path: root/src
diff options
authorGravatar Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>2017-04-01 20:29:11 -0400
committerGravatar Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>2017-04-01 20:29:11 -0400
commit920b99a9a1b692fdd1601623071992d7d7869165 (patch)
treeab0662eb736d5b14bfe7b8905a79ea5180048285 /src
parent6047a7f1fec9e722ab838129e3723c8661a0dc7f (diff)
Add correctness of Rewriter
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
2 files changed, 109 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Reflection/RewriterInterp.v b/src/Reflection/RewriterInterp.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4de516dfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Reflection/RewriterInterp.v
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Syntax.
+Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Rewriter.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.RewriteHyp.
+Section language.
+ Context {base_type_code : Type}
+ {interp_base_type : base_type_code -> Type}
+ {op : flat_type base_type_code -> flat_type base_type_code -> Type}
+ {interp_op : forall src dst, op src dst -> interp_flat_type interp_base_type src -> interp_flat_type interp_base_type dst}.
+ Local Notation flat_type := (flat_type base_type_code).
+ Local Notation type := (type base_type_code).
+ Local Notation interp_type := (interp_type interp_base_type).
+ Local Notation interp_flat_type := (interp_flat_type interp_base_type).
+ Local Notation exprf := (@exprf base_type_code op interp_base_type).
+ Local Notation expr := (@expr base_type_code op interp_base_type).
+ Local Notation Expr := (@Expr base_type_code op).
+ Section specialized.
+ Context {rewrite_op_expr : forall src dst (opc : op src dst), exprf src -> exprf dst}
+ (Hrewrite : forall src dst opc args,
+ interpf interp_op (rewrite_op_expr src dst opc args)
+ = interp_op _ _ opc (interpf interp_op args)).
+ Lemma interpf_rewrite_opf {t} (e : exprf t)
+ : interpf interp_op (rewrite_opf rewrite_op_expr e) = interpf interp_op e.
+ Proof.
+ induction e; simpl; unfold LetIn.Let_In; rewrite_hyp ?*; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma interp_rewrite_op {t} (e : expr t)
+ : forall x, interp interp_op (rewrite_op rewrite_op_expr e) x = interp interp_op e x.
+ Proof.
+ destruct e; intro x; apply interpf_rewrite_opf.
+ Qed.
+ End specialized.
+ Lemma InterpRewriteOp
+ {rewrite_op_expr}
+ (Hrewrite : forall src dst opc args,
+ interpf interp_op (rewrite_op_expr interp_base_type src dst opc args)
+ = interp_op _ _ opc (interpf interp_op args))
+ {t} (e : Expr t)
+ : forall x, Interp interp_op (RewriteOp rewrite_op_expr e) x = Interp interp_op e x.
+ Proof.
+ apply interp_rewrite_op; assumption.
+ Qed.
+End language.
diff --git a/src/Reflection/RewriterWf.v b/src/Reflection/RewriterWf.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f44832d29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Reflection/RewriterWf.v
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Syntax.
+Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Wf.
+Require Import Crypto.Reflection.WfInversion.
+Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Rewriter.
+Section language.
+ Context {base_type_code : Type}
+ {op : flat_type base_type_code -> flat_type base_type_code -> Type}.
+ Local Notation flat_type := (flat_type base_type_code).
+ Local Notation type := (type base_type_code).
+ Local Notation wff := (@wff base_type_code op).
+ Local Notation wf := (@wf base_type_code op).
+ Local Notation Wf := (@Wf base_type_code op).
+ Local Notation exprf := (@exprf base_type_code op).
+ Local Notation expr := (@expr base_type_code op).
+ Local Notation Expr := (@Expr base_type_code op).
+ Section with_var.
+ Context {var1 var2 : base_type_code -> Type}
+ {rewrite_op_expr1 : forall src dst (opc : op src dst),
+ exprf (var:=var1) src -> exprf (var:=var1) dst}
+ {rewrite_op_expr2 : forall src dst (opc : op src dst),
+ exprf (var:=var2) src -> exprf (var:=var2) dst}
+ (Hrewrite_wf : forall G src dst opc args1 args2,
+ wff G args1 args2
+ -> wff G
+ (rewrite_op_expr1 src dst opc args1)
+ (rewrite_op_expr2 src dst opc args2)).
+ Lemma wff_rewrite_opf {t} G (e1 : @exprf var1 t) (e2 : @exprf var2 t)
+ (Hwf : wff G e1 e2)
+ : wff G (rewrite_opf rewrite_op_expr1 e1) (rewrite_opf rewrite_op_expr2 e2).
+ Proof.
+ induction Hwf; simpl; try constructor; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma wf_rewrite_opf {t} (e1 : @expr var1 t) (e2 : @expr var2 t)
+ (Hwf : wf e1 e2)
+ : wf (rewrite_op rewrite_op_expr1 e1) (rewrite_op rewrite_op_expr2 e2).
+ Proof.
+ destruct Hwf; simpl; constructor; intros; apply wff_rewrite_opf; auto.
+ Qed.
+ End with_var.
+ Lemma Wf_InterpRewriteOp
+ {rewrite_op_expr}
+ (Hrewrite_wff : forall var1 var2 G src dst opc args1 args2,
+ wff G args1 args2
+ -> wff G
+ (rewrite_op_expr var1 src dst opc args1)
+ (rewrite_op_expr var2 src dst opc args2))
+ {t} (e : Expr t)
+ (Hwf : Wf e)
+ : Wf (RewriteOp rewrite_op_expr e).
+ Proof.
+ intros var1 var2; apply wf_rewrite_opf; auto.
+ Qed.
+End language.
+Hint Resolve Wf_InterpRewriteOp : wf.