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3 files changed, 39 insertions, 172 deletions
diff --git a/_CoqProject b/_CoqProject
index 037a9be62..9c07ea0dd 100644
--- a/_CoqProject
+++ b/_CoqProject
@@ -6,5 +6,6 @@ src/Galois/Galois.v
diff --git a/src/Galois/SemiComputationalGaloisField.v b/src/Galois/SemiComputationalGaloisField.v
deleted file mode 100644
index d45337155..000000000
--- a/src/Galois/SemiComputationalGaloisField.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-Require Import BinInt BinNat ZArith Znumtheory.
-Require Import Eqdep_dec.
-Require Import Tactics.VerdiTactics.
-Require Import Galois GaloisTheory.
-Module ComputationalGaloisField (M: Modulus).
- Module G := Galois M.
- Module T := GaloisTheory M.
- Export M G T.
- (* Useful small-number lemmas *)
- Definition isSmall (x: Z) := x <? SMALL_THRESH.
- Lemma small_prop: forall x: Z, isSmall x = true <-> x < SMALL_THRESH.
- Proof.
- intros; unfold isSmall; apply (Z.ltb_lt x SMALL_THRESH).
- Qed.
- Lemma small_neg_prop: forall x: Z, isSmall x = false <-> SMALL_THRESH <= x.
- Proof.
- intros; unfold isSmall; apply (Z.ltb_ge x SMALL_THRESH).
- Qed.
- Lemma small_dec: forall x: Z, {isSmall x = true} + {isSmall x = false}.
- Proof.
- intros; induction (isSmall x); intuition.
- Qed.
- Lemma double_small_dec: forall x y: Z,
- {isSmall x = true /\ isSmall y = true}
- + {isSmall x = false \/ isSmall y = false}.
- Proof.
- intros; destruct (small_dec x), (small_dec y).
- - left; intuition.
- - right; intuition.
- - right; intuition.
- - right; intuition.
- Qed.
- Lemma GF_ge_zero: forall x: GF, x >= 0.
- Proof.
- intros; destruct x; simpl; rewrite e.
- assert (modulus > 0);
- destruct modulus; destruct a;
- assert (Z := prime_ge_2 x0); simpl; intuition.
- assert (A := Z_mod_lt x x0).
- intuition.
- Qed.
- Lemma small_plus: forall x y: GF,
- isSmall x = true -> isSmall y = true ->
- x + y = (x + y) mod modulus.
- Proof.
- intros. rewrite Zmod_small; trivial.
- rewrite small_prop in H, H0.
- assert (Hx := GF_ge_zero x).
- assert (Hy := GF_ge_zero y).
- split; try intuition.
- destruct modulus; simpl in *.
- destruct a.
- assert (x0 > SMALL_THRESH * SMALL_THRESH); intuition.
- simpl; intuition.
- Qed.
- Lemma small_minus: forall x y: GF,
- isSmall x = true -> isSmall y = true -> x >= y ->
- x - y = (x - y) mod modulus.
- Proof.
- intros. rewrite Zmod_small; trivial.
- rewrite small_prop in H, H0.
- assert (Hx := GF_ge_zero x).
- assert (Hy := GF_ge_zero y).
- split; try intuition.
- destruct modulus; simpl in *.
- destruct a.
- assert (x0 > SMALL_THRESH * SMALL_THRESH); intuition.
- simpl; intuition.
- Qed.
- Lemma small_mult: forall x y: GF,
- isSmall x = true -> isSmall y = true ->
- x * y = (x * y) mod modulus.
- Proof.
- intros. rewrite Zmod_small; trivial.
- rewrite small_prop in H, H0.
- assert (Hx := GF_ge_zero x).
- assert (Hy := GF_ge_zero y).
- split; try intuition.
- destruct x, y; simpl in *.
- destruct modulus; simpl in *.
- destruct a.
- assert (x1 > SMALL_THRESH * SMALL_THRESH); intuition.
- assert (x * x0 <= SMALL_THRESH * SMALL_THRESH); intuition.
- left.
- Qed.
- Ltac isModulusConstant :=
- let hnfModulus := eval hnf in (proj1_sig modulus)
- in match (isZcst hnfModulus) with
- | NotConstant => NotConstant
- | _ => match hnfModulus with
- | Z.pos _ => true
- | _ => false
- end
- end.
- Ltac isGFconstant t :=
- match t with
- | GFzero => true
- | GFone => true
- | ZToGF _ => isModulusConstant
- | exist _ ?z _ => match (isZcst z) with
- | NotConstant => NotConstant
- | _ => isModulusConstant
- end
- | _ => NotConstant
- end.
- Ltac GFconstants t :=
- match isGFconstant t with
- | NotConstant => NotConstant
- | _ => t
- end.
- Definition GFplus'(x y: GF): GF.
- destruct (double_small_dec x y).
- exists (x + y).
- (* Admitted *)
- exists ((x + y) mod modulus);
- abstract (rewrite Zmod_mod; trivial).
- Defined.
- Definition GFminus'(x y: GF): GF.
- destruct (double_small_dec x y).
- exists (x - y).
- (* Admitted *)
- exists ((x - y) mod modulus).
- abstract (rewrite Zmod_mod; trivial).
- Defined.
- Definition GFmult'(x y: GF): GF.
- destruct (double_small_dec x y).
- exists (x * y).
- (* Admitted *)
- exists ((x * y) mod modulus).
- abstract (rewrite Zmod_mod; trivial).
- Defined.
- Definition GFopp'(x: GF): GF := GFminus' GFzero x.
- Definition GFsemicomp_field_theory : field_theory GFzero GFone GFplus' GFmult' GFminus' GFopp' GFdiv GFinv eq.
- Proof.
- constructor; auto.
- Qed.
- Add Field GFfield_semi : GFsemicomp_field_theory
- (decidable GFdecidable,
- completeness GFcomplete,
- constants [GFconstants],
- div GFdiv_theory,
- power_tac GFpower_theory [GFexp_tac]).
-End ComputationalGaloisField.
diff --git a/src/Galois/ZGaloisField.v b/src/Galois/ZGaloisField.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..23b1c8dd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Galois/ZGaloisField.v
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+Require Import BinInt BinNat ZArith Znumtheory.
+Require Import BoolEq.
+Require Import Galois GaloisTheory.
+Module ZGaloisField (M: Modulus).
+ Module G := Galois M.
+ Module T := GaloisTheory M.
+ Export M G T.
+ Lemma GFring_morph:
+ ring_morph GFzero GFone GFplus GFmult GFminus GFopp eq
+ 0%Z 1%Z Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp Zeq_bool
+ inject.
+ Proof.
+ constructor; intros; try galois;
+ try (apply gf_eq; simpl; intuition).
+ apply Zmod_small; destruct modulus; simpl;
+ apply prime_ge_2 in p; intuition.
+ replace (- (x mod modulus)) with (0 - (x mod modulus));
+ try rewrite Zminus_mod_idemp_r; trivial.
+ replace x with y; intuition.
+ symmetry; apply Zeq_bool_eq; trivial.
+ Qed.
+ Add Ring GFring_Z : GFring_theory
+ (morphism GFring_morph,
+ power_tac GFpower_theory [GFexp_tac]).
+ Add Field GFfield_Z : GFfield_theory
+ (morphism GFring_morph,
+ power_tac GFpower_theory [GFexp_tac]).
+End ZGaloisField.