path: root/src
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authorGravatar Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>2016-12-02 21:10:04 -0500
committerGravatar Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>2016-12-02 21:10:04 -0500
commit144b43f5711e7b5646766c113a109ff199e3f2c7 (patch)
tree238901ffad338d1e228faff1bda8e1bbbe1d5469 /src
parentc41e1db14d5ee535cfe5eb0b2f63c6df76d149f9 (diff)
Initial (not fully working) version of MapWithInterpInfo
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 216 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Reflection/MapWithInterpInfo.v b/src/Reflection/MapWithInterpInfo.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..49e622097
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Reflection/MapWithInterpInfo.v
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Syntax.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Sigma.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Prod.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Option.
+Local Open Scope ctype_scope.
+Local Open Scope expr_scope.
+Section language.
+ Context {base_type_code : Type}
+ {interp_base_type : base_type_code -> Type}
+ {op : flat_type base_type_code -> flat_type base_type_code -> Type}
+ (interp_op : forall src dst, op src dst -> interp_flat_type interp_base_type src -> interp_flat_type interp_base_type dst)
+ (new_type : forall t, interp_base_type t -> base_type_code)
+ (transfer_constant : forall t v, interp_base_type (new_type t v))
+ (transfer_op
+ : forall src dst (opc : op src dst)
+ (src' : interp_flat_type interp_base_type src),
+ op (SmartFlatTypeMap new_type src')
+ (SmartFlatTypeMap new_type (interp_op src dst opc src'))).
+ Axiom admit : forall {T}, T.
+ Section with_var.
+ Context {ovar : base_type_code -> Type}.
+ Local Notation ivar t := { v : interp_base_type t & ovar (new_type t v) } (only parsing).
+ Local Notation ivarf := (fun t => ivar t).
+ Fixpoint mapf_interp
+ {t} (e : @exprf base_type_code interp_base_type op ivarf t)
+ : { val : interp_flat_type interp_base_type t & @exprf base_type_code interp_base_type op ovar (SmartFlatTypeMap new_type val) }.
+ Proof.
+ refine (match e in exprf _ _ _ t
+ return { val : interp_flat_type _ t & _ } with
+ | Const tx x
+ => existT _ x (Const (SmartFlatTypeMapInterp transfer_constant x))
+ | Var _ x
+ => existT _ (projT1 x) (Var admit (* need ≈ CSE / lookup here *))
+ | Op _ _ op args
+ => let mapf_interp_args := @mapf_interp _ args in
+ existT
+ _
+ (interp_op _ _ op (projT1 mapf_interp_args))
+ (Op (transfer_op _ _ op _) (projT2 mapf_interp_args))
+ | LetIn _ ex _ eC
+ => let mapf_interp_ex := @mapf_interp _ ex in
+ let mapf_interp_eC := fun v => @mapf_interp _ (eC v) in
+ let impossible1 := admit in
+ existT
+ _
+ impossible1 (* This is impossible; we need a second expression which lines up nicely here *)
+ (LetIn
+ (projT2 mapf_interp_ex)
+ (fun v => let v' : interp_flat_type ivarf _ := admit in
+ let impossible : projT1 (mapf_interp_eC v') = impossible1 := admit in
+ match impossible in _ = y
+ return exprf _ _ _ (SmartFlatTypeMap new_type y)
+ with
+ | eq_refl => projT2 (mapf_interp_eC v')
+ end))
+ | Pair _ ex _ ey
+ => let mapf_interp_ex := @mapf_interp _ ex in
+ let mapf_interp_ey := @mapf_interp _ ey in
+ existT
+ _
+ (projT1 mapf_interp_ex, projT1 mapf_interp_ey)%core
+ (Pair (projT2 mapf_interp_ex) (projT2 mapf_interp_ey))
+ end).
+ Defined.
+ Fixpoint mapf_interp'
+ {t1} (e1 : @exprf base_type_code interp_base_type op ivarf t1)
+ {t2} (e2 : @exprf base_type_code interp_base_type op interp_base_type t2)
+ G
+ (wf : { pf : t2 = t1 | wff G e1 (eq_rect _ (exprf _ _ _) e2 _ pf) })
+ : @exprf base_type_code interp_base_type op ovar (SmartFlatTypeMap new_type (interpf interp_op e2)).
+ Proof.
+ Local Ltac inversion_wff := (* TODO: FIXME *)
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ H : wff _ ?x ?y |- _ ]
+ => first [ is_var x; fail 1
+ | is_var y; fail 1
+ | inversion H; clear H ]
+ | _ => progress inversion_sigma
+ | [ H : ?x = ?x |- _ ] => assert (eq_refl = H) by exact admit; subst (* This uses UIP, but it's not too hard to fix this by writing an inversion principle for wff *)
+ | _ => progress simpl in *
+ | _ => progress subst
+ end.
+ Local Ltac t wf mapf_interp' invert_wff_ex :=
+ let mytac := fun _
+ => (try clear mapf_interp';
+ try clear invert_wff_ex;
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ H : ex _ |- _ ] => destruct H
+ | [ H : sig _ |- _ ] => destruct H
+ | [ |- ?x = ?x ] => reflexivity
+ | _ => progress subst
+ | _ => progress simpl in *
+ | _ => progress inversion_prod
+ | _ => progress inversion_option
+ | _ => progress inversion_wff
+ | [ H : Pair _ _ = _ |- _ ]
+ => apply (f_equal invert_Pair) in H
+ | [ H : LetIn _ _ = _ |- _ ]
+ => apply (f_equal invert_LetIn) in H
+ | [ |- exists pf : ?x = ?x, _ ] => exists eq_refl
+ | [ |- { pf : ?x = ?x | _ } ] => exists eq_refl
+ | _ => assumption
+ | [ H : Prod ?A ?B = Prod ?A' ?B' |- _ ]
+ => let A'' := fresh A' in (* TODO: Find a better way to do this *)
+ let B'' := fresh B' in
+ revert dependent H; intro H; move H at top;
+ revert dependent B'; intros B'' H; move H at top;
+ revert dependent A'; intros A'' H; move H at top;
+ refine (match H with eq_refl => _ end); clear A'' B'' H;
+ intros
+ | [ H : Tbase ?A = Tbase ?A' |- _ ]
+ => let A'' := fresh A' in (* TODO: Find a better way to do this *)
+ revert dependent H; intro H; move H at top;
+ revert dependent A'; intros A'' H; move H at top;
+ refine (match H with eq_refl => _ end); clear A'' H;
+ intros
+ | _ => solve [ auto with nocore ]
+ end) in
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | [ |- False ]
+ => clear -wf;
+ abstract (
+ destruct wf as [pf H]; (subst || inversion pf); simpl @eq_rect in *;
+ clear -H; inversion H
+ )
+ | [ |- sig _ ] => mytac ()
+ | [ |- ex _ ] => mytac ()
+ | [ |- _ = _ ] => mytac ()
+ | _ => idtac
+ end.
+ refine (match e1 in exprf _ _ _ t1, e2 in exprf _ _ _ t2
+ return { pf : t2 = t1 | wff _ e1 (eq_rect _ _ e2 _ pf) } -> exprf _ _ _ (SmartFlatTypeMap _ (interpf _ e2)) with
+ | Const tx1 x1, Const tx2 x2
+ => fun wf => Const (SmartFlatTypeMapInterp transfer_constant _)
+ | Var _ x1, Var _ x2
+ => fun wf => Var admit (* need something ≈ CSE here? *)
+ | Op _ _ op1 args1, Op _ _ op2 args2
+ => fun wf
+ => let invert_wff := _ in
+ let mapf_interp'_args := @mapf_interp' _ args1 _ args2 G invert_wff in
+ Op
+ (transfer_op _ _ op2 _)
+ mapf_interp'_args
+ | LetIn _ ex1 _ eC1, LetIn _ ex2 _ eC2
+ => fun wf
+ => let invert_wff_ex := _ in
+ let invert_wff_eC := _ in
+ let mapf_interp'_ex := @mapf_interp' _ ex1 _ ex2 G invert_wff_ex in
+ let mapf_interp'_eC := fun v1 v2 (pf : _ = _) => @mapf_interp' _ (eC1 v1) _ (eC2 v2) (flatten_binding_list base_type_code v1 (eq_rect _ _ v2 _ pf) ++ G)%list (invert_wff_eC v1 v2 pf) in
+ LetIn
+ mapf_interp'_ex
+ (fun v => let v1 := _ in
+ let v2 := _ in
+ let pf := _ in
+ mapf_interp'_eC v1 v2 pf)
+ | Pair _ ex1 _ ey1, Pair _ ex2 _ ey2
+ => fun wf
+ => let invert_wff_ex := _ in
+ let invert_wff_ey := _ in
+ let mapf_interp'_ex := @mapf_interp' _ ex1 _ ex2 G invert_wff_ex in
+ let mapf_interp'_ey := @mapf_interp' _ ey1 _ ey2 G invert_wff_ey in
+ Pair mapf_interp'_ex mapf_interp'_ey
+ | Const _ _, _
+ | Var _ _, _
+ | Op _ _ _ _, _
+ | LetIn _ _ _ _, _
+ | Pair _ _ _ _, _
+ => fun wf => match _ : False with end
+ end wf);
+ t wf mapf_interp' invert_wff_ex.
+ Grab Existential Variables.
+ { t wf mapf_interp' invert_wff_ex. }
+ { repeat match goal with
+ | [ H := _ |- _ ] => clearbody H
+ | [ H : ex _ |- _ ] => destruct H
+ | [ H : sig _ |- _ ] => destruct H
+ | _ => progress subst
+ | _ => progress simpl in *
+ end.
+ clear -v.
+ refine (SmartFlatTypeMapUnInterp
+ (fun t x (p : ovar (new_type t x)) => existT _ x p)
+ v). }
+ { intros; t wf (@mapf_interp') invert_wff_ex. }
+ { t wf mapf_interp' invert_wff_ex. }
+ Admitted.
+ (*
+ Fixpoint mapf_interp {t} (e : @exprf base_type_code interp_base_type1 op var t)
+ : @exprf base_type_code interp_base_type2 op var t
+ := match e in exprf _ _ _ t return exprf _ _ _ t with
+ | Const tx x => Const (mapf_interp_flat_type f x)
+ | Var _ x => Var x
+ | Op _ _ op args => Op op (@mapf_interp _ args)
+ | LetIn _ ex _ eC => LetIn (@mapf_interp _ ex) (fun x => @mapf_interp _ (eC x))
+ | Pair _ ex _ ey => Pair (@mapf_interp _ ex) (@mapf_interp _ ey)
+ end.
+ Fixpoint map_interp {t} (e : @expr base_type_code interp_base_type1 op var t)
+ : @expr base_type_code interp_base_type2 op var t
+ := match e in expr _ _ _ t return expr _ _ _ t with
+ | Return _ x => Return (mapf_interp x)
+ | Abs _ _ f => Abs (fun x => @map_interp _ (f x))
+ end.*)
+ End with_var.
+ (*Definition MapInterp {t} (e : @Expr base_type_code interp_base_type1 op t)
+ : @Expr base_type_code interp_base_type2 op t
+ := fun var => map_interp (e _).*)
+End language.
+(*Global Arguments mapf_interp {_ _ _ _} f {_ t} e.
+Global Arguments map_interp {_ _ _ _} f {_ t} e.
+Global Arguments MapInterp {_ _ _ _} f {t} e _.*)