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2 files changed, 73 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/src/Experiments/Ed25519.v b/src/Experiments/Ed25519.v
index 4ab9a2013..de6d39202 100644
--- a/src/Experiments/Ed25519.v
+++ b/src/Experiments/Ed25519.v
@@ -1269,18 +1269,69 @@ Proof.
apply GF25519.sqrt_m1_correct.
+Section bounded_by_from_is_bounded.
+ Local Arguments Z.sub !_ !_.
+ Local Arguments Z.pow_pos !_ !_ / .
+ Lemma bounded_by_from_is_bounded
+ : forall x, GF25519BoundedCommon.is_bounded x = true
+ -> ModularBaseSystemProofs.bounded_by
+ x
+ (ModularBaseSystemProofs.freeze_input_bounds (B := GF25519.freeze_input_bound)).
+ Proof.
+ intros x H.
+ pose proof (GF25519BoundedCommon.is_bounded_to_nth_default _ H) as H'; clear H.
+ unfold ModularBaseSystemProofs.bounded_by.
+ intros n pf; specialize (H' n pf).
+ match goal with
+ | [ H : (0 <= ?y <= _)%Z |- (0 <= ?x < _)%Z ]
+ => change y with x in H; generalize dependent x
+ end.
+ intros ? H'.
+ split; [ omega | ].
+ eapply Z.le_lt_trans; [ exact (proj2 H') | ].
+ unfold ModularBaseSystemProofs.freeze_input_bounds, nth_default, GF25519.freeze_input_bound; simpl in *.
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ |- context[nth_error _ ?n] ]
+ => is_var n; destruct n; simpl
+ end;
+ try (vm_compute; reflexivity);
+ try omega.
+ Qed.
+End bounded_by_from_is_bounded.
Lemma bounded_by_encode_freeze : forall x,
(ModularBaseSystem.encode x)
(ModularBaseSystemProofs.freeze_input_bounds (B := GF25519.freeze_input_bound)).
+ intros; apply bounded_by_from_is_bounded, GF25519BoundedCommon.encode_bounded.
Lemma bounded_by_freeze : forall x,
- (GF25519BoundedCommon.fe25519WToZ x)
+ (GF25519BoundedCommon.fe25519WToZ (GF25519BoundedCommon.proj1_fe25519W x))
(ModularBaseSystemProofs.freeze_input_bounds (B := GF25519.freeze_input_bound)).
+ intros; apply bounded_by_from_is_bounded, GF25519BoundedCommon.is_bounded_proj1_fe25519.
+Local Ltac prove_bounded_by :=
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ |- ModularBaseSystemProofs.bounded_by _ _ ]
+ => apply bounded_by_from_is_bounded
+ | [ |- GF25519BoundedCommon.is_bounded
+ (GF25519BoundedCommon.fe25519WToZ
+ (GF25519Bounded.mulW _ _)) = true ]
+ => apply GF25519Bounded.mulW_correct_and_bounded
+ | [ |- GF25519BoundedCommon.is_bounded
+ (GF25519BoundedCommon.fe25519WToZ
+ (GF25519Bounded.powW _ _)) = true ]
+ => apply GF25519Bounded.powW_correct_and_bounded
+ | [ |- context[GF25519BoundedCommon.fe25519WToZ (GF25519BoundedCommon.fe25519ZToW _)] ]
+ => rewrite GF25519BoundedCommon.fe25519WToZ_ZToW
+ | [ |- GF25519BoundedCommon.is_bounded (ModularBaseSystem.encode _) = true ]
+ => apply GF25519BoundedCommon.encode_bounded
+ end.
Lemma sqrt_correct : forall x : ModularArithmetic.F.F q,
@@ -1303,6 +1354,7 @@ Proof.
eapply @ModularBaseSystemProofs.sqrt_5mod8_correct;
eauto using GF25519.freezePreconditions25519, ModularBaseSystemProofs.encode_rep, bounded_by_freeze, bounded_by_encode_freeze;
+ prove_bounded_by;
match goal with
| |- appcontext[GF25519Bounded.powW ?a ?ch] =>
let A := fresh "H" in
diff --git a/src/Specific/GF25519BoundedCommon.v b/src/Specific/GF25519BoundedCommon.v
index 35f54601c..f9ee444dc 100644
--- a/src/Specific/GF25519BoundedCommon.v
+++ b/src/Specific/GF25519BoundedCommon.v
@@ -543,6 +543,24 @@ Proof.
abstract (rewrite wire_digitsW_word64ize_id; apply is_bounded_proj1_wire_digits).
+Lemma is_bounded_to_nth_default x (H : is_bounded x = true)
+ : forall n : nat,
+ (n < length limb_widths)%nat
+ -> (0 <= nth_default 0 (Tuple.to_list length_fe25519 x) n <=
+ snd (b_of (nth_default (-1) limb_widths n)))%Z.
+ hnf in x; destruct_head' prod.
+ unfold_is_bounded_in H; destruct_head' and.
+ Z.ltb_to_lt.
+ unfold nth_default; simpl.
+ intros.
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ |- context[nth_error _ ?x] ]
+ => is_var x; destruct x; simpl
+ end;
+ omega.
(* END precomputation *)
(* Precompute constants *)