path: root/src
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authorGravatar Jade Philipoom <jadep@mit.edu>2016-02-07 12:57:08 -0500
committerGravatar Jade Philipoom <jadep@mit.edu>2016-02-07 12:57:08 -0500
commit0e86e4dbf73db6e3a5554218df38ae80619c96ed (patch)
treef253da1940bb62e11fdd88038d01ff66f1dc6734 /src
parent7987ddbbe7ce69d5046b7b56b1b3769e44d85652 (diff)
parent66fb5594c8b299c5179450f36d3869cb80c84c29 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of github.mit.edu:plv/fiat-crypto
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
8 files changed, 420 insertions, 735 deletions
diff --git a/src/Assembly/Asm.v b/src/Assembly/Asm.v
deleted file mode 100644
index e2186df81..000000000
--- a/src/Assembly/Asm.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-Require Export Bedrock.Word.
-Inductive AsmType: Set :=
- | Int32 | Int64
- | Float80 | Int128
- | Pointer.
-Definition Name := String.
-Inductive AsmVar (type: AsmType) :=
- | StackAsmVar : Name -> AsmVar
- | MemoryAsmVar : Name -> AsmVar
- | Register : Name -> AsmVar.
-Definition bits (type: AsmType): nat :=
- match type with
- | Int32 => 32
- | Int64 => 64
- | Float80 => 80
- | Int128 => 128
- | Pointer => 64
- end.
-Definition isDouble (a b: AsmType): Prop :=
- match (a, b) with
- | (Int32, Int64) => True
- | (Int64, Int128) => True
- | _ => False
- end.
-Inductive UnaryOp :=
- | AsmId | AsmNot | AsmOpp.
-Inductive BinaryOp :=
- | AsmPlus | AsmMinus | AsmMult
- | AsmDiv | AsmAnd | AsmOr
- | AsmXor | AsmRShift | AsmLShift.
-Inductive AsmTerm (type: AsmType) :=
- | AsmConst : (word (bits type)) -> (AsmTerm type)
- | AsmVarTerm : AsmVar type -> AsmTerm type
- | AsmRef: AsmVar type -> AsmTerm Pointer
- | AsmDeref: AsmVar Pointer -> AsmTerm type.
-Inductive AsmExpr (type: AsmType) :=
- | Unary : UnaryOp -> (AsmTerm type) -> (AsmExpr type)
- | Binary : BinaryOp -> (AsmTerm type) -> (AsmTerm type) -> (AsmExpr type).
-Inductive AsmComputation :=
- | AsmDeclare : forall t, AsmVar t -> AsmComputation
- | AsmSet : forall t, AsmVar t -> Expr t -> AsmComputation
- | AsmDestruct : forall t1 t2,
- isDouble t1 t2 -> AsmVar t1 -> AsmVar t1 -> AsmExpr t2
- -> Unit.
- | AsmConstruct : forall t1 t2,
- isDouble t1 t2 -> AsmVar t2 -> AsmExpr t1 -> AsmExpr t1
- -> Unit.
- | AsmSeq : AsmComputation -> AsmComputation -> AsmComputation
- | AsmLabel : String -> AsmComputation -> AsmComputation
- | AsmGoto : String -> AsmComputation
- | AsmIf : forall t, (AsmTerm t) -> AsmComputation -> AsmComputation.
-Inductive AsmSub :=
- | Asm: forall t,
- list ((AsmVar t) * (AsmTerm t)) -> AsmComputation -> AsmTerm t.
diff --git a/src/Assembly/AsmDSL.v b/src/Assembly/AsmDSL.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 791b07391..000000000
--- a/src/Assembly/AsmDSL.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-Require Import AsmComputation.
-Notation "stack32 A" := StackAsmVar A.
-Notation "int32 A" := MemoryAsmVar A.
-Notation "reg32 A" := Register A.
-Notation "{{ A }}" := AsmConst A.
-Notation "** A" := AsmRef A.
-Notation "&& A" := AsmDeref A.
-Notation "~ A" := Unary AsmNot A.
-Notation "- A" := Unary AsmOpp A.
-Notation "A + B" := Binary AsmPlus A B.
-Notation "A - B" := Binary AsmMinus A B.
-Notation "A * B" := Binary AsmMult A B.
-Notation "A / B" := Binary AsmDiv A B.
-Notation "A & B" := Binary AsmAnd A B.
-Notation "A | B" := Binary AsmOr A B.
-Notation "A ^ B" := Binary AsmXor A B.
-Notation "A >> B" := Binary AsmRShift A B.
-Notation "A << B" := Binary AsmLShift A B.
-Notation "declare A" := AsmDeclare A
-Notation "A ::= B" := AsmSet A B
-Notation "(A B) =:= C" := AsmDestruct A B C
-Notation "A =:= (B C)" := AsmConstruct A B C
-Notation "A ;; B" := AsmSeq A B
-Notation "A :: B" := AsmLabel A B
-Notation "goto A" := AsmGoto A
-Notation "A ? B" := AsmIf A B
-Notation "enter A do B" := Asm A B
diff --git a/src/Assembly/Computation.v b/src/Assembly/Computation.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 33af0974e..000000000
--- a/src/Assembly/Computation.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-Require Import EqNat Peano_dec.
-Require Import Bedrock.Word.
-(* Very basic definitions *)
-Definition wordSize := 32.
-Definition Name := nat.
-Definition WordCount := nat.
-Definition WordList (words: WordCount) :=
- {x: list (word wordSize) | length x = words}.
-Inductive Pointer :=
- | ListPtr: forall n, WordList n -> Pointer.
-Definition TypeBindings := Name -> option WordCount.
-Definition Bindings := Name -> option Pointer.
-(* Primary inductive language definitions *)
-Inductive CTerm (words: WordCount) :=
- | CConst : WordList words -> CTerm words
- | CVar : Name -> CTerm words
- | CConcat: forall t1 t2, t1 + t2 = words -> CTerm t1 -> CTerm t2 -> CTerm words
- | CHead: forall n: nat, gt n words -> CTerm n -> CTerm words
- | CTail: forall n: nat, gt n words -> CTerm n -> CTerm words.
-Inductive CExpr (words: WordCount) :=
- | CLift : (CTerm words) -> (CExpr words)
- | CNot : (CExpr words) -> (CExpr words)
- | COpp : (CExpr words) -> (CExpr words)
- | COr : (CExpr words) -> (CExpr words) -> (CExpr words)
- | CAnd : (CExpr words) -> (CExpr words) -> (CExpr words)
- | CXor : (CExpr words) -> (CExpr words) -> (CExpr words)
- | CRShift : forall n: nat, (CExpr words) -> (CExpr words)
- | CLShift : forall n: nat, (CExpr words) -> (CExpr words)
- | CPlus : (CExpr words) -> (CExpr words) -> (CExpr words)
- | CMinus : (CExpr words) -> (CExpr words) -> (CExpr words)
- | CMult : forall n: nat, n*2 = words ->
- (CExpr n) -> (CExpr n) -> (CExpr words)
- | CDiv : (CExpr words) -> (CExpr words) -> (CExpr words)
- | CMod : (CExpr words) -> (CExpr words) -> (CExpr words).
-Definition bindType (name: Name) (type: WordCount) (bindings: TypeBindings)
- : Name -> option WordCount :=
- fun x => if (beq_nat x name) then Some type else bindings x.
-Inductive Sub (inputs: TypeBindings) (output: WordCount) :=
- | CRet : CExpr output -> Sub inputs output
- | CCompose : forall resultName resultSize,
- inputs resultName = None
- -> (Sub inputs resultSize)
- -> (Sub (bindType resultName resultSize inputs) output)
- -> (Sub inputs output)
- | CIte : (Sub inputs 1) (* condition *)
- -> (Sub inputs output) (* then *)
- -> (Sub inputs output) (* else *)
- -> (Sub inputs output)
- | CLet : forall (name: Name) (n: WordCount),
- CExpr n
- -> (Sub (bindType name n inputs) output)
- -> (Sub inputs output)
- | CRepeat : forall (bindOutputTo: Name) (n: nat),
- inputs bindOutputTo <> None
- -> (Sub (bindType bindOutputTo output inputs) output)
- -> (Sub inputs output).
-(* Some simple option-monad sugar *)
-Definition optionReturn {A} (x : A) := Some x.
-Definition optionBind {A B} (a : option A) (f : A -> option B) : option B :=
- match a with
- | Some x => f x
- | None => None
- end.
-Notation "'do' A <- B ; C" := (optionBind B (fun A => C))
- (at level 200, X ident, A at level 100, B at level 200).
-Definition optionType {n m} (w: WordList n): option (WordList m).
- destruct (eq_nat_dec n m);
- abstract (try rewrite e in *; first [exact (Some w) | exact None]).
-Definition wordListConcat {t1 t2 words}:
- t1 + t2 = words -> WordList t1 -> WordList t2 -> WordList words.
- intros; exists ((proj1_sig H0) ++ (proj1_sig H1))%list.
- abstract (destruct H0, H1; simpl;
- rewrite List.app_length; intuition).
-Definition wordListHead {n words}:
- gt n words -> WordList n -> WordList words.
- intros; exists (List.firstn words (proj1_sig H0)).
- abstract (destruct H0; simpl;
- rewrite List.firstn_length; intuition).
-Lemma skipnLength: forall A m (x: list A),
- ge (length x) m ->
- length (List.skipn m x) = length x - m.
- intros; assert (length x = length (List.firstn m x ++ List.skipn m x)%list).
- - rewrite List.firstn_skipn; trivial.
- - rewrite H0; rewrite List.app_length; rewrite List.firstn_length.
- replace (min m (length x)) with m; try rewrite min_l; intuition.
-Definition wordListTail {n words}:
- gt n words -> WordList n -> WordList words.
- intros; exists (List.skipn (n - words) (proj1_sig H0)).
- abstract (destruct H0; simpl;
- rewrite skipnLength; rewrite e; intuition).
-(* Now some basic evaluation routines *)
-Fixpoint evalTerm {n} (bindings: Bindings) (term: CTerm n):
- option (WordList n) :=
- match term with
- | CConst lst => Some lst
- | CVar name =>
- do p <- bindings name ;
- match p with
- | ListPtr m lst => optionType lst
- end
- | CConcat t1 t2 pf term1 term2 =>
- do a <- evalTerm bindings term1;
- do b <- evalTerm bindings term2;
- Some (wordListConcat pf a b)%list
- | CHead n pf t =>
- do x <- evalTerm bindings t;
- Some (wordListHead pf x)
- | CTail n pf t =>
- do x <- evalTerm bindings t;
- Some (wordListTail pf x)
- end.
-Fixpoint evalExpr {n} (expr: CExpr n): option (word n) :=
- match expr with
- | CLift term => None
- | CNot a => None
- | COpp a => None
- | COr a b =>
- do x <- evalExpr a;
- do y <- evalExpr b;
- Some (x |^ y)%word
- | CAnd a b => None
- | CXor a b => None
- | CRShift shift a => None
- | CLShift shift a => None
- | CPlus a b => None
- | CMinus a b => None
- | CMult _ _ a b => None
- | CDiv a b => None
- | CMod a b => None
- end.
-Fixpoint evalSub (inputs: Name -> option WordCount) (output: WordCount) (sub: Sub inputs output)
- : word output :=
- match sub with
- | CRet e => natToWord output 0
- | CCompose resName resSize _ a b => natToWord output 0
- | CIte cond thenSub elseSub => natToWord output 0
- | CLet name wordCount expr inside => natToWord output 0
- | CRepeat inName times _ inside => natToWord output 0
- end.
-(* Equivalence Lemmas *)
diff --git a/src/Assembly/DSL.v b/src/Assembly/DSL.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 2cb07a5d4..000000000
--- a/src/Assembly/DSL.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-Require Export ConstrainedComputation.
-Notation "const A" := CConst A.
-Notation "var A" := CVar A.
-Notation "A : B" := CJoin A B.
-Notation "left A" := CLeft A.
-Notation "right A" := CRight A.
-Notation "~ A" := UnaryExpr CNot A.
-Notation "- A" := UnaryExpr COpp A.
-Notation "A + B" := BinaryExpr CPlus A B.
-Notation "A - B" := BinaryExpr CMinus A B.
-Notation "A * B" := BinaryExpr CMult A B.
-Notation "A / B" := BinaryExpr CDiv A B.
-Notation "A & B" := BinaryExpr CAnd A B.
-Notation "A | B" := BinaryExpr COr A B.
-Notation "A ^ B" := BinaryExpr CXor A B.
-Notation "A >> B" := BinaryExpr CRShift A B.
-Notation "A << B" := BinaryExpr CLShift A B.
-Definition toExpr {type} (term: CTerm type) = TermExpr term.
-Coersion toExpr: {type} CTerm type >-> CExpr type.
-Notation "ret A" := CRet A
-Notation "A . B" := CCompose A B
-Notation "A ? B : C" := CIte A B C
-Notation "set A to B in C" := CLet A B C
diff --git a/src/Assembly/WordBounds.v b/src/Assembly/WordBounds.v
deleted file mode 100644
index e05fcb1d4..000000000
--- a/src/Assembly/WordBounds.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-Require Import Bedrock.Word.
-Import BinNums PArith.BinPos NArith.BinNat NArith.Ndigits.
-Definition wordUn (f : N -> N) {sz : nat} (x : word sz) :=
- NToWord sz (f (wordToN x)).
-Definition wshr {l} n := @wordUn (fun x => N.shiftr x n) l.
-Lemma wshr_test : (wordToN (wshr 3 (NToWord 32 (128- 19)))) = 13%N.
- reflexivity.
-Module WordBoundsExamples.
- Definition u31 := word 31.
- Definition U31 := NToWord 31.
- Definition u64 := word 64.
- Definition U64 := NToWord 64.
- Definition c2 : u64 := NToWord _ 2.
- Definition c19_31 : u31 := NToWord _ 19.
- Definition c19 : u64 := NToWord _ 19.
- Definition c38 : u64 := NToWord _ 38.
- Definition t25_31 : u31 := NToWord _ (Npos (2^25)).
- Definition t26_31 : u31 := NToWord _ (Npos (2^26)).
- Definition t25 : u64 := NToWord _ (Npos (2^25)).
- Definition t26 : u64 := NToWord _ (Npos (2^26)).
- Definition t27 : u64 := NToWord _ (Npos (2^26)).
- Definition m25 : u64 := t25^-(NToWord _ 1).
- Definition m26 : u64 := t26^-(NToWord _ 1).
- Definition r25 (hSk hk:u64) : (u64 * u64) := (hSk ^+ wshr 25 hk, wand m25 hk).
- Definition r26 (hSk hk:u64) : (u64 * u64) := (hSk ^+ wshr 26 hk, wand m26 hk).
- Definition r25mod (hSk hk:u64) : (u64 * u64) := (hSk ^+ c19^*wshr 25 hk, wand m25 hk).
- Lemma simple_add_rep : forall (a b c d:N),
- (a < Npos(2^29) -> b < Npos(2^29) -> c < Npos(2^29) -> d < Npos(2^29))%N ->
- wordToN(U31 a ^+ U31 b ^+ U31 c ^+ U31 d) = (a + b + c + d)%N.
- Admitted.
- Lemma simple_add_bound : forall (a b c d:u64),
- a < t25 -> b < t25 -> c < t25 -> d < t25 ->
- (a ^+ b ^+ c ^+ d) < t27.
- Admitted.
- (* the bounds can as well be stated in N if the _rep lemma works.
- I am not sure whether it is a better idea to propagate the bounds in word or
- in N, though -- proving rep requires propagating bounds for the subexpressions.
- *)
- Lemma simple_linear_rep : forall (a b:N), (a < Npos(2^25) + Npos(2^26) -> b < Npos(2^25))%N ->
- wordToN((U31 a)^*c19_31 ^+ U31 b) = (a*19 + b)%N.
- Admitted.
- Lemma simple_linear_bound : forall (a b:u31), a < t25_31 ^+ t26_31 -> b < t25_31 ->
- a^*c19_31 ^+ b < (NToWord _ 1946157056). (* (2**26+2**25)*19 + 2**25 = 1946157056 *)
- Admitted.
- Lemma simple_mul_carry_rep : forall (a b c:N), (a < Npos(2^26) -> b < Npos(2^26) -> c < Npos(2^26))%N ->
- wordToN(wshr 26 (U64 a ^* U64 b) ^+ U64 c) = ((a*b)/(2^26) + c)%N.
- Admitted.
- Lemma simple_mul_carry_bound : forall (a b c:u64), a < t26 -> b < t26 -> c < t26 ->
- wshr 26 (a ^* b) ^+ c < t27.
- Admitted.
- Lemma simple_mul_reduce_rep : forall (a b c:N), (a < Npos(2^26) -> b < Npos(2^26))%N ->
- wordToN(wand m26 (U64 a ^* U64 b)) = ((a*b) mod (2^26) + c)%N.
- Admitted.
- Lemma sandy2x_bound : forall
- (* this example is transcribed by hand from <https://eprint.iacr.org/2015/943.pdf> section 2.2.
- it is very representative of the bounds check / absence-of-overflow proofs we actually
- want to do. However, given its size, presence of transcription errors is totally plausible.
- A corresponding _rep proof will also necessary.*)
- (f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 : u64)
- (g0 g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 g7 g8 g9 : u64),
- f0 < t26 -> g0 < t26 ->
- f1 < t25 -> g1 < t25 ->
- f2 < t26 -> g2 < t26 ->
- f3 < t25 -> g3 < t25 ->
- f4 < t26 -> g4 < t26 ->
- f5 < t25 -> g5 < t25 ->
- f6 < t26 -> g6 < t26 ->
- f7 < t25 -> g7 < t25 ->
- f8 < t26 -> g8 < t26 ->
- f9 < t25 -> g9 < t25 ->
- let h0 := f0^*g0 ^+ c38^*f1^*g9 ^+ c19^*f2^*g8 ^+ c38^*f3^*g7 ^+ c19^*f4^*g6 ^+ c38^*f5^*g5 ^+ c19^*f6^*g4 ^+ c38^*f7^*g3 ^+ c19^*f8^*g2 ^+ c38^*f9^*g1 in
- let h1 := f0^*g1 ^+ f1^*g0 ^+ c19^*f2^*g9 ^+ c19^*f3^*g8 ^+ c19^*f4^*g7 ^+ c19^*f5^*g6 ^+ c19^*f6^*g5 ^+ c19^*f7^*g4 ^+ c19^*f8^*g3 ^+ c19^*f9^*g2 in
- let h2 := f0^*g2 ^+ c2^* f1^*g1 ^+ f2^*g0 ^+ c38^*f3^*g9 ^+ c19^*f4^*g8 ^+ c38^*f5^*g7 ^+ c19^*f6^*g6 ^+ c38^*f7^*g5 ^+ c19^*f8^*g4 ^+ c38^*f9^*g3 in
- let h3 := f0^*g3 ^+ f1^*g2 ^+ f2^*g1 ^+ f3^*g0 ^+ c19^*f4^*g9 ^+ c19^*f5^*g8 ^+ c19^*f6^*g7 ^+ c19^*f7^*g6 ^+ c19^*f8^*g5 ^+ c19^*f9^*g4 in
- let h4 := f0^*g4 ^+ c2^* f1^*g3 ^+ f2^*g2 ^+ c2^* f3^*g1 ^+ f4^*g0 ^+ c38^*f5^*g9 ^+ c19^*f6^*g8 ^+ c38^*f7^*g7 ^+ c19^*f8^*g6 ^+ c38^*f9^*g5 in
- let h5 := f0^*g5 ^+ f1^*g4 ^+ f2^*g3 ^+ f3^*g2 ^+ f4^*g1 ^+ f5^*g0 ^+ c19^*f6^*g9 ^+ c19^*f7^*g8 ^+ c19^*f8^*g7 ^+ c19^*f9^*g6 in
- let h6 := f0^*g6 ^+ c2^* f1^*g5 ^+ f2^*g4 ^+ c2^* f3^*g3 ^+ f4^*g2 ^+ c2^* f5^*g1 ^+ f6^*g0 ^+ c38^*f7^*g9 ^+ c19^*f8^*g8 ^+ c38^*f9^*g7 in
- let h7 := f0^*g7 ^+ f1^*g6 ^+ f2^*g5 ^+ f3^*g4 ^+ f4^*g3 ^+ f5^*g2 ^+ f6^*g1 ^+ f7^*g0 ^+ c19^*f8^*g9 ^+ c19^*f9^*g8 in
- let h8 := f0^*g8 ^+ c2^* f1^*g7 ^+ f2^*g6 ^+ c2^* f3^*g5 ^+ f4^*g4 ^+ c2^* f5^*g3 ^+ f6^*g2 ^+ c2^* f7^*g1 ^+ f8^*g0 ^+ c38^*f9^*g9 in
- let h9 := f0^*g9 ^+ f1^*g8 ^+ f2^*g7 ^+ f3^*g6 ^+ f4^*g5 ^+ f5^*g4 ^+ f6^*g3 ^+ f7^*g2 ^+ f8^*g1 ^+ f9^*g0 in
- let (h1_1, h0_1) := r26 h1 h0 in
- let (h2_1, h1_2) := r25 h2 h1_1 in
- let (h3_1, h2_2) := r26 h3 h2_1 in
- let (h4_1, h3_2) := r25 h4 h3_1 in
- let (h6_1, h5_1) := r25 h6 h5 in
- let (h7_1, h6_2) := r26 h7 h6_1 in
- let (h8_1, h7_2) := r25 h8 h7_1 in
- let (h9_1, h8_2) := r26 h9 h8_1 in
- let (h0_2, h9_2) := r25mod h0_1 h9_1 in
- let (h1_3, h0_2) := r26 h1_2 h0_1 in
- let (h5_2, h4_2) := r26 h5_1 h4_1 in
- let (h6_2, h5_3) := r25 h6_1 h5_2 in
- h0_2 < t26 /\
- h1_3 < t27 /\
- h2_2 < t26 /\
- h3_2 < t25 /\
- h4_2 < t26 /\
- h5_3 < t25 /\
- h6_2 < t27 /\
- h7_2 < t25 /\
- h8_2 < t26 /\
- h9_2 < t25.
- Admitted.
-End WordBoundsExamples.
diff --git a/src/Curves/PointFormats.v b/src/Curves/PointFormats.v
index a11c4dce6..4e36cca11 100644
--- a/src/Curves/PointFormats.v
+++ b/src/Curves/PointFormats.v
@@ -221,9 +221,6 @@ Module CompleteTwistedEdwardsCurve (M : Modulus) (Import P : TwistedEdwardsParam
onCurve (x2, y2) ->
(d*x1*x2*y1*y2)^2 <> 1.
- (* TODO: this proof was made inconsistent by an actually
- correct version of root_nonzero. This adds the necessary
- hypothesis*)
unfold onCurve; intuition; whatsNotZero.
pose proof char_gt_2. pose proof a_nonzero as Ha_nonzero.
@@ -296,7 +293,7 @@ Module CompleteTwistedEdwardsCurve (M : Modulus) (Import P : TwistedEdwardsParam
Local Hint Unfold onCurve mkPoint.
- Definition zero : point. exists (0, 1).
+ Definition zero : point. refine (mkPoint (0, 1) _).
abstract (unfold onCurve; field).
@@ -356,6 +353,7 @@ Module CompleteTwistedEdwardsCurve (M : Modulus) (Import P : TwistedEdwardsParam
let 'exist P2' pf2 := P2 in
mkPoint (unifiedAdd' P1' P2') (unifiedAdd'_onCurve' _ _ pf1 pf2).
Local Infix "+" := unifiedAdd.
+ SearchAbout Pos.iter_op.
Fixpoint scalarMult (n:nat) (P : point) : point :=
match n with
@@ -429,8 +427,12 @@ Module CompleteTwistedEdwardsFacts (M : Modulus) (Import P : TwistedEdwardsParam
Lemma zeroIsIdentity : forall P, P + zero = P.
- (* Should follow from zeroIsIdentity', but dependent types... *)
- Admitted.
+ Proof.
+ unfold zero, unifiedAdd.
+ destruct P as [[x y] pf].
+ simpl.
+ apply point_eq; field; auto.
+ Qed.
Hint Resolve zeroIsIdentity.
Lemma scalarMult_double : forall n P, scalarMult (n + n) P = scalarMult n (P + P).
@@ -676,7 +678,7 @@ Module ExtendedM1 (M : Modulus) (Import P : Minus1Params M) <: CompleteTwistedEd
pose proof (edwardsAddCompletePlus _ _ _ _ H1 H2) as H;
match type of H with ?xs <> 0 => ac_rewrite (eq_refl xs) end
) || (
- pose proof (edwardsAddCompleteMinus _ _ _ _ H1 H2) as Hm;
+ pose proof (edwardsAddCompleteMinus _ _ _ _ H1 H2) as H;
match type of H with ?xs <> 0 => ac_rewrite (eq_refl xs) end
); repeat apply mul_nonzero_nonzero; auto 10
diff --git a/src/Scratch/fermat.v b/src/Scratch/fermat.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 947ffce15..000000000
--- a/src/Scratch/fermat.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-Require Import NPeano.
-Require Import List.
-Require Import Sorting.Permutation.
-Require Import BinInt.
-Require Import Util.ListUtil.
-Require Znumtheory.
-Lemma all_neq_NoDup : forall {T} (xs:list T),
- (forall i j x y,
- nth_error xs i = Some x ->
- nth_error xs j = Some y ->
- i <> j -> x <> y) <-> NoDup xs.
-Definition F (q:nat) := { n : nat | n = n mod q}.
-Section Fq.
- Context {q : nat}.
- Axiom q_prime : Znumtheory.prime (Z.of_nat q).
- Let Fq := F q.
- Lemma q_is_succ : q = S (q-1). Admitted.
- Definition natToField (n:nat) : Fq. exists (n mod q). abstract admit. Defined.
- Definition fieldToNat (n:Fq) : nat := proj1_sig n.
- Coercion fieldToNat : Fq >-> nat.
- Definition zero : Fq. exists 0. abstract admit. Defined.
- Definition one : Fq. exists 1. abstract admit. Defined.
- Definition add (a b: Fq) : Fq. exists (a+b mod q); abstract admit. Defined.
- Infix "+" := add.
- Definition mul (a b: Fq) : Fq. exists (a*b mod q); abstract admit. Defined.
- Infix "*" := mul.
- Definition pow (a:Fq) (n:nat) : Fq. exists (pow a n mod q). abstract admit. Defined.
- Infix "^" := pow.
- Axiom opp : Fq -> Fq.
- Axiom opp_spec : forall a, opp a + a = zero.
- Definition sub a b := add a (opp b).
- Infix "-" := sub.
- Axiom inv : Fq -> Fq.
- Axiom inv_spec : forall a, inv a * a = one.
- Definition div a b := mul a (inv b).
- Infix "/" := div.
- Fixpoint replicate {T} n (x:T) : list T := match n with O => nil | S n' => x::replicate n' x end.
- Definition prod := fold_right mul one.
- Lemma mul_one_l : forall a, one * a = a. Admitted.
- Lemma mul_one_r : forall a, a * one = a. Admitted.
- Lemma mul_cancel_l : forall a, a <> zero -> forall b c, a * b = a * c -> b = c. Admitted.
- Lemma mul_cancel_r : forall a, a <> zero -> forall b c, b * a = c * c -> b = c. Admitted.
- Lemma mul_cancel_l_1 : forall a, a <> zero -> forall b, a * b = a -> b = one. Admitted.
- Lemma mul_cancel_r_1 : forall a, a <> zero -> forall b, b * a = a -> b = one. Admitted.
- Lemma mul_0_why : forall a b, a * b = zero -> a = zero \/ b = zero. Admitted.
- Lemma mul_assoc : forall a b c, a * (b * c) = a * b * c. Admitted.
- Lemma mul_assoc_pairs' : forall a b c d, (a * b) * (c * d) = a * (c * (b * d)). Admitted.
- Lemma div_cancel : forall a, a <> zero -> forall b c, b / a = c / a -> b = c. Admitted.
- Lemma div_cancel_neq : forall a, a <> zero -> forall b c, b / a <> c / a -> b <> c. Admitted.
- Lemma div_mul : forall a, a <> zero -> forall b, (a * b) / a = b. Admitted.
- Hint Resolve mul_assoc.
- Hint Rewrite div_mul.
- Lemma pow_zero : forall (n:nat), zero^n = zero. Admitted.
- Lemma pow_S : forall a n, a ^ S n = a * a ^ n. Admitted.
- Lemma prod_replicate : forall a n, a ^ n = prod (replicate n a). Admitted.
- Lemma prod_perm : forall xs ys, Permutation xs ys -> prod xs = prod ys. Admitted.
- Hint Resolve pow_zero mul_one_l mul_one_r prod_replicate.
- Definition F_eq_dec : forall (a b:Fq), {a = b} + {a <> b}. Admitted.
- Definition elements : list Fq := map natToField (seq 0 q).
- Lemma elements_all : forall (a:Fq), In a elements. Admitted.
- Lemma elements_unique : forall (a:Fq), NoDup elements. Admitted.
- Lemma length_elements : length elements = q. Admitted.
- Definition invertibles : list Fq := map natToField (seq 1 (q-1)%nat).
- Lemma invertibles_all : forall (a:Fq), a <> zero -> In a invertibles. Admitted.
- Lemma invertibles_unique : NoDup invertibles. Admitted.
- Lemma prod_invertibles_nonzero : prod invertibles <> zero. Admitted.
- Lemma length_invertibles : length invertibles = (q-1)%nat. Admitted.
- Hint Resolve invertibles_unique.
- Section FermatsLittleTheorem.
- Variable a : Fq.
- Axiom a_nonzero : a <> zero.
- Hint Resolve a_nonzero.
- Definition bag := map (mul a) invertibles.
- Lemma bag_unique : NoDup bag.
- Proof.
- unfold bag; intros.
- eapply all_neq_NoDup; intros.
- eapply div_cancel_neq; eauto.
- eapply all_neq_NoDup; eauto;
- match goal with
- | [H: nth_error (map _ _) ?i = Some _ |- _ ] =>
- destruct (nth_error_map _ _ _ _ _ _ H) as [t [HtIn HtEq]]; rewrite <- HtEq; autorewrite with core; auto
- end.
- Qed.
- Lemma bag_invertibles : forall b, b <> zero -> In b bag.
- Proof.
- unfold bag; intros.
- assert (b/a <> zero) as Hdnz by admit.
- replace b with (a * (b/a)) by admit.
- destruct (In_nth_error_value _ _ (invertibles_all _ Hdnz)).
- eauto using nth_error_value_In, map_nth_error.
- Qed.
- Lemma In_bag_equiv_In_invertibles : forall b, In b bag <-> In b invertibles.
- Proof.
- unfold bag; intros.
- case (F_eq_dec b zero); intuition; subst;
- eauto using invertibles_all, bag_invertibles;
- repeat progress match goal with
- | [ H : In _ (map _ _) |- _ ] => rewrite in_map_iff in H; destruct H;
- pose proof a_nonzero; intuition
- | [ H : ?a * ?b = zero |- _ ] => destruct (mul_0_why a b H); clear H;
- intuition; try solve [subst; auto]
- end.
- assert (In zero invertibles -> In zero (map (mul a) invertibles)) by admit; auto.
- Qed.
- Lemma bag_perm_elements : Permutation bag invertibles.
- Proof.
- eauto using NoDup_Permutation, bag_unique, invertibles_unique, In_bag_equiv_In_invertibles.
- Qed.
- Hint Resolve prod_perm bag_perm_elements.
- Lemma prod_bag_ref : prod bag = prod invertibles.
- Proof.
- auto.
- Qed.
- Lemma prod_bag_interspersed : prod (flat_map (fun b => a::b::nil) invertibles) = prod invertibles.
- Proof.
- intros.
- rewrite <- prod_bag_ref.
- unfold bag.
- induction invertibles; auto; simpl.
- rewrite IHl.
- auto.
- Qed.
- Lemma prod_bag_sorted : prod (replicate (q-1)%nat a) * prod invertibles = prod invertibles.
- rewrite <- length_invertibles.
- rewrite <- prod_bag_interspersed at 2.
- induction invertibles; auto; simpl.
- rewrite mul_assoc_pairs'; repeat f_equal; auto.
- Qed.
- Theorem fermat' : a <> zero -> a^(q-1) = one.
- Proof.
- rewrite prod_replicate; eauto using mul_cancel_r_1, prod_bag_sorted, prod_invertibles_nonzero.
- Qed.
- End FermatsLittleTheorem.
- Theorem fermat (a:Fq) : a^q = a.
- Proof.
- case (F_eq_dec a zero); intros; subst; auto.
- rewrite q_is_succ, pow_S, fermat'; auto.
- Qed.
-End Fq.
-Arguments fermat' : default implicits.
-Arguments fermat : default implicits.
-Arguments elements : default implicits.
-Arguments invertibles : default implicits.
-Print Assumptions fermat.
-Check fermat.
diff --git a/src/Specific/GF25519.v b/src/Specific/GF25519.v
index 4b06e5230..732779a1a 100644
--- a/src/Specific/GF25519.v
+++ b/src/Specific/GF25519.v
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Require Import QArith.QArith QArith.Qround.
Require Import VerdiTactics.
Close Scope Q.
-Ltac twoIndices i j base :=
+Ltac twoIndices i j base :=
assert (In i (seq 0 (length base))) by nth_tac;
assert (In j (seq 0 (length base))) by nth_tac;
@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ Ltac twoIndices i j base :=
Module Base25Point5_10limbs <: BaseCoefs.
Local Open Scope Z_scope.
- Definition base := map (fun i => two_p (Qceiling (Z_of_nat i *255 # 10))) (seq 0 10).
+ Definition log_base := Eval compute in map (fun i => (Qceiling (Z_of_nat i *255 # 10))) (seq 0 10).
+ Definition base := map (fun x => 2 ^ x) log_base.
Lemma base_positive : forall b, In b base -> b > 0.
compute; intuition; subst; intuition.
@@ -71,7 +73,7 @@ Module GF25519Base25Point5Params <: PseudoMersenneBaseParams Base25Point5_10limb
twoIndices i j base.
- Lemma base_succ : forall i, ((S i) < length base)%nat ->
+ Lemma base_succ : forall i, ((S i) < length base)%nat ->
let b := nth_default 0 base in
b (S i) mod b i = 0.
@@ -93,139 +95,433 @@ Module GF25519Base25Point5Params <: PseudoMersenneBaseParams Base25Point5_10limb
rewrite Zle_is_le_bool; auto.
+ Lemma base_range : forall i, 0 <= nth_default 0 log_base i <= k.
+ Proof.
+ intros i.
+ destruct (lt_dec i (length log_base)) as [H|H].
+ { repeat (destruct i as [|i]; [cbv; intuition; discriminate|simpl in H; try omega]). }
+ { rewrite nth_default_eq, nth_overflow by omega. cbv. intuition; discriminate. }
+ Qed.
+ Lemma base_monotonic: forall i : nat, (i < pred (length log_base))%nat ->
+ (0 <= nth_default 0 log_base i <= nth_default 0 log_base (S i)).
+ Proof.
+ intros i H.
+ repeat (destruct i; [cbv; intuition; congruence|]);
+ contradict H; cbv; firstorder.
+ Qed.
End GF25519Base25Point5Params.
Module GF25519Base25Point5 := GFPseudoMersenneBase Base25Point5_10limbs Modulus25519 GF25519Base25Point5Params.
-Ltac expand_list ls :=
- let Hlen := fresh "Hlen" in
- match goal with [H: ls = ?lsdef |- _ ] =>
- assert (Hlen:length ls=length lsdef) by (f_equal; exact H)
- end;
- simpl in Hlen;
- repeat progress (let n:=fresh ls in destruct ls as [|n ]; try solve [revert Hlen; clear; discriminate]);
- clear Hlen.
+Section GF25519Base25Point5Formula.
+ Import GF25519Base25Point5 Base25Point5_10limbs GF25519Base25Point5 GF25519Base25Point5Params.
+ Import Field.
+Definition Z_add_opt := Eval compute in Z.add.
+Definition Z_sub_opt := Eval compute in Z.sub.
+Definition Z_mul_opt := Eval compute in Z.mul.
+Definition Z_div_opt := Eval compute in Z.div.
+Definition Z_pow_opt := Eval compute in Z.pow.
-Ltac letify r :=
+Definition nth_default_opt {A} := Eval compute in @nth_default A.
+Definition map_opt {A B} := Eval compute in @map A B.
+Ltac opt_step :=
match goal with
- | [ H' : r = _ |- _ ] =>
- match goal with
- | [ H : ?x = ?e |- _ ] =>
- is_var x;
- match goal with (* only letify equations that appear nowhere other than r *)
- | _ => clear H H' x; fail 1
- | _ => fail 2
- end || idtac;
- pattern x in H';
- match type of H' with
- | (fun z => r = @?e' z) x =>
- let H'' := fresh "H" in
- assert (H'' : r = let x := e in e' x) by
- (* congruence is slower for every subsequent letify *)
- (rewrite H'; subst x; reflexivity);
- clear H'; subst x; rename H'' into H'; cbv beta in H'
- end
- end
+ | [ |- _ = match ?e with nil => _ | _ => _ end :> ?T ]
+ => refine (_ : match e with nil => _ | _ => _ end = _);
+ destruct e
-Ltac expand_list_equalities := repeat match goal with
- | [H: (?x::?xs = ?y::?ys) |- _ ] =>
- let eq_head := fresh "Heq" x in
- assert (x = y) as eq_head by (eauto using cons_eq_head);
- assert (xs = ys) by (eauto using cons_eq_tail);
- clear H
- | [H:?x = ?x|-_] => clear H
+Definition E_mul_bi'_step
+ (mul_bi' : nat -> E.digits -> list Z)
+ (i : nat) (vsr : E.digits)
+ : list Z
+ := match vsr with
+ | [] => []
+ | v :: vsr' => (v * E.crosscoef i (length vsr'))%Z :: mul_bi' i vsr'
+ end.
-Section GF25519Base25Point5Formula.
- Import GF25519Base25Point5.
- Import Field.
+Definition E_mul_bi'_opt_step_sig
+ (mul_bi' : nat -> E.digits -> list Z)
+ (i : nat) (vsr : E.digits)
+ : { l : list Z | l = E_mul_bi'_step mul_bi' i vsr }.
+ eexists.
+ cbv [E_mul_bi'_step].
+ opt_step.
+ { reflexivity. }
+ { cbv [E.crosscoef EC.base Base25Point5_10limbs.base].
+ change Z.div with Z_div_opt.
+ change Z.pow with Z_pow_opt.
+ change Z.mul with Z_mul_opt at 2 3 4 5.
+ change @nth_default with @nth_default_opt.
+ change @map with @map_opt.
+ reflexivity. }
+Definition E_mul_bi'_opt_step
+ (mul_bi' : nat -> E.digits -> list Z)
+ (i : nat) (vsr : E.digits)
+ : list Z
+ := Eval cbv [proj1_sig E_mul_bi'_opt_step_sig] in
+ proj1_sig (E_mul_bi'_opt_step_sig mul_bi' i vsr).
+Fixpoint E_mul_bi'_opt
+ (i : nat) (vsr : E.digits) {struct vsr}
+ : list Z
+ := E_mul_bi'_opt_step E_mul_bi'_opt i vsr.
+Definition E_mul_bi'_opt_correct
+ (i : nat) (vsr : E.digits)
+ : E_mul_bi'_opt i vsr = E.mul_bi' i vsr.
+ revert i; induction vsr as [|vsr vsrs IHvsr]; intros.
+ { reflexivity. }
+ { simpl E.mul_bi'.
+ rewrite <- IHvsr; clear IHvsr.
+ unfold E_mul_bi'_opt, E_mul_bi'_opt_step.
+ apply f_equal2; [ | reflexivity ].
+ cbv [E.crosscoef EC.base Base25Point5_10limbs.base].
+ change Z.div with Z_div_opt.
+ change Z.pow with Z_pow_opt.
+ change Z.mul with Z_mul_opt at 2.
+ change @nth_default with @nth_default_opt.
+ change @map with @map_opt.
+ reflexivity. }
+Definition E_mul'_step
+ (mul' : E.digits -> E.digits -> E.digits)
+ (usr vs : E.digits)
+ : E.digits
+ := match usr with
+ | [] => []
+ | u :: usr' => E.add (E.mul_each u (E.mul_bi (length usr') vs)) (mul' usr' vs)
+ end.
+Definition E_mul'_opt_step_sig
+ (mul' : E.digits -> E.digits -> E.digits)
+ (usr vs : E.digits)
+ : { d : E.digits | d = E_mul'_step mul' usr vs }.
+ eexists.
+ cbv [E_mul'_step].
+ match goal with
+ | [ |- _ = match ?e with nil => _ | _ => _ end :> ?T ]
+ => refine (_ : match e with nil => _ | _ => _ end = _);
+ destruct e
+ end.
+ { reflexivity. }
+ { cbv [E.mul_each E.mul_bi].
+ rewrite <- E_mul_bi'_opt_correct.
+ reflexivity. }
+Definition E_mul'_opt_step
+ (mul' : E.digits -> E.digits -> E.digits)
+ (usr vs : E.digits)
+ : E.digits
+ := Eval cbv [proj1_sig E_mul'_opt_step_sig] in proj1_sig (E_mul'_opt_step_sig mul' usr vs).
+Fixpoint E_mul'_opt
+ (usr vs : E.digits)
+ : E.digits
+ := E_mul'_opt_step E_mul'_opt usr vs.
+Definition E_mul'_opt_correct
+ (usr vs : E.digits)
+ : E_mul'_opt usr vs = E.mul' usr vs.
+ revert vs; induction usr as [|usr usrs IHusr]; intros.
+ { reflexivity. }
+ { simpl.
+ rewrite <- IHusr; clear IHusr.
+ apply f_equal2; [ | reflexivity ].
+ cbv [E.mul_each E.mul_bi].
+ rewrite <- E_mul_bi'_opt_correct.
+ reflexivity. }
+Definition mul_opt_sig (us vs : T) : { b : B.digits | b = mul us vs }.
+ eexists.
+ cbv [mul E.mul E.mul_each E.mul_bi E.mul_bi' E.zeros EC.base reduce].
+ rewrite <- E_mul'_opt_correct.
+ reflexivity.
+Definition mul_opt (us vs : T) : B.digits
+ := Eval cbv [proj1_sig mul_opt_sig] in proj1_sig (mul_opt_sig us vs).
+Definition mul_opt_correct us vs
+ : mul_opt us vs = mul us vs
+ := proj2_sig (mul_opt_sig us vs).
+Lemma beq_nat_eq_nat_dec {R} (x y : nat) (a b : R)
+ : (if EqNat.beq_nat x y then a else b) = (if eq_nat_dec x y then a else b).
+ destruct (eq_nat_dec x y) as [H|H];
+ [ rewrite (proj2 (@beq_nat_true_iff _ _) H); reflexivity
+ | rewrite (proj2 (@beq_nat_false_iff _ _) H); reflexivity ].
+Lemma pull_app_if_sumbool {A B X Y} (b : sumbool X Y) (f g : A -> B) (x : A)
+ : (if b then f x else g x) = (if b then f else g) x.
+ destruct b; reflexivity.
- Hint Rewrite
- Z.mul_0_l
- Z.mul_0_r
- Z.mul_1_l
- Z.mul_1_r
- Z.add_0_l
- Z.add_0_r
- Z.add_assoc
- Z.mul_assoc
- : Z_identities.
- Ltac deriveModularMultiplicationWithCarries carryscript :=
- let h := fresh "h" in
- let fg := fresh "fg" in
- let Hfg := fresh "Hfg" in
- intros;
- repeat match goal with
- | [ Hf: rep ?fs ?f, Hg: rep ?gs ?g |- rep _ ?ret ] =>
- remember (carry_sequence carryscript (mul fs gs)) as fg;
- assert (rep fg ret) as Hfg; [subst fg; apply carry_sequence_rep, mul_rep; eauto|]
- | [ H: In ?x carryscript |- ?x < ?bound ] => abstract (revert H; clear; cbv; intros; repeat break_or_hyp; intuition)
- | [ Heqfg: fg = carry_sequence _ (mul _ _) |- rep _ ?ret ] =>
- (* expand bignum multiplication *)
- cbv [plus
- seq rev app length map fold_right fold_left skipn firstn nth_default nth_error value error
- mul reduce B.add Base25Point5_10limbs.base GF25519Base25Point5Params.c
- E.add E.mul E.mul' E.mul_each E.mul_bi E.mul_bi' E.zeros EC.base] in Heqfg;
- repeat match goal with [H:context[E.crosscoef ?a ?b] |- _ ] => (* do this early for speed *)
- let c := fresh "c" in set (c := E.crosscoef a b) in H; compute in c; subst c end;
- autorewrite with Z_identities in Heqfg;
- (* speparate out carries *)
- match goal with [ Heqfg: fg = carry_sequence _ ?hdef |- _ ] => remember hdef as h end;
- (* one equation per limb *)
- expand_list h; expand_list_equalities;
- (* expand carry *)
- cbv [GF25519Base25Point5.carry_sequence fold_right rev app] in Heqfg
- | [H1: ?a = ?b, H2: ?b = ?c |- _ ] => subst a
- | [Hfg: context[carry ?i (?x::?xs)] |- _ ] => (* simplify carry *)
- let cr := fresh "cr" in
- remember (carry i (x::xs)) as cr in Hfg;
- match goal with [ Heq : cr = ?crdef |- _ ] =>
- (* is there any simpler way to do this? *)
- cbv [carry carry_simple carry_and_reduce] in Heq;
- simpl eq_nat_dec in Heq; cbv iota beta in Heq;
- cbv [set_nth nth_default nth_error value add_to_nth] in Heq;
- expand_list cr; expand_list_equalities
- end
- | [H: context[cap ?i] |- _ ] => let c := fresh "c" in remember (cap i) as c in H;
- match goal with [Heqc: c = cap i |- _ ] =>
- (* is there any simpler way to do this? *)
- unfold cap, Base25Point5_10limbs.base in Heqc;
- simpl eq_nat_dec in Heqc;
- cbv [nth_default nth_error value error] in Heqc;
- simpl map in Heqc;
- cbv [GF25519Base25Point5Params.k] in Heqc
- end;
- subst c;
- repeat rewrite Zdiv_1_r in H;
- repeat rewrite two_power_pos_equiv in H;
- repeat rewrite <- Z.pow_sub_r in H by (abstract (clear; firstorder));
- repeat rewrite <- Z.land_ones in H by (abstract (apply Z.leb_le; reflexivity));
- repeat rewrite <- Z.shiftr_div_pow2 in H by (abstract (apply Z.leb_le; reflexivity));
- simpl Z.sub in H;
- unfold GF25519Base25Point5Params.c in H
- | [H: context[Z.ones ?l] |- _ ] =>
- (* postponing this to the main loop makes the autorewrite slow *)
- let c := fresh "c" in set (c := Z.ones l) in H; compute in c; subst c
- | [ |- _ ] => abstract (solve [auto])
- | [ |- _ ] => progress intros
+Lemma map_nth_default_always {A B} (f : A -> B) (n : nat) (x : A) (l : list A)
+ : nth_default (f x) (map f l) n = f (nth_default x l n).
+ revert n; induction l; simpl; intro n; destruct n; [ try reflexivity.. ].
+ nth_tac.
+Definition log_cap_opt_sig
+ (i : nat)
+ : { z : Z | i < length (Base25Point5_10limbs.log_base) -> (2^z)%Z = cap i }.
+ eexists.
+ cbv [cap Base25Point5_10limbs.base].
+ intros.
+ rewrite map_length in *.
+ About map_nth_default.
+ erewrite map_nth_default; [|assumption].
+ instantiate (2 := 0%Z).
+ (** For the division of maps of (2 ^ _) over lists, replace it with 2 ^ (_ - _) *)
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | [ |- _ = (if eq_nat_dec ?a ?b then (2^?x/2^?y)%Z else (nth_default 0 (map (fun x => (2^x)%Z) ?ls) ?si / 2^?d)%Z) ]
+ => transitivity (2^if eq_nat_dec a b then (x-y)%Z else nth_default 0 ls si - d)%Z;
+ [ apply f_equal | break_if ]
+ end.
+ Focus 2.
+ apply Z.pow_sub_r; [clear;firstorder|apply base_range].
+ Focus 2.
+ erewrite map_nth_default by (omega); instantiate (1 := 0%Z).
+ rewrite <- Z.pow_sub_r; [ reflexivity | .. ].
+ { clear; abstract firstorder. }
+ { apply base_monotonic. omega. }
+ Unfocus.
+ rewrite <-beq_nat_eq_nat_dec.
+ change Z.sub with Z_sub_opt.
+ change @nth_default with @nth_default_opt.
+ change @map with @map_opt.
+ reflexivity.
+Definition log_cap_opt (i : nat)
+ := Eval cbv [proj1_sig log_cap_opt_sig] in proj1_sig (log_cap_opt_sig i).
+Definition log_cap_opt_correct (i : nat)
+ : i < length Base25Point5_10limbs.log_base -> (2^log_cap_opt i = cap i)%Z
+ := proj2_sig (log_cap_opt_sig i).
+Definition carry_opt_sig
+ (i : nat) (b : B.digits)
+ : { d : B.digits | i < length Base25Point5_10limbs.log_base -> d = carry i b }.
+ eexists ; intros.
+ cbv [carry].
+ rewrite <- pull_app_if_sumbool.
+ cbv beta delta [carry_and_reduce carry_simple add_to_nth Base25Point5_10limbs.base].
+ rewrite map_length.
+ repeat lazymatch goal with
+ | [ |- context[cap ?i] ]
+ => replace (cap i) with (2^log_cap_opt i)%Z by (apply log_cap_opt_correct; assumption)
+ end.
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | [ |- _ = (if ?br then ?c else ?d) ]
+ => let x := fresh "x" in let y := fresh "y" in evar (x:B.digits); evar (y:B.digits); transitivity (if br then x else y); subst x; subst y
+ end.
+ Focus 2.
+ cbv zeta.
+ break_if;
+ rewrite <- Z.land_ones, <- Z.shiftr_div_pow2 by (
+ pose proof (base_range i); pose proof (base_monotonic i);
+ change @nth_default with @nth_default_opt in *;
+ cbv beta delta [log_cap_opt]; rewrite beq_nat_eq_nat_dec; break_if; change Z_sub_opt with Z.sub; omega);
+ reflexivity.
+ change @nth_default with @nth_default_opt.
+ change @map with @map_opt.
+ rewrite <- @beq_nat_eq_nat_dec.
+ reflexivity.
+Definition carry_opt i b
+ := Eval cbv beta iota delta [proj1_sig carry_opt_sig] in proj1_sig (carry_opt_sig i b).
+Definition carry_opt_correct i b : i < length Base25Point5_10limbs.log_base -> carry_opt i b = carry i b := proj2_sig (carry_opt_sig i b).
+Definition carry_sequence_opt_sig (is : list nat) (us : B.digits)
+ : { b : B.digits | (forall i, In i is -> i < length Base25Point5_10limbs.log_base) -> b = carry_sequence is us }.
+ eexists. intros H.
+ cbv [carry_sequence].
+ transitivity (fold_right carry_opt us is).
+ Focus 2.
+ { induction is; [ reflexivity | ].
+ simpl; rewrite IHis, carry_opt_correct.
+ - reflexivity.
+ - apply H; apply in_eq.
+ - intros. apply H. right. auto.
+ }
+ Unfocus.
+ reflexivity.
+Definition carry_sequence_opt is us := Eval cbv [proj1_sig carry_sequence_opt_sig] in
+ proj1_sig (carry_sequence_opt_sig is us).
+Definition carry_sequence_opt_correct is us
+ : (forall i, In i is -> i < length Base25Point5_10limbs.log_base) -> carry_sequence_opt is us = carry_sequence is us
+ := proj2_sig (carry_sequence_opt_sig is us).
+Definition Let_In {A P} (x : A) (f : forall y : A, P y)
+ := let y := x in f y.
+Definition carry_opt_cps_sig
+ {T}
+ (i : nat)
+ (f : B.digits -> T)
+ (b : B.digits)
+ : { d : T | i < length Base25Point5_10limbs.log_base -> d = f (carry i b) }.
+ eexists. intros H.
+ rewrite <- carry_opt_correct by assumption.
+ cbv beta iota delta [carry_opt].
+ (* TODO: how to match the goal here? Alternatively, rewrite under let binders in carry_opt_sig and remove cbv zeta and restore original match from jgross's commit *)
+ lazymatch goal with [ |- ?LHS = _ ] =>
+ change (LHS = Let_In (nth_default_opt 0%Z b i) (fun di => (f (if beq_nat i (pred (length Base25Point5_10limbs.log_base))
+ then
+ set_nth 0
+ (c *
+ Z.shiftr (di) (log_cap_opt i) +
+ nth_default_opt 0
+ (set_nth i (Z.land di (Z.ones (log_cap_opt i)))
+ b) 0)%Z
+ (set_nth i (Z.land (nth_default_opt 0%Z b i) (Z.ones (log_cap_opt i))) b)
+ else
+ set_nth (S i)
+ (Z.shiftr (di) (log_cap_opt i) +
+ nth_default_opt 0
+ (set_nth i (Z.land (di) (Z.ones (log_cap_opt i)))
+ b) (S i))%Z
+ (set_nth i (Z.land (nth_default_opt 0%Z b i) (Z.ones (log_cap_opt i))) b)))))
+ reflexivity.
+Definition carry_opt_cps {T} i f b
+ := Eval cbv beta iota delta [proj1_sig carry_opt_cps_sig] in proj1_sig (@carry_opt_cps_sig T i f b).
+Definition carry_opt_cps_correct {T} i f b :
+ i < length Base25Point5_10limbs.log_base ->
+ @carry_opt_cps T i f b = f (carry i b)
+ := proj2_sig (carry_opt_cps_sig i f b).
+Definition carry_sequence_opt_cps_sig (is : list nat) (us : B.digits)
+ : { b : B.digits | (forall i, In i is -> i < length Base25Point5_10limbs.log_base) -> b = carry_sequence is us }.
+ eexists.
+ cbv [carry_sequence].
+ transitivity (fold_right carry_opt_cps id (List.rev is) us).
+ Focus 2.
+ {
+ assert (forall i, In i (rev is) -> i < length Base25Point5_10limbs.log_base) as Hr. {
+ subst. intros. rewrite <- in_rev in *. auto. }
+ remember (rev is) as ris eqn:Heq.
+ rewrite <- (rev_involutive is), <- Heq.
+ clear H Heq is.
+ rewrite fold_left_rev_right.
+ revert us; induction ris; [ reflexivity | ]; intros.
+ { simpl.
+ rewrite <- IHris; clear IHris; [|intros; apply Hr; right; assumption].
+ rewrite carry_opt_cps_correct; [reflexivity|].
+ apply Hr; left; reflexivity.
+ } }
+ Unfocus.
+ reflexivity.
+Definition carry_sequence_opt_cps is us := Eval cbv [proj1_sig carry_sequence_opt_cps_sig] in
+ proj1_sig (carry_sequence_opt_cps_sig is us).
+Definition carry_sequence_opt_cps_correct is us
+ : (forall i, In i is -> i < length Base25Point5_10limbs.log_base) -> carry_sequence_opt_cps is us = carry_sequence is us
+ := proj2_sig (carry_sequence_opt_cps_sig is us).
+Lemma mul_opt_rep:
+ forall (u v : T) (x y : GF), rep u x -> rep v y -> rep (mul_opt u v) (x * y)%GF.
+ intros.
+ rewrite mul_opt_correct.
+ auto using mul_rep.
+Lemma carry_sequence_opt_cps_rep
+ : forall (is : list nat) (us : list Z) (x : GF),
+ (forall i : nat, In i is -> i < length Base25Point5_10limbs.base) ->
+ length us = length Base25Point5_10limbs.base ->
+ rep us x -> rep (carry_sequence_opt_cps is us) x.
+ intros.
+ rewrite carry_sequence_opt_cps_correct by assumption.
+ apply carry_sequence_rep; assumption.
+Definition carry_mul_opt
+ (is : list nat)
+ (us vs : list Z)
+ : list Z
+ := Eval cbv [B.add
+ E.add E.mul E.mul' E.mul_bi E.mul_bi' E.mul_each E.zeros EC.base E_mul'_opt
+ E_mul'_opt_step E_mul_bi'_opt E_mul_bi'_opt_step
+ List.app List.rev Z_div_opt Z_mul_opt Z_pow_opt
+ Z_sub_opt app beq_nat log_cap_opt carry_opt_cps carry_sequence_opt_cps error firstn
+ fold_left fold_right id length map map_opt mul mul_opt nth_default nth_default_opt
+ nth_error plus pred reduce rev seq set_nth skipn value base] in
+ carry_sequence_opt_cps is (mul_opt us vs).
+Lemma carry_mul_opt_correct
+ : forall (is : list nat) (us vs : list Z) (x y: GF),
+ rep us x -> rep vs y ->
+ (forall i : nat, In i is -> i < length Base25Point5_10limbs.base) ->
+ length (mul_opt us vs) = length base ->
+ rep (carry_mul_opt is us vs) (x*y)%GF.
+ intros is us vs x y; intros.
+ change (carry_mul_opt _ _ _) with (carry_sequence_opt_cps is (mul_opt us vs)).
+ apply carry_sequence_opt_cps_rep, mul_opt_rep; auto.
Lemma GF25519Base25Point5_mul_reduce_formula :
- forall f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9
+ forall f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9
g0 g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 g7 g8 g9,
{ls | forall f g, rep [f0;f1;f2;f3;f4;f5;f6;f7;f8;f9] f
-> rep [g0;g1;g2;g3;g4;g5;g6;g7;g8;g9] g
-> rep ls (f*g)%GF}.
+ intros f g Hf Hg.
- Time deriveModularMultiplicationWithCarries (rev [0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;0]).
- (* pretty-print: sh -c "tr -d '\n' | tr 'Z' '\n' | tr -d \% | sed 's:\s\s*\*\s\s*:\*:g' | column -o' ' -t" *)
+ pose proof (carry_mul_opt_correct [0;9;8;7;6;5;4;3;2;1;0]_ _ _ _ Hf Hg) as Hfg.
+ forward Hfg; [abstract (clear; cbv; intros; repeat break_or_hyp; intuition)|].
+ specialize (Hfg H); clear H.
+ forward Hfg; [exact eq_refl|].
+ specialize (Hfg H); clear H.
- Time repeat letify fg; subst fg; eauto.
+ cbv [log_base map k c carry_mul_opt] in Hfg.
+ cbv beta iota delta [Let_In] in Hfg.
+ rewrite ?Z.mul_0_l, ?Z.mul_0_r, ?Z.mul_1_l, ?Z.mul_1_r, ?Z.add_0_l, ?Z.add_0_r in Hfg.
+ rewrite ?Z.mul_assoc, ?Z.add_assoc in Hfg.
+ exact Hfg.
Time Defined.
End GF25519Base25Point5Formula.
@@ -234,6 +530,3 @@ Extraction "/tmp/test.ml" GF25519Base25Point5_mul_reduce_formula.
* More Ltac acrobatics will be needed to get out that formula for further use in Coq.
* The easiest fix will be to make the proof script above fully automated,
* using [abstract] to contain the proof part. *)