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diff --git a/src/Arithmetic/Saturated.v b/src/Arithmetic/Saturated.v
index c3240834c..c2a880ea6 100644
--- a/src/Arithmetic/Saturated.v
+++ b/src/Arithmetic/Saturated.v
@@ -491,11 +491,12 @@ Module Columns.
(fun Q => from_associational_cps weight n3 (P++Q)
(fun R => compact_cps (div:=div) (modulo:=modulo) (add_get_carry:=Z.add_get_carry_full) weight R f))).
- Definition unbalanced_sub_cps {n} (p q : Z^n) {T} (f : (Z*Z^n)->T) :=
+ Definition unbalanced_sub_cps {n1 n2 n3} (p : Z^n1) (q:Z^n2)
+ {T} (f : (Z*Z^n3)->T) :=
B.Positional.to_associational_cps weight p
(fun P => B.Positional.negate_snd_cps weight q
(fun nq => B.Positional.to_associational_cps weight nq
- (fun Q => from_associational_cps weight n (P++Q)
+ (fun Q => from_associational_cps weight n3 (P++Q)
(fun R => compact_cps (div:=div) (modulo:=modulo) (add_get_carry:=Z.add_get_carry_full) weight R f)))).
Definition mul_cps {n1 n2 n3} s (p : Z^n1) (q : Z^n2)
@@ -726,7 +727,23 @@ Section API.
Definition add {n m pred_nm} p q : T (S pred_nm) := @add_cps n m pred_nm p q _ id.
- Hint Opaque join0 divmod drop_high scmul add : uncps.
+ (* Subtract q if and only if p < bound^n. The correctness of this
+ lemma depends on the precondition that p < q + bound^n. *)
+ Definition conditional_sub_cps {n} mask (p : Z^S n) (q : Z ^ n)
+ {T} (f:Z^n->T) :=
+ (* we pass the highest digit of p into select_cps as the
+ conditional argument; if it is 0, the subtraction will not
+ happen, otherwise it will.*)
+ B.Positional.select_cps mask (left_hd p) q
+ (fun qq => Columns.unbalanced_sub_cps (n3:=n) (uweight bound) p qq
+ (* We can safely discard the carry, since our preconditions tell us
+ that, whether or not the subtraction happened, n limbs is
+ sufficient to store the result. *)
+ (fun carry_result => f (snd carry_result))).
+ Definition conditional_sub {n} mask p q := @conditional_sub_cps n mask p q _ id.
+ Hint Opaque join0 divmod drop_high scmul add conditional_sub : uncps.
Section CPSProofs.
@@ -754,8 +771,12 @@ Section API.
@add_cps n m pred_nm p q R f = f (add p q).
Proof. cbv [add_cps add Let_In]. prove_id. Qed.
+ Lemma conditional_sub_id n mask p q R f :
+ @conditional_sub_cps n mask p q R f = f (conditional_sub mask p q).
+ Proof. cbv [conditional_sub_cps conditional_sub Let_In]. prove_id. Qed.
End CPSProofs.
- Hint Rewrite join0_id divmod_id drop_high_id scmul_id add_id : uncps.
+ Hint Rewrite join0_id divmod_id drop_high_id scmul_id add_id conditional_sub_id : uncps.
Section Proofs.
@@ -886,6 +907,10 @@ Section API.
uweight bound n <= uweight bound m.
+ Lemma uweight_lt_mono n m : (n < m)%nat ->
+ uweight bound n < uweight bound m.
+ Admitted.
Lemma uweight_succ n : uweight bound (S n) = bound * uweight bound n.
@@ -968,6 +993,69 @@ Section API.
Lemma small_left_tl n (v:T (S n)) : small v -> small (left_tl v).
Proof. cbv [small]. auto using In_to_list_left_tl. Qed.
+ Lemma small_divmod n (p: T (S n)) (Hsmall : small p) :
+ left_hd p = eval p / uweight bound n /\ eval (left_tl p) = eval p mod (uweight bound n).
+ Admitted.
+ Lemma small_highest_zero_iff {n} (p: T (S n)) (Hsmall : small p) :
+ (left_hd p = 0 <-> eval p < uweight bound n).
+ Proof.
+ destruct (small_divmod _ p Hsmall) as [Hdiv Hmod].
+ pose proof Hsmall as Hsmalltl. apply eval_small in Hsmall.
+ apply small_left_tl, eval_small in Hsmalltl. rewrite Hdiv.
+ rewrite (Z.div_small_iff (eval p) (uweight bound n))
+ by auto using uweight_nonzero.
+ split; [|intros; left; omega].
+ let H := fresh "H" in intro H; destruct H; [|omega].
+ pose proof (uweight_lt_mono n (S n) (Nat.lt_succ_diag_r _)).
+ omega.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eval_conditional_sub_nz n mask (p:T (S n)) (q:T n)
+ (n_nonzero: (n <> 0)%nat) (psmall : small p) (qsmall : small q)
+ (Hmask : Tuple.map (Z.land mask) q = q):
+ 0 <= eval p < eval q + (uweight bound n) ->
+ eval (conditional_sub mask p q) = eval p + (if uweight bound n <=? eval p then - eval q else 0).
+ Proof.
+ cbv [conditional_sub conditional_sub_cps eval].
+ intros. pose_all. repeat autounfold. apply eval_small in qsmall.
+ autorewrite with uncps push_id push_basesystem_eval.
+ pose proof (small_highest_zero_iff p psmall).
+ break_match; cbv [eval] in *;
+ repeat match goal with
+ | H : (_ <=? _) = true |- _ => apply Z.leb_le in H
+ | H : (_ <=? _) = false |- _ => apply Z.leb_gt in H
+ | H : 0 = 0 <-> ?P |- _ =>
+ assert P by (apply H; reflexivity); clear H
+ | _ => rewrite Z.mod_small; omega
+ end.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eval_conditional_sub n mask (p:T (S n)) (q:T n)
+ (psmall : small p) (qsmall : small q)
+ (Hmask : Tuple.map (Z.land mask) q = q):
+ 0 <= eval p < eval q + (uweight bound n) ->
+ eval (conditional_sub mask p q) = eval p + (if uweight bound n <=? eval p then - eval q else 0).
+ Proof.
+ destruct n; [|solve[auto using eval_conditional_sub_nz]].
+ repeat match goal with
+ | _ => progress (intros; cbv [T tuple tuple'] in p, q)
+ | q : unit |- _ => destruct q
+ | _ => progress (cbv [conditional_sub conditional_sub_cps eval] in * )
+ | _ => progress autounfold
+ | _ => progress (autorewrite with uncps push_id push_basesystem_eval in * )
+ | _ => (rewrite uweight_0 in * )
+ | _ => assert (p = 0) by omega; subst p; break_match; ring
+ end.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma small_conditional_sub n mask (p:T (S n)) (q:T n)
+ (psmall : small p) (qsmall : small q)
+ (Hmask : Tuple.map (Z.land mask) q = q):
+ small p -> 0 <= eval p < eval q + (uweight bound n) ->
+ small (conditional_sub mask p q).
+ Admitted.
Lemma eval_drop_high n v :
small v -> eval (@drop_high n v) = eval v mod (uweight bound n).