path: root/src
diff options
authorGravatar Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>2017-04-01 23:22:35 -0400
committerGravatar Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>2017-04-01 23:22:35 -0400
commiteebd184a88d1dad3163bb8db63187bce9300a1ab (patch)
treed92a3f9f9560d4ec02458bb77bffdc9edc0ff887 /src
parent68aca8687cd62127eb1dafa2029e59d38db68f3d (diff)
Add an initial glue file in the pipeline, no option in bounds
We can do bounds analysis without options. Also, add some tactics from another branch for the glue to start the reflective pipeline.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
5 files changed, 260 insertions, 135 deletions
diff --git a/src/Reflection/Z/Bounds/Interpretation.v b/src/Reflection/Z/Bounds/Interpretation.v
index 0a0bb28f0..cad5d87b3 100644
--- a/src/Reflection/Z/Bounds/Interpretation.v
+++ b/src/Reflection/Z/Bounds/Interpretation.v
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Z.Syntax.
Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Syntax.
Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Relations.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Option.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Decidable.
Require Import Crypto.Util.ZRange.
@@ -15,73 +14,70 @@ Local Notation eta4 x := (eta3 (fst x), snd x).
Notation bounds := zrange.
Delimit Scope bounds_scope with bounds.
+Local Open Scope Z_scope.
Module Import Bounds.
- Definition t := option bounds. (* TODO?: Separate out the bounds computation from the overflow computation? e.g., have [safety := in_bounds | overflow] and [t := bounds * safety]? *)
+ Definition t := bounds.
Bind Scope bounds_scope with t.
Local Coercion Z.of_nat : nat >-> Z.
Section with_bitwidth.
Context (bit_width : option Z).
- Definition SmartBuildBounds (l u : Z)
- := if ((0 <=? l) && (match bit_width with Some bit_width => u <? 2^bit_width | None => true end))%Z%bool
- then Some {| lower := l ; upper := u |}
- else None.
- Definition SmartRebuildBounds (b : t) : t
- := match b with
- | Some b => SmartBuildBounds (lower b) (upper b)
- | None => None
+ Definition four_corners (f : Z -> Z -> Z) : t -> t -> t
+ := fun x y
+ => let (lx, ux) := x in
+ let (ly, uy) := y in
+ {| lower := Z.min (f lx ly) (Z.min (f lx uy) (Z.min (f ux ly) (f ux uy)));
+ upper := Z.max (f lx ly) (Z.max (f lx uy) (Z.max (f ux ly) (f ux uy))) |}.
+ Definition truncation_bounds (b : t)
+ := match bit_width with
+ | Some bit_width => if ((0 <=? lower b) && (upper b <? 2^bit_width))%bool
+ then b
+ else {| lower := 0 ; upper := 2^bit_width - 1 |}
+ | None => b
+ Definition BuildTruncated_bounds (l u : Z) : t
+ := truncation_bounds {| lower := l ; upper := u |}.
Definition t_map1 (f : bounds -> bounds) (x : t)
- := match x with
- | Some x
- => match f x with
- | {| lower := l ; upper := u |}
- => SmartBuildBounds l u
- end
- | _ => None
- end%Z.
- Definition t_map2 (f : bounds -> bounds -> bounds) (x y : t)
- := match x, y with
- | Some x, Some y
- => match f x y with
- | {| lower := l ; upper := u |}
- => SmartBuildBounds l u
- end
- | _, _ => None
- end%Z.
+ := truncation_bounds (f x).
+ Definition t_map2 (f : Z -> Z -> Z) : t -> t -> t
+ := fun x y => truncation_bounds (four_corners f x y).
Definition t_map4 (f : bounds -> bounds -> bounds -> bounds -> bounds) (x y z w : t)
- := match x, y, z, w with
- | Some x, Some y, Some z, Some w
- => match f x y z w with
- | {| lower := l ; upper := u |}
- => SmartBuildBounds l u
- end
- | _, _, _, _ => None
- end%Z.
- Definition add' : bounds -> bounds -> bounds
- := fun x y => let (lx, ux) := x in let (ly, uy) := y in {| lower := lx + ly ; upper := ux + uy |}.
- Definition add : t -> t -> t := t_map2 add'.
- Definition sub' : bounds -> bounds -> bounds
- := fun x y => let (lx, ux) := x in let (ly, uy) := y in {| lower := lx - uy ; upper := ux - ly |}.
- Definition sub : t -> t -> t := t_map2 sub'.
- Definition mul' : bounds -> bounds -> bounds
- := fun x y => let (lx, ux) := x in let (ly, uy) := y in {| lower := lx * ly ; upper := ux * uy |}.
- Definition mul : t -> t -> t := t_map2 mul'.
- Definition shl' : bounds -> bounds -> bounds
- := fun x y => let (lx, ux) := x in let (ly, uy) := y in {| lower := Z.shiftl lx ly ; upper := Z.shiftl ux uy |}.
- Definition shl : t -> t -> t := t_map2 shl'.
- Definition shr' : bounds -> bounds -> bounds
- := fun x y => let (lx, ux) := x in let (ly, uy) := y in {| lower := Z.shiftr lx uy ; upper := Z.shiftr ux ly |}.
- Definition shr : t -> t -> t := t_map2 shr'.
- Definition land' : bounds -> bounds -> bounds
- := fun x y => let (lx, ux) := x in let (ly, uy) := y in {| lower := 0 ; upper := Z.min ux uy |}.
- Definition land : t -> t -> t := t_map2 land'.
- Definition lor' : bounds -> bounds -> bounds
- := fun x y => let (lx, ux) := x in let (ly, uy) := y in
- {| lower := Z.max lx ly;
- upper := 2^(Z.max (Z.log2_up (ux+1)) (Z.log2_up (uy+1))) - 1 |}.
- Definition lor : t -> t -> t := t_map2 lor'.
- Definition neg' (int_width : Z) : bounds -> bounds
+ := truncation_bounds (f x y z w).
+ Definition add : t -> t -> t := t_map2 Z.add.
+ Definition sub : t -> t -> t := t_map2 Z.sub.
+ Definition mul : t -> t -> t := t_map2 Z.mul.
+ Definition shl : t -> t -> t := t_map2 Z.shiftl.
+ Definition shr : t -> t -> t := t_map2 Z.shiftr.
+ Definition extreme_lor_land_bounds (x y : t) : t
+ := let (lx, ux) := x in
+ let (ly, uy) := y in
+ let lx := Z.abs lx in
+ let ly := Z.abs ly in
+ let ux := Z.abs ux in
+ let uy := Z.abs uy in
+ let max := Z.max (Z.max lx ly) (Z.max ux uy) in
+ {| lower := -2^(1 + Z.log2_up max) ; upper := 2^(1 + Z.log2_up max) |}.
+ Definition extermization_bounds (f : t -> t -> t) (x y : t) : t
+ := truncation_bounds
+ (let (lx, ux) := x in
+ let (ly, uy) := y in
+ if ((lx <? 0) || (ly <? 0))%Z%bool
+ then extreme_lor_land_bounds x y
+ else f x y).
+ Definition land : t -> t -> t
+ := extermization_bounds
+ (fun x y
+ => let (lx, ux) := x in
+ let (ly, uy) := y in
+ {| lower := Z.min 0 (Z.min lx ly) ; upper := Z.max 0 (Z.min ux uy) |}).
+ Definition lor : t -> t -> t
+ := extermization_bounds
+ (fun x y
+ => let (lx, ux) := x in
+ let (ly, uy) := y in
+ {| lower := Z.max lx ly;
+ upper := 2^(Z.max (Z.log2_up (ux+1)) (Z.log2_up (uy+1))) - 1 |}).
+ Definition neg' (int_width : Z) : t -> t
:= fun v
=> let (lb, ub) := v in
let might_be_one := ((lb <=? 1) && (1 <=? ub))%Z%bool in
@@ -89,19 +85,23 @@ Module Import Bounds.
if must_be_one
then {| lower := Z.ones int_width ; upper := Z.ones int_width |}
else if might_be_one
- then {| lower := 0 ; upper := Z.ones int_width |}
+ then {| lower := Z.min 0 (Z.ones int_width) ; upper := Z.max 0 (Z.ones int_width) |}
else {| lower := 0 ; upper := 0 |}.
Definition neg (int_width : Z) : t -> t
:= fun v
- => if ((0 <=? int_width) (*&& (int_width <=? WordW.bit_width)*))%Z%bool
- then t_map1 (neg' int_width) v
- else None.
- Definition cmovne' (r1 r2 : bounds) : bounds
- := let (lr1, ur1) := r1 in let (lr2, ur2) := r2 in {| lower := Z.min lr1 lr2 ; upper := Z.max ur1 ur2 |}.
- Definition cmovne (x y r1 r2 : t) : t := t_map4 (fun _ _ => cmovne') x y r1 r2.
- Definition cmovle' (r1 r2 : bounds) : bounds
- := let (lr1, ur1) := r1 in let (lr2, ur2) := r2 in {| lower := Z.min lr1 lr2 ; upper := Z.max ur1 ur2 |}.
- Definition cmovle (x y r1 r2 : t) : t := t_map4 (fun _ _ => cmovle') x y r1 r2.
+ => truncation_bounds (neg' int_width v).
+ Definition cmovne' (r1 r2 : t) : t
+ := let (lr1, ur1) := r1 in
+ let (lr2, ur2) := r2 in
+ {| lower := Z.min lr1 lr2 ; upper := Z.max ur1 ur2 |}.
+ Definition cmovne (x y r1 r2 : t) : t
+ := truncation_bounds (cmovne' r1 r2).
+ Definition cmovle' (r1 r2 : t) : t
+ := let (lr1, ur1) := r1 in
+ let (lr2, ur2) := r2 in
+ {| lower := Z.min lr1 lr2 ; upper := Z.max ur1 ur2 |}.
+ Definition cmovle (x y r1 r2 : t) : t
+ := truncation_bounds (cmovle' r1 r2).
End with_bitwidth.
Module Export Notations.
@@ -124,8 +124,8 @@ Module Import Bounds.
Definition interp_op {src dst} (f : op src dst) : interp_flat_type interp_base_type src -> interp_flat_type interp_base_type dst
:= match f in op src dst return interp_flat_type interp_base_type src -> interp_flat_type interp_base_type dst with
- | OpConst TZ v => fun _ => SmartBuildBounds None v v
- | OpConst (TWord _ as T) v => fun _ => SmartBuildBounds (bit_width_of_base_type T) ((*FixedWordSizes.wordToZ*) v) ((*FixedWordSizes.wordToZ*) v)
+ | OpConst TZ v => fun _ => BuildTruncated_bounds None v v
+ | OpConst (TWord _ as T) v => fun _ => BuildTruncated_bounds (bit_width_of_base_type T) ((*FixedWordSizes.wordToZ*) v) ((*FixedWordSizes.wordToZ*) v)
| Add T => fun xy => add (bit_width_of_base_type T) (fst xy) (snd xy)
| Sub T => fun xy => sub (bit_width_of_base_type T) (fst xy) (snd xy)
| Mul T => fun xy => mul (bit_width_of_base_type T) (fst xy) (snd xy)
@@ -136,63 +136,29 @@ Module Import Bounds.
| Neg T int_width => fun x => neg (bit_width_of_base_type T) int_width x
| Cmovne T => fun xyzw => let '(x, y, z, w) := eta4 xyzw in cmovne (bit_width_of_base_type T) x y z w
| Cmovle T => fun xyzw => let '(x, y, z, w) := eta4 xyzw in cmovle (bit_width_of_base_type T) x y z w
- | Cast _ T => fun x => SmartRebuildBounds (bit_width_of_base_type T) x
+ | Cast _ T => fun x => truncation_bounds (bit_width_of_base_type T) x
- Definition of_Z (z : Z) : t := Some (ZToZRange z).
+ Definition of_Z (z : Z) : t := ZToZRange z.
Definition of_interp t (z : Syntax.interp_base_type t) : interp_base_type t
- := Some (ZToZRange (match t return Syntax.interp_base_type t -> Z with
- | TZ => fun z => z
- | TWord logsz => fun z => z (*FixedWordSizes.wordToZ*)
- end z)).
+ := ZToZRange (interpToZ z).
- Definition bounds_to_base_type' (b : bounds) : base_type
+ Definition bounds_to_base_type (b : t) : base_type
:= if (0 <=? lower b)%Z
then TWord (Z.to_nat (Z.log2_up (Z.log2_up (1 + upper b))))
else TZ.
- Definition bounds_to_base_type (b : t) : base_type
- := match b with
- | None => TZ
- | Some b' => bounds_to_base_type' b'
- end.
Definition ComputeBounds {t} (e : Expr base_type op t)
(input_bounds : interp_flat_type interp_base_type (domain t))
: interp_flat_type interp_base_type (codomain t)
:= Interp (@interp_op) e input_bounds.
- Definition bound_is_goodb : forall t, interp_base_type t -> bool
- := fun t bs
- => match bs with
- | Some bs
- => (*let l := lower bs in
- let u := upper bs in
- let bit_width := bit_width_of_base_type t in
- ((0 <=? l) && (match bit_width with Some bit_width => Z.log2 u <? bit_width | None => true end))%Z%bool*)
- true
- | None => false
- end.
- Definition bound_is_good : forall t, interp_base_type t -> Prop
- := fun t v => bound_is_goodb t v = true.
- Definition bounds_are_good : forall {t}, interp_flat_type interp_base_type t -> Prop
- := (@interp_flat_type_rel_pointwise1 _ _ bound_is_good).
Definition is_tighter_thanb' {T} : interp_base_type T -> interp_base_type T -> bool
- := fun bounds1 bounds2
- => match bounds1, bounds2 with
- | Some bounds1, Some bounds2 => is_tighter_than_bool bounds1 bounds2
- | _, None => true
- | None, Some _ => false
- end.
+ := is_tighter_than_bool.
Definition is_bounded_by' {T} : interp_base_type T -> Syntax.interp_base_type T -> Prop
- := fun bounds val
- => match bounds with
- | Some bounds'
- => is_bounded_by' (bit_width_of_base_type T) bounds' val
- | None => True
- end.
+ := fun bounds val => is_bounded_by' (bit_width_of_base_type T) bounds (interpToZ val).
Definition is_tighter_thanb {T} : interp_flat_type interp_base_type T -> interp_flat_type interp_base_type T -> bool
:= interp_flat_type_relb_pointwise (@is_tighter_thanb').
diff --git a/src/Reflection/Z/Bounds/Pipeline/Glue.v b/src/Reflection/Z/Bounds/Pipeline/Glue.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..93986a42f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Reflection/Z/Bounds/Pipeline/Glue.v
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+(** * Reflective Pipeline: Glue Code *)
+(** This file defines the tactics that transform a non-reflective goal
+ into a goal the that the reflective machinery can handle. *)
+Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Syntax.
+Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Reify.
+Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Z.Syntax.
+Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Z.Syntax.Util.
+Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Z.Reify.
+Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Z.Bounds.Interpretation.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.Head.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Curry.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.FixedWordSizes.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.BoundedWord.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tuple.
+(** The [do_curry] tactic takes a goal of the form
+BoundedWordToZ (?f a b ... z) = F A B ... Z
+ and turns it into a goal of the form
+BoundedWordToZ (f' (a, b, ..., z)) = F' (A, B, ..., Z)
+ *)
+Ltac do_curry :=
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | [ |- ?BWtoZ ?f_bw = ?f_Z ]
+ => let f_bw := head f_bw in
+ let f_Z := head f_Z in
+ change_with_curried f_Z;
+ let f_bw_name := fresh f_bw in
+ set (f_bw_name := f_bw);
+ change_with_curried f_bw_name
+ end.
+(** The [split_BoundedWordToZ] tactic takes a goal of the form
+BoundedWordToZ (f args) = F ARGS
+ and splits it into a conjunction, one part about the computational
+ behavior, and another part about the boundedness. *)
+Ltac count_tuple_length T :=
+ lazymatch T with
+ | (?A * ?B)%type => let a := count_tuple_length A in
+ let b := count_tuple_length B in
+ (eval compute in (a + b)%nat)
+ | _ => constr:(1%nat)
+ end.
+Ltac make_evar_for_first_projection :=
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | [ |- @map ?N1 ?A ?B wordToZ (@proj1_sig _ ?P ?f) = ?fZ ?argsZ ]
+ => let T := type of argsZ in
+ let N := count_tuple_length T in
+ let map' := (eval compute in (@map N)) in
+ let proj1_sig' := (eval compute in @proj1_sig) in
+ let f1 := fresh f in
+ let f2 := fresh f in
+ let pf := fresh in
+ revert f; refine (_ : let f := exist P _ _ in _);
+ intro f;
+ pose (proj1_sig f) as f1;
+ pose (proj2_sig f : P f1) as f2;
+ change f with (exist _ f1 f2);
+ subst f; cbn [proj1_sig proj2_sig] in f1, f2 |- *; revert f2;
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | [ |- let f' := _ in @?P f' ]
+ => refine (let pf := _ in (proj2 pf : let f' := proj1 pf in P f'))
+ end
+ end.
+Ltac split_BoundedWordToZ :=
+ match goal with
+ | [ |- BoundedWordToZ _ _ _ ?x = _ ]
+ => revert x
+ end;
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ |- context[BoundedWordToZ _ _ _ ?x] ]
+ => is_var x;
+ first [ clearbody x; fail 1
+ | instantiate (1:=ltac:(destruct x)); destruct x ]
+ end;
+ cbv beta iota; intro;
+ unfold BoundedWordToZ; cbn [proj1_sig];
+ make_evar_for_first_projection.
+(** The [zrange_to_reflective] tactic takes a goal of the form
+is_bounded_by _ bounds (map wordToZ (?fW args)) /\ map wordToZ (?fW args) = fZ argsZ
+ and uses [cut] and a small lemma to turn it into a goal that the
+ reflective machinery can handle. The goal left by this tactic
+ should be fully solvable by the reflective pipeline. *)
+Ltac const_tuple T val :=
+ lazymatch T with
+ | (?A * ?B)%type => let a := const_tuple A val in
+ let b := const_tuple B val in
+ constr:((a, b)%core)
+ | _ => val
+ end.
+Lemma adjust_goal_for_reflective {T P} (LHS RHS : T)
+ : P RHS /\ LHS = RHS -> P LHS /\ LHS = RHS.
+Proof. intros [? ?]; subst; tauto. Qed.
+Ltac adjust_goal_for_reflective := apply adjust_goal_for_reflective.
+Ltac unmap_wordToZ_tuple term :=
+ lazymatch term with
+ | (?x, ?y) => let x' := unmap_wordToZ_tuple x in
+ let y' := unmap_wordToZ_tuple y in
+ constr:((x', y'))
+ | map wordToZ ?x => x
+ end.
+Ltac zrange_to_reflective_hyps_step :=
+ match goal with
+ | [ H : @ZRange.is_bounded_by ?option_bit_width ?count ?bounds (Tuple.map wordToZ ?arg) |- _ ]
+ => let rT := constr:(Syntax.tuple (Tbase TZ) count) in
+ let is_bounded_by' := constr:(@Bounds.is_bounded_by rT) in
+ let map' := constr:(@cast_back_flat_const (@Bounds.interp_base_type) rT (fun _ => Bounds.bounds_to_base_type) bounds) in
+ (* we use [cut] and [abstract] rather than [change] to catch inefficiencies in conversion early, rather than allowing [Defined] to take forever *)
+ let H' := fresh H in
+ rename H into H';
+ assert (H : is_bounded_by' bounds (map' arg)) by (clear -H'; abstract exact H');
+ clear H'; move H at top
+ end.
+Ltac zrange_to_reflective_hyps := repeat zrange_to_reflective_hyps_step.
+Ltac zrange_to_reflective_goal :=
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | [ |- @ZRange.is_bounded_by ?option_bit_width ?count ?bounds (Tuple.map wordToZ ?reified_f_evar)
+ /\ Tuple.map wordToZ ?reified_f_evar = ?f ?Zargs ]
+ => let T := type of f in
+ let f_domain := lazymatch T with ?A -> ?B => A end in
+ let T := (eval compute in T) in
+ let rT := reify_type T in
+ let is_bounded_by' := constr:(@Bounds.is_bounded_by (codomain rT)) in
+ let input_bounds := const_tuple f_domain bounds in
+ let map_t := constr:(fun t bs => @cast_back_flat_const (@Bounds.interp_base_type) t (fun _ => Bounds.bounds_to_base_type) bs) in
+ let map_output := constr:(map_t (codomain rT) bounds) in
+ let map_input := constr:(map_t (domain rT) input_bounds) in
+ let args := unmap_wordToZ_tuple Zargs in
+ (* we use [cut] and [abstract] rather than [change] to catch inefficiencies in conversion early, rather than allowing [Defined] to take forever *)
+ cut (is_bounded_by' bounds (map_output reified_f_evar) /\ map_output reified_f_evar = f (map_input args));
+ [ generalize reified_f_evar; clear; clearbody f; let x := fresh in intros ? x; abstract exact x
+ | ];
+ cbv beta
+ end;
+ adjust_goal_for_reflective.
+Ltac zrange_to_reflective := zrange_to_reflective_hyps; zrange_to_reflective_goal.
+(** The tactic [refine_to_reflective_glue] is the public-facing one. *)
+Ltac refine_to_reflective_glue :=
+ do_curry;
+ split_BoundedWordToZ;
+ zrange_to_reflective.
diff --git a/src/Reflection/Z/Bounds/Relax.v b/src/Reflection/Z/Bounds/Relax.v
index 5269639e1..e77ef423a 100644
--- a/src/Reflection/Z/Bounds/Relax.v
+++ b/src/Reflection/Z/Bounds/Relax.v
@@ -58,23 +58,22 @@ Proof.
cbv [Bounds.is_bounded_by cast_back_flat_const Bounds.is_tighter_thanb] in *.
apply interp_flat_type_rel_pointwise_iff_relb in Hrelax.
induction t; unfold SmartFlatTypeMap in *; simpl @smart_interp_flat_map in *; inversion_flat_type.
- { cbv [Bounds.is_tighter_thanb' ZRange.is_tighter_than_bool is_true SmartFlatTypeMap Bounds.bounds_to_base_type' Bounds.bounds_to_base_type ZRange.is_bounded_by' ZRange.is_bounded_by Bounds.is_bounded_by' Bounds.bit_width_of_base_type] in *; simpl in *.
- progress destruct_head_hnf option;
- repeat first [ progress inversion_flat_type
- | progress inversion_base_type
- | progress destruct_head bounds
- | progress split_andb
- | progress Z.ltb_to_lt
- | progress break_match_hyps
- | progress destruct_head'_and
- | progress simpl in *
- | rewrite helper in *
- | omega
- | tauto
- | congruence
- | progress destruct_head @eq; (reflexivity || omega)
- | progress break_innermost_match_step
- | apply conj ]. }
+ { cbv [Bounds.is_tighter_thanb' ZRange.is_tighter_than_bool is_true SmartFlatTypeMap Bounds.bounds_to_base_type ZRange.is_bounded_by' ZRange.is_bounded_by Bounds.is_bounded_by' Bounds.bit_width_of_base_type] in *; simpl in *.
+ repeat first [ progress inversion_flat_type
+ | progress inversion_base_type
+ | progress destruct_head bounds
+ | progress split_andb
+ | progress Z.ltb_to_lt
+ | progress break_match_hyps
+ | progress destruct_head'_and
+ | progress simpl in *
+ | rewrite helper in *
+ | omega
+ | tauto
+ | congruence
+ | progress destruct_head @eq; (reflexivity || omega)
+ | progress break_innermost_match_step
+ | apply conj ]. }
{ compute in *; tauto. }
{ simpl in *.
specialize (fun Hv => IHt1 (fst tight_output_bounds) (fst relaxed_output_bounds) Hv (fst v)).
diff --git a/src/Reflection/Z/Syntax.v b/src/Reflection/Z/Syntax.v
index 3a005e59e..ad8215fe5 100644
--- a/src/Reflection/Z/Syntax.v
+++ b/src/Reflection/Z/Syntax.v
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Syntax.
Require Import Crypto.ModularArithmetic.ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.FixedWordSizes.
Export Syntax.Notations.
Local Set Boolean Equality Schemes.
diff --git a/src/Specific/IntegrationTest.v b/src/Specific/IntegrationTest.v
index e37dacdb7..1e62937df 100644
--- a/src/Specific/IntegrationTest.v
+++ b/src/Specific/IntegrationTest.v
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ Require Import Crypto.ModularArithmetic.PrimeFieldTheorems.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Tuple Crypto.Util.Sigma Crypto.Util.Notations Crypto.Util.ZRange Crypto.Util.BoundedWord.
Import ListNotations.
+Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Z.Bounds.Pipeline.Glue.
Section BoundedField25p5.
Local Coercion Z.of_nat : nat >-> Z.
@@ -35,16 +37,24 @@ Section BoundedField25p5.
fun x => B.Positional.Fdecode wt (BoundedWordToZ _ _ _ x).
(* TODO : change this to field once field isomorphism happens *)
- Definition mul :
- { mul : feBW -> feBW -> feBW
- | forall a b, phi (mul a b) = (phi a * phi b)%F }.
+ Definition add :
+ { add : feBW -> feBW -> feBW
+ | forall a b, phi (add a b) = F.add (phi a) (phi b) }.
- eexists ?[mul]; intros. cbv [phi].
- rewrite <- (proj2_sig mul_sig).
- set (mulZ := proj1_sig mul_sig).
- cbv beta iota delta [proj1_sig mul_sig runtime_add runtime_and runtime_mul runtime_opp runtime_shr] in mulZ.
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | [ |- { f | forall a b, ?phi (f a b) = @?rhs a b } ]
+ => apply lift2_sig with (P:=fun a b f => phi f = rhs a b)
+ end.
+ intros. eexists ?[add]. cbv [phi].
+ rewrite <- (proj2_sig add_sig).
+ symmetry; rewrite <- (proj2_sig carry_sig); symmetry.
+ set (carry_addZ := fun a b => proj1_sig carry_sig (proj1_sig add_sig a b)).
+ change (proj1_sig carry_sig (proj1_sig add_sig ?a ?b)) with (carry_addZ a b).
+ cbv beta iota delta [proj1_sig add_sig carry_sig runtime_add runtime_and runtime_mul runtime_opp runtime_shr sz] in carry_addZ.
+ cbn beta iota delta [fst snd] in carry_addZ.
apply f_equal.
(* jgross start here! *)
+ (*refine_to_reflective_glue.*)