path: root/src
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authorGravatar Jason Gross <jagro@google.com>2018-06-29 20:43:54 -0400
committerGravatar Jason Gross <jasongross9@gmail.com>2018-07-03 19:28:55 -0400
commitc81119b5cd602c1aaeea29219dd7a03ad80134d1 (patch)
tree87ac058a14b7ae303da5e2652d7229c7196b6fb3 /src
parent7637784874a58c09436027cefa9c36e79c803e83 (diff)
Try to fix square again
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 75 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Arithmetic.v b/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Arithmetic.v
index f165e1db1..7b214c963 100644
--- a/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Arithmetic.v
+++ b/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Arithmetic.v
@@ -138,10 +138,14 @@ Module Associational.
eval (fst (split s p)) + s * eval (snd (split s p)) = eval p.
Proof. rewrite eval_snd_split, eval_fst_partition by assumption; cbv [split Let_In]; cbn [fst snd]; omega. Qed.
+ Lemma reduction_rule' b s c (modulus_nz:s-c<>0) :
+ (s * b) mod (s - c) = (c * b) mod (s - c).
+ Proof. replace (s * b) with ((c*b) + b*(s-c)) by nsatz.
+ rewrite Z.add_mod,Z_mod_mult,Z.add_0_r,Z.mod_mod;trivial. Qed.
Lemma reduction_rule a b s c (modulus_nz:s-c<>0) :
(a + s * b) mod (s - c) = (a + c * b) mod (s - c).
- Proof. replace (a + s * b) with ((a + c*b) + b*(s-c)) by nsatz.
- rewrite Z.add_mod,Z_mod_mult,Z.add_0_r,Z.mod_mod;trivial. Qed.
+ Proof. apply Z.add_mod_Proper; [ reflexivity | apply reduction_rule', modulus_nz ]. Qed.
Definition reduce (s:Z) (c:list _) (p:list _) : list (Z*Z) :=
let lo_hi := split s p in fst lo_hi ++ mul c (snd lo_hi).
@@ -226,8 +230,8 @@ Module Associational.
(fun t ts acc
=> let '(t, c_t, two_c_t, two_t) := t in
- (if (fst t mod s =? 0)
- then div_s (mul c_t [t])
+ (if ((fst t * fst t) mod s =? 0)
+ then div_s (mul [t] c_t)
else mul [t] [t])
++ (flat_map
(fun '(t', c_t', two_c_t', two_t')
@@ -242,59 +246,78 @@ Module Associational.
++ acc)
- Lemma eval_reduce_square s c p (s_nz:s<>0) (modulus_nz:s-eval c<>0)
- : eval (reduce_square s c p) mod (s - eval c)
- = (eval p * eval p) mod (s - eval c).
+ Lemma eval_map_mul_div s a b c (s_nz:s <> 0) (a_mod : a mod s = 0)
+ : eval (map (fun x => (a * (a * fst x) / s, b * (b * snd x))) c) = ((a / s) * a) * (b * b) * eval c.
- cbv [reduce_square Let_In let_bind_for_reduce_square]; cbn [map].
- induction p as [|a p IHp]; cbn [list_rect map]; push; [ reflexivity | ].
- rewrite Z.mul_add_distr_r, !Z.mul_add_distr_l.
- rewrite !Z.add_assoc; apply Z.add_mod_Proper; cbv [Z.equiv_modulo]; [ clear IHp | assumption ].
- (*rewrite <- (eval_sort p).
- cbv [reduce_square Let_In]; generalize (RevWeightSort.sort p) (RevWeightSort.StronglySorted_sort p _); clear p; intros p Hpsort.
- induction Hpsort; cbn [list_rect]; push; [ nsatz | ].
- rewrite Z.mul_add_distr_r, !Z.mul_add_distr_l, !Z.add_assoc.
- apply Z.add_mod_Proper; cbv [Z.equiv_modulo]; [ clear IHHpsort | exact IHHpsort ].
- break_innermost_match_step; Z.ltb_to_lt; push; [ f_equal; nsatz | ].
- SearchAbout partition.
- rewrite <- !Z.add_assoc; apply Z.add_mod_Proper; cbv [Z.equiv_modulo].
- { break_match; Z.ltb_to_lt; push; try (f_equal; nsatz).
- repeat match goal with H : context[Z.modulo] |- _ => revert H end.
- Z.div_mod_to_quot_rem; nsatz.
- break_match; push; try (f_equal; nsatz); Z.ltb_to_lt; autorewrite with zsimplify_const.
+ rewrite <- eval_map_mul; apply f_equal, map_ext; intro.
+ Z.div_mod_to_quot_rem; f_equal; nia.
+ Qed.
+ Hint Rewrite eval_map_mul_div : push_eval.
+ Lemma eval_reduce_square_exact s c p (s_nz:s<>0) (modulus_nz:s-eval c<>0)
+ : eval (reduce_square s c p) = eval (reduce s c (square p)).
+ Proof.
+ cbv [reduce_square Let_In let_bind_for_reduce_square reduce square split]; cbn [map].
+ push; auto; [].
+ induction p as [|a p IHp]; cbn [list_rect map]; push; [ nsatz | rewrite IHp; clear IHp ].
+ cbn [List.app mul flat_map map]; push; cbn [fst snd]; auto; [].
+ Lemma partition_app A (f : A -> bool) (a b : list A)
+ : partition f (a ++ b) = (fst (partition f a) ++ fst (partition f b),
+ snd (partition f a) ++ snd (partition f b)).
+ Proof.
+ revert b; induction a, b; cbn; rewrite ?app_nil_r; eta_expand; try reflexivity.
+ rewrite !IHa; cbn; break_match; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma flat_map_map A B C (f : A -> B) (g : B -> list C) (xs : list A)
+ : flat_map g (map f xs) = flat_map (fun x => g (f x)) xs.
+ Proof. induction xs as [|x xs IHxs]; cbn; congruence. Qed.
+ rewrite !partition_app, !map_map, !flat_map_map, !app_nil_r; cbn [fst snd].
+ destruct (fst a mod s =? 0) eqn:Has; Z.ltb_to_lt.
+ (*
+ rewrite !(Z.mul_mod_full (fst a) _ s), Has;
+ autorewrite with zsimplify_const; change (0 =? 0) with true; cbv beta iota.
+ all: push.
+ Focus 2.
+ { rewrite !Z.Z_divide_div_mul_exact' by auto using Znumtheory.Zmod_divide.
+ ring_simplify; rewrite <- !Z.add_assoc; do 2 (f_equal; []).
+ SearchAbout Proper flat_map.
+ About flat_map_ext.
+ shelve. }
- Focus 2.
- rewrite ?(Z.mul_comm (fst _) (snd _)), <- !Z.mul_assoc.
- Z.rewrite_mod_small.
- push_Zmod;
- rewrite <- Z.mul_mod_full; Z.rewrite_mod_small; pull_Zmod.
- pull_Zmod.
- SearchAbout ((_ mod _) * (_ mod _)).
- SearchAbout
- cbn [mul map].
- 2:apply IHHpsort.
- rewrite Z
- break_innermost_match; Z.ltb_to_lt; push.
- cbn [filter].
- SearchAbout filter cons.
- apply Z.add_mod_Proper; cbv [Z.equiv_modulo].
+ SearchAbout flat_map map.
+ f_equal.
+ { repeat (f_equal; []).
+ f_equal.
+ break_match; Z.ltb_to_lt; push.
+ all:cbn [fst snd].
+ cbn
+ rewrite !Z.add_assoc.
+ f_equal.
Focus 2.
- 2:
- SearchAbout Proper Z.equiv_modulo.
- SearchAbout ((_ + _) mod _).
- eta_expand; push.
- nsatz.*)Admitted.
+ 2:reflexivity.
+ SearchAbout
+ break_inn
+ f_equal.
+ f_equal.
+ rewrite IHp.
+ rewrite Z.mul_add_distr_r, !Z.mul_add_distr_l.
+ rewrite !Z.add_assoc; apply Z.add_mod_Proper; cbv [Z.equiv_modulo]; [ clear IHp | assumption ].
+ rewrite <- !Z.add_assoc; apply Z.add_mod_Proper; cbv [Z.equiv_modulo].
+ { break_match; Z.ltb_to_lt; cbn [mul flat_map map]; push; [ | f_equal; nsatz ].
+ rewrite !map_map; cbn [fst snd].
+ transitivity (eval (map (fun x => ((fst a * (fst a / s)) * fst x, (snd a * snd a) * snd x)) c) mod (s - eval c)).
+ { f_equal; autorewrite with zsimplify_const; f_equal; apply map_ext; intro.
+ rewrite !Z.Z_divide_div_mul_exact' by auto using Znumtheory.Zmod_divide.
+ apply f_equal2; nia. }
+ { push; rewrite !Z.mul_assoc, <- (Z.mul_comm (eval c)), <- reduction_rule' by assumption.
+ f_equal; Z.div_mod_to_quot_rem; nia. } }
+ {*) Admitted.
+ Lemma eval_reduce_square s c p (s_nz:s<>0) (modulus_nz:s-eval c<>0)
+ : eval (reduce_square s c p) mod (s - eval c)
+ = (eval p * eval p) mod (s - eval c).
+ Proof. rewrite eval_reduce_square_exact by assumption; push; auto. Qed.
Hint Rewrite eval_reduce_square : push_eval.
Definition bind_snd (p : list (Z*Z)) :=