path: root/src
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authorGravatar Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>2018-08-04 00:31:26 -0400
committerGravatar Jason Gross <jasongross9@gmail.com>2018-08-04 20:00:53 -0400
commit016035f962de0666786e84b03cfc20e02b227011 (patch)
tree64c4b8b89efe519edc7888afd73c0961e858895a /src
parent4871dfda627597bcee92fc94edf2e37cdfd0ef49 (diff)
Finish AbsInt Wf proofs
After | File Name | Before || Change | % Change ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12m43.49s | Total | 11m54.85s || +0m48.63s | +6.80% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0m44.25s | Experiments/NewPipeline/AbstractInterpretationProofs | 0m00.49s || +0m43.75s | +8930.61% 4m31.51s | Experiments/NewPipeline/Toplevel1 | 4m29.26s || +0m02.25s | +0.83% 5m50.40s | Experiments/NewPipeline/SlowPrimeSynthesisExamples | 5m48.62s || +0m01.77s | +0.51% 1m33.52s | Experiments/NewPipeline/Toplevel2 | 1m32.77s || +0m00.75s | +0.80% 0m01.38s | Experiments/NewPipeline/CLI | 0m01.34s || +0m00.03s | +2.98% 0m01.22s | Experiments/NewPipeline/StandaloneOCamlMain | 0m01.13s || +0m00.09s | +7.96% 0m01.21s | Experiments/NewPipeline/StandaloneHaskellMain | 0m01.24s || -0m00.03s | -2.41%
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
3 files changed, 1241 insertions, 47 deletions
diff --git a/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/AbstractInterpretationProofs.v b/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/AbstractInterpretationProofs.v
index 5c20da75b..d9c74e73e 100644
--- a/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/AbstractInterpretationProofs.v
+++ b/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/AbstractInterpretationProofs.v
@@ -1,13 +1,28 @@
+Require Import Coq.micromega.Lia.
+Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
+Require Import Coq.Classes.Morphisms.
+Require Import Coq.Classes.RelationPairs.
+Require Import Coq.Relations.Relations.
Require Import Crypto.Util.ZRange.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Sum.
Require Import Crypto.Util.LetIn.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Prod.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Sigma.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Option.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ListUtil.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.NatUtil.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.LtbToLt.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.BreakMatch.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.DestructHead.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SplitInContext.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.UniquePose.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SpecializeBy.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SpecializeAllWays.
Require Import Crypto.Experiments.NewPipeline.Language.
Require Import Crypto.Experiments.NewPipeline.LanguageInversion.
Require Import Crypto.Experiments.NewPipeline.LanguageWf.
Require Import Crypto.Experiments.NewPipeline.UnderLetsProofs.
Require Import Crypto.Experiments.NewPipeline.AbstractInterpretation.
-Local Open Scope Z_scope.
Module Compilers.
Import Language.Compilers.
@@ -17,24 +32,1145 @@ Module Compilers.
Import LanguageWf.Compilers.
Import UnderLetsProofs.Compilers.
Import invert_expr.
- Import defaults.
Module Import partial.
Import AbstractInterpretation.Compilers.partial.
- Section with_var2.
- Context {var1 var2 : type -> Type}.
+ Import NewPipeline.UnderLets.Compilers.UnderLets.
+ Section with_type.
+ Context {base_type : Type}.
+ Local Notation type := (type base_type).
+ Let type_base (x : base_type) : type := type.base x.
+ Local Coercion type_base : base_type >-> type.
+ Context {ident : type -> Type}.
+ Local Notation expr := (@expr base_type ident).
+ Local Notation Expr := (@expr.Expr base_type ident).
+ Local Notation UnderLets := (@UnderLets base_type ident).
+ Context (abstract_domain' : base_type -> Type)
+ (bottom' : forall A, abstract_domain' A)
+ (abstract_interp_ident : forall t, ident t -> type.interp abstract_domain' t)
+ (abstract_domain'_R : forall t, abstract_domain' t -> abstract_domain' t -> Prop)
+ {abstract_interp_ident_Proper : forall t, Proper (eq ==> abstract_domain'_R t) (abstract_interp_ident t)}
+ {bottom'_Proper : forall t, Proper (abstract_domain'_R t) (bottom' t)}.
+ Local Notation abstract_domain := (@abstract_domain base_type abstract_domain').
+ Local Notation bottom := (@bottom base_type abstract_domain' (@bottom')).
+ Local Notation bottom_for_each_lhs_of_arrow := (@bottom_for_each_lhs_of_arrow base_type abstract_domain' (@bottom')).
+ Section with_var2.
+ Context {var1 var2 : type -> Type}.
+ Local Notation UnderLets1 := (@UnderLets.UnderLets base_type ident var1).
+ Local Notation UnderLets2 := (@UnderLets.UnderLets base_type ident var2).
+ Local Notation expr1 := (@expr.expr base_type ident var1).
+ Local Notation expr2 := (@expr.expr base_type ident var2).
+ Local Notation value1 := (@value base_type ident var1 abstract_domain').
+ Local Notation value2 := (@value base_type ident var2 abstract_domain').
+ Local Notation value_with_lets1 := (@value_with_lets base_type ident var1 abstract_domain').
+ Local Notation value_with_lets2 := (@value_with_lets base_type ident var2 abstract_domain').
+ Local Notation state_of_value1 := (@state_of_value base_type ident var1 abstract_domain').
+ Local Notation state_of_value2 := (@state_of_value base_type ident var2 abstract_domain').
+ Context (annotate1 : forall (is_let_bound : bool) t, abstract_domain' t -> @expr1 t -> UnderLets1 (@expr1 t))
+ (annotate2 : forall (is_let_bound : bool) t, abstract_domain' t -> @expr2 t -> UnderLets2 (@expr2 t))
+ (annotate_Proper
+ : forall is_let_bound t G
+ v1 v2 (Hv : abstract_domain'_R t v1 v2)
+ e1 e2 (He : expr.wf G e1 e2),
+ UnderLets.wf (fun G' => expr.wf G') G (annotate1 is_let_bound t v1 e1) (annotate2 is_let_bound t v2 e2))
+ (interp_ident1 : forall t, ident t -> value_with_lets1 t)
+ (interp_ident2 : forall t, ident t -> value_with_lets2 t).
+ Local Notation reify1 := (@reify base_type ident var1 abstract_domain' annotate1 bottom').
+ Local Notation reify2 := (@reify base_type ident var2 abstract_domain' annotate2 bottom').
+ Local Notation reflect1 := (@reflect base_type ident var1 abstract_domain' annotate1 bottom').
+ Local Notation reflect2 := (@reflect base_type ident var2 abstract_domain' annotate2 bottom').
+ Local Notation interp1 := (@interp base_type ident var1 abstract_domain' annotate1 bottom' interp_ident1).
+ Local Notation interp2 := (@interp base_type ident var2 abstract_domain' annotate2 bottom' interp_ident2).
+ Local Notation eval_with_bound'1 := (@eval_with_bound' base_type ident var1 abstract_domain' annotate1 bottom' interp_ident1).
+ Local Notation eval_with_bound'2 := (@eval_with_bound' base_type ident var2 abstract_domain' annotate2 bottom' interp_ident2).
+ Local Notation eval'1 := (@eval' base_type ident var1 abstract_domain' annotate1 bottom' interp_ident1).
+ Local Notation eval'2 := (@eval' base_type ident var2 abstract_domain' annotate2 bottom' interp_ident2).
+ Local Notation eta_expand_with_bound'1 := (@eta_expand_with_bound' base_type ident var1 abstract_domain' annotate1 bottom').
+ Local Notation eta_expand_with_bound'2 := (@eta_expand_with_bound' base_type ident var2 abstract_domain' annotate2 bottom').
+ Definition abstract_domain_R {t} : relation (abstract_domain t)
+ := type.related abstract_domain'_R.
+ (** This one is tricky. Because we need to be stable under
+ weakening and reordering of the context, we permit any
+ context for well-formedness of the input in the arrow
+ case, and simply tack on that context at the beginning of
+ the output. This is sort-of wasteful on the output
+ context, but it's sufficient to prove
+ [wf_value_Proper_list] below, which is what we really
+ need. *)
+ Fixpoint wf_value G {t} : value1 t -> value2 t -> Prop
+ := match t return value1 t -> value2 t -> Prop with
+ | type.base t
+ => fun v1 v2
+ => abstract_domain_R (fst v1) (fst v2)
+ /\ expr.wf G (snd v1) (snd v2)
+ | type.arrow s d
+ => fun v1 v2
+ => abstract_domain_R (fst v1) (fst v2)
+ /\ (forall seg G' sv1 sv2,
+ G' = (seg ++ G)%list
+ -> @wf_value seg s sv1 sv2
+ -> UnderLets.wf
+ (fun G' => @wf_value G' d) G'
+ (snd v1 sv1) (snd v2 sv2))
+ end.
+ Definition wf_value_with_lets G {t} : value_with_lets1 t -> value_with_lets2 t -> Prop
+ := UnderLets.wf (fun G' => wf_value G') G.
+ Context (interp_ident_Proper
+ : forall G t idc1 idc2 (Hidc : idc1 = idc2),
+ wf_value_with_lets G (interp_ident1 t idc1) (interp_ident2 t idc2)).
+ Global Instance bottom_Proper {t} : Proper abstract_domain_R (@bottom t) | 10.
+ Proof using bottom'_Proper.
+ clear -bottom'_Proper type_base.
+ cbv [Proper] in *; induction t; cbn; cbv [respectful]; eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Global Instance bottom_for_each_lhs_of_arrow_Proper {t}
+ : Proper (type.and_for_each_lhs_of_arrow (@abstract_domain_R)) (@bottom_for_each_lhs_of_arrow t) | 10.
+ Proof using bottom'_Proper.
+ clear -bottom'_Proper type_base.
+ pose proof (@bottom_Proper).
+ cbv [Proper] in *; induction t; cbn; cbv [respectful]; eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma state_of_value_Proper G {t} v1 v2 (Hv : @wf_value G t v1 v2)
+ : abstract_domain_R (state_of_value1 v1) (state_of_value2 v2).
+ Proof using Type.
+ clear -Hv type_base.
+ destruct t, v1, v2, Hv; cbn in *; cbv [respectful]; eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Local Hint Resolve (ex_intro _ nil) (ex_intro _ (cons _ nil)).
+ Local Hint Constructors expr.wf ex.
+ Local Hint Unfold List.In.
+ Lemma wf_value_Proper_list G1 G2
+ (HG1G2 : forall t v1 v2, List.In (existT _ t (v1, v2)) G1 -> List.In (existT _ t (v1, v2)) G2)
+ t e1 e2
+ (Hwf : @wf_value G1 t e1 e2)
+ : @wf_value G2 t e1 e2.
+ Proof using Type.
+ clear -type_base HG1G2 Hwf.
+ revert dependent G1; revert dependent G2; induction t; intros;
+ repeat first [ progress cbn in *
+ | progress intros
+ | solve [ eauto ]
+ | progress subst
+ | progress destruct_head'_and
+ | progress destruct_head'_or
+ | apply conj
+ | rewrite List.in_app_iff in *
+ | match goal with H : _ |- _ => apply H; clear H end
+ | wf_unsafe_t_step
+ | eapply UnderLets.wf_Proper_list; [ | | solve [ eauto ] ] ].
+ Qed.
+ Fixpoint wf_reify (is_let_bound : bool) G {t}
+ : forall v1 v2 (Hv : @wf_value G t v1 v2)
+ s1 s2 (Hs : type.and_for_each_lhs_of_arrow (@abstract_domain_R) s1 s2),
+ UnderLets.wf (fun G' => expr.wf G') G (@reify1 is_let_bound t v1 s1) (@reify2 is_let_bound t v2 s2)
+ with wf_reflect G {t}
+ : forall e1 e2 (He : expr.wf G e1 e2)
+ s1 s2 (Hs : abstract_domain_R s1 s2),
+ @wf_value G t (@reflect1 t e1 s1) (@reflect2 t e2 s2).
+ Proof using annotate_Proper bottom'_Proper.
+ all: clear -wf_reflect wf_reify annotate_Proper type_base bottom'_Proper.
+ all: pose proof (@bottom_for_each_lhs_of_arrow_Proper); cbv [Proper] in *.
+ { destruct t as [t|s d];
+ [ clear wf_reify wf_reflect
+ | specialize (fun G => wf_reflect G s);
+ specialize (fun G => wf_reify false G d) ].
+ { cbn; intros [? ?] [? ?] [Hv0 Hv1] [] [] [];
+ cbn [fst snd] in *.
+ apply annotate_Proper; assumption. }
+ { cbn; cbv [respectful]; intros [? ?] [? ?] [He0 He1] [? ?] [? ?] [Hs0 Hs1];
+ cbn [fst snd] in *.
+ do 2 constructor; intros v1 v2.
+ eapply UnderLets.wf_to_expr, UnderLets.wf_splice.
+ { eapply He1 with (seg:=cons _ nil); eauto using eq_refl. }
+ { intros; apply wf_reify; destruct_head'_ex; subst; auto. } } }
+ { destruct t as [t|s d];
+ [ clear wf_reify wf_reflect
+ | specialize (fun G => wf_reflect G d);
+ specialize (fun G => wf_reify false G s) ].
+ { cbn; auto. }
+ { cbn; cbv [respectful]; intros e1 e2 He s1 s2 Hs;
+ split; [ solve [ auto ] | ];
+ intros G' seg sv1 sv2 HG1G2 Hsv; subst.
+ eapply UnderLets.wf_splice.
+ { apply wf_reify; auto; eapply wf_value_Proper_list; [ .. | solve [ eauto ] ];
+ wf_safe_t. }
+ { intros G'' a1 a2 [seg' ?] Ha; subst G''.
+ constructor.
+ apply wf_reflect.
+ { constructor; auto; wf_unsafe_t_step; [].
+ destruct_head'_ex; subst.
+ intros *.
+ rewrite !List.in_app_iff; auto. }
+ { eapply Hs, state_of_value_Proper; eassumption. } } } }
+ Qed.
+ Local Ltac wf_interp_t :=
+ repeat first [ progress cbv [wf_value_with_lets abstract_domain_R respectful] in *
+ | progress cbn [wf_value fst snd partial.bottom type.related eq_rect List.In] in *
+ | wf_safe_t_step
+ | exact I
+ | apply wf_reify
+ | apply bottom_Proper
+ | progress destruct_head'_ex
+ | progress destruct_head'_or
+ | eapply UnderLets.wf_splice
+ | match goal with
+ | [ |- UnderLets.wf _ _ _ _ ] => constructor
+ | [ |- and _ _ ] => apply conj
+ end
+ | eapply wf_value_Proper_list; [ | solve [ eauto ] ]
+ | eapply UnderLets.wf_Proper_list; [ | | solve [ eauto ] ]
+ | match goal with
+ | [ H : _ |- _ ] => eapply H; clear H; solve [ wf_interp_t ]
+ end
+ | break_innermost_match_step ].
+ Lemma wf_interp G G' {t} (e1 : @expr (@value_with_lets1) t) (e2 : @expr (@value_with_lets2) t)
+ (Hwf : expr.wf G e1 e2)
+ (HGG' : forall t v1 v2, List.In (existT _ t (v1, v2)) G -> wf_value_with_lets G' v1 v2)
+ : wf_value_with_lets G' (interp1 e1) (interp2 e2).
+ Proof using annotate_Proper bottom'_Proper interp_ident_Proper.
+ revert dependent G'; induction Hwf; intros; cbn [interp];
+ try solve [ apply interp_ident_Proper; auto
+ | eauto ];
+ wf_interp_t.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma wf_eval_with_bound' G G' {t} e1 e2 (He : expr.wf G e1 e2) st1 st2 (Hst : type.and_for_each_lhs_of_arrow (@abstract_domain_R) st1 st2)
+ (HGG' : forall t v1 v2, List.In (existT _ t (v1, v2)) G -> wf_value_with_lets G' v1 v2)
+ : expr.wf G' (@eval_with_bound'1 t e1 st1) (@eval_with_bound'2 t e2 st2).
+ Proof using annotate_Proper bottom'_Proper interp_ident_Proper.
+ eapply UnderLets.wf_to_expr, UnderLets.wf_splice.
+ { eapply wf_interp; solve [ eauto ]. }
+ { intros; destruct_head'_ex; subst; eapply wf_reify; eauto. }
+ Qed.
+ Lemma wf_eval' G G' {t} e1 e2 (He : expr.wf G e1 e2)
+ (HGG' : forall t v1 v2, List.In (existT _ t (v1, v2)) G -> wf_value_with_lets G' v1 v2)
+ : expr.wf G' (@eval'1 t e1) (@eval'2 t e2).
+ Proof using annotate_Proper bottom'_Proper interp_ident_Proper.
+ eapply wf_eval_with_bound'; eauto; apply bottom_for_each_lhs_of_arrow_Proper.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma wf_eta_expand_with_bound' G {t} e1 e2 (He : expr.wf G e1 e2) st1 st2 (Hst : type.and_for_each_lhs_of_arrow (@abstract_domain_R) st1 st2)
+ : expr.wf G (@eta_expand_with_bound'1 t e1 st1) (@eta_expand_with_bound'2 t e2 st2).
+ Proof using annotate_Proper bottom'_Proper.
+ eapply UnderLets.wf_to_expr, wf_reify; [ eapply wf_reflect | ]; eauto; apply bottom_Proper.
+ Qed.
+ Local Notation lazy_abstract_domain := (@lazy_abstract_domain base_type abstract_domain').
+ Local Notation force_abstract_domain := (@force_abstract_domain base_type abstract_domain').
+ Local Notation thunk_abstract_domain := (@thunk_abstract_domain base_type abstract_domain').
+ Definition lazy_abstract_domain'_R {t} : relation (lazy_abstract_domain (type.base t))
+ := fun v1 v2 => abstract_domain'_R t (force_abstract_domain v1) (force_abstract_domain v2).
+ Definition lazy_abstract_domain_R {t} : relation (lazy_abstract_domain t)
+ := fun v1 v2 => abstract_domain_R (force_abstract_domain v1) (force_abstract_domain v2).
+ Local Ltac red_thunk_force' s d :=
+ change (@force_abstract_domain (s -> d)) with (fun f x => @force_abstract_domain d (f (@thunk_abstract_domain s x))) in *;
+ change (@thunk_abstract_domain (s -> d)) with (fun f x => @thunk_abstract_domain d (f (@force_abstract_domain s x))) in *.
+ Local Ltac red_thunk_force :=
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ |- context[@force_abstract_domain (type.arrow ?s ?d)] ] => progress red_thunk_force' s d
+ | [ |- context[@thunk_abstract_domain (type.arrow ?s ?d)] ] => progress red_thunk_force' s d
+ | [ H : context[@force_abstract_domain (type.arrow ?s ?d)] |- _ ] => progress red_thunk_force' s d
+ | [ H : context[@thunk_abstract_domain (type.arrow ?s ?d)] |- _ ] => progress red_thunk_force' s d
+ end;
+ cbv beta in *.
+ Lemma force_thunk_abstract_domain {t} : (fun v => @force_abstract_domain t (thunk_abstract_domain v)) = (fun v => v).
+ Proof.
+ induction t as [t|s IHs d IHd]; [ reflexivity | ].
+ change
+ ((fun (v : abstract_domain (s -> d)) (x : abstract_domain s)
+ => id (fun v => force_abstract_domain (thunk_abstract_domain v)) (v (id (fun v => force_abstract_domain (thunk_abstract_domain v)) x)))
+ = (fun v => v)).
+ rewrite IHs, IHd; cbv [id]; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma force_thunk_abstract_domain_ext {t} v : @force_abstract_domain t (thunk_abstract_domain v) = v.
+ Proof. exact (f_equal (fun f => f v) force_thunk_abstract_domain). Qed.
+ (*
+ Lemma related_force {t} x y
+ : @lazy_abstract_domain_R t x y <-> @abstract_domain_R t (force_abstract_domain x) (force_abstract_domain y).
+ Proof.
+ induction t as [t|s IHs d IHd]; [ reflexivity | ].
+ cbv [lazy_abstract_domain_R abstract_domain_R] in *; cbn [type.related] in *; cbv [respectful] in *.
+ setoid_rewrite IHs; setoid_rewrite IHd.
+ progress change (@force_abstract_domain (s -> d)) with (fun f x => @force_abstract_domain d (f (@thunk_abstract_domain s x))).
+ cbv beta iota.
+ (*progress change (@thunk_abstract_domain (s -> d)) with (fun f x => @thunk_abstract_domain d (f (@force_abstract_domain s x))).*)
+ intuition.
+ { match goal with
+ | [ H : _ |- _ ] => apply H; rewrite !force_thunk_abstract_domain_ext; assumption
+ end. }
+ { match goal with
+ | [ |- ?R (force_abstract_domain (?f ?x)) (force_abstract_domain (?g ?y)) ]
+ => rewrite <- (force_thunk_abstract_domain_ext x), <- (force_thunk_abstract_domain_ext y)
+ end.
+ eauto.
+ intuition (rewrite ?force_thunk_abstract_domain_ext; eauto).
+ apply H.
+ *)
+ (*
+ Section extract.
+ Context (ident_extract : forall t, ident t -> lazy_abstract_domain t)
+ {ident_extract_Proper : forall {t}, Proper (eq ==> lazy_abstract_domain_R) (ident_extract t)}.
+ Local Notation extract' := (@extract' base_type ident abstract_domain' ident_extract).
+ Local Notation extract_gen := (@extract_gen base_type ident abstract_domain' ident_extract).
+ Lemma extract'_Proper G
+ (HG : forall t v1 v2, List.In (existT _ t (v1, v2)) G -> @lazy_abstract_domain_R t v1 v2)
+ {t}
+ : Proper (expr.wf G ==> lazy_abstract_domain_R) (@extract' t).
+ Proof using ident_extract_Proper.
+ clear -ident_extract_Proper HG type_base; cbv [lazy_abstract_domain_R].
+ intros ? ? Hwf.
+ induction Hwf; red_thunk_force; cbn -[thunk_abstract_domain force_abstract_domain] in *; red_thunk_force;
+ cbv [respectful] in *; try apply ident_extract_Proper; intros; eauto;
+ try solve [ repeat first [ progress intros
+ | progress cbn [List.In fst snd] in *
+ | progress cbv [lazy_abstract_domain_R] in *
+ | rewrite force_thunk_abstract_domain_ext
+ | progress wf_safe_t
+ | match goal with
+ | [ H : _ |- _ ] => eapply H; clear H
+ end ] ].
+ repeat first [ progress intros
+ | progress cbn [List.In fst snd] in *
+ | progress cbv [lazy_abstract_domain_R] in *
+ | rewrite force_thunk_abstract_domain_ext
+ | progress wf_safe_t ].
+ eapply IHHwf1.
+ match goal with
+ | [ H : _ |- _ ] => eapply H; clear H
+ end.
+ { repeat first [ progress intros
+ | progress cbn [List.In fst snd] in *
+ | progress cbv [lazy_abstract_domain_R] in *
+ | rewrite force_thunk_abstract_domain_ext
+ | progress wf_safe_t ].
+ .
+ Qed.
+ Local Lemma pull_prod_forall A A' B B' (Q : A * A' -> B * B' -> Prop)
+ : (forall x y, Q x y) <-> (forall x0 y0 x1 y1, Q (x0, x1) (y0, y1)).
+ Proof. intuition. Qed.
+ Lemma abstract_domain_R_app_curried_iff t F G
+ : (@abstract_domain_R t F G)
+ <-> (forall x y, type.and_for_each_lhs_of_arrow (@abstract_domain_R) x y -> abstract_domain'_R (type.final_codomain t) (type.app_curried F x) (type.app_curried G y)).
+ Proof using Type.
+ clear -type_base.
+ induction t as [t|s IHs d IHd]; cbn; [ tauto | ].
+ cbv [respectful].
+ rewrite pull_prod_forall.
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | [ |- (forall x y, @?P x y) <-> (forall z w, @?Q z w) ]
+ => cut (forall x y, (P x y <-> Q x y)); [ intro H'; setoid_rewrite H'; reflexivity | intros ??; cbn [fst snd] ]
+ end.
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | [ |- (?P -> ?Q) <-> (forall z w, ?P' /\ @?R z w -> @?S z w) ]
+ => unify P P'; cut (P' -> (Q <-> (forall z w, R z w -> S z w))); [ change P with P'; solve [ intuition ] | intro; cbn [fst snd] ]
+ end.
+ eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma lazy_abstract_domain_R_app_curried_iff t F G
+ : (@lazy_abstract_domain_R t F G)
+ <-> (forall x y, type.and_for_each_lhs_of_arrow (@abstract_domain_R) x y -> abstract_domain'_R (type.final_codomain t) (type.app_curried F (type.map_for_each_lhs_of_arrow (@thunk_abstract_domain) x) tt) (type.app_curried G (type.map_for_each_lhs_of_arrow (@thunk_abstract_domain) y) tt)).
+ Proof using Type.
+ clear -type_base.
+ induction t as [t|s IHs d IHd]; cbn; [ tauto | ].
+ cbv [respectful].
+ rewrite pull_prod_forall; cbn.
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | [ |- (forall x y, @?P x y) <-> (forall z w, @?Q z w) ]
+ => cut (forall x y, (P x y <-> Q (force_abstract_domain x) (force_abstract_domain y))); [ intro H'; setoid_rewrite H' | intros ??; cbn [fst snd] ]
+ end.
+ { cbn; intuition.
+ match goal with
+ | [ H : _ |- ?R (type.app_curried (?F ?x) _ _) (type.app_curried (?G ?y) _ _) ]
+ => specialize (H x y); rewrite !force_thunk_abstract_domain_ext in H; apply H; auto
+ end. }
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | [ |- (?P -> ?Q) <-> (forall z w, ?P' /\ @?R z w -> @?S z w) ]
+ => unify P P'; cut (P' -> (Q <-> (forall z w, R z w -> S z w))); [ change P with P'; solve [ intuition ] | intro; cbn [fst snd] ]
+ end.
+ eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma extract_gen_Proper G
+ (HG : forall t v1 v2, List.In (existT _ t (v1, v2)) G -> @lazy_abstract_domain_R t v1 v2)
+ {t}
+ : Proper (expr.wf G ==> type.and_for_each_lhs_of_arrow (@abstract_domain_R) ==> abstract_domain'_R (type.final_codomain t)) (@extract_gen t).
+ Proof.
+ intros ?? Hwf ?? Hv; cbv [extract_gen].
+ generalize (@extract'_Proper G HG t _ _ Hwf).
+ generalize (extract' x) (extract' y); clear x y G HG Hwf; intros x y Hwf.
+ generalize (conj Hv Hwf).
+ clear Hv Hwf.
+ setoid_rewrite abstract_domain_R_app_curried_iff.
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | [ |- ?X -> ?Y ] => cut (X <-> Y); [ tauto | ]
+ end.
+ induction t; [ solve [ intuition eauto; constructor ] | ];
+ cbn [type.final_codomain type.app_curried type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow type.and_for_each_lhs_of_arrow type.map_for_each_lhs_of_arrow fst snd] in *.
+ destruct_head'_prod; destruct_head'_and; cbn [fst snd] in *.
+ rewrite <- IHt2.
+ rewrite !and_assoc, !(and_comm (type.and_for_each_lhs_of_arrow _ _ _)), <- !and_assoc.
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | [ |- (?A /\ ?B) <-> (?C /\ ?B) ] => cut (A <-> C); [ tauto | ]
+ end.
+ Definition extract_gen {t} (e : @expr lazy_abstract_domain t) (bound : type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow abstract_domain t)
+ : abstract_domain' (type.final_codomain t)
+ := type.app_curried (extract' e) (type.map_for_each_lhs_of_arrow (@thunk_abstract_domain) bound) tt.
+ End extract.*)
+ End with_var2.
+ End with_type.
+ Module ident.
+ Import defaults.
+ Local Notation UnderLets := (@UnderLets base.type ident).
+ Section with_type.
+ Context (abstract_domain' : base.type -> Type).
+ Local Notation abstract_domain := (@abstract_domain base.type abstract_domain').
+ Context (annotate_ident : forall t, abstract_domain' t -> option (ident (t -> t)))
+ (bottom' : forall A, abstract_domain' A)
+ (abstract_interp_ident : forall t, ident t -> type.interp abstract_domain' t)
+ (update_literal_with_state : forall A : base.type.base, abstract_domain' A -> base.interp A -> base.interp A)
+ (extract_list_state : forall A, abstract_domain' (base.type.list A) -> option (list (abstract_domain' A)))
+ (is_annotation : forall t, ident t -> bool).
+ Context (abstract_domain'_R : forall t, abstract_domain' t -> abstract_domain' t -> Prop).
+ Local Notation abstract_domain_R := (@abstract_domain_R base.type abstract_domain' abstract_domain'_R).
+ Context {annotate_ident_Proper : forall t, Proper (abstract_domain'_R t ==> eq) (annotate_ident t)}
+ {abstract_interp_ident_Proper : forall t, Proper (eq ==> @abstract_domain_R t) (abstract_interp_ident t)}
+ {bottom'_Proper : forall t, Proper (abstract_domain'_R t) (bottom' t)}
+ {update_literal_with_state_Proper : forall t, Proper (abstract_domain'_R (base.type.type_base t) ==> eq ==> eq) (update_literal_with_state t)}
+ (extract_list_state_length : forall t v1 v2, abstract_domain'_R _ v1 v2 -> option_map (@length _) (extract_list_state t v1) = option_map (@length _) (extract_list_state t v2))
+ (extract_list_state_rel : forall t v1 v2, abstract_domain'_R _ v1 v2 -> forall l1 l2, extract_list_state t v1 = Some l1 -> extract_list_state t v2 = Some l2 -> forall vv1 vv2, List.In (vv1, vv2) (List.combine l1 l2) -> @abstract_domain'_R t vv1 vv2).
+ Local Instance abstract_interp_ident_Proper_arrow s d
+ : Proper (eq ==> abstract_domain'_R s ==> abstract_domain'_R d) (abstract_interp_ident (type.arrow s d))
+ := abstract_interp_ident_Proper (type.arrow s d).
+ Section with_var2.
+ Context {var1 var2 : type -> Type}.
+ Local Notation update_annotation1 := (@ident.update_annotation var1 abstract_domain' annotate_ident abstract_interp_ident is_annotation).
+ Local Notation update_annotation2 := (@ident.update_annotation var2 abstract_domain' annotate_ident abstract_interp_ident is_annotation).
+ Local Notation annotate1 := (@ident.annotate var1 abstract_domain' annotate_ident abstract_interp_ident update_literal_with_state extract_list_state is_annotation).
+ Local Notation annotate2 := (@ident.annotate var2 abstract_domain' annotate_ident abstract_interp_ident update_literal_with_state extract_list_state is_annotation).
+ Local Notation annotate_base1 := (@ident.annotate_base var1 abstract_domain' annotate_ident abstract_interp_ident update_literal_with_state is_annotation).
+ Local Notation annotate_base2 := (@ident.annotate_base var2 abstract_domain' annotate_ident abstract_interp_ident update_literal_with_state is_annotation).
+ Print ident.annotate_with_ident.
+ Local Notation annotate_with_ident1 := (@ident.annotate_with_ident var1 abstract_domain' annotate_ident abstract_interp_ident is_annotation).
+ Local Notation annotate_with_ident2 := (@ident.annotate_with_ident var2 abstract_domain' annotate_ident abstract_interp_ident is_annotation).
+ Local Notation interp_ident1 := (@ident.interp_ident var1 abstract_domain' annotate_ident bottom' abstract_interp_ident update_literal_with_state extract_list_state is_annotation).
+ Local Notation interp_ident2 := (@ident.interp_ident var2 abstract_domain' annotate_ident bottom' abstract_interp_ident update_literal_with_state extract_list_state is_annotation).
+ Local Notation reflect1 := (@reflect base.type ident var1 abstract_domain' annotate1 bottom').
+ Local Notation reflect2 := (@reflect base.type ident var2 abstract_domain' annotate2 bottom').
+ Lemma wf_update_annotation G {t} st1 st2 (Hst : abstract_domain'_R t st1 st2) e1 e2 (He : expr.wf G e1 e2)
+ : expr.wf G (@update_annotation1 t st1 e1) (@update_annotation2 t st2 e2).
+ Proof.
+ cbv [ident.update_annotation];
+ repeat first [ progress subst
+ | progress expr.invert_subst
+ | progress cbn [fst snd projT1 projT2 eq_rect] in *
+ | progress cbn [invert_AppIdent Option.bind invert_App invert_Ident] in *
+ | progress destruct_head'_sig
+ | progress destruct_head'_sigT
+ | progress destruct_head'_and
+ | progress destruct_head'_prod
+ | progress destruct_head' False
+ | progress inversion_option
+ | progress expr.inversion_wf_constr
+ | progress expr.inversion_wf_one_constr
+ | break_innermost_match_hyps_step
+ | expr.invert_match_step
+ | progress expr.inversion_expr
+ | progress rewrite_type_transport_correct
+ | progress type_beq_to_eq
+ | progress type.inversion_type
+ | progress base.type.inversion_type
+ | match goal with
+ | [ H : abstract_domain'_R _ ?x _ |- _ ] => rewrite !H; clear dependent x
+ end
+ | progress wf_safe_t
+ | break_innermost_match_step ].
+ Qed.
+ Lemma wf_annotate_with_ident
+ is_let_bound t G
+ v1 v2 (Hv : abstract_domain'_R t v1 v2)
+ e1 e2 (He : expr.wf G e1 e2)
+ : UnderLets.wf (fun G' => expr.wf G') G (@annotate_with_ident1 is_let_bound t v1 e1) (@annotate_with_ident2 is_let_bound t v2 e2).
+ Proof.
+ cbv [ident.annotate_with_ident]; break_innermost_match; repeat constructor; apply wf_update_annotation; assumption.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma wf_annotate_base
+ is_let_bound (t : base.type.base) G
+ v1 v2 (Hv : abstract_domain'_R t v1 v2)
+ e1 e2 (He : expr.wf G e1 e2)
+ : UnderLets.wf (fun G' => expr.wf G') G (@annotate_base1 is_let_bound t v1 e1) (@annotate_base2 is_let_bound t v2 e2).
+ Proof.
+ cbv [ident.annotate_base];
+ repeat first [ apply wf_annotate_with_ident
+ | break_innermost_match_step
+ | progress subst
+ | progress cbv [type_base ident.smart_Literal] in *
+ | progress cbn [invert_Literal ident.invert_Literal] in *
+ | discriminate
+ | progress destruct_head' False
+ | progress expr.invert_subst
+ | progress expr.inversion_wf
+ | wf_safe_t_step
+ | break_innermost_match_hyps_step
+ | match goal with
+ | [ H : _ = _ :> ident _ |- _ ] => inversion H; clear H
+ | [ |- UnderLets.wf _ _ _ _ ] => constructor
+ | [ H : abstract_domain'_R _ _ _ |- _ ] => rewrite !H
+ end
+ | progress expr.invert_match_step
+ | progress expr.inversion_expr ].
+ Qed.
+ Lemma wf_annotate
+ is_let_bound t G
+ v1 v2 (Hv : abstract_domain'_R t v1 v2)
+ e1 e2 (He : expr.wf G e1 e2)
+ : UnderLets.wf (fun G' => expr.wf G') G (@annotate1 is_let_bound t v1 e1) (@annotate2 is_let_bound t v2 e2).
+ Proof.
+ revert dependent G; induction t; intros;
+ cbn [ident.annotate]; try apply wf_annotate_base; trivial.
+ all: repeat first [ lazymatch goal with
+ | [ H : expr.wf _ ?e1 ?e2, H' : reflect_list ?e1 = Some _, H'' : reflect_list ?e2 = None |- _ ]
+ => apply expr.wf_reflect_list in H; rewrite H', H'' in H; exfalso; clear -H; intuition congruence
+ | [ H : expr.wf _ ?e1 ?e2, H' : reflect_list ?e2 = Some _, H'' : reflect_list ?e1 = None |- _ ]
+ => apply expr.wf_reflect_list in H; rewrite H', H'' in H; exfalso; clear -H; intuition congruence
+ | [ H : expr.wf _ (reify_list _) (reify_list _) |- _ ] => apply expr.wf_reify_list in H
+ | [ |- expr.wf _ (reify_list _) (reify_list _) ] => apply expr.wf_reify_list
+ | [ |- UnderLets.wf _ _ (UnderLets.splice_list _ _) (UnderLets.splice_list _ _) ]
+ => eapply @UnderLets.wf_splice_list_no_order with (P:=fun G => expr.wf G); autorewrite with distr_length
+ | [ H : expr.wf _ (reify_list _) ?e, H' : reflect_list ?e = None |- _ ]
+ => apply expr.wf_reflect_list in H; rewrite H', expr.reflect_reify_list in H; exfalso; clear -H; intuition congruence
+ | [ H : expr.wf _ ?e (reify_list _), H' : reflect_list ?e = None |- _ ]
+ => apply expr.wf_reflect_list in H; rewrite H', expr.reflect_reify_list in H; exfalso; clear -H; intuition congruence
+ | [ H : extract_list_state ?t ?v1 = ?x1, H' : extract_list_state ?t ?v2 = ?x2, Hv : abstract_domain'_R _ ?v1 ?v2 |- _ ]
+ => let Hl := fresh in
+ let Hl' := fresh in
+ pose proof (extract_list_state_length _ v1 v2 Hv) as Hl;
+ pose proof (extract_list_state_rel _ v1 v2 Hv) as Hl';
+ rewrite H, H' in Hl, Hl'; cbv [option_eq option_map] in Hl, Hl'; clear H H'
+ | [ H : ?x = ?x |- _ ] => clear H
+ | [ H : length ?l1 = length ?l2, H' : context[length ?l1] |- _ ] => rewrite H in H'
+ end
+ | apply wf_annotate_with_ident
+ | apply DefaultValue.expr.base.wf_default
+ | apply DefaultValue.expr.wf_default
+ | progress expr.invert_subst
+ | progress cbn [ident.annotate ident.smart_Literal invert_Literal ident.invert_Literal invert_pair invert_AppIdent2 invert_App2 fst snd projT2 projT1 eq_rect Option.bind] in *
+ | progress destruct_head' False
+ | progress inversion_option
+ | progress destruct_head'_ex
+ | discriminate
+ | wf_safe_t_step
+ | progress expr.inversion_wf_constr
+ | progress expr.inversion_expr
+ | progress type_beq_to_eq
+ | progress type.inversion_type
+ | progress base.type.inversion_type
+ | match goal with
+ | [ |- expr.wf _ (update_annotation1 _ _) (update_annotation2 _ _) ] => apply wf_update_annotation
+ | [ H : _ = _ :> ident _ |- _ ] => inversion H; clear H
+ | [ |- UnderLets.wf _ _ _ _ ] => constructor
+ | [ H : abstract_domain'_R _ ?x _ |- _ ] => rewrite !H
+ | [ |- UnderLets.wf _ _ (UnderLets.splice _ _) (UnderLets.splice _ _) ] => eapply UnderLets.wf_splice
+ | [ H : List.nth_error (List.map _ _) _ = Some _ |- _ ] => apply nth_error_map in H
+ | [ H : context[List.nth_error (List.combine _ _) _] |- _ ] => rewrite nth_error_combine in H
+ | [ |- context[List.nth_error (List.combine _ _) _] ] => rewrite nth_error_combine
+ | [ H : forall x y, Some _ = Some _ -> Some _ = Some _ -> _ |- _ ]
+ => specialize (H _ _ eq_refl eq_refl)
+ | [ H : forall v1 v2, List.In (v1, v2) (List.combine ?l1 ?l2) -> ?R v1 v2, H' : List.nth_error ?l1 ?n = Some ?a1, H'' : List.nth_error ?l2 ?n = Some ?a2
+ |- ?R ?a1 ?a2 ]
+ => apply H
+ | [ H : List.nth_error ?l ?n' = Some ?v |- List.In (?v, _) (List.combine ?l _) ] => apply nth_error_In with (n:=n')
+ end
+ | break_innermost_match_step
+ | break_innermost_match_hyps_step
+ | progress expr.invert_match
+ | progress expr.inversion_wf_one_constr
+ | match goal with
+ | [ H : context[UnderLets.wf _ _ (annotate1 _ _ _) (annotate2 _ _ _)]
+ |- UnderLets.wf _ _ (annotate1 _ _ _) (annotate2 _ _ _) ] => eapply H
+ end
+ | apply abstract_interp_ident_Proper_arrow
+ | progress rewrite_type_transport_correct
+ | apply conj
+ | congruence
+ | solve [ wf_t ] ].
+ Qed.
+ Local Notation wf_value_with_lets := (@wf_value_with_lets base.type ident abstract_domain' abstract_domain'_R var1 var2).
+ Local Notation wf_value := (@wf_value base.type ident abstract_domain' abstract_domain'_R var1 var2).
+ Lemma wf_interp_ident_nth_default G T
+ : wf_value_with_lets G (@interp_ident1 _ (@ident.List_nth_default T)) (@interp_ident2 _ (@ident.List_nth_default T)).
+ Proof.
+ cbv [wf_value_with_lets wf_value ident.interp_ident]; constructor; cbn -[abstract_domain_R abstract_domain].
+ split.
+ { exact (abstract_interp_ident_Proper _ (@ident.List_nth_default T) _ eq_refl). }
+ { intros; subst.
+ destruct_head'_prod; destruct_head'_and; cbn [fst snd] in *.
+ repeat first [ progress subst
+ | progress cbn [invert_Literal ident.invert_Literal] in *
+ | lazymatch goal with
+ | [ H : expr.wf _ ?e1 ?e2, H' : reflect_list ?e1 = Some _, H'' : reflect_list ?e2 = None |- _ ]
+ => apply expr.wf_reflect_list in H; rewrite H', H'' in H; exfalso; clear -H; intuition congruence
+ | [ H : expr.wf _ ?e1 ?e2, H' : reflect_list ?e2 = Some _, H'' : reflect_list ?e1 = None |- _ ]
+ => apply expr.wf_reflect_list in H; rewrite H', H'' in H; exfalso; clear -H; intuition congruence
+ | [ H : expr.wf _ (reify_list _) (reify_list _) |- _ ] => apply expr.wf_reify_list in H
+ | [ |- expr.wf _ (reify_list _) (reify_list _) ] => apply expr.wf_reify_list
+ | [ |- UnderLets.wf _ _ (UnderLets.splice_list _ _) (UnderLets.splice_list _ _) ]
+ => eapply @UnderLets.wf_splice_list_no_order with (P:=fun G => expr.wf G); autorewrite with distr_length
+ | [ H : expr.wf _ (reify_list _) ?e, H' : reflect_list ?e = None |- _ ]
+ => apply expr.wf_reflect_list in H; rewrite H', expr.reflect_reify_list in H; exfalso; clear -H; intuition congruence
+ | [ H : expr.wf _ ?e (reify_list _), H' : reflect_list ?e = None |- _ ]
+ => apply expr.wf_reflect_list in H; rewrite H', expr.reflect_reify_list in H; exfalso; clear -H; intuition congruence
+ | [ H : extract_list_state ?t ?v1 = ?x1, H' : extract_list_state ?t ?v2 = ?x2, Hv : abstract_domain_R ?v1 ?v2 |- _ ]
+ => let Hl := fresh in
+ let Hl' := fresh in
+ pose proof (extract_list_state_length _ v1 v2 Hv) as Hl;
+ pose proof (extract_list_state_rel _ v1 v2 Hv) as Hl';
+ rewrite H, H' in Hl, Hl'; cbv [option_eq option_map] in Hl, Hl'; clear H H'
+ | [ H : ?x = ?x |- _ ] => clear H
+ | [ H : length ?l1 = length ?l2, H' : context[length ?l1] |- _ ] => rewrite H in H'
+ end
+ | match goal with
+ | [ |- UnderLets.wf ?Q ?G (UnderLets.splice ?x1 ?e1) (UnderLets.splice ?x2 ?e2) ]
+ => simple refine (@UnderLets.wf_splice _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Q G x1 x2 _ e1 e2 _);
+ [ let G := fresh "G" in
+ intro G;
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | [ |- (abstract_domain ?t * _) -> _ -> _ ]
+ => refine (@wf_value G t)
+ | [ |- expr _ -> _ -> _ ]
+ => refine (expr.wf G)
+ end
+ | | ]
+ | [ |- UnderLets.wf ?Q ?G (UnderLets.Base _) (UnderLets.Base _) ]
+ => constructor
+ | [ H : _ = _ :> ident _ |- _ ] => inversion H; clear H
+ | [ H : List.nth_error _ _ = None |- _ ] => apply List.nth_error_None in H
+ | [ H : List.nth_error _ _ = Some _ |- _ ]
+ => unique pose proof (@ListUtil.nth_error_value_length _ _ _ _ H);
+ unique pose proof (@ListUtil.nth_error_value_In _ _ _ _ H)
+ | [ H : context[List.In _ (List.map _ _)] |- _ ] => rewrite List.in_map_iff in H
+ | [ H : (?x <= ?y)%nat, H' : (?y < ?x)%nat |- _ ] => exfalso; clear -H H'; lia
+ | [ H : (?x <= ?y)%nat, H' : (?y < ?x')%nat, H'' : ?x' = ?x |- _ ] => exfalso; clear -H H' H''; lia
+ | [ H : length ?x = length ?y |- context[length ?x] ] => rewrite H
+ | [ H : List.nth_error (List.map _ _) _ = Some _ |- _ ] => apply nth_error_map in H
+ | [ H : context[List.nth_error (List.combine _ _) _] |- _ ] => rewrite nth_error_combine in H
+ | [ |- context[List.nth_error (List.combine _ _) _] ] => rewrite nth_error_combine
+ | [ H : forall x y, Some _ = Some _ -> Some _ = Some _ -> _ |- _ ]
+ => specialize (H _ _ eq_refl eq_refl)
+ | [ H : forall v1 v2, List.In (v1, v2) (List.combine ?l1 ?l2) -> ?R v1 v2, H' : List.nth_error ?l1 ?n' = Some ?a1, H'' : List.nth_error ?l2 ?n' = Some ?a2
+ |- _ ]
+ => unique pose proof (H a1 a2 ltac:(apply nth_error_In with (n:=n'); rewrite nth_error_combine, H', H''; reflexivity))
+ | [ H : List.nth_error ?l ?n' = Some ?v |- List.In (?v, _) (List.combine ?l _) ] => apply nth_error_In with (n:=n')
+ | [ H : context[length ?ls] |- _ ] => tryif is_var ls then fail else (progress autorewrite with distr_length in H)
+ | [ H : context[List.nth_error (List.seq _ _) _] |- _ ] => rewrite nth_error_seq in H
+ end
+ | progress inversion_option
+ | progress intros
+ | progress cbn [fst snd value] in *
+ | progress destruct_head'_prod
+ | progress destruct_head'_ex
+ | progress destruct_head'_and
+ | progress destruct_head' False
+ | progress specialize_by_assumption
+ | apply conj
+ | progress expr.invert_subst
+ | progress expr.inversion_wf_constr
+ | progress expr.inversion_expr
+ | wf_safe_t_step
+ | progress destruct_head' (@partial.wf_value)
+ | solve [ eapply wf_annotate; wf_t; try apply DefaultValue.expr.base.wf_default
+ | eapply wf_annotate_base; wf_t
+ | eapply (abstract_interp_ident_Proper _ (@ident.List_nth_default T) _ eq_refl); assumption
+ | eapply wf_update_annotation; wf_t
+ | wf_t
+ | match goal with
+ | [ H : context[UnderLets.wf _ _ _ _] |- UnderLets.wf _ _ _ _ ] => eapply H; solve [ repeat esplit; eauto ]
+ end
+ | eauto using List.nth_error_In
+ | eapply expr.wf_Proper_list; [ | eassumption ]; wf_safe_t; eauto 10 ]
+ | break_innermost_match_step
+ | match goal with
+ | [ H : context[List.In] |- expr.wf _ ?x ?y ]
+ => specialize (H x y); rewrite !List.nth_default_eq, <- List.combine_nth, <- !List.nth_default_eq in H; cbv [List.nth_default] in H |- *
+ | [ H : List.In _ _ -> ?P |- ?P ] => apply H
+ end
+ | break_innermost_match_hyps_step
+ | congruence
+ | rewrite List.combine_length in *
+ | rewrite NPeano.Nat.min_r in * by lia
+ | rewrite NPeano.Nat.min_l in * by lia
+ | progress expr.inversion_wf_one_constr
+ | progress expr.invert_match ]. }
+ Qed.
+ Lemma wf_interp_ident_not_nth_default G {t} (idc : ident t)
+ : wf_value_with_lets G (Base (reflect1 (###idc)%expr (abstract_interp_ident _ idc))) (Base (reflect2 (###idc)%expr (abstract_interp_ident _ idc))).
+ Proof.
+ constructor; eapply wf_reflect;
+ solve [ apply bottom'_Proper
+ | apply wf_annotate
+ | repeat constructor
+ | apply abstract_interp_ident_Proper; reflexivity ].
+ Qed.
+ Lemma wf_interp_ident G {t} idc1 idc2 (Hidc : idc1 = idc2)
+ : wf_value_with_lets G (@interp_ident1 t idc1) (@interp_ident2 t idc2).
+ Proof.
+ cbv [wf_value_with_lets ident.interp_ident]; subst idc2; destruct idc1;
+ first [ apply wf_interp_ident_nth_default
+ | apply wf_interp_ident_not_nth_default ].
+ Qed.
+ Local Notation eval_with_bound1 := (@partial.ident.eval_with_bound var1 abstract_domain' annotate_ident bottom' abstract_interp_ident update_literal_with_state extract_list_state is_annotation).
+ Local Notation eval_with_bound2 := (@partial.ident.eval_with_bound var2 abstract_domain' annotate_ident bottom' abstract_interp_ident update_literal_with_state extract_list_state is_annotation).
+ Lemma wf_eval_with_bound {t} G G' e1 e2 (Hwf : expr.wf G e1 e2) st1 st2 (Hst : type.and_for_each_lhs_of_arrow (@abstract_domain_R) st1 st2)
+ (HGG' : forall t v1 v2, List.In (existT _ t (v1, v2)) G -> wf_value_with_lets G' v1 v2)
+ : expr.wf G' (@eval_with_bound1 t e1 st1) (@eval_with_bound2 t e2 st2).
+ Proof.
+ eapply wf_eval_with_bound';
+ solve [ eassumption
+ | eapply wf_annotate
+ | eapply wf_interp_ident ].
+ Qed.
+ Local Notation eval1 := (@partial.ident.eval var1 abstract_domain' annotate_ident bottom' abstract_interp_ident update_literal_with_state extract_list_state is_annotation).
+ Local Notation eval2 := (@partial.ident.eval var2 abstract_domain' annotate_ident bottom' abstract_interp_ident update_literal_with_state extract_list_state is_annotation).
+ Lemma wf_eval {t} G G' e1 e2 (Hwf : expr.wf G e1 e2)
+ (HGG' : forall t v1 v2, List.In (existT _ t (v1, v2)) G -> wf_value_with_lets G' v1 v2)
+ : expr.wf G' (@eval1 t e1) (@eval2 t e2).
+ Proof.
+ eapply wf_eval';
+ solve [ eassumption
+ | eapply wf_annotate
+ | eapply wf_interp_ident ].
+ Qed.
+ Local Notation eta_expand_with_bound1 := (@partial.ident.eta_expand_with_bound var1 abstract_domain' annotate_ident bottom' abstract_interp_ident update_literal_with_state extract_list_state is_annotation).
+ Local Notation eta_expand_with_bound2 := (@partial.ident.eta_expand_with_bound var2 abstract_domain' annotate_ident bottom' abstract_interp_ident update_literal_with_state extract_list_state is_annotation).
+ Lemma wf_eta_expand_with_bound {t} G e1 e2 (Hwf : expr.wf G e1 e2) st1 st2 (Hst : type.and_for_each_lhs_of_arrow (@abstract_domain_R) st1 st2)
+ : expr.wf G (@eta_expand_with_bound1 t e1 st1) (@eta_expand_with_bound2 t e2 st2).
+ Proof.
+ eapply wf_eta_expand_with_bound';
+ solve [ eassumption
+ | eapply wf_annotate
+ | eapply wf_interp_ident ].
+ Qed.
+ Section extract.
+ Local Notation ident_extract := (@ident.ident_extract abstract_domain' bottom' abstract_interp_ident).
+ Local Notation lazy_abstract_domain_R := (@lazy_abstract_domain_R base.type abstract_domain' abstract_domain'_R).
+ Global Instance ident_extract_Proper {t}
+ : Proper (eq ==> lazy_abstract_domain_R) (@ident_extract t).
+ Proof.
+ intros idc idc' ?; subst idc'.
+ destruct idc; cbn [ident.ident_extract]; cbv [lazy_abstract_domain_R];
+ repeat first [ match goal with
+ | [ |- context G[force_abstract_domain _ (thunk_abstract_domain _ ?x)] ]
+ => let G' := context G [x] in
+ change G'
+ | [ |- context G[force_abstract_domain _ (fun _ 'tt => ?x)] ]
+ => cbv [force_abstract_domain abstract_domain_R]
+ end
+ | refine (abstract_interp_ident_Proper _ _ _ eq_refl)
+ | eapply bottom_Proper
+ | eapply bottom'_Proper
+ | progress cbn [type.related]
+ | progress cbv [respectful]
+ | progress intros
+ | refine (abstract_interp_ident_Proper (type.arrow (type.base _) (type.base _)) _ _ eq_refl _ _ _) ].
+ Qed.
+ (*
+ Definition extract {t} (e : @expr _ t) (bound : type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow abstract_domain t) : abstract_domain' (type.final_codomain t)
+ := @extract_gen base.type ident abstract_domain' (@ident_extract) t e bound.
+ *)
+ End extract.
+ End with_var2.
+ End with_type.
+ End ident.
+ Section specialized.
+ Import defaults.
+ Local Notation abstract_domain' := ZRange.type.base.option.interp (only parsing).
+ Local Notation abstract_domain := (@partial.abstract_domain base.type abstract_domain').
+ Local Notation abstract_domain'_R t := (@eq (abstract_domain' t)) (only parsing).
+ Local Notation abstract_domain_R := (@abstract_domain_R base.type abstract_domain' (fun t => abstract_domain'_R t)).
- Lemma wf_eta_expand_with_bound G {t} e1 e2 b_in (Hwf : @expr.wf _ _ var1 var2 G t e1 e2)
- : expr.wf G (eta_expand_with_bound e1 b_in) (eta_expand_with_bound e2 b_in).
+ Definition abstraction_relation' {t} : abstract_domain' t -> base.interp t -> Prop
+ := fun st v => @ZRange.type.base.option.is_bounded_by t st v = true.
+ Global Instance annotate_ident_Proper {t} : Proper (abstract_domain'_R t ==> eq) (annotate_ident t).
+ Proof.
+ intros st st' ?; subst st'.
+ cbv [annotate_ident]; break_innermost_match; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma interp_annotate_ident {t} st idc
+ (Hst : @annotate_ident t st = Some idc)
+ : forall v, abstraction_relation' st v
+ -> (forall cast_outside_of_range,
+ ident.gen_interp cast_outside_of_range idc v = v).
+ Proof.
+ cbv [annotate_ident Option.bind] in Hst; break_innermost_match_hyps; inversion_option; subst;
+ cbv [ident.gen_interp ident.cast abstraction_relation' ZRange.type.base.option.is_bounded_by ZRange.type.base.is_bounded_by];
+ intros; destruct_head'_prod; cbn [fst snd] in *;
+ break_innermost_match; Bool.split_andb; try congruence; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma interp_annotate_ident_Proper {t} st1 st2 (Hst : abstract_domain'_R t st1 st2)
+ : @annotate_ident t st1 = @annotate_ident t st2.
+ Proof. congruence. Qed.
+ Global Instance bottom'_Proper {t} : Proper (abstract_domain'_R t) (bottom' t).
+ Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
+ Lemma bottom'_bottom {t} : forall v, abstraction_relation' (bottom' t) v.
+ Proof.
+ cbv [abstraction_relation' bottom']; induction t; cbn; intros; break_innermost_match; cbn; try reflexivity.
+ rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff; split; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Global Instance abstract_interp_ident_Proper {t}
+ : Proper (eq ==> @abstract_domain_R t) (abstract_interp_ident t).
- cbv [eta_expand_with_bound ident.eta_expand_with_bound eta_expand_with_bound'].
+ cbv [abstract_interp_ident abstract_domain_R type.related respectful type.interp]; intros idc idc' ?; subst idc'; destruct idc;
+ repeat first [ reflexivity
+ | progress subst
+ | progress cbn [ZRange.type.base.option.interp ZRange.type.base.interp base.interp base.base_interp Option.bind] in *
+ | progress cbv [Option.bind]
+ | intro
+ | progress destruct_head'_prod
+ | progress destruct_head'_bool
+ | progress destruct_head' option
+ | solve [ eauto ]
+ | apply NatUtil.nat_rect_Proper_nondep
+ | apply ListUtil.list_rect_Proper
+ | apply ListUtil.list_case_Proper
+ | apply ListUtil.pointwise_map
+ | apply ListUtil.fold_right_Proper
+ | apply ListUtil.update_nth_Proper
+ | apply (@nat_rect_Proper_nondep_gen (_ -> _) (eq ==> eq)%signature)
+ | cbn; apply (f_equal (@Some _))
+ | match goal with
+ | [ H : _ |- _ ] => erewrite H by (eauto; (eassumption || reflexivity))
+ end ].
+ Qed.
+ Lemma abstract_interp_ident_related {t} (idc : ident t)
+ : type.related_hetero (@abstraction_relation') (@abstract_interp_ident t idc) (ident.interp idc).
+ Proof.
+ destruct idc; cbv [abstract_interp_ident abstraction_relation'].
+ all: cbv [type.related_hetero ZRange.ident.option.interp ident.interp ident.gen_interp respectful_hetero type.interp ZRange.type.base.option.interp ZRange.type.base.interp base.interp base.base_interp ZRange.type.base.option.Some].
- End with_var2.
- Lemma Wf_EtaExpandWithBound {t} (E : Expr t) b_in (Hwf : Wf E)
- : Wf (EtaExpandWithBound E b_in).
- Proof. repeat intro; apply wf_eta_expand_with_bound, Hwf. Qed.
+ Global Instance update_literal_with_state_Proper {t}
+ : Proper (abstract_domain'_R (base.type.type_base t) ==> eq ==> eq) (update_literal_with_state t).
+ Proof. repeat intro; congruence. Qed.
+ Lemma interp_update_literal_with_state {t : base.type.base} st v
+ : @abstraction_relation' t st v -> @update_literal_with_state t st v = v.
+ Proof.
+ cbv [abstraction_relation' update_literal_with_state update_Z_literal_with_state ZRange.type.base.option.is_bounded_by];
+ break_innermost_match; try congruence; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Global Instance extract_list_state_Proper {t}
+ : Proper (abstract_domain'_R _ ==> option_eq (SetoidList.eqlistA (@abstract_domain'_R t)))
+ (extract_list_state t).
+ Proof.
+ intros st st' ?; subst st'; cbv [option_eq extract_list_state]; break_innermost_match; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma extract_list_state_length
+ : forall t v1 v2, abstract_domain'_R _ v1 v2 -> option_map (@length _) (extract_list_state t v1) = option_map (@length _) (extract_list_state t v2).
+ Proof.
+ intros; subst; cbv [option_map extract_list_state]; break_innermost_match; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma extract_list_state_rel
+ : forall t v1 v2, abstract_domain'_R _ v1 v2 -> forall l1 l2, extract_list_state t v1 = Some l1 -> extract_list_state t v2 = Some l2 -> forall vv1 vv2, List.In (vv1, vv2) (List.combine l1 l2) -> @abstract_domain'_R t vv1 vv2.
+ Proof.
+ intros; cbv [extract_list_state] in *; subst; inversion_option; subst.
+ rewrite combine_same, List.in_map_iff in *.
+ destruct_head'_ex; destruct_head'_and; inversion_prod; subst; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma extract_list_state_related {t} st v ls
+ : @abstraction_relation' _ st v
+ -> @extract_list_state t st = Some ls
+ -> length ls = length v
+ /\ forall st' (v' : base.interp t), List.In (st', v') (List.combine ls v) -> @abstraction_relation' t st' v'.
+ Proof.
+ cbv [abstraction_relation' extract_list_state]; cbn [ZRange.type.base.option.is_bounded_by].
+ intros; subst.
+ split.
+ { eapply FoldBool.fold_andb_map_length; eassumption. }
+ { intros *.
+ revert dependent v; induction ls, v; cbn; try tauto.
+ rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff.
+ intros; destruct_head'_and; destruct_head'_or; inversion_prod; subst; eauto. }
+ Qed.
+ Section with_var2.
+ Context {var1 var2 : type -> Type}.
+ Local Notation wf_value_with_lets := (@wf_value_with_lets base.type ident abstract_domain' (fun t => abstract_domain'_R t) var1 var2).
+ Lemma wf_eval {t} G G' e1 e2 (Hwf : expr.wf G e1 e2)
+ (HGG' : forall t v1 v2, List.In (existT _ t (v1, v2)) G -> wf_value_with_lets G' v1 v2)
+ : expr.wf G' (@eval var1 t e1) (@eval var2 t e2).
+ Proof.
+ eapply ident.wf_eval;
+ solve [ eassumption
+ | exact _
+ | apply extract_list_state_length
+ | apply extract_list_state_rel ].
+ Qed.
+ Lemma wf_eval_with_bound {t} G G' e1 e2 (Hwf : expr.wf G e1 e2) st1 st2 (Hst : type.and_for_each_lhs_of_arrow (@abstract_domain_R) st1 st2)
+ (HGG' : forall t v1 v2, List.In (existT _ t (v1, v2)) G -> wf_value_with_lets G' v1 v2)
+ : expr.wf G' (@eval_with_bound var1 t e1 st1) (@eval_with_bound var2 t e2 st2).
+ Proof.
+ eapply ident.wf_eval_with_bound;
+ solve [ eassumption
+ | exact _
+ | apply extract_list_state_length
+ | apply extract_list_state_rel ].
+ Qed.
+ Lemma wf_eta_expand_with_bound {t} G e1 e2 (Hwf : expr.wf G e1 e2) st1 st2 (Hst : type.and_for_each_lhs_of_arrow (@abstract_domain_R) st1 st2)
+ : expr.wf G (@eta_expand_with_bound var1 t e1 st1) (@eta_expand_with_bound var2 t e2 st2).
+ Proof.
+ eapply ident.wf_eta_expand_with_bound;
+ solve [ eassumption
+ | exact _
+ | apply extract_list_state_length
+ | apply extract_list_state_rel ].
+ Qed.
+ End with_var2.
+ Lemma Wf_Eval {t} (e : Expr t) (Hwf : Wf e) : Wf (Eval e).
+ Proof.
+ intros ??; eapply wf_eval with (G:=nil); cbn [List.In]; try apply Hwf; tauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma Wf_EvalWithBound {t} (e : Expr t) bound (Hwf : Wf e) (bound_valid : Proper (type.and_for_each_lhs_of_arrow (@abstract_domain_R)) bound)
+ : Wf (EvalWithBound e bound).
+ Proof.
+ intros ??; eapply wf_eval_with_bound with (G:=nil); cbn [List.In]; try apply Hwf; tauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma Wf_EtaExpandWithBound {t} (e : Expr t) bound (Hwf : Wf e) (bound_valid : Proper (type.and_for_each_lhs_of_arrow (@abstract_domain_R)) bound)
+ : Wf (EtaExpandWithBound e bound).
+ Proof.
+ intros ??; eapply wf_eta_expand_with_bound with (G:=nil); cbn [List.In]; try apply Hwf; tauto.
+ Qed.
+ Local Instance Proper_strip_ranges {t}
+ : Proper (@abstract_domain_R t ==> @abstract_domain_R t) (@ZRange.type.option.strip_ranges t).
+ Proof.
+ cbv [Proper abstract_domain_R respectful].
+ induction t as [t|s IHs d IHd]; cbn in *; destruct_head'_prod; destruct_head'_and; cbn in *; intros; subst; cbv [respectful] in *;
+ eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma Wf_EtaExpandWithListInfoFromBound {t} (e : Expr t) bound (Hwf : Wf e) (bound_valid : Proper (type.and_for_each_lhs_of_arrow (@abstract_domain_R)) bound)
+ : Wf (EtaExpandWithListInfoFromBound e bound).
+ Proof.
+ eapply Wf_EtaExpandWithBound; [ assumption | ].
+ clear dependent e.
+ cbv [Proper] in *; induction t as [t|s IHs d IHd]; cbn in *; destruct_head'_prod; destruct_head'_and; cbn in *; eauto.
+ split; auto; apply Proper_strip_ranges; auto.
+ Qed.
+ End specialized.
End partial.
+ Import defaults.
+ Module RelaxZRange.
+ Module ident.
+ Section relax.
+ Context (relax_zrange : zrange -> option zrange)
+ (Hrelax : forall r r' z, is_tighter_than_bool z r = true
+ -> relax_zrange r = Some r'
+ -> is_tighter_than_bool z r' = true).
+ Lemma interp_relax {t} (idc idc' : ident t)
+ (Hidc : @RelaxZRange.ident.relax relax_zrange t idc = Some idc')
+ v
+ (Hinterp : forall cast_outside_of_range, type.app_curried (ident.gen_interp cast_outside_of_range idc) v = type.app_curried (ident.interp idc) v)
+ : forall cast_outside_of_range, type.app_curried (ident.gen_interp cast_outside_of_range idc') v = type.app_curried (ident.interp idc) v.
+ Proof.
+ intro cast_outside_of_range.
+ pose proof (Hinterp (fun _ => id)).
+ pose proof (fun myrange => Hinterp (fun _ => cast_outside_of_range myrange)).
+ destruct idc; cbv [RelaxZRange.ident.relax Option.bind] in *; inversion_option; break_innermost_match_hyps; inversion_option; subst;
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ H : relax_zrange _ = Some _ |- _ ] => unique pose proof (fun zl zu pf => Hrelax _ _ (Build_zrange zl zu) pf H)
+ end;
+ repeat first [ reflexivity
+ | discriminate
+ | congruence
+ | progress cbv [RelaxZRange.ident.relax Option.bind id ident.cast is_tighter_than_bool] in *
+ | progress cbn [fst snd] in *
+ | progress subst
+ | progress inversion_option
+ | progress inversion_prod
+ | progress destruct_head'_prod
+ | progress destruct_head'_and
+ | progress cbn in *
+ | progress Bool.split_andb
+ | progress intros
+ | match goal with
+ | [ H : forall x, (_, _) = (_, _) |- _ ]
+ => pose proof (fun x => f_equal (@fst _ _) (H x));
+ pose proof (fun x => f_equal (@snd _ _) (H x));
+ clear H
+ | [ H : context[andb _ _ = true] |- _ ] => rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in H || setoid_rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in H
+ | [ H : context[Z.leb _ _ = true] |- _ ] => rewrite Z.leb_le in H || setoid_rewrite Z.leb_le in H
+ | [ H : forall a b, and (Z.le ?x a) (Z.le b ?y) -> _ /\ _, H' : Z.le ?x _, H'' : Z.le _ ?y |- _ ]
+ => unique pose proof (proj1 (H _ _ (conj H' H'')));
+ unique pose proof (proj2 (H _ _ (conj H' H'')))
+ end
+ | progress rewrite ?Bool.andb_false_iff in *
+ | progress destruct_head'_or
+ | progress break_innermost_match_hyps
+ | progress break_innermost_match
+ | progress Z.ltb_to_lt
+ | apply (f_equal2 (@pair _ _))
+ | lia ].
+ Qed.
+ End relax.
+ End ident.
+ Module expr.
+ Section relax.
+ Context (relax_zrange : zrange -> option zrange)
+ (Hrelax : forall r r' z, is_tighter_than_bool z r = true
+ -> relax_zrange r = Some r'
+ -> is_tighter_than_bool z r' = true).
+ Section with_var2.
+ Context {var1 var2 : type -> Type}.
+ Lemma wf_relax G {t} (e1 : @expr var1 t) (e2 : @expr var2 t)
+ (Hwf : expr.wf G e1 e2)
+ : expr.wf G (@RelaxZRange.expr.relax relax_zrange var1 t e1) (@RelaxZRange.expr.relax relax_zrange var2 t e2).
+ Proof using Type.
+ clear -Hwf.
+ induction Hwf; wf_safe_t.
+ cbn [RelaxZRange.expr.relax]; cbv [option_map] in *.
+ break_innermost_match;
+ repeat first [ progress wf_safe_t
+ | progress expr.invert_subst
+ | progress expr.inversion_wf_constr
+ | progress destruct_head' False
+ | progress inversion_option
+ | progress cbn [invert_Ident invert_Var invert_Abs invert_App invert_LetIn] in *
+ | match goal with
+ | [ H : context[RelaxZRange.expr.relax ?r ?x], H' : RelaxZRange.expr.relax ?r ?x = _ |- _ ]
+ => rewrite H' in H
+ | [ H : context[match RelaxZRange.expr.relax ?r ?x with _ => _ end] |- _ ]
+ => remember (RelaxZRange.expr.relax r x) in *; progress expr.invert_match
+ | [ H : ?x = Some ?a, H' : context[?x] |- _ ] => rewrite H in H'
+ | [ H : ?x = None, H' : context[?x] |- _ ] => rewrite H in H'
+ end
+ | progress expr.inversion_wf_one_constr ].
+ Qed.
+ End with_var2.
+ Lemma interp_relax {t} (e : expr t)
+ v
+ (Hinterp : forall cast_outside_of_range, type.app_curried (expr.interp (@ident.gen_interp cast_outside_of_range) e) v
+ = type.app_curried (defaults.interp e) v)
+ : forall cast_outside_of_range, type.app_curried (expr.interp (@ident.gen_interp cast_outside_of_range) (RelaxZRange.expr.relax relax_zrange e)) v
+ = type.app_curried (defaults.interp e) v.
+ Proof.
+ intro cast_outside_of_range; rewrite <- (Hinterp cast_outside_of_range); pose proof (Hinterp cast_outside_of_range).
+ induction e; cbn -[RelaxZRange.ident.relax] in *; interp_safe_t; cbv [option_map] in *;
+ break_innermost_match; cbn -[RelaxZRange.ident.relax] in *; interp_safe_t;
+ eauto using tt.
+ all: repeat first [ reflexivity
+ | progress intros
+ | progress specialize_by_assumption
+ | progress cbn -[RelaxZRange.ident.relax] in *
+ | match goal with
+ | [ H : unit -> ?T |- _ ] => specialize (H tt)
+ | [ H : forall x : _ * _, _ |- _ ] => specialize (fun a b => H (a, b))
+ | [ e : expr (type.base (base.type.type_base base.type.unit)) |- _ ]
+ => match goal with
+ | [ |- context[expr.interp ?ii e] ] => destruct (expr.interp ii e)
+ | [ H : context[expr.interp ?ii e] |- _ ] => destruct (expr.interp ii e)
+ end
+ end
+ | progress cbn [fst snd] in *
+ | match goal with
+ | [ H : _ |- _ ] => rewrite H
+ end ].
+ all: specialize_all_ways.
+ all: repeat first [ reflexivity
+ | progress intros
+ | progress specialize_by_assumption
+ | progress cbn -[RelaxZRange.ident.relax] in *
+ | match goal with
+ | [ H : unit -> ?T |- _ ] => specialize (H tt)
+ | [ H : forall x : _ * _, _ |- _ ] => specialize (fun a b => H (a, b))
+ | [ e : expr (type.base (base.type.type_base base.type.unit)) |- _ ]
+ => match goal with
+ | [ |- context[expr.interp ?ii e] ] => destruct (expr.interp ii e)
+ | [ H : context[expr.interp ?ii e] |- _ ] => destruct (expr.interp ii e)
+ end
+ end
+ | progress cbn [fst snd] in *
+ | match goal with
+ | [ H : _ |- _ ] => rewrite H
+ end ].
+ Admitted.
+ Lemma Wf_Relax {t} (e : Expr t) (Hwf : Wf e) : Wf (@RelaxZRange.expr.Relax relax_zrange t e).
+ Proof. intros ??; eapply wf_relax, Hwf. Qed.
+ Lemma Interp_Relax {t} (e : Expr t)
+ v
+ (Hinterp : forall cast_outside_of_range, type.app_curried (expr.Interp (@ident.gen_interp cast_outside_of_range) e) v
+ = type.app_curried (defaults.Interp e) v)
+ : forall cast_outside_of_range, type.app_curried (expr.Interp (@ident.gen_interp cast_outside_of_range) (RelaxZRange.expr.Relax relax_zrange e)) v
+ = type.app_curried (defaults.Interp e) v.
+ Proof. eapply @interp_relax; try assumption. Qed.
+ End relax.
+ End expr.
+ End RelaxZRange.
+ Hint Resolve RelaxZRange.expr.Wf_Relax : wf.
Axiom admit_pf : False.
Local Notation admit := (match admit_pf with end).
@@ -43,8 +1179,19 @@ Module Compilers.
{t} (E : Expr t)
(b_in : type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow ZRange.type.option.interp t)
(Hwf : Wf E)
+ {b_in_Proper : Proper (type.and_for_each_lhs_of_arrow (@abstract_domain_R base.type ZRange.type.base.option.interp (fun t0 : base.type => eq))) b_in}
: Wf (PartialEvaluateWithListInfoFromBounds E b_in).
- Proof. apply Wf_EtaExpandWithBound, Hwf. Qed.
+ Proof. apply Wf_EtaExpandWithListInfoFromBound; assumption. Qed.
+ Hint Resolve Wf_PartialEvaluateWithListInfoFromBounds : wf.
+ Lemma Wf_PartialEvaluateWithBounds
+ {t} (E : Expr t)
+ (b_in : type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow ZRange.type.option.interp t)
+ (Hwf : Wf E)
+ {b_in_Proper : Proper (type.and_for_each_lhs_of_arrow (@abstract_domain_R base.type ZRange.type.base.option.interp (fun t0 : base.type => eq))) b_in}
+ : Wf (PartialEvaluateWithBounds E b_in).
+ Proof. eapply partial.Wf_EvalWithBound; assumption. Qed.
+ Hint Resolve Wf_PartialEvaluateWithBounds : wf.
Lemma Interp_PartialEvaluateWithListInfoFromBounds
{t} (E : Expr t)
@@ -68,23 +1215,30 @@ Module Compilers.
(Hwf : Wf E)
(b_in : type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow ZRange.type.option.interp t)
(b_out : ZRange.type.base.option.interp (type.final_codomain t))
+ {b_in_Proper : Proper (type.and_for_each_lhs_of_arrow (@abstract_domain_R _ _ (fun _ => eq))) b_in}
rv (Hrv : CheckedPartialEvaluateWithBounds relax_zrange E b_in b_out = inl rv)
- : forall arg1 arg2
- (Harg12 : type.and_for_each_lhs_of_arrow (@type.eqv) arg1 arg2)
- (Harg1 : type.andb_bool_for_each_lhs_of_arrow (@ZRange.type.option.is_bounded_by) b_in arg1 = true),
- ZRange.type.base.option.is_bounded_by b_out (type.app_curried (Interp rv) arg1) = true
- /\ forall cast_outside_of_range, type.app_curried (expr.Interp (@ident.gen_interp cast_outside_of_range) rv) arg1
- = type.app_curried (Interp E) arg2.
+ : (forall arg1 arg2
+ (Harg12 : type.and_for_each_lhs_of_arrow (@type.eqv) arg1 arg2)
+ (Harg1 : type.andb_bool_for_each_lhs_of_arrow (@ZRange.type.option.is_bounded_by) b_in arg1 = true),
+ ZRange.type.base.option.is_bounded_by b_out (type.app_curried (Interp rv) arg1) = true
+ /\ forall cast_outside_of_range, type.app_curried (expr.Interp (@ident.gen_interp cast_outside_of_range) rv) arg1
+ = type.app_curried (Interp E) arg2)
+ /\ Wf rv.
cbv [CheckedPartialEvaluateWithBounds CheckPartialEvaluateWithBounds Let_In] in *;
break_innermost_match_hyps; inversion_sum; subst.
- intros arg1 arg2 Harg12 Harg1.
- { eapply ZRange.type.base.option.is_tighter_than_is_bounded_by; [ eassumption | ].
- clear dependent arg2.
- revert Harg1.
- exact admit. (* boundedness *) }
- { intro cast_outside_of_range; revert cast_outside_of_range Harg12.
- exact admit. (* correctness of interp *) }
+ { intros arg1 arg2 Harg12 Harg1.
+ split.
+ { eapply ZRange.type.base.option.is_tighter_than_is_bounded_by; [ eassumption | ].
+ clear dependent arg2.
+ cbv [ident.interp]; rewrite RelaxZRange.expr.Interp_Relax; eauto.
+ all: revert Harg1.
+ all: exact admit. (* boundedness *) }
+ { intro cast_outside_of_range; revert cast_outside_of_range Harg12.
+ intros ? Harg; rewrite RelaxZRange.expr.Interp_Relax; eauto.
+ all: revert Harg.
+ all: exact admit. (* correctness of interp *) } }
+ { auto with wf. }
End Compilers.
diff --git a/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Toplevel1.v b/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Toplevel1.v
index 476bcb7fc..437855405 100644
--- a/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Toplevel1.v
+++ b/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Toplevel1.v
@@ -767,6 +767,11 @@ Module Pipeline.
| break_innermost_match_step
| solve [ auto 100 with wf ] ].
+ Class bounds_goodT {t} bounds
+ := bounds_good :
+ Proper (type.and_for_each_lhs_of_arrow (t:=t) (@partial.abstract_domain_R base.type ZRange.type.base.option.interp (fun _ => eq)))
+ bounds.
Lemma BoundsPipeline_correct
(with_dead_code_elimination : bool := true)
(with_subst01 : bool)
@@ -778,6 +783,7 @@ Module Pipeline.
(e : Expr t)
+ {arg_bounds_good : bounds_goodT arg_bounds}
(Hrv : BoundsPipeline (*with_dead_code_elimination*) with_subst01 translate_to_fancy relax_zrange e arg_bounds out_bounds = Success rv)
(Hwf : Wf e)
@@ -787,14 +793,15 @@ Module Pipeline.
/\ (forall s v v' : Z, ih s v = Some v' -> v = Z.shiftr v' (s/2))
| None => True
- : forall arg1 arg2
- (Harg12 : type.and_for_each_lhs_of_arrow (@type.eqv) arg1 arg2)
- (Harg1 : type.andb_bool_for_each_lhs_of_arrow (@ZRange.type.option.is_bounded_by) arg_bounds arg1 = true),
- ZRange.type.base.option.is_bounded_by out_bounds (type.app_curried (Interp rv) arg1) = true
- /\ forall cast_outside_of_range, type.app_curried (expr.Interp (@ident.gen_interp cast_outside_of_range) rv) arg1
- = type.app_curried (Interp e) arg2.
+ : (forall arg1 arg2
+ (Harg12 : type.and_for_each_lhs_of_arrow (@type.eqv) arg1 arg2)
+ (Harg1 : type.andb_bool_for_each_lhs_of_arrow (@ZRange.type.option.is_bounded_by) arg_bounds arg1 = true),
+ ZRange.type.base.option.is_bounded_by out_bounds (type.app_curried (Interp rv) arg1) = true
+ /\ forall cast_outside_of_range, type.app_curried (expr.Interp (@ident.gen_interp cast_outside_of_range) rv) arg1
+ = type.app_curried (Interp e) arg2)
+ /\ Wf rv.
- cbv [BoundsPipeline Let_In] in *;
+ cbv [BoundsPipeline Let_In bounds_goodT] in *;
repeat match goal with
| [ H : match ?x with _ => _ end = Success _ |- _ ]
=> destruct x eqn:?; cbv beta iota in H; [ | destruct_head'_prod; congruence ];
@@ -807,18 +814,19 @@ Module Pipeline.
=> let H' := fresh in
pose proof H as H';
eapply CheckedPartialEvaluateWithBounds_Correct in H';
- [ destruct H' as [H0 H1] | .. ]
+ [ destruct H' as [H01 Hwf'] | .. ]
| match goal with
| [ |- Wf _ ] => idtac
| _ => eassumption || reflexivity
end.. ].
- { subst.
+ { subst; split; [ | assumption ].
+ split_and.
split; [ solve [ eauto with nocore ] | ].
- { intros; rewrite H1; clear H1.
+ { intros; match goal with H : _ |- _ => erewrite H; clear H end; eauto.
transitivity (type.app_curried (Interp (PartialEvaluateWithListInfoFromBounds e arg_bounds)) arg1).
- { apply type.app_curried_Proper; [ | symmetry; assumption ].
+ { apply type.app_curried_Proper; [ | symmetry; eassumption ].
clear dependent arg1; clear dependent arg2; clear dependent out_bounds.
wf_interp_t. }
{ apply Interp_PartialEvaluateWithListInfoFromBounds; auto. } } }
@@ -831,12 +839,13 @@ Module Pipeline.
(InterpE : type.interp base.interp t)
(rv : Expr t)
- := forall arg1 arg2
- (Harg12 : type.and_for_each_lhs_of_arrow (@type.eqv) arg1 arg2)
- (Harg1 : type.andb_bool_for_each_lhs_of_arrow (@ZRange.type.option.is_bounded_by) arg_bounds arg1 = true),
- ZRange.type.base.option.is_bounded_by out_bounds (type.app_curried (Interp rv) arg1) = true
- /\ forall cast_outside_of_range, type.app_curried (expr.Interp (@ident.gen_interp cast_outside_of_range) rv) arg1
- = type.app_curried InterpE arg2.
+ := (forall arg1 arg2
+ (Harg12 : type.and_for_each_lhs_of_arrow (@type.eqv) arg1 arg2)
+ (Harg1 : type.andb_bool_for_each_lhs_of_arrow (@ZRange.type.option.is_bounded_by) arg_bounds arg1 = true),
+ ZRange.type.base.option.is_bounded_by out_bounds (type.app_curried (Interp rv) arg1) = true
+ /\ forall cast_outside_of_range, type.app_curried (expr.Interp (@ident.gen_interp cast_outside_of_range) rv) arg1
+ = type.app_curried InterpE arg2)
+ /\ Wf rv.
Lemma BoundsPipeline_correct_trans
(with_dead_code_elimination : bool := true)
@@ -855,6 +864,7 @@ Module Pipeline.
(e : Expr t)
arg_bounds out_bounds
+ {arg_bounds_good : bounds_goodT arg_bounds}
(InterpE : type.interp base.interp t)
: (forall arg1 arg2
@@ -867,15 +877,36 @@ Module Pipeline.
: BoundsPipeline_correct_transT arg_bounds out_bounds InterpE rv.
destruct InterpE_correct_and_Wf as [InterpE_correct Hwf].
- intros arg1 arg2 Harg12 Harg1; erewrite <- InterpE_correct; [ eapply @BoundsPipeline_correct | .. ];
+ split; [ intros arg1 arg2 Harg12 Harg1; erewrite <- InterpE_correct | ]; try eapply @BoundsPipeline_correct;
lazymatch goal with
| [ |- type.andb_bool_for_each_lhs_of_arrow _ _ _ = true ] => eassumption
| _ => try assumption
end; try eassumption.
etransitivity; try eassumption; symmetry; assumption.
+ Ltac solve_bounds_good :=
+ repeat first [ progress cbv [bounds_goodT Proper partial.abstract_domain_R type_base] in *
+ | progress cbn [type.and_for_each_lhs_of_arrow type.for_each_lhs_of_arrow partial.abstract_domain type.interp ZRange.type.base.option.interp type.related] in *
+ | exact I
+ | apply conj
+ | exact eq_refl ].
+ Global Instance bounds0_good {t : base.type} {bounds} : @bounds_goodT t bounds.
+ Proof. solve_bounds_good. Qed.
+ Global Instance bounds1_good {s d : base.type} {bounds} : @bounds_goodT (s -> d) bounds.
+ Proof. solve_bounds_good. Qed.
+ Global Instance bounds2_good {a b D : base.type} {bounds} : @bounds_goodT (a -> b -> D) bounds.
+ Proof. solve_bounds_good. Qed.
+ Global Instance bounds3_good {a b c D : base.type} {bounds} : @bounds_goodT (a -> b -> c -> D) bounds.
+ Proof. solve_bounds_good. Qed.
End Pipeline.
+Hint Extern 1 (@Pipeline.bounds_goodT _ _) => solve [ Pipeline.solve_bounds_good ] : typeclass_instances.
Definition round_up_bitwidth_gen (possible_values : list Z) (bitwidth : Z) : option Z
:= List.fold_right
(fun allowed cur
@@ -1297,6 +1328,7 @@ Module Import UnsaturatedSolinas.
+ _
Hrop rv)
(only parsing).
@@ -1319,6 +1351,7 @@ Module Import UnsaturatedSolinas.
+ _
Hrop rv)
(only parsing).
@@ -1341,6 +1374,7 @@ Module Import UnsaturatedSolinas.
+ _
Hrop rv)
(only parsing).
@@ -1762,7 +1796,7 @@ Module Import UnsaturatedSolinas.
=> intros;
let H1 := fresh "HH1" in
let H2 := fresh "HH2" in
- unshelve edestruct H as [H1 H2]; [ .. | solve [ split; [ eapply H1 | refine (H2 _) ] ] ];
+ unshelve edestruct H as [ [H1 H2] ? ]; [ .. | split; [ eapply H1 | refine (H2 _) ] ];
solve [ exact tt | eassumption | reflexivity | repeat split ]
| _ => idtac
@@ -2489,6 +2523,7 @@ Module WordByWordMontgomery.
+ _
Hrop rv)
(only parsing).
@@ -2511,6 +2546,7 @@ Module WordByWordMontgomery.
+ _
Hrop rv)
(only parsing).
@@ -2533,6 +2569,7 @@ Module WordByWordMontgomery.
+ _
Hrop rv)
(only parsing).
@@ -2849,7 +2886,7 @@ Module WordByWordMontgomery.
=> intros;
let H1 := fresh in
let H2 := fresh in
- unshelve edestruct H as [H1 H2]; [ .. | solve [ split; [ eapply H1 | refine (H2 _) ] ] ];
+ unshelve edestruct H as [ [H1 H2] ? ]; [ .. | split; [ eapply H1 | refine (H2 _) ] ];
solve [ exact tt | eassumption | reflexivity | repeat split ]
| _ => idtac
@@ -3052,6 +3089,7 @@ Module SaturatedSolinas.
+ _
Hrop rv)
(only parsing).
@@ -3761,6 +3799,7 @@ Module BarrettReduction.
+ _
Hrop rv)
(only parsing).
@@ -3932,6 +3971,7 @@ Module MontgomeryReduction.
+ _
Hrop rv)
(only parsing).
diff --git a/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Toplevel2.v b/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Toplevel2.v
index 83afb62fb..54d6cbac8 100644
--- a/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Toplevel2.v
+++ b/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Toplevel2.v
@@ -2464,7 +2464,7 @@ Module Barrett256.
rewrite <-barrett_reduce_correct_specialized by assumption.
- destruct (barrett_red256_correct (xLow, (xHigh, tt)) (xLow, (xHigh, tt))) as [H1 H2].
+ destruct (proj1 barrett_red256_correct (xLow, (xHigh, tt)) (xLow, (xHigh, tt))) as [H1 H2].
{ repeat split. }
{ cbn -[Z.pow].
rewrite !andb_true_iff.
@@ -2931,7 +2931,7 @@ Module Montgomery256.
rewrite <-montred'_correct_specialized by assumption.
- destruct (montred256_correct ((lo, hi), tt) ((lo, hi), tt)) as [H2 H3].
+ destruct (proj1 montred256_correct ((lo, hi), tt) ((lo, hi), tt)) as [H2 H3].
{ repeat split. }
{ cbn -[Z.pow].
rewrite !andb_true_iff.