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2 files changed, 150 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/_CoqProject b/_CoqProject
index 7c6569208..7c06bba30 100644
--- a/_CoqProject
+++ b/_CoqProject
@@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ src/Reflection/MultiSizeTest2.v
diff --git a/src/Reflection/SmartBoundWf.v b/src/Reflection/SmartBoundWf.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..085b78376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Reflection/SmartBoundWf.v
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Syntax.
+Require Import Crypto.Reflection.TypeInversion.
+Require Import Crypto.Reflection.ExprInversion.
+Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Wf.
+Require Import Crypto.Reflection.WfProofs.
+Require Import Crypto.Reflection.SmartBound.
+Require Import Crypto.Reflection.TypeUtil.
+Require Import Crypto.Reflection.SmartCast.
+Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Application.
+Require Import Crypto.Reflection.SmartMap.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.BreakMatch.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations.
+Local Open Scope expr_scope.
+Local Open Scope ctype_scope.
+Section language.
+ Context {base_type_code : Type}
+ {op : flat_type base_type_code -> flat_type base_type_code -> Type}
+ (interp_base_type_bounds : base_type_code -> Type)
+ (interp_op_bounds : forall src dst, op src dst -> interp_flat_type interp_base_type_bounds src -> interp_flat_type interp_base_type_bounds dst)
+ (bound_base_type : forall t, interp_base_type_bounds t -> base_type_code)
+ (base_type_beq : base_type_code -> base_type_code -> bool)
+ (base_type_bl_transparent : forall x y, base_type_beq x y = true -> x = y)
+ (base_type_leb : base_type_code -> base_type_code -> bool)
+ (Cast : forall var A A', exprf base_type_code op (var:=var) (Tbase A) -> exprf base_type_code op (var:=var) (Tbase A'))
+ (genericize_op : forall src dst (opc : op src dst) (new_bounded_type_in new_bounded_type_out : base_type_code),
+ option { src'dst' : _ & op (fst src'dst') (snd src'dst') })
+ (failf : forall var t, @exprf base_type_code op var (Tbase t))
+ (wff_Cast : forall var1 var2 G A A' e1 e2,
+ wff G e1 e2 -> wff G (Cast var1 A A' e1) (Cast var2 A A' e2)).
+ Local Notation Expr := (@Expr base_type_code op).
+ Local Notation SmartBound := (@SmartBound _ _ _ interp_op_bounds bound_base_type Cast).
+ Local Notation smart_bound := (@smart_bound _ _ interp_base_type_bounds bound_base_type Cast).
+ Local Notation UnSmartArrow := (@UnSmartArrow _ interp_base_type_bounds bound_base_type).
+ Local Notation interpf_smart_bound := (@interpf_smart_bound _ op interp_base_type_bounds bound_base_type Cast).
+ Local Notation interpf_smart_unbound := (@interpf_smart_unbound _ op interp_base_type_bounds bound_base_type Cast).
+ Fixpoint wf_UnSmartArrow {var1 var2} k t1 G e_bounds input_bounds e1 e2
+ (Hwf : wf G e1 e2)
+ {struct t1}
+ : wf G
+ (@UnSmartArrow (fun t => @expr base_type_code op var1 (k t)) t1 e_bounds input_bounds e1)
+ (@UnSmartArrow (fun t => @expr base_type_code op var2 (k t)) t1 e_bounds input_bounds e2).
+ Proof.
+ destruct t1 as [t1|s d];
+ [ clear wf_UnSmartArrow
+ | specialize (wf_UnSmartArrow var1 var2 (fun t => k (Arrow (bound_base_type _ (fst input_bounds)) t)) d G (e_bounds (fst input_bounds)) (snd input_bounds)) ];
+ set (e1' := e1); set (e2' := e2);
+ let t := match type of Hwf with wf (t:=?t) _ _ _ => t end in
+ set (Tt := t) in e1, e2, Hwf;
+ pose (eq_refl : Tt = t) as Ht;
+ generalize (eq_refl : e1' = match Ht in (_ = y) return expr _ _ y with eq_refl => e1 end);
+ generalize (eq_refl : e2' = match Ht in (_ = y) return expr _ _ y with eq_refl => e2 end);
+ clearbody Ht; revert Ht;
+ clearbody e1' e2'; revert e1' e2';
+ clearbody Tt;
+ destruct Hwf;
+ intros; simpl in *; repeat subst; try discriminate;
+ break_innermost_match;
+ inversion_type; subst; simpl.
+ { constructor; assumption. }
+ { constructor; assumption. }
+ { apply wf_UnSmartArrow; clear wf_UnSmartArrow.
+ match goal with
+ | [ |- context[match k ?x with _ => _ end] ]
+ => set (kx := k x) in *
+ end.
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ H : context[k ?x] |- _ ]
+ => change (k x) with kx in H
+ | [ |- context[k ?x] ]
+ => change (k x) with kx
+ end.
+ destruct kx;
+ inversion_type; subst; simpl;
+ try tauto;
+ try (constructor; assumption). }
+ { apply wf_UnSmartArrow; clear wf_UnSmartArrow.
+ match goal with
+ | [ |- context[match k ?x with _ => _ end] ]
+ => set (kx := k x) in *
+ end.
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ H : context[k ?x] |- _ ]
+ => change (k x) with kx in H
+ | [ |- context[k ?x] ]
+ => change (k x) with kx
+ end.
+ destruct kx;
+ inversion_type; break_innermost_match; subst; simpl;
+ try tauto;
+ try (constructor; assumption). }
+ Qed.
+ Local Hint Resolve List.in_app_or List.in_or_app.
+ Lemma wff_SmartPairf_interpf_smart_unbound var1 var2 t input_bounds x1 x2
+ : wff (flatten_binding_list x1 x2)
+ (SmartPairf
+ (var:=var1)
+ (interpf_smart_unbound input_bounds
+ (SmartVarfMap (fun t => Var) x1)))
+ (SmartPairf
+ (var:=var2)
+ (t:=t)
+ (interpf_smart_unbound input_bounds
+ (SmartVarfMap (fun t => Var) x2))).
+ Proof.
+ unfold SmartPairf, SmartVarfMap, interpf_smart_unbound; induction t;
+ repeat match goal with
+ | _ => progress simpl in *
+ | [ |- wff _ (Cast _ _ _ _) (Cast _ _ _ _) ]
+ => apply wff_Cast
+ | [ |- wff _ _ _ ]
+ => constructor
+ | _ => solve [ auto with wf ]
+ | _ => eapply wff_in_impl_Proper; [ solve [ eauto ] | ]
+ | _ => intro
+ end.
+ Qed.
+ Local Hint Resolve wff_SmartPairf_interpf_smart_unbound : wf.
+ Lemma wf_smart_bound {var1 var2 t1} G e1 e2 e_bounds input_bounds
+ (Hwf : wf G e1 e2)
+ : wf G
+ (@smart_bound var1 t1 e1 e_bounds input_bounds)
+ (@smart_bound var2 t1 e2 e_bounds input_bounds).
+ Proof.
+ unfold SmartBound.smart_bound.
+ apply wf_UnSmartArrow with (k:=fun x => x).
+ apply wf_SmartAbs; intros.
+ repeat constructor; auto with wf;
+ try (eapply wff_in_impl_Proper; [ solve [ eauto with wf ] | ]);
+ auto.
+ { admit. }
+ { admit. }
+ Admitted.
+ Lemma Wf_SmartBound {t1} e input_bounds
+ (Hwf : Wf e)
+ : Wf (@SmartBound t1 e input_bounds).
+ Proof.
+ intros var1 var2; specialize (Hwf var1 var2).
+ unfold SmartBound.SmartBound.
+ apply wf_smart_bound; assumption.
+ Qed.
+End language.