path: root/src
diff options
authorGravatar Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>2016-09-18 23:38:33 -0400
committerGravatar Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>2016-09-22 14:58:53 -0400
commitcd99d56d2e5dbf8d11d8f4836653f966d6d7a907 (patch)
tree8d863383d777da7e0187f3a31cb2d9c0c37ff160 /src
parent15a097893f09db5344786ffd6675c1901ae939f8 (diff)
Add dead code elimination
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
2 files changed, 85 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/src/Reflection/Named/Compile.v b/src/Reflection/Named/Compile.v
index b6b4f7b3c..e37815597 100644
--- a/src/Reflection/Named/Compile.v
+++ b/src/Reflection/Named/Compile.v
@@ -25,36 +25,41 @@ Section language.
Local Notation nexprf := (@Named.exprf base_type_code interp_base_type op Name).
Local Notation nexpr := (@Named.expr base_type_code interp_base_type op Name).
- Fixpoint compilef {t} (e : exprf t) (ls : list Name) {struct e}
+ Fixpoint ocompilef {t} (e : exprf t) (ls : list (option Name)) {struct e}
: option (nexprf t)
:= match e in @Syntax.exprf _ _ _ _ t return option (nexprf t) with
| Const _ x => Some (Named.Const x)
| Var _ x => Some (Named.Var x)
- | Op _ _ op args => option_map (Named.Op op) (@compilef _ args ls)
+ | Op _ _ op args => option_map (Named.Op op) (@ocompilef _ args ls)
| LetIn tx ex _ eC
- => match @compilef _ ex nil, split_names tx ls with
+ => match @ocompilef _ ex nil, split_onames tx ls with
| Some x, (Some n, ls')%core
- => option_map (fun C => Named.LetIn tx n x C) (@compilef _ (eC n) ls')
+ => option_map (fun C => Named.LetIn tx n x C) (@ocompilef _ (eC n) ls')
| _, _ => None
- | Pair _ ex _ ey => match @compilef _ ex nil, @compilef _ ey nil with
+ | Pair _ ex _ ey => match @ocompilef _ ex nil, @ocompilef _ ey nil with
| Some x, Some y => Some (Named.Pair x y)
| _, _ => None
- Fixpoint compile {t} (e : expr t) (ls : list Name) {struct e}
+ Fixpoint ocompile {t} (e : expr t) (ls : list (option Name)) {struct e}
: option (nexpr t)
:= match e in @Syntax.expr _ _ _ _ t return option (nexpr t) with
- | Return _ x => option_map Named.Return (compilef x ls)
+ | Return _ x => option_map Named.Return (ocompilef x ls)
| Abs _ _ f
=> match ls with
- | cons n ls'
- => option_map (Named.Abs n) (@compile _ (f n) ls')
+ | cons (Some n) ls'
+ => option_map (Named.Abs n) (@ocompile _ (f n) ls')
| _ => None
+ Definition compilef {t} (e : exprf t) (ls : list Name) := @ocompilef t e (List.map (@Some _) ls).
+ Definition compile {t} (e : expr t) (ls : list Name) := @ocompile t e (List.map (@Some _) ls).
End language.
+Global Arguments ocompilef {_ _ _ _ _} e ls.
+Global Arguments ocompile {_ _ _ _ _} e ls.
Global Arguments compilef {_ _ _ _ _} e ls.
Global Arguments compile {_ _ _ _ _} e ls.
diff --git a/src/Reflection/Named/DeadCodeElimination.v b/src/Reflection/Named/DeadCodeElimination.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f7bbed46b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Reflection/Named/DeadCodeElimination.v
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+(** * PHOAS → Named Representation of Gallina *)
+Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Named.Syntax.
+Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Named.Compile.
+Require Import Crypto.Reflection.FilterLive.
+Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Syntax.
+Local Notation eta x := (fst x, snd x).
+Local Open Scope ctype_scope.
+Local Open Scope nexpr_scope.
+Local Open Scope expr_scope.
+Section language.
+ Context (base_type_code : Type)
+ (interp_base_type : base_type_code -> Type)
+ (op : flat_type base_type_code -> flat_type base_type_code -> Type)
+ (Name : Type).
+ Local Notation flat_type := (flat_type base_type_code).
+ Local Notation type := (type base_type_code).
+ Let Tbase := @Tbase base_type_code.
+ Local Coercion Tbase : base_type_code >-> Syntax.flat_type.
+ Local Notation interp_type := (interp_type interp_base_type).
+ Local Notation interp_flat_type := (interp_flat_type_gen interp_base_type).
+ Local Notation exprf := (@exprf base_type_code interp_base_type op (fun _ => Name)).
+ Local Notation expr := (@expr base_type_code interp_base_type op (fun _ => Name)).
+ Local Notation Expr := (@Expr base_type_code interp_base_type op).
+ Local Notation lexprf := (@Syntax.exprf base_type_code interp_base_type op (fun _ => list (option Name))).
+ Local Notation lexpr := (@Syntax.expr base_type_code interp_base_type op (fun _ => list (option Name))).
+ Local Notation nexprf := (@Named.exprf base_type_code interp_base_type op Name).
+ Local Notation nexpr := (@Named.expr base_type_code interp_base_type op Name).
+ Definition get_live_namesf (names : list Name) {t} (e : lexprf t) : list (option Name)
+ := filter_live_namesf
+ base_type_code interp_base_type op
+ (option Name) None
+ (fun x y => match x, y with
+ | Some x, _ => Some x
+ | _, Some y => Some y
+ | None, None => None
+ end)
+ nil (List.map (@Some _) names) e.
+ Definition get_live_names (names : list Name) {t} (e : lexpr t) : list (option Name)
+ := filter_live_names
+ base_type_code interp_base_type op
+ (option Name) None
+ (fun x y => match x, y with
+ | Some x, _ => Some x
+ | _, Some y => Some y
+ | None, None => None
+ end)
+ nil (List.map (@Some _) names) e.
+ Definition compile_and_eliminate_dead_codef
+ {t} (e : exprf t) (e' : lexprf t) (ls : list Name)
+ : option (nexprf t)
+ := ocompilef e (get_live_namesf ls e').
+ Definition compile_and_eliminate_dead_code
+ {t} (e : expr t) (e' : lexpr t) (ls : list Name)
+ : option (nexpr t)
+ := ocompile e (get_live_names ls e').
+ Definition CompileAndEliminateDeadCode
+ {t} (e : Expr t) (ls : list Name)
+ : option (nexpr t)
+ := compile_and_eliminate_dead_code (e _) (e _) ls.
+End language.
+Global Arguments compile_and_eliminate_dead_codef {_ _ _ _ t} _ _ ls.
+Global Arguments compile_and_eliminate_dead_code {_ _ _ _ t} _ _ ls.
+Global Arguments CompileAndEliminateDeadCode {_ _ _ _ t} _ ls.