path: root/src
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authorGravatar Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>2017-12-14 23:23:56 -0500
committerGravatar Jason Gross <jasongross9@gmail.com>2018-01-29 18:04:58 -0500
commit173271b66090580934d919454a69f0e0c0cc10bd (patch)
tree2049cd23d4716a4b313bca2b7360fcc9ac155f3f /src
parent75de7985819cc1c88f4274ca28eafb1f7a5ccc44 (diff)
[demo] Add a list rec canonicalization pass
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 2105 insertions, 808 deletions
diff --git a/src/Experiments/SimplyTypedArithmetic.v b/src/Experiments/SimplyTypedArithmetic.v
index 383da3310..bf2e4ce99 100644
--- a/src/Experiments/SimplyTypedArithmetic.v
+++ b/src/Experiments/SimplyTypedArithmetic.v
@@ -303,6 +303,7 @@ Module Compilers.
| Datatypes.nat => nat
| Datatypes.bool => bool
| BinInt.Z => Z
+ | type.interp ?T => T
Module Export Notations.
@@ -316,151 +317,805 @@ Module Compilers.
End type.
Export type.Notations.
- Module ident.
- Import type.
- Inductive ident : type -> Set :=
- | Const {t} (v : interp t) : ident t
- | Let_In {tx tC} : ident (tx -> (tx -> tC) -> tC)
- | S : ident (nat -> nat)
- | nil {t} : ident (list t)
- | cons {t} : ident (t -> list t -> list t)
- | pair {A B} : ident (A -> B -> A * B)
- | fst {A B} : ident (A * B -> A)
- | snd {A B} : ident (A * B -> B)
- | bool_rect {T} : ident (T -> T -> bool -> T)
- | nat_rect {P} : ident (P -> (nat -> P -> P) -> nat -> P)
- | pred : ident (nat -> nat)
- | List_seq : ident (nat -> nat -> list nat)
- | List_repeat {A} : ident (A -> nat -> list A)
- | List_combine {A B} : ident (list A -> list B -> list (A * B))
- | List_map {A B} : ident ((A -> B) -> list A -> list B)
- | List_flat_map {A B} : ident ((A -> list B) -> list A -> list B)
- | List_partition {A} : ident ((A -> bool) -> list A -> list A * list A)
- | List_app {A} : ident (list A -> list A -> list A)
- | List_rev {A} : ident (list A -> list A)
- | List_fold_right {A B} : ident ((B -> A -> A) -> A -> list B -> A)
- | List_update_nth {T} : ident (nat -> (T -> T) -> list T -> list T)
- | List_nth_default {T} : ident (T -> list T -> nat -> T)
- | Z_runtime_mul : ident (Z -> Z -> Z)
- | Z_runtime_add : ident (Z -> Z -> Z)
- | Z_add : ident (Z -> Z -> Z)
- | Z_mul : ident (Z -> Z -> Z)
- | Z_pow : ident (Z -> Z -> Z)
- | Z_opp : ident (Z -> Z)
- | Z_div : ident (Z -> Z -> Z)
- | Z_modulo : ident (Z -> Z -> Z)
- | Z_eqb : ident (Z -> Z -> bool)
- | Z_of_nat : ident (nat -> Z)
- | Nat_sub : ident (nat -> nat -> nat).
- Definition interp {t} (idc : ident t) : type.interp t
- := match idc in ident t return type.interp t with
- | Const t v => v
- | Let_In tx tC => @LetIn.Let_In (type.interp tx) (fun _ => type.interp tC)
- | S => Datatypes.S
- | nil t => @Datatypes.nil (type.interp t)
- | cons t => @Datatypes.cons (type.interp t)
- | pair A B => @Datatypes.pair (type.interp A) (type.interp B)
- | fst A B => @Datatypes.fst (type.interp A) (type.interp B)
- | snd A B => @Datatypes.snd (type.interp A) (type.interp B)
- | bool_rect T => @Datatypes.bool_rect (fun _ => type.interp T)
- | nat_rect P => @Datatypes.nat_rect (fun _ => type.interp P)
- | pred => Nat.pred
- | List_seq => List.seq
- | List_combine A B => @List.combine (type.interp A) (type.interp B)
- | List_map A B => @List.map (type.interp A) (type.interp B)
- | List_repeat A => @List.repeat (type.interp A)
- | List_flat_map A B => @List.flat_map (type.interp A) (type.interp B)
- | List_partition A => @List.partition (type.interp A)
- | List_app A => @List.app (type.interp A)
- | List_rev A => @List.rev (type.interp A)
- | List_fold_right A B => @List.fold_right (type.interp A) (type.interp B)
- | List_update_nth T => @update_nth (type.interp T)
- | List_nth_default T => @List.nth_default (type.interp T)
- | Z_runtime_mul => runtime_mul
- | Z_runtime_add => runtime_add
- | Z_add => Z.add
- | Z_mul => Z.mul
- | Z_pow => Z.pow
- | Z_modulo => Z.modulo
- | Z_opp => Z.opp
- | Z_div => Z.div
- | Z_eqb => Z.eqb
- | Z_of_nat => Z.of_nat
- | Nat_sub => Nat.sub
- end.
- Module List.
- Notation seq := List_seq.
- Notation repeat := List_repeat.
- Notation combine := List_combine.
- Notation map := List_map.
- Notation flat_map := List_flat_map.
- Notation partition := List_partition.
- Notation app := List_app.
- Notation rev := List_rev.
- Notation fold_right := List_fold_right.
- Notation update_nth := List_update_nth.
- Notation nth_default := List_nth_default.
- End List.
- Module Z.
- Notation runtime_mul := Z_runtime_mul.
- Notation runtime_add := Z_runtime_add.
- Notation add := Z_add.
- Notation mul := Z_mul.
- Notation pow := Z_pow.
- Notation opp := Z_opp.
- Notation div := Z_div.
- Notation modulo := Z_modulo.
- Notation eqb := Z_eqb.
- Notation of_nat := Z_of_nat.
- End Z.
- Module Nat.
- Notation sub := Nat_sub.
- End Nat.
+ Module expr.
+ Inductive expr {ident : type -> Type} {var : type -> Type} : type -> Type :=
+ | Var {t} (v : var t) : expr t
+ | Ident {t} (idc : ident t) : expr t
+ | App {s d} (f : expr (s -> d)) (x : expr s) : expr d
+ | Abs {s d} (f : var s -> expr d) : expr (s -> d).
Module Export Notations.
- Notation ident := ident.
+ Bind Scope expr_scope with expr.
+ Delimit Scope expr_scope with expr.
+ Notation "f x" := (App f x) (only printing) : expr_scope.
+ Notation "'λ' x .. y , t" := (Abs (fun x => .. (Abs (fun y => t%expr)) ..)) : expr_scope.
End Notations.
- End ident.
- Export ident.Notations.
- Inductive expr {var : type -> Type} : type -> Type :=
- | Var {t} (v : var t) : expr t
- | Ident {t} (idc : ident t) : expr t
- | App {s d} (f : expr (s -> d)) (x : expr s) : expr d
- | Abs {s d} (f : var s -> expr d) : expr (s -> d).
- Notation TT := (Ident (@ident.Const type.unit tt)).
- Notation Pair x y := (App (App (Ident ident.pair) x) y).
- Bind Scope expr_scope with expr.
- Delimit Scope expr_scope with expr.
- Notation "f x" := (App f x) (only printing) : expr_scope.
- Notation "'λ' x .. y , t" := (Abs (fun x => .. (Abs (fun y => t%expr)) ..)) : expr_scope.
- Notation "( x , y , .. , z )" := (Pair .. (Pair x%expr y%expr) .. z%expr) : expr_scope.
- Notation "( )" := TT : expr_scope.
- Notation "()" := TT : expr_scope.
- Notation "'expr_let' x := A 'in' b" := (App (App (Ident ident.Let_In) A%expr) (Abs (fun x => b%expr))) : expr_scope.
- Notation "[ ]" := (Ident ident.nil) : expr_scope.
- Notation "x :: xs" := (App (App (Ident ident.cons) x%expr) xs%expr) : expr_scope.
- Definition Expr t := forall var, @expr var t.
- Fixpoint interp {t} (e : @expr type.interp t) : type.interp t
- := match e with
- | Var t v => v
- | Ident t idc => ident.interp idc
- | App s d f x => interp f (interp x)
- | Abs s d f => fun v => interp (f v)
- end.
- Definition Interp {t} (e : Expr t) := interp (e _).
- Definition const {var t} (v : type.interp t) : @expr var t
- := Ident (ident.Const v).
+ Definition Expr {ident : type -> Type} t := forall var, @expr ident var t.
+ Section with_ident.
+ Context {ident : type -> Type}
+ (interp_ident : forall t, ident t -> type.interp t).
+ Fixpoint interp {t} (e : @expr ident type.interp t) : type.interp t
+ := match e with
+ | Var t v => v
+ | Ident t idc => interp_ident t idc
+ | App s d f x => interp f (interp x)
+ | Abs s d f => fun v => interp (f v)
+ end.
+ Definition Interp {t} (e : Expr t) := interp (e _).
+ End with_ident.
+ Ltac is_known_const_cps2 term on_success on_failure :=
+ let recurse term := is_known_const_cps2 term on_success on_failure in
+ lazymatch term with
+ | tt => on_success ()
+ | @nil _ => on_success ()
+ | S ?term => recurse term
+ | O => on_success ()
+ | Z0 => on_success ()
+ | Zpos ?p => recurse p
+ | Zneg ?p => recurse p
+ | xI ?p => recurse p
+ | xO ?p => recurse p
+ | xH => on_success ()
+ | ?term => on_failure term
+ end.
+ Ltac require_known_const term :=
+ is_known_const_cps2 term ltac:(fun _ => idtac) ltac:(fun term => fail 0 "Not a known const:" term).
+ Ltac is_known_const term :=
+ is_known_const_cps2 term ltac:(fun _ => true) ltac:(fun _ => false).
+ Module var_context.
+ Inductive list {var : type -> Type} :=
+ | nil
+ | cons {t} (gallina_v : type.interp t) (v : var t) (ctx : list).
+ End var_context.
+ (* cf COQBUG(https://github.com/coq/coq/issues/5448) , COQBUG(https://github.com/coq/coq/issues/6315) *)
+ Ltac refresh n :=
+ let n' := fresh n in
+ let n' := fresh n in
+ n'.
+ Ltac type_of_first_argument_of f :=
+ let f_ty := type of f in
+ lazymatch eval hnf in f_ty with
+ | forall x : ?T, _ => T
+ end.
+ (** Forms of abstraction in Gallina that our reflective language
+ cannot handle get handled by specializing the code "template" to
+ each particular application of that abstraction. In particular,
+ type arguments (nat, Z, (λ _, nat), etc) get substituted into
+ lambdas and treated as a integral part of primitive operations
+ (such as [@List.app T], [@list_rect (λ _, nat)]). During
+ reification, we accumulate them in a right-associated tuple,
+ using [tt] as the "nil" base case. When we hit a λ or an
+ identifier, we plug in the template parameters as necessary. *)
+ Ltac require_template_parameter parameter_type :=
+ first [ unify parameter_type Prop
+ | unify parameter_type Set
+ | unify parameter_type Type
+ | lazymatch eval hnf in parameter_type with
+ | forall x : ?T, @?P x
+ => let check := constr:(fun x : T
+ => ltac:(require_template_parameter (P x);
+ exact I)) in
+ idtac
+ end ].
+ Ltac is_template_parameter parameter_type :=
+ is_success_run_tactic ltac:(fun _ => require_template_parameter parameter_type).
+ Ltac plug_template_ctx f template_ctx :=
+ lazymatch template_ctx with
+ | tt => f
+ | (?arg, ?template_ctx')
+ =>
+ let T := type_of_first_argument_of f in
+ let x_is_template_parameter := is_template_parameter T in
+ lazymatch x_is_template_parameter with
+ | true
+ => plug_template_ctx (f arg) template_ctx'
+ | false
+ => constr:(fun x : T
+ => ltac:(let v := plug_template_ctx (f x) template_ctx in
+ exact v))
+ end
+ end.
+ Ltac reify_helper ident reify_ident var term value_ctx template_ctx :=
+ let reify_rec_gen term value_ctx template_ctx := reify_helper ident reify_ident var term value_ctx template_ctx in
+ let reify_rec term := reify_rec_gen term value_ctx template_ctx in
+ (*let dummy := match goal with _ => idtac "reify_helper: attempting to reify:" term end in*)
+ lazymatch value_ctx with
+ | context[@var_context.cons _ ?rT term ?v _]
+ => constr:(@Var ident var rT v)
+ | _
+ =>
+ let term_is_known_const := is_known_const term in
+ lazymatch term_is_known_const with
+ | true
+ => let rv := reify_ident term in
+ constr:(Ident (var:=var) rv)
+ | false
+ =>
+ lazymatch term with
+ | match ?b with true => ?t | false => ?f end
+ => let T := type of t in
+ reify_rec (@bool_rect (fun _ => T) t f b)
+ | let x := ?a in @?b x
+ => let A := type of a in
+ let B := lazymatch type of b with forall x, @?B x => B end in
+ reify_rec (@Let_In A B a b)
+ | ?f ?x
+ =>
+ let ty := type_of_first_argument_of f in
+ let x_is_template_parameter := is_template_parameter ty in
+ lazymatch x_is_template_parameter with
+ | true
+ => (* we can't reify things of type [Type], so we save it for later to plug in *)
+ reify_rec_gen f value_ctx (x, template_ctx)
+ | false
+ =>
+ let rx := reify_rec_gen x value_ctx tt in
+ let rf := reify_rec_gen f value_ctx template_ctx in
+ constr:(App (var:=var) rf rx)
+ end
+ | (fun x : ?T => ?f)
+ =>
+ let x_is_template_parameter := is_template_parameter T in
+ lazymatch x_is_template_parameter with
+ | true
+ =>
+ lazymatch template_ctx with
+ | (?arg, ?template_ctx)
+ => (* we pull a trick with [match] to plug in [arg] without running cbv β *)
+ reify_rec_gen (match arg with x => f end) value_ctx template_ctx
+ end
+ | false
+ =>
+ let rT := type.reify T in
+ let not_x := refresh x in
+ let not_x2 := refresh not_x in
+ let not_x3 := refresh not_x2 in
+ let rf0 :=
+ constr:(
+ fun (x : T) (not_x : var rT)
+ => match f, @var_context.cons var rT x not_x value_ctx return _ with (* c.f. COQBUG(https://github.com/coq/coq/issues/6252#issuecomment-347041995) for [return _] *)
+ | not_x2, not_x3
+ => ltac:(
+ let f := (eval cbv delta [not_x2] in not_x2) in
+ let var_ctx := (eval cbv delta [not_x3] in not_x3) in
+ (*idtac "rec call" f "was" term;*)
+ let rf := reify_rec_gen f var_ctx template_ctx in
+ exact rf)
+ end) in
+ lazymatch rf0 with
+ | (fun _ => ?rf)
+ => constr:(@Abs ident var rT _ rf)
+ | _
+ => (* This will happen if the reified term still
+ mentions the non-var variable. By chance, [cbv delta]
+ strips type casts, which are only places that I can
+ think of where such dependency might remain. However,
+ if this does come up, having a distinctive error message
+ is much more useful for debugging than the generic "no
+ matching clause" *)
+ let dummy := match goal with
+ | _ => fail 1 "Failure to eliminate functional dependencies of" rf0
+ end in
+ constr:(I : I)
+ end
+ end
+ | _
+ => let term := plug_template_ctx term template_ctx in
+ let idc := reify_ident term in
+ constr:(Ident (var:=var) idc)
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+ Ltac reify ident reify_ident var term :=
+ reify_helper ident reify_ident var term (@var_context.nil var) tt.
+ Ltac Reify ident reify_ident term :=
+ constr:(fun var : type -> Type
+ => ltac:(let r := reify ident reify_ident var term in
+ exact r)).
+ Ltac Reify_rhs ident reify_ident interp_ident _ :=
+ let RHS := lazymatch goal with |- _ = ?RHS => RHS end in
+ let R := Reify ident reify_ident RHS in
+ transitivity (@Interp ident interp_ident _ R);
+ [ | cbv beta iota delta [Interp interp interp_ident Let_In type.interp bool_rect];
+ reflexivity ].
+ Module for_reification.
+ Module ident.
+ Import type.
+ Inductive ident : type -> Set :=
+ | Const {t} (v : interp t) : ident t
+ | Let_In {tx tC} : ident (tx -> (tx -> tC) -> tC)
+ | S : ident (nat -> nat)
+ | nil {t} : ident (list t)
+ | cons {t} : ident (t -> list t -> list t)
+ | pair {A B} : ident (A -> B -> A * B)
+ | fst {A B} : ident (A * B -> A)
+ | snd {A B} : ident (A * B -> B)
+ | bool_rect {T} : ident (T -> T -> bool -> T)
+ | nat_rect {P} : ident (P -> (nat -> P -> P) -> nat -> P)
+ | pred : ident (nat -> nat)
+ | List_seq : ident (nat -> nat -> list nat)
+ | List_repeat {A} : ident (A -> nat -> list A)
+ | List_combine {A B} : ident (list A -> list B -> list (A * B))
+ | List_map {A B} : ident ((A -> B) -> list A -> list B)
+ | List_flat_map {A B} : ident ((A -> list B) -> list A -> list B)
+ | List_partition {A} : ident ((A -> bool) -> list A -> list A * list A)
+ | List_app {A} : ident (list A -> list A -> list A)
+ | List_rev {A} : ident (list A -> list A)
+ | List_fold_right {A B} : ident ((B -> A -> A) -> A -> list B -> A)
+ | List_update_nth {T} : ident (nat -> (T -> T) -> list T -> list T)
+ | List_nth_default {T} : ident (T -> list T -> nat -> T)
+ | Z_runtime_mul : ident (Z -> Z -> Z)
+ | Z_runtime_add : ident (Z -> Z -> Z)
+ | Z_add : ident (Z -> Z -> Z)
+ | Z_mul : ident (Z -> Z -> Z)
+ | Z_pow : ident (Z -> Z -> Z)
+ | Z_opp : ident (Z -> Z)
+ | Z_div : ident (Z -> Z -> Z)
+ | Z_modulo : ident (Z -> Z -> Z)
+ | Z_eqb : ident (Z -> Z -> bool)
+ | Z_of_nat : ident (nat -> Z).
+ Definition interp {t} (idc : ident t) : type.interp t
+ := match idc in ident t return type.interp t with
+ | Const t v => v
+ | Let_In tx tC => @LetIn.Let_In (type.interp tx) (fun _ => type.interp tC)
+ | S => Datatypes.S
+ | nil t => @Datatypes.nil (type.interp t)
+ | cons t => @Datatypes.cons (type.interp t)
+ | pair A B => @Datatypes.pair (type.interp A) (type.interp B)
+ | fst A B => @Datatypes.fst (type.interp A) (type.interp B)
+ | snd A B => @Datatypes.snd (type.interp A) (type.interp B)
+ | bool_rect T => @Datatypes.bool_rect (fun _ => type.interp T)
+ | nat_rect P => @Datatypes.nat_rect (fun _ => type.interp P)
+ | pred => Nat.pred
+ | List_seq => List.seq
+ | List_combine A B => @List.combine (type.interp A) (type.interp B)
+ | List_map A B => @List.map (type.interp A) (type.interp B)
+ | List_repeat A => @List.repeat (type.interp A)
+ | List_flat_map A B => @List.flat_map (type.interp A) (type.interp B)
+ | List_partition A => @List.partition (type.interp A)
+ | List_app A => @List.app (type.interp A)
+ | List_rev A => @List.rev (type.interp A)
+ | List_fold_right A B => @List.fold_right (type.interp A) (type.interp B)
+ | List_update_nth T => @update_nth (type.interp T)
+ | List_nth_default T => @List.nth_default (type.interp T)
+ | Z_runtime_mul => runtime_mul
+ | Z_runtime_add => runtime_add
+ | Z_add => Z.add
+ | Z_mul => Z.mul
+ | Z_pow => Z.pow
+ | Z_modulo => Z.modulo
+ | Z_opp => Z.opp
+ | Z_div => Z.div
+ | Z_eqb => Z.eqb
+ | Z_of_nat => Z.of_nat
+ end.
+ Ltac reify term :=
+ (*let dummy := match goal with _ => idtac "attempting to reify_op" term end in*)
+ lazymatch term with
+ | Datatypes.S => ident.S
+ | @Datatypes.nil ?T
+ => let rT := type.reify T in
+ constr:(@ident.nil rT)
+ | @Datatypes.cons ?T
+ => let rT := type.reify T in
+ constr:(@ident.cons rT)
+ | @Datatypes.pair ?A ?B
+ => let rA := type.reify A in
+ let rB := type.reify B in
+ constr:(@ident.pair rA rB)
+ | @Datatypes.fst ?A ?B
+ => let rA := type.reify A in
+ let rB := type.reify B in
+ constr:(@ident.fst rA rB)
+ | @Datatypes.snd ?A ?B
+ => let rA := type.reify A in
+ let rB := type.reify B in
+ constr:(@ident.snd rA rB)
+ | @Datatypes.bool_rect (fun _ => ?T)
+ => let rT := type.reify T in
+ constr:(@ident.bool_rect rT)
+ | @Datatypes.nat_rect (fun _ => ?T)
+ => let rT := type.reify T in
+ constr:(@ident.nat_rect rT)
+ | Nat.pred => ident.pred
+ | List.seq => ident.List_seq
+ | @List.repeat ?A
+ => let rA := type.reify A in
+ constr:(@ident.List_repeat rA)
+ | @LetIn.Let_In ?A (fun _ => ?B)
+ => let rA := type.reify A in
+ let rB := type.reify B in
+ constr:(@ident.Let_In rA rB)
+ | @combine ?A ?B
+ => let rA := type.reify A in
+ let rB := type.reify B in
+ constr:(@ident.List_combine rA rB)
+ | @List.map ?A ?B
+ => let rA := type.reify A in
+ let rB := type.reify B in
+ constr:(@ident.List_map rA rB)
+ | @List.flat_map ?A ?B
+ => let rA := type.reify A in
+ let rB := type.reify B in
+ constr:(@ident.List_flat_map rA rB)
+ | @List.partition ?A
+ => let rA := type.reify A in
+ constr:(@ident.List_partition rA)
+ | @List.app ?A
+ => let rA := type.reify A in
+ constr:(@ident.List_app rA)
+ | @List.rev ?A
+ => let rA := type.reify A in
+ constr:(@ident.List_rev rA)
+ | @List.fold_right ?A ?B
+ => let rA := type.reify A in
+ let rB := type.reify B in
+ constr:(@ident.List_fold_right rA rB)
+ | @update_nth ?T
+ => let rT := type.reify T in
+ constr:(@ident.List_update_nth rT)
+ | @List.nth_default ?T
+ => let rT := type.reify T in
+ constr:(@ident.List_nth_default rT)
+ | runtime_mul => ident.Z_runtime_mul
+ | runtime_add => ident.Z_runtime_add
+ | Z.add => ident.Z_add
+ | Z.mul => ident.Z_mul
+ | Z.pow => ident.Z_pow
+ | Z.opp => ident.Z_opp
+ | Z.div => ident.Z_div
+ | Z.modulo => ident.Z_modulo
+ | Z.eqb => ident.Z_eqb
+ | Z.of_nat => ident.Z_of_nat
+ | _
+ => let assert_const := match goal with
+ | _ => require_known_const term
+ end in
+ let T := type of term in
+ let rT := type.reify T in
+ constr:(@ident.Const rT term)
+ end.
+ Module List.
+ Notation seq := List_seq.
+ Notation repeat := List_repeat.
+ Notation combine := List_combine.
+ Notation map := List_map.
+ Notation flat_map := List_flat_map.
+ Notation partition := List_partition.
+ Notation app := List_app.
+ Notation rev := List_rev.
+ Notation fold_right := List_fold_right.
+ Notation update_nth := List_update_nth.
+ Notation nth_default := List_nth_default.
+ End List.
+ Module Z.
+ Notation runtime_mul := Z_runtime_mul.
+ Notation runtime_add := Z_runtime_add.
+ Notation add := Z_add.
+ Notation mul := Z_mul.
+ Notation pow := Z_pow.
+ Notation opp := Z_opp.
+ Notation div := Z_div.
+ Notation modulo := Z_modulo.
+ Notation eqb := Z_eqb.
+ Notation of_nat := Z_of_nat.
+ End Z.
+ Module Export Notations.
+ Notation ident := ident.
+ End Notations.
+ End ident.
+ Module Notations.
+ Include ident.Notations.
+ Notation expr := (@expr ident).
+ Notation Expr := (@Expr ident).
+ Notation interp := (@interp ident (@ident.interp)).
+ Notation Interp := (@Interp ident (@ident.interp)).
+ Notation TT := (Ident (@ident.Const type.unit tt)).
+ Notation Pair x y := (App (App (Ident ident.pair) x) y).
+ Notation "( x , y , .. , z )" := (Pair .. (Pair x%expr y%expr) .. z%expr) : expr_scope.
+ Notation "( )" := TT : expr_scope.
+ Notation "()" := TT : expr_scope.
+ Notation "'expr_let' x := A 'in' b" := (App (App (Ident ident.Let_In) A%expr) (Abs (fun x => b%expr))) : expr_scope.
+ Notation "[ ]" := (Ident ident.nil) : expr_scope.
+ Notation "x :: xs" := (App (App (Ident ident.cons) x%expr) xs%expr) : expr_scope.
+ Definition const {var t} (v : type.interp t) : @expr var t
+ := Ident (ident.Const v).
+ Module Reification.
+ Ltac reify var term := expr.reify ident ident.reify var term.
+ Ltac Reify term := expr.Reify ident ident.reify term.
+ Ltac Reify_rhs _ :=
+ expr.Reify_rhs ident ident.reify ident.interp ().
+ End Reification.
+ Include Reification.
+ End Notations.
+ Include Notations.
+ End for_reification.
+ Module Export default.
+ Module ident.
+ Import type.
+ Inductive ident : type -> Set :=
+ | Const {t} (v : interp t) : ident t
+ | Let_In {tx tC} : ident (tx -> (tx -> tC) -> tC)
+ | S : ident (nat -> nat)
+ | nil {t} : ident (list t)
+ | cons {t} : ident (t -> list t -> list t)
+ | pair {A B} : ident (A -> B -> A * B)
+ | fst {A B} : ident (A * B -> A)
+ | snd {A B} : ident (A * B -> B)
+ | bool_rect {T} : ident (T -> T -> bool -> T)
+ | nat_rect {P} : ident (P -> (nat -> P -> P) -> nat -> P)
+ | pred : ident (nat -> nat)
+ | list_rect {A P} : ident (P -> (A -> list A -> P -> P) -> list A -> P)
+ | Z_runtime_mul : ident (Z -> Z -> Z)
+ | Z_runtime_add : ident (Z -> Z -> Z)
+ | Z_add : ident (Z -> Z -> Z)
+ | Z_mul : ident (Z -> Z -> Z)
+ | Z_pow : ident (Z -> Z -> Z)
+ | Z_opp : ident (Z -> Z)
+ | Z_div : ident (Z -> Z -> Z)
+ | Z_modulo : ident (Z -> Z -> Z)
+ | Z_eqb : ident (Z -> Z -> bool)
+ | Z_of_nat : ident (nat -> Z).
+ Definition interp {t} (idc : ident t) : type.interp t
+ := match idc in ident t return type.interp t with
+ | Const t v => v
+ | Let_In tx tC => @LetIn.Let_In (type.interp tx) (fun _ => type.interp tC)
+ | S => Datatypes.S
+ | nil t => @Datatypes.nil (type.interp t)
+ | cons t => @Datatypes.cons (type.interp t)
+ | pair A B => @Datatypes.pair (type.interp A) (type.interp B)
+ | fst A B => @Datatypes.fst (type.interp A) (type.interp B)
+ | snd A B => @Datatypes.snd (type.interp A) (type.interp B)
+ | bool_rect T => @Datatypes.bool_rect (fun _ => type.interp T)
+ | nat_rect P => @Datatypes.nat_rect (fun _ => type.interp P)
+ | pred => Nat.pred
+ | list_rect A P => @Datatypes.list_rect (type.interp A) (fun _ => type.interp P)
+ | Z_runtime_mul => runtime_mul
+ | Z_runtime_add => runtime_add
+ | Z_add => Z.add
+ | Z_mul => Z.mul
+ | Z_pow => Z.pow
+ | Z_modulo => Z.modulo
+ | Z_opp => Z.opp
+ | Z_div => Z.div
+ | Z_eqb => Z.eqb
+ | Z_of_nat => Z.of_nat
+ end.
+ Ltac reify term :=
+ (*let dummy := match goal with _ => idtac "attempting to reify_op" term end in*)
+ lazymatch term with
+ | Datatypes.S => ident.S
+ | @Datatypes.nil ?T
+ => let rT := type.reify T in
+ constr:(@ident.nil rT)
+ | @Datatypes.cons ?T
+ => let rT := type.reify T in
+ constr:(@ident.cons rT)
+ | @Datatypes.pair ?A ?B
+ => let rA := type.reify A in
+ let rB := type.reify B in
+ constr:(@ident.pair rA rB)
+ | @Datatypes.fst ?A ?B
+ => let rA := type.reify A in
+ let rB := type.reify B in
+ constr:(@ident.fst rA rB)
+ | @Datatypes.snd ?A ?B
+ => let rA := type.reify A in
+ let rB := type.reify B in
+ constr:(@ident.snd rA rB)
+ | @Datatypes.bool_rect (fun _ => ?T)
+ => let rT := type.reify T in
+ constr:(@ident.bool_rect rT)
+ | @Datatypes.nat_rect (fun _ => ?T)
+ => let rT := type.reify T in
+ constr:(@ident.nat_rect rT)
+ | Nat.pred => ident.pred
+ | @LetIn.Let_In ?A (fun _ => ?B)
+ => let rA := type.reify A in
+ let rB := type.reify B in
+ constr:(@ident.Let_In rA rB)
+ | @Datatypes.list_rect ?A (fun _ => ?B)
+ => let rA := type.reify A in
+ let rB := type.reify B in
+ constr:(@ident.list_rect rA rB)
+ | runtime_mul => ident.Z_runtime_mul
+ | runtime_add => ident.Z_runtime_add
+ | Z.add => ident.Z_add
+ | Z.mul => ident.Z_mul
+ | Z.pow => ident.Z_pow
+ | Z.opp => ident.Z_opp
+ | Z.div => ident.Z_div
+ | Z.modulo => ident.Z_modulo
+ | Z.eqb => ident.Z_eqb
+ | Z.of_nat => ident.Z_of_nat
+ | _
+ => let assert_const := match goal with
+ | _ => require_known_const term
+ end in
+ let T := type of term in
+ let rT := type.reify T in
+ constr:(@ident.Const rT term)
+ end.
+ Module Z.
+ Notation runtime_mul := Z_runtime_mul.
+ Notation runtime_add := Z_runtime_add.
+ Notation add := Z_add.
+ Notation mul := Z_mul.
+ Notation pow := Z_pow.
+ Notation opp := Z_opp.
+ Notation div := Z_div.
+ Notation modulo := Z_modulo.
+ Notation eqb := Z_eqb.
+ Notation of_nat := Z_of_nat.
+ End Z.
+ Module Export Notations.
+ Notation ident := ident.
+ End Notations.
+ End ident.
+ Module Notations.
+ Include ident.Notations.
+ Notation expr := (@expr ident).
+ Notation Expr := (@Expr ident).
+ Notation interp := (@interp ident (@ident.interp)).
+ Notation Interp := (@Interp ident (@ident.interp)).
+ Notation TT := (Ident (@ident.Const type.unit tt)).
+ Notation Pair x y := (App (App (Ident ident.pair) x) y).
+ Notation "( x , y , .. , z )" := (Pair .. (Pair x%expr y%expr) .. z%expr) : expr_scope.
+ Notation "( )" := TT : expr_scope.
+ Notation "()" := TT : expr_scope.
+ Notation "'expr_let' x := A 'in' b" := (App (App (Ident ident.Let_In) A%expr) (Abs (fun x => b%expr))) : expr_scope.
+ Notation "[ ]" := (Ident ident.nil) : expr_scope.
+ Notation "x :: xs" := (App (App (Ident ident.cons) x%expr) xs%expr) : expr_scope.
+ Definition const {var t} (v : type.interp t) : @expr var t
+ := Ident (ident.Const v).
+ Ltac reify var term := expr.reify ident ident.reify var term.
+ Ltac Reify term := expr.Reify ident ident.reify term.
+ Ltac Reify_rhs _ :=
+ expr.Reify_rhs ident ident.reify ident.interp ().
+ End Notations.
+ Include Notations.
+ End default.
+ End expr.
+ Module canonicalize_list_recursion.
+ Import expr.
+ Import expr.default.
+ Module ident.
+ Definition transfer {var} {t} (idc : for_reification.ident t) : @expr var t
+ := let List_app A :=
+ list_rect
+ (fun _ => list (type.interp A) -> list (type.interp A))
+ (fun m => m)
+ (fun a l1 app_l1 m => a :: app_l1 m) in
+ match idc with
+ | for_reification.ident.Const t v
+ => Ident (ident.Const v)
+ | for_reification.ident.Let_In tx tC
+ => Ident ident.Let_In
+ | for_reification.ident.S
+ => Ident ident.S
+ | for_reification.ident.nil t
+ => Ident ident.nil
+ | for_reification.ident.cons t
+ => Ident ident.cons
+ | for_reification.ident.pair A B
+ => Ident ident.pair
+ | for_reification.ident.fst A B
+ => Ident ident.fst
+ | for_reification.ident.snd A B
+ => Ident ident.snd
+ | for_reification.ident.bool_rect T
+ => Ident ident.bool_rect
+ | for_reification.ident.nat_rect P
+ => Ident ident.nat_rect
+ | for_reification.ident.pred
+ => Ident ident.pred
+ | for_reification.ident.Z_runtime_mul
+ => Ident ident.Z.runtime_mul
+ | for_reification.ident.Z_runtime_add
+ => Ident ident.Z.runtime_add
+ | for_reification.ident.Z_add
+ => Ident ident.Z.add
+ | for_reification.ident.Z_mul
+ => Ident ident.Z.mul
+ | for_reification.ident.Z_pow
+ => Ident ident.Z.pow
+ | for_reification.ident.Z_opp
+ => Ident ident.Z.opp
+ | for_reification.ident.Z_div
+ => Ident ident.Z.div
+ | for_reification.ident.Z_modulo
+ => Ident ident.Z.modulo
+ | for_reification.ident.Z_eqb
+ => Ident ident.Z.eqb
+ | for_reification.ident.Z_of_nat
+ => Ident ident.Z.of_nat
+ | for_reification.ident.List_seq
+ => ltac:(
+ let v := reify
+ var
+ (fun start len : nat
+ => nat_rect
+ (fun _ => nat -> list nat)
+ (fun _ => nil)
+ (fun len seq_len start => cons start (seq_len (S start)))
+ len start)
+ in exact v)
+ | for_reification.ident.List_repeat A
+ => ltac:(
+ let v := reify
+ var
+ (fun (x : type.interp A)
+ => nat_rect
+ (fun _ => list (type.interp A))
+ nil
+ (fun k repeat_k => cons x repeat_k)) in
+ exact v)
+ | for_reification.ident.List_combine A B
+ => ltac:(
+ let v := reify
+ var
+ (list_rect
+ (fun _ => list (type.interp B) -> list (type.interp A * type.interp B))
+ (fun l' => nil)
+ (fun x tl combine_tl
+ => list_rect
+ (fun _ => list (type.interp A * type.interp B))
+ nil
+ (fun y tl' REIFICATION_STACK_OVERFLOWS_IF_THIS_IS_NAMED_UNDERSCORE (* CODBUG(https://github.com/coq/coq/issues/5448) *)
+ => (x, y) :: combine_tl tl'))) in
+ exact v)
+ | for_reification.ident.List_map A B
+ => ltac:(
+ let v := reify
+ var
+ (fun f : type.interp A -> type.interp B
+ => list_rect
+ (fun _ => list (type.interp B))
+ nil
+ (fun a t map_t => f a :: map_t)) in
+ exact v)
+ | for_reification.ident.List_flat_map A B
+ => ltac:(
+ let List_app := (eval cbv [List_app] in (List_app B)) in
+ let v := reify
+ var
+ (fun f : type.interp A -> list (type.interp B)
+ => list_rect
+ (fun _ => list (type.interp B))
+ nil
+ (fun x t flat_map_t => List_app (f x) flat_map_t)) in
+ exact v)
+ | for_reification.ident.List_partition A
+ => ltac:(
+ let v := reify
+ var
+ (fun f : type.interp A -> bool
+ => list_rect
+ (fun _ => list (type.interp A) * list (type.interp A))%type
+ (nil, nil)
+ (fun x tl partition_tl
+ => let g := fst partition_tl in
+ let d := snd partition_tl in
+ if f x then (x :: g, d) else (g, x :: d))) in
+ exact v)
+ | for_reification.ident.List_app A
+ => ltac:(
+ let List_app := (eval cbv [List_app] in (List_app A)) in
+ let v := reify var List_app in
+ exact v)
+ | for_reification.ident.List_rev A
+ => ltac:(
+ let List_app := (eval cbv [List_app] in (List_app A)) in
+ let v := reify
+ var
+ (list_rect
+ (fun _ => list (type.interp A))
+ nil
+ (fun x l' rev_l' => List_app rev_l' [x])) in
+ exact v)
+ | for_reification.ident.List_fold_right A B
+ => ltac:(
+ let v := reify
+ var
+ (fun (f : type.interp B -> type.interp A -> type.interp A) (a0 : type.interp A)
+ => list_rect
+ (fun _ => type.interp A)
+ a0
+ (fun b t fold_right_t => f b fold_right_t)) in
+ exact v)
+ | for_reification.ident.List_update_nth T
+ => ltac:(
+ let v := reify
+ var
+ (fun (n : nat) (f : type.interp T -> type.interp T)
+ => nat_rect
+ (fun _ => list (type.interp T) -> list (type.interp T))
+ (list_rect
+ (fun _ => list (type.interp T))
+ nil
+ (fun x' xs' __ => f x' :: xs'))
+ (fun n' update_nth_n'
+ => list_rect
+ (fun _ => list (type.interp T))
+ nil
+ (fun x' xs' __ => x' :: update_nth_n' xs'))
+ n) in
+ exact v)
+ | for_reification.ident.List_nth_default T
+ => ltac:(
+ let v := reify
+ var
+ (fun (default : type.interp T) (l : list (type.interp T)) (n : nat)
+ => nat_rect
+ (fun _ => list (type.interp T) -> type.interp T)
+ (list_rect
+ (fun _ => type.interp T)
+ default
+ (fun x __ __ => x))
+ (fun n nth_error_n
+ => list_rect
+ (fun _ => type.interp T)
+ default
+ (fun __ l __ => nth_error_n l))
+ n
+ l) in
+ exact v)
+ end%expr.
+ End ident.
+ Module expr.
+ Section with_var.
+ Context {var : type -> Type}.
+ Fixpoint transfer {t} (e : @for_reification.Notations.expr var t)
+ : @expr var t
+ := match e with
+ | Var t v => Var v
+ | Ident t idc => @ident.transfer var t idc
+ | App s d f x => App (@transfer _ f) (@transfer _ x)
+ | Abs s d f => Abs (fun x => @transfer d (f x))
+ end.
+ End with_var.
+ Definition Transfer {t} (e : for_reification.Notations.Expr t) : Expr t
+ := fun var => transfer (e _).
+ End expr.
+ End canonicalize_list_recursion.
+ Notation canonicalize_list_recursion := canonicalize_list_recursion.expr.Transfer.
+ Import expr.
+ Import expr.default.
Section option_partition.
Context {A : Type} (f : A -> option Datatypes.bool).
@@ -517,7 +1172,7 @@ Module Compilers.
Local Notation if_arrow_d f := (if_arrow (fun s d => f d)) (only parsing).
Definition invert_Abs {s d} (e : @expr var (type.arrow s d)) : option (var s -> @expr var d)
- := match e in expr t return option (if_arrow (fun _ _ => _) t) with
+ := match e in expr.expr t return option (if_arrow (fun _ _ => _) t) with
| Abs s d f => Some f
| _ => None
@@ -621,7 +1276,7 @@ Module Compilers.
(* oh, the horrors of not being able to use non-linear deep pattern matches. c.f. COQBUG(https://github.com/coq/coq/issues/6320) *)
Fixpoint invert_list_full {t} (e : @expr var (type.list t))
: option (list (@expr var t))
- := match e in expr t return option (list_expr t) with
+ := match e in expr.expr t return option (list_expr t) with
| Ident t idc
=> match idc in ident t return option (list_expr t) with
| ident.Const (type.list _) v => Some (List.map const v)
@@ -674,13 +1329,6 @@ Module Compilers.
(Ident ident.nil)
(fun x _ xs => App (App (Ident ident.cons) x) xs)
- Definition reify_list_by_app {t} (ls : list (@expr var (type.list t))) : @expr var (type.list t)
- := list_rect
- (fun _ => _)
- (Ident ident.nil)
- (fun ls1 _ ls2 => App (App (Ident ident.List.app) ls1) ls2)
- ls.
End gallina_reify.
Module partial.
@@ -877,215 +1525,6 @@ Module Compilers.
Module ident.
Section interp.
Context {var : type -> Type}.
- Let defaulted_App_p_e {A B} (idc : ident (A -> B))
- (F : interp_prestep (interp var) A
- -> interp var B)
- : @expr var A + interp_prestep (interp var) A
- -> interp var B
- := fun x
- => match x with
- | inl e => expr.reflect (App (Ident idc) e)
- | inr x => F x
- end.
- Let defaulted_App_p_p {A B} (idc : ident (A -> B))
- (F : interp_prestep (interp var) A
- -> interp_prestep (interp var) B)
- : @expr var A + interp_prestep (interp var) A
- -> @expr var B + interp_prestep (interp var) B
- := (App (Ident idc) + F)%function.
- Let defaulted_App_ep_p {A B C} (idc : ident (A -> B -> C))
- (F : interp var A
- -> interp_prestep (interp var) B
- -> interp_prestep (interp var) C)
- : interp var A
- -> @expr var B + interp_prestep (interp var) B
- -> @expr var C + interp_prestep (interp var) C
- := fun x
- => (App (App (Ident idc) (expr.reify x))
- + (F x))%function.
- Let defaulted_App_eep_e {A B C D} (idc : ident (A -> B -> C -> D))
- (F : interp var A
- -> interp var B
- -> interp_prestep (interp var) C
- -> interp var D)
- : interp var A
- -> interp var B
- -> @expr var C + interp_prestep (interp var) C
- -> interp var D
- := fun x y z
- => match z with
- | inl z => expr.reflect (App (App (App (Ident idc) (expr.reify x)) (expr.reify y)) z)
- | inr z => F x y z
- end.
- Let defaulted_App_pe_p {A B C} (idc : ident (A -> B -> C))
- (F : interp_prestep (interp var) A
- -> interp var B
- -> interp_prestep (interp var) C)
- : @expr var A + interp_prestep (interp var) A
- -> interp var B
- -> @expr var C + interp_prestep (interp var) C
- := fun x y
- => match x with
- | inl x => inl (App (App (Ident idc) x) (expr.reify y))
- | inr x => inr (F x y)
- end.
- Let defaulted_App_pep_p {A B C D} (idc : ident (A -> B -> C -> D))
- (F : interp_prestep (interp var) A
- -> interp var B
- -> interp_prestep (interp var) C
- -> interp_prestep (interp var) D)
- : @expr var A + interp_prestep (interp var) A
- -> interp var B
- -> @expr var C + interp_prestep (interp var) C
- -> @expr var D + interp_prestep (interp var) D
- := fun x y z
- => let xz
- := match x, z with
- | inl x, inl z => inl (x, z)
- | inr x, inl z => inl (expr.reify (unprestep x), z)
- | inl x, inr z => inl (x, expr.reify (unprestep z))
- | inr x, inr z => inr (x, z)
- end in
- match xz with
- | inl (x, z) => inl (App (App (App (Ident idc) x) (expr.reify y)) z)
- | inr (x, z) => inr (F x y z)
- end.
- Let defaulted_App_pp_p {A B C} (idc : ident (A -> B -> C))
- (F : interp_prestep (interp var) A
- -> interp_prestep (interp var) B
- -> interp_prestep (interp var) C)
- : @expr var A + interp_prestep (interp var) A
- -> @expr var B + interp_prestep (interp var) B
- -> @expr var C + interp_prestep (interp var) C
- := fun x y
- => let xy
- := match x, y with
- | inl x, inl y => inl (x, y)
- | inr x, inl y => inl (expr.reify (unprestep x), y)
- | inl x, inr y => inl (x, expr.reify (unprestep y))
- | inr x, inr y => inr (x, y)
- end in
- match xy with
- | inl (x, y) => inl (App (App (Ident idc) x) y)
- | inr (x, y) => inr (F x y)
- end.
- Let defaulted_App_pp_p_or_pe_e_or_ep_e {A B C} (idc : ident (A -> B -> C))
- (F : interp_prestep (interp var) A
- -> interp_prestep (interp var) B
- -> interp_prestep (interp var) C)
- (F1 : interp_prestep (interp var) A
- -> @expr var B
- -> option (@expr var C + interp_prestep (interp var) C))
- (F2 : @expr var A
- -> interp_prestep (interp var) B
- -> option (@expr var C + interp_prestep (interp var) C))
- : @expr var A + interp_prestep (interp var) A
- -> @expr var B + interp_prestep (interp var) B
- -> @expr var C + interp_prestep (interp var) C
- := fun x y
- => let default := defaulted_App_pp_p idc F x y in
- match x, y with
- | inl x, inl y => inl (App (App (Ident idc) x) y)
- | inl x, inr y => match F2 x y with
- | Some Fxy => Fxy
- | None => default
- end
- | inr x, inl y => match F1 x y with
- | Some Fxy => Fxy
- | None => default
- end
- | inr x, inr y => inr (F x y)
- end.
- Let defaulted_App_pp_p_or_pe_e_comm {A C} (idc : ident (A -> A -> C))
- (F : interp_prestep (interp var) A
- -> interp_prestep (interp var) A
- -> interp_prestep (interp var) C)
- (F1 : interp_prestep (interp var) A
- -> @expr var A
- -> option (@expr var C + interp_prestep (interp var) C))
- : @expr var A + interp_prestep (interp var) A
- -> @expr var A + interp_prestep (interp var) A
- -> @expr var C + interp_prestep (interp var) C
- := defaulted_App_pp_p_or_pe_e_or_ep_e
- idc
- F
- F1
- (fun x y => F1 y x).
- Let defaulted_App_epp_e {A B C D} (idc : ident (A -> B -> C -> D))
- (F : interp var A
- -> interp_prestep (interp var) B
- -> interp_prestep (interp var) C
- -> interp var D)
- : interp var A
- -> @expr var B + interp_prestep (interp var) B
- -> @expr var C + interp_prestep (interp var) C
- -> interp var D
- := fun x y z
- => let yz
- := match y, z with
- | inl y, inl z => inl (y, z)
- | inr y, inl z => inl (expr.reify (unprestep y), z)
- | inl y, inr z => inl (y, expr.reify (unprestep z))
- | inr y, inr z => inr (y, z)
- end in
- match yz with
- | inl (y, z) => expr.reflect (App (App (App (Ident idc) (expr.reify x)) y) z)
- | inr (y, z) => F x y z
- end.
- Let defaulted_App_pp_p2 {A B C} (idc : ident (A -> B -> C))
- (F : interp_prestep (interp var) A
- -> interp_prestep (interp var) B
- -> interp_prestep (interp_prestep (interp var)) C)
- : @expr var A + interp_prestep (interp var) A
- -> @expr var B + interp_prestep (interp var) B
- -> @expr var C + match C with
- | type.arrow s d => interp_prestep (interp_prestep (interp var)) C
- | C => interp_prestep (interp var) C
- end
- := fun x y
- => let xy
- := match x, y with
- | inl x, inl y => inl (x, y)
- | inr x, inl y => inl (expr.reify (unprestep x), y)
- | inl x, inr y => inl (x, expr.reify (unprestep y))
- | inr x, inr y => inr (x, y)
- end in
- match xy with
- | inl (x, y) => inl (App (App (Ident idc) x) y)
- | inr (x, y) => inr (unprestep2 (F x y))
- end.
- Let defaulted_App_ep_p2o {A B C} (idc : ident (A -> B -> C))
- (F : interp var A
- -> interp_prestep (interp var) B
- -> option (interp_prestep (interp_prestep (interp var)) C))
- : interp var A
- -> @expr var B + interp_prestep (interp var) B
- -> @expr var C + match C with
- | type.arrow s d => interp_prestep (interp_prestep (interp var)) C
- | C => interp_prestep (interp var) C
- end
- := fun x y
- => match y with
- | inl y => inl (App (App (Ident idc) (expr.reify x)) y)
- | inr y
- => match F x y with
- | Some Fxy => inr (unprestep2 Fxy)
- | None
- => inl (App (App (Ident idc) (expr.reify x)) (expr.reify (unprestep y)))
- end
- end.
- Let defaulted_App_ee_p {A B C} (idc : ident (A -> B -> C))
- (F : interp var A
- -> interp var B
- -> interp_prestep (interp var) C)
- : interp var A
- -> interp var B
- -> @expr var C + interp_prestep (interp var) C
- := fun x y => inr (F x y).
Definition interp {t} (idc : ident t) : interp var t
:= match idc in ident t return interp var t with
| ident.Const t v as idc
@@ -1095,104 +1534,101 @@ Module Compilers.
| ident.nil t
=> inr (@nil (interp var t))
| ident.cons t as idc
- => defaulted_App_ep_p idc (@cons (interp var t))
+ => fun x (xs : expr (type.list t) + list (interp var t))
+ => match xs return expr (type.list t) + list (interp var t) with
+ | inr xs => inr (cons x xs)
+ | _ => expr.reflect (Ident idc) x xs
+ end
| ident.pair A B as idc
- => defaulted_App_ee_p idc (@pair (interp var A) (interp var B))
+ => fun x y => @inr _ (interp var A * interp var B) (x, y)
| ident.fst A B as idc
- => defaulted_App_p_e idc (@fst (interp var A) (interp var B))
+ => fun x : expr (A * B) + interp var A * interp var B
+ => match x with
+ | inr x => fst x
+ | _ => expr.reflect (Ident idc) x
+ end
| ident.snd A B as idc
- => defaulted_App_p_e idc (@snd (interp var A) (interp var B))
+ => fun x : expr (A * B) + interp var A * interp var B
+ => match x with
+ | inr x => snd x
+ | _ => expr.reflect (Ident idc) x
+ end
| ident.bool_rect T as idc
- => defaulted_App_eep_e idc (@bool_rect (fun _ => interp var T))
+ => fun true_case false_case (b : expr type.bool + bool)
+ => match b with
+ | inr b => @bool_rect (fun _ => interp var T) true_case false_case b
+ | _ => expr.reflect (Ident idc) true_case false_case b
+ end
| ident.nat_rect P as idc
- => defaulted_App_eep_e
- idc
- (fun O_case S_case n
- => @nat_rect
- (fun _ => interp var P)
- O_case
- (fun n' => S_case (inr n'))
- n)
- | ident.List_seq as idc
- => defaulted_App_pp_p2 idc List.seq
- | ident.List_repeat A as idc
- => defaulted_App_ep_p idc (@List.repeat (interp var A))
- | ident.List_combine A B as idc
- => defaulted_App_pp_p2 idc (@List.combine (interp var A) (interp var B))
- | ident.List_map A B as idc
- => defaulted_App_ep_p idc (@List.map (interp var A) (interp var B))
- | ident.List_flat_map A B as idc
- => fun (f : interp var A -> expr (type.list B) + list (interp var B))
+ => fun (O_case : interp var P)
+ (S_case : expr type.nat + nat -> interp var P -> interp var P)
+ (n : expr type.nat + nat)
+ => match n with
+ | inr n => @nat_rect (fun _ => interp var P)
+ O_case
+ (fun n' => S_case (inr n'))
+ n
+ | _ => expr.reflect (Ident idc) O_case S_case n
+ end
+ | ident.list_rect A P as idc
+ => fun (nil_case : interp var P)
+ (cons_case : interp var A -> expr (type.list A) + list (interp var A) -> interp var P -> interp var P)
(ls : expr (type.list A) + list (interp var A))
- => match ls return expr (type.list B) + list (interp var B) with
- | inl lse
- => inl (App (App (Ident idc) (expr.reify (t:=A->type.list B) f)) lse)
- | inr ls
- => match option_flat_map
- (fun x => match f x with
- | inl _ => None
- | inr v => Some v
- end)
- ls
- with
- | Some res => inr res
- | None
- => let ls'
- := List.map
- (fun x => match f x with
- | inl e => e
- | inr v => reify_list (List.map expr.reify v)
- end)
- ls in
- inl (reify_list_by_app ls')
- end
+ => match ls with
+ | inr ls => @list_rect
+ (interp var A)
+ (fun _ => interp var P)
+ nil_case
+ (fun x xs rec => cons_case x (inr xs) rec)
+ ls
+ | _ => expr.reflect (Ident idc) nil_case cons_case ls
- | ident.List_partition A as idc
- => defaulted_App_ep_p2o
- idc
- (fun f => option_partition (fun x => match f x with
- | inl _ => None
- | inr b => Some b
- end))
- | ident.List_app A as idc
- => defaulted_App_pp_p idc (@List.app (interp var A))
- | ident.List_rev A as idc
- => defaulted_App_p_p idc (@List.rev (interp var A))
- | ident.List_fold_right A B as idc
- => defaulted_App_eep_e idc (@List.fold_right (interp var A) (interp var B))
- | ident.List_update_nth T as idc
- => defaulted_App_pep_p idc (@update_nth (interp var T))
- | ident.List_nth_default T as idc
- => defaulted_App_epp_e idc (@List.nth_default (interp var T))
| ident.pred as idc
| ident.S as idc
| ident.Z_of_nat as idc
| ident.Z_opp as idc
- => defaulted_App_p_p idc (ident.interp idc)
- | ident.Z_runtime_mul as idc
- => defaulted_App_pp_p_or_pe_e_comm
- idc (ident.interp idc)
- (fun x e
- => if Z.eqb x 0
- then Some (inr 0%Z)
- else if Z.eqb x 1
- then Some (inl e)
- else None)
- | ident.Z_runtime_add as idc
- => defaulted_App_pp_p_or_pe_e_comm
- idc (ident.interp idc)
- (fun x e
- => if Z.eqb x 0
- then Some (inl e)
- else None)
+ => fun x : expr _ + type.interp _
+ => match x return expr _ + type.interp _ with
+ | inr x => inr (ident.interp idc x)
+ | _ => expr.reflect (Ident idc) x
+ end
| ident.Z_add as idc
| ident.Z_mul as idc
| ident.Z_pow as idc
| ident.Z_div as idc
| ident.Z_modulo as idc
| ident.Z_eqb as idc
- | ident.Nat_sub as idc
- => defaulted_App_pp_p idc (ident.interp idc)
+ => fun (x y : expr _ + type.interp _)
+ => match x, y return expr _ + type.interp _ with
+ | inr x, inr y => inr (ident.interp idc x y)
+ | _, _ => expr.reflect (Ident idc) x y
+ end
+ | ident.Z_runtime_mul as idc
+ => fun (x y : expr _ + type.interp _)
+ => let default := expr.reflect (Ident idc) x y in
+ match x, y return expr _ + type.interp _ with
+ | inr x, inr y => inr (ident.interp idc x y)
+ | inr x, inl e
+ | inl e, inr x
+ => if Z.eqb x 0
+ then inr 0%Z
+ else if Z.eqb x 1
+ then inl e
+ else default
+ | inl _, inl _ => default
+ end
+ | ident.Z_runtime_add as idc
+ => fun (x y : expr _ + type.interp _)
+ => let default := expr.reflect (Ident idc) x y in
+ match x, y return expr _ + type.interp _ with
+ | inr x, inr y => inr (ident.interp idc x y)
+ | inr x, inl e
+ | inl e, inr x
+ => if Z.eqb x 0
+ then inl e
+ else default
+ | inl _, inl _ => default
+ end
End interp.
End ident.
@@ -1203,7 +1639,7 @@ Module Compilers.
Fixpoint partial_reduce' {t} (e : @expr (partial.interp var) t)
: partial.interp var t
- := match e in expr t return partial.interp var t with
+ := match e in expr.expr t return partial.interp var t with
| Var t v => v
| Ident t idc => partial.ident.interp idc
| App s d f x => @partial_reduce' _ f (@partial_reduce' _ x)
@@ -1217,274 +1653,6 @@ Module Compilers.
Definition PartialReduce {t} (e : Expr t) : Expr t
:= fun var => @partial_reduce var t (e _).
- Ltac is_known_const_cps2 term on_success on_failure :=
- let recurse term := is_known_const_cps2 term on_success on_failure in
- lazymatch term with
- | tt => on_success ()
- | @nil _ => on_success ()
- | S ?term => recurse term
- | O => on_success ()
- | Z0 => on_success ()
- | Zpos ?p => recurse p
- | Zneg ?p => recurse p
- | xI ?p => recurse p
- | xO ?p => recurse p
- | xH => on_success ()
- | ?term => on_failure term
- end.
- Ltac require_known_const term :=
- is_known_const_cps2 term ltac:(fun _ => idtac) ltac:(fun term => fail 0 "Not a known const:" term).
- Ltac is_known_const term :=
- is_known_const_cps2 term ltac:(fun _ => true) ltac:(fun _ => false).
- Print ident.ident.
- Ltac reify_ident term :=
- (*let dummy := match goal with _ => idtac "attempting to reify_op" term end in*)
- lazymatch term with
- | S => ident.S
- | @nil ?T
- => let rT := type.reify T in
- constr:(@ident.nil rT)
- | @cons ?T
- => let rT := type.reify T in
- constr:(@ident.cons rT)
- | @pair ?A ?B
- => let rA := type.reify A in
- let rB := type.reify B in
- constr:(@ident.pair rA rB)
- | @fst ?A ?B
- => let rA := type.reify A in
- let rB := type.reify B in
- constr:(@ident.fst rA rB)
- | @snd ?A ?B
- => let rA := type.reify A in
- let rB := type.reify B in
- constr:(@ident.snd rA rB)
- | @bool_rect (fun _ => ?T)
- => let rT := type.reify T in
- constr:(@ident.bool_rect rT)
- | @nat_rect (fun _ => ?T)
- => let rT := type.reify T in
- constr:(@ident.nat_rect rT)
- | pred => ident.pred
- | seq => ident.List.seq
- | @List.repeat ?A
- => let rA := type.reify A in
- constr:(@ident.List.repeat rA)
- | @Let_In ?A (fun _ => ?B)
- => let rA := type.reify A in
- let rB := type.reify B in
- constr:(@ident.Let_In rA rB)
- | @combine ?A ?B
- => let rA := type.reify A in
- let rB := type.reify B in
- constr:(@ident.List.combine rA rB)
- | @List.map ?A ?B
- => let rA := type.reify A in
- let rB := type.reify B in
- constr:(@ident.List.map rA rB)
- | @List.flat_map ?A ?B
- => let rA := type.reify A in
- let rB := type.reify B in
- constr:(@ident.List.flat_map rA rB)
- | @List.partition ?A
- => let rA := type.reify A in
- constr:(@ident.List.partition rA)
- | @List.app ?A
- => let rA := type.reify A in
- constr:(@ident.List.app rA)
- | @List.rev ?A
- => let rA := type.reify A in
- constr:(@ident.List.rev rA)
- | @List.fold_right ?A ?B
- => let rA := type.reify A in
- let rB := type.reify B in
- constr:(@ident.List.fold_right rA rB)
- | @update_nth ?T
- => let rT := type.reify T in
- constr:(@ident.List.update_nth rT)
- | @List.nth_default ?T
- => let rT := type.reify T in
- constr:(@ident.List.nth_default rT)
- | runtime_mul => ident.Z.runtime_mul
- | runtime_add => ident.Z.runtime_add
- | Z.add => ident.Z.add
- | Z.mul => ident.Z.mul
- | Z.pow => ident.Z.pow
- | Z.opp => ident.Z.opp
- | Z.div => ident.Z.div
- | Z.modulo => ident.Z.modulo
- | Z.eqb => ident.Z.eqb
- | Z.of_nat => ident.Z.of_nat
- | Nat.sub => ident.Nat.sub
- | _
- => let assert_const := match goal with
- | _ => require_known_const term
- end in
- let T := type of term in
- let rT := type.reify T in
- constr:(@ident.Const rT term)
- end.
- Module var_context.
- Inductive list {var : type -> Type} :=
- | nil
- | cons {t} (gallina_v : type.interp t) (v : var t) (ctx : list).
- End var_context.
- (* cf COQBUG(https://github.com/coq/coq/issues/5448) , COQBUG(https://github.com/coq/coq/issues/6315) *)
- Ltac refresh n :=
- let n' := fresh n in
- let n' := fresh n in
- n'.
- Ltac type_of_first_argument_of f :=
- let f_ty := type of f in
- lazymatch eval hnf in f_ty with
- | forall x : ?T, _ => T
- end.
- (** Forms of abstraction in Gallina that our reflective language
- cannot handle get handled by specializing the code "template" to
- each particular application of that abstraction. In particular,
- type arguments (nat, Z, (λ _, nat), etc) get substituted into
- lambdas and treated as a integral part of primitive operations
- (such as [@List.app T], [@list_rect (λ _, nat)]). During
- reification, we accumulate them in a right-associated tuple,
- using [tt] as the "nil" base case. When we hit a λ or an
- identifier, we plug in the template parameters as necessary. *)
- Ltac require_template_parameter parameter_type :=
- first [ unify parameter_type Prop
- | unify parameter_type Set
- | unify parameter_type Type
- | lazymatch eval hnf in parameter_type with
- | forall x : ?T, @?P x
- => let check := constr:(fun x : T
- => ltac:(require_template_parameter (P x);
- exact I)) in
- idtac
- end ].
- Ltac is_template_parameter parameter_type :=
- is_success_run_tactic ltac:(fun _ => require_template_parameter parameter_type).
- Ltac plug_template_ctx f template_ctx :=
- lazymatch template_ctx with
- | tt => f
- | (?arg, ?template_ctx')
- =>
- let T := type_of_first_argument_of f in
- let x_is_template_parameter := is_template_parameter T in
- lazymatch x_is_template_parameter with
- | true
- => plug_template_ctx (f arg) template_ctx'
- | false
- => constr:(fun x : T
- => ltac:(let v := plug_template_ctx (f x) template_ctx in
- exact v))
- end
- end.
- Ltac reify_helper var term value_ctx template_ctx :=
- let reify_rec term := reify_helper var term value_ctx template_ctx in
- (*let dummy := match goal with _ => idtac "reify_helper: attempting to reify:" term end in*)
- lazymatch value_ctx with
- | context[@var_context.cons _ ?rT term ?v _]
- => constr:(@Var var rT v)
- | _
- =>
- let term_is_known_const := is_known_const term in
- lazymatch term_is_known_const with
- | true
- => let rv := reify_ident term in
- constr:(Ident (var:=var) rv)
- | false
- =>
- lazymatch term with
- | match ?b with true => ?t | false => ?f end
- => let T := type of t in
- reify_rec (@bool_rect (fun _ => T) t f b)
- | let x := ?a in @?b x
- => let A := type of a in
- let B := lazymatch type of b with forall x, @?B x => B end in
- reify_rec (@Let_In A B a b)
- | ?f ?x
- =>
- let ty := type_of_first_argument_of f in
- let x_is_template_parameter := is_template_parameter ty in
- lazymatch x_is_template_parameter with
- | true
- => (* we can't reify things of type [Type], so we save it for later to plug in *)
- reify_helper var f value_ctx (x, template_ctx)
- | false
- =>
- let rx := reify_helper var x value_ctx tt in
- let rf := reify_helper var f value_ctx template_ctx in
- constr:(App (var:=var) rf rx)
- end
- | (fun x : ?T => ?f)
- =>
- let x_is_template_parameter := is_template_parameter T in
- lazymatch x_is_template_parameter with
- | true
- =>
- lazymatch template_ctx with
- | (?arg, ?template_ctx)
- => (* we pull a trick with [match] to plug in [arg] without running cbv β *)
- reify_helper var (match arg with x => f end) value_ctx template_ctx
- end
- | false
- =>
- let rT := type.reify T in
- let not_x := refresh x in
- let not_x2 := refresh not_x in
- let not_x3 := refresh not_x2 in
- let rf0 :=
- constr:(
- fun (x : T) (not_x : var rT)
- => match f, @var_context.cons var rT x not_x value_ctx return _ with (* c.f. COQBUG(https://github.com/coq/coq/issues/6252#issuecomment-347041995) for [return _] *)
- | not_x2, not_x3
- => ltac:(
- let f := (eval cbv delta [not_x2] in not_x2) in
- let var_ctx := (eval cbv delta [not_x3] in not_x3) in
- (*idtac "rec call" f "was" term;*)
- let rf := reify_helper var f var_ctx template_ctx in
- exact rf)
- end) in
- lazymatch rf0 with
- | (fun _ => ?rf)
- => constr:(@Abs var rT _ rf)
- | _
- => (* This will happen if the reified term still
- mentions the non-var variable. By chance, [cbv delta]
- strips type casts, which are only places that I can
- think of where such dependency might remain. However,
- if this does come up, having a distinctive error message
- is much more useful for debugging than the generic "no
- matching clause" *)
- let dummy := match goal with
- | _ => fail 1 "Failure to eliminate functional dependencies of" rf0
- end in
- constr:(I : I)
- end
- end
- | _
- => let term := plug_template_ctx term template_ctx in
- let idc := reify_ident term in
- constr:(Ident (var:=var) idc)
- end
- end
- end.
- Ltac reify var term :=
- reify_helper var term (@var_context.nil var) tt.
- Ltac Reify term :=
- constr:(fun var : type -> Type
- => ltac:(let r := reify var term in
- exact r)).
- Ltac Reify_rhs _ :=
- let RHS := lazymatch goal with |- _ = ?RHS => RHS end in
- let R := Reify RHS in
- transitivity (Interp R);
- [ | cbv beta iota delta [Interp interp ident.interp Let_In type.interp bool_rect];
- reflexivity ].
End Compilers.
Import Associational Positional Compilers.
Local Coercion Z.of_nat : nat >-> Z.
@@ -1524,18 +1692,34 @@ Proof.
Delimit Scope RT_expr_scope with RT_expr.
+Import expr.
+Import for_reification.Notations.Reification.
Notation "ls _{ n }"
- := (App (App (App (Ident ident.List.nth_default) _) ls%expr) (Ident (ident.Const n%nat)))
+ := (App (App (App (Ident for_reification.ident.List.nth_default) _) ls%expr) (Ident (ident.Const n%nat)))
(at level 20, format "ls _{ n }")
: expr_scope.
+Notation "'hd' ls" := (App (App (App (Ident ident.list_rect) (Ident (ident.Const (-1)%Z)))
+ (Abs (fun x1 => Abs (fun _ => Abs (fun _ => Var x1)))))
+ ls%expr) (at level 10, ls at level 10) : expr_scope.
+Notation "( λₗ xs .. ys , f ) ( 'tl' ls )" := (App (App (App (Ident ident.list_rect) (Ident (ident.Const (-1)%Z)))
+ (Abs (fun _ => Abs (fun xs => .. (fun ys => Abs (fun _ => f)) .. ))))
+ ls%expr) (at level 10, xs binder, ys binder, ls at level 10) : expr_scope.
Notation "x + y"
:= (App (App (Ident ident.Z.runtime_add) x%RT_expr) y%RT_expr)
: RT_expr_scope.
Notation "x * y"
:= (App (App (Ident ident.Z.runtime_mul) x%RT_expr) y%RT_expr)
: RT_expr_scope.
+Notation "x + y"
+ := (App (App (Ident ident.Z.runtime_add) x%RT_expr) y%RT_expr)
+ : expr_scope.
+Notation "x * y"
+ := (App (App (Ident ident.Z.runtime_mul) x%RT_expr) y%RT_expr)
+ : expr_scope.
Notation "x" := (Ident (ident.Const x)) (only printing, at level 10) : expr_scope.
Notation "x" := (Var x) (only printing, at level 10) : expr_scope.
+Open Scope RT_expr_scope.
Require Import AdmitAxiom.
@@ -1573,11 +1757,12 @@ Example base_25_5_mul (*(f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 g0 g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 g7 g
cbv [n expand_list expand_list_helper].
cbv delta [mulmod w to_associational mul to_associational reduce from_associational add_to_nth zeros place split].
+ Locate Ltac Reify.
assert True.
{ let v := Reify ((fun x => 2^x) 255)%Z in
pose v as E.
vm_compute in E.
- pose (PartialReduce E) as E'.
+ pose (PartialReduce (canonicalize_list_recursion E)) as E'.
vm_compute in E'.
lazymatch (eval cbv delta [E'] in E') with
| (fun var => Ident (ident.Const ?v)) => idtac
@@ -1592,7 +1777,7 @@ Example base_25_5_mul (*(f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 g0 g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 g7 g
(fun v => v)) in
pose v as E.
vm_compute in E.
- pose (PartialReduce E) as E'.
+ pose (PartialReduce (canonicalize_list_recursion E)) as E'.
vm_compute in E'.
lazymatch (eval cbv delta [E'] in E') with
| (fun var : type -> Type =>
@@ -1606,9 +1791,9 @@ Example base_25_5_mul (*(f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 g0 g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 g7 g
} Unfocus.
cbv beta.
- let e := match goal with |- _ = Interp ?e _ _ => e end in
+ let e := match goal with |- _ = expr.Interp _ ?e _ _ => e end in
set (E := e).
- let E' := constr:(PartialReduce E) in
+ let E' := constr:(PartialReduce (canonicalize_list_recursion E)) in
let E' := (eval vm_compute in E') in
pose E' as E''.
transitivity (Interp E'' f g); [ clear E | admit ].
@@ -1628,99 +1813,1211 @@ Example base_25_5_mul (*(f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 g0 g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 g7 g
f0*g0+ 38*f1*g9+ 19*f2*g8+ 38*f3*g7+ 19*f4*g6+ 38*f5*g5+ 19*f6*g4+ 38*f7*g3+ 19*f8*g2+ 38*f9*g1) *)
Eval cbv [proj1_sig base_25_5_mul] in (fun f g Hf Hg => proj1_sig (base_25_5_mul f g Hf Hg)).
-(* = fun (f g : list Z) (_ : length f = 10%nat) (_ : length g = 10%nat) =>
- Interp
+(* = fun (f g : list Z) (_ : length f = 10%nat) (_ : length g = 10%nat) =>
+ expr.Interp (@ident.interp)
(fun var : type -> Type =>
(λ x x0 : var (type.list type.Z),
- (x_{0} * x0_{0} +
- (2 * (19 * (x_{1} * x0_{9})) +
- (19 * (x_{2} * x0_{8}) +
- (2 * (19 * (x_{3} * x0_{7})) +
- (19 * (x_{4} * x0_{6}) +
- (2 * (19 * (x_{5} * x0_{5})) +
- (19 * (x_{6} * x0_{4}) +
- (2 * (19 * (x_{7} * x0_{3})) +
- (19 * (x_{8} * x0_{2}) + 2 * (19 * (x_{9} * x0_{1})))))))))))%RT_expr
- :: (x_{0} * x0_{1} +
- (x_{1} * x0_{0} +
- (19 * (x_{2} * x0_{9}) +
- (19 * (x_{3} * x0_{8}) +
- (19 * (x_{4} * x0_{7}) +
- (19 * (x_{5} * x0_{6}) +
- (19 * (x_{6} * x0_{5}) +
- (19 * (x_{7} * x0_{4}) + (19 * (x_{8} * x0_{3}) + 19 * (x_{9} * x0_{2}))))))))))%RT_expr
- :: (x_{0} * x0_{2} +
- (2 * (x_{1} * x0_{1}) +
- (x_{2} * x0_{0} +
- (2 * (19 * (x_{3} * x0_{9})) +
- (19 * (x_{4} * x0_{8}) +
- (2 * (19 * (x_{5} * x0_{7})) +
- (19 * (x_{6} * x0_{6}) +
- (2 * (19 * (x_{7} * x0_{5})) +
- (19 * (x_{8} * x0_{4}) + 2 * (19 * (x_{9} * x0_{3})))))))))))%RT_expr
- :: (x_{0} * x0_{3} +
- (x_{1} * x0_{2} +
- (x_{2} * x0_{1} +
- (x_{3} * x0_{0} +
- (19 * (x_{4} * x0_{9}) +
- (19 * (x_{5} * x0_{8}) +
- (19 * (x_{6} * x0_{7}) +
- (19 * (x_{7} * x0_{6}) +
- (19 * (x_{8} * x0_{5}) + 19 * (x_{9} * x0_{4}))))))))))%RT_expr
- :: (x_{0} * x0_{4} +
- (2 * (x_{1} * x0_{3}) +
- (x_{2} * x0_{2} +
- (2 * (x_{3} * x0_{1}) +
- (x_{4} * x0_{0} +
- (2 * (19 * (x_{5} * x0_{9})) +
- (19 * (x_{6} * x0_{8}) +
- (2 * (19 * (x_{7} * x0_{7})) +
- (19 * (x_{8} * x0_{6}) + 2 * (19 * (x_{9} * x0_{5})))))))))))%RT_expr
- :: (x_{0} * x0_{5} +
- (x_{1} * x0_{4} +
- (x_{2} * x0_{3} +
- (x_{3} * x0_{2} +
- (x_{4} * x0_{1} +
- (x_{5} * x0_{0} +
- (19 * (x_{6} * x0_{9}) +
- (19 * (x_{7} * x0_{8}) +
- (19 * (x_{8} * x0_{7}) + 19 * (x_{9} * x0_{6}))))))))))%RT_expr
- :: (x_{0} * x0_{6} +
- (2 * (x_{1} * x0_{5}) +
- (x_{2} * x0_{4} +
- (2 * (x_{3} * x0_{3}) +
- (x_{4} * x0_{2} +
- (2 * (x_{5} * x0_{1}) +
- (x_{6} * x0_{0} +
- (2 * (19 * (x_{7} * x0_{9})) +
- (19 * (x_{8} * x0_{8}) + 2 * (19 * (x_{9} * x0_{7})))))))))))%RT_expr
- :: (x_{0} * x0_{7} +
- (x_{1} * x0_{6} +
- (x_{2} * x0_{5} +
- (x_{3} * x0_{4} +
- (x_{4} * x0_{3} +
- (x_{5} * x0_{2} +
- (x_{6} * x0_{1} +
- (x_{7} * x0_{0} +
- (19 * (x_{8} * x0_{9}) + 19 * (x_{9} * x0_{8}))))))))))%RT_expr
- :: (x_{0} * x0_{8} +
- (2 * (x_{1} * x0_{7}) +
- (x_{2} * x0_{6} +
- (2 * (x_{3} * x0_{5}) +
- (x_{4} * x0_{4} +
- (2 * (x_{5} * x0_{3}) +
- (x_{6} * x0_{2} +
- (2 * (x_{7} * x0_{1}) +
- (x_{8} * x0_{0} + 2 * (19 * (x_{9} * x0_{9})))))))))))%RT_expr
- :: (x_{0} * x0_{9} +
- (x_{1} * x0_{8} +
- (x_{2} * x0_{7} +
- (x_{3} * x0_{6} +
- (x_{4} * x0_{5} +
- (x_{5} * x0_{4} +
- (x_{6} * x0_{3} +
- (x_{7} * x0_{2} + (x_{8} * x0_{1} + x_{9} * x0_{0})))))))))%RT_expr
- :: [])%expr) f g
- : forall f g : list Z, length f = 10%nat -> length g = 10%nat -> list Z *)
+ hd x * hd x0 +
+ (2 *
+ (19 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x2)( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x23 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x26 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x26)( tl x23))( tl x20))( tl
+ x17))( tl x14))( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x0))) +
+ (19 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z), ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x5)( tl x2))
+ ( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x23 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x23)( tl x20))( tl x17))( tl
+ x14))( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x0)) +
+ (2 *
+ (19 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z), ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x8)( tl x5))
+ ( tl x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x20)( tl x17))( tl
+ x14))( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x0))) +
+ (19 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x11)( tl x8))( tl
+ x5))( tl x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x17)( tl x14))( tl
+ x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x0)) +
+ (2 *
+ (19 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x14)( tl x11))( tl
+ x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x14)( tl x11))( tl
+ x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x0))) +
+ (19 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x17)( tl x14))( tl
+ x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x11)( tl x8))( tl
+ x5))( tl x2))( tl x0)) +
+ (2 *
+ (19 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x20)( tl x17))( tl
+ x14))( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x8)( tl x5))( tl
+ x2))( tl x0))) +
+ (19 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x23 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x23)( tl x20))( tl
+ x17))( tl x14))( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl
+ x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x5)( tl x2))( tl
+ x0)) +
+ 2 *
+ (19 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x23 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x26 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x26)( tl x23))( tl
+ x20))( tl x17))( tl x14))( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl
+ x2))( tl x) * ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x2)( tl x0)))))))))))
+ :: hd x * ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x2)( tl x0) +
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x2)( tl x) * hd x0 +
+ (19 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z), ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x5)( tl x2))
+ ( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x23 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x26 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x26)( tl x23))( tl
+ x20))( tl x17))( tl x14))( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl
+ x2))( tl x0)) +
+ (19 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x8)( tl x5))( tl
+ x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x23 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x23)( tl x20))( tl
+ x17))( tl x14))( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl
+ x0)) +
+ (19 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x11)( tl x8))( tl
+ x5))( tl x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x20)( tl x17))( tl
+ x14))( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x0)) +
+ (19 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x14)( tl x11))( tl
+ x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x17)( tl x14))( tl
+ x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x0)) +
+ (19 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x17)( tl x14))( tl
+ x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x14)( tl x11))( tl
+ x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x0)) +
+ (19 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x20)( tl x17))( tl
+ x14))( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x11)( tl x8))( tl
+ x5))( tl x2))( tl x0)) +
+ (19 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x23 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x23)( tl x20))( tl
+ x17))( tl x14))( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl
+ x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x8)( tl x5))( tl
+ x2))( tl x0)) +
+ 19 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x23 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x26 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x26)( tl x23))( tl
+ x20))( tl x17))( tl x14))( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl
+ x5))( tl x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x5)( tl x2))( tl
+ x0))))))))))
+ :: hd x *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z), ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x5)( tl x2))
+ ( tl x0) +
+ (2 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x2)( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x2)( tl x0)) +
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x5)( tl x2))( tl
+ x) * hd x0 +
+ (2 *
+ (19 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x8)( tl x5))( tl
+ x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x23 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x26 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x26)( tl x23))( tl
+ x20))( tl x17))( tl x14))( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl
+ x2))( tl x0))) +
+ (19 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x11)( tl x8))( tl
+ x5))( tl x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x23 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x23)( tl x20))( tl
+ x17))( tl x14))( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl
+ x0)) +
+ (2 *
+ (19 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x14)( tl x11))( tl
+ x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x20)( tl x17))( tl
+ x14))( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x0))) +
+ (19 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x17)( tl x14))( tl
+ x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x17)( tl x14))( tl
+ x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x0)) +
+ (2 *
+ (19 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x20)( tl x17))( tl
+ x14))( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl
+ x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x14)( tl x11))( tl
+ x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x0))) +
+ (19 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x23 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x23)( tl x20))( tl
+ x17))( tl x14))( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl
+ x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x11)( tl x8))( tl
+ x5))( tl x2))( tl x0)) +
+ 2 *
+ (19 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x23 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x26 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x26)( tl x23))( tl
+ x20))( tl x17))( tl x14))( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl
+ x5))( tl x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x8)( tl x5))( tl
+ x2))( tl x0)))))))))))
+ :: hd x *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x8)( tl x5))( tl
+ x2))( tl x0) +
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x2)( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x5)( tl x2))( tl
+ x0) +
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x5)( tl x2))( tl
+ x) * ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x2)( tl x0) +
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x8)( tl x5))( tl
+ x2))( tl x) * hd x0 +
+ (19 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x11)( tl x8))( tl
+ x5))( tl x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x23 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x26 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x26)( tl x23))( tl
+ x20))( tl x17))( tl x14))( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl
+ x5))( tl x2))( tl x0)) +
+ (19 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x14)( tl x11))( tl
+ x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x23 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x23)( tl x20))( tl
+ x17))( tl x14))( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl
+ x2))( tl x0)) +
+ (19 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x17)( tl x14))( tl
+ x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x20)( tl x17))( tl
+ x14))( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl
+ x0)) +
+ (19 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x20)( tl x17))( tl
+ x14))( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl
+ x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x17)( tl x14))( tl
+ x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x0)) +
+ (19 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x23 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x23)( tl x20))( tl
+ x17))( tl x14))( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl
+ x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x14)( tl x11))( tl
+ x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x0)) +
+ 19 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x23 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x26 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x26)( tl x23))( tl
+ x20))( tl x17))( tl x14))( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl
+ x5))( tl x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x11)( tl x8))( tl
+ x5))( tl x2))( tl x0))))))))))
+ :: hd x *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x11)( tl x8))( tl
+ x5))( tl x2))( tl x0) +
+ (2 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x2)( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x8)( tl x5))( tl
+ x2))( tl x0)) +
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x5)( tl x2))( tl
+ x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x5)( tl x2))( tl
+ x0) +
+ (2 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x8)( tl x5))( tl
+ x2))( tl x) * ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x2)( tl x0)) +
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x11)( tl x8))( tl
+ x5))( tl x2))( tl x) * hd x0 +
+ (2 *
+ (19 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x14)( tl x11))( tl
+ x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x23 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x26 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x26)( tl x23))( tl
+ x20))( tl x17))( tl x14))( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl
+ x5))( tl x2))( tl x0))) +
+ (19 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x17)( tl x14))( tl
+ x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x23 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x23)( tl x20))( tl
+ x17))( tl x14))( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl
+ x2))( tl x0)) +
+ (2 *
+ (19 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x20)( tl x17))( tl
+ x14))( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl
+ x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x20)( tl x17))( tl
+ x14))( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl
+ x0))) +
+ (19 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x23 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x23)( tl x20))( tl
+ x17))( tl x14))( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl
+ x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x17)( tl x14))( tl
+ x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x0)) +
+ 2 *
+ (19 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x23 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x26 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x26)( tl x23))( tl
+ x20))( tl x17))( tl x14))( tl x11))( tl
+ x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x14)( tl x11))( tl
+ x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x0)))))))))))
+ :: hd x *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x14)( tl x11))( tl
+ x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x0) +
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x2)( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x11)( tl x8))( tl
+ x5))( tl x2))( tl x0) +
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x5)( tl x2))( tl
+ x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x8)( tl x5))( tl
+ x2))( tl x0) +
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x8)( tl x5))( tl
+ x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x5)( tl x2))( tl
+ x0) +
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x11)( tl x8))( tl
+ x5))( tl x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x2)( tl x0) +
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x14)( tl x11))( tl
+ x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x) * hd x0 +
+ (19 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x17)( tl x14))( tl
+ x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x23 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x26 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x26)( tl x23))( tl
+ x20))( tl x17))( tl x14))( tl x11))( tl
+ x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x0)) +
+ (19 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x20)( tl x17))( tl
+ x14))( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl
+ x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x23 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x23)( tl x20))( tl
+ x17))( tl x14))( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl
+ x5))( tl x2))( tl x0)) +
+ (19 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x23 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x23)( tl x20))( tl
+ x17))( tl x14))( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl
+ x5))( tl x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x20)( tl x17))( tl
+ x14))( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl
+ x2))( tl x0)) +
+ 19 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x23 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x26 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x26)( tl x23))( tl
+ x20))( tl x17))( tl x14))( tl x11))( tl
+ x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x17)( tl x14))( tl
+ x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl
+ x0))))))))))
+ :: hd x *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x17)( tl x14))( tl
+ x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x0) +
+ (2 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x2)( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x14)( tl x11))( tl
+ x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x0)) +
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x5)( tl x2))( tl
+ x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x11)( tl x8))( tl
+ x5))( tl x2))( tl x0) +
+ (2 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x8)( tl x5))( tl
+ x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x8)( tl x5))( tl
+ x2))( tl x0)) +
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x11)( tl x8))( tl
+ x5))( tl x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x5)( tl x2))( tl
+ x0) +
+ (2 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x14)( tl x11))( tl
+ x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x2)( tl x0)) +
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x17)( tl x14))( tl
+ x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl
+ x) * hd x0 +
+ (2 *
+ (19 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x20)( tl x17))( tl
+ x14))( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl
+ x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x23 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x26 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x26)( tl x23))( tl
+ x20))( tl x17))( tl x14))( tl x11))( tl
+ x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x0))) +
+ (19 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x23 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x23)( tl x20))( tl
+ x17))( tl x14))( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl
+ x5))( tl x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x23 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x23)( tl x20))( tl
+ x17))( tl x14))( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl
+ x5))( tl x2))( tl x0)) +
+ 2 *
+ (19 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x23 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x26 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x26)( tl x23))( tl
+ x20))( tl x17))( tl x14))( tl x11))( tl
+ x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x20)( tl x17))( tl
+ x14))( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl
+ x2))( tl x0)))))))))))
+ :: hd x *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x20)( tl x17))( tl
+ x14))( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl
+ x0) +
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x2)( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x17)( tl x14))( tl
+ x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x0) +
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x5)( tl x2))( tl
+ x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x14)( tl x11))( tl
+ x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x0) +
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x8)( tl x5))( tl
+ x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x11)( tl x8))( tl
+ x5))( tl x2))( tl x0) +
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x11)( tl x8))( tl
+ x5))( tl x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x8)( tl x5))( tl
+ x2))( tl x0) +
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x14)( tl x11))( tl
+ x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x5)( tl x2))( tl
+ x0) +
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x17)( tl x14))( tl
+ x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl
+ x) * ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x2)( tl x0) +
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x20)( tl x17))( tl
+ x14))( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl
+ x2))( tl x) * hd x0 +
+ (19 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x23 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x23)( tl x20))
+ ( tl x17))( tl x14))( tl x11))( tl
+ x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x23 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x26 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x26)( tl x23))
+ ( tl x20))( tl x17))( tl x14))( tl
+ x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl
+ x0)) +
+ 19 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x23 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x26 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x26)( tl x23))
+ ( tl x20))( tl x17))( tl x14))( tl
+ x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl
+ x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x23 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x23)( tl x20))
+ ( tl x17))( tl x14))( tl x11))( tl
+ x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x0))))))))))
+ :: hd x *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x23 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x23)( tl x20))( tl
+ x17))( tl x14))( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl
+ x5))( tl x2))( tl x0) +
+ (2 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x2)( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x20)( tl x17))( tl
+ x14))( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl
+ x2))( tl x0)) +
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x5)( tl x2))( tl
+ x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x17)( tl x14))( tl
+ x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl
+ x0) +
+ (2 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x8)( tl x5))( tl
+ x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x14)( tl x11))( tl
+ x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x0)) +
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x11)( tl x8))( tl
+ x5))( tl x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x11)( tl x8))( tl
+ x5))( tl x2))( tl x0) +
+ (2 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x14)( tl x11))
+ ( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl
+ x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x8)( tl x5))( tl
+ x2))( tl x0)) +
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x17)( tl x14))
+ ( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl
+ x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x5)( tl x2))( tl
+ x0) +
+ (2 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x20)( tl x17))
+ ( tl x14))( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl
+ x5))( tl x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x2)( tl x0)) +
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x23 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x23)( tl x20))
+ ( tl x17))( tl x14))( tl x11))( tl
+ x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x) *
+ hd x0 +
+ 2 *
+ (19 *
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x23 : var (...),
+ ( λₗ x26 : var ..., hd x26)( tl x23))( tl
+ x20))( tl x17))( tl x14))( tl
+ x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl
+ x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x23 : var (...),
+ ( λₗ x26 : var ..., hd x26)( tl x23))( tl
+ x20))( tl x17))( tl x14))( tl
+ x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl
+ x2))( tl x0)))))))))))
+ :: hd x *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x23 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x26 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x26)( tl x23))( tl
+ x20))( tl x17))( tl x14))( tl x11))( tl
+ x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x0) +
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x2)( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x23 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x23)( tl x20))( tl
+ x17))( tl x14))( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl
+ x5))( tl x2))( tl x0) +
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x5)( tl x2))( tl
+ x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x20)( tl x17))
+ ( tl x14))( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl
+ x5))( tl x2))( tl x0) +
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x8)( tl x5))( tl
+ x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x17)( tl x14))
+ ( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl
+ x2))( tl x0) +
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x11)( tl x8))
+ ( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x14)( tl x11))
+ ( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl
+ x0) +
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x14)( tl x11))
+ ( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl
+ x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x11)( tl x8))
+ ( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl x0) +
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x17)( tl x14))
+ ( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl
+ x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x8)( tl x5))
+ ( tl x2))( tl x0) +
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x20)( tl x17))
+ ( tl x14))( tl x11))( tl x8))( tl
+ x5))( tl x2))( tl x) *
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x5)( tl x2))
+ ( tl x0) +
+ (( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x23 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x23)( tl x20))
+ ( tl x17))( tl x14))( tl x11))( tl
+ x8))( tl x5))( tl x2))( tl
+ x) * ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x2)( tl x0) +
+ ( λₗ x2 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x5 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x8 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x11 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x14 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x17 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x20 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x23 : var (type.list type.Z),
+ ( λₗ x26 : var (type.list type.Z), hd x26)( tl x23))
+ ( tl x20))( tl x17))( tl x14))( tl
+ x11))( tl x8))( tl x5))( tl
+ x2))( tl x) * hd x0)))))))) :: [])%expr) f g
+ : forall f g : list Z, length f = 10%nat -> length g = 10%nat -> list Z