diff options
4 files changed, 67 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 92de63668..8a3f2cac4 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -545,8 +545,9 @@ $(STANDALONE:%=src/Experiments/NewPipeline/ExtractionHaskell/%.hs) : %.hs : %.v
$(HIDE)sed 's/\r\n/\n/g; s/\r//g' $@.tmp | sed -f src/Experiments/NewPipeline/haskell.sed > $@ && rm -f $@.tmp
+# pass -w -20 to disable the unused argument warning
$(STANDALONE:%=src/Experiments/NewPipeline/ExtractionOCaml/%) : % : %.ml
- $(TIMER_FULL) ocamlopt -o $@ $<
+ $(TIMER_FULL) ocamlopt -w -20 -o $@ $<
$(STANDALONE:%=src/Experiments/NewPipeline/ExtractionHaskell/%) : % : %.hs
$(TIMER_FULL) $(GHC) $(GHCFLAGS) -o $@ $<
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 697eaceed..05fe28067 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -31,13 +31,15 @@ The binaries generating these C files can be made with
make standalone
+or `make standalone-haskell` or `make standalone-ocaml` for binaries generated with just one compiler.
The binaries are located in
- src/Experiments/NewPipeline/ExtractionOCaml/
+ src/Experiments/NewPipeline/ExtractionHaskell/
The binaries are:
@@ -45,8 +47,17 @@ The binaries are:
- `unsaturated_solinas`
- `word_by_word_montgomery`
-See the Makefile for examples of how to invoke these binaries.
+Passing no arguments, or passing `-h` or `--help` (or any other invalid arguments) will result in a usage message being printed. These binaries output C code on stdout.
+Here are some examples of ways to invoke the binaries (from the directories that they live in):
+ # Generate code for 2^255-19
+ ./unsaturated_solinas '25519' '5' '2^255' '1,19' '64' carry_mul carry_square carry_scmul121666 carry add sub opp selectznz to_bytes from_bytes > curve25519_64.c
+ ./unsaturated_solinas '25519' '10' '2^255' '1,19' '32' carry_mul carry_square carry_scmul121666 carry add sub opp selectznz to_bytes from_bytes > curve25519_32.c
+ # Generate code for NIST-P256 (2^256 - 2^224 + 2^192 + 2^96 - 1)
+ ./word_by_word_montgomery 'p256' '2^256' '2^224,1;2^192,-1;2^96,-1;1,1' '32' > p256_32.c
+ ./word_by_word_montgomery 'p256' '2^256' '2^224,1;2^192,-1;2^96,-1;1,1' '64' > p256_64.c
Old Pipeline
diff --git a/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/CLI.v b/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/CLI.v
index f82d9e2a6..524def965 100644
--- a/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/CLI.v
+++ b/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/CLI.v
@@ -105,6 +105,21 @@ Module ForExtraction.
=> inr [res]
+ Definition curve_description_help
+ := " curve_description A string which will be prefixed to every function name generated".
+ Definition n_help
+ := " n The number of limbs".
+ Definition s_help
+ := " s The largest component of the prime (e.g., '2^255' in '2^255-19')".
+ Definition c_help
+ := " c The semi-colon separated list of taps, each of which is specified as weight,value (no parentheses) (e.g., '2^96,1;1,-1' in '2^224 - 2^96 + 1')".
+ Definition machine_wordsize_help
+ := " machine_wordsize The machine bitwidth (e.g., 32 or 64)".
+ Definition function_to_synthesize_help (valid_names : string)
+ := " function_to_synthesize A list of functions that should be synthesized. If no functions are given, all functions are synthesized."
+ ++ String.NewLine ++
+ " Valid options are " ++ valid_names.
Module UnsaturatedSolinas.
Definition PipelineLines
(curve_description : string)
@@ -201,8 +216,18 @@ Module ForExtraction.
| nil => error ["empty argv"]
| prog::args
- => error ["Expected arguments curve_description, n, s, c, machine_wordsize, [function_to_synthesize*] got " ++ show false (List.length args) ++ " arguments in " ++ prog]
+ => error ["Expected arguments curve_description, n, s, c, machine_wordsize, [function_to_synthesize*] got " ++ show false (List.length args) ++ " arguments in " ++ prog;
+ "";
+ curve_description_help;
+ n_help;
+ s_help;
+ c_help;
+ machine_wordsize_help;
+ function_to_synthesize_help UnsaturatedSolinas.valid_names;
+ ""]
End UnsaturatedSolinas.
Module WordByWordMontgomery.
@@ -302,7 +327,14 @@ Module ForExtraction.
| nil => error ["empty argv"]
| prog::args
- => error ["Expected arguments curve_description, s, c, machine_wordsize, [function_to_synthesize*] got " ++ show false (List.length args) ++ " arguments in " ++ prog]
+ => error ["Expected arguments curve_description, s, c, machine_wordsize, [function_to_synthesize*] got " ++ show false (List.length args) ++ " arguments in " ++ prog;
+ "";
+ curve_description_help;
+ s_help;
+ c_help;
+ machine_wordsize_help;
+ function_to_synthesize_help WordByWordMontgomery.valid_names;
+ ""]
End WordByWordMontgomery.
@@ -396,7 +428,14 @@ Module ForExtraction.
| nil => error ["empty argv"]
| prog::args
- => error ["Expected arguments curve_description, s, c, machine_wordsize, [function_to_synthesize*] got " ++ show false (List.length args) ++ " arguments in " ++ prog]
+ => error ["Expected arguments curve_description, s, c, machine_wordsize, [function_to_synthesize*] got " ++ show false (List.length args) ++ " arguments in " ++ prog;
+ "";
+ curve_description_help;
+ s_help;
+ c_help;
+ machine_wordsize_help;
+ function_to_synthesize_help SaturatedSolinas.valid_names;
+ ""]
End SaturatedSolinas.
End ForExtraction.
diff --git a/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Toplevel1.v b/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Toplevel1.v
index 6eeee9f48..3f8da3a1a 100644
--- a/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Toplevel1.v
+++ b/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Toplevel1.v
@@ -1893,6 +1893,9 @@ Module Import UnsaturatedSolinas.
("to_bytes", srto_bytes);
("from_bytes", srfrom_bytes)].
+ Definition valid_names : string
+ := Eval compute in String.concat ", " (List.map (@fst _ _) known_functions) ++ ", or 'carry_scmul' followed by a decimal literal".
Definition synthesize_of_name (function_name_prefix : string) (name : string)
: string * ErrorT Pipeline.ErrorMessage (list string * ToString.C.ident_infos)
:= fold_right
@@ -1904,7 +1907,7 @@ Module Import UnsaturatedSolinas.
- ("Unrecognized request to synthesize """ ++ name ++ """; valid names are " ++ String.concat ", " (List.map (@fst _ _) known_functions) ++ ", or 'carry_scmul' followed by a decimal literal."))))
+ ("Unrecognized request to synthesize """ ++ name ++ """; valid names are " ++ valid_names ++ "."))))
(fun '(expected_name, resf) => if string_beq name expected_name then Some (resf function_name_prefix) else None)
@@ -2967,6 +2970,8 @@ Module WordByWordMontgomery.
("to_bytes", srto_bytes);
("from_bytes", srfrom_bytes)].
+ Definition valid_names : string := Eval compute in String.concat ", " (List.map (@fst _ _) known_functions).
Definition synthesize_of_name (function_name_prefix : string) (name : string)
: string * ErrorT Pipeline.ErrorMessage (list string * ToString.C.ident_infos)
:= fold_right
@@ -2978,7 +2983,7 @@ Module WordByWordMontgomery.
- ("Unrecognized request to synthesize """ ++ name ++ """; valid names are " ++ String.concat ", " (List.map (@fst _ _) known_functions)))))
+ ("Unrecognized request to synthesize """ ++ name ++ """; valid names are " ++ valid_names ++ "."))))
(fun '(expected_name, resf) => if string_beq name expected_name then Some (resf function_name_prefix) else None)
@@ -3151,6 +3156,8 @@ Module SaturatedSolinas.
Definition known_functions
:= [("mulmod", srmulmod)].
+ Definition valid_names : string := Eval compute in String.concat ", " (List.map (@fst _ _) known_functions).
Definition synthesize_of_name (function_name_prefix : string) (name : string)
: string * ErrorT Pipeline.ErrorMessage (list string * ToString.C.ident_infos)
:= fold_right
@@ -3162,7 +3169,7 @@ Module SaturatedSolinas.
- ("Unrecognized request to synthesize """ ++ name ++ """; valid names are " ++ String.concat ", " (List.map (@fst _ _) known_functions) ++ "."))))
+ ("Unrecognized request to synthesize """ ++ name ++ """; valid names are " ++ valid_names ++ "."))))
(fun '(expected_name, resf) => if string_beq name expected_name then Some (resf function_name_prefix) else None)