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diff --git a/src/Arithmetic/Saturated.v b/src/Arithmetic/Saturated.v
index 884a59ef7..addfe08e5 100644
--- a/src/Arithmetic/Saturated.v
+++ b/src/Arithmetic/Saturated.v
@@ -127,6 +127,12 @@ Module Columns.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Hint Rewrite eval_unit : push_basesystem_eval.
+ Lemma eval_single (x:list Z) : eval (n:=1) x = sum x.
+ Proof.
+ cbv [eval]. simpl map. cbv - [Z.mul Z.add sum].
+ rewrite weight_0; ring.
+ Qed. Hint Rewrite eval_single : push_basesystem_eval.
Definition eval_from {n} (offset:nat) (x : (list Z)^n) : Z :=
B.Positional.eval (fun i => weight (i+offset)) (Tuple.map sum x).
@@ -226,65 +232,103 @@ Module Columns.
rewrite Z.div_add' by auto; nsatz.
- Definition compact_invariant n i (starter rem:Z) (inp : tuple (list Z) n) (out : tuple Z n) :=
- B.Positional.eval_from weight i out + weight (i + n) * rem = eval_from i inp + weight i*starter.
- Lemma compact_invariant_holds n i starter rem inp out :
- compact_invariant n (S i) (fst (compact_step_cps i starter (hd inp) id)) rem (tl inp) out ->
- compact_invariant (S n) i starter rem inp (append (snd (compact_step_cps i starter (hd inp) id)) out).
- Proof using Type*.
- cbv [compact_invariant B.Positional.eval_from]; intros.
- repeat match goal with
- | _ => rewrite B.Positional.eval_step
- | _ => rewrite eval_from_S
- | _ => rewrite sum_cons
- | _ => rewrite weight_multiples
- | _ => rewrite Nat.add_succ_l in *
- | _ => rewrite Nat.add_succ_r in *
- | _ => (rewrite fst_fst_compact_step in * )
- | _ => progress ring_simplify
- | _ => rewrite ZUtil.Z.mul_div_eq_full by apply weight_nonzero
- | _ => cbv [compact_step_cps] in *;
- autorewrite with uncps push_id in *;
- rewrite !compact_digit_mod, !compact_digit_div in *
- | _ => progress (autorewrite with natsimplify in * )
- end;
- rewrite B.Positional.eval_wt_equiv with (wtb := fun i0 => weight (i0 + S i)) by (intros; f_equal; try omega).
- {
- rewrite Z.mod_eq by auto using Z.positive_is_nonzero.
- rewrite sum_cons in H.
- ring_simplify.
- match type of H with
- context [?y * (?a / (?y / ?x))] =>
- replace (y * (a / (y / x))) with (x * (y / x) * (a / (y / x))) in H
- by (rewrite Z.mul_div_eq_full by auto using Z.positive_is_nonzero;
- rewrite weight_multiples; ring)
- end.
- nsatz.
- }
+ (* TODO : move to Core? *)
+ Lemma Pos_eval_unit : B.Positional.eval (n:=0) weight tt = 0.
+ Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
+ Hint Rewrite Pos_eval_unit B.Positional.eval_single
+ @B.Positional.eval_step : push_basesystem_eval.
+ (* TODO : move to Core? *)
+ Lemma Pos_eval_left_append {n} : forall wt x xs,
+ B.Positional.eval wt (left_append (n:=n) x xs)
+ = wt n * x + B.Positional.eval wt xs.
+ Proof.
+ induction n; intros; try destruct xs;
+ unfold left_append; fold @left_append;
+ autorewrite with push_basesystem_eval; [ring|].
+ rewrite IHn.
+ rewrite (subst_append xs), hd_append, tl_append.
+ rewrite B.Positional.eval_step.
+ ring.
+ Qed.
+ Hint Rewrite @Pos_eval_left_append : push_basesystem_eval.
+ Lemma small_mod_eq a b n: a mod n = b mod n -> 0 <= a < n -> a = b mod n.
+ Proof. intros; rewrite <-(Z.mod_small a n); auto. Qed.
+ (* helper for some of the modular logic in compact *)
+ Lemma compact_mod_step a b c d: 0 < a -> 0 < b ->
+ a * ((c / a + d) mod b) + c mod a = (a * d + c) mod (a * b).
+ Proof.
+ intros Ha Hb. assert (a <= a * b) by (apply Z.le_mul_diag_r; omega).
+ pose proof (Z.mod_pos_bound c a Ha).
+ pose proof (Z.mod_pos_bound (c/a+d) b Hb).
+ apply small_mod_eq.
+ { rewrite <-(Z.mod_small (c mod a) (a * b)) by omega.
+ rewrite <-Z.mul_mod_distr_l with (c:=a) by omega.
+ rewrite Z.mul_add_distr_l, Z.mul_div_eq, <-Z.add_mod_full by omega.
+ f_equal; ring. }
+ { split; [zero_bounds|].
+ apply Z.lt_le_trans with (m:=a*(b-1)+a); [|ring_simplify; omega].
+ apply Z.add_le_lt_mono; try apply Z.mul_le_mono_nonneg_l; omega. }
- Lemma compact_invariant_base i rem : compact_invariant 0 i rem rem tt tt.
- Proof using Type. cbv [compact_invariant]. simpl. repeat (f_equal; try omega). Qed.
- Lemma compact_invariant_end {n} start (input : (list Z)^n):
- compact_invariant n 0%nat start (fst (mapi_with_cps compact_step_cps start input id)) input (snd (mapi_with_cps compact_step_cps start input id)).
- Proof using Type*.
- autorewrite with uncps push_id.
- apply (mapi_with_invariant _ compact_invariant
- compact_invariant_holds compact_invariant_base).
+ Lemma compact_div_step a b c d : 0 < a -> 0 < b ->
+ (c / a + d) / b = (a * d + c) / (a * b).
+ Proof.
+ intros Ha Hb.
+ rewrite <-Z.div_div by omega.
+ rewrite Z.div_add_l' by omega.
+ f_equal; ring.
- Lemma eval_compact {n} (xs : tuple (list Z) n) :
- B.Positional.eval weight (snd (compact xs)) = eval xs - (weight n * fst (compact xs)).
- Proof using Type*.
- pose proof (compact_invariant_end 0 xs) as Hinv.
- cbv [compact_invariant] in Hinv.
- simpl in Hinv. autorewrite with zsimplify natsimplify in Hinv.
- rewrite eval_from_0, B.Positional.eval_from_0 in Hinv. nsatz.
+ Lemma compact_div_mod {n} inp :
+ (B.Positional.eval weight (snd (compact inp))
+ = (eval inp) mod (weight n))
+ /\ (fst (compact inp) = eval (n:=n) inp / weight n).
+ Proof.
+ cbv [compact compact_cps compact_step compact_step_cps];
+ autorewrite with uncps push_id.
+ change (fun i s a => compact_digit_cps i (s :: a) id)
+ with (fun i s a => compact_digit i (s :: a)).
+ apply mapi_with'_linvariant; [|tauto].
+ clear n inp. intros until 0. intros Hst Hys [Hmod Hdiv].
+ pose proof (weight_positive n). pose proof (weight_divides n).
+ autorewrite with push_basesystem_eval.
+ destruct n; cbv [mapi_with] in *; simpl tuple in *;
+ [destruct xs, ys; subst; simpl| cbv [eval] in *];
+ repeat match goal with
+ | _ => rewrite mapi_with'_left_step
+ | _ => rewrite compact_digit_div, sum_cons
+ | _ => rewrite compact_digit_mod, sum_cons
+ | _ => rewrite map_left_append
+ | _ => rewrite eval_left_append
+ | _ => rewrite weight_0, ?Z.div_1_r, ?Z.mod_1_r
+ | _ => rewrite Hdiv
+ | _ => rewrite Hmod
+ | _ => progress subst
+ | _ => progress autorewrite with natsimplify cancel_pair push_basesystem_eval
+ | _ => solve [split; ring_simplify; f_equal; ring]
+ end.
+ remember (weight (S (S n)) / weight (S n)) as bound.
+ replace (weight (S (S n))) with (weight (S n) * bound)
+ by (subst bound; rewrite Z.mul_div_eq by omega;
+ rewrite weight_multiples; ring).
+ split; [apply compact_mod_step | apply compact_div_step]; omega.
+ Lemma compact_mod {n} inp :
+ (B.Positional.eval weight (snd (compact inp))
+ = (eval (n:=n) inp) mod (weight n)).
+ Proof. apply (proj1 (compact_div_mod inp)). Qed.
+ Hint Rewrite @compact_mod : push_basesystem_eval.
+ Lemma compact_div {n} inp :
+ fst (compact inp) = eval (n:=n) inp / weight n.
+ Proof. apply (proj2 (compact_div_mod inp)). Qed.
+ Hint Rewrite @compact_div : push_basesystem_eval.
Definition cons_to_nth_cps {n} i (x:Z) (t:(list Z)^n)
{T} (f:(list Z)^n->T) :=
@on_tuple_cps _ _ nil (update_nth_cps i (cons x)) n n t _ f.
@@ -404,7 +448,8 @@ Hint Rewrite
: uncps.
Hint Rewrite
- @Columns.eval_compact
+ @Columns.compact_mod
+ @Columns.compact_div
@@ -526,9 +571,13 @@ Section Freeze.
= B.Positional.eval weight p + (if (dec (cond = 0)) then 0 else B.Positional.eval weight q) - weight n * (fst (conditional_add mask cond p q)).
cbv [conditional_add_cps conditional_add];
- repeat progress autounfold; rewrite ?Hmask, ?map_land_zero;
+ repeat progress autounfold in *; rewrite ?Hmask, ?map_land_zero;
autorewrite with uncps push_id push_basesystem_eval;
- break_match; ring.
+ break_match;
+ match goal with
+ |- context [weight ?n * (?x / weight ?n)] =>
+ pose proof (Z.div_mod x (weight n) (weight_nonzero n))
+ end; omega.
Hint Rewrite @eval_conditional_add using (omega || assumption)
: push_basesystem_eval.
diff --git a/src/Util/Tuple.v b/src/Util/Tuple.v
index eab1736a5..3fa0dabde 100644
--- a/src/Util/Tuple.v
+++ b/src/Util/Tuple.v
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
Require Import Coq.Classes.Morphisms.
Require Import Coq.Relations.Relation_Definitions.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
+Require Import Coq.omega.Omega.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Option.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Prod.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.DestructHead.
@@ -794,6 +795,81 @@ Fixpoint nth_default {A m} (d:A) n : tuple A m -> A :=
| S m', S n' => fun x => nth_default d n' (tl x)
+Fixpoint left_tl {T n} : tuple T (S n) -> tuple T n :=
+ match n with
+ | O => fun _ => tt
+ | S n' => fun xs => append (hd xs) (left_tl (tl xs))
+ end.
+Fixpoint left_hd {T n} : tuple T (S n) -> T :=
+ match n with
+ | O => fun x => x
+ | S n' => fun xs => left_hd (tl xs)
+ end.
+Fixpoint left_append {T n} (x : T) : tuple T n -> tuple T (S n) :=
+ match n with
+ | O => fun _ => x
+ | S n' => fun xs => append (hd xs) (left_append x (tl xs))
+ end.
+Lemma left_append_left_hd {T n} (xs : tuple T n) x :
+ left_hd (left_append x xs) = x.
+Proof. induction n; [reflexivity | apply IHn]. Qed.
+Lemma left_append_left_tl {T n} (xs : tuple T n) x :
+ left_tl (left_append x xs) = xs.
+ induction n; [destruct xs; reflexivity|].
+ simpl. rewrite IHn.
+ symmetry; apply subst_append.
+Lemma left_append_append {T n} (xs : tuple T n) r l :
+ left_append l (append r xs) = append r (left_append l xs).
+Proof. destruct n; reflexivity. Qed.
+Lemma left_tl_append {T n} (xs : tuple T (S n)) x:
+ left_tl (append x xs) = append x (left_tl xs).
+Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
+Lemma left_hd_append {T n} (xs : tuple T (S n)) x:
+ left_hd (append x xs) = left_hd xs.
+Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
+Lemma tl_left_append {T n} (xs : tuple T (S n)) x :
+ tl (left_append x xs) = left_append x (tl xs).
+Proof. destruct n; reflexivity. Qed.
+Lemma hd_left_append {T n} (xs : tuple T (S n)) x :
+ hd (left_append x xs) = hd xs.
+Proof. destruct n; reflexivity. Qed.
+Lemma map'_left_append {A B n} f xs x0 :
+ @map' A B f (S n) (left_append (n:=S n) x0 xs)
+ = left_append (n:=S n) (f x0) (map' f xs).
+ induction n; try reflexivity.
+ transitivity (map' f (tl (left_append x0 xs)), f (hd (left_append x0 xs))); [reflexivity|].
+ rewrite tl_left_append, IHn. reflexivity.
+Lemma map_left_append {A B n} f xs x0 :
+ @map (S n) A B f (left_append x0 xs)
+ = left_append (f x0) (map f xs).
+ destruct n; [ destruct xs; reflexivity| apply map'_left_append].
+Lemma subst_left_append {T n} (xs : tuple T (S n)) :
+ xs = left_append (left_hd xs) (left_tl xs).
+ induction n; [reflexivity|].
+ simpl tuple in *; destruct xs as [xs x0].
+ simpl; rewrite hd_append, tl_append.
+ rewrite <-IHn; reflexivity.
(* map operation that carries state *)
(* first argument to f is index in tuple *)
Fixpoint mapi_with' {T A B n} i (f: nat->T->A->T*B) (start:T)
@@ -813,37 +889,55 @@ Fixpoint mapi_with {T A B n} (f: nat->T->A->T*B) (start:T)
| S n' => fun ys => mapi_with' 0 f start ys
-Lemma mapi_with'_invariant {T A B} (f: nat->T->A->T*B)
- (P : forall n, nat -> T -> T -> tuple A n -> tuple B n -> Prop)
- (P_holds : forall n i starter rem inp out,
- P n (S i) (fst (f i starter (hd inp))) rem (tl inp) out
- -> P (S n) i starter rem inp (append (snd (f i starter (hd inp))) out))
- (P_base : forall i rem, P 0%nat i rem rem tt tt)
- :
- forall {n} i (start : T) (input : tuple A (S n)),
- P (S n) i start (fst (mapi_with' i f start input)) input (snd (mapi_with' i f start input)).
- induction n; intros.
- { specialize (P_holds 0%nat i start (fst (f i start input)) input tt).
- apply P_holds. apply P_base. }
- { specialize (P_holds (S n) i start (fst (mapi_with' i f start input)) input).
- apply P_holds. apply IHn. }
+Lemma mapi_with'_step {T A B n} i f start inp :
+ @mapi_with' T A B (S n) i f start inp =
+ (fst (mapi_with' (S i) f (fst (f i start (hd inp))) (tl inp)),
+ (snd (mapi_with'(S i) f (fst (f i start (hd inp))) (tl inp)), snd (f i start (hd inp)))).
+Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
-Lemma mapi_with_invariant {T A B} (f: nat->T->A->T*B)
- (P : forall n, nat -> T -> T -> tuple A n -> tuple B n -> Prop)
- (P_holds : forall n i starter rem inp out,
- P n (S i) (fst (f i starter (hd inp))) rem (tl inp) out
- -> P (S n) i starter rem inp (append (snd (f i starter (hd inp))) out))
- (P_base : forall i rem, P 0%nat i rem rem tt tt)
- :
- forall {n} (start : T) (input : tuple A n),
- P n 0%nat start (fst (mapi_with f start input)) input (snd (mapi_with f start input)).
- destruct n; [intros; destruct input; apply P_base|];
- apply mapi_with'_invariant; auto.
+Lemma mapi_with'_left_step {T A B n} f a0:
+ forall i start (xs : tuple' A n),
+ @mapi_with' T A B (S n) i f start (left_append (n:=S n) a0 xs)
+ = (fst (f (i + S n)%nat (fst (mapi_with' i f start xs)) a0),
+ left_append (n:=S n)
+ (snd (f (i + S n)%nat
+ (fst (mapi_with' i f start xs)) a0))
+ (snd (mapi_with' i f start xs))).
+ induction n; intros; [subst; simpl; repeat f_equal; omega|].
+ rewrite mapi_with'_step; autorewrite with cancel_pair.
+ rewrite tl_left_append, hd_left_append.
+ erewrite IHn by reflexivity; subst; autorewrite with cancel_pair.
+ match goal with |- context [(?xs ,?x0)] =>
+ change (xs, x0) with (append x0 xs) end.
+ rewrite <-left_append_append.
+ repeat (f_equal; try omega).
+Lemma mapi_with'_linvariant {T A B n} start f
+ (P : forall n, T -> tuple A n -> tuple B n -> Prop)
+ (P_holds : forall n st x0 xs ys,
+ (st = fst (mapi_with f start xs)) ->
+ (ys = snd (mapi_with f start xs)) ->
+ P n st xs ys ->
+ P (S n) (fst (f n st x0))
+ (left_append x0 xs)
+ (left_append (snd (f n st x0)) ys))
+ (P_base : P 0%nat start tt tt) (inp : tuple A n):
+ P n (fst (mapi_with f start inp)) inp (snd (mapi_with f start inp)).
+ induction n; [destruct inp; apply P_base |].
+ rewrite (subst_left_append inp).
+ cbv [mapi_with]. specialize (P_holds n).
+ destruct n.
+ { apply (P_holds _ inp tt tt (eq_refl _) (eq_refl _)).
+ apply P_base. }
+ { rewrite mapi_with'_left_step.
+ autorewrite with cancel_pair natsimplify.
+ apply P_holds; try apply IHn; reflexivity. }
Fixpoint repeat {A} (a:A) n : tuple A n :=
match n with
| O => tt
@@ -859,35 +953,6 @@ Qed.
Lemma to_list_repeat {A} (a:A) n : to_list _ (repeat a n) = List.repeat a n.
Proof. induction n; [reflexivity|destruct n; simpl in *; congruence]. Qed.
-Fixpoint lastn {A m} n : n <= m -> tuple A m -> tuple A n :=
- match n as n0 return (n0 <= m -> tuple A m -> tuple A n0) with
- | O => fun _ _ => tt
- | S n' =>
- match m as m0 return (S n' <= m0 -> tuple A m0 -> tuple A (S n')) with
- | O => fun (H : S n' <= 0) _ =>
- False_rect _ (NPeano.Nat.nle_succ_0 _ H)
- | S m' => fun (H : S n' <= S m') xs =>
- append (hd xs) (lastn n' (le_S_n _ _ H) (tl xs))
- end
- end.
-Lemma to_list_lastn {A} n: forall {m} H xs,
- to_list n (@lastn A m n H xs) = firstn n (to_list m xs).
- induction n; intros; destruct m; try rewrite (subst_append xs);
- repeat match goal with
- | _ => rewrite to_list_append
- | _ => rewrite hd_append
- | _ => rewrite tl_append
- | _ => progress simpl lastn
- | _ => progress simpl firstn
- | _ => reflexivity
- | _ => solve [distr_length]
- end.
- rewrite IHn. reflexivity.
-Definition nth {A}
Global Instance map'_Proper {n A B} : Proper (pointwise_relation _ eq ==> eq ==> eq) (fun f => @map' A B f n) | 10.
@@ -903,4 +968,4 @@ Global Instance map_Proper {n A B} : Proper (pointwise_relation _ eq ==> eq ==>
destruct n; [ | apply map'_Proper ].
{ repeat (intros [] || intro); auto. }
-Qed. \ No newline at end of file