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20 files changed, 2112 insertions, 1400 deletions
diff --git a/_CoqProject b/_CoqProject
index 4b36c103b..ffb532390 100644
--- a/_CoqProject
+++ b/_CoqProject
@@ -2,11 +2,15 @@
-R Bedrock Bedrock
@@ -17,8 +21,6 @@ src/Encoding/ModularWordEncodingTheorems.v
@@ -36,7 +38,6 @@ src/Spec/Encoding.v
@@ -46,5 +47,6 @@ src/Util/ListUtil.v
diff --git a/src/Algebra.v b/src/Algebra.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..27c0d2e59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Algebra.v
@@ -0,0 +1,594 @@
+Require Import Coq.Classes.Morphisms. Require Coq.Setoids.Setoid.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics Crypto.Nsatz.
+Local Close Scope nat_scope. Local Close Scope type_scope. Local Close Scope core_scope.
+Section Algebra.
+ Context {T:Type} {eq:T->T->Prop}.
+ Local Infix "=" := eq : type_scope. Local Notation "a <> b" := (not (a = b)) : type_scope.
+ Class is_eq_dec := { eq_dec : forall x y : T, {x=y} + {x<>y} }.
+ Section SingleOperation.
+ Context {op:T->T->T}.
+ Class is_associative := { associative : forall x y z, op x (op y z) = op (op x y) z }.
+ Context {id:T}.
+ Class is_left_identity := { left_identity : forall x, op id x = x }.
+ Class is_right_identity := { right_identity : forall x, op x id = x }.
+ Class monoid :=
+ {
+ monoid_is_associative : is_associative;
+ monoid_is_left_identity : is_left_identity;
+ monoid_is_right_identity : is_right_identity;
+ monoid_op_Proper: Proper (respectful eq (respectful eq eq)) op;
+ monoid_Equivalence : Equivalence eq;
+ monoid_is_eq_dec : is_eq_dec
+ }.
+ Global Existing Instance monoid_is_associative.
+ Global Existing Instance monoid_is_left_identity.
+ Global Existing Instance monoid_is_right_identity.
+ Global Existing Instance monoid_Equivalence.
+ Global Existing Instance monoid_is_eq_dec.
+ Global Existing Instance monoid_op_Proper.
+ Context {inv:T->T}.
+ Class is_left_inverse := { left_inverse : forall x, op (inv x) x = id }.
+ Class is_right_inverse := { right_inverse : forall x, op x (inv x) = id }.
+ Class group :=
+ {
+ group_monoid : monoid;
+ group_is_left_inverse : is_left_inverse;
+ group_is_right_inverse : is_right_inverse;
+ group_inv_Proper: Proper (respectful eq eq) inv
+ }.
+ Global Existing Instance group_monoid.
+ Global Existing Instance group_is_left_inverse.
+ Global Existing Instance group_is_right_inverse.
+ Global Existing Instance group_inv_Proper.
+ Class is_commutative := { commutative : forall x y, op x y = op y x }.
+ Record abelian_group :=
+ {
+ abelian_group_group : group;
+ abelian_group_is_commutative : is_commutative
+ }.
+ Existing Class abelian_group.
+ Global Existing Instance abelian_group_group.
+ Global Existing Instance abelian_group_is_commutative.
+ End SingleOperation.
+ Section AddMul.
+ Context {zero one:T}. Local Notation "0" := zero. Local Notation "1" := one.
+ Context {opp:T->T}. Local Notation "- x" := (opp x).
+ Context {add:T->T->T} {sub:T->T->T} {mul:T->T->T}.
+ Local Infix "+" := add. Local Infix "-" := sub. Local Infix "*" := mul.
+ Class is_left_distributive := { left_distributive : forall a b c, a * (b + c) = a * b + a * c }.
+ Class is_right_distributive := { right_distributive : forall a b c, (b + c) * a = b * a + c * a }.
+ Class ring :=
+ {
+ ring_abelian_group_add : abelian_group (op:=add) (id:=zero) (inv:=opp);
+ ring_monoid_mul : monoid (op:=mul) (id:=one);
+ ring_is_left_distributive : is_left_distributive;
+ ring_is_right_distributive : is_right_distributive;
+ ring_sub_definition : forall x y, x - y = x + opp y;
+ ring_mul_Proper : Proper (respectful eq (respectful eq eq)) mul;
+ ring_sub_Proper : Proper(respectful eq (respectful eq eq)) sub
+ }.
+ Global Existing Instance ring_abelian_group_add.
+ Global Existing Instance ring_monoid_mul.
+ Global Existing Instance ring_is_left_distributive.
+ Global Existing Instance ring_is_right_distributive.
+ Global Existing Instance ring_mul_Proper.
+ Global Existing Instance ring_sub_Proper.
+ Class commutative_ring :=
+ {
+ commutative_ring_ring : ring;
+ commutative_ring_is_commutative : is_commutative (op:=mul)
+ }.
+ Global Existing Instance commutative_ring_ring.
+ Global Existing Instance commutative_ring_is_commutative.
+ Class is_mul_nonzero_nonzero := { mul_nonzero_nonzero : forall x y, x<>0 -> y<>0 -> x*y<>0 }.
+ Class is_zero_neq_one := { zero_neq_one : zero <> one }.
+ Class integral_domain :=
+ {
+ integral_domain_commutative_ring : commutative_ring;
+ integral_domain_is_mul_nonzero_nonzero : is_mul_nonzero_nonzero;
+ integral_domain_is_zero_neq_one : is_zero_neq_one
+ }.
+ Global Existing Instance integral_domain_commutative_ring.
+ Global Existing Instance integral_domain_is_mul_nonzero_nonzero.
+ Global Existing Instance integral_domain_is_zero_neq_one.
+ Context {inv:T->T} {div:T->T->T}.
+ Class is_left_multiplicative_inverse := { left_multiplicative_inverse : forall x, x<>0 -> (inv x) * x = 1 }.
+ Class field :=
+ {
+ field_commutative_ring : commutative_ring;
+ field_is_left_multiplicative_inverse : is_left_multiplicative_inverse;
+ field_domain_is_zero_neq_one : is_zero_neq_one;
+ field_div_definition : forall x y , div x y = x * inv y;
+ field_inv_Proper : Proper (respectful eq eq) inv;
+ field_div_Proper : Proper (respectful eq (respectful eq eq)) div
+ }.
+ Global Existing Instance field_commutative_ring.
+ Global Existing Instance field_is_left_multiplicative_inverse.
+ Global Existing Instance field_domain_is_zero_neq_one.
+ Global Existing Instance field_inv_Proper.
+ Global Existing Instance field_div_Proper.
+ End AddMul.
+End Algebra.
+Module Monoid.
+ Section Monoid.
+ Context {T eq op id} {monoid:@monoid T eq op id}.
+ Local Infix "=" := eq : type_scope. Local Notation "a <> b" := (not (a = b)) : type_scope.
+ Local Infix "*" := op.
+ Lemma cancel_right z iz (Hinv:op z iz = id) :
+ forall x y, x * z = y * z <-> x = y.
+ Proof.
+ split; intros.
+ { assert (op (op x z) iz = op (op y z) iz) as Hcut by (f_equiv; assumption).
+ rewrite <-associative in Hcut.
+ rewrite <-!associative, !Hinv, !right_identity in Hcut; exact Hcut. }
+ { f_equiv; assumption. }
+ Qed.
+ Lemma cancel_left z iz (Hinv:op iz z = id) :
+ forall x y, z * x = z * y <-> x = y.
+ Proof.
+ split; intros.
+ { assert (op iz (op z x) = op iz (op z y)) as Hcut by (f_equiv; assumption).
+ rewrite !associative, !Hinv, !left_identity in Hcut; exact Hcut. }
+ { f_equiv; assumption. }
+ Qed.
+ Lemma inv_inv x ix iix : ix*x = id -> iix*ix = id -> iix = x.
+ Proof.
+ intros Hi Hii.
+ assert (H:op iix id = op iix (op ix x)) by (rewrite Hi; reflexivity).
+ rewrite associative, Hii, left_identity, right_identity in H; exact H.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma inv_op x y ix iy : ix*x = id -> iy*y = id -> (iy*ix)*(x*y) =id.
+ Proof.
+ intros Hx Hy.
+ cut (iy * (ix*x) * y = id); try intro H.
+ { rewrite <-!associative; rewrite <-!associative in H; exact H. }
+ rewrite Hx, right_identity, Hy. reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ End Monoid.
+End Monoid.
+Section ZeroNeqOne.
+ Context {T eq zero one} `{@is_zero_neq_one T eq zero one} `{Equivalence T eq}.
+ Lemma one_neq_zero : not (eq one zero).
+ Proof.
+ intro HH; symmetry in HH. auto using zero_neq_one.
+ Qed.
+End ZeroNeqOne.
+Module Group.
+ Section BasicProperties.
+ Context {T eq op id inv} `{@group T eq op id inv}.
+ Local Infix "=" := eq : type_scope. Local Notation "a <> b" := (not (a = b)) : type_scope.
+ Local Infix "*" := op.
+ Lemma cancel_left : forall z x y, z*x = z*y <-> x = y.
+ Proof. eauto using Monoid.cancel_left, left_inverse. Qed.
+ Lemma cancel_right : forall z x y, x*z = y*z <-> x = y.
+ Proof. eauto using Monoid.cancel_right, right_inverse. Qed.
+ Lemma inv_inv x : inv(inv(x)) = x.
+ Proof. eauto using Monoid.inv_inv, left_inverse. Qed.
+ Lemma inv_op x y : (inv y*inv x)*(x*y) =id.
+ Proof. eauto using Monoid.inv_op, left_inverse. Qed.
+ Lemma inv_unique x ix : ix * x = id -> ix = inv x.
+ Proof.
+ intro Hix.
+ cut (ix*x*inv x = inv x).
+ - rewrite <-associative, right_inverse, right_identity; trivial.
+ - rewrite Hix, left_identity; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma inv_id : inv id = id.
+ Proof. symmetry. eapply inv_unique, left_identity. Qed.
+ Lemma inv_nonzero_nonzero : forall x, x <> id -> inv x <> id.
+ Proof.
+ intros ? Hx Ho.
+ assert (Hxo: x * inv x = id) by (rewrite right_inverse; reflexivity).
+ rewrite Ho, right_identity in Hxo. intuition.
+ Qed.
+ Section ZeroNeqOne.
+ Context {one} `{is_zero_neq_one T eq id one}.
+ Lemma opp_one_neq_zero : inv one <> id.
+ Proof. apply inv_nonzero_nonzero, one_neq_zero. Qed.
+ Lemma zero_neq_opp_one : id <> inv one.
+ Proof. intro Hx. symmetry in Hx. eauto using opp_one_neq_zero. Qed.
+ End ZeroNeqOne.
+ End BasicProperties.
+ Section Homomorphism.
+ Context {G EQ OP ID INV} {groupG:@group G EQ OP ID INV}.
+ Context {H eq op id inv} {groupH:@group H eq op id inv}.
+ Context {phi:G->H}.
+ Local Infix "=" := eq. Local Infix "=" := eq : type_scope.
+ Class is_homomorphism :=
+ {
+ homomorphism : forall a b, phi (OP a b) = op (phi a) (phi b);
+ is_homomorphism_phi_proper : Proper (respectful EQ eq) phi
+ }.
+ Global Existing Instance is_homomorphism_phi_proper.
+ Context `{is_homomorphism}.
+ Lemma homomorphism_id : phi ID = id.
+ Proof.
+ assert (Hii: op (phi ID) (phi ID) = op (phi ID) id) by
+ (rewrite <- homomorphism, left_identity, right_identity; reflexivity).
+ rewrite cancel_left in Hii; exact Hii.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma homomorphism_inv : forall x, phi (INV x) = inv (phi x).
+ Proof.
+ Admitted.
+ End Homomorphism.
+End Group.
+Require Coq.nsatz.Nsatz.
+Ltac dropAlgebraSyntax :=
+ cbv beta delta [
+ Algebra_syntax.zero
+ Algebra_syntax.one
+ Algebra_syntax.addition
+ Algebra_syntax.multiplication
+ Algebra_syntax.subtraction
+ Algebra_syntax.opposite
+ Algebra_syntax.equality
+ Algebra_syntax.bracket
+ Algebra_syntax.power
+ ] in *.
+Ltac dropRingSyntax :=
+ dropAlgebraSyntax;
+ cbv beta delta [
+ Ncring.zero_notation
+ Ncring.one_notation
+ Ncring.add_notation
+ Ncring.mul_notation
+ Ncring.sub_notation
+ Ncring.opp_notation
+ Ncring.eq_notation
+ ] in *.
+Module Ring.
+ Section Ring.
+ Context {T eq zero one opp add sub mul} `{@ring T eq zero one opp add sub mul}.
+ Local Infix "=" := eq : type_scope. Local Notation "a <> b" := (not (a = b)) : type_scope.
+ Local Notation "0" := zero. Local Notation "1" := one.
+ Local Infix "+" := add. Local Infix "-" := sub. Local Infix "*" := mul.
+ Lemma mul_0_r : forall x, 0 * x = 0.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ assert (0*x = 0*x) as Hx by reflexivity.
+ rewrite <-(right_identity 0), right_distributive in Hx at 1.
+ assert (0*x + 0*x - 0*x = 0*x - 0*x) as Hxx by (f_equiv; exact Hx).
+ rewrite !ring_sub_definition, <-associative, right_inverse, right_identity in Hxx; exact Hxx.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma mul_0_l : forall x, x * 0 = 0.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ assert (x*0 = x*0) as Hx by reflexivity.
+ rewrite <-(left_identity 0), left_distributive in Hx at 1.
+ assert (opp (x*0) + (x*0 + x*0) = opp (x*0) + x*0) as Hxx by (f_equiv; exact Hx).
+ rewrite associative, left_inverse, left_identity in Hxx; exact Hxx.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma sub_0_l x : 0 - x = opp x.
+ Proof. rewrite ring_sub_definition. rewrite left_identity. reflexivity. Qed.
+ Lemma mul_opp_r x y : x * opp y = opp (x * y).
+ Proof.
+ assert (Ho:x*(opp y) + x*y = 0)
+ by (rewrite <-left_distributive, left_inverse, mul_0_l; reflexivity).
+ rewrite <-(left_identity (opp (x*y))), <-Ho; clear Ho.
+ rewrite <-!associative, right_inverse, right_identity; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma mul_opp_l x y : opp x * y = opp (x * y).
+ Proof.
+ assert (Ho:opp x*y + x*y = 0)
+ by (rewrite <-right_distributive, left_inverse, mul_0_r; reflexivity).
+ rewrite <-(left_identity (opp (x*y))), <-Ho; clear Ho.
+ rewrite <-!associative, right_inverse, right_identity; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Definition opp_nonzero_nonzero : forall x, x <> 0 -> opp x <> 0 := Group.inv_nonzero_nonzero.
+ Global Instance is_left_distributive_sub : is_left_distributive (eq:=eq)(add:=sub)(mul:=mul).
+ Proof.
+ split; intros. rewrite !ring_sub_definition, left_distributive.
+ eapply Group.cancel_left, mul_opp_r.
+ Qed.
+ Global Instance is_right_distributive_sub : is_right_distributive (eq:=eq)(add:=sub)(mul:=mul).
+ Proof.
+ split; intros. rewrite !ring_sub_definition, right_distributive.
+ eapply Group.cancel_left, mul_opp_l.
+ Qed.
+ Global Instance Ncring_Ring_ops : @Ncring.Ring_ops T zero one add mul sub opp eq.
+ Global Instance Ncring_Ring : @Ncring.Ring T zero one add mul sub opp eq Ncring_Ring_ops.
+ Proof.
+ split; dropRingSyntax; eauto using left_identity, right_identity, commutative, associative, right_inverse, left_distributive, right_distributive, ring_sub_definition with core typeclass_instances.
+ - (* TODO: why does [eauto using @left_identity with typeclass_instances] not work? *)
+ eapply @left_identity; eauto with typeclass_instances.
+ - eapply @right_identity; eauto with typeclass_instances.
+ - eapply associative.
+ - intros; eapply right_distributive.
+ - intros; eapply left_distributive.
+ Qed.
+ End Ring.
+ Section Homomorphism.
+ Context {S eq zero one opp add sub mul} `{@ring S eq zero one opp add sub mul}.
+ Context {phi:R->S}.
+ Local Infix "=" := eq. Local Infix "=" := eq : type_scope.
+ Class is_homomorphism :=
+ {
+ homomorphism_is_homomorphism : Group.is_homomorphism (phi:=phi) (OP:=ADD) (op:=add) (EQ:=EQ) (eq:=eq);
+ homomorphism_mul : forall x y, phi (MUL x y) = mul (phi x) (phi y);
+ homomorphism_one : phi ONE = one
+ }.
+ Global Existing Instance homomorphism_is_homomorphism.
+ Context `{is_homomorphism}.
+ Definition homomorphism_add : forall x y, phi (ADD x y) = add (phi x) (phi y) :=
+ Group.homomorphism.
+ Definition homomorphism_opp : forall x, phi (OPP x) = opp (phi x) :=
+ (Group.homomorphism_inv (INV:=OPP) (inv:=opp)).
+ Lemma homomorphism_sub : forall x y, phi (SUB x y) = sub (phi x) (phi y).
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ rewrite !ring_sub_definition, Group.homomorphism, homomorphism_opp. reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ End Homomorphism.
+ Section TacticSupportCommutative.
+ Context {T eq zero one opp add sub mul} `{@commutative_ring T eq zero one opp add sub mul}.
+ Global Instance Cring_Cring_commutative_ring :
+ @Cring.Cring T zero one add mul sub opp eq Ring.Ncring_Ring_ops Ring.Ncring_Ring.
+ Proof. unfold Cring.Cring; intros; dropRingSyntax. eapply commutative. Qed.
+ Lemma ring_theory_for_stdlib_tactic : Ring_theory.ring_theory zero one add mul sub opp eq.
+ Proof.
+ constructor; intros. (* TODO(automation): make [auto] do this? *)
+ - apply left_identity.
+ - apply commutative.
+ - apply associative.
+ - apply left_identity.
+ - apply commutative.
+ - apply associative.
+ - apply right_distributive.
+ - apply ring_sub_definition.
+ - apply right_inverse.
+ Qed.
+ End TacticSupportCommutative.
+End Ring.
+Module IntegralDomain.
+ Section IntegralDomain.
+ Context {T eq zero one opp add sub mul} `{@integral_domain T eq zero one opp add sub mul}.
+ Lemma mul_nonzero_nonzero_cases (x y : T)
+ : eq (mul x y) zero -> eq x zero \/ eq y zero.
+ Proof.
+ pose proof mul_nonzero_nonzero x y.
+ destruct (eq_dec x zero); destruct (eq_dec y zero); intuition.
+ Qed.
+ Global Instance Integral_domain :
+ @Integral_domain.Integral_domain T zero one add mul sub opp eq Ring.Ncring_Ring_ops
+ Ring.Ncring_Ring Ring.Cring_Cring_commutative_ring.
+ Proof.
+ split; dropRingSyntax.
+ - auto using mul_nonzero_nonzero_cases.
+ - intro bad; symmetry in bad; auto using zero_neq_one.
+ Qed.
+ End IntegralDomain.
+End IntegralDomain.
+Module Field.
+ Section Field.
+ Context {T eq zero one opp add mul sub inv div} `{@field T eq zero one opp add sub mul inv div}.
+ Local Infix "=" := eq : type_scope. Local Notation "a <> b" := (not (a = b)) : type_scope.
+ Local Notation "0" := zero. Local Notation "1" := one.
+ Local Infix "+" := add. Local Infix "*" := mul.
+ Global Instance is_mul_nonzero_nonzero : @is_mul_nonzero_nonzero T eq 0 mul.
+ Proof.
+ constructor. intros x y Hx Hy Hxy.
+ assert (0 = (inv y * (inv x * x)) * y) as H00. (rewrite <-!associative, Hxy, !Ring.mul_0_l; reflexivity).
+ rewrite left_multiplicative_inverse in H00 by assumption.
+ rewrite right_identity in H00.
+ rewrite left_multiplicative_inverse in H00 by assumption.
+ auto using zero_neq_one.
+ Qed.
+ Global Instance integral_domain : @integral_domain T eq zero one opp add sub mul.
+ Proof.
+ split; auto using field_commutative_ring, field_domain_is_zero_neq_one, is_mul_nonzero_nonzero.
+ Qed.
+ Require Coq.setoid_ring.Field_theory.
+ Lemma field_theory_for_stdlib_tactic : Field_theory.field_theory 0 1 add mul sub opp div inv eq.
+ Proof.
+ constructor.
+ { apply Ring.ring_theory_for_stdlib_tactic. }
+ { intro H01. symmetry in H01. auto using zero_neq_one. }
+ { apply field_div_definition. }
+ { apply left_multiplicative_inverse. }
+ Qed.
+ End Field.
+ Section Homomorphism.
+ Context {K eq zero one opp add mul sub inv div} `{@field K eq zero one opp add sub mul inv div}.
+ Context {phi:F->K}.
+ Local Infix "=" := eq. Local Infix "=" := eq : type_scope.
+ Context `{@Ring.is_homomorphism F EQ ONE ADD MUL K eq one add mul phi}.
+ Lemma homomorphism_multiplicative_inverse : forall x, phi (INV x) = inv (phi x). Admitted.
+ Lemma homomorphism_div : forall x y, phi (DIV x y) = div (phi x) (phi y).
+ Proof.
+ intros. rewrite !field_div_definition.
+ rewrite Ring.homomorphism_mul, homomorphism_multiplicative_inverse. reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ End Homomorphism.
+End Field.
+(*** Tactics for manipulating field equations *)
+Require Import Coq.setoid_ring.Field_tac.
+Ltac guess_field :=
+ match goal with
+ | |- ?eq _ _ => constr:(_:field (eq:=eq))
+ | |- not (?eq _ _) => constr:(_:field (eq:=eq))
+ | [H: ?eq _ _ |- _ ] => constr:(_:field (eq:=eq))
+ | [H: not (?eq _ _) |- _] => constr:(_:field (eq:=eq))
+ end.
+Ltac common_denominator :=
+ let fld := guess_field in
+ lazymatch type of fld with
+ field (div:=?div) =>
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | |- appcontext[div] => field_simplify_eq
+ | |- _ => idtac
+ end
+ end.
+Ltac common_denominator_in H :=
+ let fld := guess_field in
+ lazymatch type of fld with
+ field (div:=?div) =>
+ lazymatch type of H with
+ | appcontext[div] => field_simplify_eq in H
+ | _ => idtac
+ end
+ end.
+Ltac common_denominator_all :=
+ common_denominator;
+ repeat match goal with [H: _ |- _ _ _ ] => progress common_denominator_in H end.
+Inductive field_simplify_done {T} : T -> Type :=
+ Field_simplify_done : forall H, field_simplify_done H.
+Ltac field_simplify_eq_hyps :=
+ repeat match goal with
+ [ H: _ |- _ ] =>
+ match goal with
+ | [ Ha : field_simplify_done H |- _ ] => fail
+ | _ => idtac
+ end;
+ field_simplify_eq in H;
+ unique pose proof (Field_simplify_done H)
+ end;
+ repeat match goal with [ H: field_simplify_done _ |- _] => clear H end.
+Ltac field_simplify_eq_all := field_simplify_eq_hyps; try field_simplify_eq.
+(*** Polynomial equations over fields *)
+Ltac neq01 :=
+ try solve
+ [apply zero_neq_one
+ |apply Group.zero_neq_opp_one
+ |apply one_neq_zero
+ |apply Group.opp_one_neq_zero].
+Ltac field_algebra :=
+ intros;
+ common_denominator_all;
+ try (nsatz; dropRingSyntax);
+ repeat (apply conj);
+ try solve
+ [neq01
+ |trivial
+ |apply Ring.opp_nonzero_nonzero;trivial].
+Section Example.
+ Context {F zero one opp add sub mul inv div} `{F_field:field F eq zero one opp add sub mul inv div}.
+ Local Infix "+" := add. Local Infix "*" := mul. Local Infix "-" := sub. Local Infix "/" := div.
+ Local Notation "0" := zero. Local Notation "1" := one.
+ Add Field _ExampleField : (Field.field_theory_for_stdlib_tactic (T:=F)).
+ Example _example_nsatz x y : 1+1 <> 0 -> x + y = 0 -> x - y = 0 -> x = 0.
+ Proof. field_algebra. Qed.
+ Example _example_field_nsatz x y z : y <> 0 -> x/y = z -> z*y + y = x + y.
+ Proof. field_algebra. Qed.
+ Example _example_nonzero_nsatz_contradict x y : x * y = 1 -> not (x = 0).
+ Proof. intros. intro. nsatz_contradict. Qed.
+End Example.
+Section Z.
+ Require Import ZArith.
+ Global Instance ring_Z : @ring Z Logic.eq 0%Z 1%Z Z.opp Z.add Z.sub Z.mul.
+ Proof. repeat split; auto using Z.eq_dec with zarith typeclass_instances. Qed.
+ Global Instance commutative_ring_Z : @commutative_ring Z Logic.eq 0%Z 1%Z Z.opp Z.add Z.sub Z.mul.
+ Proof. eauto using @commutative_ring, @is_commutative, ring_Z with zarith. Qed.
+ Global Instance integral_domain_Z : @integral_domain Z Logic.eq 0%Z 1%Z Z.opp Z.add Z.sub Z.mul.
+ Proof.
+ split.
+ { apply commutative_ring_Z. }
+ { constructor. intros. apply Z.neq_mul_0; auto. }
+ { constructor. discriminate. }
+ Qed.
+ Example _example_nonzero_nsatz_contradict_Z x y : Z.mul x y = (Zpos xH) -> not (x = Z0).
+ Proof. intros. intro. nsatz_contradict. Qed.
+End Z. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/CompleteEdwardsCurve/CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.v b/src/CompleteEdwardsCurve/CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.v
index f70479c3a..f9a866acb 100644
--- a/src/CompleteEdwardsCurve/CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.v
+++ b/src/CompleteEdwardsCurve/CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.v
@@ -1,47 +1,33 @@
Require Export Crypto.Spec.CompleteEdwardsCurve.
-Require Import Crypto.ModularArithmetic.FField.
-Require Import Crypto.ModularArithmetic.FNsatz.
+Require Import Crypto.Algebra Crypto.Nsatz.
Require Import Crypto.CompleteEdwardsCurve.Pre.
-Require Import Crypto.ModularArithmetic.PrimeFieldTheorems.
Require Import Coq.Logic.Eqdep_dec.
Require Import Crypto.Tactics.VerdiTactics.
+Require Import Coq.Classes.Morphisms.
+Require Import Relation_Definitions.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tuple.
Module E.
+ Import Group Ring Field CompleteEdwardsCurve.E.
Section CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.
- Context {prm:TwistedEdwardsParams}.
- Local Opaque q a d prime_q two_lt_q nonzero_a square_a nonsquare_d. (* [F_field] calls [compute] *)
- Existing Instance prime_q.
- Add Field Ffield_p' : (@Ffield_theory q _)
- (morphism (@Fring_morph q),
- preprocess [Fpreprocess],
- postprocess [Fpostprocess; try exact Fq_1_neq_0; try assumption],
- constants [Fconstant],
- div (@Fmorph_div_theory q),
- power_tac (@Fpower_theory q) [Fexp_tac]).
- Add Field Ffield_notConstant : (OpaqueFieldTheory q)
- (constants [notConstant]).
- Ltac clear_prm :=
- generalize dependent a; intro a; intros;
- generalize dependent d; intro d; intros;
- generalize dependent prime_q; intro prime_q; intros;
- generalize dependent q; intro q; intros;
- clear prm.
- Lemma point_eq : forall xy1 xy2 pf1 pf2,
- xy1 = xy2 -> exist E.onCurve xy1 pf1 = exist E.onCurve xy2 pf2.
- Proof.
- destruct xy1, xy2; intros; find_injection; intros; subst. apply f_equal.
- apply UIP_dec, F_eq_dec. (* this is a hack. We actually don't care about the equality of the proofs. However, we *can* prove it, and knowing it lets us use the universal equality instead of a type-specific equivalence, which makes many things nicer. *)
- Qed. Hint Resolve point_eq.
+ Context {F Feq Fzero Fone Fopp Fadd Fsub Fmul Finv Fdiv a d}
+ {field:@field F Feq Fzero Fone Fopp Fadd Fsub Fmul Finv Fdiv}
+ {prm:@twisted_edwards_params F Feq Fzero Fone Fadd Fmul a d}.
+ Local Infix "=" := Feq : type_scope. Local Notation "a <> b" := (not (a = b)) : type_scope.
+ Local Notation "0" := Fzero. Local Notation "1" := Fone.
+ Local Infix "+" := Fadd. Local Infix "*" := Fmul.
+ Local Infix "-" := Fsub. Local Infix "/" := Fdiv.
+ Local Notation "x ^2" := (x*x) (at level 30).
+ Local Notation point := (@point F Feq Fone Fadd Fmul a d).
+ Local Notation onCurve := (@onCurve F Feq Fone Fadd Fmul a d).
+ Add Field _edwards_curve_theorems_field : (field_theory_for_stdlib_tactic (H:=field)).
- Definition point_eqb (p1 p2:E.point) : bool := andb
- (F_eqb (fst (proj1_sig p1)) (fst (proj1_sig p2)))
- (F_eqb (snd (proj1_sig p1)) (snd (proj1_sig p2))).
+ Definition eq (P Q:point) := fieldwise (n:=2) Feq (coordinates P) (coordinates Q).
+ Infix "=" := eq : E_scope.
+ (* TODO: decide whether we still want something like this, then port
Local Ltac t :=
unfold point_eqb;
repeat match goal with
@@ -94,207 +80,149 @@ Module E.
intros. destruct (point_eq_dec p1 p2); eauto using point_eqb_complete, point_eqb_neq_complete.
- Ltac Edefn := unfold E.add, E.add', E.zero; intros;
- repeat match goal with
- | [ p : E.point |- _ ] =>
- let x := fresh "x" p in
- let y := fresh "y" p in
- let pf := fresh "pf" p in
- destruct p as [[x y] pf]; unfold E.onCurve in pf
- | _ => eapply point_eq, (f_equal2 pair)
- | _ => eapply point_eq
- end.
- Lemma add_comm : forall A B, (A+B = B+A)%E.
- Proof.
- Edefn; apply (f_equal2 div); ring.
- Qed.
- Ltac unifiedAdd_nonzero := match goal with
- | [ |- (?op 1 (d * _ * _ * _ * _ *
- inv (1 - d * ?xA * ?xB * ?yA * ?yB) * inv (1 + d * ?xA * ?xB * ?yA * ?yB)))%F <> 0%F]
- => let Hadd := fresh "Hadd" in
- pose proof (@unifiedAdd'_onCurve _ _ _ _ two_lt_q nonzero_a square_a nonsquare_d (xA, yA) (xB, yB)) as Hadd;
- simpl in Hadd;
- match goal with
- | [H : (1 - d * ?xC * xB * ?yC * yB)%F <> 0%F |- (?op 1 ?other)%F <> 0%F] =>
- replace other with
- (d * xC * ((xA * yB + yA * xB) / (1 + d * xA * xB * yA * yB))
- * yC * ((yA * yB - a * xA * xB) / (1 - d * xA * xB * yA * yB)))%F by (subst; unfold div; ring);
- auto
- end
- end.
- Lemma add_assoc : forall A B C, (A+(B+C) = (A+B)+C)%E.
- Proof.
- Edefn; F_field_simplify_eq; try abstract (rewrite ?@F_pow_2_r in *; clear_prm; F_nsatz);
- pose proof (@edwardsAddCompletePlus _ _ _ _ two_lt_q nonzero_a square_a nonsquare_d);
- pose proof (@edwardsAddCompleteMinus _ _ _ _ two_lt_q nonzero_a square_a nonsquare_d);
- cbv beta iota in *;
- repeat split; field_nonzero idtac; unifiedAdd_nonzero.
- Qed.
- Lemma add_0_r : forall P, (P + E.zero = P)%E.
- Proof.
- Edefn; repeat rewrite ?F_add_0_r, ?F_add_0_l, ?F_sub_0_l, ?F_sub_0_r,
- ?F_mul_0_r, ?F_mul_0_l, ?F_mul_1_l, ?F_mul_1_r, ?F_div_1_r; exact eq_refl.
- Qed.
+ *)
- Lemma add_0_l : forall P, (E.zero + P)%E = P.
- Proof.
- intros; rewrite add_comm. apply add_0_r.
- Qed.
+ (* TODO: move to util *)
+ Lemma decide_and : forall P Q, {P}+{not P} -> {Q}+{not Q} -> {P/\Q}+{not(P/\Q)}.
+ Proof. intros; repeat match goal with [H:{_}+{_}|-_] => destruct H end; intuition. Qed.
- Lemma mul_0_l : forall P, (0 * P = E.zero)%E.
- Proof.
- auto.
- Qed.
+ Ltac destruct_points :=
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ p : point |- _ ] =>
+ let x := fresh "x" p in
+ let y := fresh "y" p in
+ let pf := fresh "pf" p in
+ destruct p as [[x y] pf]
+ end.
- Lemma mul_S_l : forall n P, (S n * P)%E = (P + n * P)%E.
- Proof.
- auto.
- Qed.
+ Ltac expand_opp :=
+ rewrite ?mul_opp_r, ?mul_opp_l, ?ring_sub_definition, ?inv_inv, <-?ring_sub_definition.
- Lemma mul_add_l : forall a b P, ((a + b)%nat * P)%E = E.add (a * P)%E (b * P)%E.
- Proof.
- induction a; intros; rewrite ?plus_Sn_m, ?plus_O_n, ?mul_S_l, ?mul_0_l, ?add_0_l, ?mul_S_, ?IHa, ?add_assoc; auto.
- Qed.
+ Local Hint Resolve char_gt_2.
+ Local Hint Resolve nonzero_a.
+ Local Hint Resolve square_a.
+ Local Hint Resolve nonsquare_d.
+ Local Hint Resolve @edwardsAddCompletePlus.
+ Local Hint Resolve @edwardsAddCompleteMinus.
+ Program Definition opp (P:point) : point :=
+ exist _ (let '(x, y) := coordinates P in (Fopp x, y) ) _.
+ Solve All Obligations using intros; destruct_points; simpl; field_algebra.
- Lemma mul_assoc : forall (n m : nat) P, (n * (m * P) = (n * m)%nat * P)%E.
- Proof.
- induction n; intros; auto.
- rewrite ?mul_S_l, ?Mult.mult_succ_l, ?mul_add_l, ?IHn, add_comm. reflexivity.
- Qed.
+ Ltac bash :=
+ repeat match goal with
+ | |- _ => progress intros
+ | [H: _ /\ _ |- _ ] => destruct H
+ | |- _ => progress destruct_points
+ | |- _ => progress cbv [fst snd coordinates proj1_sig eq fieldwise fieldwise' add zero opp] in *
+ | |- _ => split
+ | |- Feq _ _ => field_algebra
+ | |- _ <> 0 => expand_opp; solve [nsatz_nonzero|eauto]
+ | |- {_}+{_} => eauto 15 using decide_and, @eq_dec with typeclass_instances
+ end.
- Lemma mul_zero_r : forall m, (m * E.zero = E.zero)%E.
- Proof.
- induction m; rewrite ?mul_S_l, ?add_0_l; auto.
- Qed.
- (* solve for x ^ 2 *)
- Definition solve_for_x2 (y : F q) := ((y ^ 2 - 1) / (d * (y ^ 2) - a))%F.
- Lemma d_y2_a_nonzero : (forall y, 0 <> d * y ^ 2 - a)%F.
- intros ? eq_zero.
- pose proof prime_q.
- destruct square_a as [sqrt_a sqrt_a_id].
- rewrite <- sqrt_a_id in eq_zero.
- destruct (Fq_square_mul_sub _ _ _ eq_zero) as [ [sqrt_d sqrt_d_id] | a_zero].
- + pose proof (nonsquare_d sqrt_d); auto.
- + subst.
- rewrite Fq_pow_zero in sqrt_a_id by congruence.
- auto using nonzero_a.
- Qed.
- Lemma a_d_y2_nonzero : (forall y, a - d * y ^ 2 <> 0)%F.
- Proof.
- intros y eq_zero.
- pose proof prime_q.
- eapply F_minus_swap in eq_zero.
- eauto using (d_y2_a_nonzero y).
- Qed.
- Lemma solve_correct : forall x y, E.onCurve (x, y) <->
- (x ^ 2 = solve_for_x2 y)%F.
- Proof.
- split.
- + intro onCurve_x_y.
- pose proof prime_q.
- unfold E.onCurve in onCurve_x_y.
- eapply F_div_mul; auto using (d_y2_a_nonzero y).
- replace (x ^ 2 * (d * y ^ 2 - a))%F with ((d * x ^ 2 * y ^ 2) - (a * x ^ 2))%F by ring.
- rewrite F_sub_add_swap.
- replace (y ^ 2 + a * x ^ 2)%F with (a * x ^ 2 + y ^ 2)%F by ring.
- rewrite onCurve_x_y.
- ring.
- + intro x2_eq.
- unfold E.onCurve, solve_for_x2 in *.
- rewrite x2_eq.
- field.
- auto using d_y2_a_nonzero.
- Qed.
- Program Definition opp (P:E.point) : E.point := let '(x, y) := proj1_sig P in (opp x, y).
- Next Obligation. Proof.
- pose (proj2_sig P) as H; rewrite <-Heq_anonymous in H; simpl in H.
- rewrite F_square_opp; trivial.
- Qed.
- Definition sub P Q := (P + opp Q)%E.
- Lemma opp_zero : opp E.zero = E.zero.
- Proof.
- pose proof @F_opp_0.
- unfold opp, E.zero; eapply point_eq; congruence.
- Qed.
- Lemma add_opp_r : forall P, (P + opp P = E.zero)%E.
- Proof.
- unfold opp; Edefn; rewrite ?@F_pow_2_r in *; (F_field_simplify_eq; [clear_prm; F_nsatz|..]);
- rewrite <-?@F_pow_2_r in *;
- pose proof (@edwardsAddCompletePlus _ _ _ _ two_lt_q nonzero_a square_a nonsquare_d _ _ _ _ pfP pfP);
- pose proof (@edwardsAddCompleteMinus _ _ _ _ two_lt_q nonzero_a square_a nonsquare_d _ _ _ _ pfP pfP);
- field_nonzero idtac.
- Qed.
- Lemma add_opp_l : forall P, (opp P + P = E.zero)%E.
- Proof.
- intros. rewrite add_comm. eapply add_opp_r.
- Qed.
- Lemma add_cancel_r : forall A B C, (B+A = C+A -> B = C)%E.
- Proof.
- intros.
- assert ((B + A) + opp A = (C + A) + opp A)%E as Hc by congruence.
- rewrite <-!add_assoc, !add_opp_r, !add_0_r in Hc; exact Hc.
- Qed.
- Lemma add_cancel_l : forall A B C, (A+B = A+C -> B = C)%E.
- Proof.
- intros.
- rewrite (add_comm A C) in H.
- rewrite (add_comm A B) in H.
- eauto using add_cancel_r.
- Qed.
- Lemma shuffle_eq_add_opp : forall P Q R, (P + Q = R <-> Q = opp P + R)%E.
+ Global Instance Proper_add : Proper (eq==>eq==>eq) add. Proof. bash. Qed.
+ Global Instance Proper_opp : Proper (eq==>eq) opp. Proof. bash. Qed.
+ Global Instance Proper_coordinates : Proper (eq==>fieldwise (n:=2) Feq) coordinates. Proof. bash. Qed.
+ Global Instance edwards_acurve_abelian_group : abelian_group (eq:=eq)(op:=add)(id:=zero)(inv:=opp).
- split; intros.
- { assert (opp P + (P + Q) = opp P + R)%E as Hc by congruence.
- rewrite add_assoc, add_opp_l, add_comm, add_0_r in Hc; exact Hc. }
- { subst. rewrite add_assoc, add_opp_r, add_comm, add_0_r; reflexivity. }
+ bash.
+ (* TODO: port denominator-nonzero proofs for associativity *)
+ match goal with | |- _ <> 0 => admit end.
+ match goal with | |- _ <> 0 => admit end.
+ match goal with | |- _ <> 0 => admit end.
+ match goal with | |- _ <> 0 => admit end.
- Lemma opp_opp : forall P, opp (opp P) = P.
+ (* TODO: move to [Group] and [AbelianGroup] as appropriate *)
+ Lemma mul_0_l : forall P, (0 * P = zero)%E.
+ Proof. intros; reflexivity. Qed.
+ Lemma mul_S_l : forall n P, (S n * P = P + n * P)%E.
+ Proof. intros; reflexivity. Qed.
+ Lemma mul_add_l : forall (n m:nat) (P:point), ((n + m)%nat * P = n * P + m * P)%E.
- intros.
- pose proof (add_opp_r P%E) as H.
- rewrite add_comm in H.
- rewrite shuffle_eq_add_opp in H.
- rewrite add_0_r in H.
- congruence.
+ induction n; intros;
+ rewrite ?plus_Sn_m, ?plus_O_n, ?mul_S_l, ?left_identity, <-?associative, <-?IHn; reflexivity.
- Lemma opp_add : forall P Q, opp (P + Q)%E = (opp P + opp Q)%E.
+ Lemma mul_assoc : forall (n m : nat) P, (n * (m * P) = (n * m)%nat * P)%E.
- intros.
- pose proof (add_opp_r (P+Q)%E) as H.
- rewrite <-!add_assoc in H.
- rewrite add_comm in H.
- rewrite <-!add_assoc in H.
- rewrite shuffle_eq_add_opp in H.
- rewrite add_comm in H.
- rewrite shuffle_eq_add_opp in H.
- rewrite add_0_r in H.
- assumption.
+ induction n; intros; [reflexivity|].
+ rewrite ?mul_S_l, ?Mult.mult_succ_l, ?mul_add_l, ?IHn, commutative; reflexivity.
+ Lemma mul_zero_r : forall m, (m * E.zero = E.zero)%E.
+ Proof. induction m; rewrite ?mul_S_l, ?left_identity, ?IHm; try reflexivity. Qed.
+ Lemma opp_mul : forall n P, (opp (n * P) = n * (opp P))%E.
+ Admitted.
+ Section PointCompression.
+ Local Notation "x ^2" := (x*x).
+ Definition solve_for_x2 (y : F) := ((y^2 - 1) / (d * (y^2) - a)).
- Lemma opp_mul : forall n P, opp (E.mul n P) = E.mul n (opp P).
- Proof.
- pose proof opp_add; pose proof opp_zero.
- induction n; simpl; intros; congruence.
- Qed.
+ Lemma a_d_y2_nonzero : forall y, d * y^2 - a <> 0.
+ Proof.
+ intros ? eq_zero.
+ destruct square_a as [sqrt_a sqrt_a_id]; rewrite <- sqrt_a_id in eq_zero.
+ destruct (eq_dec y 0); [apply nonzero_a|apply nonsquare_d with (sqrt_a/y)]; field_algebra.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma solve_correct : forall x y, onCurve (x, y) <-> (x^2 = solve_for_x2 y).
+ Proof.
+ unfold solve_for_x2; simpl; split; intros; field_algebra; auto using a_d_y2_nonzero.
+ Qed.
+ End PointCompression.
End CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.
-End E.
-Infix "-" := E.sub : E_scope. \ No newline at end of file
+ Section Homomorphism.
+ Context {F Feq Fzero Fone Fopp Fadd Fsub Fmul Finv Fdiv Fa Fd}
+ {fieldF:@field F Feq Fzero Fone Fopp Fadd Fsub Fmul Finv Fdiv}
+ {Fprm:@twisted_edwards_params F Feq Fzero Fone Fadd Fmul Fa Fd}.
+ Context {K Keq Kzero Kone Kopp Kadd Ksub Kmul Kinv Kdiv Ka Kd}
+ {fieldK:@field K Keq Kzero Kone Kopp Kadd Ksub Kmul Kinv Kdiv}
+ {Kprm:@twisted_edwards_params K Keq Kzero Kone Kadd Kmul Ka Kd}.
+ Context {phi:F->K} {Hphi:@Ring.is_homomorphism F Feq Fone Fadd Fmul
+ K Keq Kone Kadd Kmul phi}.
+ Context {Ha:Keq (phi Fa) Ka} {Hd:Keq (phi Fd) Kd}.
+ Local Notation Fpoint := (@point F Feq Fone Fadd Fmul Fa Fd).
+ Local Notation Kpoint := (@point K Keq Kone Kadd Kmul Ka Kd).
+ Create HintDb field_homomorphism discriminated.
+ Hint Rewrite <-
+ homomorphism_one
+ homomorphism_add
+ homomorphism_sub
+ homomorphism_mul
+ homomorphism_div
+ Ha
+ Hd
+ : field_homomorphism.
+ Program Definition ref_phi (P:Fpoint) : Kpoint := exist _ (
+ let (x, y) := coordinates P in (phi x, phi y)) _.
+ Next Obligation.
+ destruct P as [[? ?] ?]; simpl.
+ rewrite_strat bottomup hints field_homomorphism.
+ eauto using is_homomorphism_phi_proper; assumption.
+ Qed.
+ Context {point_phi:Fpoint->Kpoint}
+ {point_phi_Proper:Proper (eq==>eq) point_phi}
+ {point_phi_correct: forall (P:Fpoint), eq (point_phi P) (ref_phi P)}.
+ Lemma lift_homomorphism : @Group.is_homomorphism Fpoint eq add Kpoint eq add point_phi.
+ Proof.
+ repeat match goal with
+ | |- Group.is_homomorphism => split
+ | |- _ => intro
+ | |- _ /\ _ => split
+ | [H: _ /\ _ |- _ ] => destruct H
+ | [p: point |- _ ] => destruct p as [[??]?]
+ | |- context[point_phi] => setoid_rewrite point_phi_correct
+ | |- _ => progress cbv [fst snd coordinates proj1_sig eq fieldwise fieldwise' add zero opp ref_phi] in *
+ | |- Keq ?x ?x => reflexivity
+ | |- Keq ?x ?y => rewrite_strat bottomup hints field_homomorphism
+ | [ H : Feq _ _ |- Keq (phi _) (phi _)] => solve [f_equiv; intuition]
+ end.
+ Qed.
+ End Homomorphism.
+End E. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/CompleteEdwardsCurve/ExtendedCoordinates.v b/src/CompleteEdwardsCurve/ExtendedCoordinates.v
index e91bc084b..fe0e732a8 100644
--- a/src/CompleteEdwardsCurve/ExtendedCoordinates.v
+++ b/src/CompleteEdwardsCurve/ExtendedCoordinates.v
@@ -1,194 +1,154 @@
-Require Import Crypto.CompleteEdwardsCurve.Pre.
-Require Import Crypto.CompleteEdwardsCurve.CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.
-Require Import Crypto.ModularArithmetic.PrimeFieldTheorems.
-Require Import Crypto.ModularArithmetic.FField.
-Require Import Crypto.Tactics.VerdiTactics.
-Require Import Util.IterAssocOp BinNat NArith.
-Require Import Coq.Setoids.Setoid Coq.Classes.Morphisms Coq.Classes.Equivalence.
-Local Open Scope equiv_scope.
-Local Open Scope F_scope.
-Section ExtendedCoordinates.
- Context {prm:TwistedEdwardsParams}.
- Local Opaque q a d prime_q two_lt_q nonzero_a square_a nonsquare_d. (* [F_field] calls [compute] *)
- Existing Instance prime_q.
- Add Field Ffield_p' : (@Ffield_theory q _)
- (morphism (@Fring_morph q),
- preprocess [Fpreprocess],
- postprocess [Fpostprocess; try exact Fq_1_neq_0; try assumption],
- constants [Fconstant],
- div (@Fmorph_div_theory q),
- power_tac (@Fpower_theory q) [Fexp_tac]).
- Add Field Ffield_notConstant : (OpaqueFieldTheory q)
- (constants [notConstant]).
- (** [extended] represents a point on an elliptic curve using extended projective
- * Edwards coordinates with twist a=-1 (see <https://eprint.iacr.org/2008/522.pdf>). *)
- Record extended := mkExtended {extendedX : F q;
- extendedY : F q;
- extendedZ : F q;
- extendedT : F q}.
- Local Notation "'(' X ',' Y ',' Z ',' T ')'" := (mkExtended X Y Z T).
- Definition twistedToExtended (P : (F q*F q)) : extended :=
- let '(x, y) := P in (x, y, 1, x*y).
- Definition extendedToTwisted (P : extended) : F q * F q :=
- let '(X, Y, Z, T) := P in ((X/Z), (Y/Z)).
- Definition rep (P:extended) (rP:(F q*F q)) : Prop :=
- let '(X, Y, Z, T) := P in
- extendedToTwisted P = rP /\
- Z <> 0 /\
- T = X*Y/Z.
- Local Hint Unfold twistedToExtended extendedToTwisted rep.
- Local Notation "P '~=' rP" := (rep P rP) (at level 70).
- Ltac unfoldExtended :=
- repeat progress (autounfold; unfold E.onCurve, E.add, E.add', rep in *; intros);
- repeat match goal with
- | [ p : (F q*F q)%type |- _ ] =>
- let x := fresh "x" p in
- let y := fresh "y" p in
- destruct p as [x y]
- | [ p : extended |- _ ] =>
- let X := fresh "X" p in
- let Y := fresh "Y" p in
- let Z := fresh "Z" p in
- let T := fresh "T" p in
- destruct p as [X Y Z T]
- | [ H: _ /\ _ |- _ ] => destruct H
- | [ H: @eq (F q * F q)%type _ _ |- _ ] => invcs H
- | [ H: @eq F q ?x _ |- _ ] => isVar x; rewrite H; clear H
- end.
- Ltac solveExtended := unfoldExtended;
- repeat match goal with
- | [ |- _ /\ _ ] => split
- | [ |- @eq (F q * F q)%type _ _] => apply f_equal2
- | _ => progress rewrite ?@F_add_0_r, ?@F_add_0_l, ?@F_sub_0_l, ?@F_sub_0_r,
- ?@F_mul_0_r, ?@F_mul_0_l, ?@F_mul_1_l, ?@F_mul_1_r, ?@F_div_1_r
- | _ => solve [eapply @Fq_1_neq_0; eauto with typeclass_instances]
- | _ => solve [eauto with typeclass_instances]
- | [ H: a = _ |- _ ] => rewrite H
- end.
- Lemma twistedToExtended_rep : forall P, twistedToExtended P ~= P.
- Proof.
- solveExtended.
- Qed.
- Lemma extendedToTwisted_rep : forall P rP, P ~= rP -> extendedToTwisted P = rP.
- Proof.
- solveExtended.
- Qed.
- Definition extendedPoint := { P:extended | rep P (extendedToTwisted P) /\ E.onCurve (extendedToTwisted P) }.
- Program Definition mkExtendedPoint : E.point -> extendedPoint := twistedToExtended.
- Next Obligation.
- destruct x; erewrite extendedToTwisted_rep; eauto using twistedToExtended_rep.
- Qed.
- Program Definition unExtendedPoint : extendedPoint -> E.point := extendedToTwisted.
- Next Obligation.
- destruct x; simpl; intuition.
- Qed.
- Definition extendedPoint_eq P Q := unExtendedPoint P = unExtendedPoint Q.
- Global Instance Equivalence_extendedPoint_eq : Equivalence extendedPoint_eq.
- Proof.
- repeat (econstructor || intro); unfold extendedPoint_eq in *; congruence.
- Qed.
- Lemma unExtendedPoint_mkExtendedPoint : forall P, unExtendedPoint (mkExtendedPoint P) = P.
- Proof.
- destruct P; eapply E.point_eq; simpl; erewrite extendedToTwisted_rep; eauto using twistedToExtended_rep.
- Qed.
- Global Instance Proper_mkExtendedPoint : Proper (eq==>equiv) mkExtendedPoint.
- Proof.
- repeat (econstructor || intro); unfold extendedPoint_eq in *; congruence.
- Qed.
- Global Instance Proper_unExtendedPoint : Proper (equiv==>eq) unExtendedPoint.
- Proof.
- repeat (econstructor || intro); unfold extendedPoint_eq in *; congruence.
- Qed.
- Definition twice_d := d + d.
- Section TwistMinus1.
- Context (a_eq_minus1 : a = opp 1).
- (** Second equation from <http://eprint.iacr.org/2008/522.pdf> section 3.1, also <https://www.hyperelliptic.org/EFD/g1p/auto-twisted-extended-1.html#addition-add-2008-hwcd-3> and <https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-josefsson-eddsa-ed25519-03> *)
- Definition unifiedAddM1' (P1 P2 : extended) : extended :=
- let '(X1, Y1, Z1, T1) := P1 in
- let '(X2, Y2, Z2, T2) := P2 in
- let A := (Y1-X1)*(Y2-X2) in
- let B := (Y1+X1)*(Y2+X2) in
- let C := T1*twice_d*T2 in
- let D := Z1*(Z2+Z2) in
- let E := B-A in
- let F := D-C in
- let G := D+C in
- let H := B+A in
- let X3 := E*F in
- let Y3 := G*H in
- let T3 := E*H in
- let Z3 := F*G in
- (X3, Y3, Z3, T3).
- Local Hint Unfold E.add.
- Local Ltac tnz := repeat apply Fq_mul_nonzero_nonzero; auto using (@char_gt_2 q two_lt_q).
- Lemma F_mul_2_l : forall x : F q, ZToField 2 * x = x + x.
- intros. ring.
- Qed.
- Lemma unifiedAddM1'_rep: forall P Q rP rQ, E.onCurve rP -> E.onCurve rQ ->
- P ~= rP -> Q ~= rQ -> (unifiedAddM1' P Q) ~= (E.add' rP rQ).
- Proof.
- intros P Q rP rQ HoP HoQ HrP HrQ.
- pose proof (@edwardsAddCompletePlus _ _ _ _ two_lt_q nonzero_a square_a nonsquare_d).
- pose proof (@edwardsAddCompleteMinus _ _ _ _ two_lt_q nonzero_a square_a nonsquare_d).
- unfoldExtended; unfold twice_d; rewrite a_eq_minus1 in *; simpl in *. repeat rewrite <-F_mul_2_l.
- repeat split; repeat apply (f_equal2 pair); try F_field; repeat split; auto;
- repeat rewrite ?F_add_0_r, ?F_add_0_l, ?F_sub_0_l, ?F_sub_0_r,
- ?F_mul_0_r, ?F_mul_0_l, ?F_mul_1_l, ?F_mul_1_r, ?F_div_1_r;
- field_nonzero tnz.
- Qed.
- Lemma unifiedAdd'_onCurve : forall P Q, E.onCurve P -> E.onCurve Q -> E.onCurve (E.add' P Q).
- Proof.
- intros; pose proof (proj2_sig (E.add (exist _ _ H) (exist _ _ H0))); eauto.
- Qed.
- Program Definition unifiedAddM1 : extendedPoint -> extendedPoint -> extendedPoint := unifiedAddM1'.
- Next Obligation.
- destruct x, x0; simpl; intuition.
- - erewrite extendedToTwisted_rep; eauto using unifiedAddM1'_rep.
- - erewrite extendedToTwisted_rep.
- (* It would be nice if I could use eauto here, but it gets evars wrong :( *)
- 2: eapply unifiedAddM1'_rep. 5:apply H1. 4:apply H. 3:auto. 2:auto.
- eauto using unifiedAdd'_onCurve.
- Qed.
- Lemma unifiedAddM1_rep : forall P Q, E.add (unExtendedPoint P) (unExtendedPoint Q) = unExtendedPoint (unifiedAddM1 P Q).
- Proof.
- destruct P, Q; unfold unExtendedPoint, E.add, unifiedAddM1; eapply E.point_eq; simpl in *; intuition.
- pose proof (unifiedAddM1'_rep x x0 (extendedToTwisted x) (extendedToTwisted x0));
- destruct (unifiedAddM1' x x0);
- unfold rep in *; intuition.
- Qed.
- Global Instance Proper_unifiedAddM1 : Proper (equiv==>equiv==>equiv) unifiedAddM1.
- Proof.
- repeat (econstructor || intro).
- repeat match goal with [H: _ === _ |- _ ] => inversion H; clear H end; unfold equiv, extendedPoint_eq.
- rewrite <-!unifiedAddM1_rep.
- destruct x, y, x0, y0; simpl in *; eapply E.point_eq; congruence.
- Qed.
+Require Export Crypto.Spec.CompleteEdwardsCurve.
+Require Import Crypto.Algebra Crypto.Nsatz.
+Require Import Crypto.CompleteEdwardsCurve.Pre Crypto.CompleteEdwardsCurve.CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.
+Require Import Coq.Logic.Eqdep_dec.
+Require Import Crypto.Tactics.VerdiTactics.
+Require Import Coq.Classes.Morphisms.
+Require Import Relation_Definitions.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tuple.
+Module Extended.
+ Section ExtendedCoordinates.
+ Import Group Ring Field.
+ Context {F Feq Fzero Fone Fopp Fadd Fsub Fmul Finv Fdiv a d}
+ {field:@field F Feq Fzero Fone Fopp Fadd Fsub Fmul Finv Fdiv}
+ {prm:@E.twisted_edwards_params F Feq Fzero Fone Fadd Fmul a d}.
+ Local Infix "=" := Feq : type_scope. Local Notation "a <> b" := (not (a = b)) : type_scope.
+ Local Notation "0" := Fzero. Local Notation "1" := Fone.
+ Local Infix "+" := Fadd. Local Infix "*" := Fmul.
+ Local Infix "-" := Fsub. Local Infix "/" := Fdiv.
+ Local Notation "x ^2" := (x*x) (at level 30).
+ Local Notation Epoint := (@E.point F Feq Fone Fadd Fmul a d).
+ Local Notation onCurve := (@Pre.onCurve F Feq Fone Fadd Fmul a d).
+ Add Field _edwards_curve_extended_field : (field_theory_for_stdlib_tactic (H:=field)).
+ (** [Extended.point] represents a point on an elliptic curve using extended projective
+ * Edwards coordinates with twist a=-1 (see <https://eprint.iacr.org/2008/522.pdf>). *)
+ Definition point := { P | let '(X,Y,Z,T) := P in onCurve((X/Z), (Y/Z)) /\ Z<>0 /\ Z*T=X*Y }.
+ Definition coordinates (P:point) : F*F*F*F := proj1_sig P.
+ Create HintDb bash discriminated.
+ Local Hint Unfold E.eq fst snd fieldwise fieldwise' coordinates E.coordinates proj1_sig Pre.onCurve : bash.
+ Ltac bash :=
+ repeat match goal with
+ | |- Proper _ _ => intro
+ | _ => progress intros
+ | [ H: _ /\ _ |- _ ] => destruct H
+ | [ p:E.point |- _ ] => destruct p as [[??]?]
+ | [ p:point |- _ ] => destruct p as [[[[??]?]?]?]
+ | _ => progress autounfold with bash in *
+ | |- _ /\ _ => split
+ | _ => solve [neq01]
+ | _ => solve [eauto]
+ | _ => solve [intuition]
+ | _ => solve [etransitivity; eauto]
+ | |- Feq _ _ => field_algebra
+ | |- _ <> 0 => apply mul_nonzero_nonzero
+ | [ H : _ <> 0 |- _ <> 0 ] =>
+ intro; apply H;
+ field_algebra;
+ solve [ apply Ring.opp_nonzero_nonzero, E.char_gt_2
+ | apply E.char_gt_2]
+ end.
+ Obligation Tactic := bash.
+ Program Definition from_twisted (P:Epoint) : point := exist _
+ (let (x,y) := E.coordinates P in (x, y, 1, x*y)) _.
+ Program Definition to_twisted (P:point) : Epoint := exist _
+ (let '(X,Y,Z,T) := coordinates P in ((X/Z), (Y/Z))) _.
+ Definition eq (P Q:point) := E.eq (to_twisted P) (to_twisted Q).
+ Local Hint Unfold from_twisted to_twisted eq : bash.
+ Global Instance Equivalence_eq : Equivalence eq. Proof. split; split; bash. Qed.
+ Global Instance Proper_from_twisted : Proper (E.eq==>eq) from_twisted. Proof. bash. Qed.
+ Global Instance Proper_to_twisted : Proper (eq==>E.eq) to_twisted. Proof. bash. Qed.
+ Lemma to_twisted_from_twisted P : E.eq (to_twisted (from_twisted P)) P. Proof. bash. Qed.
+ Section TwistMinus1.
+ Context {a_eq_minus1 : a = Fopp 1}.
+ Context {twice_d:F} {Htwice_d:twice_d = d + d}.
+ (** Second equation from <http://eprint.iacr.org/2008/522.pdf> section 3.1, also <https://www.hyperelliptic.org/EFD/g1p/auto-twisted-extended-1.html#addition-add-2008-hwcd-3> and <https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-josefsson-eddsa-ed25519-03> *)
+ Definition add_coordinates P1 P2 : F*F*F*F :=
+ let '(X1, Y1, Z1, T1) := P1 in
+ let '(X2, Y2, Z2, T2) := P2 in
+ let A := (Y1-X1)*(Y2-X2) in
+ let B := (Y1+X1)*(Y2+X2) in
+ let C := T1*twice_d*T2 in
+ let D := Z1*(Z2+Z2) in
+ let E := B-A in
+ let F := D-C in
+ let G := D+C in
+ let H := B+A in
+ let X3 := E*F in
+ let Y3 := G*H in
+ let T3 := E*H in
+ let Z3 := F*G in
+ (X3, Y3, Z3, T3).
+ Local Hint Unfold E.add E.coordinates add_coordinates : bash.
+ Lemma add_coordinates_correct (P Q:point) :
+ let '(X,Y,Z,T) := add_coordinates (coordinates P) (coordinates Q) in
+ let (x, y) := E.coordinates (E.add (to_twisted P) (to_twisted Q)) in
+ (fieldwise (n:=2) Feq) (x, y) (X/Z, Y/Z).
+ Proof.
+ destruct P as [[[[]?]?][HP []]]; destruct Q as [[[[]?]?][HQ []]].
+ pose proof edwardsAddCompletePlus (a_nonzero:=E.nonzero_a)(a_square:=E.square_a)(d_nonsquare:=E.nonsquare_d)(char_gt_2:=E.char_gt_2) _ _ _ _ HP HQ.
+ pose proof edwardsAddCompleteMinus (a_nonzero:=E.nonzero_a)(a_square:=E.square_a)(d_nonsquare:=E.nonsquare_d)(char_gt_2:=E.char_gt_2) _ _ _ _ HP HQ.
+ bash.
+ Qed.
+ Obligation Tactic := idtac.
+ Program Definition add (P Q:point) : point := add_coordinates (coordinates P) (coordinates Q).
+ Next Obligation.
+ intros.
+ pose proof (add_coordinates_correct P Q) as Hrep.
+ pose proof Pre.unifiedAdd'_onCurve(a_nonzero:=E.nonzero_a)(a_square:=E.square_a)(d_nonsquare:=E.nonsquare_d)(char_gt_2:=E.char_gt_2) (E.coordinates (to_twisted P)) (E.coordinates (to_twisted Q)) as Hon.
+ destruct P as [[[[]?]?][HP []]]; destruct Q as [[[[]?]?][HQ []]].
+ pose proof edwardsAddCompletePlus (a_nonzero:=E.nonzero_a)(a_square:=E.square_a)(d_nonsquare:=E.nonsquare_d)(char_gt_2:=E.char_gt_2) _ _ _ _ HP HQ as Hnz1.
+ pose proof edwardsAddCompleteMinus (a_nonzero:=E.nonzero_a)(a_square:=E.square_a)(d_nonsquare:=E.nonsquare_d)(char_gt_2:=E.char_gt_2) _ _ _ _ HP HQ as Hnz2.
+ autounfold with bash in *; simpl in *.
+ destruct Hrep as [HA HB]. rewrite <-!HA, <-!HB; clear HA HB.
+ bash.
+ Qed.
+ Local Hint Unfold add : bash.
+ Lemma to_twisted_add P Q : E.eq (to_twisted (add P Q)) (E.add (to_twisted P) (to_twisted Q)).
+ Proof.
+ pose proof (add_coordinates_correct P Q) as Hrep.
+ destruct P as [[[[]?]?][HP []]]; destruct Q as [[[[]?]?][HQ []]].
+ autounfold with bash in *; simpl in *.
+ destruct Hrep as [HA HB]. rewrite <-!HA, <-!HB; clear HA HB.
+ split; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Global Instance Proper_add : Proper (eq==>eq==>eq) add.
+ Proof.
+ unfold eq. intros x y H x0 y0 H0.
+ transitivity (to_twisted x + to_twisted x0)%E; rewrite to_twisted_add, ?H, ?H0; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma homomorphism_to_twisted : @Group.is_homomorphism point eq add Epoint E.eq E.add to_twisted.
+ Proof. split; trivial using Proper_to_twisted, to_twisted_add. Qed.
+ Lemma add_from_twisted P Q : eq (from_twisted (P + Q)%E) (add (from_twisted P) (from_twisted Q)).
+ Proof.
+ pose proof (to_twisted_add (from_twisted P) (from_twisted Q)).
+ unfold eq; rewrite !to_twisted_from_twisted in *.
+ symmetry; assumption.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma homomorphism_from_twisted : @Group.is_homomorphism Epoint E.eq E.add point eq add from_twisted.
+ Proof. split; trivial using Proper_from_twisted, add_from_twisted. Qed.
+ (* TODO: decide whether we still need those, then port *)
+ (*
Lemma unifiedAddM1_0_r : forall P, unifiedAddM1 P (mkExtendedPoint E.zero) === P.
unfold equiv, extendedPoint_eq; intros.
rewrite <-!unifiedAddM1_rep, unExtendedPoint_mkExtendedPoint, E.add_0_r; auto.
@@ -210,30 +170,75 @@ Section ExtendedCoordinates.
- Definition scalarMultM1 := iter_op unifiedAddM1 (mkExtendedPoint E.zero) N.testbit_nat.
- Definition scalarMultM1_spec :=
- iter_op_spec unifiedAddM1 unifiedAddM1_assoc (mkExtendedPoint E.zero) unifiedAddM1_0_l
- N.testbit_nat (fun x => x) testbit_conversion_identity.
- Lemma scalarMultM1_rep : forall n P, unExtendedPoint (scalarMultM1 (N.of_nat n) P (N.size_nat (N.of_nat n))) = E.mul n (unExtendedPoint P).
- intros; rewrite scalarMultM1_spec, Nat2N.id; auto.
- induction n; [simpl; rewrite !unExtendedPoint_mkExtendedPoint; reflexivity|].
+ Lemma scalarMultM1_rep : forall n P, unExtendedPoint (nat_iter_op unifiedAddM1 (mkExtendedPoint E.zero) n P) = E.mul n (unExtendedPoint P).
+ induction n; [simpl; rewrite !unExtendedPoint_mkExtendedPoint; reflexivity|]; intros.
unfold E.mul; fold E.mul.
rewrite <-IHn, unifiedAddM1_rep; auto.
+ *)
+ End TwistMinus1.
+ End ExtendedCoordinates.
+ Section Homomorphism.
+ Import Group Ring Field.
+ Context {F Feq Fzero Fone Fopp Fadd Fsub Fmul Finv Fdiv Fa Fd}
+ {fieldF:@field F Feq Fzero Fone Fopp Fadd Fsub Fmul Finv Fdiv}
+ {Fprm:@E.twisted_edwards_params F Feq Fzero Fone Fadd Fmul Fa Fd}.
+ Context {K Keq Kzero Kone Kopp Kadd Ksub Kmul Kinv Kdiv Ka Kd}
+ {fieldK:@field K Keq Kzero Kone Kopp Kadd Ksub Kmul Kinv Kdiv}
+ {Kprm:@E.twisted_edwards_params K Keq Kzero Kone Kadd Kmul Ka Kd}.
+ Context {phi:F->K} {Hphi:@Ring.is_homomorphism F Feq Fone Fadd Fmul
+ K Keq Kone Kadd Kmul phi}.
+ Context {phi_nonzero : forall x, ~ Feq x Fzero -> ~ Keq (phi x) Kzero}.
+ Context {HFa: Feq Fa (Fopp Fone)} {HKa:Keq Ka (Kopp Kone)}.
+ Context {Hd:Keq (phi Fd) Kd} {Kdd Fdd} {HKdd:Keq Kdd (Kadd Kd Kd)} {HFdd:Feq Fdd (Fadd Fd Fd)}.
+ Local Notation Fpoint := (@point F Feq Fzero Fone Fadd Fmul Fdiv Fa Fd).
+ Local Notation Kpoint := (@point K Keq Kzero Kone Kadd Kmul Kdiv Ka Kd).
+ Lemma Ha : Keq (phi Fa) Ka.
+ Proof. rewrite HFa, HKa, <-homomorphism_one. eapply homomorphism_opp. Qed.
+ Lemma Hdd : Keq (phi Fdd) Kdd.
+ Proof. rewrite HFdd, HKdd. rewrite homomorphism_add. repeat f_equiv; auto. Qed.
+ Create HintDb field_homomorphism discriminated.
+ Hint Rewrite <-
+ homomorphism_one
+ homomorphism_add
+ homomorphism_sub
+ homomorphism_mul
+ homomorphism_div
+ Ha
+ Hd
+ Hdd
+ : field_homomorphism.
+ Program Definition ref_phi (P:Fpoint) : Kpoint := exist _ (
+ let '(X, Y, Z, T) := coordinates P in (phi X, phi Y, phi Z, phi T)) _.
+ Next Obligation.
+ destruct P as [[[[] ?] ?] [? [? ?]]]; unfold onCurve in *; simpl.
+ rewrite_strat bottomup hints field_homomorphism.
+ eauto 10 using is_homomorphism_phi_proper, phi_nonzero.
+ Qed.
+ Context {point_phi:Fpoint->Kpoint}
+ {point_phi_Proper:Proper (eq==>eq) point_phi}
+ {point_phi_correct: forall (P:Fpoint), eq (point_phi P) (ref_phi P)}.
- End TwistMinus1.
- Definition negateExtended' P := let '(X, Y, Z, T) := P in (opp X, Y, Z, opp T).
- Program Definition negateExtended (P:extendedPoint) : extendedPoint := negateExtended' (proj1_sig P).
- Next Obligation.
- Proof.
- unfold negateExtended', rep; destruct P as [[X Y Z T] H]; simpl. destruct H as [[[] []] ?]; subst.
- repeat rewrite ?F_div_opp_1, ?F_mul_opp_l, ?F_square_opp; repeat split; trivial.
- Qed.
- Lemma negateExtended_correct : forall P, E.opp (unExtendedPoint P) = unExtendedPoint (negateExtended P).
- Proof.
- unfold E.opp, unExtendedPoint, negateExtended; destruct P as [[]]; simpl; intros.
- eapply E.point_eq; repeat rewrite ?F_div_opp_1, ?F_mul_opp_l, ?F_square_opp; trivial.
- Qed.
-End ExtendedCoordinates.
+ Lemma lift_homomorphism : @Group.is_homomorphism Fpoint eq (add(a_eq_minus1:=HFa)(Htwice_d:=HFdd)) Kpoint eq (add(a_eq_minus1:=HKa)(Htwice_d:=HKdd)) point_phi.
+ Proof.
+ repeat match goal with
+ | |- Group.is_homomorphism => split
+ | |- _ => intro
+ | |- _ /\ _ => split
+ | [H: _ /\ _ |- _ ] => destruct H
+ | [p: point |- _ ] => destruct p as [[[[] ?] ?] [? [? ?]]]
+ | |- context[point_phi] => setoid_rewrite point_phi_correct
+ | |- _ => progress cbv [fst snd coordinates proj1_sig eq to_twisted E.eq E.coordinates fieldwise fieldwise' add add_coordinates ref_phi] in *
+ | |- Keq ?x ?x => reflexivity
+ | |- Keq ?x ?y => rewrite_strat bottomup hints field_homomorphism
+ | [ H : Feq _ _ |- Keq (phi _) (phi _)] => solve [f_equiv; intuition]
+ end.
+ Qed.
+ End Homomorphism.
+End Extended. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/CompleteEdwardsCurve/Pre.v b/src/CompleteEdwardsCurve/Pre.v
index f10e587d6..4744afe6b 100644
--- a/src/CompleteEdwardsCurve/Pre.v
+++ b/src/CompleteEdwardsCurve/Pre.v
@@ -1,188 +1,100 @@
-Require Import Coq.ZArith.BinInt Coq.ZArith.Znumtheory Crypto.Tactics.VerdiTactics.
-Require Import Coq.omega.Omega.
-Require Import Crypto.Spec.ModularArithmetic.
-Require Import Crypto.ModularArithmetic.PrimeFieldTheorems.
-Local Open Scope Z_scope.
-Local Open Scope F_scope.
+Require Import Coq.Classes.Morphisms. Require Coq.Setoids.Setoid.
+Require Import Crypto.Algebra Crypto.Nsatz.
+Generalizable All Variables.
Section Pre.
- Context {q : BinInt.Z}.
- Context {a : F q}.
- Context {d : F q}.
- Context {prime_q : Znumtheory.prime q}.
- Context {two_lt_q : 2 < q}.
- Context {a_nonzero : a <> 0}.
- Context {a_square : exists sqrt_a, sqrt_a^2 = a}.
- Context {d_nonsquare : forall x, x^2 <> d}.
- Add Field Ffield_Z : (@Ffield_theory q _)
- (morphism (@Fring_morph q),
- preprocess [Fpreprocess],
- postprocess [Fpostprocess],
- constants [Fconstant],
- div (@Fmorph_div_theory q),
- power_tac (@Fpower_theory q) [Fexp_tac]).
+ Context {F eq zero one opp add sub mul inv div} `{field F eq zero one opp add sub mul inv div}.
+ Local Infix "=" := eq. Local Notation "a <> b" := (not (a = b)).
+ Local Infix "=" := eq : type_scope. Local Notation "a <> b" := (not (a = b)) : type_scope.
+ Local Notation "0" := zero. Local Notation "1" := one.
+ Local Infix "+" := add. Local Infix "*" := mul.
+ Local Infix "-" := sub. Local Infix "/" := div.
+ Local Notation "x '^' 2" := (x*x) (at level 30).
+ Add Field EdwardsCurveField : (Field.field_theory_for_stdlib_tactic (T:=F)).
+ Context {a:F} {a_nonzero : a<>0} {a_square : exists sqrt_a, sqrt_a^2 = a}.
+ Context {d:F} {d_nonsquare : forall sqrt_d, sqrt_d^2 <> d}.
+ Context {char_gt_2 : 1+1 <> 0}.
(* the canonical definitions are in Spec *)
- Local Notation onCurve P := (let '(x, y) := P in a*x^2 + y^2 = 1 + d*x^2*y^2).
- Local Notation unifiedAdd' P1' P2' := (
- let '(x1, y1) := P1' in
- let '(x2, y2) := P2' in
- (((x1*y2 + y1*x2)/(1 + d*x1*x2*y1*y2)) , ((y1*y2 - a*x1*x2)/(1 - d*x1*x2*y1*y2)))
- ).
- Lemma char_gt_2 : ZToField 2 <> (0: F q).
- intro; find_injection.
- pose proof two_lt_q.
- rewrite (Z.mod_small 2 q), Z.mod_0_l in *; omega.
- Qed.
- Ltac rewriteAny := match goal with [H: _ = _ |- _ ] => rewrite H end.
- Ltac rewriteLeftAny := match goal with [H: _ = _ |- _ ] => rewrite <- H end.
- Ltac whatsNotZero :=
- repeat match goal with
- | [H: ?lhs = ?rhs |- _ ] =>
- match goal with [Ha: lhs <> 0 |- _ ] => fail 1 | _ => idtac end;
- assert (lhs <> 0) by (rewrite H; auto using Fq_1_neq_0)
- | [H: ?lhs = ?rhs |- _ ] =>
- match goal with [Ha: rhs <> 0 |- _ ] => fail 1 | _ => idtac end;
- assert (rhs <> 0) by (rewrite H; auto using Fq_1_neq_0)
- | [H: (?a^?p)%F <> 0 |- _ ] =>
- match goal with [Ha: a <> 0 |- _ ] => fail 1 | _ => idtac end;
- let Y:=fresh in let Z:=fresh in try (
- assert (p <> 0%N) as Z by (intro Y; inversion Y);
- assert (a <> 0) by (eapply Fq_root_nonzero; eauto using Fq_1_neq_0);
- clear Z)
- | [H: (?a*?b)%F <> 0 |- _ ] =>
- match goal with [Ha: a <> 0 |- _ ] => fail 1 | _ => idtac end;
- assert (a <> 0) by (eapply F_mul_nonzero_l; eauto using Fq_1_neq_0)
- | [H: (?a*?b)%F <> 0 |- _ ] =>
- match goal with [Ha: b <> 0 |- _ ] => fail 1 | _ => idtac end;
- assert (b <> 0) by (eapply F_mul_nonzero_r; eauto using Fq_1_neq_0)
- end.
+ Definition onCurve (P:F*F) := let (x, y) := P in a*x^2 + y^2 = 1 + d*x^2*y^2.
+ Definition unifiedAdd' (P1' P2':F*F) : F*F :=
+ let (x1, y1) := P1' in
+ let (x2, y2) := P2' in
+ pair (((x1*y2 + y1*x2)/(1 + d*x1*x2*y1*y2))) (((y1*y2 - a*x1*x2)/(1 - d*x1*x2*y1*y2))).
+ Ltac use_sqrt_a := destruct a_square as [sqrt_a a_square']; rewrite <-a_square' in *.
Lemma edwardsAddComplete' x1 y1 x2 y2 :
- onCurve (x1, y1) ->
- onCurve (x2, y2) ->
+ onCurve (pair x1 y1) ->
+ onCurve (pair x2 y2) ->
(d*x1*x2*y1*y2)^2 <> 1.
- intros Hc1 Hc2 Hcontra; simpl in Hc1, Hc2; whatsNotZero.
- pose proof char_gt_2. pose proof a_nonzero as Ha_nonzero.
- destruct a_square as [sqrt_a a_square'].
- rewrite <-a_square' in *.
- (* Furthermore... *)
- pose proof (eq_refl (d*x1^2*y1^2*(sqrt_a^2*x2^2 + y2^2))) as Heqt.
- rewrite Hc2 in Heqt at 2.
- replace (d * x1 ^ 2 * y1 ^ 2 * (1 + d * x2 ^ 2 * y2 ^ 2))
- with (d*x1^2*y1^2 + (d*x1*x2*y1*y2)^2) in Heqt by field.
- rewrite Hcontra in Heqt.
- replace (d * x1 ^ 2 * y1 ^ 2 + 1) with (1 + d * x1 ^ 2 * y1 ^ 2) in Heqt by field.
- rewrite <-Hc1 in Heqt.
- (* main equation for both potentially nonzero denominators *)
- destruct (F_eq_dec (sqrt_a*x2 + y2) 0); destruct (F_eq_dec (sqrt_a*x2 - y2) 0);
- try lazymatch goal with [H: ?f (sqrt_a * x2) y2 <> 0 |- _ ] =>
- assert ((f (sqrt_a*x1) (d * x1 * x2 * y1 * y2*y1))^2 =
- f ((sqrt_a^2)*x1^2 + (d * x1 * x2 * y1 * y2)^2*y1^2)
- (d * x1 * x2 * y1 * y2*sqrt_a*(ZToField 2)*x1*y1)) as Heqw1 by field;
- rewrite Hcontra in Heqw1;
- replace (1 * y1^2) with (y1^2) in * by field;
- rewrite <- Heqt in *;
- assert (d = (f (sqrt_a * x1) (d * x1 * x2 * y1 * y2 * y1))^2 /
- (x1 * y1 * (f (sqrt_a * x2) y2))^2)
- by (rewriteAny; field; auto);
- match goal with [H: d = (?n^2)/(?l^2) |- _ ] =>
- destruct (d_nonsquare (n/l)); (remember n; rewriteAny; field; auto)
- end
- end.
- assert (Hc: (sqrt_a * x2 + y2) + (sqrt_a * x2 - y2) = 0) by (repeat rewriteAny; field).
- replace (sqrt_a * x2 + y2 + (sqrt_a * x2 - y2)) with (ZToField 2 * sqrt_a * x2) in Hc by field.
- (* contradiction: product of nonzero things is zero *)
- destruct (Fq_mul_zero_why _ _ Hc) as [Hcc|Hcc]; subst; intuition.
- destruct (Fq_mul_zero_why _ _ Hcc) as [Hccc|Hccc]; subst; intuition.
- apply Ha_nonzero; field.
+ unfold onCurve, not; use_sqrt_a; intros.
+ destruct (eq_dec (sqrt_a*x2 + y2) 0); destruct (eq_dec (sqrt_a*x2 - y2) 0);
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | [H: not (eq (?f (sqrt_a * x2) y2) 0) |- _ ]
+ => apply d_nonsquare with (sqrt_d:= (f (sqrt_a * x1) (d * x1 * x2 * y1 * y2 * y1))
+ /(f (sqrt_a * x2) y2 * x1 * y1 ))
+ | _ => apply a_nonzero
+ end; field_algebra; auto using Ring.opp_nonzero_nonzero; intro; nsatz_contradict.
Lemma edwardsAddCompletePlus x1 y1 x2 y2 :
- onCurve (x1, y1) ->
- onCurve (x2, y2) ->
- (1 + d*x1*x2*y1*y2) <> 0.
- Proof.
- intros Hc1 Hc2; simpl in Hc1, Hc2.
- intros; destruct (F_eq_dec (d*x1*x2*y1*y2) (0-1)) as [H|H].
- - assert ((d*x1*x2*y1*y2)^2 = 1) by (rewriteAny; field). destruct (edwardsAddComplete' x1 y1 x2 y2); auto.
- - replace (d * x1 * x2 * y1 * y2) with (1+d * x1 * x2 * y1 * y2-1) in H by field.
- intro Hz; rewrite Hz in H; intuition.
- Qed.
+ onCurve (x1, y1) -> onCurve (x2, y2) -> (1 + d*x1*x2*y1*y2) <> 0.
+ Proof. intros H1 H2 ?. apply (edwardsAddComplete' _ _ _ _ H1 H2); field_algebra. Qed.
Lemma edwardsAddCompleteMinus x1 y1 x2 y2 :
- onCurve (x1, y1) ->
- onCurve (x2, y2) ->
- (1 - d*x1*x2*y1*y2) <> 0.
+ onCurve (x1, y1) -> onCurve (x2, y2) -> (1 - d*x1*x2*y1*y2) <> 0.
+ Proof. intros H1 H2 ?. apply (edwardsAddComplete' _ _ _ _ H1 H2); field_algebra. Qed.
+ Lemma zeroOnCurve : onCurve (0, 1). Proof. simpl. field_algebra. Qed.
+ Lemma unifiedAdd'_onCurve : forall P1 P2,
+ onCurve P1 -> onCurve P2 -> onCurve (unifiedAdd' P1 P2).
- intros Hc1 Hc2. destruct (F_eq_dec (d*x1*x2*y1*y2) 1) as [H|H].
- - assert ((d*x1*x2*y1*y2)^2 = 1) by (rewriteAny; field). destruct (edwardsAddComplete' x1 y1 x2 y2); auto.
- - replace (d * x1 * x2 * y1 * y2) with ((1-(1-d * x1 * x2 * y1 * y2))) in H by field.
- intro Hz; rewrite Hz in H; apply H; field.
- Qed.
- Definition zeroOnCurve : onCurve (0, 1).
- simpl. field.
- Qed.
- Lemma unifiedAdd'_onCurve' x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3
- (H: (x3, y3) = unifiedAdd' (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) :
- onCurve (x1, y1) -> onCurve (x2, y2) -> onCurve (x3, y3).
- Proof.
- (* https://eprint.iacr.org/2007/286.pdf Theorem 3.1;
- * c=1 and an extra a in front of x^2 *)
- injection H; cbv beta iota; clear H; intros.
- Ltac t x1 y1 x2 y2 :=
- assert ((a*x2^2 + y2^2)*d*x1^2*y1^2
- = (1 + d*x2^2*y2^2) * d*x1^2*y1^2) by (rewriteAny; auto);
- assert (a*x1^2 + y1^2 - (a*x2^2 + y2^2)*d*x1^2*y1^2
- = 1 - d^2*x1^2*x2^2*y1^2*y2^2) by (repeat rewriteAny; field).
- t x1 y1 x2 y2; t x2 y2 x1 y1.
- remember ((a*x1^2 + y1^2 - (a*x2^2+y2^2)*d*x1^2*y1^2)*(a*x2^2 + y2^2 -
- (a*x1^2 + y1^2)*d*x2^2*y2^2)) as T.
- assert (HT1: T = (1 - d^2*x1^2*x2^2*y1^2*y2^2)^2) by (repeat rewriteAny; field).
- assert (HT2: T = (a * ((x1 * y2 + y1 * x2) * (1 - d * x1 * x2 * y1 * y2)) ^ 2 +(
- (y1 * y2 - a * x1 * x2) * (1 + d * x1 * x2 * y1 * y2)) ^ 2 -d * ((x1 *
- y2 + y1 * x2)* (y1 * y2 - a * x1 * x2))^2)) by (subst; field).
- replace (1:F q) with (a*x3^2 + y3^2 -d*x3^2*y3^2); [field|]; subst x3 y3.
- match goal with [ |- ?x = 1 ] => replace x with
- ((a * ((x1 * y2 + y1 * x2) * (1 - d * x1 * x2 * y1 * y2)) ^ 2 +
- ((y1 * y2 - a * x1 * x2) * (1 + d * x1 * x2 * y1 * y2)) ^ 2 -
- d*((x1 * y2 + y1 * x2) * (y1 * y2 - a * x1 * x2)) ^ 2)/
- ((1-d^2*x1^2*x2^2*y1^2*y2^2)^2)) end.
- - rewrite <-HT1, <-HT2; field; rewrite HT1.
- replace ((1 - d ^ 2 * x1 ^ 2 * x2 ^ 2 * y1 ^ 2 * y2 ^ 2))
- with ((1 - d*x1*x2*y1*y2)*(1 + d*x1*x2*y1*y2)) by field.
- auto using Fq_pow_nonzero, Fq_mul_nonzero_nonzero,
- edwardsAddCompleteMinus, edwardsAddCompletePlus.
- - field; replace (1 - (d * x1 * x2 * y1 * y2) ^ 2)
- with ((1 - d*x1*x2*y1*y2)*(1 + d*x1*x2*y1*y2))
- by field;
- auto using Fq_pow_nonzero, Fq_mul_nonzero_nonzero,
- edwardsAddCompleteMinus, edwardsAddCompletePlus.
+ unfold onCurve, unifiedAdd'; intros [x1 y1] [x2 y2] H1 H2.
+ field_algebra; auto using edwardsAddCompleteMinus, edwardsAddCompletePlus.
+End Pre.
- Lemma unifiedAdd'_onCurve : forall P1 P2, onCurve P1 -> onCurve P2 ->
- onCurve (unifiedAdd' P1 P2).
+Import Group Ring Field.
+(* TODO: move -- this does not need to be defined before [point] *)
+Section RespectsFieldHomomorphism.
+ Context {K eq zero one opp add mul sub inv div} `{@field K eq zero one opp add sub mul inv div}.
+ Local Infix "=" := eq. Local Infix "=" := eq : type_scope.
+ Context {phi:F->K} `{@is_homomorphism F EQ ONE ADD MUL K eq one add mul phi}.
+ Context {A D:F} {a d:K} {a_ok:phi A=a} {d_ok:phi D=d}.
+ Let phip := fun (P':F*F) => let (x, y) := P' in (phi x, phi y).
+ Let eqp := fun (P1' P2':K*K) =>
+ let (x1, y1) := P1' in
+ let (x2, y2) := P2' in
+ and (eq x1 x2) (eq y1 y2).
+ Create HintDb field_homomorphism discriminated.
+ Hint Rewrite
+ homomorphism_one
+ homomorphism_add
+ homomorphism_sub
+ homomorphism_mul
+ homomorphism_div
+ a_ok
+ d_ok
+ : field_homomorphism.
+ Lemma morphism_unidiedAdd' : forall P Q:F*F,
+ eqp
+ (phip (unifiedAdd'(F:=F)(one:=ONE)(add:=ADD)(sub:=SUB)(mul:=MUL)(div:=DIV)(a:=A)(d:=D) P Q))
+ (unifiedAdd'(F:=K)(one:=one)(add:=add)(sub:=sub)(mul:=mul)(div:=div)(a:=a)(d:=d) (phip P) (phip Q)).
- intros; destruct P1, P2.
- remember (unifiedAdd' (f, f0) (f1, f2)) as r; destruct r.
- eapply unifiedAdd'_onCurve'; eauto.
+ intros [x1 y1] [x2 y2].
+ cbv [unifiedAdd' phip eqp];
+ apply conj;
+ (rewrite_strat topdown hints field_homomorphism); reflexivity.
-End Pre.
+End RespectsFieldHomomorphism. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/EdDSAProofs.v b/src/EdDSAProofs.v
index dba71b49c..2e45bcad5 100644
--- a/src/EdDSAProofs.v
+++ b/src/EdDSAProofs.v
@@ -75,4 +75,34 @@ Section EdDSAProofs.
unfold verify, sign, public; arith; try break_if; intuition.
+ (* This is just an experiment, talk to andreser if you think this is a good idea *)
+ Inductive valid {n:nat} : word b -> Word.word n -> word (b+b) -> Prop :=
+ Valid : forall (A:E.point) (M:Word.word n) (S:nat) (R:E.point),
+ (S * B = R + (H (enc R ++ enc A ++ M)) * A)%E
+ -> valid (enc A) M (enc R ++ enc (ZToField (BinInt.Z.of_nat S))).
+ Goal forall A_ {n} (M:Word.word n) sig, verify A_ M sig = true <-> valid A_ M sig.
+ split; unfold verify.
+ Focus 2. {
+ intros.
+ inversion H. subst.
+ rewrite !Word.split2_combine, !Word.split1_combine, !encoding_valid.
+ rewrite FieldToZ_ZToField.
+ rewrite <-Zdiv.mod_Zmod by admit.
+ rewrite Znat.Nat2Z.id.
+ rewrite <-H0.
+ assert ((S mod l) * B = S * B)%E as Hl by admit; rewrite Hl.
+ destruct (E.point_eq_dec (S * B)%E); congruence.
+ } Unfocus. {
+ repeat match goal with |- context [match ?x with _ => _ end] => case_eq x; intro end; try congruence.
+ intros. clear H.
+ repeat match goal with [H: _ |- _ ] => apply encoding_canonical in H end; subst.
+ rewrite <-(Word.combine_split b b sig).
+ rewrite <-H0 in *; clear H0. rewrite <-H2 in *; clear H2.
+ assert (f = (ZToField (BinInt.Z.of_nat (BinInt.Z.to_nat (FieldToZ f))))) as H1. {
+ rewrite Znat.Z2Nat.id by admit. rewrite ZToField_FieldToZ; reflexivity. }
+ rewrite H1; clear H1.
+ econstructor; trivial.
+ }
+ Qed.
End EdDSAProofs.
diff --git a/src/Experiments/DerivationsOptionRectLetInFqPowEncoding.v b/src/Experiments/DerivationsOptionRectLetInFqPowEncoding.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..146059ca4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Experiments/DerivationsOptionRectLetInFqPowEncoding.v
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+Require Import Bedrock.Word.
+Require Import Crypto.Spec.EdDSA.
+Require Import Crypto.Tactics.VerdiTactics.
+Require Import BinNat BinInt NArith Crypto.Spec.ModularArithmetic.
+Require Import ModularArithmetic.ModularArithmeticTheorems.
+Require Import ModularArithmetic.PrimeFieldTheorems.
+Require Import Crypto.Spec.CompleteEdwardsCurve.
+Require Import Crypto.Spec.Encoding Crypto.Spec.ModularWordEncoding.
+Require Import Crypto.CompleteEdwardsCurve.ExtendedCoordinates.
+Require Import Crypto.CompleteEdwardsCurve.CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.IterAssocOp Crypto.Util.WordUtil Crypto.Rep.
+Require Import Coq.Setoids.Setoid Coq.Classes.Morphisms Coq.Classes.Equivalence.
+Require Import Zdiv.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tuple.
+Local Open Scope equiv_scope.
+Generalizable All Variables.
+Local Ltac set_evars :=
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ |- appcontext[?E] ] => is_evar E; let e := fresh "e" in set (e := E)
+ end.
+Local Ltac subst_evars :=
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ e := ?E |- _ ] => is_evar E; subst e
+ end.
+Definition path_sig {A P} {RA:relation A} {Rsig:relation (@sig A P)}
+ {HP:Proper (RA==>Basics.impl) P}
+ (H:forall (x y:A) (px:P x) (py:P y), RA x y -> Rsig (exist _ x px) (exist _ y py))
+ (x : @sig A P) (y0:A) (pf : RA (proj1_sig x) y0)
+: Rsig x (exist _ y0 (HP _ _ pf (proj2_sig x))).
+Proof. destruct x. eapply H. assumption. Defined.
+Definition Let_In {A P} (x : A) (f : forall a : A, P a) : P x := let y := x in f y.
+Global Instance Let_In_Proper_changebody {A P R} {Reflexive_R:@Reflexive P R}
+ : Proper (eq ==> pointwise_relation _ R ==> R) (@Let_In A (fun _ => P)).
+ lazy; intros; try congruence.
+ subst; auto.
+Lemma Let_In_Proper_changevalue {A B} RA {RB} (f:A->B) {Proper_f:Proper (RA==>RB) f}
+ : Proper (RA ==> RB) (fun x => Let_In x f).
+Proof. intuition. Qed.
+Ltac fold_identity_lambdas :=
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ H: appcontext [fun x => ?f x] |- _ ] => change (fun x => f x) with f in *
+ | |- appcontext [fun x => ?f x] => change (fun x => f x) with f in *
+ end.
+Local Ltac replace_let_in_with_Let_In :=
+ match goal with
+ | [ |- context G[let x := ?y in @?z x] ]
+ => let G' := context G[Let_In y z] in change G'
+ end.
+Local Ltac Let_In_app fn :=
+ match goal with
+ | [ |- appcontext G[Let_In (fn ?x) ?f] ]
+ => change (Let_In (fn x) f) with (Let_In x (fun y => f (fn y))); cbv beta
+ end.
+Lemma if_map : forall {T U} (f:T->U) (b:bool) (x y:T), (if b then f x else f y) = f (if b then x else y).
+ destruct b; trivial.
+Lemma pull_Let_In {B C} (f : B -> C) A (v : A) (b : A -> B)
+ : Let_In v (fun v' => f (b v')) = f (Let_In v b).
+ reflexivity.
+Lemma Let_app_In {A B T} (g:A->B) (f:B->T) (x:A) :
+ @Let_In _ (fun _ => T) (g x) f =
+ @Let_In _ (fun _ => T) x (fun p => f (g x)).
+Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
+Lemma Let_app_In' : forall {A B T} {R} {R_equiv:@Equivalence T R}
+ (g : A -> B) (f : B -> T) (x : A)
+ f' (f'_ok: forall z, f' z === f (g z)),
+ Let_In (g x) f === Let_In x f'.
+Proof. intros; cbv [Let_In]; rewrite f'_ok; reflexivity. Qed.
+Definition unfold_Let_In {A B} x (f:A->B) : Let_In x f = let y := x in f y := eq_refl.
+Lemma Let_app2_In {A B C D T} (g1:A->C) (g2:B->D) (f:C*D->T) (x:A) (y:B) :
+ @Let_In _ (fun _ => T) (g1 x, g2 y) f =
+ @Let_In _ (fun _ => T) (x, y) (fun p => f ((g1 (fst p), g2 (snd p)))).
+Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
+Lemma funexp_proj {T T'} `{@Equivalence T' RT'}
+ (proj : T -> T')
+ (f : T -> T)
+ (f' : T' -> T') {Proper_f':Proper (RT'==>RT') f'}
+ (f_proj : forall a, proj (f a) === f' (proj a))
+ x n
+ : proj (funexp f x n) === funexp f' (proj x) n.
+ revert x; induction n as [|n IHn]; simpl; intros.
+ - reflexivity.
+ - rewrite f_proj. rewrite IHn. reflexivity.
+Global Instance pair_Equivalence {A B} `{@Equivalence A RA} `{@Equivalence B RB} : @Equivalence (A*B) (fun x y => fst x = fst y /\ snd x === snd y).
+ constructor; repeat intro; intuition; try congruence.
+ match goal with [H : _ |- _ ] => solve [rewrite H; auto] end.
+Global Instance Proper_test_and_op {T scalar} `{Requiv:@Equivalence T RT}
+ {op:T->T->T} {Proper_op:Proper (RT==>RT==>RT) op}
+ {testbit:scalar->nat->bool} {s:scalar} {zero:T} :
+ let R := fun x y => fst x = fst y /\ snd x === snd y in
+ Proper (R==>R) (test_and_op op testbit s zero).
+ unfold test_and_op; simpl; repeat intro; intuition;
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ |- context[match ?n with _ => _ end] ] => destruct n eqn:?; simpl in *; subst; try discriminate; auto
+ | [ H: _ |- _ ] => setoid_rewrite H; reflexivity
+ end.
+Lemma iter_op_proj {T T' S} `{T'Equiv:@Equivalence T' RT'}
+ (proj : T -> T') (op : T -> T -> T) (op' : T' -> T' -> T') {Proper_op':Proper (RT' ==> RT' ==> RT') op'} x y z
+ (testbit : S -> nat -> bool) (bound : nat)
+ (op_proj : forall a b, proj (op a b) === op' (proj a) (proj b))
+ : proj (iter_op op x testbit y z bound) === iter_op op' (proj x) testbit y (proj z) bound.
+ unfold iter_op.
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | [ |- ?proj (snd (funexp ?f ?x ?n)) === snd (funexp ?f' _ ?n) ]
+ => pose proof (fun pf x0 x1 => @funexp_proj _ _ _ _ (fun x => (fst x, proj (snd x))) f f' (Proper_test_and_op (Requiv:=T'Equiv)) pf (x0, x1)) as H';
+ lazymatch type of H' with
+ | ?H'' -> _ => assert (H'') as pf; [clear H'|edestruct (H' pf); simpl in *; solve [eauto]]
+ end
+ end.
+ intros [??]; simpl.
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ |- context[match ?n with _ => _ end] ] => destruct n eqn:?
+ | _ => progress (unfold equiv; simpl)
+ | _ => progress (subst; intuition)
+ | _ => reflexivity
+ | _ => rewrite op_proj
+ end.
+Global Instance option_rect_Proper_nd {A T}
+ : Proper ((pointwise_relation _ eq) ==> eq ==> eq ==> eq) (@option_rect A (fun _ => T)).
+ intros ?? H ??? [|]??; subst; simpl; congruence.
+Global Instance option_rect_Proper_nd' {A T}
+ : Proper ((pointwise_relation _ eq) ==> eq ==> forall_relation (fun _ => eq)) (@option_rect A (fun _ => T)).
+ intros ?? H ??? [|]; subst; simpl; congruence.
+Hint Extern 1 (Proper _ (@option_rect ?A (fun _ => ?T))) => exact (@option_rect_Proper_nd' A T) : typeclass_instances.
+Lemma option_rect_option_map : forall {A B C} (f:A->B) some none v,
+ option_rect (fun _ => C) (fun x => some (f x)) none v = option_rect (fun _ => C) some none (option_map f v).
+ destruct v; reflexivity.
+Lemma option_rect_function {A B C S' N' v} f
+ : f (option_rect (fun _ : option A => option B) S' N' v)
+ = option_rect (fun _ : option A => C) (fun x => f (S' x)) (f N') v.
+Proof. destruct v; reflexivity. Qed.
+Local Ltac commute_option_rect_Let_In := (* pull let binders out side of option_rect pattern matching *)
+ idtac;
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | [ |- ?LHS = option_rect ?P ?S ?N (Let_In ?x ?f) ]
+ => (* we want to just do a [change] here, but unification is stupid, so we have to tell it what to unfold in what order *)
+ cut (LHS = Let_In x (fun y => option_rect P S N (f y))); cbv beta;
+ [ set_evars;
+ let H := fresh in
+ intro H;
+ rewrite H;
+ clear;
+ abstract (cbv [Let_In]; reflexivity)
+ | ]
+ end.
+(** TODO: possibly move me, remove local *)
+Local Ltac replace_option_match_with_option_rect :=
+ idtac;
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | [ |- _ = ?RHS :> ?T ]
+ => lazymatch RHS with
+ | match ?a with None => ?N | Some x => @?S x end
+ => replace RHS with (option_rect (fun _ => T) S N a) by (destruct a; reflexivity)
+ end
+ end.
+Local Ltac simpl_option_rect := (* deal with [option_rect _ _ _ None] and [option_rect _ _ _ (Some _)] *)
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ |- context[option_rect ?P ?S ?N None] ]
+ => change (option_rect P S N None) with N
+ | [ |- context[option_rect ?P ?S ?N (Some ?x) ] ]
+ => change (option_rect P S N (Some x)) with (S x); cbv beta
+ end.
+Definition COMPILETIME {T} (x:T) : T := x.
+Lemma N_to_nat_le_mono : forall a b, (a <= b)%N -> (N.to_nat a <= N.to_nat b)%nat.
+ intros.
+ pose proof (Nomega.Nlt_out a (N.succ b)).
+ rewrite N2Nat.inj_succ, N.lt_succ_r, <-NPeano.Nat.lt_succ_r in *; auto.
+Lemma N_size_nat_le_mono : forall a b, (a <= b)%N -> (N.size_nat a <= N.size_nat b)%nat.
+ intros.
+ destruct (N.eq_dec a 0), (N.eq_dec b 0); try abstract (subst;rewrite ?N.le_0_r in *;subst;simpl;omega).
+ rewrite !Nsize_nat_equiv, !N.size_log2 by assumption.
+ edestruct N.succ_le_mono; eauto using N_to_nat_le_mono, N.log2_le_mono.
+Lemma Z_to_N_Z_of_nat : forall n, Z.to_N (Z.of_nat n) = N.of_nat n.
+Proof. induction n; auto. Qed.
+Lemma Z_of_nat_nonzero : forall m, m <> 0 -> (0 < Z.of_nat m)%Z.
+Proof. intros. destruct m; [congruence|reflexivity]. Qed.
+Local Infix "mod" := NPeano.modulo : nat_scope.
+Lemma N_of_nat_modulo : forall n m, m <> 0 -> N.of_nat (n mod m)%nat = (N.of_nat n mod N.of_nat m)%N.
+ intros.
+ apply Znat.N2Z.inj_iff.
+ rewrite !Znat.nat_N_Z.
+ rewrite Zdiv.mod_Zmod by auto.
+ apply Znat.Z2N.inj_iff.
+ { apply Z.mod_pos_bound. apply Z_of_nat_nonzero. assumption. }
+ { apply Znat.N2Z.is_nonneg. }
+ rewrite Znat.Z2N.inj_mod by (auto using Znat.Nat2Z.is_nonneg, Z_of_nat_nonzero).
+ rewrite !Z_to_N_Z_of_nat, !Znat.N2Z.id; reflexivity.
+Lemma encoding_canonical' {T} {B} {encoding:canonical encoding of T as B} :
+ forall a b, enc a = enc b -> a = b.
+ intros.
+ pose proof (f_equal dec H).
+ pose proof encoding_valid.
+ pose proof encoding_canonical.
+ congruence.
+Lemma compare_encodings {T} {B} {encoding:canonical encoding of T as B}
+ (B_eqb:B->B->bool) (B_eqb_iff : forall a b:B, (B_eqb a b = true) <-> a = b)
+ : forall a b : T, (a = b) <-> (B_eqb (enc a) (enc b) = true).
+ intros.
+ split; intro H.
+ { rewrite B_eqb_iff; congruence. }
+ { apply B_eqb_iff in H; eauto using encoding_canonical'. }
+Lemma eqb_eq_dec' {T} (eqb:T->T->bool) (eqb_iff:forall a b, eqb a b = true <-> a = b) :
+ forall a b, if eqb a b then a = b else a <> b.
+ intros.
+ case_eq (eqb a b); intros.
+ { eapply eqb_iff; trivial. }
+ { specialize (eqb_iff a b). rewrite H in eqb_iff. intuition. }
+Definition eqb_eq_dec {T} (eqb:T->T->bool) (eqb_iff:forall a b, eqb a b = true <-> a = b) :
+ forall a b : T, {a=b}+{a<>b}.
+ intros.
+ pose proof (eqb_eq_dec' eqb eqb_iff a b).
+ destruct (eqb a b); eauto.
+Definition eqb_eq_dec_and_output {T} (eqb:T->T->bool) (eqb_iff:forall a b, eqb a b = true <-> a = b) :
+ forall a b : T, {a = b /\ eqb a b = true}+{a<>b /\ eqb a b = false}.
+ intros.
+ pose proof (eqb_eq_dec' eqb eqb_iff a b).
+ destruct (eqb a b); eauto.
+Lemma eqb_compare_encodings {T} {B} {encoding:canonical encoding of T as B}
+ (T_eqb:T->T->bool) (T_eqb_iff : forall a b:T, (T_eqb a b = true) <-> a = b)
+ (B_eqb:B->B->bool) (B_eqb_iff : forall a b:B, (B_eqb a b = true) <-> a = b)
+ : forall a b : T, T_eqb a b = B_eqb (enc a) (enc b).
+ intros;
+ destruct (eqb_eq_dec_and_output T_eqb T_eqb_iff a b);
+ destruct (eqb_eq_dec_and_output B_eqb B_eqb_iff (enc a) (enc b));
+ intuition;
+ try find_copy_apply_lem_hyp B_eqb_iff;
+ try find_copy_apply_lem_hyp T_eqb_iff;
+ try congruence.
+ apply (compare_encodings B_eqb B_eqb_iff) in H2; congruence.
+Lemma decode_failed_neq_encoding {T B} (encoding_T_B:canonical encoding of T as B) (X:B)
+ (dec_failed:dec X = None) (a:T) : X <> enc a.
+Proof. pose proof encoding_valid. congruence. Qed.
+Lemma compare_without_decoding {T B} (encoding_T_B:canonical encoding of T as B)
+ (T_eqb:T->T->bool) (T_eqb_iff:forall a b, T_eqb a b = true <-> a = b)
+ (B_eqb:B->B->bool) (B_eqb_iff:forall a b, B_eqb a b = true <-> a = b)
+ (P_:B) (Q:T) :
+ option_rect (fun _ : option T => bool)
+ (fun P : T => T_eqb P Q)
+ false
+ (dec P_)
+ = B_eqb P_ (enc Q).
+ destruct (dec P_) eqn:Hdec; simpl option_rect.
+ { apply encoding_canonical in Hdec; subst; auto using eqb_compare_encodings. }
+ { pose proof encoding_canonical.
+ pose proof encoding_valid.
+ pose proof eqb_compare_encodings.
+ eapply decode_failed_neq_encoding in Hdec.
+ destruct (B_eqb P_ (enc Q)) eqn:Heq; [rewrite B_eqb_iff in Heq; eauto | trivial]. }
+Lemma unfoldDiv : forall {m} (x y:F m), (x/y = x * inv y)%F. Proof. unfold div. congruence. Qed.
+Definition FieldToN {m} (x:F m) := Z.to_N (FieldToZ x).
+Lemma FieldToN_correct {m} (x:F m) : FieldToN (m:=m) x = Z.to_N (FieldToZ x). reflexivity. Qed.
+Definition natToField {m} x : F m := ZToField (Z.of_nat x).
+Definition FieldToNat {m} (x:F m) : nat := Z.to_nat (FieldToZ x).
+Lemma FieldToNat_natToField {m} : m <> 0 -> forall x, x mod m = FieldToNat (natToField (m:=Z.of_nat m) x).
+ unfold natToField, FieldToNat; intros.
+ rewrite (FieldToZ_ZToField), <-mod_Zmod, Nat2Z.id; trivial.
+Lemma F_eqb_iff {q} : forall x y : F q, F_eqb x y = true <-> x = y.
+ split; eauto using F_eqb_eq, F_eqb_complete.
+Section FSRepOperations.
+ Context {q:Z} {prime_q:Znumtheory.prime q} {two_lt_q:(2 < q)%Z}.
+ Context {l:Z} {two_lt_l:(2 < l)%Z}.
+ Context `{rcS:RepConversions (F l) SRep} {rcSOK:RepConversionsOK rcS}.
+ Context `(rcF:RepConversions (F q) FRep) (rcFOK:RepConversionsOK rcF).
+ Context (FRepAdd FRepSub FRepMul:FRep->FRep->FRep) (FRepAdd_correct:RepBinOpOK rcF add FRepMul).
+ Context (FRepSub_correct:RepBinOpOK rcF sub FRepSub) (FRepMul_correct:RepBinOpOK rcF mul FRepMul).
+ Axiom SRep_testbit : SRep -> nat -> bool.
+ Axiom SRep_testbit_correct : forall (x0 : SRep) (i : nat), SRep_testbit x0 i = N.testbit_nat (FieldToN (unRep x0)) i.
+ Definition FSRepPow width x n := iter_op FRepMul (toRep 1%F) SRep_testbit n x width.
+ Lemma FSRepPow_correct : forall width x n, (N.size_nat (FieldToN (unRep n)) <= width)%nat -> (unRep x ^ FieldToN (unRep n))%F = unRep (FSRepPow width x n).
+ Proof. (* this proof derives the required formula, which I copy-pasted above to be able to reference it without the length precondition *)
+ unfold FSRepPow; intros.
+ erewrite <-pow_nat_iter_op_correct by auto.
+ erewrite <-(fun x => iter_op_spec (scalar := SRep) mul F_mul_assoc _ F_mul_1_l _ _ SRep_testbit_correct n x width) by auto.
+ rewrite <-(rcFOK 1%F) at 1.
+ erewrite <-iter_op_proj;
+ [apply eq_refl
+ |eauto with typeclass_instances
+ |symmetry; eapply FRepMul_correct].
+ Qed.
+ Context (q_minus_2_lt_l:(q - 2 < l)%Z).
+ Definition FRepInv x : FRep := FSRepPow (COMPILETIME (N.size_nat (Z.to_N (q - 2)))) x (COMPILETIME (toRep (ZToField (q - 2)))).
+ Lemma FRepInv_correct : forall x, inv (unRep x)%F = unRep (FRepInv x).
+ unfold FRepInv, COMPILETIME; intros.
+ rewrite <-FSRepPow_correct; rewrite FieldToN_correct, rcSOK, FieldToZ_ZToField, Zmod_small by omega; trivial.
+ pose proof @Fq_inv_fermat_correct as Hf; unfold inv_fermat in Hf; rewrite Hf by
+ auto using prime_q, two_lt_q.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+End FSRepOperations. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Experiments/GenericFieldPow.v b/src/Experiments/GenericFieldPow.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..884a9fe5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Experiments/GenericFieldPow.v
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+Require Import Coq.setoid_ring.Cring.
+Generalizable All Variables.
+(*TODO: move *)
+Lemma Z_pos_pred_0 p : Z.pos p - 1 = 0 -> p=1%positive.
+Proof. destruct p; simpl in *; try discriminate; auto. Qed.
+Lemma Z_neg_succ_neg : forall a b, (Z.neg a + 1)%Z = Z.neg b -> a = Pos.succ b.
+Lemma Z_pos_pred_pos : forall a b, (Z.pos a - 1)%Z = Z.pos b -> a = Pos.succ b.
+Lemma Z_pred_neg p : (Z.neg p - 1)%Z = Z.neg (Pos.succ p).
+(* teach nsatz to deal with the definition of power we are use *)
+Instance reify_pow_pos (R:Type) `{Ring R}
+e1 lvar t1 n
+`{Ring (T:=R)}
+{_:reify e1 lvar t1}
+: reify (PEpow e1 (N.pos n)) lvar (pow_pos t1 n)|1.
+Class Field_ops (F:Type)
+ `{Ring_ops F}
+ {inv:F->F} := {}.
+Class Division (A B C:Type) := division : A -> B -> C.
+Local Notation "_/_" := division.
+Local Notation "n / d" := (division n d).
+Module F.
+ Definition div `{Field_ops F} n d := n * (inv d).
+ Global Instance div_notation `{Field_ops F} : @Division F F F := div.
+ Class Field {F inv} `{FieldCring:Cring (R:=F)} {Fo:Field_ops F (inv:=inv)} :=
+ {
+ field_inv_comp : Proper (_==_ ==> _==_) inv;
+ field_inv_def : forall x, (x == 0 -> False) -> inv x * x == 1;
+ field_one_neq_zero : not (1 == 0)
+ }.
+ Global Existing Instance field_inv_comp.
+ Definition powZ `{Field_ops F} (x:F) (n:Z) :=
+ match n with
+ | Z0 => 1
+ | Zpos p => pow_pos x p
+ | Zneg p => inv (pow_pos x p)
+ end.
+ Global Instance power_field `{Field_ops F} : Power | 5 := { power := powZ }.
+ Section FieldProofs.
+ Context `{Field F}.
+ Definition unfold_div (x y:F) : x/y = x * inv y := eq_refl.
+ Global Instance Proper_div :
+ Proper (_==_ ==> _==_ ==> _==_) div.
+ Proof.
+ unfold div; repeat intro.
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [H: _ == _ |- _ ] => rewrite H; clear H
+ end; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Global Instance Proper_pow_pos : Proper (_==_==>eq==>_==_) pow_pos.
+ Proof.
+ cut (forall n (y x : F), x == y -> pow_pos x n == pow_pos y n);
+ [repeat intro; subst; eauto|].
+ induction n; simpl; intros; trivial;
+ repeat eapply ring_mult_comp; eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Global Instance Propper_powZ : Proper (_==_==>eq==>_==_) powZ.
+ Proof.
+ repeat intro; subst; unfold powZ.
+ match goal with |- context[match ?x with _ => _ end] => destruct x end;
+ repeat (eapply Proper_pow_pos || f_equiv; trivial).
+ Qed.
+ Require Import Coq.setoid_ring.Field_theory Coq.setoid_ring.Field_tac.
+ Lemma field_theory_for_tactic : field_theory 0 1 _+_ _*_ _-_ -_ _/_ inv _==_.
+ Proof.
+ split; repeat constructor; repeat intro; gen_rewrite; try cring;
+ eauto using field_one_neq_zero, field_inv_def. Qed.
+ Require Import Coq.setoid_ring.Ring_theory Coq.setoid_ring.NArithRing.
+ Lemma power_theory_for_tactic : power_theory 1 _*_ _==_ NtoZ power.
+ Proof. constructor; destruct n; reflexivity. Qed.
+ Create HintDb field_nonzero discriminated.
+ Hint Resolve field_one_neq_zero : field_nonzero.
+ Ltac field_nonzero := repeat split; auto 3 with field_nonzero.
+ Ltac field_power_isconst t := Ncst t.
+ Add Field FieldProofsAddField : field_theory_for_tactic
+ (postprocess [field_nonzero],
+ power_tac power_theory_for_tactic [field_power_isconst]).
+ Lemma div_mul_idemp_l : forall a b, (a==0 -> False) -> a*b/a == b.
+ Proof. intros. field. Qed.
+ Context {eq_dec:forall x y : F, {x==y}+{x==y->False}}.
+ Lemma mul_zero_why : forall a b, a*b == 0 -> a == 0 \/ b == 0.
+ intros; destruct (eq_dec a 0); intuition.
+ assert (a * b / a == 0) by
+ (match goal with [H: _ == _ |- _ ] => rewrite H; field end).
+ rewrite div_mul_idemp_l in *; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Require Import Coq.nsatz.Nsatz.
+ Global Instance Integral_domain_Field : Integral_domain (R:=F).
+ Proof.
+ constructor; intros; eauto using mul_zero_why, field_one_neq_zero.
+ Qed.
+ Tactic Notation (at level 0) "field_simplify_eq" "in" hyp(H) :=
+ let t := type of H in
+ generalize H;
+ field_lookup (PackField FIELD_SIMPL_EQ) [] t;
+ try (exact I);
+ try (idtac; []; clear H;intro H).
+ Require Import Util.Tactics.
+ Inductive field_simplify_done {x y:F} : (x==y) -> Type :=
+ Field_simplify_done : forall (H:x==y), field_simplify_done H.
+ Ltac field_nsatz :=
+ repeat match goal with
+ [ H: (_:F) == _ |- _ ] =>
+ match goal with
+ | [ Ha : field_simplify_done H |- _ ] => fail
+ | _ => idtac
+ end;
+ field_simplify_eq in H;
+ unique pose proof (Field_simplify_done H)
+ end;
+ repeat match goal with [ H: field_simplify_done _ |- _] => clear H end;
+ try field_simplify_eq;
+ try nsatz.
+ Create HintDb field discriminated.
+ Hint Extern 5 (_ == _) => field_nsatz : field.
+ Hint Extern 5 (_ <-> _) => split.
+ Lemma mul_inv_l : forall x, not (x == 0) -> inv x * x == 1. Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma mul_inv_r : forall x, not (x == 0) -> x * inv x == 1. Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma mul_cancel_r' (x y z:F) : not (z == 0) -> x * z == y * z -> x == y.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ assert (x * z * inv z == y * z * inv z) by
+ (match goal with [H: _ == _ |- _ ] => rewrite H; auto with field end).
+ assert (x * z * inv z == x * (z * inv z)) by auto with field.
+ assert (y * z * inv z == y * (z * inv z)) by auto with field.
+ rewrite mul_inv_r, @ring_mul_1_r in *; auto with field.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma mul_cancel_r (x y z:F) : not (z == 0) -> (x * z == y * z <-> x == y).
+ Proof. intros;split;intros Heq; try eapply mul_cancel_r' in Heq; eauto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma mul_cancel_l (x y z:F) : not (z == 0) -> (z * x == z * y <-> x == y).
+ Proof. intros;split;intros; try eapply mul_cancel_r; eauto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma mul_cancel_r_eq : forall x z:F, not(z==0) -> (x*z == z <-> x == 1).
+ Proof.
+ intros;split;intros Heq; [|nsatz].
+ pose proof ring_mul_1_l z as Hz; rewrite <- Hz in Heq at 2; rewrite mul_cancel_r in Heq; eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma mul_cancel_l_eq : forall x z:F, not(z==0) -> (z*x == z <-> x == 1).
+ Proof. intros;split;intros Heq; try eapply mul_cancel_r_eq; eauto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma inv_unique (a:F) : forall x y, x * a == 1 -> y * a == 1 -> x == y. Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma mul_nonzero_nonzero (a b:F) : not (a == 0) -> not (b == 0) -> not (a*b == 0).
+ Proof. intros; intro Hab. destruct (mul_zero_why _ _ Hab); auto. Qed.
+ Hint Resolve mul_nonzero_nonzero : field_nonzero.
+ Lemma inv_nonzero (x:F) : not(x == 0) -> not(inv x==0).
+ Proof.
+ intros Hx Hi.
+ assert (Hc:not (inv x*x==0)) by (rewrite field_inv_def; auto with field_nonzero); contradict Hc.
+ ring [Hi].
+ Qed.
+ Hint Resolve inv_nonzero : field_nonzero.
+ Lemma div_nonzero (x y:F) : not(x==0) -> not(y==0) -> not(x/y==0).
+ Proof.
+ unfold division, div_notation, div; auto with field_nonzero.
+ Qed.
+ Hint Resolve div_nonzero : field_nonzero.
+ Lemma pow_pos_nonzero (x:F) p : not(x==0) -> not(Ncring.pow_pos x p == 0).
+ Proof.
+ intros; induction p using Pos.peano_ind; try assumption; [].
+ rewrite Ncring.pow_pos_succ; eauto using mul_nonzero_nonzero.
+ Qed.
+ Hint Resolve pow_pos_nonzero : field_nonzero.
+ Lemma sub_diag_iff (x y:F) : x - y == 0 <-> x == y. Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma mul_same (x:F) : x*x == x^2%Z. Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma inv_mul (x y:F) : not(x==0) -> not (y==0) -> inv (x*y) == inv x * inv y.
+ Proof. intros;field;intuition. Qed.
+ Lemma pow_0_r (x:F) : x^0 == 1. Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma pow_1_r : forall x:F, x^1%Z == x. Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma pow_2_r : forall x:F, x^2%Z == x*x. Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma pow_3_r : forall x:F, x^3%Z == x*x*x. Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma pow_succ_r (x:F) (n:Z) : not (x==0)\/(n>=0)%Z -> x^(n+1) == x * x^n.
+ Proof.
+ intros Hnz; unfold power, powZ, power_field, powZ; destruct n eqn:HSn.
+ - simpl; ring.
+ - setoid_rewrite <-Pos2Z.inj_succ; rewrite Ncring.pow_pos_succ; ring.
+ - destruct (Z.succ (Z.neg p)) eqn:Hn.
+ + assert (p=1%positive) by (destruct p; simpl in *; try discriminate; auto).
+ subst; simpl in *; field. destruct Hnz; auto with field_nonzero.
+ + destruct p, p0; discriminate.
+ + setoid_rewrite Hn.
+ apply Z_neg_succ_neg in Hn; subst.
+ rewrite Ncring.pow_pos_succ; field;
+ destruct Hnz; auto with field_nonzero.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma pow_pred_r (x:F) (n:Z) : not (x==0) -> x^(n-1) == x^n/x.
+ Proof.
+ intros; unfold power, powZ, power_field, powZ; destruct n eqn:HSn.
+ - simpl. rewrite unfold_div; field.
+ - destruct (Z.pos p - 1) eqn:Hn.
+ + apply Z_pos_pred_0 in Hn; subst; simpl; field.
+ + apply Z_pos_pred_pos in Hn; subst.
+ rewrite Ncring.pow_pos_succ; field; auto with field_nonzero.
+ + destruct p; discriminate.
+ - rewrite Z_pred_neg, Ncring.pow_pos_succ; field; auto with field_nonzero.
+ Qed.
+ Local Ltac pow_peano :=
+ repeat (setoid_rewrite pow_0_r
+ || setoid_rewrite pow_succ_r
+ || setoid_rewrite pow_pred_r).
+ Lemma pow_mul (x y:F) : forall (n:Z), not(x==0)/\not(y==0)\/(n>=0)%Z -> (x * y)^n == x^n * y^n.
+ Proof.
+ match goal with |- forall n, @?P n => eapply (Z.order_induction'_0 P) end.
+ { repeat intro. subst. reflexivity. }
+ - intros; cbv [power power_field powZ]; ring.
+ - intros n Hn IH Hxy.
+ repeat setoid_rewrite pow_succ_r; try rewrite IH; try ring; (right; omega).
+ - intros n Hn IH Hxy. destruct Hxy as [[]|?]; try omega; [].
+ repeat setoid_rewrite pow_pred_r; try rewrite IH; try field; auto with field_nonzero.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma pow_nonzero (x:F) : forall (n:Z), not(x==0) -> not(x^n==0).
+ match goal with |- forall n, @?P n => eapply (Z.order_induction'_0 P) end; intros; pow_peano;
+ auto with field_nonzero.
+ { repeat intro. subst. reflexivity. }
+ Qed.
+ Hint Resolve pow_nonzero : field_nonzero.
+ Lemma pow_inv (x:F) : forall (n:Z), not(x==0) -> inv x^n == inv (x^n).
+ match goal with |- forall n, @?P n => eapply (Z.order_induction'_0 P) end.
+ { repeat intro. subst. reflexivity. }
+ - intros; cbv [power power_field powZ]. field.
+ - intros n Hn IH Hx.
+ repeat setoid_rewrite pow_succ_r; try rewrite IH; try field; auto with field_nonzero.
+ - intros n Hn IH Hx.
+ repeat setoid_rewrite pow_pred_r; try rewrite IH; try field; auto 3 with field_nonzero.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma pow_0_l : forall n, (n>0)%Z -> (0:F)^n==0.
+ match goal with |- forall n, @?P n => eapply (Z.order_induction'_0 P) end; intros; try omega.
+ { repeat intro. subst. reflexivity. }
+ setoid_rewrite pow_succ_r; [auto with field|right;omega].
+ Qed.
+ Lemma pow_div (x y:F) (n:Z) : not (y==0) -> not(x==0)\/(n >= 0)%Z -> (x/y)^n == x^n/y^n.
+ Proof.
+ intros Hy Hxn. unfold division, div_notation, div.
+ rewrite pow_mul, pow_inv; try field; destruct Hxn; auto with field_nonzero.
+ Qed.
+ Hint Extern 3 (_ >= _)%Z => omega : field_nonzero.
+ Lemma issquare_mul (x y z:F) : not (y == 0) -> x^2%Z == z * y^2%Z -> (x/y)^2%Z == z.
+ Proof. intros. rewrite pow_div by (auto with field_nonzero); auto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma issquare_mul_sub (x y z:F) : 0 == z*y^2%Z - x^2%Z -> (x/y)^2%Z == z \/ x == 0.
+ Proof. destruct (eq_dec y 0); [right|left]; auto using issquare_mul with field. Qed.
+ Lemma div_mul : forall x y z : F, not(y==0) -> (z == (x / y) <-> z * y == x).
+ Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma div_1_r : forall x : F, x/1 == x.
+ Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma div_1_l : forall x : F, not(x==0) -> 1/x == inv x.
+ Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma div_opp_l : forall x y, not (y==0) -> (-_ x) / y == -_ (x / y).
+ Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma div_opp_r : forall x y, not (y==0) -> x / (-_ y) == -_ (x / y).
+ Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma eq_opp_zero : forall x : F, (~ 1 + 1 == (0:F)) -> (x == -_ x <-> x == 0).
+ Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma add_cancel_l : forall x y z:F, z+x == z+y <-> x == y.
+ Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma add_cancel_r : forall x y z:F, x+z == y+z <-> x == y.
+ Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma add_cancel_r_eq : forall x z:F, x+z == z <-> x == 0.
+ Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma add_cancel_l_eq : forall x z:F, z+x == z <-> x == 0.
+ Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma sqrt_solutions : forall x y:F, y ^ 2%Z == x ^ 2%Z -> y == x \/ y == -_ x.
+ Proof.
+ intros ? ? squares_eq.
+ remember (y - x) as z eqn:Heqz.
+ assert (y == x + z) as Heqy by (subst; ring); rewrite Heqy in *; clear Heqy Heqz.
+ assert (Hw:(x + z)^2%Z == z * (x + (x + z)) + x^2%Z)
+ by (auto with field); rewrite Hw in squares_eq; clear Hw.
+ rewrite add_cancel_r_eq in squares_eq.
+ apply mul_zero_why in squares_eq; destruct squares_eq; auto with field.
+ Qed.
+ End FieldProofs.
+End F. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ModularArithmetic/FField.v b/src/ModularArithmetic/FField.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f2b623e0..000000000
--- a/src/ModularArithmetic/FField.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-Require Export Crypto.Spec.ModularArithmetic.
-Require Export Coq.setoid_ring.Field.
-Require Import Crypto.ModularArithmetic.PrimeFieldTheorems.
-Local Open Scope F_scope.
-Definition OpaqueF := F.
-Definition OpaqueZmodulo := BinInt.Z.modulo.
-Definition Opaqueadd {p} : OpaqueF p -> OpaqueF p -> OpaqueF p := @add p.
-Definition Opaquemul {p} : OpaqueF p -> OpaqueF p -> OpaqueF p := @mul p.
-Definition Opaquesub {p} : OpaqueF p -> OpaqueF p -> OpaqueF p := @sub p.
-Definition Opaquediv {p} : OpaqueF p -> OpaqueF p -> OpaqueF p := @div p.
-Definition Opaqueopp {p} : OpaqueF p -> OpaqueF p := @opp p.
-Definition Opaqueinv {p} : OpaqueF p -> OpaqueF p := @inv p.
-Definition OpaqueZToField {p} : BinInt.Z -> OpaqueF p := @ZToField p.
-Definition Opaqueadd_correct {p} : @Opaqueadd p = @add p := eq_refl.
-Definition Opaquesub_correct {p} : @Opaquesub p = @sub p := eq_refl.
-Definition Opaquemul_correct {p} : @Opaquemul p = @mul p := eq_refl.
-Definition Opaquediv_correct {p} : @Opaquediv p = @div p := eq_refl.
-Global Opaque F OpaqueZmodulo Opaqueadd Opaquemul Opaquesub Opaquediv Opaqueopp Opaqueinv OpaqueZToField.
-Definition OpaqueFieldTheory p {prime_p} : @field_theory (OpaqueF p) (OpaqueZToField 0%Z) (OpaqueZToField 1%Z) Opaqueadd Opaquemul Opaquesub Opaqueopp Opaquediv Opaqueinv eq := Eval hnf in @Ffield_theory p prime_p.
-Ltac FIELD_SIMPL_idtac FLD lH rl :=
- let Simpl := idtac (* (protect_fv "field") *) in
- let lemma := get_SimplifyEqLemma FLD in
- get_FldPre FLD ();
- Field_Scheme Simpl Ring_tac.ring_subst_niter lemma FLD lH;
- get_FldPost FLD ().
-Ltac field_simplify_eq_idtac := let G := Get_goal in field_lookup (PackField FIELD_SIMPL_idtac) [] G.
-Ltac F_to_Opaque :=
- change F with OpaqueF in *;
- change BinInt.Z.modulo with OpaqueZmodulo in *;
- change @add with @Opaqueadd in *;
- change @mul with @Opaquemul in *;
- change @sub with @Opaquesub in *;
- change @div with @Opaquediv in *;
- change @opp with @Opaqueopp in *;
- change @inv with @Opaqueinv in *;
- change @ZToField with @OpaqueZToField in *.
-Ltac F_from_Opaque p :=
- change OpaqueF with F in *;
- change (@sig BinNums.Z (fun z : BinNums.Z => @eq BinNums.Z z (BinInt.Z.modulo z p))) with (F p) in *;
- change OpaqueZmodulo with BinInt.Z.modulo in *;
- change @Opaqueopp with @opp in *;
- change @Opaqueinv with @inv in *;
- change @OpaqueZToField with @ZToField in *;
- rewrite ?@Opaqueadd_correct, ?@Opaquesub_correct, ?@Opaquemul_correct, ?@Opaquediv_correct in *.
-Ltac F_field_simplify_eq :=
- lazymatch goal with |- @eq (F ?p) _ _ =>
- F_to_Opaque;
- field_simplify_eq_idtac;
- compute;
- F_from_Opaque p
- end.
-Ltac F_field := F_field_simplify_eq; [ring|..].
-Ltac notConstant t := constr:NotConstant.
diff --git a/src/ModularArithmetic/FNsatz.v b/src/ModularArithmetic/FNsatz.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 221b8d799..000000000
--- a/src/ModularArithmetic/FNsatz.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-Require Import Crypto.ModularArithmetic.PrimeFieldTheorems.
-Require Export Crypto.ModularArithmetic.FField.
-Require Import Coq.nsatz.Nsatz.
-Ltac FqAsIntegralDomain :=
- lazymatch goal with [H:Znumtheory.prime ?q |- _ ] =>
- pose proof (_:@Integral_domain.Integral_domain (F q) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) as FqIntegralDomain;
- lazymatch type of FqIntegralDomain with @Integral_domain.Integral_domain _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?ringOps ?ringOk ?ringComm =>
- generalize dependent ringComm; intro Cring;
- generalize dependent ringOk; intro Ring;
- generalize dependent ringOps; intro RingOps;
- lazymatch type of RingOps with @Ncring.Ring_ops ?t ?z ?o ?a ?m ?s ?p ?e =>
- generalize dependent e; intro equiv;
- generalize dependent p; intro opp;
- generalize dependent s; intro sub;
- generalize dependent m; intro mul;
- generalize dependent a; intro add;
- generalize dependent o; intro one;
- generalize dependent z; intro zero;
- generalize dependent t; intro R
- end
- end; intros;
- clear q H
- end.
-Ltac fixed_equality_to_goal H x y := generalize (psos_r1 x y H); clear H.
-Ltac fixed_equalities_to_goal :=
- match goal with
- | H:?x == ?y |- _ => fixed_equality_to_goal H x y
- | H:_ ?x ?y |- _ => fixed_equality_to_goal H x y
- | H:_ _ ?x ?y |- _ => fixed_equality_to_goal H x y
- | H:_ _ _ ?x ?y |- _ => fixed_equality_to_goal H x y
- | H:_ _ _ _ ?x ?y |- _ => fixed_equality_to_goal H x y
- end.
-Ltac fixed_nsatz :=
- intros; try apply psos_r1b;
- lazymatch goal with
- | |- @equality ?T _ _ _ => repeat fixed_equalities_to_goal; nsatz_generic 6%N 1%Z (@nil T) (@nil T)
- end.
-Ltac F_nsatz := abstract (FqAsIntegralDomain; fixed_nsatz).
diff --git a/src/ModularArithmetic/ModularArithmeticTheorems.v b/src/ModularArithmetic/ModularArithmeticTheorems.v
index 6168f88bd..8e526745c 100644
--- a/src/ModularArithmetic/ModularArithmeticTheorems.v
+++ b/src/ModularArithmetic/ModularArithmeticTheorems.v
@@ -150,6 +150,15 @@ Section FandZ.
intuition; find_inversion; rewrite ?Z.mod_0_l, ?Z.mod_small in *; intuition.
+ Require Crypto.Algebra.
+ Global Instance commutative_ring_modulo : @Algebra.commutative_ring (F m) Logic.eq (ZToField 0) (ZToField 1) opp add sub mul.
+ Proof.
+ repeat split; Fdefn; try apply F_eq_dec.
+ { rewrite Z.add_0_r. auto. }
+ { rewrite <-Z.add_sub_swap, <-Z.add_sub_assoc, Z.sub_diag, Z.add_0_r. apply Z_mod_same_full. }
+ { rewrite Z.mul_1_r. auto. }
+ Qed.
Lemma ZToField_0 : @ZToField m 0 = 0.
diff --git a/src/ModularArithmetic/PrimeFieldTheorems.v b/src/ModularArithmetic/PrimeFieldTheorems.v
index 70a2c4a87..2021e8514 100644
--- a/src/ModularArithmetic/PrimeFieldTheorems.v
+++ b/src/ModularArithmetic/PrimeFieldTheorems.v
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ Require Import Coq.ZArith.BinInt Coq.NArith.BinNat Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.ZArith.
Require Import Coq.Logic.Eqdep_dec.
Require Import Crypto.Util.NumTheoryUtil Crypto.Util.ZUtil.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.
+Require Crypto.Algebra.
Existing Class prime.
@@ -51,6 +52,14 @@ Section FieldModuloPre.
constructor; auto using Fring_theory, Fq_1_neq_0, F_mul_inv_l.
+ Global Instance field_modulo : @Algebra.field (F q) Logic.eq (ZToField 0) (ZToField 1) opp add sub mul inv div.
+ Proof.
+ constructor; try solve_proper.
+ - apply commutative_ring_modulo.
+ - split. auto using F_mul_inv_l.
+ - split. auto using Fq_1_neq_0.
+ Qed.
End FieldModuloPre.
Module Type PrimeModulus.
diff --git a/src/Nsatz.v b/src/Nsatz.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..469ba4c29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Nsatz.v
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+(*** Tactics for manipulating polynomial equations *)
+Require Coq.nsatz.Nsatz.
+Require Import List.
+Generalizable All Variables.
+Lemma cring_sub_diag_iff {R zero eq sub} `{cring:Cring.Cring (R:=R) (ring0:=zero) (ring_eq:=eq) (sub:=sub)}
+ : forall x y, eq (sub x y) zero <-> eq x y.
+ split;intros Hx.
+ { eapply Nsatz.psos_r1b. eapply Hx. }
+ { eapply Nsatz.psos_r1. eapply Hx. }
+Ltac get_goal := lazymatch goal with |- ?g => g end.
+Ltac nsatz_equation_implications_to_list eq zero g :=
+ lazymatch g with
+ | eq ?p zero => constr:(p::nil)
+ | eq ?p zero -> ?g => let l := nsatz_equation_implications_to_list eq zero g in constr:(p::l)
+ end.
+Ltac nsatz_reify_equations eq zero :=
+ let g := get_goal in
+ let lb := nsatz_equation_implications_to_list eq zero g in
+ lazymatch (eval red in (Ncring_tac.list_reifyl (lterm:=lb))) with
+ (?variables, ?le) =>
+ lazymatch (eval compute in (List.rev le)) with
+ | ?reified_goal::?reified_givens => constr:(variables, reified_givens, reified_goal)
+ end
+ end.
+Ltac nsatz_get_free_variables reified_package :=
+ lazymatch reified_package with (?fv, _, _) => fv end.
+Ltac nsatz_get_reified_givens reified_package :=
+ lazymatch reified_package with (_, ?givens, _) => givens end.
+Ltac nsatz_get_reified_goal reified_package :=
+ lazymatch reified_package with (_, _, ?goal) => goal end.
+Require Import Coq.setoid_ring.Ring_polynom.
+Ltac nsatz_compute_to_goal sugar nparams reified_goal power reified_givens :=
+ nsatz_compute (PEc sugar :: PEc nparams :: PEpow reified_goal power :: reified_givens).
+Ltac nsatz_compute_get_leading_coefficient :=
+ lazymatch goal with
+ |- Logic.eq ((?a :: _ :: ?b) :: ?c) _ -> _ => a
+ end.
+Ltac nsatz_compute_get_certificate :=
+ lazymatch goal with
+ |- Logic.eq ((?a :: _ :: ?b) :: ?c) _ -> _ => constr:(c,b)
+ end.
+Ltac nsatz_rewrite_and_revert domain :=
+ lazymatch type of domain with
+ | @Integral_domain.Integral_domain ?F ?zero _ _ _ _ _ ?eq ?Fops ?FRing ?FCring =>
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | |- eq _ zero => idtac
+ | |- eq _ _ => rewrite <-(cring_sub_diag_iff (cring:=FCring))
+ end;
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [H : eq _ zero |- _ ] => revert H
+ | [H : eq _ _ |- _ ] => rewrite <-(cring_sub_diag_iff (cring:=FCring)) in H; revert H
+ end
+ end.
+Ltac nsatz_nonzero :=
+ try solve [apply Integral_domain.integral_domain_one_zero
+ |apply Integral_domain.integral_domain_minus_one_zero
+ |trivial].
+Ltac nsatz_domain_sugar_power domain sugar power :=
+ let nparams := constr:(BinInt.Zneg BinPos.xH) in (* some symbols can be "parameters", treated as coefficients *)
+ lazymatch type of domain with
+ | @Integral_domain.Integral_domain ?F ?zero _ _ _ _ _ ?eq ?Fops ?FRing ?FCring =>
+ nsatz_rewrite_and_revert domain;
+ let reified_package := nsatz_reify_equations eq zero in
+ let fv := nsatz_get_free_variables reified_package in
+ let interp := constr:(@Nsatz.PEevalR _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fops fv) in
+ let reified_givens := nsatz_get_reified_givens reified_package in
+ let reified_goal := nsatz_get_reified_goal reified_package in
+ nsatz_compute_to_goal sugar nparams reified_goal power reified_givens;
+ let a := nsatz_compute_get_leading_coefficient in
+ let crt := nsatz_compute_get_certificate in
+ intros _ (* discard [nsatz_compute] output *); intros;
+ apply (fun Haa refl cond => @Integral_domain.Rintegral_domain_pow _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ domain (interp a) _ (BinNat.N.to_nat power) Haa (@Nsatz.check_correct _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FCring fv reified_givens (PEmul a (PEpow reified_goal power)) crt refl cond));
+ [ nsatz_nonzero; cbv iota beta delta [Nsatz.PEevalR PEeval InitialRing.gen_phiZ InitialRing.gen_phiPOS]
+ | solve [vm_compute; exact (eq_refl true)] (* exact_no_check (eq_refl true) *)
+ | solve [repeat (split; [assumption|]); exact I] ]
+ end.
+Ltac nsatz_guess_domain :=
+ match goal with
+ | |- ?eq _ _ => constr:(_:Integral_domain.Integral_domain (ring_eq:=eq))
+ | |- not (?eq _ _) => constr:(_:Integral_domain.Integral_domain (ring_eq:=eq))
+ | [H: ?eq _ _ |- _ ] => constr:(_:Integral_domain.Integral_domain (ring_eq:=eq))
+ | [H: not (?eq _ _) |- _] => constr:(_:Integral_domain.Integral_domain (ring_eq:=eq))
+ end.
+Ltac nsatz_sugar_power sugar power :=
+ let domain := nsatz_guess_domain in
+ nsatz_domain_sugar_power domain sugar power.
+Tactic Notation "nsatz" constr(n) :=
+ let nn := (eval compute in (BinNat.N.of_nat n)) in
+ nsatz_sugar_power BinInt.Z0 nn.
+Tactic Notation "nsatz" := nsatz 1%nat || nsatz 2%nat || nsatz 3%nat || nsatz 4%nat || nsatz 5%nat.
+Ltac nsatz_contradict :=
+ unfold not;
+ intros;
+ let domain := nsatz_guess_domain in
+ lazymatch type of domain with
+ | @Integral_domain.Integral_domain _ ?zero ?one _ _ _ _ ?eq ?Fops ?FRing ?FCring =>
+ assert (eq one zero) as Hbad;
+ [nsatz; nsatz_nonzero
+ |destruct (Integral_domain.integral_domain_one_zero (Integral_domain:=domain) Hbad)]
+ end. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Spec/CompleteEdwardsCurve.v b/src/Spec/CompleteEdwardsCurve.v
index 2ad3877ac..5df36e295 100644
--- a/src/Spec/CompleteEdwardsCurve.v
+++ b/src/Spec/CompleteEdwardsCurve.v
@@ -1,47 +1,44 @@
-Require Coq.ZArith.BinInt Coq.ZArith.Znumtheory.
Require Crypto.CompleteEdwardsCurve.Pre.
-Require Import Crypto.Spec.ModularArithmetic.
-Local Open Scope F_scope.
-Global Set Asymmetric Patterns.
-Class TwistedEdwardsParams := {
- q : BinInt.Z;
- a : F q;
- d : F q;
- prime_q : Znumtheory.prime q;
- two_lt_q : BinInt.Z.lt 2 q;
- nonzero_a : a <> 0;
- square_a : exists sqrt_a, sqrt_a^2 = a;
- nonsquare_d : forall x, x^2 <> d
Module E.
Section TwistedEdwardsCurves.
- Context {prm:TwistedEdwardsParams}.
(* Twisted Edwards curves with complete addition laws. References:
* <https://eprint.iacr.org/2008/013.pdf>
* <http://ed25519.cr.yp.to/ed25519-20110926.pdf>
* <https://eprint.iacr.org/2015/677.pdf>
- Definition onCurve P := let '(x,y) := P in a*x^2 + y^2 = 1 + d*x^2*y^2.
- Definition point := { P | onCurve P}.
- Definition zero : point := exist _ (0, 1) (@Pre.zeroOnCurve _ _ _ prime_q).
- Definition add' P1' P2' :=
- let '(x1, y1) := P1' in
- let '(x2, y2) := P2' in
- (((x1*y2 + y1*x2)/(1 + d*x1*x2*y1*y2)) , ((y1*y2 - a*x1*x2)/(1 - d*x1*x2*y1*y2))).
- Definition add (P1 P2 : point) : point :=
- let 'exist P1' pf1 := P1 in
- let 'exist P2' pf2 := P2 in
- exist _ (add' P1' P2')
- (@Pre.unifiedAdd'_onCurve _ _ _ prime_q two_lt_q nonzero_a square_a nonsquare_d _ _ pf1 pf2).
+ Context {F Feq Fzero Fone Fopp Fadd Fsub Fmul Finv Fdiv} `{Algebra.field F Feq Fzero Fone Fopp Fadd Fsub Fmul Finv Fdiv}.
+ Local Infix "=" := Feq : type_scope. Local Notation "a <> b" := (not (a = b)) : type_scope.
+ Local Notation "0" := Fzero. Local Notation "1" := Fone.
+ Local Infix "+" := Fadd. Local Infix "*" := Fmul.
+ Local Infix "-" := Fsub. Local Infix "/" := Fdiv.
+ Local Notation "x ^2" := (x*x) (at level 30).
+ Context {a d: F}.
+ Class twisted_edwards_params :=
+ {
+ char_gt_2 : 1 + 1 <> 0;
+ nonzero_a : a <> 0;
+ square_a : exists sqrt_a, sqrt_a^2 = a;
+ nonsquare_d : forall x, x^2 <> d
+ }.
+ Context `{twisted_edwards_params}.
+ Definition point := { P | let '(x,y) := P in a*x^2 + y^2 = 1 + d*x^2*y^2 }.
+ Definition coordinates (P:point) : (F*F) := proj1_sig P.
+ Program Definition zero : point := (0, 1).
+ Program Definition add (P1 P2:point) : point := exist _ (
+ let (x1, y1) := coordinates P1 in
+ let (x2, y2) := coordinates P2 in
+ (((x1*y2 + y1*x2)/(1 + d*x1*x2*y1*y2)) , ((y1*y2 - a*x1*x2)/(1 - d*x1*x2*y1*y2)))) _.
+ (** The described points are indeed on the curve -- see [CompleteEdwardsCurve.Pre] for proof *)
+ Solve All Obligations using intros; exact Pre.zeroOnCurve
+ || exact (Pre.unifiedAdd'_onCurve (char_gt_2:=char_gt_2) (d_nonsquare:=nonsquare_d)
+ (a_nonzero:=nonzero_a) (a_square:=square_a) _ _ (proj2_sig _) (proj2_sig _)).
Fixpoint mul (n:nat) (P : point) : point :=
match n with
@@ -50,7 +47,7 @@ Module E.
End TwistedEdwardsCurves.
End E.
Delimit Scope E_scope with E.
Infix "+" := E.add : E_scope.
-Infix "*" := E.mul : E_scope.
+Infix "*" := E.mul : E_scope. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Spec/EdDSA.v b/src/Spec/EdDSA.v
index 99f0766e0..bd8a095dd 100644
--- a/src/Spec/EdDSA.v
+++ b/src/Spec/EdDSA.v
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
Require Import Crypto.Spec.Encoding.
-Require Import Crypto.Spec.ModularArithmetic.
-Require Import Crypto.Spec.CompleteEdwardsCurve.
Require Import Crypto.Util.WordUtil.
Require Bedrock.Word.
@@ -8,80 +6,77 @@ Require Coq.ZArith.Znumtheory Coq.ZArith.BinInt.
Require Coq.Numbers.Natural.Peano.NPeano.
Require Crypto.CompleteEdwardsCurve.CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.
-Coercion Word.wordToNat : Word.word >-> nat.
+Local Infix "^" := NPeano.pow.
+Local Infix "mod" := NPeano.modulo (at level 40, no associativity).
+Local Infix "++" := Word.combine.
-Infix "^" := NPeano.pow.
-Infix "mod" := NPeano.modulo.
-Infix "++" := Word.combine.
+Generalizable All Variables.
+Section EdDSA.
+ Class EdDSA (* <https://eprint.iacr.org/2015/677.pdf> *)
+ {E Eeq Eadd Ezero Eopp} {EscalarMult} (* the underllying elliptic curve operations *)
-Section EdDSAParams.
+ {b : nat} (* public keys are k bits, signatures are 2*k bits *)
+ {H : forall {n}, Word.word n -> Word.word (b + b)} (* main hash function *)
+ {c : nat} (* cofactor E = 2^c *)
+ {n : nat} (* secret keys are (n+1) bits *)
+ {l : nat} (* order of the subgroup of E generated by B *)
- Class EdDSAParams := { (* <https://eprint.iacr.org/2015/677.pdf> *)
- E : TwistedEdwardsParams; (* underlying elliptic curve *)
+ {B : E} (* base point *)
- b : nat; (* public keys are k bits, signatures are 2*k bits *)
- b_valid : 2^(b - 1) > BinInt.Z.to_nat q;
- FqEncoding : canonical encoding of F q as Word.word (b-1);
- PointEncoding : canonical encoding of E.point as Word.word b;
+ {PointEncoding : canonical encoding of E as Word.word b} (* wire format *)
+ {FlEncoding : canonical encoding of { n | n < l } as Word.word b}
+ :=
+ {
+ EdDSA_group:@Algebra.group E Eeq Eadd Ezero Eopp;
- H : forall {n}, Word.word n -> Word.word (b + b); (* main hash function *)
+ EdDSA_c_valid : c = 2 \/ c = 3;
- c : nat; (* cofactor E = 2^c *)
- c_valid : c = 2 \/ c = 3;
+ EdDSA_n_ge_c : n >= c;
+ EdDSA_n_le_b : n <= b;
- n : nat; (* secret keys are (n+1) bits *)
- n_ge_c : n >= c;
- n_le_b : n <= b;
+ EdDSA_B_not_identity : B <> Ezero;
- B : E.point;
- B_not_identity : B <> E.zero;
+ EdDSA_l_prime : Znumtheory.prime (BinInt.Z.of_nat l);
+ EdDSA_l_odd : l > 2;
+ EdDSA_l_order_B : EscalarMult l B = Ezero
+ }.
+ Global Existing Instance EdDSA_group.
- l : nat; (* order of the subgroup of E generated by B *)
- l_prime : Znumtheory.prime (BinInt.Z.of_nat l);
- l_odd : l > 2;
- l_order_B : (l*B)%E = E.zero;
- FlEncoding : canonical encoding of F (BinInt.Z.of_nat l) as Word.word b
- }.
-End EdDSAParams.
+ Context `{prm:EdDSA}.
+ Local Infix "=" := Eeq.
+ Local Coercion Word.wordToNat : Word.word >-> nat.
+ Local Notation secretkey := (Word.word b) (only parsing).
+ Local Notation publickey := (Word.word b) (only parsing).
+ Local Notation signature := (Word.word (b + b)) (only parsing).
-Section EdDSA.
- Context {prm:EdDSAParams}.
- Existing Instance E.
- Existing Instance PointEncoding.
- Existing Instance FlEncoding.
- Existing Class le.
- Existing Instance n_le_b.
- Notation secretkey := (Word.word b) (only parsing).
- Notation publickey := (Word.word b) (only parsing).
- Notation signature := (Word.word (b + b)) (only parsing).
- Local Infix "==" := CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.E.point_eq_dec (at level 70) : E_scope .
+ Existing Class le. Local Existing Instance EdDSA_n_le_b.
+ Local Arguments H {n} _.
(* TODO: proofread curveKey and definition of n *)
Definition curveKey (sk:secretkey) : nat :=
let x := wfirstn n sk in (* first half of the secret key is a scalar *)
let x := x - (x mod (2^c)) in (* it is implicitly 0 mod (2^c) *)
x + 2^n. (* and the high bit is always set *)
+ Local Infix "+" := Eadd.
+ Local Infix "*" := EscalarMult.
Definition prngKey (sk:secretkey) : Word.word b := Word.split2 b b (H sk).
- Definition public (sk:secretkey) : publickey := enc (curveKey sk * B)%E.
+ Definition public (sk:secretkey) : publickey := enc (curveKey sk*B).
- Definition sign (A_:publickey) sk {n} (M : Word.word n) :=
+ Program Definition sign (A_:publickey) sk {n} (M : Word.word n) :=
let r : nat := H (prngKey sk ++ M) in (* secret nonce *)
- let R : E.point := (r * B)%E in (* commitment to nonce *)
+ let R : E := r * B in (* commitment to nonce *)
let s : nat := curveKey sk in (* secret scalar *)
- let S : F (BinInt.Z.of_nat l) := ZToField (BinInt.Z.of_nat
- (r + H (enc R ++ public sk ++ M) * s)) in
+ let S : {n|n<l} := exist _ ((r + H (enc R ++ public sk ++ M) * s) mod l) _ in
enc R ++ enc S.
+ Admit Obligations.
- Definition verify (A_:publickey) {n:nat} (M : Word.word n) (sig:signature) : bool :=
- let R_ := Word.split1 b b sig in
- let S_ := Word.split2 b b sig in
- match dec S_ : option (F (BinInt.Z.of_nat l)) with None => false | Some S' =>
- match dec A_ : option E.point with None => false | Some A =>
- match dec R_ : option E.point with None => false | Some R =>
- if BinInt.Z.to_nat (FieldToZ S') * B == R + (H (R_ ++ A_ ++ M)) * A
- then true else false
- end
- end
- end%E.
+ (* For a [n]-bit [message] from public key [A_], validity of a signature [R_ ++ S_] *)
+ Inductive valid {n:nat} : Word.word n -> publickey -> signature -> Prop :=
+ ValidityRule : forall (message:Word.word n) (A:E) (R:E) (S:nat) S_lt_l,
+ S * B = R + (H (enc R ++ enc A ++ message) mod l) * A
+ -> valid message (enc A) (enc R ++ enc (exist _ S S_lt_l)).
End EdDSA. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Spec/ModularWordEncoding.v b/src/Spec/ModularWordEncoding.v
index d6f6bcb3c..acd2bedbd 100644
--- a/src/Spec/ModularWordEncoding.v
+++ b/src/Spec/ModularWordEncoding.v
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Section ModularWordEncoding.
| Word.WS b _ w' => b
- Instance modular_word_encoding : canonical encoding of F m as word sz := {
+ Global Instance modular_word_encoding : canonical encoding of F m as word sz := {
enc := Fm_enc;
dec := Fm_dec;
encoding_valid :=
diff --git a/src/Spec/PointEncoding.v b/src/Spec/PointEncoding.v
index f4634f52f..29e359baa 100644
--- a/src/Spec/PointEncoding.v
+++ b/src/Spec/PointEncoding.v
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ Section PointEncoding.
{FqEncoding : canonical encoding of (F q) as (Word.word sz)}
{sign_bit : F q -> bool} {sign_bit_zero : sign_bit 0 = false}
{sign_bit_opp : forall x, x <> 0 -> negb (sign_bit x) = sign_bit (opp x)}.
- Existing Instance prime_q.
Definition point_enc (p : E.point) : Word.word (S sz) := let '(x,y) := proj1_sig p in
Word.WS (sign_bit x) (enc y).
@@ -29,19 +28,12 @@ Section PointEncoding.
{point_dec : Word.word (S sz) -> option E.point
| forall w x, point_dec w = Some x -> (point_enc x = w)
} := @PointEncodingPre.point_dec _ _ _ sign_bit.
Definition point_dec := Eval hnf in (proj1_sig point_dec_with_spec).
- Definition point_encoding_valid : forall p : E.point, point_dec (point_enc p) = Some p :=
- @PointEncodingPre.point_encoding_valid _ _ q_5mod8 sqrt_minus1_valid _ _ sign_bit_zero sign_bit_opp.
- Definition point_encoding_canonical : forall x_enc x, point_dec x_enc = Some x -> point_enc x = x_enc :=
- PointEncodingPre.point_encoding_canonical.
- Instance point_encoding : canonical encoding of E.point as (Word.word (S sz)) := {
+ Global Instance point_encoding : canonical encoding of E.point as (Word.word (S sz)) := {
enc := point_enc;
dec := point_dec;
- encoding_valid := point_encoding_valid;
- encoding_canonical := point_encoding_canonical
+ encoding_valid := @PointEncodingPre.point_encoding_valid _ _ q_5mod8 sqrt_minus1_valid _ _ sign_bit_zero sign_bit_opp;
+ encoding_canonical := PointEncodingPre.point_encoding_canonical
End PointEncoding. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Specific/Ed25519.v b/src/Specific/Ed25519.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 377fb9592..000000000
--- a/src/Specific/Ed25519.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,581 +0,0 @@
-Require Import Bedrock.Word.
-Require Import Crypto.Spec.Ed25519.
-Require Import Crypto.Tactics.VerdiTactics.
-Require Import BinNat BinInt NArith Crypto.Spec.ModularArithmetic.
-Require Import ModularArithmetic.ModularArithmeticTheorems.
-Require Import ModularArithmetic.PrimeFieldTheorems.
-Require Import Crypto.Spec.CompleteEdwardsCurve.
-Require Import Crypto.Encoding.PointEncodingPre.
-Require Import Crypto.Spec.Encoding Crypto.Spec.ModularWordEncoding Crypto.Spec.PointEncoding.
-Require Import Crypto.CompleteEdwardsCurve.ExtendedCoordinates.
-Require Import Crypto.CompleteEdwardsCurve.CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.IterAssocOp Crypto.Util.WordUtil Crypto.Rep.
-Local Infix "++" := Word.combine.
-Local Notation " a '[:' i ']' " := (Word.split1 i _ a) (at level 40).
-Local Notation " a '[' i ':]' " := (Word.split2 i _ a) (at level 40).
-Local Arguments H {_} _.
-Local Arguments scalarMultM1 {_} {_} _ _ _.
-Local Arguments unifiedAddM1 {_} {_} _ _.
-Local Ltac set_evars :=
- repeat match goal with
- | [ |- appcontext[?E] ] => is_evar E; let e := fresh "e" in set (e := E)
- end.
-Local Ltac subst_evars :=
- repeat match goal with
- | [ e := ?E |- _ ] => is_evar E; subst e
- end.
-Lemma funexp_proj {T T'} (proj : T -> T') (f : T -> T) (f' : T' -> T') x n
- (f_proj : forall a, proj (f a) = f' (proj a))
- : proj (funexp f x n) = funexp f' (proj x) n.
- revert x; induction n as [|n IHn]; simpl; congruence.
-Lemma iter_op_proj {T T' S} (proj : T -> T') (op : T -> T -> T) (op' : T' -> T' -> T') x y z
- (testbit : S -> nat -> bool) (bound : nat)
- (op_proj : forall a b, proj (op a b) = op' (proj a) (proj b))
- : proj (iter_op op x testbit y z bound) = iter_op op' (proj x) testbit y (proj z) bound.
- unfold iter_op.
- simpl.
- lazymatch goal with
- | [ |- ?proj (snd (funexp ?f ?x ?n)) = snd (funexp ?f' _ ?n) ]
- => pose proof (fun x0 x1 => funexp_proj (fun x => (fst x, proj (snd x))) f f' (x0, x1)) as H'
- end.
- simpl in H'.
- rewrite <- H'.
- { reflexivity. }
- { intros [??]; simpl.
- repeat match goal with
- | [ |- context[match ?n with _ => _ end] ]
- => destruct n eqn:?
- | _ => progress simpl
- | _ => progress subst
- | _ => reflexivity
- | _ => rewrite op_proj
- end. }
-Lemma B_proj : proj1_sig B = (fst(proj1_sig B), snd(proj1_sig B)). destruct B as [[]]; reflexivity. Qed.
-Require Import Coq.Setoids.Setoid.
-Require Import Coq.Classes.Morphisms.
-Global Instance option_rect_Proper_nd {A T}
- : Proper ((pointwise_relation _ eq) ==> eq ==> eq ==> eq) (@option_rect A (fun _ => T)).
- intros ?? H ??? [|]??; subst; simpl; congruence.
-Global Instance option_rect_Proper_nd' {A T}
- : Proper ((pointwise_relation _ eq) ==> eq ==> forall_relation (fun _ => eq)) (@option_rect A (fun _ => T)).
- intros ?? H ??? [|]; subst; simpl; congruence.
-Hint Extern 1 (Proper _ (@option_rect ?A (fun _ => ?T))) => exact (@option_rect_Proper_nd' A T) : typeclass_instances.
-Lemma option_rect_option_map : forall {A B C} (f:A->B) some none v,
- option_rect (fun _ => C) (fun x => some (f x)) none v = option_rect (fun _ => C) some none (option_map f v).
- destruct v; reflexivity.
-Axiom decode_scalar : word b -> option N.
-Local Existing Instance Ed25519.FlEncoding.
-Axiom decode_scalar_correct : forall x, decode_scalar x = option_map (fun x : F (Z.of_nat Ed25519.l) => Z.to_N x) (dec x).
-Local Infix "==?" := E.point_eqb (at level 70) : E_scope.
-Local Infix "==?" := ModularArithmeticTheorems.F_eq_dec (at level 70) : F_scope.
-Lemma solve_for_R_eq : forall A B C, (A = B + C <-> B = A - C)%E.
- intros; split; intros; subst; unfold E.sub;
- rewrite <-E.add_assoc, ?E.add_opp_r, ?E.add_opp_l, E.add_0_r; reflexivity.
-Lemma solve_for_R : forall A B C, (A ==? B + C)%E = (B ==? A - C)%E.
- intros.
- repeat match goal with |- context [(?P ==? ?Q)%E] =>
- let H := fresh "H" in
- destruct (E.point_eq_dec P Q) as [H|H];
- (rewrite (E.point_eqb_complete _ _ H) || rewrite (E.point_eqb_neq_complete _ _ H))
- end; rewrite solve_for_R_eq in H; congruence.
-Local Notation "'(' X ',' Y ',' Z ',' T ')'" := (mkExtended X Y Z T).
-Local Notation "2" := (ZToField 2) : F_scope.
-Local Existing Instance PointEncoding.
-Lemma decode_point_eq : forall (P_ Q_ : word (S (b-1))) (P Q:E.point),
- dec P_ = Some P ->
- dec Q_ = Some Q ->
- weqb P_ Q_ = (P ==? Q)%E.
- intros.
- replace P_ with (enc P) in * by (auto using encoding_canonical).
- replace Q_ with (enc Q) in * by (auto using encoding_canonical).
- rewrite E.point_eqb_correct.
- edestruct E.point_eq_dec; (apply weqb_true_iff || apply weqb_false_iff); congruence.
-Lemma decode_test_encode_test : forall S_ X, option_rect (fun _ : option E.point => bool)
- (fun S : E.point => (S ==? X)%E) false (dec S_) = weqb S_ (enc X).
- intros.
- destruct (dec S_) eqn:H.
- { symmetry; eauto using decode_point_eq, encoding_valid. }
- { simpl @option_rect.
- destruct (weqb S_ (enc X)) eqn:Heqb; trivial.
- apply weqb_true_iff in Heqb. subst. rewrite encoding_valid in H; discriminate. }
-Definition enc' : F q * F q -> word b.
- intro x.
- let enc' := (eval hnf in (@enc (@E.point curve25519params) _ _)) in
- match (eval cbv [proj1_sig] in (fun pf => enc' (exist _ x pf))) with
- | (fun _ => ?enc') => exact enc'
- end.
-Definition enc'_correct : @enc (@E.point curve25519params) _ _ = (fun x => enc' (proj1_sig x))
- := eq_refl.
-Definition Let_In {A P} (x : A) (f : forall a : A, P a) : P x := let y := x in f y.
-Global Instance Let_In_Proper_nd {A P}
- : Proper (eq ==> pointwise_relation _ eq ==> eq) (@Let_In A (fun _ => P)).
- lazy; intros; congruence.
-Lemma option_rect_function {A B C S' N' v} f
- : f (option_rect (fun _ : option A => option B) S' N' v)
- = option_rect (fun _ : option A => C) (fun x => f (S' x)) (f N') v.
-Proof. destruct v; reflexivity. Qed.
-Local Ltac commute_option_rect_Let_In := (* pull let binders out side of option_rect pattern matching *)
- idtac;
- lazymatch goal with
- | [ |- ?LHS = option_rect ?P ?S ?N (Let_In ?x ?f) ]
- => (* we want to just do a [change] here, but unification is stupid, so we have to tell it what to unfold in what order *)
- cut (LHS = Let_In x (fun y => option_rect P S N (f y))); cbv beta;
- [ set_evars;
- let H := fresh in
- intro H;
- rewrite H;
- clear;
- abstract (cbv [Let_In]; reflexivity)
- | ]
- end.
-Local Ltac replace_let_in_with_Let_In :=
- repeat match goal with
- | [ |- context G[let x := ?y in @?z x] ]
- => let G' := context G[Let_In y z] in change G'
- | [ |- _ = Let_In _ _ ]
- => apply Let_In_Proper_nd; [ reflexivity | cbv beta delta [pointwise_relation]; intro ]
- end.
-Local Ltac simpl_option_rect := (* deal with [option_rect _ _ _ None] and [option_rect _ _ _ (Some _)] *)
- repeat match goal with
- | [ |- context[option_rect ?P ?S ?N None] ]
- => change (option_rect P S N None) with N
- | [ |- context[option_rect ?P ?S ?N (Some ?x) ] ]
- => change (option_rect P S N (Some x)) with (S x); cbv beta
- end.
-Section Ed25519Frep.
- Generalizable All Variables.
- Context `(rcS:RepConversions N SRep) (rcSOK:RepConversionsOK rcS).
- Context `(rcF:RepConversions (F (Ed25519.q)) FRep) (rcFOK:RepConversionsOK rcF).
- Context (FRepAdd FRepSub FRepMul:FRep->FRep->FRep) (FRepAdd_correct:RepBinOpOK rcF add FRepMul).
- Context (FRepSub_correct:RepBinOpOK rcF sub FRepSub) (FRepMul_correct:RepBinOpOK rcF mul FRepMul).
- Local Notation rep2F := (unRep : FRep -> F (Ed25519.q)).
- Local Notation F2Rep := (toRep : F (Ed25519.q) -> FRep).
- Local Notation rep2S := (unRep : SRep -> N).
- Local Notation S2Rep := (toRep : N -> SRep).
- Axiom FRepOpp : FRep -> FRep.
- Axiom FRepOpp_correct : forall x, opp (rep2F x) = rep2F (FRepOpp x).
- Axiom wltu : forall {b}, word b -> word b -> bool.
- Axiom wltu_correct : forall {b} (x y:word b), wltu x y = (wordToN x <? wordToN y)%N.
- Axiom compare_enc : forall x y, F_eqb x y = weqb (@enc _ _ FqEncoding x) (@enc _ _ FqEncoding y).
- Axiom wire2FRep : word (b-1) -> option FRep.
- Axiom wire2FRep_correct : forall x, Fm_dec x = option_map rep2F (wire2FRep x).
- Axiom FRep2wire : FRep -> word (b-1).
- Axiom FRep2wire_correct : forall x, FRep2wire x = @enc _ _ FqEncoding (rep2F x).
- Axiom SRep_testbit : SRep -> nat -> bool.
- Axiom SRep_testbit_correct : forall (x0 : SRep) (i : nat), SRep_testbit x0 i = N.testbit_nat (unRep x0) i.
- Definition FSRepPow x n := iter_op FRepMul (toRep 1%F) SRep_testbit n x 255.
- Lemma FSRepPow_correct : forall x n, (N.size_nat (unRep n) <= 255)%nat -> (unRep x ^ unRep n)%F = unRep (FSRepPow x n).
- Proof. (* this proof derives the required formula, which I copy-pasted above to be able to reference it without the length precondition *)
- unfold FSRepPow; intros.
- erewrite <-pow_nat_iter_op_correct by auto.
- erewrite <-(fun x => iter_op_spec (scalar := SRep) (mul (m:=Ed25519.q)) F_mul_assoc _ F_mul_1_l _ unRep SRep_testbit_correct n x 255%nat) by auto.
- rewrite <-(rcFOK 1%F) at 1.
- erewrite <-iter_op_proj by auto.
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Definition FRepInv x : FRep := FSRepPow x (S2Rep (Z.to_N (Ed25519.q - 2))).
- Lemma FRepInv_correct : forall x, inv (rep2F x)%F = rep2F (FRepInv x).
- unfold FRepInv; intros.
- rewrite <-FSRepPow_correct; rewrite rcSOK; try reflexivity.
- pose proof @Fq_inv_fermat_correct as H; unfold inv_fermat in H; rewrite H by
- auto using Ed25519.prime_q, Ed25519.two_lt_q.
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Lemma unfoldDiv : forall {m} (x y:F m), (x/y = x * inv y)%F. Proof. unfold div. congruence. Qed.
- Definition rep2E (r:FRep * FRep * FRep * FRep) : extended :=
- match r with (((x, y), z), t) => mkExtended (rep2F x) (rep2F y) (rep2F z) (rep2F t) end.
- Lemma if_map : forall {T U} (f:T->U) (b:bool) (x y:T), (if b then f x else f y) = f (if b then x else y).
- Proof.
- destruct b; trivial.
- Qed.
- Local Ltac Let_In_unRep :=
- match goal with
- | [ |- appcontext G[Let_In (unRep ?x) ?f] ]
- => let G' := context G[Let_In x (fun y => f (unRep y))] in change G'; cbv beta
- end.
- (** TODO: Move me *)
- Lemma pull_Let_In {B C} (f : B -> C) A (v : A) (b : A -> B)
- : Let_In v (fun v' => f (b v')) = f (Let_In v b).
- Proof.
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Lemma Let_app_In {A B T} (g:A->B) (f:B->T) (x:A) :
- @Let_In _ (fun _ => T) (g x) f =
- @Let_In _ (fun _ => T) x (fun p => f (g x)).
- Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
- Lemma Let_app2_In {A B C D T} (g1:A->C) (g2:B->D) (f:C*D->T) (x:A) (y:B) :
- @Let_In _ (fun _ => T) (g1 x, g2 y) f =
- @Let_In _ (fun _ => T) (x, y) (fun p => f ((g1 (fst p), g2 (snd p)))).
- Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
- Create HintDb FRepOperations discriminated.
- Hint Rewrite FRepMul_correct FRepAdd_correct FRepSub_correct FRepInv_correct FSRepPow_correct FRepOpp_correct : FRepOperations.
- Create HintDb EdDSA_opts discriminated.
- Hint Rewrite FRepMul_correct FRepAdd_correct FRepSub_correct FRepInv_correct FSRepPow_correct FRepOpp_correct : EdDSA_opts.
- Lemma unifiedAddM1Rep_sig : forall a b : FRep * FRep * FRep * FRep, { unifiedAddM1Rep | rep2E unifiedAddM1Rep = unifiedAddM1' (rep2E a) (rep2E b) }.
- Proof.
- destruct a as [[[]]]; destruct b as [[[]]].
- eexists.
- lazymatch goal with |- ?LHS = ?RHS :> ?T =>
- evar (e:T); replace LHS with e; [subst e|]
- end.
- unfold rep2E. cbv beta delta [unifiedAddM1'].
- pose proof (rcFOK twice_d) as H; rewrite <-H; clear H. (* XXX: this is a hack -- rewrite misresolves typeclasses? *)
- { etransitivity; [|replace_let_in_with_Let_In; reflexivity].
- repeat (
- autorewrite with FRepOperations;
- Let_In_unRep;
- eapply Let_In_Proper_nd; [reflexivity|cbv beta delta [Proper respectful pointwise_relation]; intro]).
- lazymatch goal with |- ?LHS = (unRep ?x, unRep ?y, unRep ?z, unRep ?t) =>
- change (LHS = (rep2E (((x, y), z), t)))
- end.
- reflexivity. }
- subst e.
- Local Opaque Let_In.
- repeat setoid_rewrite (pull_Let_In rep2E).
- Local Transparent Let_In.
- reflexivity.
- Defined.
- Definition unifiedAddM1Rep (a b:FRep * FRep * FRep * FRep) : FRep * FRep * FRep * FRep := Eval hnf in proj1_sig (unifiedAddM1Rep_sig a b).
- Definition unifiedAddM1Rep_correct a b : rep2E (unifiedAddM1Rep a b) = unifiedAddM1' (rep2E a) (rep2E b) := Eval hnf in proj2_sig (unifiedAddM1Rep_sig a b).
- Definition rep2T (P:FRep * FRep) := (rep2F (fst P), rep2F (snd P)).
- Definition erep2trep (P:FRep * FRep * FRep * FRep) := Let_In P (fun P => Let_In (FRepInv (snd (fst P))) (fun iZ => (FRepMul (fst (fst (fst P))) iZ, FRepMul (snd (fst (fst P))) iZ))).
- Lemma erep2trep_correct : forall P, rep2T (erep2trep P) = extendedToTwisted (rep2E P).
- Proof.
- unfold rep2T, rep2E, erep2trep, extendedToTwisted; destruct P as [[[]]]; simpl.
- rewrite !unfoldDiv, <-!FRepMul_correct, <-FRepInv_correct. reflexivity.
- Qed.
- (** TODO: possibly move me, remove local *)
- Local Ltac replace_option_match_with_option_rect :=
- idtac;
- lazymatch goal with
- | [ |- _ = ?RHS :> ?T ]
- => lazymatch RHS with
- | match ?a with None => ?N | Some x => @?S x end
- => replace RHS with (option_rect (fun _ => T) S N a) by (destruct a; reflexivity)
- end
- end.
- (** TODO: Move me, remove Local *)
- Definition proj1_sig_unmatched {A P} := @proj1_sig A P.
- Definition proj1_sig_nounfold {A P} := @proj1_sig A P.
- Definition proj1_sig_unfold {A P} := Eval cbv [proj1_sig] in @proj1_sig A P.
- Local Ltac unfold_proj1_sig_exist :=
- (** Change the first [proj1_sig] into [proj1_sig_unmatched]; if it's applied to [exist], mark it as unfoldable, otherwise mark it as not unfoldable. Then repeat. Finally, unfold. *)
- repeat (change @proj1_sig with @proj1_sig_unmatched at 1;
- match goal with
- | [ |- context[proj1_sig_unmatched (exist _ _ _)] ]
- => change @proj1_sig_unmatched with @proj1_sig_unfold
- | _ => change @proj1_sig_unmatched with @proj1_sig_nounfold
- end);
- (* [proj1_sig_nounfold] is a thin wrapper around [proj1_sig]; unfolding it restores [proj1_sig]. Unfolding [proj1_sig_nounfold] exposes the pattern match, which is reduced by ι. *)
- cbv [proj1_sig_nounfold proj1_sig_unfold].
- (** TODO: possibly move me, remove Local *)
- Local Ltac reflexivity_when_unification_is_stupid_about_evars
- := repeat first [ reflexivity
- | apply f_equal ].
- Local Existing Instance eq_Reflexive. (* To get some of the [setoid_rewrite]s below to work, we need to infer [Reflexive eq] before [Reflexive Equivalence.equiv] *)
- (* TODO: move me *)
- Lemma fold_rep2E x y z t
- : (rep2F x, rep2F y, rep2F z, rep2F t) = rep2E (((x, y), z), t).
- Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
- Lemma commute_negateExtended'_rep2E x y z t
- : negateExtended' (rep2E (((x, y), z), t))
- = rep2E (((FRepOpp x, y), z), FRepOpp t).
- Proof. simpl; autorewrite with FRepOperations; reflexivity. Qed.
- Lemma fold_rep2E_ffff x y z t
- : (x, y, z, t) = rep2E (((toRep x, toRep y), toRep z), toRep t).
- Proof. simpl; rewrite !rcFOK; reflexivity. Qed.
- Lemma fold_rep2E_rrfr x y z t
- : (rep2F x, rep2F y, z, rep2F t) = rep2E (((x, y), toRep z), t).
- Proof. simpl; rewrite !rcFOK; reflexivity. Qed.
- Lemma fold_rep2E_0fff y z t
- : (0%F, y, z, t) = rep2E (((toRep 0%F, toRep y), toRep z), toRep t).
- Proof. apply fold_rep2E_ffff. Qed.
- Lemma fold_rep2E_ff1f x y t
- : (x, y, 1%F, t) = rep2E (((toRep x, toRep y), toRep 1%F), toRep t).
- Proof. apply fold_rep2E_ffff. Qed.
- Lemma commute_negateExtended'_rep2E_rrfr x y z t
- : negateExtended' (unRep x, unRep y, z, unRep t)
- = rep2E (((FRepOpp x, y), toRep z), FRepOpp t).
- Proof. rewrite <- commute_negateExtended'_rep2E; simpl; rewrite !rcFOK; reflexivity. Qed.
- Hint Rewrite @F_mul_0_l commute_negateExtended'_rep2E_rrfr fold_rep2E_0fff (@fold_rep2E_ff1f (fst (proj1_sig B))) @if_F_eq_dec_if_F_eqb compare_enc (if_map unRep) (fun T => Let_app2_In (T := T) unRep unRep) @F_pow_2_r @unfoldDiv : EdDSA_opts.
- Hint Rewrite <- unifiedAddM1Rep_correct erep2trep_correct (fun x y z bound => iter_op_proj rep2E unifiedAddM1Rep unifiedAddM1' x y z N.testbit_nat bound unifiedAddM1Rep_correct) FRep2wire_correct: EdDSA_opts.
- Lemma sharper_verify : forall pk l msg sig, { verify | verify = ed25519_verify pk l msg sig}.
- Proof.
- eexists; intros.
- cbv [ed25519_verify EdDSA.verify
- ed25519params curve25519params
- EdDSA.PointEncoding EdDSA.FlEncoding EdDSA.FqEncoding].
- etransitivity.
- Focus 2.
- { repeat match goal with
- | [ |- ?x = ?x ] => reflexivity
- | _ => replace_option_match_with_option_rect
- | [ |- _ = option_rect _ _ _ _ ]
- => eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [ intro | reflexivity.. ]
- end.
- set_evars.
- rewrite<- E.point_eqb_correct.
- rewrite solve_for_R; unfold E.sub.
- rewrite E.opp_mul.
- let p1 := constr:(scalarMultM1_rep eq_refl) in
- let p2 := constr:(unifiedAddM1_rep eq_refl) in
- repeat match goal with
- | |- context [(_ * E.opp ?P)%E] =>
- rewrite <-(unExtendedPoint_mkExtendedPoint P);
- rewrite negateExtended_correct;
- rewrite <-p1
- | |- context [(_ * ?P)%E] =>
- rewrite <-(unExtendedPoint_mkExtendedPoint P);
- rewrite <-p1
- | _ => rewrite p2
- end;
- rewrite ?Znat.Z_nat_N, <-?Word.wordToN_nat;
- subst_evars;
- reflexivity.
- } Unfocus.
- etransitivity.
- Focus 2.
- { lazymatch goal with |- _ = option_rect _ _ ?false ?dec =>
- symmetry; etransitivity; [|eapply (option_rect_option_map (fun (x:F _) => Z.to_N x) _ false dec)]
- end.
- eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [intro|reflexivity..].
- match goal with
- | [ |- ?RHS = ?e ?v ]
- => let RHS' := (match eval pattern v in RHS with ?RHS' _ => RHS' end) in
- unify e RHS'
- end.
- reflexivity.
- } Unfocus.
- rewrite <-decode_scalar_correct.
- etransitivity.
- Focus 2.
- { do 2 (eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [intro|reflexivity..]).
- symmetry; apply decode_test_encode_test.
- } Unfocus.
- rewrite enc'_correct.
- cbv [unExtendedPoint unifiedAddM1 negateExtended scalarMultM1].
- unfold_proj1_sig_exist.
- etransitivity.
- Focus 2.
- { do 2 (eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [intro|reflexivity..]).
- set_evars.
- repeat match goal with
- | [ |- appcontext[@proj1_sig ?A ?P (@iter_op ?T ?f ?neutral ?T' ?testbit ?exp ?base ?bound)] ]
- => erewrite (@iter_op_proj T _ _ (@proj1_sig _ _)) by reflexivity
- end.
- subst_evars.
- reflexivity. }
- Unfocus.
- cbv [mkExtendedPoint E.zero].
- unfold_proj1_sig_exist.
- rewrite B_proj.
- etransitivity.
- Focus 2.
- { do 1 (eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [intro|reflexivity..]).
- set_evars.
- lazymatch goal with |- _ = option_rect _ _ ?false ?dec =>
- symmetry; etransitivity; [|eapply (option_rect_option_map (@proj1_sig _ _) _ false dec)]
- end.
- eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [intro|reflexivity..].
- match goal with
- | [ |- ?RHS = ?e ?v ]
- => let RHS' := (match eval pattern v in RHS with ?RHS' _ => RHS' end) in
- unify e RHS'
- end.
- reflexivity.
- } Unfocus.
- cbv [dec PointEncoding point_encoding].
- etransitivity.
- Focus 2.
- { do 1 (eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [intro|reflexivity..]).
- etransitivity.
- Focus 2.
- { apply f_equal.
- symmetry.
- apply point_dec_coordinates_correct. }
- Unfocus.
- reflexivity. }
- Unfocus.
- cbv iota beta delta [point_dec_coordinates sign_bit dec FqEncoding modular_word_encoding E.solve_for_x2 sqrt_mod_q].
- etransitivity.
- Focus 2. {
- do 1 (eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [|reflexivity..]). cbv beta delta [pointwise_relation]. intro.
- etransitivity.
- Focus 2.
- { apply f_equal.
- lazymatch goal with
- | [ |- _ = ?term :> ?T ]
- => lazymatch term with (match ?a with None => ?N | Some x => @?S x end)
- => let term' := constr:((option_rect (fun _ => T) S N) a) in
- replace term with term' by reflexivity
- end
- end.
- reflexivity. } Unfocus. reflexivity. } Unfocus.
- etransitivity.
- Focus 2. {
- do 1 (eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [cbv beta delta [pointwise_relation]; intro|reflexivity..]).
- do 1 (eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [ intro; reflexivity | reflexivity | ]).
- eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [ cbv beta delta [pointwise_relation]; intro | reflexivity.. ].
- replace_let_in_with_Let_In.
- reflexivity.
- } Unfocus.
- etransitivity.
- Focus 2. {
- do 1 (eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [cbv beta delta [pointwise_relation]; intro|reflexivity..]).
- set_evars.
- rewrite option_rect_function. (* turn the two option_rects into one *)
- subst_evars.
- simpl_option_rect.
- do 1 (eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [cbv beta delta [pointwise_relation]; intro|reflexivity..]).
- (* push the [option_rect] inside until it hits a [Some] or a [None] *)
- repeat match goal with
- | _ => commute_option_rect_Let_In
- | [ |- _ = Let_In _ _ ]
- => apply Let_In_Proper_nd; [ reflexivity | cbv beta delta [pointwise_relation]; intro ]
- | [ |- ?LHS = option_rect ?P ?S ?N (if ?b then ?t else ?f) ]
- => transitivity (if b then option_rect P S N t else option_rect P S N f);
- [
- | destruct b; reflexivity ]
- | [ |- _ = if ?b then ?t else ?f ]
- => apply (f_equal2 (fun x y => if b then x else y))
- | [ |- _ = false ] => reflexivity
- | _ => progress simpl_option_rect
- end.
- reflexivity.
- } Unfocus.
- cbv iota beta delta [q d a].
- rewrite wire2FRep_correct.
- etransitivity.
- Focus 2. {
- eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [|reflexivity..]. cbv beta delta [pointwise_relation]. intro.
- rewrite <-!(option_rect_option_map rep2F).
- eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [|reflexivity..]. cbv beta delta [pointwise_relation]. intro.
- autorewrite with EdDSA_opts.
- rewrite <-(rcFOK 1%F).
- pattern Ed25519.d at 1. rewrite <-(rcFOK Ed25519.d) at 1.
- pattern Ed25519.a at 1. rewrite <-(rcFOK Ed25519.a) at 1.
- rewrite <- (rcSOK (Z.to_N (Ed25519.q / 8 + 1))).
- autorewrite with EdDSA_opts.
- (Let_In_unRep).
- eapply Let_In_Proper_nd; [reflexivity|cbv beta delta [pointwise_relation]; intro].
- etransitivity. Focus 2. eapply Let_In_Proper_nd; [|cbv beta delta [pointwise_relation]; intro;reflexivity]. {
- rewrite FSRepPow_correct by (rewrite rcSOK; cbv; omega).
- (Let_In_unRep).
- etransitivity. Focus 2. eapply Let_In_Proper_nd; [reflexivity|cbv beta delta [pointwise_relation]; intro]. {
- set_evars.
- rewrite <-(rcFOK sqrt_minus1).
- autorewrite with EdDSA_opts.
- subst_evars.
- reflexivity. } Unfocus.
- rewrite pull_Let_In.
- reflexivity. } Unfocus.
- set_evars.
- (Let_In_unRep).
- subst_evars. eapply Let_In_Proper_nd; [reflexivity|cbv beta delta [pointwise_relation]; intro]. set_evars.
- autorewrite with EdDSA_opts.
- subst_evars.
- lazymatch goal with |- _ = if ?b then ?t else ?f => apply (f_equal2 (fun x y => if b then x else y)) end; [|reflexivity].
- eapply Let_In_Proper_nd; [reflexivity|cbv beta delta [pointwise_relation]; intro].
- set_evars.
- unfold twistedToExtended.
- autorewrite with EdDSA_opts.
- progress cbv beta delta [erep2trep].
- subst_evars.
- reflexivity. } Unfocus.
- reflexivity.
- Defined.
-End Ed25519Frep.
diff --git a/src/Specific/GF25519.v b/src/Specific/GF25519.v
index 8ee9b25d8..7e0e815e5 100644
--- a/src/Specific/GF25519.v
+++ b/src/Specific/GF25519.v
@@ -59,6 +59,17 @@ Proof.
exact Hfg.
Time Defined.
+Local Transparent Let_In.
+Infix "<<" := Z.shiftr (at level 50).
+Infix "&" := Z.land (at level 50).
+Eval cbv beta iota delta [proj1_sig GF25519Base25Point5_mul_reduce_formula Let_In] in
+ fun f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9
+ g0 g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 g7 g8 g9 => proj1_sig (
+ GF25519Base25Point5_mul_reduce_formula f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9
+ g0 g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 g7 g8 g9).
+Local Opaque Let_In.
Extraction "/tmp/test.ml" GF25519Base25Point5_mul_reduce_formula.
(* It's easy enough to use extraction to get the proper nice-looking formula.
* More Ltac acrobatics will be needed to get out that formula for further use in Coq.
diff --git a/src/Util/Tuple.v b/src/Util/Tuple.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..de1af2a95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Util/Tuple.v
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+Require Import Coq.Classes.Morphisms.
+Require Import Relation_Definitions.
+Fixpoint tuple' T n : Type :=
+ match n with
+ | O => T
+ | S n' => (tuple' T n' * T)%type
+ end.
+Definition tuple T n : Type :=
+ match n with
+ | O => unit
+ | S n' => tuple' T n'
+ end.
+Fixpoint to_list' {T} (n:nat) {struct n} : tuple' T n -> list T :=
+ match n with
+ | 0 => fun x => (x::nil)%list
+ | S n' => fun xs : tuple' T (S n') => let (xs', x) := xs in (x :: to_list' n' xs')%list
+ end.
+Definition to_list {T} (n:nat) : tuple T n -> list T :=
+ match n with
+ | 0 => fun _ => nil
+ | S n' => fun xs : tuple T (S n') => to_list' n' xs
+ end.
+Fixpoint from_list' {T} (x:T) (xs:list T) : tuple' T (length xs) :=
+ match xs with
+ | nil => x
+ | (y :: xs')%list => (from_list' y xs', x)
+ end.
+Definition from_list {T} (xs:list T) : tuple T (length xs) :=
+ match xs as l return (tuple T (length l)) with
+ | nil => tt
+ | (t :: xs')%list => from_list' t xs'
+ end.
+Lemma to_list_from_list : forall {T} (xs:list T), to_list (length xs) (from_list xs) = xs.
+ destruct xs; auto; simpl.
+ generalize dependent t.
+ induction xs; auto; simpl; intros; f_equal; auto.
+Lemma length_to_list : forall {T} {n} (xs:tuple T n), length (to_list n xs) = n.
+ destruct n; auto; intros; simpl in *.
+ induction n; auto; intros; simpl in *.
+ destruct xs; simpl in *; eauto.
+Fixpoint fieldwise' {A B} (n:nat) (R:A->B->Prop) (a:tuple' A n) (b:tuple' B n) {struct n} : Prop.
+ destruct n; simpl @tuple' in *.
+ { exact (R a b). }
+ { exact (R (snd a) (snd b) /\ fieldwise' _ _ n R (fst a) (fst b)). }
+Definition fieldwise {A B} (n:nat) (R:A->B->Prop) (a:tuple A n) (b:tuple B n) : Prop.
+ destruct n; simpl @tuple in *.
+ { exact True. }
+ { exact (fieldwise' _ R a b). }
+Global Instance Equivalence_fieldwise' {A} {R:relation A} {R_equiv:Equivalence R} {n:nat}:
+ Equivalence (fieldwise' n R).
+ induction n; [solve [auto]|].
+ simpl; constructor; repeat intro; intuition eauto.
+Global Instance Equivalence_fieldwise {A} {R:relation A} {R_equiv:Equivalence R} {n:nat}:
+ Equivalence (fieldwise n R).
+ destruct n; (repeat constructor || apply Equivalence_fieldwise').
+Arguments fieldwise' {A B n} _ _ _.
+Arguments fieldwise {A B n} _ _ _. \ No newline at end of file