path: root/src/Util
diff options
authorGravatar Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>2018-02-11 16:41:03 -0500
committerGravatar Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>2018-02-11 16:41:03 -0500
commit711c020174dc922d0f45ae7afe28e1c7ea8c9168 (patch)
tree0dbd78b3ae288cb2a9e97f0df92888af6995a4f8 /src/Util
parent64b036f97cb497aa88b3b448d47a8cc017373896 (diff)
Add string conversions
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Util')
7 files changed, 667 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Util/Bool/Equality.v b/src/Util/Bool/Equality.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..217b512b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Util/Bool/Equality.v
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Require Import Coq.Bool.Bool.
+Scheme Equality for bool.
diff --git a/src/Util/Pos.v b/src/Util/Pos.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..67c7cfa35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Util/Pos.v
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Require Import Coq.PArith.BinPosDef.
+Local Open Scope positive_scope.
+(** Append two sequences *)
+Fixpoint app (p q:positive) : positive :=
+ match q with
+ | q~0 => (app p q)~0
+ | q~1 => (app p q)~1
+ | 1 => p~1
+ end.
diff --git a/src/Util/Strings/Binary.v b/src/Util/Strings/Binary.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..955c6c8f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Util/Strings/Binary.v
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+Require Import Coq.Strings.Ascii Coq.Strings.String.
+Require Import Coq.Numbers.BinNums.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Strings.Equality.
+Require Crypto.Util.Pos.
+Import BinPosDef.
+Local Open Scope positive_scope.
+Local Open Scope string_scope.
+Fixpoint bin_string_of_pos' (p : positive) (rest : string) : string
+ := match p with
+ | 1 => String "1" rest
+ | p'~0 => bin_string_of_pos' p' (String "0" rest)
+ | p'~1 => bin_string_of_pos' p' (String "1" rest)
+ end.
+Definition bin_string_of_pos (p : positive) : string
+ := String "0" (String "b" (bin_string_of_pos' p "")).
+Local Notation default := 1.
+Fixpoint pos_of_bin_string' (s : string) (rest : option positive)
+ : option positive
+ := match s with
+ | "" => rest
+ | String ch s'
+ => pos_of_bin_string'
+ s'
+ (if ascii_beq ch "0"
+ then option_map xO rest
+ else if ascii_beq ch "1"
+ then match rest with
+ | Some p => Some (xI p)
+ | None => Some xH
+ end
+ else None)
+ end.
+Definition pos_of_bin_string (s : string) : positive
+ := match s with
+ | String s0 (String sb s)
+ => if ascii_beq s0 "0"
+ then if ascii_beq sb "b"
+ then match pos_of_bin_string' s None with
+ | Some p => p
+ | None => default
+ end
+ else default
+ else default
+ | _ => default
+ end.
+Lemma pos_of_bin_string_of_pos' (p : positive)
+ (base : option positive)
+ (rest : string)
+ : pos_of_bin_string' (bin_string_of_pos' p rest) base
+ = pos_of_bin_string' rest (match base with
+ | None => Some p
+ | Some v => Some (Pos.app v p)
+ end).
+ revert base rest; induction p, base; intros; try reflexivity;
+ cbn; rewrite IHp; reflexivity.
+Lemma pos_of_bin_string_of_pos (p : positive)
+ : pos_of_bin_string (bin_string_of_pos p) = p.
+ cbn; rewrite pos_of_bin_string_of_pos'; reflexivity.
+Example bin_string_of_pos_1 : bin_string_of_pos 1 = "0b1" := eq_refl.
+Example bin_string_of_pos_2 : bin_string_of_pos 2 = "0b10" := eq_refl.
+Example bin_string_of_pos_3 : bin_string_of_pos 3 = "0b11" := eq_refl.
diff --git a/src/Util/Strings/Decimal.v b/src/Util/Strings/Decimal.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1a3c276e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Util/Strings/Decimal.v
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+Require Import Coq.Strings.Ascii Coq.Strings.String.
+Require Import Coq.Numbers.BinNums.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Strings.Equality.
+Import BinPosDef.
+Module Import DecimalHelpers. (* mostly from the decimal plugin, see https://github.com/coq/coq/pull/6599/files *)
+ Inductive uint :=
+ | Nil
+ | D0 (_:uint)
+ | D1 (_:uint)
+ | D2 (_:uint)
+ | D3 (_:uint)
+ | D4 (_:uint)
+ | D5 (_:uint)
+ | D6 (_:uint)
+ | D7 (_:uint)
+ | D8 (_:uint)
+ | D9 (_:uint).
+ Notation zero := (D0 Nil).
+ (** For conversions with binary numbers, it is easier to operate
+ on little-endian numbers. *)
+ Fixpoint revapp (d d' : uint) :=
+ match d with
+ | Nil => d'
+ | D0 d => revapp d (D0 d')
+ | D1 d => revapp d (D1 d')
+ | D2 d => revapp d (D2 d')
+ | D3 d => revapp d (D3 d')
+ | D4 d => revapp d (D4 d')
+ | D5 d => revapp d (D5 d')
+ | D6 d => revapp d (D6 d')
+ | D7 d => revapp d (D7 d')
+ | D8 d => revapp d (D8 d')
+ | D9 d => revapp d (D9 d')
+ end.
+ Definition rev d := revapp d Nil.
+ Module Little.
+ (** Successor of little-endian numbers *)
+ Fixpoint succ d :=
+ match d with
+ | Nil => D1 Nil
+ | D0 d => D1 d
+ | D1 d => D2 d
+ | D2 d => D3 d
+ | D3 d => D4 d
+ | D4 d => D5 d
+ | D5 d => D6 d
+ | D6 d => D7 d
+ | D7 d => D8 d
+ | D8 d => D9 d
+ | D9 d => D0 (succ d)
+ end.
+ Fixpoint double d :=
+ match d with
+ | Nil => Nil
+ | D0 d => D0 (double d)
+ | D1 d => D2 (double d)
+ | D2 d => D4 (double d)
+ | D3 d => D6 (double d)
+ | D4 d => D8 (double d)
+ | D5 d => D0 (succ_double d)
+ | D6 d => D2 (succ_double d)
+ | D7 d => D4 (succ_double d)
+ | D8 d => D6 (succ_double d)
+ | D9 d => D8 (succ_double d)
+ end
+ with succ_double d :=
+ match d with
+ | Nil => D1 Nil
+ | D0 d => D1 (double d)
+ | D1 d => D3 (double d)
+ | D2 d => D5 (double d)
+ | D3 d => D7 (double d)
+ | D4 d => D9 (double d)
+ | D5 d => D1 (succ_double d)
+ | D6 d => D3 (succ_double d)
+ | D7 d => D5 (succ_double d)
+ | D8 d => D7 (succ_double d)
+ | D9 d => D9 (succ_double d)
+ end.
+ End Little.
+ Module Pos.
+ Local Open Scope positive_scope.
+ Fixpoint to_little_uint p :=
+ match p with
+ | 1 => D1 Nil
+ | p~1 => Little.succ_double (to_little_uint p)
+ | p~0 => Little.double (to_little_uint p)
+ end.
+ Definition to_uint p := rev (to_little_uint p).
+ Local Notation ten := 1~0~1~0.
+ Fixpoint of_uint_acc (d:uint)(acc:positive) :=
+ match d with
+ | Nil => acc
+ | D0 l => of_uint_acc l (Pos.mul ten acc)
+ | D1 l => of_uint_acc l (Pos.add 1 (Pos.mul ten acc))
+ | D2 l => of_uint_acc l (Pos.add 1~0 (Pos.mul ten acc))
+ | D3 l => of_uint_acc l (Pos.add 1~1 (Pos.mul ten acc))
+ | D4 l => of_uint_acc l (Pos.add 1~0~0 (Pos.mul ten acc))
+ | D5 l => of_uint_acc l (Pos.add 1~0~1 (Pos.mul ten acc))
+ | D6 l => of_uint_acc l (Pos.add 1~1~0 (Pos.mul ten acc))
+ | D7 l => of_uint_acc l (Pos.add 1~1~1 (Pos.mul ten acc))
+ | D8 l => of_uint_acc l (Pos.add 1~0~0~0 (Pos.mul ten acc))
+ | D9 l => of_uint_acc l (Pos.add 1~0~0~1 (Pos.mul ten acc))
+ end.
+ End Pos.
+ Module N.
+ Fixpoint of_uint (d:uint) : N :=
+ match d with
+ | Nil => N0
+ | D0 l => of_uint l
+ | D1 l => Npos (Pos.of_uint_acc l 1)
+ | D2 l => Npos (Pos.of_uint_acc l 1~0)
+ | D3 l => Npos (Pos.of_uint_acc l 1~1)
+ | D4 l => Npos (Pos.of_uint_acc l 1~0~0)
+ | D5 l => Npos (Pos.of_uint_acc l 1~0~1)
+ | D6 l => Npos (Pos.of_uint_acc l 1~1~0)
+ | D7 l => Npos (Pos.of_uint_acc l 1~1~1)
+ | D8 l => Npos (Pos.of_uint_acc l 1~0~0~0)
+ | D9 l => Npos (Pos.of_uint_acc l 1~0~0~1)
+ end.
+ End N.
+ Module String.
+ Local Open Scope string_scope.
+ Fixpoint of_uint (v : uint) : string
+ := match v with
+ | Nil => ""
+ | D0 x => String "0" (of_uint x)
+ | D1 x => String "1" (of_uint x)
+ | D2 x => String "2" (of_uint x)
+ | D3 x => String "3" (of_uint x)
+ | D4 x => String "4" (of_uint x)
+ | D5 x => String "5" (of_uint x)
+ | D6 x => String "6" (of_uint x)
+ | D7 x => String "7" (of_uint x)
+ | D8 x => String "8" (of_uint x)
+ | D9 x => String "9" (of_uint x)
+ end.
+ Fixpoint to_uint (v : string) : uint
+ := match v with
+ | EmptyString => Nil
+ | String ch v
+ => let rest := to_uint v in
+ (if ascii_beq ch "0"
+ then D0 rest
+ else if ascii_beq ch "1"
+ then D1 rest
+ else if ascii_beq ch "2"
+ then D2 rest
+ else if ascii_beq ch "3"
+ then D3 rest
+ else if ascii_beq ch "4"
+ then D4 rest
+ else if ascii_beq ch "5"
+ then D5 rest
+ else if ascii_beq ch "6"
+ then D6 rest
+ else if ascii_beq ch "7"
+ then D7 rest
+ else if ascii_beq ch "8"
+ then D8 rest
+ else if ascii_beq ch "9"
+ then D9 rest
+ else Nil)
+ end.
+ Lemma to_of v : String.to_uint (String.of_uint v) = v.
+ Proof. induction v; cbn; f_equal; trivial. Qed.
+ End String.
+End DecimalHelpers.
+Local Open Scope positive_scope.
+Local Open Scope string_scope.
+Definition decimal_string_of_pos (p : positive) : string
+ := String.of_uint (Pos.to_uint p).
+Definition pos_of_decimal_string (s : string) : positive
+ := match N.of_uint (String.to_uint s) with
+ | N0 => 1
+ | Npos p => p
+ end.
+(*Lemma pos_of_decimal_string_of_pos (p : positive)
+ : pos_of_decimal_string (decimal_string_of_pos p) = p.
+ cbv [pos_of_decimal_string decimal_string_of_pos].
+ rewrite String.to_of.
+ ...
+Example decimal_string_of_pos_1 : decimal_string_of_pos 1 = "1" := eq_refl.
+Example decimal_string_of_pos_2 : decimal_string_of_pos 2 = "2" := eq_refl.
+Example decimal_string_of_pos_3 : decimal_string_of_pos 3 = "3" := eq_refl.
+Example decimal_string_of_pos_7 : decimal_string_of_pos 7 = "7" := eq_refl.
+Example decimal_string_of_pos_8 : decimal_string_of_pos 8 = "8" := eq_refl.
+Example decimal_string_of_pos_9 : decimal_string_of_pos 9 = "9" := eq_refl.
+Example decimal_string_of_pos_10 : decimal_string_of_pos 10 = "10" := eq_refl.
+Example decimal_string_of_pos_11 : decimal_string_of_pos 11 = "11" := eq_refl.
+Example decimal_string_of_pos_12 : decimal_string_of_pos 12 = "12" := eq_refl.
+Example decimal_string_of_pos_13 : decimal_string_of_pos 13 = "13" := eq_refl.
+Example decimal_string_of_pos_14 : decimal_string_of_pos 14 = "14" := eq_refl.
+Example decimal_string_of_pos_15 : decimal_string_of_pos 15 = "15" := eq_refl.
+Example decimal_string_of_pos_16 : decimal_string_of_pos 16 = "16" := eq_refl.
diff --git a/src/Util/Strings/Equality.v b/src/Util/Strings/Equality.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2b64c92d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Util/Strings/Equality.v
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Require Import Coq.Strings.Ascii Coq.Strings.String.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Bool.Equality.
+Scheme Equality for ascii.
+Scheme Equality for string.
diff --git a/src/Util/Strings/Hex.v b/src/Util/Strings/Hex.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..62919901a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Util/Strings/Hex.v
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+Require Import Coq.Strings.Ascii Coq.Strings.String.
+Require Import Coq.Numbers.BinNums.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Strings.Equality.
+Require Crypto.Util.Pos.
+Import BinPosDef.
+Local Open Scope bool_scope.
+Local Open Scope positive_scope.
+Local Open Scope string_scope.
+Fixpoint hex_string_of_pos' (p : positive) (rest : string) : string
+ := match p with
+ | 1 => String "1" rest
+ | 2 => String "2" rest
+ | 3 => String "3" rest
+ | 4 => String "4" rest
+ | 5 => String "5" rest
+ | 6 => String "6" rest
+ | 7 => String "7" rest
+ | 8 => String "8" rest
+ | 9 => String "9" rest
+ | 10 => String "a" rest
+ | 11 => String "b" rest
+ | 12 => String "c" rest
+ | 13 => String "d" rest
+ | 14 => String "e" rest
+ | 15 => String "f" rest
+ | p'~0~0~0~0 => hex_string_of_pos' p' (String "0" rest)
+ | p'~0~0~0~1 => hex_string_of_pos' p' (String "1" rest)
+ | p'~0~0~1~0 => hex_string_of_pos' p' (String "2" rest)
+ | p'~0~0~1~1 => hex_string_of_pos' p' (String "3" rest)
+ | p'~0~1~0~0 => hex_string_of_pos' p' (String "4" rest)
+ | p'~0~1~0~1 => hex_string_of_pos' p' (String "5" rest)
+ | p'~0~1~1~0 => hex_string_of_pos' p' (String "6" rest)
+ | p'~0~1~1~1 => hex_string_of_pos' p' (String "7" rest)
+ | p'~1~0~0~0 => hex_string_of_pos' p' (String "8" rest)
+ | p'~1~0~0~1 => hex_string_of_pos' p' (String "9" rest)
+ | p'~1~0~1~0 => hex_string_of_pos' p' (String "a" rest)
+ | p'~1~0~1~1 => hex_string_of_pos' p' (String "b" rest)
+ | p'~1~1~0~0 => hex_string_of_pos' p' (String "c" rest)
+ | p'~1~1~0~1 => hex_string_of_pos' p' (String "d" rest)
+ | p'~1~1~1~0 => hex_string_of_pos' p' (String "e" rest)
+ | p'~1~1~1~1 => hex_string_of_pos' p' (String "f" rest)
+ end.
+Definition hex_string_of_pos (p : positive) : string
+ := String "0" (String "x" (hex_string_of_pos' p "")).
+Local Notation default := 1.
+Fixpoint pos_of_hex_string' (s : string) (rest : option positive)
+ : option positive
+ := match s with
+ | "" => rest
+ | String ch s'
+ => pos_of_hex_string'
+ s'
+ (if ascii_beq ch "0"
+ then match rest with
+ | Some p => Some (p~0~0~0~0)
+ | None => None
+ end
+ else if ascii_beq ch "1"
+ then match rest with
+ | Some p => Some (p~0~0~0~1)
+ | None => Some 1
+ end
+ else if ascii_beq ch "2"
+ then match rest with
+ | Some p => Some (p~0~0~1~0)
+ | None => Some 2
+ end
+ else if ascii_beq ch "3"
+ then match rest with
+ | Some p => Some (p~0~0~1~1)
+ | None => Some 3
+ end
+ else if ascii_beq ch "4"
+ then match rest with
+ | Some p => Some (p~0~1~0~0)
+ | None => Some 4
+ end
+ else if ascii_beq ch "5"
+ then match rest with
+ | Some p => Some (p~0~1~0~1)
+ | None => Some 5
+ end
+ else if ascii_beq ch "6"
+ then match rest with
+ | Some p => Some (p~0~1~1~0)
+ | None => Some 6
+ end
+ else if ascii_beq ch "7"
+ then match rest with
+ | Some p => Some (p~0~1~1~1)
+ | None => Some 7
+ end
+ else if ascii_beq ch "8"
+ then match rest with
+ | Some p => Some (p~1~0~0~0)
+ | None => Some 8
+ end
+ else if ascii_beq ch "9"
+ then match rest with
+ | Some p => Some (p~1~0~0~1)
+ | None => Some 9
+ end
+ else if ascii_beq ch "a" || ascii_beq ch "A"
+ then match rest with
+ | Some p => Some (p~1~0~1~0)
+ | None => Some 10
+ end
+ else if ascii_beq ch "b" || ascii_beq ch "B"
+ then match rest with
+ | Some p => Some (p~1~0~1~1)
+ | None => Some 11
+ end
+ else if ascii_beq ch "c" || ascii_beq ch "C"
+ then match rest with
+ | Some p => Some (p~1~1~0~0)
+ | None => Some 12
+ end
+ else if ascii_beq ch "d" || ascii_beq ch "D"
+ then match rest with
+ | Some p => Some (p~1~1~0~1)
+ | None => Some 13
+ end
+ else if ascii_beq ch "e" || ascii_beq ch "E"
+ then match rest with
+ | Some p => Some (p~1~1~1~0)
+ | None => Some 14
+ end
+ else if ascii_beq ch "f" || ascii_beq ch "F"
+ then match rest with
+ | Some p => Some (p~1~1~1~1)
+ | None => Some 15
+ end
+ else None)
+ end.
+Definition pos_of_hex_string (s : string) : positive
+ := match s with
+ | String s0 (String sb s)
+ => if ascii_beq s0 "0"
+ then if ascii_beq sb "x"
+ then match pos_of_hex_string' s None with
+ | Some p => p
+ | None => default
+ end
+ else default
+ else default
+ | _ => default
+ end.
+Fixpoint pos_hex_app (p q:positive) : positive :=
+ match q with
+ | 1 => p~0~0~0~1
+ | 2 => p~0~0~1~0
+ | 3 => p~0~0~1~1
+ | 4 => p~0~1~0~0
+ | 5 => p~0~1~0~1
+ | 6 => p~0~1~1~0
+ | 7 => p~0~1~1~1
+ | 8 => p~1~0~0~0
+ | 9 => p~1~0~0~1
+ | 10 => p~1~0~1~0
+ | 11 => p~1~0~1~1
+ | 12 => p~1~1~0~0
+ | 13 => p~1~1~0~1
+ | 14 => p~1~1~1~0
+ | 15 => p~1~1~1~1
+ | q~0~0~0~0 => (pos_hex_app p q)~0~0~0~0
+ | q~0~0~0~1 => (pos_hex_app p q)~0~0~0~1
+ | q~0~0~1~0 => (pos_hex_app p q)~0~0~1~0
+ | q~0~0~1~1 => (pos_hex_app p q)~0~0~1~1
+ | q~0~1~0~0 => (pos_hex_app p q)~0~1~0~0
+ | q~0~1~0~1 => (pos_hex_app p q)~0~1~0~1
+ | q~0~1~1~0 => (pos_hex_app p q)~0~1~1~0
+ | q~0~1~1~1 => (pos_hex_app p q)~0~1~1~1
+ | q~1~0~0~0 => (pos_hex_app p q)~1~0~0~0
+ | q~1~0~0~1 => (pos_hex_app p q)~1~0~0~1
+ | q~1~0~1~0 => (pos_hex_app p q)~1~0~1~0
+ | q~1~0~1~1 => (pos_hex_app p q)~1~0~1~1
+ | q~1~1~0~0 => (pos_hex_app p q)~1~1~0~0
+ | q~1~1~0~1 => (pos_hex_app p q)~1~1~0~1
+ | q~1~1~1~0 => (pos_hex_app p q)~1~1~1~0
+ | q~1~1~1~1 => (pos_hex_app p q)~1~1~1~1
+ end.
+Fixpoint pos_of_hex_string_of_pos' (p : positive)
+ (base : option positive)
+ (rest : string)
+ : pos_of_hex_string' (hex_string_of_pos' p rest) base
+ = pos_of_hex_string' rest (match base with
+ | None => Some p
+ | Some v => Some (pos_hex_app v p)
+ end).
+ do 4 try destruct p as [p|p|]; destruct base; try reflexivity;
+ cbn; rewrite pos_of_hex_string_of_pos'; reflexivity.
+Lemma pos_of_hex_string_of_pos (p : positive)
+ : pos_of_hex_string (hex_string_of_pos p) = p.
+ cbn; rewrite pos_of_hex_string_of_pos'; reflexivity.
+Example hex_string_of_pos_1 : hex_string_of_pos 1 = "0x1" := eq_refl.
+Example hex_string_of_pos_2 : hex_string_of_pos 2 = "0x2" := eq_refl.
+Example hex_string_of_pos_3 : hex_string_of_pos 3 = "0x3" := eq_refl.
+Example hex_string_of_pos_7 : hex_string_of_pos 7 = "0x7" := eq_refl.
+Example hex_string_of_pos_8 : hex_string_of_pos 8 = "0x8" := eq_refl.
+Example hex_string_of_pos_9 : hex_string_of_pos 9 = "0x9" := eq_refl.
+Example hex_string_of_pos_10 : hex_string_of_pos 10 = "0xa" := eq_refl.
+Example hex_string_of_pos_11 : hex_string_of_pos 11 = "0xb" := eq_refl.
+Example hex_string_of_pos_12 : hex_string_of_pos 12 = "0xc" := eq_refl.
+Example hex_string_of_pos_13 : hex_string_of_pos 13 = "0xd" := eq_refl.
+Example hex_string_of_pos_14 : hex_string_of_pos 14 = "0xe" := eq_refl.
+Example hex_string_of_pos_15 : hex_string_of_pos 15 = "0xf" := eq_refl.
+Example hex_string_of_pos_16 : hex_string_of_pos 16 = "0x10" := eq_refl.
diff --git a/src/Util/Strings/Octal.v b/src/Util/Strings/Octal.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..43f006008
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Util/Strings/Octal.v
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+Require Import Coq.Strings.Ascii Coq.Strings.String.
+Require Import Coq.Numbers.BinNums.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Strings.Equality.
+Require Crypto.Util.Pos.
+Import BinPosDef.
+Local Open Scope positive_scope.
+Local Open Scope string_scope.
+Fixpoint oct_string_of_pos' (p : positive) (rest : string) : string
+ := match p with
+ | 1 => String "1" rest
+ | 2 => String "2" rest
+ | 3 => String "3" rest
+ | 4 => String "4" rest
+ | 5 => String "5" rest
+ | 6 => String "6" rest
+ | 7 => String "7" rest
+ | p'~0~0~0 => oct_string_of_pos' p' (String "0" rest)
+ | p'~0~0~1 => oct_string_of_pos' p' (String "1" rest)
+ | p'~0~1~0 => oct_string_of_pos' p' (String "2" rest)
+ | p'~0~1~1 => oct_string_of_pos' p' (String "3" rest)
+ | p'~1~0~0 => oct_string_of_pos' p' (String "4" rest)
+ | p'~1~0~1 => oct_string_of_pos' p' (String "5" rest)
+ | p'~1~1~0 => oct_string_of_pos' p' (String "6" rest)
+ | p'~1~1~1 => oct_string_of_pos' p' (String "7" rest)
+ end.
+Definition oct_string_of_pos (p : positive) : string
+ := String "0" (String "o" (oct_string_of_pos' p "")).
+Local Notation default := 1.
+Fixpoint pos_of_oct_string' (s : string) (rest : option positive)
+ : option positive
+ := match s with
+ | "" => rest
+ | String ch s'
+ => pos_of_oct_string'
+ s'
+ (if ascii_beq ch "0"
+ then match rest with
+ | Some p => Some (p~0~0~0)
+ | None => None
+ end
+ else if ascii_beq ch "1"
+ then match rest with
+ | Some p => Some (p~0~0~1)
+ | None => Some 1
+ end
+ else if ascii_beq ch "2"
+ then match rest with
+ | Some p => Some (p~0~1~0)
+ | None => Some 2
+ end
+ else if ascii_beq ch "3"
+ then match rest with
+ | Some p => Some (p~0~1~1)
+ | None => Some 3
+ end
+ else if ascii_beq ch "4"
+ then match rest with
+ | Some p => Some (p~1~0~0)
+ | None => Some 4
+ end
+ else if ascii_beq ch "5"
+ then match rest with
+ | Some p => Some (p~1~0~1)
+ | None => Some 5
+ end
+ else if ascii_beq ch "6"
+ then match rest with
+ | Some p => Some (p~1~1~0)
+ | None => Some 6
+ end
+ else if ascii_beq ch "7"
+ then match rest with
+ | Some p => Some (p~1~1~1)
+ | None => Some 7
+ end
+ else None)
+ end.
+Definition pos_of_oct_string (s : string) : positive
+ := match s with
+ | String s0 (String sb s)
+ => if ascii_beq s0 "0"
+ then if ascii_beq sb "o"
+ then match pos_of_oct_string' s None with
+ | Some p => p
+ | None => default
+ end
+ else default
+ else default
+ | _ => default
+ end.
+Fixpoint pos_oct_app (p q:positive) : positive :=
+ match q with
+ | 1 => p~0~0~1
+ | 2 => p~0~1~0
+ | 3 => p~0~1~1
+ | 4 => p~1~0~0
+ | 5 => p~1~0~1
+ | 6 => p~1~1~0
+ | 7 => p~1~1~1
+ | q~0~0~0 => (pos_oct_app p q)~0~0~0
+ | q~0~0~1 => (pos_oct_app p q)~0~0~1
+ | q~0~1~0 => (pos_oct_app p q)~0~1~0
+ | q~0~1~1 => (pos_oct_app p q)~0~1~1
+ | q~1~0~0 => (pos_oct_app p q)~1~0~0
+ | q~1~0~1 => (pos_oct_app p q)~1~0~1
+ | q~1~1~0 => (pos_oct_app p q)~1~1~0
+ | q~1~1~1 => (pos_oct_app p q)~1~1~1
+ end.
+Fixpoint pos_of_oct_string_of_pos' (p : positive)
+ (base : option positive)
+ (rest : string)
+ : pos_of_oct_string' (oct_string_of_pos' p rest) base
+ = pos_of_oct_string' rest (match base with
+ | None => Some p
+ | Some v => Some (pos_oct_app v p)
+ end).
+ do 3 try destruct p as [p|p|]; destruct base; try reflexivity;
+ cbn; rewrite pos_of_oct_string_of_pos'; reflexivity.
+Lemma pos_of_oct_string_of_pos (p : positive)
+ : pos_of_oct_string (oct_string_of_pos p) = p.
+ cbn; rewrite pos_of_oct_string_of_pos'; reflexivity.
+Example oct_string_of_pos_1 : oct_string_of_pos 1 = "0o1" := eq_refl.
+Example oct_string_of_pos_2 : oct_string_of_pos 2 = "0o2" := eq_refl.
+Example oct_string_of_pos_3 : oct_string_of_pos 3 = "0o3" := eq_refl.
+Example oct_string_of_pos_7 : oct_string_of_pos 7 = "0o7" := eq_refl.
+Example oct_string_of_pos_8 : oct_string_of_pos 8 = "0o10" := eq_refl.