path: root/src
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authorGravatar Jason Gross <jagro@google.com>2016-08-11 15:41:00 -0700
committerGravatar Jason Gross <jagro@google.com>2016-08-23 16:01:45 -0700
commitb5b1eebe2845b0e69d669b51cea9eeb67ea726e3 (patch)
tree75a5807406141c3f95a5d901465f3484724cfb86 /src
parentecd6954da5768ca3d38c7c52c6ac40b2b24d41a6 (diff)
Initial work on an architecture interface for ℤ/nℤ
This provides a cleaner interface for the bottom level implementation, as well as an implementation of multiplying 128x128 -> 256.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
3 files changed, 283 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/BoundedArithmetic/ArchitectureToZLike.v b/src/BoundedArithmetic/ArchitectureToZLike.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6c92f342f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/BoundedArithmetic/ArchitectureToZLike.v
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+(*** Implementing ℤ-Like via Architecture *)
+Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
+Require Import Crypto.BoundedArithmetic.Interface.
+Require Import Crypto.BoundedArithmetic.DoubleBounded.
+Require Import Crypto.ModularArithmetic.ZBounded.
+Local Open Scope nat_scope.
+Local Open Scope Z_scope.
+Local Open Scope type_scope.
+Local Coercion Z.of_nat : nat >-> Z.
+Local Existing Instances DoubleArchitectureBoundedOps DoubleArchitectureBoundedFullMulOpsOfHalfWidthMulOps DoubleArchitectureBoundedHalfWidthMulOpsOfFullMulOps.
+Section ops.
+ Context {n_over_two : size}.
+ Local Notation n := (2 * n_over_two)%nat.
+ Context (ops : ArchitectureBoundedOps n) (mops : ArchitectureBoundedHalfWidthMulOps n)
+ (modulus : Z).
+ Axiom admit : forall {T}, T.
+ Global Instance ZLikeOps_of_ArchitectureBoundedOps (smaller_bound_exp : size)
+ : ZLikeOps (2^n) (2^smaller_bound_exp) modulus :=
+ { LargeT := @BoundedType (2 * n)%nat _;
+ SmallT := @BoundedType n _;
+ modulus_digits := encode modulus;
+ decode_large := decode;
+ decode_small := decode;
+ Mod_SmallBound v := snd v;
+ DivBy_SmallBound v := fst v;
+ DivBy_SmallerBound v := ShiftRight smaller_bound_exp v;
+ Mul x y := @Interface.Mul n _ _ x y;
+ CarryAdd x y := Interface.CarryAdd false x y;
+ CarrySubSmall x y := Interface.CarrySub false x y;
+ ConditionalSubtract b x := admit;
+ ConditionalSubtractModulus y := admit }.
+End ops.
diff --git a/src/BoundedArithmetic/DoubleBounded.v b/src/BoundedArithmetic/DoubleBounded.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..59d961d4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/BoundedArithmetic/DoubleBounded.v
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+(*** Implementing Large Bounded Arithmetic via pairs *)
+Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.Lists.List.
+Require Import Crypto.BoundedArithmetic.Interface.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations.
+Import ListNotations.
+Local Open Scope list_scope.
+Local Open Scope nat_scope.
+Local Open Scope Z_scope.
+Local Open Scope type_scope.
+Local Coercion Z.of_nat : nat >-> Z.
+Local Notation eta x := (fst x, snd x).
+Section with_single_ops.
+ Section single.
+ Context (n : size) {base_ops : ArchitectureBoundedOps n}.
+ Definition ripple_carry {T} (f : bool -> T -> T -> bool * T)
+ (carry : bool) (xs ys : list T) : bool * list T
+ := List.fold_right
+ (fun x_y carry_zs => let '(x, y) := eta x_y in
+ let '(carry, zs) := eta carry_zs in
+ let '(carry, z) := eta (f carry x y) in
+ (carry, z :: zs))
+ (carry, nil)
+ (List.combine xs ys).
+ Definition two_list_to_tuple {A B} (x : A * list B)
+ := match x return match x with
+ | (a, [b0; b1]) => A * (B * B)
+ | _ => True
+ end
+ with
+ | (a, [b0; b1]) => (a, (b0, b1))
+ | _ => I
+ end.
+ Local Instance DoubleArchitectureBoundedOps : ArchitectureBoundedOps (2 * n)%nat
+ := { BoundedType := BoundedType * BoundedType (* [(high, low)] *);
+ decode high_low := (decode (fst high_low) * 2^n + decode (snd high_low))%Z;
+ encode z := (encode (z / 2^n), encode (z mod 2^n));
+ ShiftRight a high_low
+ := let '(high, low) := eta high_low in
+ if n <=? a then
+ (ShiftRight (a - n)%nat (encode 0, fst high), ShiftRight (a - n)%nat high)
+ else
+ (ShiftRight a (snd high, fst low), ShiftRight a low);
+ ShiftLeft a high_low
+ := let '(high, low) := eta high_low in
+ if 2 * n <=? a then
+ let '(high0, low) := eta (ShiftLeft (a - 2 * n)%nat low) in
+ let '(high_high, high1) := eta (ShiftLeft (a - 2 * n)%nat high) in
+ ((snd (CarryAdd false high0 high1), low), (encode 0, encode 0))
+ else if n <=? a then
+ let '(high0, low) := eta (ShiftLeft (a - n)%nat low) in
+ let '(high_high, high1) := eta (ShiftLeft (a - n)%nat high) in
+ ((high_high, snd (CarryAdd false high0 high1)), (low, encode 0))
+ else
+ let '(high0, low) := eta (ShiftLeft a low) in
+ let '(high_high, high1) := eta (ShiftLeft a high) in
+ ((encode 0, high_high), (snd (CarryAdd false high0 high1), low));
+ Mod2Pow a high_low
+ := let '(high, low) := (fst high_low, snd high_low) in
+ (Mod2Pow (a - n)%nat high, Mod2Pow a low);
+ CarryAdd carry x_high_low y_high_low
+ := let '(xhigh, xlow) := eta x_high_low in
+ let '(yhigh, ylow) := eta y_high_low in
+ two_list_to_tuple (ripple_carry CarryAdd carry [xhigh; xlow] [yhigh; ylow]);
+ CarrySub carry x_high_low y_high_low
+ := let '(xhigh, xlow) := eta x_high_low in
+ let '(yhigh, ylow) := eta y_high_low in
+ two_list_to_tuple (ripple_carry CarrySub carry [xhigh; xlow] [yhigh; ylow]) }.
+ Definition BoundedOfHalfBounded (x : @BoundedHalfType (2 * n)%nat _) : @BoundedType n _
+ := match x with
+ | UpperHalf x => fst x
+ | LowerHalf x => snd x
+ end.
+ Local Instance DoubleArchitectureBoundedHalfWidthMulOpsOfFullMulOps
+ {base_mops : ArchitectureBoundedFullMulOps n}
+ : ArchitectureBoundedHalfWidthMulOps (2 * n)%nat :=
+ { HalfWidthMul a b
+ := Mul (BoundedOfHalfBounded a) (BoundedOfHalfBounded b) }.
+ End single.
+ Local Existing Instance DoubleArchitectureBoundedOps.
+ Section full_from_half.
+ Context (n : size) {base_ops : ArchitectureBoundedOps (2 * n)%nat}.
+ Local Infix "*" := HalfWidthMul.
+ Local Instance DoubleArchitectureBoundedFullMulOpsOfHalfWidthMulOps
+ {base_mops : ArchitectureBoundedHalfWidthMulOps (2 * n)%nat}
+ : ArchitectureBoundedFullMulOps (2 * n)%nat :=
+ { Mul a b
+ := let '(a1, a0) := (UpperHalf a, LowerHalf a) in
+ let '(b1, b0) := (UpperHalf b, LowerHalf b) in
+ let out := a0 * b0 in
+ let outHigh := a1 * b1 in
+ let tmp := a1 * b0 in
+ let '(carry, out) := eta (CarryAdd false out (snd (ShiftLeft n tmp))) in
+ let '(_, outHigh) := eta (CarryAdd carry outHigh (ShiftRight n (encode 0, tmp))) in
+ let tmp := a0 * b1 in
+ let '(carry, out) := eta (CarryAdd false out (snd (ShiftLeft n tmp))) in
+ let '(_, outHigh) := eta (CarryAdd carry outHigh (ShiftRight n (encode 0, tmp))) in
+ (outHigh, out) }.
+ End full_from_half.
+ Local Existing Instance DoubleArchitectureBoundedFullMulOpsOfHalfWidthMulOps.
+End with_single_ops.
diff --git a/src/BoundedArithmetic/Interface.v b/src/BoundedArithmetic/Interface.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e9ade7ad4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/BoundedArithmetic/Interface.v
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+(*** Interface for bounded arithmetic *)
+Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations.
+Local Open Scope nat_scope.
+Local Open Scope Z_scope.
+Local Open Scope type_scope.
+Definition size := nat.
+Local Coercion Z.of_nat : nat >-> Z.
+Class ArchitectureBoundedOps (n : size) :=
+ { BoundedType : Type (* [n]-bit word *);
+ decode : BoundedType -> Z;
+ encode : Z -> BoundedType;
+ ShiftRight : forall a : size, BoundedType * BoundedType -> BoundedType;
+ (** given [(high, low)], constructs [(high << (n - a)) + (low >>
+ a)], i.e., shifts [high * 2ⁿ + low] down by [a] bits *)
+ ShiftLeft : forall a : size, BoundedType -> BoundedType * BoundedType;
+ (** given [x], constructs [(((x << a) / 2ⁿ) mod 2ⁿ, (x << a) mod
+ 2ⁿ], i.e., shifts [x] up by [a] bits, and takes the low [2n]
+ bits of the result *)
+ Mod2Pow : forall a : size, BoundedType -> BoundedType (* [mod 2ᵃ] *);
+ CarryAdd : forall (carry : bool) (x y : BoundedType), bool * BoundedType;
+ (** Ouputs [(x + y + if carry then 1 else 0) mod 2ⁿ], together
+ with a boolean that's [true] if the sum is ≥ 2ⁿ, and [false]
+ if there is no carry *)
+ CarrySub : forall (carry : bool) (x y : BoundedType), bool * BoundedType;
+ (** Ouputs [(x - y - if carry then 1 else 0) mod 2ⁿ], together
+ with a boolean that's [true] if the sum is negative, and [false]
+ if there is no borrow *) }.
+Inductive BoundedHalfType {n} {ops : ArchitectureBoundedOps n} :=
+| UpperHalf (_ : BoundedType)
+| LowerHalf (_ : BoundedType).
+Definition UnderlyingBounded {n} {ops : ArchitectureBoundedOps n} (x : BoundedHalfType)
+ := match x with
+ | UpperHalf v => v
+ | LowerHalf v => v
+ end.
+Definition decode_half {n_over_two : size} {ops : ArchitectureBoundedOps (2 * n_over_two)%nat} (x : BoundedHalfType) : Z
+ := match x with
+ | UpperHalf v => decode v / 2^n_over_two
+ | LowerHalf v => (decode v) mod 2^n_over_two
+ end.
+Class ArchitectureBoundedFullMulOps n {ops : ArchitectureBoundedOps n} :=
+ { Mul : BoundedType -> BoundedType -> BoundedType * BoundedType
+ (** Outputs [(high, low)] *) }.
+Class ArchitectureBoundedHalfWidthMulOps n {ops : ArchitectureBoundedOps n} :=
+ { HalfWidthMul : BoundedHalfType -> BoundedHalfType -> BoundedType }.
+Class ArchitectureBoundedProperties {n} (ops : ArchitectureBoundedOps n) :=
+ { bounded_valid : BoundedType -> Prop;
+ decode_valid : forall v,
+ bounded_valid v
+ -> 0 <= decode v < 2^n;
+ encode_valid : forall z,
+ 0 <= z < 2^n
+ -> bounded_valid (encode z);
+ encode_correct : forall z,
+ 0 <= z < 2^n
+ -> decode (encode z) = z;
+ ShiftRight_valid : forall a high_low,
+ bounded_valid (fst high_low) -> bounded_valid (snd high_low)
+ -> bounded_valid (ShiftRight a high_low);
+ ShiftRight_correct : forall a high_low,
+ bounded_valid (fst high_low) -> bounded_valid (snd high_low)
+ -> decode (ShiftRight a high_low) = (decode (fst high_low) * 2^n + decode (snd high_low)) / 2^a;
+ ShiftLeft_fst_valid : forall a v,
+ bounded_valid v
+ -> bounded_valid (fst (ShiftLeft a v));
+ ShiftLeft_snd_valid : forall a v,
+ bounded_valid v
+ -> bounded_valid (snd (ShiftLeft a v));
+ ShiftLeft_fst_correct : forall a v,
+ bounded_valid v
+ -> decode (fst (ShiftLeft a v)) = (decode v * 2^a) mod 2^n;
+ ShiftLeft_snd_correct : forall a v,
+ bounded_valid v
+ -> decode (snd (ShiftLeft a v)) = ((decode v * 2^a) / 2^n) mod 2^n;
+ Mod2Pow_valid : forall a v,
+ bounded_valid v
+ -> bounded_valid (Mod2Pow a v);
+ Mod2Pow_correct : forall a v,
+ bounded_valid v
+ -> decode (Mod2Pow a v) = (decode v) mod 2^a;
+ CarryAdd_valid : forall c x y,
+ bounded_valid x -> bounded_valid y
+ -> bounded_valid (snd (CarryAdd c x y));
+ CarryAdd_fst_correct : forall c x y,
+ bounded_valid x -> bounded_valid y
+ -> fst (CarryAdd c x y) = (2^n <=? (decode x + decode y + if c then 1 else 0));
+ CarryAdd_snd_correct : forall c x y,
+ bounded_valid x -> bounded_valid y
+ -> decode (snd (CarryAdd c x y)) = (decode x + decode y + if c then 1 else 0) mod 2^n;
+ CarrySub_valid : forall c x y,
+ bounded_valid x -> bounded_valid y
+ -> bounded_valid (snd (CarrySub c x y));
+ CarrySub_fst_correct : forall c x y,
+ bounded_valid x -> bounded_valid y
+ -> fst (CarrySub c x y) = ((decode x - decode y - if c then 1 else 0) <? 0);
+ CarrySub_snd_correct : forall c x y,
+ bounded_valid x -> bounded_valid y
+ -> decode (snd (CarrySub c x y)) = (decode x - decode y - if c then 1 else 0) mod 2^n }.
+Class ArchitectureBoundedFullMulProperties {n ops} (mops : @ArchitectureBoundedFullMulOps n ops) {props : ArchitectureBoundedProperties ops} :=
+ { Mul_fst_valid : forall x y,
+ bounded_valid x -> bounded_valid y
+ -> bounded_valid (fst (Mul x y));
+ Mul_snd_valid : forall x y,
+ bounded_valid x -> bounded_valid y
+ -> bounded_valid (snd (Mul x y));
+ Mul_high_correct : forall x y,
+ bounded_valid x -> bounded_valid y
+ -> decode (fst (Mul x y)) = (decode x * decode y) / 2^n;
+ Mul_low_correct : forall x y,
+ bounded_valid x -> bounded_valid y
+ -> decode (snd (Mul x y)) = (decode x * decode y) mod 2^n }.
+Class ArchitectureBoundedHalfWidthMulProperties {n_over_two ops} (mops : @ArchitectureBoundedHalfWidthMulOps (2 * n_over_two)%nat ops) {props : ArchitectureBoundedProperties ops} :=
+ { HalfWidthMul_valid : forall x y,
+ bounded_valid (UnderlyingBounded x) -> bounded_valid (UnderlyingBounded y)
+ -> bounded_valid (HalfWidthMul x y);
+ HalfWidthMul_correct : forall x y,
+ bounded_valid (UnderlyingBounded x) -> bounded_valid (UnderlyingBounded y)
+ -> decode (HalfWidthMul x y) = (decode_half x * decode_half y)%Z }.