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2 files changed, 177 insertions, 207 deletions
diff --git a/src/Reflection/Z/Bounds/Pipeline/Composition.v b/src/Reflection/Z/Bounds/Pipeline/Composition.v
index 120f8c84f..56939e4bd 100644
--- a/src/Reflection/Z/Bounds/Pipeline/Composition.v
+++ b/src/Reflection/Z/Bounds/Pipeline/Composition.v
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Wf.
Require Import Crypto.Reflection.WfReflectiveGen.
Require Import Crypto.Reflection.WfReflective.
Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Eta.
+Require Import Crypto.Reflection.EtaWf.
Require Import Crypto.Reflection.EtaInterp.
Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Z.Bounds.Pipeline.OutputType.
Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Z.Bounds.Pipeline.Definition.
@@ -40,13 +41,13 @@ Definition PipelineCorrect
(** ** pre-wf pipeline *)
(He : e = PreWfPipeline (proj1_sig rexpr_sig))
(** ** proving wf *)
- (He_unnatize_for_wf : forall var, unnatize_expr 0 (e (fun t => (nat * var t)%type)) = e _)
+ (He_unnatize_for_wf : forall var, unnatize_expr 0 (ExprEta' e (fun t => (nat * var t)%type)) = ExprEta' e _)
(Hwf : forall var1 var2,
- let P := (@reflect_wfT base_type base_type_eq_semidec_transparent op op_beq var1 var2 nil _ _ (e _) (e _)) in
+ let P := (@reflect_wfT base_type base_type_eq_semidec_transparent op op_beq var1 var2 nil _ _ (ExprEta' e _) (ExprEta' e _)) in
trueify P = P)
(** ** post-wf-pipeline *)
(Hpost : e_pkg = PostWfPipeline e input_bounds)
- (Hpost_correct : e_pkg = Some {| input_expr := e ; input_bounds := input_bounds ; output_bounds := b ; output_expr := e' |})
+ (Hpost_correct : Some {| input_expr := e ; input_bounds := input_bounds ; output_bounds := b ; output_expr := e' |} = e_pkg)
(** ** renaming *)
(Hrenaming : e_final = e')
(** ** bounds relaxation *)
@@ -64,10 +65,12 @@ Definition PipelineCorrect
destruct rexpr_sig as [? Hrexpr].
assert (Hwf' : Wf e)
- by (eapply reflect_Wf;
+ by (apply (proj1 (@Wf_ExprEta'_iff _ _ _ e));
+ eapply reflect_Wf;
[ .. | intros; split; [ eapply He_unnatize_for_wf | rewrite <- Hwf; apply trueify_true ] ];
auto using base_type_eq_semidec_is_dec, op_beq_bl).
clear Hwf He_unnatize_for_wf.
+ symmetry in Hpost_correct.
subst; cbv [proj1_sig] in *.
rewrite <- Hrexpr.
eapply PostWfPipelineCorrect in Hpost_correct; [ | solve [ eauto ].. ].
diff --git a/src/Reflection/Z/Bounds/Pipeline/ReflectiveTactics.v b/src/Reflection/Z/Bounds/Pipeline/ReflectiveTactics.v
index bf78e5a3a..9670aec1f 100644
--- a/src/Reflection/Z/Bounds/Pipeline/ReflectiveTactics.v
+++ b/src/Reflection/Z/Bounds/Pipeline/ReflectiveTactics.v
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Z.Bounds.Interpretation.
Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Z.Bounds.Relax.
Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Reify.
Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Z.Reify.
-Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Z.Bounds.Pipeline.OutputType.
Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Z.Bounds.Pipeline.Definition.
+Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Z.Bounds.Pipeline.Composition.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.Head.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SubstLet.
Require Import Crypto.Util.FixedWordSizes.
@@ -49,229 +49,196 @@ Module Export Exports.
Export Crypto.Reflection.Z.Bounds.Pipeline.Definition.Exports.
End Exports.
-(** ** Pre-reification *)
-(** The [assert_reflective] tactic is the first one that gets run, and
- it takes a goal of the form
-@Bounds.is_bounded_by (codomain T) bounds _
- /\ cast_back_flat_const fW = fZ (cast_back_flat_const v)
- where [fW] must be a context variable. It creates a second goal
- of the form [{ rexpr | forall x, Interp _ rexpr x = fZ x }], which
- is what reification works on. This goal is placed first, and in
- the second (original) subgoal, [fZ] is replaced with the
- interpretation of the evar which will be filled with the reflected
- constant. *)
-Ltac assert_reflective :=
- lazymatch goal with
- | [ |- @Bounds.is_bounded_by (codomain ?T) ?bounds _
- /\ cast_back_flat_const ?fW = ?fZ (cast_back_flat_const ?v) ]
- => let rexpr := fresh "rexpr" in
- simple refine (let rexpr : { rexpr | forall x, Interp interp_op (t:=T) rexpr x = fZ x } := _ in _);
- [ cbv [interp_flat_type interp_base_type Tuple.tuple Tuple.tuple'] in *;
- subst fW
- | rewrite <- (proj2_sig rexpr);
- let rexpr' := fresh rexpr in
- set (rexpr' := proj1_sig rexpr);
- unfold proj1_sig in rexpr';
- subst rexpr fZ ]
- end.
(** ** Reification *)
-(** The [rexpr_cbv] tactic unfolds various constants in a goal of the
- form
+(** The [do_reify] tactic handles goals of the form
-{ rexpr | forall x, Interp _ rexpr x = f x }
+forall x, Interp _ ?e x = F
- to get the goal into a form that [eexists; Reify_rhs] can handle.
- This tactic is somewhat more general than it currently needs to
- be; it can handle cases where [f] is already unfolded, cases
- where [f] is a definition or a context variable, and cases where
- [f] is some sort of uncurrying functional applied to a context
- variable, definition, or unfolded term. In the old pipeline, it
- needed to handle all of these cases. *)
-Ltac rexpr_cbv :=
- lazymatch goal with
- | [ |- { rexpr | forall x, Interp _ (t:=?T) rexpr x = ?uncurry ?oper x } ]
- => let operf := head oper in
- let uncurryf := head uncurry in
- try cbv delta [T]; try cbv delta [oper];
- try cbv beta iota delta [uncurryf]
- | [ |- { rexpr | forall x, Interp _ (t:=?T) rexpr x = ?oper x } ]
- => let operf := head oper in
- try cbv delta [T]; try cbv delta [oper]
- end;
- cbv beta iota delta [interp_flat_type interp_base_type].
-(** The [reify_sig] tactic handles a goal of the form
+ by reifying [F]. *)
+Ltac do_reify :=
+ cbv beta iota delta [Syntax.interp_flat_type Syntax.interp_base_type];
+ Reify_rhs; reflexivity.
+(** ** Input Boundedness Side-Conditions *)
+(** The tactic [handle_bounds_from_hyps] handles goals of the form
-{ rexpr | forall x, Interp _ rexpr x = f x }
+Bounds.is_bounded_by (_, _, ..., _) _
- by reifying [f]. *)
-Ltac reify_sig :=
- rexpr_cbv; eexists; Reify_rhs; reflexivity.
-(** The [do_reify] tactic runs [reify_sig] on the first goal, and
- then, in the second goal left by [assert_reflective], reduces
- projections of the reified pair (which was an evar, and is now
- instantiated). *)
-Ltac do_reify := [ > reify_sig | cbv beta iota in * ].
+ by splitting them apart and looking in the context for hypotheses
+ that prove the bounds. *)
+Ltac handle_bounds_from_hyps :=
+ repeat match goal with
+ | _ => assumption
+ | [ |- cast_back_flat_const _ = cast_back_flat_const _ ] => reflexivity
+ | [ |- _ /\ _ ] => split
+ | [ |- Bounds.is_bounded_by (_, _) _ ] => split
+ end.
+(** ** Unfolding [Interp] *)
+(** The reduction strategies [interp_red], [extra_interp_red], and
+ [constant_simplification] (the latter two defined in
+ Pipeline/Definition.v) define the constants that get unfolded
+ before instantiating the original evar with [Interp _
+ vm_computed_reified_expression arguments]. *)
+Declare Reduction interp_red
+ := cbv [fst snd
+ Interp InterpEta interp_op interp interp_eta interpf interpf_step
+ interp_flat_type_eta interp_flat_type_eta_gen interp_flat_type
+ interp_base_type interp_op
+ SmartMap.SmartFlatTypeMap SmartMap.SmartFlatTypeMapUnInterp SmartMap.SmartFlatTypeMapInterp2
+ SmartMap.smart_interp_flat_map
+ codomain domain
+ lift_op Zinterp_op cast_const
+ ZToInterp interpToZ
+ ].
-(** ** Post-reification, pre-Wf transformations *)
-(** The [do_pre_wf_pipeline] tactic runs the part of the pipeline,
- defined in Pipeline.Definition, which does not rely on
- well-foundedness. It operates on a goal of the form
-Bounds.is_bounded_by bounds (Interp _ fZ v')
- /\ cast_back_flat_const fW = Interp _ fZ v'
- where [fZ] is expected to be a context variable, and does not
- change the shape of the goal (it updates the definition of [fZ]). *)
-Ltac do_pre_wf_pipeline :=
- lazymatch goal with
- | [ |- Bounds.is_bounded_by ?bounds (Interp _ ?fZ ?v')
- /\ cast_back_flat_const ?fW = Interp _ ?fZ ?v' ]
- => rewrite <- !(InterpPreWfPipeline fZ);
- let fZ' := fresh fZ in
- rename fZ into fZ';
- set (fZ := PreWfPipeline fZ');
- vm_compute in fZ; clear fZ'
- end.
+(** ** Solving Side-Conditions of Equality *)
+(** This section defines a number of different ways to solve goals of
+ the form [LHS = RHS] where [LHS] may contain evars and [RHS] must
+ not contain evars. Most tactics use [abstract] to reduce the load
+ on [Defined] and to catch looping behavior early. *)
-(** ** Well-foundedness *)
-(** The [assert_wf] tactic adds an opaque hypothesis of type [Wf fZ]
- to the context, pulling [fZ] from a goal of the form
-Bounds.is_bounded_by _ _ /\ cast_back_flat_const fW = Interp _ fZ _
- *)
-Ltac prove_rexpr_wfT
- := reflect_Wf Equality.base_type_eq_semidec_is_dec Equality.op_beq_bl.
-Ltac assert_wf :=
+(** The tactic [abstract_vm_compute_rhs] unifies [LHS] with the result
+ of [vm_compute]ing [RHS], and costs two [vm_compute]s. *)
+Ltac abstract_vm_compute_rhs :=
+ intros; clear;
lazymatch goal with
- | [ |- Bounds.is_bounded_by _ _ /\ cast_back_flat_const ?fW = Interp _ ?fZ _ ]
- => assert (Wf fZ) by (clear; prove_rexpr_wfT)
+ | [ |- ?LHS = ?RHS ]
+ => let RHS' := (eval vm_compute in RHS) in
+ unify LHS RHS'; clear;
+ abstract vm_cast_no_check (eq_refl RHS')
-(** ** Post-Wf pipeline *)
-Notation rexpr_post_wf_pipeline_option rexprZ rexpr_bounds
- := (PostWfPipeline rexprZ rexpr_bounds)
- (only parsing).
-Notation rexpr_post_wf_pipeline_postprocess1 v
- := (invert_Some v)
- (only parsing).
-Notation get_output_type v := (OutputType v) (only parsing).
-Notation get_bounds v := (@output_bounds v) (only parsing).
-Notation get_output_expr v := (@output_expr v) (only parsing).
-Notation rexpr_post_wf_pipeline_postprocess2 v
- := (renamify v)
- (only parsing).
-Notation rexpr_correct_and_bounded rexprZ rexprW input_bounds output_bounds rexprZ_Wf
- := (fun v v' Hv
- => proj2
- (@PostWfPipelineCorrect
- _ rexprZ input_bounds rexprZ_Wf
- output_bounds rexprW
- _
- v v' Hv))
- (only parsing).
-Ltac rexpr_correct_and_bounded_obligation_tac :=
- intros; subst_let; clear;
+(** The tactic [abstract_vm_compute_rhs_no_evar] costs only one
+ [vm_compute] and proves only evar-free goals. Best when the cost
+ of retypechecking [RHS] is small, or at least smaller than the
+ cost of retypechecking [LHS]. *)
+Ltac abstract_vm_compute_rhs_no_evar :=
+ intros; clear;
+ match goal with
+ | [ |- ?LHS = ?RHS ]
+ => abstract vm_cast_no_check (eq_refl RHS)
+ end.
+(** The tactic [abstract_rhs] unifies [LHS] with [RHS]. *)
+Ltac abstract_rhs :=
+ intros; clear;
lazymatch goal with
- | [ |- ?x = Some ?y ]
- => abstract vm_cast_no_check (eq_refl (Some y))
- | _ => vm_compute; constructor
+ | [ |- ?LHS = ?RHS ]
+ => unify LHS RHS; clear;
+ abstract exact_no_check (eq_refl RHS)
-Ltac make_correctness rexprZ bounds Hcorrectness :=
- let rexprW_pkgo := (eval vm_compute in (rexpr_post_wf_pipeline_option rexprZ bounds)) in
- let rexprW_pkg := (eval vm_compute in (rexpr_post_wf_pipeline_postprocess1 rexprW_pkgo)) in
- let rexprT := constr:(get_output_type rexprW_pkg) in
- let rexprW' := (eval vm_compute in (get_output_expr rexprW_pkg)) in
- let rexprW := (eval cbv beta iota zeta in (rexpr_post_wf_pipeline_postprocess2 rexprW')) in
- let rexpr_output_bounds := (eval vm_compute in (get_bounds rexprW_pkg)) in
- let rexprZ_Wf := lazymatch goal with H : Wf rexprZ |- _ => H end in
- simple refine (let Hcorrectness := rexpr_correct_and_bounded rexprZ rexprW bounds rexpr_output_bounds rexprZ_Wf in _);
- [ rexpr_correct_and_bounded_obligation_tac.. | clearbody Hcorrectness ].
-Ltac do_pose_correctness Hcorrectness :=
+(** The tactic [renamify_rhs] calls [renamify] on [RHS] and unifies
+ that with [LHS]; and then costs one [vm_compute] to prove the
+ equality. *)
+Ltac renamify_rhs :=
+ intros; clear;
lazymatch goal with
- | [ |- @Bounds.is_bounded_by (codomain ?T) ?bounds _
- /\ cast_back_flat_const ?fW = Interp _ ?fZ (@cast_back_flat_const _ _ _ ?input_bounds ?v) ]
- => make_correctness fZ input_bounds Hcorrectness
+ | [ |- ?LHS = ?RHS ]
+ => let RHS' := renamify RHS in
+ unify LHS RHS';
+ clear; abstract vm_cast_no_check (eq_refl RHS')
-Ltac pretighten_bounds tighter_bounds :=
+(** The tactic [abstract_cbv_rhs] unfies [LHS] with the result of
+ running [cbv] in [RHS], and costs a [cbv] and a [vm_compute]. Use
+ this if you don't want to lose binder names or otherwise can't use
+ [vm_compute]. *)
+Ltac abstract_cbv_rhs :=
+ intros; clear;
lazymatch goal with
- | [ |- @Bounds.is_bounded_by ?t ?relaxed_bounds _ /\ cast_back_flat_const ?v = ?k ]
- => simple refine (@relax_output_bounds t tighter_bounds relaxed_bounds _ v k _ _)
+ | [ |- ?LHS = ?RHS ]
+ => let RHS' := (eval cbv in RHS) in
+ unify LHS RHS';
+ clear; abstract vm_cast_no_check (eq_refl RHS')
-Ltac posttighten_bounds :=
- [ > clear; vm_compute; reflexivity | unfold eq_rect | clear; abstract vm_cast_no_check (eq_refl true) ].
-Ltac pretighten_bounds_from_correctness Hcorrectness :=
- cbv beta iota zeta in Hcorrectness;
- lazymatch type of Hcorrectness with
- | forall v v', _ -> Bounds.is_bounded_by ?tighter_bounds _ /\ _
- => pretighten_bounds tighter_bounds
+(** The tactic [abstract_cbv_interp_rhs] runs the interpretation
+ reduction strategies in [RHS] and unifies the result with [LHS],
+ and does not use the vm (and hence does not fully reduce things,
+ which is important for efficiency). *)
+Ltac abstract_cbv_interp_rhs :=
+ intros; clear;
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | [ |- ?LHS = ?RHS ]
+ => let RHS' := (eval interp_red in RHS) in
+ let RHS' := (eval extra_interp_red in RHS') in
+ let RHS' := lazymatch do_constant_simplification with
+ | true => (eval constant_simplification in RHS')
+ | _ => RHS'
+ end in
+ unify LHS RHS'; abstract exact_no_check (eq_refl RHS')
-Ltac tighten_bounds_from_correctness Hcorrectness :=
- pretighten_bounds_from_correctness Hcorrectness; posttighten_bounds.
-Declare Reduction interp_red := cbv [Interp InterpEta interp_op interp interp_eta interpf interpf_step interp_flat_type_eta interp_flat_type_eta_gen SmartMap.SmartFlatTypeMap codomain domain interp_flat_type interp_base_type SmartMap.smart_interp_flat_map lift_op Zinterp_op SmartMap.SmartFlatTypeMapUnInterp SmartMap.SmartFlatTypeMapInterp2 fst snd cast_const ZToInterp interpToZ].
-(* hopefully separating this out into a separate tactic will make it
- show up in the Ltac profile *)
-Ltac clear_then_abstract_reflexivity x :=
- clear; abstract exact_no_check (eq_refl x).
-Ltac specialize_Hcorrectness Hcorrectness :=
+(** ** Assembling the Pipeline *)
+(** The tactic [refine_with_pipeline_correct] uses the
+ [PipelineCorrect] lemma to create side-conditions. It assumes the
+ goal is in exactly the form given in the conclusion of the
+ [PipelineCorrect] lemma. *)
+Ltac refine_with_pipeline_correct :=
lazymatch goal with
- | [ |- @Bounds.is_bounded_by (codomain ?T) ?bounds (Interp _ ?fZ ?v')
- /\ cast_back_flat_const ?fW = Interp _ ?fZ ?v' ]
- => let v := lazymatch v' with cast_back_flat_const ?v => v end in
- specialize (Hcorrectness v' v);
- lazymatch type of Hcorrectness with
- | ?T -> Bounds.is_bounded_by _ _
- /\ cast_back_flat_const (@Interp ?base_type ?interp_base_type ?op ?interp_op ?fWT ?fW' ?args) = _
- => cut T;
- [ (let H := fresh in intro H; specialize (Hcorrectness H); clear H);
- rewrite <- (@eq_InterpEta base_type interp_base_type op interp_op fWT fW' args) in Hcorrectness
- | ]
- end;
- [ lazymatch type of Hcorrectness with
- Bounds.is_bounded_by _ _ /\ cast_back_flat_const ?fW' = _
- => let fWev := (eval cbv delta [fW] in fW) in
- let fW'_orig := fW' in
- let fW' := (eval interp_red in fW') in
- let fW' := (eval extra_interp_red in fW') in
- let fW' := lazymatch do_constant_simplification with
- | true => (eval constant_simplification in fW')
- | _ => fW'
- end in
- unify fWev fW';
- replace fW with fW'_orig by clear_then_abstract_reflexivity fW
- end
- | ]
- end.
-Ltac handle_bounds_from_hyps :=
- repeat match goal with
- | _ => assumption
- | [ |- cast_back_flat_const _ = cast_back_flat_const _ ] => reflexivity
- | [ |- _ /\ _ ] => split
- | [ |- Bounds.is_bounded_by (_, _) _ ] => split
- end.
-Ltac do_post_wf_pipeline :=
- let Hcorrectness := fresh "Hcorrectness" in
- do_pose_correctness Hcorrectness;
- tighten_bounds_from_correctness Hcorrectness;
- specialize_Hcorrectness Hcorrectness;
- [ exact Hcorrectness
- | handle_bounds_from_hyps ].
+ | [ |- _ /\ ?castback ?fW = ?fZ ?arg ]
+ => let lem := open_constr:(@PipelineCorrect _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) in
+ simple refine (lem _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _);
+ subst fW fZ
+ end;
+ [ eexists
+ | cbv [proj1_sig].. ].
+(** The tactic [solve_side_conditions] uses the above
+ reduction-and-proving-equality tactics to prove the
+ side-conditions of [PipelineCorrect]. Which tactic to use was
+ chosen in the following way:
+ - The default is [abstract_vm_compute_rhs]
+ - If the goal has no evar, instead use
+ [abstract_vm_compute_rhs_no_evar] (it's faster)
+ - If the [RHS] is already in [vm_compute]d form, use
+ [abstract_rhs] (saves a needless [vm_compute] which would be a
+ costly no-op)
+ - If the proof needs to be transparent and there are no evars and
+ you want the user to see the fully [vm_compute]d term on error,
+ use [vm_compute; reflexivity]
+ - If the user should see an unreduced term and you're proving [_ =
+ true], use [abstract vm_cast_no_check (eq_refl true)]
+ - If you want to preserve binder names, use [abstract_cbv_rhs]
+ The other choices are tactics that are specialized to the specific
+ side-condition for which they are used (reification, boundedness
+ of input, reduction of [Interp], renaming). *)
+Ltac solve_side_conditions :=
+ [>
+ (** ** reification *)
+ do_reify |
+ (** ** pre-wf pipeline *)
+ abstract_vm_compute_rhs |
+ (** ** reflective wf side-condition 1 *)
+ abstract_vm_compute_rhs_no_evar |
+ (** ** reflective wf side-condition 2 *)
+ abstract_vm_compute_rhs_no_evar |
+ (** ** post-wf pipeline *)
+ abstract_vm_compute_rhs |
+ (** ** post-wf pipeline gives [Some _] *)
+ abstract_rhs |
+ (** ** renaming binders *)
+ renamify_rhs |
+ (** ** types computed from given output bounds are the same as types computed from computed output bounds *)
+ (** N.B. the proof must be exactly [eq_refl] because it's used in a
+ later goal and needs to reduce *)
+ subst_let; clear; vm_compute; reflexivity |
+ (** ** computed output bounds are not looser than the given output bounds *)
+ (** we do subst and we don't [vm_compute] first because we want to
+ get an error message that displays the bounds *)
+ subst_let; clear; abstract vm_cast_no_check (eq_refl true) |
+ (** ** removal of a cast across the equality proof above *)
+ abstract_cbv_rhs |
+ (** ** unfolding of [interp] constants *)
+ abstract_cbv_interp_rhs |
+ (** ** boundedness of inputs *)
+ abstract handle_bounds_from_hyps ].
(** ** The Entire Pipeline *)
(** The [do_reflective_pipeline] tactic solves a goal of the form that
is described at the top of this file, and is the public interface
of this file. *)
Ltac do_reflective_pipeline :=
- assert_reflective;
- do_reify;
- do_pre_wf_pipeline;
- assert_wf;
- do_post_wf_pipeline.
+ refine_with_pipeline_correct; solve_side_conditions.