => value_interp_related) e v
+ -> UnderLets_interp_related (do_again t e) v)
+ {should_do_again : bool} {t e v}
+ (He : (if should_do_again return @expr.expr _ _ (if should_do_again then _ else _) _ -> _
+ then expr.interp_related_gen ident_interp (fun t => value_interp_related)
+ else expr_interp_related) e v)
+ : UnderLets_interp_related (@maybe_do_again _ _ do_again should_do_again t e) v.
+ Proof using Type.
+ cbv [maybe_do_again]; break_innermost_match; [ apply Hdo_again | cbn [UnderLets.interp_related] ];
+ assumption.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma interp_rewrite_with_rule
+ (do_again : forall t : base.type, @expr.expr base.type ident value t -> UnderLets (expr t))
+ (Hdo_again : forall t e v,
+ expr.interp_related_gen ident_interp (fun t => value_interp_related) e v
+ -> UnderLets_interp_related (do_again t e) v)
+ (rewr : rewrite_ruleT)
+ (Hrewr : rewrite_rule_data_interp_goodT (projT2 rewr))
+ t e re v1 v2
+ (Ht : t = type_of_rawexpr re)
+ (Ht' : rawexpr_types_ok re (type_of_rawexpr re))
+ (He : expr_interp_related e v2)
+ : @rewrite_with_rule do_again t e re rewr = Some v1
+ -> rawexpr_interp_related re (rew Ht in v2)
+ -> UnderLets_interp_related v1 v2.
+ Proof using pident_unify_to_typed pident_unify_unknown_correct.
+ destruct rewr as [p r].
+ cbv [rewrite_with_rule].
+ repeat first [ match goal with
+ | [ |- Option.bind ?x _ = Some _ -> _ ]
+ => destruct x eqn:?; cbn [Option.bind]; [ | intros; solve [ inversion_option ] ]
+ end
+ | progress cps_id'_with_option unify_pattern_cps_id
+ | progress cps_id'_with_option app_with_unification_resultT_cps_id ].
+ repeat first [ break_match_step ltac:(fun v => match v with Sumbool.sumbool_of_bool _ => idtac end)
+ | progress rewrite_type_transport_correct
+ | progress type_beq_to_eq
+ | progress cbv [option_bind'] in *
+ | progress cbn [Option.bind projT1 projT2 UnderLets.interp eq_rect UnderLets_interp_related] in *
+ | progress destruct_head'_sigT
+ | progress destruct_head'_sig
+ | progress inversion_option
+ | progress subst
+ | solve [ intros; inversion_option ]
+ | rewrite UnderLets_interp_related_splice_iff
+ | match goal with
+ | [ H : Option.bind ?x _ = Some _ |- _ ]
+ => destruct x eqn:?; cbn [Option.bind] in H; [ | solve [ inversion_option ] ]
+ | [ |- expr.interp _ (UnderLets.interp _ (maybe_do_again _ _ _ _)) == _ ]
+ => apply interp_maybe_do_again_gen; [ assumption | ]
+ | [ |- context[rew ?pf in _] ] => is_var pf; destruct pf
+ end ].
+ repeat first [ progress destruct_head'_ex
+ | progress destruct_head'_sig
+ | progress destruct_head'_and
+ | exfalso; assumption
+ | progress inversion_option
+ | progress subst
+ | progress cbv [related_sigT_by_eq] in *
+ | progress cbn [projT1 projT2 eq_rect] in *
+ | match goal with
+ | [ H : unify_pattern _ _ _ _ = Some _ |- _ ] => eapply interp_unify_pattern in H; [ | eassumption | eassumption ]
+ | [ H : unification_resultT_interp_related _ _, Hrewr : rewrite_rule_data_interp_goodT _ |- _ ]
+ => specialize (Hrewr _ _ H)
+ | [ H : option_eq _ ?x ?y, H' : ?x' = Some _ |- _ ]
+ => change x with x' in H; rewrite H' in H;
+ destruct y eqn:?; cbn [option_eq] in H
+ | [ H : ?x = Some _, H' : context[?x] |- _ ] => rewrite H in H'
+ | [ H : app_with_unification_resultT_cps _ _ _ (@Some _) = Some (existT _ ?evm _) |- _ ]
+ => is_var evm;
+ let H' := fresh in
+ pose proof (projT1_app_with_unification_resultT _ H) as H';
+ cbn [projT1] in H'; subst evm
+ end
+ | progress cbv [deep_rewrite_ruleTP_gen_good_relation] in *
+ | unshelve (eapply UnderLets.splice_interp_related_of_ex; eexists (fun x => rew _ in x), _; repeat apply conj;
+ [ eassumption | intros | ]);
+ [ etransitivity; eassumption | .. ]
+ | match goal with
+ | [ H : ?R ?xv ?v
+ |- UnderLets_interp_related (fv <-- maybe_do_again _ _ _ ((rew _ in fun x => x) ?xv); _) _ ]
+ => unshelve (eapply UnderLets.splice_interp_related_of_ex;
+ eexists (fun x => rew _ in x), (rew _ in v); repeat apply conj;
+ [ eapply interp_maybe_do_again; try eassumption | | ])
+ end ].
+ all: repeat first [ assumption
+ | progress intros
+ | reflexivity
+ | progress eliminate_hprop_eq
+ | progress cbn [UnderLets.interp_related eq_rect] in *
+ | match goal with
+ | [ |- context[rew _ in rew _ in _] ]
+ => rewrite <- eq_trans_rew_distr
+ | [ |- context[rew ?pf in _] ]
+ => tryif is_var pf then destruct pf else generalize pf
+ end ].
+ Qed.
+ Lemma interp_eval_rewrite_rules
+ (do_again : forall t : base.type, @expr.expr base.type ident value t -> UnderLets (expr t))
+ (d : decision_tree)
+ (rew_rules : rewrite_rulesT)
+ (re : rawexpr) v
+ (Hre : rawexpr_types_ok re (type_of_rawexpr re))
+ (res := @eval_rewrite_rules do_again d rew_rules re)
+ (Hdo_again : forall t e v,
+ expr.interp_related_gen ident_interp (fun t => value_interp_related) e v
+ -> UnderLets_interp_related (do_again t e) v)
+ (Hr : rawexpr_interp_related re v)
+ (Hrew_rules : rewrite_rules_interp_goodT rew_rules)
+ : UnderLets_interp_related res v.
+ Proof using raw_pident_to_typed_invert_bind_args invert_bind_args_unknown_correct pident_unify_unknown_correct pident_unify_to_typed.
+ subst res; cbv [eval_rewrite_rules].
+ refine (let H := eval_decision_tree_correct d [re] _ in _).
+ destruct H as [H| [? [? [H ?] ] ] ]; rewrite H; cbn [Option.sequence Option.sequence_return UnderLets_interp_related];
+ [ now apply expr_of_rawexpr_interp_related | ]; clear H.
+ inversion_head' eqlistA.
+ unfold Option.bind at 1.
+ break_innermost_match_step; [ | cbn [Option.sequence_return UnderLets_interp_related]; now apply expr_of_rawexpr_interp_related ].
+ cbn [Option.bind Option.sequence Option.sequence_return UnderLets_interp_related].
+ match goal with
+ | [ |- ?R (Option.sequence_return ?x ?y) _ ]
+ => destruct x eqn:Hinterp
+ end; cbn [Option.sequence_return UnderLets.interp]; [ | now apply expr_of_rawexpr_interp_related ].
+ unshelve (eapply interp_rewrite_with_rule; [ | | | | eassumption | ]; try eassumption).
+ { apply eq_type_of_rawexpr_equiv; assumption. }
+ { eapply Hrew_rules, nth_error_In; rewrite <- sigT_eta; eassumption. }
+ { erewrite <- rawexpr_types_ok_iff_of_rawexpr_equiv, <- eq_type_of_rawexpr_equiv by eassumption; assumption. }
+ { apply expr_of_rawexpr_interp_related; assumption. }
+ { apply rawexpr_interp_related_Proper_rawexpr_equiv; assumption. }
+ Qed.
+ Lemma interp_assemble_identifier_rewriters'
+ (do_again : forall t : base.type, @expr.expr base.type ident value t -> UnderLets (expr t))
+ (dt : decision_tree)
+ (rew_rules : rewrite_rulesT)
+ t re K
+ (res := @assemble_identifier_rewriters' dt rew_rules do_again t re K)
+ (Hre : rawexpr_types_ok re (type_of_rawexpr re))
+ (Ht : type_of_rawexpr re = t)
+ v
+ (HK : K = (fun P v => rew [P] Ht in v))(*
+ /\ rew pf in value_of_rawexpr re = ev })*)
+ (Hdo_again : forall t e v,
+ expr.interp_related_gen ident_interp (fun t => value_interp_related) e v
+ -> UnderLets_interp_related (do_again t e) v)
+ (Hrew_rules : rewrite_rules_interp_goodT rew_rules)
+ (Hr : rawexpr_interp_related re v)
+ : value_interp_related res (rew Ht in v).
+ Proof using raw_pident_to_typed_invert_bind_args_type raw_pident_to_typed_invert_bind_args invert_bind_args_unknown_correct pident_unify_unknown_correct pident_unify_to_typed.
+ subst K res.
+ revert dependent re; induction t as [t|s IHs d IHd]; cbn [assemble_identifier_rewriters' value'_interp];
+ intros; fold (@type.interp).
+ { cbn [value_interp_related].
+ destruct Ht; cbn [eq_rect].
+ apply interp_eval_rewrite_rules; [ | exact Hdo_again | | ]; assumption. }
+ { cbn [value_interp_related].
+ intros x1 x2 Hx.
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | [ |- context[assemble_identifier_rewriters' _ _ _ _ ?re ?K] ] => apply (IHd re eq_refl); clear IHd
+ end.
+ { cbv [rValueOrExpr2]; destruct s; cbn.
+ all: repeat apply conj; try reflexivity.
+ all: repeat match goal with
+ | [ H : _ = _ |- _ ] => revert H
+ | [ H : rawexpr_types_ok _ _ |- _ ] => revert H
+ end.
+ all: clear.
+ all: generalize dependent (type_of_rawexpr re); intros; subst; assumption. }
+ cbn [rawexpr_interp_related type.interp type_of_rawexpr].
+ do 2 eexists.
+ exists (eq_sym Ht).
+ unshelve eexists.
+ { clear; cbv [rValueOrExpr2 type_of_rawexpr]; destruct s; reflexivity. }
+ repeat apply conj.
+ all: repeat first [ instantiate (1:=ltac:(eassumption))
+ | match goal with
+ | [ |- expr_interp_related (rew [?P] ?H in ?v) ?ev ]
+ => is_evar ev;
+ refine (_ : expr_interp_related (rew [P] H in v) (rew [type.interp base.interp] H in _))
+ end
+ | assumption
+ | progress cbv [eq_sym eq_rect]
+ | break_innermost_match_step
+ | reflexivity
+ | apply expr_of_rawexpr_interp_related
+ | apply reify_interp_related ]. }
+ Qed.
+ Lemma interp_assemble_identifier_rewriters
+ (do_again : forall t : base.type, @expr.expr base.type ident value t -> UnderLets (expr t))
+ (d : decision_tree)
+ (rew_rules : rewrite_rulesT)
+ t idc v
+ (res := @assemble_identifier_rewriters d rew_rules do_again t idc)
+ (Hdo_again : forall t e v,
+ expr.interp_related_gen ident_interp (fun t => value_interp_related) e v
+ -> UnderLets_interp_related (do_again t e) v)
+ (Hrew_rules : rewrite_rules_interp_goodT rew_rules)
+ (Hv : ident_interp t idc == v)
+ : value_interp_related res v.
+ Proof using eta_ident_cps_correct raw_pident_to_typed_invert_bind_args_type raw_pident_to_typed_invert_bind_args invert_bind_args_unknown_correct pident_unify_unknown_correct pident_unify_to_typed.
+ subst res; cbv [assemble_identifier_rewriters].
+ rewrite eta_ident_cps_correct.
+ match goal with
+ | [ |- ?R (assemble_identifier_rewriters' ?d ?rew_rules ?do_again ?t ?re' ?K) _ ]
+ => apply interp_assemble_identifier_rewriters' with (re:=re') (Ht:=eq_refl)
+ end.
+ all: cbn [rawexpr_interp_related expr.interp rawexpr_types_ok type_of_rawexpr].
+ all: try solve [ reflexivity
+ | assumption
+ | auto ].
+ Qed.
+ End with_interp.
+ Section with_cast.
+ Context (cast_outside_of_range : ZRange.zrange -> Z -> Z).
+ Local Notation var := (type.interp base.interp).
+ Local Notation ident_interp := (@ident.gen_interp cast_outside_of_range).
+ Local Notation value_interp_related := (@value_interp_related ident (@ident_interp)).
+ Local Notation expr_interp_related := (@expr.interp_related _ ident _ (@ident_interp)).
+ Section with_rewrite_head.
+ Context (rewrite_head : forall t (idc : ident t), value_with_lets t)
+ (interp_rewrite_head : forall t idc v, ident_interp idc == v -> value_interp_related (rewrite_head t idc) v).
+ Lemma interp_rewrite_bottomup {t e v}
+ (He : expr.interp_related_gen (@ident_interp) (fun t => value_interp_related) e v)
+ : value_interp_related (@rewrite_bottomup var rewrite_head t e) v.
+ Proof using interp_rewrite_head.
+ induction e; cbn [rewrite_bottomup value_interp_related expr.interp_related_gen] in *; auto.
+ all: repeat first [ apply interp_Base_value
+ | eassumption
+ | progress cbv beta
+ | progress intros
+ | progress destruct_head'_ex
+ | progress destruct_head'_and
+ | progress subst
+ | match goal with
+ | [ IH : forall v, expr.interp_related_gen _ _ ?e v -> _, H' : expr.interp_related_gen _ _ ?e _ |- _ ]
+ => specialize (IH _ H')
+ end
+ | apply reflect_interp_related
+ | eapply interp_splice_value_with_lets_of_ex;
+ do 2 eexists; repeat apply conj; [ eassumption | | reflexivity ]
+ | eapply @interp_splice_under_lets_with_value_of_ex with (R:=expr_interp_related);
+ do 2 eexists; repeat apply conj
+ | apply interp_reify_and_let_binds
+ | apply UnderLets.reify_and_let_binds_base_interp_related
+ | match goal with
+ | [ H : _ |- _ ] => eapply H; clear H
+ | [ |- ?f ?x = ?f ?y ] => is_evar x; reflexivity
+ | [ |- ?x = ?x ] => reflexivity
+ end ].
+ Qed.
+ End with_rewrite_head.
+ Local Notation nbe := (@rewrite_bottomup var (fun t idc => reflect (expr.Ident idc))).
+ Lemma interp_nbe {t e v}
+ (He : expr.interp_related_gen (@ident_interp) (fun t => value_interp_related) e v)
+ : value_interp_related (@nbe t e) v.
+ Proof using Type.
+ eapply interp_rewrite_bottomup; try eassumption.
+ intros; apply reflect_interp_related; cbv [expr.interp_related]; cbn [expr.interp_related_gen]; assumption.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma interp_repeat_rewrite
+ {rewrite_head fuel t e v}
+ (retT := value_interp_related (@repeat_rewrite _ rewrite_head fuel t e) v)
+ (Hrewrite_head
+ : forall do_again
+ (Hdo_again : forall t e v,
+ expr.interp_related_gen (@ident_interp) (fun t => value_interp_related) e v
+ -> UnderLets.interp_related (@ident_interp) (expr.interp_related (@ident_interp)) (do_again t e) v)
+ t idc v,
+ ident_interp idc == v
+ -> value_interp_related (@rewrite_head do_again t idc) v)
+ (He : expr.interp_related_gen (@ident_interp) (fun t => value_interp_related) e v)
+ : retT.
+ Proof using Type.
+ subst retT.
+ revert rewrite_head t e v Hrewrite_head He.
+ induction fuel as [|fuel IH]; cbn [repeat_rewrite]; intros;
+ apply interp_rewrite_bottomup; auto; intros;
+ apply Hrewrite_head; auto; intros.
+ { refine (@interp_nbe (type.base _) _ _ _); assumption. }
+ { refine (IH _ (type.base _) _ _ _ _); auto. }
+ Qed.
+ Lemma interp_related_rewrite
+ {rewrite_head fuel t e v}
+ (retT := expr.interp_related (@ident_interp) (@rewrite _ rewrite_head fuel t e) v)
+ (Hrewrite_head
+ : forall do_again
+ (Hdo_again : forall t e v,
+ expr.interp_related_gen (@ident_interp) (fun t => value_interp_related) e v
+ -> UnderLets.interp_related (@ident_interp) (expr.interp_related (@ident_interp)) (do_again t e) v)
+ t idc v,
+ ident_interp idc == v
+ -> value_interp_related (@rewrite_head do_again t idc) v)
+ (He : expr.interp_related_gen (@ident_interp) (fun t => value_interp_related) e v)
+ : retT.
+ Proof using Type.
+ subst retT; cbv [rewrite].
+ apply reify_interp_related, interp_repeat_rewrite; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma interp_rewrite
+ {rewrite_head fuel G t e1 e2}
+ (retT := expr.interp (@ident_interp) (@rewrite _ rewrite_head fuel t e1) == expr.interp (@ident_interp) e2)
+ (Hrewrite_head
+ : forall do_again
+ (Hdo_again : forall t e v,
+ expr.interp_related_gen (@ident_interp) (fun t => value_interp_related) e v
+ -> UnderLets.interp_related (@ident_interp) (expr.interp_related (@ident_interp)) (do_again t e) v)
+ t idc v,
+ ident_interp idc == v
+ -> value_interp_related (@rewrite_head do_again t idc) v)
+ (HG : forall t v1 v2, List.In (existT _ t (v1, v2)) G -> value_interp_related v1 v2)
+ (Hwf : expr.wf G e1 e2)
+ : retT.
+ Proof using Type.
+ apply expr.eqv_of_interp_related, interp_related_rewrite; try assumption; [].
+ eapply expr.interp_related_gen_of_wf; eassumption.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma InterpRewrite
+ {rewrite_head fuel t e}
+ (retT := expr.Interp (@ident_interp) (@Rewrite rewrite_head fuel t e) == expr.Interp (@ident_interp) e)
+ (Hrewrite_head
+ : forall do_again
+ (Hdo_again : forall t e v,
+ expr.interp_related_gen (@ident_interp) (fun t => value_interp_related) e v
+ -> UnderLets.interp_related (@ident_interp) (expr.interp_related (@ident_interp)) (do_again t e) v)
+ t idc v,
+ ident_interp idc == v
+ -> value_interp_related (@rewrite_head _ do_again t idc) v)
+ (Hwf : expr.Wf e)
+ : retT.
+ Proof using Type.
+ subst retT; cbv [Rewrite expr.Interp].
+ eapply interp_rewrite; eauto; cbn [List.In]; tauto.
+ Qed.
+ End with_cast.
+ End Compile.
+ End RewriteRules.
+End Compilers.
diff --git a/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/RewriterProofs.v b/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/RewriterProofs.v
index 3857c8520..888e8f8fb 100644
--- a/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/RewriterProofs.v
+++ b/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/RewriterProofs.v
@@ -12,7 +12,9 @@ Require Import Crypto.Experiments.NewPipeline.GENERATEDIdentifiersWithoutTypesPr
Require Import Crypto.Experiments.NewPipeline.Rewriter.
Require Import Crypto.Experiments.NewPipeline.RewriterWf1.
Require Import Crypto.Experiments.NewPipeline.RewriterWf2.
+Require Import Crypto.Experiments.NewPipeline.RewriterInterpProofs1.
Require Import Crypto.Experiments.NewPipeline.RewriterRulesGood.
+Require Import Crypto.Experiments.NewPipeline.RewriterRulesInterpGood.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.BreakMatch.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SplitInContext.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SpecializeAllWays.
@@ -38,13 +40,17 @@ Module Compilers.
Import Rewriter.Compilers.
Import RewriterWf1.Compilers.
Import RewriterWf2.Compilers.
+ Import RewriterInterpProofs1.Compilers.
Import RewriterRulesGood.Compilers.
+ Import RewriterRulesInterpGood.Compilers.
Import expr.Notations.
Import defaults.
Import Rewriter.Compilers.RewriteRules.
Import RewriterWf1.Compilers.RewriteRules.
Import RewriterWf2.Compilers.RewriteRules.
+ Import RewriterInterpProofs1.Compilers.RewriteRules.
Import RewriterRulesGood.Compilers.RewriteRules.
+ Import RewriterRulesInterpGood.Compilers.RewriteRules.
Module Import RewriteRules.
@@ -65,7 +71,13 @@ Module Compilers.
with nocore;
try reflexivity.
Local Ltac start_Interp_proof rewrite_head_eq all_rewrite_rules_eq rewrite_head0 :=
- start_Wf_or_interp_proof rewrite_head_eq all_rewrite_rules_eq rewrite_head0.
+ start_Wf_or_interp_proof rewrite_head_eq all_rewrite_rules_eq rewrite_head0;
+ eapply Compile.InterpRewrite; [ | assumption ];
+ intros; eapply Compile.interp_assemble_identifier_rewriters with (pident_to_typed:=@pattern.ident.to_typed);
+ eauto using
+ pattern.Raw.ident.to_typed_invert_bind_args, pattern.ident.eta_ident_cps_correct, pattern.ident.unify_to_typed,
+ @ident.gen_interp_Proper, eq_refl
+ with nocore.
Lemma Wf_RewriteNBE {t} e (Hwf : Wf e) : Wf (@RewriteNBE t e).
@@ -106,20 +118,23 @@ Module Compilers.
== expr.Interp (@ident.gen_interp cast_outside_of_range) e.
start_Interp_proof nbe_rewrite_head_eq nbe_all_rewrite_rules_eq (@nbe_rewrite_head0).
- Admitted.
+ apply nbe_rewrite_rules_interp_good.
+ Qed.
Lemma Interp_gen_RewriteArith {cast_outside_of_range} (max_const_val : Z) {t} e (Hwf : Wf e)
: expr.Interp (@ident.gen_interp cast_outside_of_range) (@RewriteArith max_const_val t e)
== expr.Interp (@ident.gen_interp cast_outside_of_range) e.
start_Interp_proof arith_rewrite_head_eq arith_all_rewrite_rules_eq (@arith_rewrite_head0).
- Admitted.
+ apply arith_rewrite_rules_interp_good.
+ Qed.
Lemma Interp_gen_RewriteArithWithCasts {cast_outside_of_range} {t} e (Hwf : Wf e)
: expr.Interp (@ident.gen_interp cast_outside_of_range) (@RewriteArithWithCasts t e)
== expr.Interp (@ident.gen_interp cast_outside_of_range) e.
start_Interp_proof arith_with_casts_rewrite_head_eq arith_with_casts_all_rewrite_rules_eq (@arith_with_casts_rewrite_head0).
- Admitted.
+ apply arith_with_casts_rewrite_rules_interp_good.
+ Qed.
Lemma Interp_gen_RewriteToFancy {cast_outside_of_range} (invert_low invert_high : Z -> Z -> option Z)
(Hlow : forall s v v', invert_low s v = Some v' -> v = Z.land v' (2^(s/2)-1))
@@ -129,7 +144,8 @@ Module Compilers.
== expr.Interp (@ident.gen_interp cast_outside_of_range) e.
start_Interp_proof fancy_rewrite_head_eq fancy_all_rewrite_rules_eq (@fancy_rewrite_head0).
- Admitted.
+ eapply fancy_rewrite_rules_interp_good; eassumption.
+ Qed.
Lemma Interp_gen_RewriteToFancyWithCasts {cast_outside_of_range} (invert_low invert_high : Z -> Z -> option Z)
(value_range flag_range : ZRange.zrange)
@@ -140,7 +156,8 @@ Module Compilers.
== expr.Interp (@ident.gen_interp cast_outside_of_range) e.
start_Interp_proof fancy_with_casts_rewrite_head_eq fancy_with_casts_all_rewrite_rules_eq (@fancy_with_casts_rewrite_head0).
- Admitted.
+ eapply fancy_with_casts_rewrite_rules_interp_good; eassumption.
+ Qed.
Lemma Interp_RewriteNBE {t} e (Hwf : Wf e) : Interp (@RewriteNBE t e) == Interp e.
Proof. apply Interp_gen_RewriteNBE; assumption. Qed.