path: root/src
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authorGravatar Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>2016-11-06 01:10:25 -0400
committerGravatar Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>2016-11-06 01:10:25 -0400
commit705e4c240fae53ef72ebe3d9c26d85cc7b6a3f89 (patch)
treedfb47775d89e0416f549ecdad92762729eb39f1f /src
parentd4a1583666ec2f51319c1f8fb5156dd82df8ee2c (diff)
More partial proofs
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1 files changed, 88 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/src/Reflection/Z/Interpretations/Relations.v b/src/Reflection/Z/Interpretations/Relations.v
index d5ce8c2bb..2ec29a05e 100644
--- a/src/Reflection/Z/Interpretations/Relations.v
+++ b/src/Reflection/Z/Interpretations/Relations.v
@@ -69,38 +69,107 @@ Proof. related_const_t. Qed.
Lemma related_word64_const : related_const related_word64 Word64.interp_base_type BoundedWord64.of_word64 (fun _ x => x).
Proof. related_const_t. Qed.
-Lemma related_Z_op : related_op related_Z (@BoundedWord64.interp_op) (@Z.interp_op).
- let op := fresh in intros ?? op; destruct op; simpl.
- repeat first [ progress cbv [related_Z LiftOption.lift_relation related'_Z BoundedWord64.value]
+Local Ltac convoy_destruct_in H :=
+ match type of H with
+ | context G[match ?e with Some x => @?S x | None => ?N end eq_refl]
+ => let e' := fresh in
+ let H' := fresh in
+ pose e as e';
+ pose (eq_refl : e = e') as H';
+ let G' := context G[match e' with Some x => S x | None => N end H'] in
+ change G' in H;
+ clearbody H' e'; destruct e'
+ end.
+Local Ltac related_word64_op_t_step :=
+ repeat first [ exact I
+ | reflexivity
+ | progress destruct_head' False
+ | progress cbv [related_Z LiftOption.lift_relation related'_Z BoundedWord64.value proj_eq_rel BoundedWord64.to_Z' Word64.to_Z BoundedWord64.to_word64' BoundedWord64.boundedWordToWord64 smart_interp_flat_map related_word64 related'_word64 BoundedWord64.BoundedWordToBounds BoundedWord64.value BoundedWord64.BoundedWordToBounds BoundedWord64.lower BoundedWord64.upper related_bounds LiftOption.lift_relation2 LiftOption.of' BoundedWord64.to_bounds' ZBounds.SmartBuildBounds] in *
| progress unfold LiftOption.of' in *
| progress intros
+ | progress subst; simpl in *
| progress destruct_head' prod
| progress destruct_head' and
| progress destruct_head' option
| progress inversion_option
+ | progress ZBounds.inversion_bounds
+ | progress BoundedWord64.inversion_BoundedWord
| progress specialize_by (exact I)
- | progress subst
| progress break_match
| progress break_match_hyps
+ | match goal with
+ | [ H : context[match _ with _ => _ end eq_refl] |- _ ]
+ => progress convoy_destruct_in H
+ end
| progress simpl @fst in *
| progress simpl @snd in *
- | destruct_head' BoundedWord64.BoundedWord ].
- { cbv [related_Z LiftOption.lift_relation related'_Z].
- intros; break_match.
- unfold related_Z, BoundedWord64.t, LiftOption.lift_relation, related'_Z, BoundedWord64.value.
- match goal with
- | [ H : _ = Some _ |- _ ] => apply BoundedWord64.value_add in H; simpl in H
- end.
- subst.
- (*apply Word64.word64ToZ_add; auto;*)
- admit. }
+ | progress destruct_head' BoundedWord64.BoundedWord
+ | congruence
+ | match goal with
+ | [ H : ?op (Some _) (Some _) = Some _ |- _ ]
+ => first [ apply BoundedWord64.invert_add in H
+ | apply BoundedWord64.invert_sub in H
+ | apply BoundedWord64.invert_mul in H
+ | apply BoundedWord64.invert_shl in H
+ | apply BoundedWord64.invert_shr in H
+ | apply BoundedWord64.invert_land in H
+ | apply BoundedWord64.invert_lor in H
+ | apply BoundedWord64.invert_neg in H
+ | apply BoundedWord64.invert_cmovne in H
+ | apply BoundedWord64.invert_cmovle in H ];
+ simpl in H
+ end ].
+Local Ltac related_word64_op_t := repeat related_word64_op_t_step.
-Lemma related_bounds_op : related_op related_bounds (@BoundedWord64.interp_op) (@ZBounds.interp_op).
-Proof. admit. Admitted.
Lemma related_word64_op : related_op related_word64 (@BoundedWord64.interp_op) (@Word64.interp_op).
-Proof. admit. Admitted.
+ let op := fresh in intros ?? op; destruct op; simpl.
+ { related_word64_op_t. }
+ { related_word64_op_t. }
+ { related_word64_op_t. }
+ { related_word64_op_t. }
+ { related_word64_op_t. }
+ { related_word64_op_t. }
+ { related_word64_op_t. }
+ { related_word64_op_t. }
+ { related_word64_op_t. }
+ { related_word64_op_t. }
+Axiom proof_admitted : False.
+Tactic Notation "admit" := abstract case proof_admitted.
+Lemma related_Z_op : related_op related_Z (@BoundedWord64.interp_op) (@Z.interp_op).
+ let op := fresh in intros ?? op; destruct op; simpl.
+ { related_word64_op_t; admit. }
+ { related_word64_op_t; admit. }
+ { related_word64_op_t; admit. }
+ { related_word64_op_t; admit. }
+ { related_word64_op_t; admit. }
+ { related_word64_op_t; admit. }
+ { related_word64_op_t; admit. }
+ { related_word64_op_t; admit. }
+ { related_word64_op_t; admit. }
+ { related_word64_op_t; admit. }
+Local Arguments ZBounds.SmartBuildBounds _ _ / .
+Lemma related_bounds_op : related_op related_bounds (@BoundedWord64.interp_op) (@ZBounds.interp_op).
+ let op := fresh in intros ?? op; destruct op; simpl.
+ { related_word64_op_t. }
+ { related_word64_op_t. }
+ { related_word64_op_t. }
+ { related_word64_op_t. }
+ { related_word64_op_t. }
+ { related_word64_op_t. }
+ { related_word64_op_t. }
+ { related_word64_op_t. }
+ { admit; related_word64_op_t. }
+ { admit; related_word64_op_t. }
Create HintDb interp_related discriminated.
Hint Resolve related_Z_op related_bounds_op related_word64_op related_Z_const related_bounds_const related_word64_const : interp_related.