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2 files changed, 183 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/_CoqProject b/_CoqProject
index 30b5c9c70..a93948f3c 100644
--- a/_CoqProject
+++ b/_CoqProject
@@ -4182,6 +4182,7 @@ src/Util/ZRange.v
diff --git a/src/Util/Decidable/Decidable2Bool.v b/src/Util/Decidable/Decidable2Bool.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..344e21656
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Util/Decidable/Decidable2Bool.v
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
+Require Import Coq.QArith.QArith_base.
+Require Import Coq.omega.Omega.
+Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.SideConditions.ReductionPackages.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tuple.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Decidable.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.BreakMatch.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.LtbToLt.
+Local Open Scope Z_scope.
+Create HintDb dec2bool discriminated.
+Lemma dec_Z_lt_to_bool a b
+ : (if dec (a < b) then true else false) = Z.ltb a b.
+ destruct (Z.ltb a b) eqn:?; break_match; Z.ltb_to_lt; try reflexivity; omega.
+Hint Rewrite dec_Z_lt_to_bool : dec2bool.
+Lemma dec_Z_le_to_bool a b
+ : (if dec (a <= b) then true else false) = Z.leb a b.
+ destruct (Z.leb a b) eqn:?; break_match; Z.ltb_to_lt; try reflexivity; omega.
+Hint Rewrite dec_Z_le_to_bool : dec2bool.
+Lemma dec_Z_eq_to_bool a b
+ : (if dec (a = b) then true else false) = Z.eqb a b.
+ destruct (Z.eqb a b) eqn:?; break_match; Z.ltb_to_lt; try reflexivity; omega.
+Hint Rewrite dec_Z_eq_to_bool : dec2bool.
+Lemma dec_nat_eq_to_bool a b
+ : (if dec (a = b) then true else false) = Nat.eqb a b.
+ destruct (Nat.eqb a b) eqn:H; break_match; try reflexivity.
+ { apply beq_nat_true in H; congruence. }
+ { rewrite Nat.eqb_refl in H; congruence. }
+Hint Rewrite dec_nat_eq_to_bool : dec2bool.
+Lemma dec_bool_eq_to_bool_if a b
+ : (if dec (a = b :> bool) then true else false) = if b then a else negb a.
+ destruct a, b; reflexivity.
+Hint Rewrite dec_bool_eq_to_bool_if : dec2bool.
+Lemma dec_not_negb {P} {H : Decidable P}
+ : (if dec (not P) then true else false)
+ = negb (if dec P then true else false).
+ do 2 edestruct dec; try reflexivity; tauto.
+Hint Rewrite @dec_not_negb : dec2bool.
+Lemma dec_Q_le_to_bool a b
+ : (if dec (a <= b)%Q then true else false) = Qle_bool a b.
+ destruct (Qle_bool a b) eqn:?; cbv [Qle Qle_bool] in *;
+ break_match; Z.ltb_to_lt; try reflexivity; omega.
+Hint Rewrite dec_Q_le_to_bool : dec2bool.
+Lemma dec_True_to_bool
+ : (if dec True then true else false) = true.
+Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
+Hint Rewrite dec_True_to_bool : dec2bool.
+Lemma dec_False_to_bool
+ : (if dec False then true else false) = false.
+Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
+Hint Rewrite dec_False_to_bool : dec2bool.
+Lemma dec_ifb_to_bool {b : bool} {A B} {HA : Decidable A} {HB : Decidable B}
+ : (if dec (if b then A else B) then true else false)
+ = if b then (if dec A then true else false) else (if dec B then true else false).
+Proof. destruct b; reflexivity. Qed.
+Hint Rewrite @dec_ifb_to_bool : dec2bool.
+Lemma dec_and_to_bool {A B} {HA : Decidable A} {HB : Decidable B}
+ : (if dec (A /\ B) then true else false)
+ = andb (if dec A then true else false) (if dec B then true else false).
+Proof. do 3 edestruct dec; try reflexivity; tauto. Qed.
+Hint Rewrite @dec_and_to_bool : dec2bool.
+Lemma dec_or_to_bool {A B} {HA : Decidable A} {HB : Decidable B}
+ : (if dec (A \/ B) then true else false)
+ = orb (if dec A then true else false) (if dec B then true else false).
+Proof. do 3 edestruct dec; try reflexivity; tauto. Qed.
+Hint Rewrite @dec_or_to_bool : dec2bool.
+Lemma dec_fieldwise_to_bool {A B R n} {H : forall x y, Decidable (R x y)} x y
+ : (if dec (@Tuple.fieldwise A B n R x y) then true else false)
+ = @Tuple.fieldwiseb A B n (fun x y => if dec (R x y) then true else false) x y.
+ destruct (dec _) as [H'|H'].
+ { symmetry; rewrite Tuple.fieldwiseb_fieldwise; [ eassumption | ].
+ intros; edestruct dec; split; auto; discriminate. }
+ { destruct (Tuple.fieldwiseb _ _ _) eqn:H''; [ | reflexivity ].
+ rewrite Tuple.fieldwiseb_fieldwise in H''.
+ { exfalso; apply H', H''. }
+ { intros; edestruct dec; split; auto; discriminate. } }
+Hint Rewrite @dec_fieldwise_to_bool : dec2bool.
+Lemma dec_tuple_eq_to_bool T {H : DecidableRel (@eq T)} n (x y : Tuple.tuple T n)
+ : (if dec (x = y) then true else false) = Tuple.fieldwiseb (fun x y => if dec (x = y) then true else false) x y.
+ destruct (dec _) as [H'|H'], (Tuple.fieldwiseb _ _ _) eqn:H''; try reflexivity;
+ rewrite <- Tuple.fieldwise_eq_iff in H';
+ first [ exfalso; rewrite Tuple.fieldwiseb_fieldwise in H''
+ | rewrite <- H''; clear H''; symmetry; rewrite Tuple.fieldwiseb_fieldwise ];
+ try eassumption; eauto; intros; destruct dec; split; auto; congruence.
+Hint Rewrite dec_tuple_eq_to_bool : dec2bool.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ListUtil.Forall.
+Lemma dec_Forall_to_bool {A P} {H : forall x, Decidable (P x)} ls
+ : (if dec (@Forall A P ls) then true else false)
+ = Forallb (fun x => if dec (P x) then true else false) ls.
+ destruct (dec _) as [H'|H'], (Forallb _ _) eqn:H'';
+ try reflexivity; [ symmetry; rewrite <- H''; clear H'' | exfalso; apply H' ];
+ [ rewrite Forall_Forallb_iff; [ eassumption | ]
+ | rewrite <- Forall_Forallb_iff; [ eassumption | ] ];
+ intros; cbv beta; destruct (dec _); intuition; try congruence.
+Hint Rewrite @dec_Forall_to_bool : dec2bool.
+Ltac dec2bool_split_hyp H :=
+ lazymatch type of H with
+ | _ /\ _ => destruct H as [H _]; dec2bool_split_hyp H
+ | andb _ _ = true => apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H; destruct H as [H _]; dec2bool_split_hyp H
+ | ?e = true => is_evar e; apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H; destruct H as [_ H]
+ end.
+Ltac premake_parameter_package _ :=
+ let H := fresh in
+ eexists; intro H;
+ unshelve econstructor;
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ |- context[cbv_minus_then_vm_decide_package ?x ?y] ]
+ => change (cbv_minus_then_vm_decide_package x y) with (vm_decide_package y)
+ | [ |- context[vm_compute_reflexivity_package ?x] ]
+ => change (vm_compute_reflexivity_package ?x) with (vm_decide_package x)
+ end;
+ autounfold with dec2bool;
+ repeat autorewrite with dec2bool.
+Ltac push_dec_to_hyps precheck :=
+ let rec check R :=
+ lazymatch R with
+ | Z.ltb _ _ => idtac
+ | Z.leb _ _ => idtac
+ | Z.eqb _ _ => idtac
+ | Qle_bool _ _ => idtac
+ | Nat.eqb _ _ => idtac
+ | negb ?b => check b
+ | true => idtac
+ | false => idtac
+ | match ?b with true => ?a | false => ?c end
+ => check a; check b; check c
+ | andb ?a ?b => check a; check b
+ | orb ?a ?b => check a; check b
+ | (fun (a : ?A) => ?R)
+ => let dummy := constr:(fun (a : A) =>
+ let R' := R in
+ ltac:(let R'' := (eval cbv beta delta [R'] in R') in
+ check R'';
+ exact I)) in
+ idtac
+ | ?R => precheck R
+ end in
+ repeat lazymatch goal with
+ | [ |- vm_decide_package (Tuple.fieldwiseb _ _ _ = true) ]
+ => cbv [vm_decide_package];
+ rewrite Tuple.fieldwiseb_fieldwise, <- Tuple.fieldwiseb_fieldwise
+ by (intros; autorewrite with dec2bool; apply reflexivity)
+ | [ |- vm_decide_package (Forallb _ _ = true) ]
+ => cbv [vm_decide_package];
+ rewrite Forall_Forallb_iff, <- Forall_Forallb_iff
+ by (intros; autorewrite with dec2bool; apply reflexivity)
+ | [ H : ?e = true |- vm_decide_package (?R = true) ]
+ => check R; dec2bool_split_hyp H; cbv [vm_decide_package]; exact H
+ | [ H : ?e = true |- Tuple.fieldwiseb ?R ?t1 ?t2 = true ]
+ => check (fun a b => R a b); dec2bool_split_hyp H; cbv [vm_decide_package]; exact H
+ | [ H : ?e = true |- Forallb ?R ?ls = true ]
+ => check (fun a => R a); dec2bool_split_hyp H; cbv [vm_decide_package]; exact H
+ end.
+Ltac make_parameter_package_for_vm_decide precheck :=
+ premake_parameter_package ();
+ unshelve (push_dec_to_hyps precheck);
+ exact true.