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diff --git a/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Toplevel2.v b/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Toplevel2.v
index eb9f986a1..64368b209 100644
--- a/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Toplevel2.v
+++ b/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Toplevel2.v
@@ -2549,27 +2549,20 @@ Module Fancy.
Local Notation existZ := (existT _ (type.base (base.type.type_base base.type.Z))).
Local Notation existZZ := (existT _ (type.base (base.type.type_base base.type.Z * base.type.type_base base.type.Z)%etype)).
- Fixpoint make_ctx' n (consts_list : list Z) : positive -> Z :=
- match consts_list with
+ Fixpoint make_ctx (var_list : list (positive * Z)) : positive -> Z :=
+ match var_list with
| [] => fun _ => 0
- | v :: l' => fun m => if (m =? n)%positive then v else make_ctx' (Pos.succ n) l' m
+ | (n, v) :: l' => fun m => if (m =? n)%positive then v else make_ctx l' m
- Definition make_ctx := make_ctx' 1%positive.
- Fixpoint make_pairs' n (consts_list : list Z) :
- list {t : Compilers.type base.type.type & (var positive t * @type.interp base.type base.interp t)%type } :=
- match consts_list with
- | [] => []
- | v :: l' => existZ (n, v) :: make_pairs' (Pos.succ n) l'
- end.
- Definition make_pairs := make_pairs' 1%positive.
+ Definition make_pairs :
+ list (positive * Z) -> list {t : Compilers.type base.type.type & (var positive t * @type.interp base.type base.interp t)%type } := map (fun x => existZ x).
- Fixpoint make_consts' n (consts_list : list Z) : Z -> option positive :=
+ Fixpoint make_consts (consts_list : list (positive * Z)) : Z -> option positive :=
match consts_list with
| [] => fun _ => None
- | v :: l' => fun x => if x =? v then Some n else make_consts' (Pos.succ n) l' x
+ | (n, v) :: l' => fun x => if x =? v then Some n else make_consts l' x
- Definition make_consts := make_consts' 1%positive.
Local Ltac ez :=
repeat match goal with
@@ -2587,7 +2580,7 @@ Module Fancy.
| _ => progress Z.ltb_to_lt
| _ => reflexivity
| _ => congruence
- | _ => solve [auto]
+ | _ => solve [eauto]
@@ -2595,47 +2588,44 @@ Module Fancy.
make_consts consts_list v = Some n ->
In (existZ (n, v)%zrange) (make_pairs consts_list).
- cbv [make_consts make_pairs]. generalize 1%positive.
- induction consts_list; cbn; ez.
- Qed.
- Lemma make_pairs'_index_lt consts_list :
- forall n v1 v2,
- In (existZ (v1, v2)%zrange) (make_pairs' n consts_list) ->
- (n <= v1)%positive.
- Proof.
- induction consts_list; cbn; [ contradiction | ].
- intros. destruct H; ez.
- apply IHconsts_list in H. lia.
+ cbv [make_pairs]; induction consts_list as [|[ ? ? ] ?]; cbn; ez.
Lemma make_pairs_ok consts_list:
forall v1 v2,
In (existZ (v1, v2)%zrange) (make_pairs consts_list) ->
- make_ctx consts_list v1 = v2.
+ In (v1, v2) consts_list.
- cbv [make_ctx make_pairs]. generalize 1%positive.
- induction consts_list; cbn; [ tauto | ].
+ cbv [make_pairs]. induction consts_list as [| [ n v ] ? ]; cbn; [ tauto | ]. ez.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma make_ctx_ok consts_list:
+ (forall n v1 v2, In (n, v1) consts_list ->
+ In (n, v2) consts_list -> v1 = v2) ->
+ forall n v,
+ In (n, v) consts_list ->
+ make_ctx consts_list n = v.
+ Proof.
+ induction consts_list as [| [ n v ] ? ]; cbn; [ tauto | ].
repeat match goal with
| _ => progress cbn [eq_rect fst snd] in *
- | H : _ |- _ => apply make_pairs'_index_lt in H; lia
| _ => progress ez
Hint Resolve Pos.lt_trans Pos.lt_irrefl Pos.lt_succ_diag_r.
Hint Resolve in_or_app.
- Hint Resolve make_consts_ok make_pairs_ok.
- Lemma of_Expr_correct consts_list error cc
+ Hint Resolve make_consts_ok make_pairs_ok make_ctx_ok.
+ Lemma of_Expr_correct next_name consts_list arg_list error cc
t (e : Expr t)
(x1 : type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow (var positive) t)
(x2 : type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow _ t) result :
let e1 := (invert_expr.smart_App_curried (e _) x1) in
let e2 := (invert_expr.smart_App_curried (e _) x2) in
- let ctx := make_ctx consts_list in
+ let ctx := make_ctx (consts_list ++ arg_list) in
let consts := make_consts consts_list in
- let next_name := Pos.of_nat (length consts_list) in
- let G := make_pairs consts_list ++ var_pairs x1 x2 in
+ let G := make_pairs consts_list ++ make_pairs arg_list in
+ (forall n v1 v2, In (n, v1) (consts_list ++ arg_list) ->
+ In (n, v2) (consts_list ++ arg_list) -> v1 = v2) (* no duplicate names *) ->
(LanguageWf.Compilers.expr.wf G e1 e2) ->
valid_expr _ consts _ e1 ->
interp_if_Z e2 = Some result ->
@@ -2643,13 +2633,12 @@ Module Fancy.
cbv [of_Expr]; intros.
eapply of_prefancy_correct with (name_lt := Pos.lt); eauto; try apply Pos.eqb_neq.
- { intros. apply make_pairs_ok.
- eauto using in_app_or.
- apply in_app_or in H2.
- eapply in_app_or.
- Qed.
+ (* 4 goals *)
+ { intros.
+ apply make_ctx_ok; auto.
+ apply make_pairs_ok. cbv [make_pairs]; rewrite map_app. auto. }
+ {
+ Admitted.
End Proofs.
End Fancy.
@@ -3139,7 +3128,7 @@ Module Barrett256.
Definition barrett_red256_fancy' (xLow xHigh RegMuLow RegMod RegZero error : positive) :=
Fancy.of_Expr 3%positive
- (fun z => if z =? muLow then Some RegMuLow else if z =? M then Some RegMod else if z =? 0 then Some RegZero else None)
+ (Fancy.make_consts [(RegMuLow, muLow); (RegMod, M); (RegZero, 0)])
(xLow, (xHigh, tt))
@@ -3177,46 +3166,51 @@ Module Barrett256.
econstructor; intros; [ step | ];
solve [two_step]
| try branching_step ].
- Lemma barrett_red256_fancy_correct cc_start_state ctx :
- forall xLow xHigh RegxLow RegxHigh RegMuLow RegMod RegZero error,
+ (* TODO(jgross)
+ There's probably a more general statement to make here about the
+ correctness of smart_App_curried, but I'm not sure what it is. *)
+ Lemma interp_smart_App_curried_2 :
+ forall s1 s2 d (e : Compilers.expr (s1 -> s2 -> type.base d))
+ (x1 : @type.interp base.type base.interp s1)
+ (x2 : @type.interp base.type base.interp s2),
+ interp (invert_expr.smart_App_curried e (x1, (x2, tt))) = interp e x1 x2.
+ Admitted.
+ Lemma barrett_red256_fancy_correct cc_start_state :
+ forall xLow xHigh error,
0 <= xLow < 2 ^ machine_wordsize ->
0 <= xHigh < M ->
- ctx RegxHigh = xHigh ->
- ctx RegxLow = xLow ->
- ctx RegMuLow = muLow ->
- ctx RegMod = M ->
- ctx RegZero = 0 ->
- Fancy.interp Pos.eqb Fancy.wordmax Fancy.cc_spec (barrett_red256_fancy RegxLow RegxHigh RegMuLow RegMod RegZero error) cc_start_state ctx = (xLow + 2 ^ machine_wordsize * xHigh) mod M.
+ let RegZero := 1%positive in
+ let RegMod := 2%positive in
+ let RegMuLow := 3%positive in
+ let RegxHigh := 4%positive in
+ let RegxLow := 5%positive in
+ let consts_list := [(RegMuLow, muLow); (RegMod, M); (RegZero, 0)] in
+ let arg_list := [(RegxHigh, xHigh); (RegxLow, xLow)] in
+ Fancy.interp Pos.eqb Fancy.wordmax Fancy.cc_spec (barrett_red256_fancy RegxLow RegxHigh RegMuLow RegMod RegZero error) cc_start_state (Fancy.make_ctx (consts_list ++ arg_list)) = (xLow + 2 ^ machine_wordsize * xHigh) mod M.
rewrite barrett_red256_fancy_eq.
cbv [barrett_red256_fancy'].
rewrite <-barrett_red256_correct_full by auto.
eapply Fancy.of_Expr_correct with (x2 := (xLow, (xHigh, tt))).
- { cbv [Fancy.var_pairs]; cbn [fst snd].
+ { cbn; intros; subst RegZero RegMod RegMuLow RegxHigh RegxLow.
+ intuition; Prod.inversion_prod; subst; congruence. }
+ { cbn.
repeat match goal with
- | _ => progress branching_step
- | _ => progress repeat (econstructor; intros; [ solve[step] | ])
- | _ => solve [econstructor; intros; step]
+ | _ => apply expr.WfLetIn
+ | _ => progress step
+ | _ => econstructor
end. }
{ admit. (* valid_expr *) }
{ cbn - [barrett_red256].
cbv [id].
cbv [expr.Interp].
- cbn - [expr.interp].
- Print expr.interp.
- cbn - [ident.interp].
- SearchAbout expr.interp.
- f_equal.
- apply f_equal2.
- reflexivity.
- cbn.
- cbv [invert_expr.smart_App_curried].
- reflexivity.
- SearchAbout invert_expr.smart_App_curried.
- Qed.
+ replace (@ident.gen_interp Fancy.cast_oor) with (@ident.interp) by admit. (* TODO(jgross): need to be able to say that I can switch out cast_outside_of_range because bounds checking works *)
+ rewrite <-interp_smart_App_curried_2.
+ reflexivity. }
+ Admitted.
Import Fancy.Registers.