path: root/src
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authorGravatar Andres Erbsen <andreser@mit.edu>2019-01-05 03:24:04 -0500
committerGravatar Andres Erbsen <andreser@mit.edu>2019-01-05 03:41:07 -0500
commit2c078dba3885783d45fea5e369d8b337bcc09ee5 (patch)
tree2b1e59b87a7bf8cab329737623001a60988a98b4 /src
parent6b0c9c893188560f7bad198a8a3b1db9be4cabc1 (diff)
prove admit
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 44 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/PushButtonSynthesis.v b/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/PushButtonSynthesis.v
index d4b1e5500..d1b72ae0d 100644
--- a/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/PushButtonSynthesis.v
+++ b/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/PushButtonSynthesis.v
@@ -1858,38 +1858,56 @@ Local Opaque reified_%s_gen. (* needed for making [autorewrite] not take a very
cbv [ZRange.type.base.is_bounded_by is_bounded_by_bool lower upper].
rewrite H; autorewrite with distr_length.
intros [v1 v0]; cbn [fst snd].
- rewrite !Partition.recursive_partition_equiv by now apply UniformWeight.uwprops.
rename x into x'.
generalize dependent (eval (n:=n') lgr x').
cbv [m].
- intro x; intros ???; subst x'.
- assert (H' : 0 <= x < s) by lia.
- revert H'; generalize x; clear dependent x.
+ intro x; intros ??? H; subst x'.
+ eapply In_nth_error in H; destruct H as [i H].
+ rewrite nth_error_combine in H.
+ break_match_hyps; try discriminate; []; Option.inversion_option; Prod.inversion_prod; subst.
+ cbv [Partition.partition] in *.
+ apply nth_error_map in Heqo; apply nth_error_map in Heqo0; destruct Heqo as (?&?&?), Heqo0 as (?&?&?).
+ rewrite nth_error_seq in *.
+ break_match_hyps; try discriminate; Option.inversion_option; Prod.inversion_prod; subst.
+ rewrite ?Nat.add_0_l.
+ assert (0 <= x < s) by lia.
replace s with (2^Z.log2 s) by easy.
- clear Hs.
assert (1 < s) by lia.
assert (0 < Z.log2 s) by now apply Z.log2_pos.
- assert (H' : 1 < 2^Z.log2 s) by auto with zarith; revert H'.
- generalize (Z.log2 s); intro lgs.
- revert lgs.
- induction n' as [|n' IHn']; [ cbn; tauto | ].
- cbn [Partition.recursive_partition List.combine List.In] in *.
- rewrite UniformWeight.uweight_1, weight_0, Z.div_1_r by ((now apply UniformWeight.uwprops) || lia).
- intros lgs ?.
- assert (0 < 2^lgr) by auto with zarith.
- assert (1 < 2^lgr) by auto with zarith.
- intros; destruct_head'_or; [ rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff, !Z.leb_le | ];
- inversion_prod; subst *.
- { push_Zmod; pull_Zmod; autorewrite with zsimplify_const.
- (*rewrite Z_mod_nz_opp_full by (Z.rewrite_mod_small; lia).
- Z.rewrite_mod_small.
- rewrite Z.le_sub_1_iff; auto with zarith. }
- { rewrite <- Z.add_opp_r, !Z.div_add_l', !Z_div_nz_opp_full, !Z.div_1_l, !Z.sub_0_l, !Z.add_opp_r in * by (Z.rewrite_mod_small; lia).
- rewrite !UniformWeight.uweight_recursive_partition_change_start with (i:=1%nat) (j:=0%nat) in * by lia.
- eapply IHn'; [ | eassumption ].
- Z.generalize_div_eucl x (2^lgr); intros; subst *.
- nia. }*)
- Admitted.
+ assert (1 < 2^Z.log2 s) by auto with zarith.
+ generalize dependent (Z.log2 s); intro lgs; intros.
+ edestruct (UniformWeight.uwprops lgr); try lia.
+ assert (forall i : nat, 0 <= UniformWeight.uweight lgr i) by (intro z; specialize (weight_positive z); lia).
+ apply Bool.andb_true_intro; split; apply OrdersEx.Z_as_OT.leb_le;
+ [apply Z.div_nonneg | apply Z.div_le_mono_nonneg]; trivial.
+ apply Z.mod_pos_bound; trivial.
+ cbv [UniformWeight.uweight].
+ cbv [weight].
+ rewrite Z.div_1_r.
+ rewrite Z.opp_involutive.
+ rewrite <-2Z.land_ones by nia.
+ rewrite Z.sub_1_r, <-Z.ones_equiv.
+ rewrite Z.land_ones_ones.
+ destruct ((lgs <? 0) || (lgr * Z.of_nat (S i) <? 0)) eqn:?.
+ { rewrite Z.land_ones, Z.ones_equiv, <-Z.sub_1_r by nia.
+ pose proof Z.le_max_r lgs (lgr*Z.of_nat (S i)).
+ etransitivity.
+ 2:rewrite <- Z.sub_le_mono_r.
+ 2:eapply Z.pow_le_mono_r; try lia; eassumption.
+ eapply Z.le_sub_1_iff, Z.mod_pos_bound, Z.pow_pos_nonneg; nia. }
+ rewrite (Z.ones_equiv (Z.min _ _)), <-Z.sub_1_r.
+ enough (Z.land x (Z.ones (lgr * Z.of_nat (S i))) < 2 ^ Z.min lgs (lgr * Z.of_nat (S i))) by lia.
+ eapply Testbit.Z.testbit_false_bound. nia.
+ intros j ?; assert (Z.min lgs (lgr * Z.of_nat (S i)) <= j) by lia.
+ rewrite Hs in *. revert H; intros.
+ rewrite <-(Z.mod_small x (2^lgs)) by lia.
+ rewrite OrdersEx.Z_as_OT.land_spec.
+ destruct (Zmin_irreducible lgs (lgr * Z.of_nat (S i))) as [HH|HH]; rewrite HH in *; clear HH.
+ { rewrite Z.mod_pow2_bits_high; trivial; lia. }
+ { rewrite OrdersEx.Z_as_DT.ones_spec_high, Bool.andb_false_r; trivial; nia. }
+ Qed.
Lemma length_of_valid lgr n' x
(H : WordByWordMontgomery.valid lgr n' m x)