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diff --git a/generate_parameters.py b/generate_parameters.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d7dcf75e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generate_parameters.py
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+COMPILER = "gcc -fno-peephole2 `#GCC BUG 81300` -march=native -mtune=native -std=gnu11 -O3 -flto -fomit-frame-pointer -fwrapv -Wno-attributes -Wno-incompatible-pointer-types -fno-strict-aliasing"
+# given a string representing one term or "tap" in a prime, returns a pair of
+# integers representing the weight and coefficient of that tap
+# "2 ^ y" -> [1, y]
+# "x * 2 ^ y" -> [x, y]
+# "x * y" -> [x*y,0]
+# "x" -> [x,0]
+def parse_term(t) :
+ if "*" not in t and "^" not in t:
+ return [int(t),1]
+ if "*" in t:
+ a,b = t.split("*")
+ if "^" not in b:
+ return [int(a) * int(b),1]
+ else:
+ a,b = (1,t)
+ b,e = b.split("^")
+ if int(b) != 2:
+ raise Exception("Could not parse term, power with base other than 2: %s" %t)
+ return [int(a),int(e)]
+# expects prime to be a string and expressed as sum/difference of products of
+# two with small coefficients (e.g. '2^448 - 2^224 - 1', '2^255 - 19')
+def parse_prime(prime):
+ terms = prime.replace("-", "+ -1 *").split("+")
+ return list(map(parse_term, terms))
+# check that the parsed prime makes sense
+def sanity_check(p):
+ return all([
+ # are there at least 2 terms?
+ len(p) > 1,
+ # do all terms have 2 elements?
+ all(map(lambda t:len(t) == 2, p)),
+ # are terms are in order (most to least significant)?
+ p == list(sorted(p,reverse=True,key=lambda t:t[1])),
+ # are all the exponents positive and the coefficients nonzero?
+ all(map(lambda t:t[0] != 0 and t[1] > 0, p)),
+ # is second-most-significant term negative?
+ p[1][0] < 0,
+ # are any exponents repeated?
+ len(set(map(lambda t:t[1], p))) == len(p)])
+def num_bits(p):
+ return p[0][1]
+def get_params_montgomery(prime, bitwidth):
+ p = parse_prime(prime)
+ if not sanity_check(p):
+ raise Exception("Parsed prime %s has unexpected format (original input: %s)" %(p,prime))
+ sz = num_bits(p) / bitwidth
+ return {
+ "modulus" : prime,
+ "base" : str(bitwidth),
+ "sz" : sz,
+ "montgomery" : True,
+ "operations" : ["fenz", "feadd", "femul", "feopp", "fesub"],
+ "compiler" : COMPILER
+ }