path: root/src
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authorGravatar jadep <jadep@mit.edu>2019-03-12 14:39:46 -0400
committerGravatar jadephilipoom <jade.philipoom@gmail.com>2019-03-25 06:13:45 -0400
commitd71fe6f9e283ba7b297da63fa5240c9117acd570 (patch)
treefff40d9a6be3b6fad442133f127e9e53e721388b /src
parentb1bdefa45c0fa9786a8f916981a67ac5a4961eb0 (diff)
fix up a messy proof
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 29 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/src/Arithmetic.v b/src/Arithmetic.v
index 7a9babf1a..e4df3c2f5 100644
--- a/src/Arithmetic.v
+++ b/src/Arithmetic.v
@@ -3663,6 +3663,15 @@ Module UniformWeight.
intros. rewrite <-Znumtheory.Zmod_div_mod; auto using uwprops; [ ].
rewrite !uweight_eq_alt'. apply Divide.Z.divide_pow_le. nia.
+ Lemma uweight_pull_mod lgr (Hr : 0 < lgr) x i j :
+ (j <= i)%nat ->
+ x mod (uweight lgr i) / uweight lgr j = (x / uweight lgr j) mod (uweight lgr (i - j)).
+ Proof.
+ intros. rewrite Z.mod_pull_div by auto using Z.lt_le_incl, uwprops.
+ rewrite <-uweight_sum_indices by lia.
+ repeat (f_equal; try lia).
+ Qed.
End UniformWeight.
Module WordByWordMontgomery.
@@ -5095,6 +5104,10 @@ Module BarrettReduction.
Section Proofs.
+ (* TODO: move these? *)
+ Local Hint Resolve Z.lt_gt : zarith.
+ Hint Rewrite Z.div_add' using solve [auto with zarith] : zsimplify.
Lemma shiftr'_correct m n :
forall t tn,
(m <= tn)%nat -> 0 <= t < w tn -> 0 <= n < width ->
@@ -5103,31 +5116,27 @@ Module BarrettReduction.
cbv [shiftr']. induction m; intros; [ reflexivity | ].
rewrite !partition_step, seq_snoc.
autorewrite with distr_length natsimplify push_map push_nth_default.
- rewrite IHm by auto with zarith.
- rewrite Z.rshi_correct, UniformWeight.uweight_S by auto with zarith.
+ rewrite IHm, Z.rshi_correct, UniformWeight.uweight_S by auto with zarith.
rewrite <-Z.mod_pull_div by auto with zarith.
destruct (Nat.eq_dec (S m) tn); [subst tn | ]; rewrite !nth_default_partition by omega.
{ rewrite nth_default_out_of_bounds by distr_length.
autorewrite with zsimplify. Z.rewrite_mod_small.
rewrite Z.div_div_comm by auto with zarith; reflexivity. }
- { (* oh god the worst *)
- rewrite !UniformWeight.uweight_S by auto with zarith.
- rewrite <-!Z.mod_pull_div by auto with zarith.
- rewrite Z.mod_pull_div with (b:=2^n) by auto with zarith.
- rewrite <-Z.div_div by auto with zarith.
- rewrite (Z.div_div_comm _ (2^width) (w m)) by auto with zarith.
- rewrite Z.mod_pull_div with (b:=2^width) by auto with zarith.
- rewrite Z.mul_div_eq'; auto using Z.lt_gt with zarith.
- rewrite Z.rem_mul_r with (b:=2^width) (c:=2^width) by auto with zarith.
- autorewrite with zsimplify.
- rewrite <-Z.rem_mul_r by auto with zarith.
- rewrite !Z.mod_pull_div by auto with zarith.
- rewrite <-Znumtheory.Zmod_div_mod by
- (try solve [Z.zero_bounds];
- rewrite <-!Z.pow_add_r by auto with zarith;
- auto using Z.mul_divide_mono_r, Divide.Z.divide_pow_le with zarith).
- rewrite Z.div_div_comm by auto with zarith.
- repeat (f_equal; try ring). }
+ { repeat match goal with
+ | _ => rewrite UniformWeight.uweight_pull_mod by auto with zarith
+ | _ => rewrite Z.mod_mod_small by auto with zarith
+ | _ => rewrite <-Znumtheory.Zmod_div_mod by (Z.zero_bounds; auto with zarith)
+ | _ => rewrite UniformWeight.uweight_eq_alt with (n:=1%nat) by auto with zarith
+ | |- context [(t / w (S m)) mod 2^width * 2^width] =>
+ replace (t / w (S m)) with (t / w m / 2^width) by
+ (rewrite UniformWeight.uweight_S, Z.div_div by auto with zarith; f_equal; lia);
+ rewrite Z.mod_pull_div with (b:=2^width) by auto with zarith;
+ rewrite Z.mul_div_eq' by auto with zarith
+ | _ => progress autorewrite with natsimplify zsimplify_fast zsimplify
+ end.
+ replace (2^width*2^width) with (2^width*2^(width-n)*2^n) by (autorewrite with pull_Zpow; f_equal; lia).
+ rewrite <-Z.mod_pull_div, <-Znumtheory.Zmod_div_mod by (Z.zero_bounds; auto with zarith).
+ rewrite Z.div_div_comm by Z.zero_bounds. reflexivity. }
Lemma shiftr_correct m n :
forall t tn,
@@ -5225,10 +5234,6 @@ Module BarrettReduction.
ring_simplify. ring.
- (* TODO: move these? *)
- Local Hint Resolve Z.lt_gt : zarith.
- Hint Rewrite Z.div_add' using solve [auto with zarith] : zsimplify.
Lemma mul_high_correct a b
(Ha : a / w sz = 1)
a0b1 (Ha0b1 : a0b1 = a mod w sz * (b / w sz)) :