path: root/src
diff options
authorGravatar Andres Erbsen <andreser@mit.edu>2015-10-29 16:29:15 -0400
committerGravatar Andres Erbsen <andreser@mit.edu>2015-10-29 16:29:15 -0400
commit516e02c027c3bf91914a3fa31d669073c6d14093 (patch)
tree2f4118dad0ad7f9ac1409456f9991b823b7912f7 /src
parent74e1e5440cf39a069de77d36633a2582e88941cf (diff)
parent72ab8f39357da607557eec92a7a4b7398a212cfd (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of github.mit.edu:rsloan/fiat-crypto
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
-rw-r--r--src/Assembly/Asm.v (renamed from src/Assembly/AsmComputation.v)0
-rw-r--r--src/Assembly/DSL.v (renamed from src/Assembly/ConstrainedDSL.v)0
6 files changed, 294 insertions, 206 deletions
diff --git a/src/Assembly/AsmComputation.v b/src/Assembly/Asm.v
index e2186df81..e2186df81 100644
--- a/src/Assembly/AsmComputation.v
+++ b/src/Assembly/Asm.v
diff --git a/src/Assembly/Computation.v b/src/Assembly/Computation.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..33af0974e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Assembly/Computation.v
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+Require Import EqNat Peano_dec.
+Require Import Bedrock.Word.
+(* Very basic definitions *)
+Definition wordSize := 32.
+Definition Name := nat.
+Definition WordCount := nat.
+Definition WordList (words: WordCount) :=
+ {x: list (word wordSize) | length x = words}.
+Inductive Pointer :=
+ | ListPtr: forall n, WordList n -> Pointer.
+Definition TypeBindings := Name -> option WordCount.
+Definition Bindings := Name -> option Pointer.
+(* Primary inductive language definitions *)
+Inductive CTerm (words: WordCount) :=
+ | CConst : WordList words -> CTerm words
+ | CVar : Name -> CTerm words
+ | CConcat: forall t1 t2, t1 + t2 = words -> CTerm t1 -> CTerm t2 -> CTerm words
+ | CHead: forall n: nat, gt n words -> CTerm n -> CTerm words
+ | CTail: forall n: nat, gt n words -> CTerm n -> CTerm words.
+Inductive CExpr (words: WordCount) :=
+ | CLift : (CTerm words) -> (CExpr words)
+ | CNot : (CExpr words) -> (CExpr words)
+ | COpp : (CExpr words) -> (CExpr words)
+ | COr : (CExpr words) -> (CExpr words) -> (CExpr words)
+ | CAnd : (CExpr words) -> (CExpr words) -> (CExpr words)
+ | CXor : (CExpr words) -> (CExpr words) -> (CExpr words)
+ | CRShift : forall n: nat, (CExpr words) -> (CExpr words)
+ | CLShift : forall n: nat, (CExpr words) -> (CExpr words)
+ | CPlus : (CExpr words) -> (CExpr words) -> (CExpr words)
+ | CMinus : (CExpr words) -> (CExpr words) -> (CExpr words)
+ | CMult : forall n: nat, n*2 = words ->
+ (CExpr n) -> (CExpr n) -> (CExpr words)
+ | CDiv : (CExpr words) -> (CExpr words) -> (CExpr words)
+ | CMod : (CExpr words) -> (CExpr words) -> (CExpr words).
+Definition bindType (name: Name) (type: WordCount) (bindings: TypeBindings)
+ : Name -> option WordCount :=
+ fun x => if (beq_nat x name) then Some type else bindings x.
+Inductive Sub (inputs: TypeBindings) (output: WordCount) :=
+ | CRet : CExpr output -> Sub inputs output
+ | CCompose : forall resultName resultSize,
+ inputs resultName = None
+ -> (Sub inputs resultSize)
+ -> (Sub (bindType resultName resultSize inputs) output)
+ -> (Sub inputs output)
+ | CIte : (Sub inputs 1) (* condition *)
+ -> (Sub inputs output) (* then *)
+ -> (Sub inputs output) (* else *)
+ -> (Sub inputs output)
+ | CLet : forall (name: Name) (n: WordCount),
+ CExpr n
+ -> (Sub (bindType name n inputs) output)
+ -> (Sub inputs output)
+ | CRepeat : forall (bindOutputTo: Name) (n: nat),
+ inputs bindOutputTo <> None
+ -> (Sub (bindType bindOutputTo output inputs) output)
+ -> (Sub inputs output).
+(* Some simple option-monad sugar *)
+Definition optionReturn {A} (x : A) := Some x.
+Definition optionBind {A B} (a : option A) (f : A -> option B) : option B :=
+ match a with
+ | Some x => f x
+ | None => None
+ end.
+Notation "'do' A <- B ; C" := (optionBind B (fun A => C))
+ (at level 200, X ident, A at level 100, B at level 200).
+Definition optionType {n m} (w: WordList n): option (WordList m).
+ destruct (eq_nat_dec n m);
+ abstract (try rewrite e in *; first [exact (Some w) | exact None]).
+Definition wordListConcat {t1 t2 words}:
+ t1 + t2 = words -> WordList t1 -> WordList t2 -> WordList words.
+ intros; exists ((proj1_sig H0) ++ (proj1_sig H1))%list.
+ abstract (destruct H0, H1; simpl;
+ rewrite List.app_length; intuition).
+Definition wordListHead {n words}:
+ gt n words -> WordList n -> WordList words.
+ intros; exists (List.firstn words (proj1_sig H0)).
+ abstract (destruct H0; simpl;
+ rewrite List.firstn_length; intuition).
+Lemma skipnLength: forall A m (x: list A),
+ ge (length x) m ->
+ length (List.skipn m x) = length x - m.
+ intros; assert (length x = length (List.firstn m x ++ List.skipn m x)%list).
+ - rewrite List.firstn_skipn; trivial.
+ - rewrite H0; rewrite List.app_length; rewrite List.firstn_length.
+ replace (min m (length x)) with m; try rewrite min_l; intuition.
+Definition wordListTail {n words}:
+ gt n words -> WordList n -> WordList words.
+ intros; exists (List.skipn (n - words) (proj1_sig H0)).
+ abstract (destruct H0; simpl;
+ rewrite skipnLength; rewrite e; intuition).
+(* Now some basic evaluation routines *)
+Fixpoint evalTerm {n} (bindings: Bindings) (term: CTerm n):
+ option (WordList n) :=
+ match term with
+ | CConst lst => Some lst
+ | CVar name =>
+ do p <- bindings name ;
+ match p with
+ | ListPtr m lst => optionType lst
+ end
+ | CConcat t1 t2 pf term1 term2 =>
+ do a <- evalTerm bindings term1;
+ do b <- evalTerm bindings term2;
+ Some (wordListConcat pf a b)%list
+ | CHead n pf t =>
+ do x <- evalTerm bindings t;
+ Some (wordListHead pf x)
+ | CTail n pf t =>
+ do x <- evalTerm bindings t;
+ Some (wordListTail pf x)
+ end.
+Fixpoint evalExpr {n} (expr: CExpr n): option (word n) :=
+ match expr with
+ | CLift term => None
+ | CNot a => None
+ | COpp a => None
+ | COr a b =>
+ do x <- evalExpr a;
+ do y <- evalExpr b;
+ Some (x |^ y)%word
+ | CAnd a b => None
+ | CXor a b => None
+ | CRShift shift a => None
+ | CLShift shift a => None
+ | CPlus a b => None
+ | CMinus a b => None
+ | CMult _ _ a b => None
+ | CDiv a b => None
+ | CMod a b => None
+ end.
+Fixpoint evalSub (inputs: Name -> option WordCount) (output: WordCount) (sub: Sub inputs output)
+ : word output :=
+ match sub with
+ | CRet e => natToWord output 0
+ | CCompose resName resSize _ a b => natToWord output 0
+ | CIte cond thenSub elseSub => natToWord output 0
+ | CLet name wordCount expr inside => natToWord output 0
+ | CRepeat inName times _ inside => natToWord output 0
+ end.
+(* Equivalence Lemmas *)
diff --git a/src/Assembly/ConstrainedComputation.v b/src/Assembly/ConstrainedComputation.v
deleted file mode 100644
index aa5702506..000000000
--- a/src/Assembly/ConstrainedComputation.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-Require Import Bedrock.Word.
-(* Expression *)
-(* THEORY: if we permit operations on joined types, we can represent
- * vector operations without searching *)
-Inductive CType: Set :=
- | Words | list word
-Definition cTypeToWord(type: CType): Type :=
- match type with
- | Int32 => word 32
- | Int64 => word 64
- | Join a b => (cTypeToWord a) * (cTypeToWord b)
- end.
-Definition bits(type: CType): nat :=
- match type with
- | Int32 => 32
- | Int64 => 64
- | Join a b => (bits a) + (bits b)
- end.
-Inductive UnaryOp :=
- | CNot | COpp.
-Inductive BinaryOp :=
- | CPlus | CMinus | CMult
- | CDiv | CAnd | COr
- | CXor | CRShift | CLShift.
-Inductive CTerm (type: CType) :=
- | CConst : (word (bits type)) -> (CTerm type)
- | CVar : Name -> CTerm type
- | CJoin : forall t1 t2, CTerm t1 -> CTerm t2 -> CTerm (Join t1 t2)
- | CLeft : CTerm (Join type _) -> CTerm type
- | CRight : CTerm (Join _ type) -> CTerm type.
-Inductive CExpr (type: CType) :=
- | TermExpr : (CTerm type) -> (CExpr type)
- | UnaryExpr : UnaryOp -> (CTerm type) -> (CExpr type)
- | BinaryExpr : BinaryOp -> (CTerm type) -> (CTerm type) -> (CExpr type).
-Inductive Sub (inType: CType) (outType: CType) :=
- | CRet : Expr outType -> Sub inType outType
- (* | Repeat *)
- | CCompose : forall medType,
- (Sub inType medType)
- -> (Sub medType outType)
- -> (Sub inType outType)
- | CIte : (Sub inType Int32) (* condition *)
- -> (Sub inType outType) (* then *)
- -> (Sub inType outType) (* else *)
- -> (Sub inType outType)
- | CLet : Name -> CTerm ->
- -> (Sub inType outType)
- -> (Sub inType outType).
-Definition bindTerm {valueType objectType} (var: Name) (value: CTerm valueType) (object: CTerm objectType): CTerm objectType :=
- match valueType with
- | objectType =>
- match object with
- | CConst _ => object
- | CVar name => if (name = var) then value else object end
- | CJoin left right =>
- CJoin (bindTerm var value left) (bindTerm var value right)
- | CLeft from => CLeft (bindTerm var value larger)
- | CRight from => CRight (bindTerm var value larger)
- end
- | _ => object.
-Definition bindExpr {valueType objectType} (var: Name) (value: CTerm valueType) (object: CExpr objectType): CExpr objectType :=
- match object with
- | TermExpr term => TermExpr (bindTerm var value term)
- | UnaryExpr op term => UnaryExpr op (bindTerm var value term)
- | BinaryExpr op term1 term2 =>
- BinaryExpr op (bindTerm var value term1) (bindTerm var value term2)
- end.
-Definition bind {valueType fromType toType} (var: Name) (value: CTerm) (object: Sub fromType toType): Sub fromType toType :=
- match object with
- | CRet expr => CRet (bindExpr var value expr)
- | CCompose left right =>
- CCompose (bind var value left) (bind var value right)
- | CIte cond thenSub elseSub =>
- CIte (bind var value cond)
- (bind var value thenSub)
- (bind var value elseSub)
- | CLet name bindTo sub =>
- CLet name bindTo (bind var value sub)
- end.
-Inductive TermEquiv {t} (left: CTerm t) (right: (cTypeToWord t)) :=
- | EquivInt32: forall (w: (word (bits Int32))), TermEquiv (CConst w) w
- | EquivInt64: forall (w: (word (bits Int64))), TermEquiv (CConst w) w
- | EquivJoin: forall aComp bComp aGallina bGallina,
- TermEquiv aComp aGallina
- -> TermEquiv bComp bGallina
- -> TermEquiv (CJoin aComp bComp) (aGallina, bGallina)
- | EquivLeft: forall aComp aGallina,
- TermEquiv aComp aGallina
- -> TermEquiv (CLeft aComp) (fst aGallina)
- | EquivRight: forall aComp aGallina,
- TermEquiv aComp aGallina
- -> TermEquiv (CRight aComp) (snd aGallina).
-Definition applyBinaryOp {n: nat} (op: UnaryOp) (a b: word n) :=
- match op with
- | CPlus => Word.plus a b
- | CMinus => Word.minus a b
- | CMult => Word.mult a b
- | CDiv => Word.div a b
- | CAnd => Word.and a b
- | COr => Word.or a b
- | CXor => Word.xor a b
- | CRShift => Word.rshift a b
- | CLShift => Word.lshift a b
- end.
-Definition applyUnaryOp {n: nat} (op: UnaryOp) (w: word n) :=
- match op with
- | CNot => Word.not w
- | COpp => Word.opp w
- end.
-Inductive ExprEquiv {t} (left: CExpr t) (right: (cTypeToWord t)) :=
- | EquivNop: forall aComp aGallina,
- TermEquiv aComp aGallina
- -> ExprEquiv (TermExpr aComp) aGallina
- | EquivNot: forall aComp aGallina op,
- TermEquiv aComp aGallina
- -> ExprEquiv (UnaryExpr op aComp) (applyUnaryOp op aGallina)
- | EquivPlus: forall aComp aGallina bComp bGallina op,
- TermEquiv aComp aGallina
- -> TermEquiv bComp bGallina
- -> ExprEquiv (BinaryExpr op aComp bComp) (applyBinaryOp aGallina bGallina).
-Inductive SubEquiv {fromType toType} (left: Sub fromType toType) (right: (cTypeToWord fromType) -> (cTypeToWord toType)) :=
- | EquivRet: forall aComp aGallina,
- ExprEquiv aComp aGallina
- -> SubEquiv (CRet aComp) (fun x => aGallina)
- | EquivComp: forall fComp fGallina gComp gGallina,
- SubEquiv fComp fGallina
- -> SubEquiv gComp gGallina
- -> SubEquiv (CCompose fComp gComp) (fun x => gGallina (fGallina x))
- | EquivIte: forall (fComp: Sub fromType Int32) fGallina gComp gGallina,
- SubEquiv fComp fGallina
- -> SubEquiv gComp gGallina
- -> SubEquiv hComp hGallina
- -> SubEquiv (CIte fComp gComp hComp)
- (fun x => if (neq 0 (fGallina x)) then gGallina x else hGallina x)
- | EquivLet: forall name bindTo sub fGallina,
- SubEquiv (bind name bindTo sub) fGallina
- -> SubEquiv (CLet name bindTo sub) fGallina.
diff --git a/src/Assembly/ConstrainedDSL.v b/src/Assembly/DSL.v
index 2cb07a5d4..2cb07a5d4 100644
--- a/src/Assembly/ConstrainedDSL.v
+++ b/src/Assembly/DSL.v
diff --git a/src/Rep/BinGF.v b/src/Rep/BinGF.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a19ae788b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Rep/BinGF.v
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+Require Import ZArith.
+Require Import Bedrock.Word.
+Require Import Crypto.Galois.Galois Crypto.Galois.GaloisTheory.
+Require Import Crypto.Galois.ZGaloisField.
+Require Import Eqdep_dec.
+Module Type BitSpec.
+ Parameter wordSize: nat.
+ Parameter numWords: nat.
+End BitSpec.
+Module GFBits (M: Modulus) (Spec: BitSpec).
+ Module Field := ZGaloisField M.
+ Import Field Spec.
+ Local Open Scope GF_scope.
+ Local Open Scope list.
+ Definition bits {k} (x: word k) := k.
+ Definition BinGF := {lst: list (word wordSize) | length lst = numWords}.
+ Definition convertWordSize {a b: nat} (x: word a): a = b -> word b.
+ intro H; rewrite H in x; exact x.
+ Defined.
+ Lemma convert_invertible:
+ forall (a b: nat) (x: word a) (H1: a = b) (H2: b = a),
+ convertWordSize (convertWordSize x H1) H2 = x.
+ Proof.
+ intros; destruct H2; simpl.
+ replace H1 with (eq_refl b); simpl; intuition.
+ apply UIP_dec; exact eq_nat_dec.
+ Qed.
+ Fixpoint splitWords' (sz: nat) (len: nat) (x: word sz): list (word wordSize).
+ induction len, (gt_dec sz wordSize).
+ - refine nil.
+ - refine nil.
+ - assert (sz = wordSize + (sz - wordSize))%nat. intuition.
+ assert (z := convertWordSize x H).
+ refine (
+ cons (split1 wordSize (sz - wordSize) z)
+ (splitWords' (sz - wordSize)%nat len
+ (split2 wordSize (sz - wordSize) z))).
+ - assert (sz + (wordSize - sz) = wordSize)%nat. intuition.
+ assert (z := convertWordSize (zext x (wordSize - sz)) H).
+ refine (cons z nil).
+ Admitted.
+ Definition splitWords {sz} (len: nat) (x: word sz):
+ {x: list (word wordSize) | length x = len}.
+ exists (splitWords' sz len x).
+ induction len, (gt_dec sz wordSize).
+ Admitted.
+ Definition splitGF (x: GF) :=
+ splitWords numWords (NToWord (numWords * wordSize)%nat (Z.to_N (proj1_sig x))).
+ Fixpoint combineAll' (b: list (word wordSize)): word (wordSize * (length b)).
+ induction b.
+ - simpl.
+ replace (wordSize * 0)%nat with 0%nat; intuition.
+ exact (natToWord 0 0).
+ - replace (wordSize * length (a :: b))%nat
+ with (wordSize + wordSize * length b)%nat.
+ + exact (combine a IHb).
+ + simpl; rewrite mult_succ_r; intuition.
+ Defined.
+ Definition combineAll (b: BinGF): GF :=
+ inject (Z.of_N (wordToN (combineAll' (proj1_sig b)))).
+ Definition binEquiv a b := combineAll a = combineAll b.
+ Lemma combine_split:
+ forall (x: GF) (len: nat),
+ combineAll (splitGF x) = x.
+ Admitted.
+ Record unaryOp: Set := mkUnary {
+ f : GF -> GF;
+ binF : BinGF -> BinGF;
+ unaryCompat : forall (a b: GF),
+ a = b -> f a = f b;
+ unaryBinCompat : forall (a b: BinGF),
+ binEquiv a b -> binEquiv (binF a) (binF b);
+ unaryCorrect: forall (a: GF),
+ f a = combineAll (binF (splitGF a))
+ }.
+ Record binaryOp: Set := mkBinary {
+ g : GF -> GF -> GF;
+ binG : BinGF -> BinGF -> BinGF;
+ binaryCompat : forall (a b c d: GF),
+ a = b -> c = d -> g a c = g b d;
+ binaryBinCompat : forall (a b c d: BinGF),
+ binEquiv a b -> binEquiv c d ->
+ binEquiv (binG a c) (binG b d);
+ binaryCorrect: forall (a b: GF),
+ g a b = combineAll (binG (splitGF a) (splitGF b))
+ }.
+End GFBits.
diff --git a/src/Rep/WordEquivalence.v b/src/Rep/WordEquivalence.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 840919a49..000000000
--- a/src/Rep/WordEquivalence.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-Require Import Crypto.Galois.Galois Crypto.Galois.GaloisTheory.
-Module GFBits (M: Modulus).
- Module T := GaloisTheory Modulus31.
- Import M T T.Field.
- Local Open Scope GF_scope.
- Definition wordSize: nat := 32.
- Definition bits {k} (word k) := k.
- (* I think we shouldn't fix this, but rather have a lemma for how
- * many bits we need to represent a given prime *)
- Definition numWords: nat :=
- let b := (bits (NtoWord (Z.to_N modulus)))
- in (1 + b / 32)%nat.
- Definition BinGF :=
- {lst: list (word wordSize) | length lst = numWords}.
- Fixpoint splitWords {sz} (len: nat) (x: word sz): {x: list (word wordSize) | length x = len} :=
- match len with
- | O => []
- | S len' =>
- if(sz - wordSize >? 0)
- then Cons (split1 wordSize (sz - wordSize) x)
- (splitWords len' (split2 wordSize (sz - wordSize) x))
- else zext x wordSize
- end.
- Fixpoint combineAll (b: BinGF) :=
- match (proj1_sig b) with
- | [] => natToWord 0
- | Cons x xs => combine x (combineAll xs)
- end.
- wordEq a b := wordToN (combineAll a) = wordToN (combineAll b)
- Definition toZ (b: BinGF) := Z.of_N (wordToN (combineAll b)).
- Definition toGF (b: BinGF) := inject ((toZ b) mod modulus)
- Definition fromZ (x: Z) := splitWords numWords (NToWord (Z.to_N x))
- Definition fromGF (x: GF) := fromZ (proj1_sig x).
- toZ a + toZ b = toZ (a ^+ b)
- Lemma equivalent_GF : BinEquiv x y <-> x = toGF y.
- Admitted.
- Lemma equivalent_word : BinEquiv x y <-> weq y (fromGF x).
- Admitted.
-End GFBits.