path: root/src
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authorGravatar Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>2018-06-18 22:43:25 -0400
committerGravatar Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>2018-06-18 22:43:25 -0400
commitce61fb1c6ca8b1e021a56c97e497fdd4f24f68da (patch)
tree060c326ccb4b7f87cef8692ac083107783e9186d /src
parent8153ee1f0d0f45b3e0f9bfd81356a7b6ea2d841f (diff)
More compact printing of ASTs in errors
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 107 insertions, 92 deletions
diff --git a/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/CStringification.v b/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/CStringification.v
index f53d997d1..b880f665f 100644
--- a/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/CStringification.v
+++ b/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/CStringification.v
@@ -79,99 +79,116 @@ Module Compilers.
Module ident.
Definition bitwidth_to_string (v : Z) : string
:= (if v =? 2^Z.log2 v then "2^" ++ decimal_string_of_Z (Z.log2 v) else HexString.of_Z v).
+ Definition show_range_or_ctype (v : zrange) : string
+ := if (v.(lower) =? 0) && (v.(upper) =? 2^(Z.log2 (v.(upper) + 1)) - 1)
+ then ("uint" ++ decimal_string_of_Z (Z.log2 (v.(upper) + 1)) ++ "_t")%string
+ else let lg2 := 1 + Z.log2 (-v.(lower)) in
+ if (v.(lower) =? -2^(lg2-1)) && (v.(upper) =? 2^(lg2-1)-1)
+ then ("int" ++ decimal_string_of_Z lg2 ++ "_t")%string
+ else show false v.
+ Definition show_compact_Z (with_parens : bool) (v : Z) : string
+ := let is_neg := v <? 0 in
+ (if is_neg then "-" else "")
+ ++ (let v := Z.abs v in
+ (if v <=? 2^8
+ then decimal_string_of_Z v
+ else if v =? 2^(Z.log2 v)
+ then "2^" ++ (decimal_string_of_Z (Z.log2 v))
+ else if v =? 2^(Z.log2_up v) - 1
+ then maybe_wrap_parens is_neg ("2^" ++ (decimal_string_of_Z (Z.log2_up v)) ++ "-1")
+ else Hex.show_Z with_parens v)).
Global Instance show_ident {t} : Show (ident.ident t)
:= fun with_parens idc
=> match idc with
- | ident.Literal t v => show with_parens v
- | ident.Nat_succ => "Nat.succ"
- | ident.Nat_pred => "Nat.pred"
- | ident.Nat_max => "Nat.max"
- | ident.Nat_mul => "Nat.mul"
- | ident.Nat_add => "Nat.add"
- | ident.Nat_sub => "Nat.sub"
- | ident.nil t => "[]"
- | ident.cons t => "(::)"
- | ident.pair A B => "(,)"
- | ident.fst A B => "fst"
- | ident.snd A B => "snd"
- | ident.pair_rect A B T => "pair_rect"
- | ident.bool_rect T => "bool_rect"
- | ident.nat_rect P => "nat_rect"
- | ident.list_rect A P => "list_rect"
- | ident.list_case A P => "list_case"
- | ident.List_length T => "length"
- | ident.List_seq => "seq"
- | ident.List_repeat A => "repeat"
- | ident.List_combine A B => "combine"
- | ident.List_map A B => "map"
- | ident.List_app A => "(++)"
- | ident.List_rev A => "rev"
- | ident.List_flat_map A B => "flat_map"
- | ident.List_partition A => "partition"
- | ident.List_fold_right A B => "fold_right"
- | ident.List_update_nth T => "update_nth"
- | ident.List_nth_default T => "nth_default"
- | ident.Z_add => "(+)"
- | ident.Z_mul => "( * )"
- | ident.Z_pow => "(^)"
- | ident.Z_sub => "(-)"
- | ident.Z_opp => "-"
- | ident.Z_div => "(/)"
- | ident.Z_modulo => "(mod)"
- | ident.Z_eqb => "(=)"
- | ident.Z_leb => "(≤)"
- | ident.Z_of_nat => "(ℕ→ℤ)"
- | ident.Z_shiftr offset => "(>> " ++ decimal_string_of_Z offset ++ ")"
- | ident.Z_shiftl offset => "(<< " ++ decimal_string_of_Z offset ++ ")"
- | ident.Z_land mask => "(& " ++ HexString.of_Z mask ++ ")"
- | ident.Z_mul_split => "Z.mul_split"
- | ident.Z_mul_split_concrete s => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("Z.mul_split " ++ bitwidth_to_string s)
- | ident.Z_add_get_carry => "Z.add_get_carry"
- | ident.Z_add_get_carry_concrete s => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("Z.add_get_carry " ++ bitwidth_to_string s)
- | ident.Z_add_with_carry => "Z.add_with_carry"
- | ident.Z_add_with_get_carry => "Z.add_with_get_carry"
- | ident.Z_add_with_get_carry_concrete s => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("Z.add_with_get_carry " ++ bitwidth_to_string s)
- | ident.Z_sub_get_borrow => "Z.sub_get_borrow"
- | ident.Z_sub_get_borrow_concrete s => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("Z.sub_get_borrow " ++ bitwidth_to_string s)
- | ident.Z_sub_with_get_borrow => "Z.sub_with_get_borrow"
- | ident.Z_sub_with_get_borrow_concrete s => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("Z.sub_with_get_borrow " ++ bitwidth_to_string s)
- | ident.Z_zselect => "Z.zselect"
- | ident.Z_add_modulo => "Z.add_modulo"
- | ident.Z_rshi => "Z.rshi"
- | ident.Z_rshi_concrete s offset => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("Z.rshi " ++ bitwidth_to_string s ++ " " ++ decimal_string_of_Z offset)
- | ident.Z_cc_m => "Z.cc_m"
- | ident.Z_cc_m_concrete s => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("Z.cc_m " ++ bitwidth_to_string s)
- | ident.Z_neg_snd => "Z.neg_snd"
- | ident.Z_cast range => "(" ++ show false range ++ ")"
- | ident.Z_cast2 range => "(" ++ show false range ++ ")"
- | ident.fancy_add log2wordmax imm
- => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("fancy.add 2^" ++ decimal_string_of_Z log2wordmax ++ " " ++ HexString.of_Z imm)
- | ident.fancy_addc log2wordmax imm
- => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("fancy.addc 2^" ++ decimal_string_of_Z log2wordmax ++ " " ++ HexString.of_Z imm)
- | ident.fancy_sub log2wordmax imm
- => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("fancy.sub 2^" ++ decimal_string_of_Z log2wordmax ++ " " ++ HexString.of_Z imm)
- | ident.fancy_subb log2wordmax imm
- => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("fancy.subb 2^" ++ decimal_string_of_Z log2wordmax ++ " " ++ HexString.of_Z imm)
- | ident.fancy_mulll log2wordmax
- => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("fancy.mulll 2^" ++ decimal_string_of_Z log2wordmax)
- | ident.fancy_mullh log2wordmax
- => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("fancy.mullh 2^" ++ decimal_string_of_Z log2wordmax)
- | ident.fancy_mulhl log2wordmax
- => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("fancy.mulhl 2^" ++ decimal_string_of_Z log2wordmax)
- | ident.fancy_mulhh log2wordmax
- => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("fancy.mulhh 2^" ++ decimal_string_of_Z log2wordmax)
- | ident.fancy_rshi log2wordmax x
- => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("fancy.rshi 2^" ++ decimal_string_of_Z log2wordmax ++ " " ++ decimal_string_of_Z x)
- | ident.fancy_selc => "fancy.selc"
- | ident.fancy_selm log2wordmax
- => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("fancy.selm 2^" ++ decimal_string_of_Z log2wordmax)
- | ident.fancy_sell => "fancy.sell"
- | ident.fancy_addm => "fancy.addm"
- end.
+ | ident.Literal base.type.Z v => show_compact_Z with_parens v
+ | ident.Literal t v => show with_parens v
+ | ident.Nat_succ => "Nat.succ"
+ | ident.Nat_pred => "Nat.pred"
+ | ident.Nat_max => "Nat.max"
+ | ident.Nat_mul => "Nat.mul"
+ | ident.Nat_add => "Nat.add"
+ | ident.Nat_sub => "Nat.sub"
+ | ident.nil t => "[]"
+ | ident.cons t => "(::)"
+ | ident.pair A B => "(,)"
+ | ident.fst A B => "fst"
+ | ident.snd A B => "snd"
+ | ident.pair_rect A B T => "pair_rect"
+ | ident.bool_rect T => "bool_rect"
+ | ident.nat_rect P => "nat_rect"
+ | ident.list_rect A P => "list_rect"
+ | ident.list_case A P => "list_case"
+ | ident.List_length T => "length"
+ | ident.List_seq => "seq"
+ | ident.List_repeat A => "repeat"
+ | ident.List_combine A B => "combine"
+ | ident.List_map A B => "map"
+ | ident.List_app A => "(++)"
+ | ident.List_rev A => "rev"
+ | ident.List_flat_map A B => "flat_map"
+ | ident.List_partition A => "partition"
+ | ident.List_fold_right A B => "fold_right"
+ | ident.List_update_nth T => "update_nth"
+ | ident.List_nth_default T => "nth"
+ | ident.Z_add => "(+)"
+ | ident.Z_mul => "( * )"
+ | ident.Z_pow => "(^)"
+ | ident.Z_sub => "(-)"
+ | ident.Z_opp => "-"
+ | ident.Z_div => "(/)"
+ | ident.Z_modulo => "(mod)"
+ | ident.Z_eqb => "(=)"
+ | ident.Z_leb => "(≤)"
+ | ident.Z_of_nat => "(ℕ→ℤ)"
+ | ident.Z_shiftr offset => "(>> " ++ decimal_string_of_Z offset ++ ")"
+ | ident.Z_shiftl offset => "(<< " ++ decimal_string_of_Z offset ++ ")"
+ | ident.Z_land mask => "(& " ++ HexString.of_Z mask ++ ")"
+ | ident.Z_mul_split => "Z.mul_split"
+ | ident.Z_mul_split_concrete s => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("Z.mul_split " ++ bitwidth_to_string s)
+ | ident.Z_add_get_carry => "Z.add_get_carry"
+ | ident.Z_add_get_carry_concrete s => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("Z.add_get_carry " ++ bitwidth_to_string s)
+ | ident.Z_add_with_carry => "Z.add_with_carry"
+ | ident.Z_add_with_get_carry => "Z.add_with_get_carry"
+ | ident.Z_add_with_get_carry_concrete s => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("Z.add_with_get_carry " ++ bitwidth_to_string s)
+ | ident.Z_sub_get_borrow => "Z.sub_get_borrow"
+ | ident.Z_sub_get_borrow_concrete s => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("Z.sub_get_borrow " ++ bitwidth_to_string s)
+ | ident.Z_sub_with_get_borrow => "Z.sub_with_get_borrow"
+ | ident.Z_sub_with_get_borrow_concrete s => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("Z.sub_with_get_borrow " ++ bitwidth_to_string s)
+ | ident.Z_zselect => "Z.zselect"
+ | ident.Z_add_modulo => "Z.add_modulo"
+ | ident.Z_rshi => "Z.rshi"
+ | ident.Z_rshi_concrete s offset => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("Z.rshi " ++ bitwidth_to_string s ++ " " ++ decimal_string_of_Z offset)
+ | ident.Z_cc_m => "Z.cc_m"
+ | ident.Z_cc_m_concrete s => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("Z.cc_m " ++ bitwidth_to_string s)
+ | ident.Z_neg_snd => "Z.neg_snd"
+ | ident.Z_cast range => "(" ++ show_range_or_ctype range ++ ")"
+ | ident.Z_cast2 (r1, r2) => "(" ++ show_range_or_ctype r1 ++ ", " ++ show_range_or_ctype r2 ++ ")"
+ | ident.fancy_add log2wordmax imm
+ => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("fancy.add 2^" ++ decimal_string_of_Z log2wordmax ++ " " ++ HexString.of_Z imm)
+ | ident.fancy_addc log2wordmax imm
+ => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("fancy.addc 2^" ++ decimal_string_of_Z log2wordmax ++ " " ++ HexString.of_Z imm)
+ | ident.fancy_sub log2wordmax imm
+ => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("fancy.sub 2^" ++ decimal_string_of_Z log2wordmax ++ " " ++ HexString.of_Z imm)
+ | ident.fancy_subb log2wordmax imm
+ => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("fancy.subb 2^" ++ decimal_string_of_Z log2wordmax ++ " " ++ HexString.of_Z imm)
+ | ident.fancy_mulll log2wordmax
+ => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("fancy.mulll 2^" ++ decimal_string_of_Z log2wordmax)
+ | ident.fancy_mullh log2wordmax
+ => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("fancy.mullh 2^" ++ decimal_string_of_Z log2wordmax)
+ | ident.fancy_mulhl log2wordmax
+ => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("fancy.mulhl 2^" ++ decimal_string_of_Z log2wordmax)
+ | ident.fancy_mulhh log2wordmax
+ => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("fancy.mulhh 2^" ++ decimal_string_of_Z log2wordmax)
+ | ident.fancy_rshi log2wordmax x
+ => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("fancy.rshi 2^" ++ decimal_string_of_Z log2wordmax ++ " " ++ decimal_string_of_Z x)
+ | ident.fancy_selc => "fancy.selc"
+ | ident.fancy_selm log2wordmax
+ => maybe_wrap_parens with_parens ("fancy.selm 2^" ++ decimal_string_of_Z log2wordmax)
+ | ident.fancy_sell => "fancy.sell"
+ | ident.fancy_addm => "fancy.addm"
+ end.
End ident.
- Local Notation NewLine := (String "010" "") (only parsing).
Module expr.
Section with_base_type.
Context {base_type} {ident : type.type base_type -> Type}
@@ -223,7 +240,7 @@ Module Compilers.
Global Instance show_lines_Expr {t} : ShowLines (@expr.Expr base_type ident t)
:= fun with_parens e => show_lines with_parens (e _).
Global Instance show_expr {t} : Show (@expr.expr base_type ident (fun _ => string) t)
- := fun with_parens e => String.concat NewLine (snd (@show_expr_lines t e 1%positive with_parens)).
+ := fun with_parens e => String.concat String.NewLine (snd (@show_expr_lines t e 1%positive with_parens)).
Global Instance show_Expr {t} : Show (@expr.Expr base_type ident t)
:= fun with_parens e => show with_parens (e _).
End with_base_type.
@@ -1390,8 +1407,6 @@ Module Compilers.
:: (List.map (fun s => " " ++ s)%string (to_strings body)))
++ ["}"])%list.
- Local Notation NewLine := (String "010" "") (only parsing).
Definition ToFunctionLines (name : string)
(e : @Compilers.expr.Expr base.type ident.ident t)
@@ -1403,7 +1418,7 @@ Module Compilers.
Definition LinesToString (lines : list string)
: string
- := String.concat NewLine lines.
+ := String.concat String.NewLine lines.
Definition ToFunctionString (name : string)