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6 files changed, 164 insertions, 105 deletions
diff --git a/src/Assembly/Pseudize.v b/src/Assembly/Pseudize.v
index b5d1a2b95..af234fdb3 100644
--- a/src/Assembly/Pseudize.v
+++ b/src/Assembly/Pseudize.v
@@ -1,39 +1,78 @@
Require Export Bedrock.Word Bedrock.Nomega.
-Require Import NArith List.
-Require Import Pseudo State Wordize.
+Require Import NArith NPeano List Sumbool.
+Require Import QhasmCommon QhasmUtil Pseudo State Wordize.
Module Conversion.
Import Pseudo ListNotations StateCommon.
- Definition run {n m w s} (prog: @Pseudo w s n m) (inList: list (word w)) : list (word w) :=
- match (pseudoEval prog (inList, TripleM.empty N, None)) with
- | Some (outList, _, _) => outList
- | _ => []
- end.
- Lemma pseudo_plus: forall {w s n} (p0 p1: @Pseudo w s n 1) x out0 out1 b,
- (b <= Npow2 w)%N
- -> ((&out0)%w < b)%N
- -> ((&out1)%w < (Npow2 w - b))%N
- -> run p0 x = [out0]
- -> run p1 x = [out1]
- -> run (p0 :+: p1)%p x = [out0 ^+ out1].
+ Hint Unfold ListState.setList ListState.getList ListState.getVar
+ ListState.setCarry ListState.setCarryOpt ListState.getCarry
+ ListState.getMem ListState.setMem overflows.
+ Lemma pseudo_var: forall {w s n} x k v b p m c,
+ nth_error x k = Some v
+ -> pseudoEval (@PVar w s n b (exist _ k p)) (x, m, c) = Some ([v], m, c).
+ Proof.
+ intros; simpl; autounfold; simpl.
+ destruct (nth_error x k); simpl; try inversion H; intuition.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma pseudo_mem: forall {w s} n v m c x name len index p0 p1,
+ TripleM.find (w, name mod n, index mod len)%nat m = Some (@wordToN w v)
+ -> pseudoEval (@PMem w s n len (indexize _ p0 name) (indexize _ p1 index)) (x, m, c) = Some ([v], m, c).
+ Proof.
+ intros; autounfold; simpl.
+ unfold ListState.getMem; simpl.
+ rewrite H; autounfold; simpl.
+ rewrite NToWord_wordToN; intuition.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma pseudo_const: forall {w s n} x v m c,
+ pseudoEval (@PConst w s n v) (x, m, c) = Some ([v], m, c).
+ Proof. intros; simpl; intuition. Qed.
+ Lemma pseudo_plus:
+ forall {w s n} (p: @Pseudo w s n 2) x out0 out1 m0 m1 c0 c1,
+ pseudoEval p (x, m0, c0) = Some ([out0; out1], m1, c1)
+ -> pseudoEval (PBin n Add p) (x, m0, c0) =
+ Some ([out0 ^+ out1], m1,
+ Some (proj1_sig (bool_of_sumbool (overflows out0 out1)))).
- intros; unfold run in *; simpl.
- destruct (pseudoEval p0 _) as [r0|], (pseudoEval p1 _) as [r1|].
- destruct r0 as [r0 rc0], r1 as [r1 rc1].
- destruct r0 as [r0 rm0], r1 as [r1 rm1].
+ intros; simpl; rewrite H; simpl.
- - subst; simpl.
- destruct ((& out0)%w + (& out1)%w ?= Npow2 w)%N; simpl;
- rewrite (wordize_plus out0 out1 b); try assumption;
- rewrite NToWord_wordToN; intuition.
+ pose proof (wordize_plus out0 out1).
+ destruct (overflows out0 out1); autounfold; simpl; try rewrite H0;
+ try rewrite <- (@Npow2_ignore w (out0 ^+ out1));
+ try rewrite NToWord_wordToN; intuition.
+ Qed.
- - inversion H3.
+ Lemma pseudo_plus:
+ forall {w s n} (p: @Pseudo w s n 2) x out0 out1 m0 m1 c0 c1 op,
+ op ⋄ Add
+ → pseudoEval p (x, m0, c0) = Some ([out0; out1], m1, c1)
+ → pseudoEval (PBin n op p) (x, m0, c0) =
+ Some ([out0 ^+ out1], m1,
+ Some (proj1_sig (bool_of_sumbool (overflows out0 out1)))).
+ Proof.
+ intros; simpl; rewrite H; simpl.
- - inversion H2.
+ pose proof (wordize_plus out0 out1).
+ destruct (overflows out0 out1); autounfold; simpl; try rewrite H0;
+ try rewrite <- (@Npow2_ignore w (out0 ^+ out1));
+ try rewrite NToWord_wordToN; intuition.
+ Qed.
- - inversion H2.
+ Lemma pseudo_comb:
+ forall {w s n a b} (p0: @Pseudo w s n a) (p1: @Pseudo w s n b)
+ input out0 out1 m0 m1 m2 c0 c1 c2,
+ pseudoEval p0 (input, m0, c0) = Some (out0, m1, c1)
+ -> pseudoEval p1 (input, m1, c1) = Some (out1, m2, c2)
+ -> pseudoEval (@PComb w s n _ _ p0 p1) (input, m0, c0) =
+ Some (out0 ++ out1, m2, c2).
+ Proof.
+ intros; autounfold; simpl.
+ rewrite H; autounfold; simpl.
+ rewrite H0; autounfold; simpl; intuition.
Program Definition ex0: Program Unary32 := ($0 :-: $0)%p.
diff --git a/src/Assembly/Pseudo.v b/src/Assembly/Pseudo.v
index fb9402523..e0412fcf1 100644
--- a/src/Assembly/Pseudo.v
+++ b/src/Assembly/Pseudo.v
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Require Import Language.
Require Import List.
Module Pseudo <: Language.
- Import EvalUtil ListState Util.
+ Import EvalUtil ListState.
Inductive Pseudo {w: nat} {s: Width w}: nat -> nat -> Type :=
| PVar: forall n, option bool -> Index n -> Pseudo n 1
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ Module Pseudo <: Language.
| PComb n a b f g =>
omap (pseudoEval f st) (fun sf =>
- omap (pseudoEval g st) (fun sg =>
+ omap (pseudoEval g (setList (getList st) sf)) (fun sg =>
Some (setList ((getList sf) ++ (getList sg)) sg)))
| PIf n m t i0 i1 l r =>
diff --git a/src/Assembly/QhasmEvalCommon.v b/src/Assembly/QhasmEvalCommon.v
index 566d7b892..b05318ebc 100644
--- a/src/Assembly/QhasmEvalCommon.v
+++ b/src/Assembly/QhasmEvalCommon.v
@@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ Require Export ZArith Sumbool.
Require Export Bedrock.Word.
Require Import Logic.Eqdep_dec ProofIrrelevance.
-Import Util.
Module EvalUtil.
Definition evalTest {n} (o: TestOp) (a b: word n): bool :=
let c := (N.compare (wordToN a) (wordToN b)) in
@@ -25,11 +23,11 @@ Module EvalUtil.
match io with
| Add =>
let v := (wordToN x + wordToN y)%N in
- let c := (N.compare v (Npow2 b)) in
+ let c := (overflows x y) in
match c as c' return c' = c -> _ with
- | Lt => fun _ => (NToWord b v, Some false)
- | _ => fun _ => (NToWord b v, Some true)
+ | right _ => fun _ => (NToWord b v, Some false)
+ | left _ => fun _ => (NToWord b v, Some true)
end eq_refl
| Sub => (wminus x y, None)
diff --git a/src/Assembly/QhasmUtil.v b/src/Assembly/QhasmUtil.v
index 2dc3f6ade..269dc384c 100644
--- a/src/Assembly/QhasmUtil.v
+++ b/src/Assembly/QhasmUtil.v
@@ -3,44 +3,70 @@ Require Import ZArith NArith NPeano.
Require Import QhasmCommon.
Require Export Bedrock.Word.
-Module Util.
- (* Magical Bitwise Manipulations *)
+Delimit Scope nword_scope with w.
+Local Open Scope nword_scope.
- (* Force w to be m bits long, by truncation or zero-extension *)
- Definition trunc {n} (m: nat) (w: word n): word m.
- destruct (lt_eq_lt_dec n m) as [s|s]; try destruct s as [s|s].
+Notation "& x" := (wordToN x) (at level 30) : nword_scope.
+Notation "** x" := (NToWord _ x) (at level 30) : nword_scope.
- - replace m with (n + (m - n)) by abstract intuition.
- refine (zext w (m - n)).
+Section Util.
+ Definition convS {A B: Set} (x: A) (H: A = B): B :=
+ eq_rect A (fun B0 : Set => B0) x B H.
- - rewrite <- s; assumption.
+ Definition high {k n: nat} (p: (k <= n)%nat) (w: word n): word k.
+ refine (split1 k (n - k) (convS w _)).
+ abstract (replace n with (k + (n - k)) by omega; intuition).
+ Defined.
+ Definition low {k n: nat} (p: (k <= n)%nat) (w: word n): word k.
+ refine (split2 (n - k) k (convS w _)).
+ abstract (replace n with (k + (n - k)) by omega; intuition).
+ Defined.
- - replace n with (m + (n - m)) in w by abstract intuition.
- refine (split1 m (n-m) w).
+ Definition extend {k n: nat} (p: (k <= n)%nat) (w: word k): word n.
+ refine (convS (zext w (n - k)) _).
+ abstract (replace (k + (n - k)) with n by omega; intuition).
- (* Get the index-th m-bit block of w *)
- Definition getIndex {n} (w: word n) (m index: nat): word m.
- replace n with
- ((min n (m * index)) + (n - (min n (m * index))))%nat
- in w by abstract (
- assert ((min n (m * index)) <= n)%nat
- by apply Nat.le_min_l;
- intuition).
- refine
- (trunc m
- (split2 (min n (m * index)) (n - min n (m * index)) w)).
+ Definition shiftr {n} (w: word n) (k: nat): word n :=
+ match (le_dec k n) with
+ | left p => extend p (high p w)
+ | right _ => wzero n
+ end.
+ Definition mask {n} (k: nat) (w: word n): word n :=
+ match (le_dec k n) with
+ | left p => extend p (low p w)
+ | right _ => w
+ end.
+ Definition overflows {n} (out0 out1: word n) :
+ {(&out0 + &out1 >= Npow2 n)%N} + {(&out0 + &out1 < Npow2 n)%N}.
+ refine (
+ let c := ((& out0)%w + (& out1)%w ?= Npow2 n)%N in
+ match c as c' return c = c' -> _ with
+ | Lt => fun _ => right _
+ | _ => fun _ => left _
+ end eq_refl); abstract (
+ unfold c in *; unfold N.lt, N.ge;
+ rewrite _H in *; intuition; try inversion H).
- (* set the index-th m-bit block of w to s *)
- Definition setInPlace {n m} (w: word n) (s: word m) (index: nat): word n :=
- (w ^& (wnot (trunc n (combine (wones m) (wzero (index * m)%nat)))))
- ^| (trunc n (combine s (wzero (index * m)%nat))).
+ Definition break {n} (m: nat) (x: word n): word m * word (n - m).
+ refine match (le_dec m n) with
+ | left p => (extend _ (low p x), extend _ (@high (n - m) n _ x))
+ | right p => (extend _ x, _)
+ end; try abstract intuition.
+ replace (n - m) with O by abstract omega; exact WO.
+ Defined.
(* Option utilities *)
Definition omap {A B} (x: option A) (f: A -> option B) :=
match x with | Some y => f y | _ => None end.
Notation "A <- X ; B" := (omap X (fun A => B)) (at level 70, right associativity).
End Util.
+Close Scope nword_scope. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Assembly/State.v b/src/Assembly/State.v
index 9e96a0f31..ea7628bb7 100644
--- a/src/Assembly/State.v
+++ b/src/Assembly/State.v
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ Module Triple_as_OT <: UsualOrderedType.
End Triple_as_OT.
Module StateCommon.
- Export ListNotations Util.
+ Export ListNotations.
Module NatM := FMapAVL.Make(Nat_as_OT).
Module PairM := FMapAVL.Make(Pair_as_OT).
diff --git a/src/Assembly/Wordize.v b/src/Assembly/Wordize.v
index 8d0b86e8a..d17df7543 100644
--- a/src/Assembly/Wordize.v
+++ b/src/Assembly/Wordize.v
@@ -2,50 +2,22 @@
Require Export Bedrock.Word Bedrock.Nomega.
Require Import NArith PArith Ndigits Nnat NPow NPeano Ndec Compare_dec.
Require Import FunctionalExtensionality ProofIrrelevance.
+Require Import QhasmUtil.
Hint Rewrite wordToN_nat Nat2N.inj_add N2Nat.inj_add
Nat2N.inj_mul N2Nat.inj_mul Npow2_nat : N.
-Delimit Scope wordize_scope with w.
-Local Open Scope wordize_scope.
-Notation "& x" := (wordToN x) (at level 30) : wordize_scope.
-Notation "** x" := (NToWord _ x) (at level 30) : wordize_scope.
-Section Definitions.
- Definition convS {A B: Set} (x: A) (H: A = B): B :=
- eq_rect A (fun B0 : Set => B0) x B H.
- Definition high {k n: nat} (p: (k <= n)%nat) (w: word n): word k.
- refine (split1 k (n - k) (convS w _)).
- abstract (replace n with (k + (n - k)) by omega; intuition).
- Defined.
- Definition low {k n: nat} (p: (k <= n)%nat) (w: word n): word k.
- refine (split2 (n - k) k (convS w _)).
- abstract (replace n with (k + (n - k)) by omega; intuition).
- Defined.
- Definition extend {k n: nat} (p: (k <= n)%nat) (w: word k): word n.
- refine (convS (zext w (n - k)) _).
- abstract (replace (k + (n - k)) with n by omega; intuition).
- Defined.
- Definition shiftr {n} (w: word n) (k: nat): word n :=
- match (le_dec k n) with
- | left p => extend p (high p w)
- | right _ => wzero n
- end.
- Definition mask {n} (k: nat) (w: word n): word n :=
- match (le_dec k n) with
- | left p => extend p (low p w)
- | right _ => w
- end.
-End Definitions.
+Open Scope nword_scope.
Section WordizeUtil.
+ Lemma break_spec: forall (m n: nat) (x: word n) low high,
+ (low, high) = break m x
+ -> &x = (&high * Npow2 m + &low)%N.
+ Proof.
+ intros; unfold break in *; destruct (le_dec m n);
+ inversion H; subst; clear H; simpl.
+ Admitted.
Lemma mask_wand : forall (n: nat) (x: word n) m b,
(& (mask (N.to_nat m) x) < b)%N
-> (& (x ^& (@NToWord n (N.ones m))) < b)%N.
@@ -186,13 +158,17 @@ Section WordizeUtil.
rewrite Pos.mul_xO_r; intuition.
+ Lemma Npow2_ignore: forall {n} (x: word n),
+ x = NToWord _ (& x + Npow2 n).
+ Proof. intros. Admitted.
End WordizeUtil.
(** Wordization Lemmas **)
Section Wordization.
- Lemma wordize_plus: forall {n} (x y: word n) (b: N),
+ Lemma wordize_plus': forall {n} (x y: word n) (b: N),
(b <= Npow2 n)%N
-> (&x < b)%N
-> (&y < (Npow2 n - b))%N
@@ -215,7 +191,20 @@ Section Wordization.
apply N.lt_le_incl; assumption.
- Lemma wordize_mult: forall {n} (x y: word n) (b: N),
+ Lemma wordize_plus: forall {n} (x y: word n),
+ if (overflows x y)
+ then (&x + &y)%N = (& (x ^+ y) + Npow2 n)%N
+ else (&x + &y)%N = & (x ^+ y).
+ Proof.
+ intros; induction (overflows x y).
+ - admit.
+ - admit.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma wordize_mult': forall {n} (x y: word n) (b: N),
(1 < n)%nat -> (0 < b)%N
-> (&x < b)%N
-> (&y < (Npow2 n) / b)%N
@@ -230,6 +219,13 @@ Section Wordization.
- apply N.mul_div_le; nomega.
+ Definition highBits {n} (m: nat) (x: word n) := snd (break m x).
+ Lemma wordize_mult: forall {n} (x y: word n) (b: N),
+ (&x * &y)%N = (&(x ^* y) +
+ &((highBits (n/2) x) ^* (highBits (n/2) y)) * Npow2 n)%N.
+ Proof. intros. Admitted.
Lemma wordize_and: forall {n} (x y: word n),
N.land (&x) (&y) = & (x ^& y).
@@ -308,7 +304,7 @@ Section Bounds.
destruct (Nlt_dec (b1 + b2)%N (Npow2 n));
- rewrite <- wordize_plus with (b := b1);
+ rewrite <- wordize_plus' with (b := b1);
try apply N.add_lt_mono;
try assumption.
@@ -323,7 +319,7 @@ Section Bounds.
destruct (Nlt_dec (b1 * b2)%N (Npow2 n));
- rewrite <- wordize_mult with (b := b1);
+ rewrite <- wordize_mult' with (b := b1);
try apply N.mul_lt_mono;
try assumption;
try nomega.
@@ -405,8 +401,8 @@ End Bounds.
Ltac wordize_ast :=
repeat match goal with
- | [ H: (& ?x < ?b)%N |- context[((& ?x) + (& ?y))%N] ] => rewrite (wordize_plus x y b)
- | [ H: (& ?x < ?b)%N |- context[((& ?x) * (& ?y))%N] ] => rewrite (wordize_mult x y b)
+ | [ H: (& ?x < ?b)%N |- context[((& ?x) + (& ?y))%N] ] => rewrite (wordize_plus' x y b)
+ | [ H: (& ?x < ?b)%N |- context[((& ?x) * (& ?y))%N] ] => rewrite (wordize_mult' x y b)
| [ |- context[N.land (& ?x) (& ?y)] ] => rewrite (wordize_and x y)
| [ |- context[N.shiftr (& ?x) ?k] ] => rewrite (wordize_shiftr x k)
| [ |- (_ < _ / _)%N ] => unfold N.div; simpl
@@ -511,4 +507,4 @@ Module WordizationExamples.
End WordizationExamples.
-Close Scope wordize_scope.
+Close Scope nword_scope.