path: root/src/Util/ZRange/CornersMonotoneBounds.v
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authorGravatar Jason Gross <jagro@google.com>2018-08-13 23:58:49 -0400
committerGravatar Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>2018-08-15 22:09:50 -0400
commit8926b3f6b2aa1fe0f8d3f65f1966f60402cad4b9 (patch)
treeb4f92732531a3aab686f2e4a5a9f98d4264e61b0 /src/Util/ZRange/CornersMonotoneBounds.v
parentf4d27f9218990b904da65ec4e87ed5d84358ce65 (diff)
Prove monotonicity properties about zrange
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Util/ZRange/CornersMonotoneBounds.v')
1 files changed, 571 insertions, 267 deletions
diff --git a/src/Util/ZRange/CornersMonotoneBounds.v b/src/Util/ZRange/CornersMonotoneBounds.v
index 5edeee5e8..9cea5c376 100644
--- a/src/Util/ZRange/CornersMonotoneBounds.v
+++ b/src/Util/ZRange/CornersMonotoneBounds.v
@@ -10,7 +10,9 @@ Require Import Crypto.Util.Bool.
Require Import Crypto.Util.ZRange.
Require Import Crypto.Util.ZRange.Operations.
Require Import Crypto.Util.ZRange.BasicLemmas.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tuple.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.DestructHead.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SpecializeAllWays.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.BreakMatch.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.UniquePose.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SpecializeBy.
@@ -22,332 +24,634 @@ Module ZRange.
Local Arguments is_bounded_by' !_ _ _ / .
Local Coercion is_true : bool >-> Sortclass.
- (*Definition extremes_at_boundaries
- (f : Z -> Z)
- x_bs
- : forall x, is_bounded_by_bool x x_bs -> is_bounded_by_bool*)
- Lemma monotone_apply_to_range_genbP
- (P : Z -> Prop)
- (f : Z -> zrange)
- (R := fun b : bool => fun x y => P x /\ P y /\ if b then Z.le x y else Basics.flip Z.le x y)
- (Hmonotonel : exists b, Proper (R b ==> Z.le) (fun v => lower (f v)))
- (Hmonotoneu : exists b, Proper (R b ==> Z.le) (fun v => upper (f v)))
- x_bs x
- (Hboundedx : is_bounded_by_bool x x_bs)
- (x_bs_ok : forall xv, is_bounded_by_bool xv x_bs -> P xv)
- : is_tighter_than_bool (f x) (apply_to_range f x_bs).
+ Fixpoint app' {A B} {n : nat} : nary_T A B (S n) -> tuple' A n -> B
+ := match n with
+ | O => fun f x => f x
+ | S n => fun f '(xs, x) => @app' A B n (f x) xs
+ end.
+ Definition app {A B} {n : nat} : nary_T A B n -> tuple A n -> B
+ := match n with
+ | O => fun x _ => x
+ | S n => @app' A B n
+ end.
+ Local Notation R b := (match b with true => Z.le | false => Basics.flip Z.le end).
+ Local Notation Rp b := (match b with true => Pos.le | false => Basics.flip Pos.le end).
+ Fixpoint is_monotone_on_projections {n : nat} : nary_T Z Z n -> Prop
+ := match n with
+ | O => fun _ => True
+ | S n' => fun f
+ => (forall x, is_monotone_on_projections (f x))
+ /\ (forall args, exists b, Proper (R b ==> Z.le) (fun x => app (f x) args))
+ end.
+ Fixpoint is_piecewise_monotone_on_projections {n : nat} : nary_T Z Z n -> Prop
+ := match n with
+ | O => fun _ => True
+ | S n'
+ => fun f
+ => (forall x, is_piecewise_monotone_on_projections (f x))
+ /\ (forall args, exists b, Proper (Rp b ==> Z.le) (fun x => app (f (Zpos x)) args))
+ /\ (forall args, exists b, Proper (Rp b ==> Z.le) (fun x => app (f (Zneg x)) args))
+ end.
+ Definition all_are_bounded_by_bool {n} (v : tuple Z n) (v_bs : tuple zrange n) : bool
+ := Tuple.fieldwiseb is_bounded_by_bool v v_bs.
+ Local Ltac fast_split_min_max := rewrite ?Z.min_le_iff, ?Z.max_le_iff.
+ Local Ltac t_fin_common_step :=
+ first [ progress cbv [all_are_bounded_by_bool is_bounded_by_bool is_monotone_on_projections is_true is_tighter_than_bool] in *
+ | progress cbv [Proper respectful Basics.flip] in *
+ | progress cbn in *
+ | progress rewrite ?Bool.orb_true_iff, ?Bool.orb_false_iff, ?Bool.andb_true_iff, ?Z.leb_le, ?Z.ltb_lt in *
+ | progress Z.ltb_to_lt
+ | progress fast_split_min_max
+ | progress destruct_head'_and
+ | progress destruct_head'_prod
+ | progress destruct_head'_ex
+ | progress specialize_by exact tt
+ | progress specialize_by exact I
+ | progress destruct_head' zrange
+ | solve [ auto using or_introl, or_intror, Z.le_refl ]
+ | match goal with
+ | [ H : _ -> True |- _ ] => clear H
+ | [ H : ?x <= ?x |- _ ] => clear H
+ | [ H : ?x \/ ?x |- _ ] => assert x by (destruct H; assumption); clear H
+ | [ H : ?x < ?x |- _ ] => exfalso; clear -H; lia
+ | [ H : 0 <= Z.pos _ |- _ ] => clear H
+ | [ H : 0 < Z.pos _ |- _ ] => clear H
+ | [ H : Z.neg _ <= 0 |- _ ] => clear H
+ | [ H : Z.neg _ < 0 |- _ ] => clear H
+ | [ H : Z.pos _ <= Z.neg _ |- _ ] => exfalso; clear -H; lia
+ | [ H : Z.pos _ <= 0 |- _ ] => exfalso; clear -H; lia
+ | [ H : 0 <= Z.neg _ |- _ ] => exfalso; clear -H; lia
+ | [ H : Z.pos _ < 0 |- _ ] => exfalso; clear -H; lia
+ | [ |- context[Z.max 1 (Z.pos ?x)] ] => rewrite (Z.max_r 1 (Zpos x)) by (clear; lia)
+ | [ |- context[Z.min 1 (Z.pos ?x)] ] => rewrite (Z.min_l 1 (Zpos x)) by (clear; lia)
+ | [ H : ?x > ?y |- _ ] => assert (y < x) by (clear -H; lia); clear H
+ | [ H : ?x >= ?y |- _ ] => assert (y <= x) by (clear -H; lia); clear H
+ | [ |- context[Z.max (Z.neg ?x) (-1)] ] => rewrite (Z.max_r (Zneg x) (-1)) by (clear; lia)
+ | [ |- context[Z.min (Z.neg ?x) (-1)] ] => rewrite (Z.min_l (Zneg x) (-1)) by (clear; lia)
+ end ].
+ Local Ltac t_fin_saturate_step :=
+ first [ progress destruct_head'_bool
+ | match goal with
+ | [ H : forall (x : Z) (y : Z), _ <= _ -> _ <= _, v : Z |- _ ]
+ => unique pose proof (H v v ltac:(reflexivity))
+ | [ H : forall (x : Z) (y : Z), _ <= _ -> _ <= _, v : Z, v' : Z |- _ ]
+ => unique pose proof (H v v' ltac:(auto || reflexivity))
+ end
+ | apply conj ].
+ Local Ltac t_fin_specific_pos_step :=
+ first [ match goal with
+ | [ H : _ \/ _ |- _ ] => destruct H as [H|H]; try (exfalso; clear -H; lia); []
+ | [ H : Z.pos _ <= ?v |- _ ] => is_var v; destruct v as [|v|v]; try (exfalso; clear -H; lia)
+ | [ H : ?v <= Z.neg _ |- _ ] => is_var v; destruct v as [|v|v]; try (exfalso; clear -H; lia)
+ | [ H : 0 <= ?v |- _ ] => is_var v; destruct v as [|v|v]; try (exfalso; clear -H; lia)
+ | [ H : ?v <= 0 |- _ ] => is_var v; destruct v as [|v|v]; try (exfalso; clear -H; lia)
+ | [ H : 0 < ?v |- _ ] => is_var v; destruct v as [|v|v]; try (exfalso; clear -H; lia)
+ | [ H : ?v < 0 |- _ ] => is_var v; destruct v as [|v|v]; try (exfalso; clear -H; lia)
+ end
+ | break_innermost_match_step
+ | progress destruct_head'_bool
+ | match goal with
+ | [ H' : Z.le (?f ?p) (?g ?q) |- _ ]
+ => first [ unique assert (Pos.le p q) by (clear -H'; lia)
+ | unique assert (Pos.le q p) by (clear -H'; lia) ]
+ | [ H : forall x y, Pos.le _ _ -> _ <= _, H' : Pos.le _ _ |- _ ]
+ => unique pose proof (H _ _ H')
+ | [ H : forall x y, Pos.le x _ -> _ <= _, v : positive |- _ ]
+ => unique pose proof (H 1%positive v ltac:(clear; lia))
+ | [ H : forall x y, Pos.le _ x -> _ <= _, v : positive |- _ ]
+ => unique pose proof (H v 1%positive ltac:(clear; lia))
+ end
+ | apply conj
+ | progress destruct_head' Z ].
+ Local Ltac t_fin :=
+ repeat first [ t_fin_common_step
+ | t_fin_saturate_step ].
+ Local Ltac t_fin_pos :=
+ repeat first [ t_fin_common_step
+ | t_fin_specific_pos_step ].
+ Lemma pull_union_under_args2 A n f g bs
+ : @app' A _ n (under_args2 union f g) bs
+ = union (app' f bs) (app' g bs).
+ Proof. induction n; t_fin. Qed.
+ Lemma monotone_n_corners_genb
+ n f
+ (Hmonotone : @is_monotone_on_projections n f)
+ v v_bs
+ (Hboundedx : @all_are_bounded_by_bool n v v_bs)
+ : is_bounded_by_bool (app f v) (app (n_corners f) v_bs).
- destruct x_bs as [lx ux]; simpl in *.
- cbv [is_bounded_by_bool is_true is_tighter_than_bool] in *.
- cbn [lower upper] in *.
- rewrite !Bool.andb_true_iff, !Z.leb_le_iff in *.
- setoid_rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in x_bs_ok.
- repeat setoid_rewrite Z.leb_le_iff in x_bs_ok.
- destruct_head'_ex.
- repeat match goal with
- | [ H : Proper (R ?b ==> _) _ |- _ ]
- => unique assert (R b (if b then lx else x) (if b then x else lx)
- /\ R b (if b then x else ux) (if b then ux else x))
- by (unfold R, Basics.flip; destruct b; repeat apply conj; eauto with omega)
- end.
- destruct_head' and.
- repeat match goal with
- | [ H : Proper (R ?b ==> _) _, H' : R ?b _ _ |- _ ]
- => unique pose proof (H _ _ H')
- end.
- destruct_head bool; split_andb; Z.ltb_to_lt; split_min_max; omega.
+ destruct n as [|n].
+ { cbv [all_are_bounded_by_bool is_bounded_by_bool is_monotone_on_projections is_true] in *; cbn in *.
+ rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff, Z.leb_le; split; reflexivity. }
+ cbv [app tuple all_are_bounded_by_bool fieldwiseb] in *.
+ induction n as [|n IHn].
+ { t_fin. }
+ { destruct v_bs as [ v_bs [l u] ], v as [vs v]; cbn [lower upper] in *.
+ cbn [fieldwiseb' fst snd] in Hboundedx.
+ cbv [is_true] in *.
+ rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in Hboundedx.
+ destruct Hboundedx as [Hboundedx0 Hboundedx1].
+ destruct Hmonotone as [Hmonotone0 Hmonotone1].
+ specialize (fun x => IHn (f x) (Hmonotone0 _) vs v_bs Hboundedx0).
+ cbn [app'].
+ set (Sn := S n) in *.
+ cbn [n_corners].
+ set (f' := fun x => @n_corners Sn (f x)).
+ lazymatch type of IHn with
+ | forall x, is_bounded_by_bool (@?B x) (app' _ ?v_bs) = true
+ => change (forall x, is_bounded_by_bool (B x) (app' (f' x) v_bs) = true) in IHn
+ end; cbv beta in *.
+ clearbody f'.
+ cbn -[Sn] in *.
+ rewrite pull_union_under_args2.
+ cbv [is_bounded_by_bool app] in *.
+ unfold Sn in Hmonotone1.
+ setoid_rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in IHn.
+ rewrite ?Bool.andb_true_iff in *.
+ setoid_rewrite Z.leb_le in IHn.
+ rewrite !Z.leb_le in *.
+ specialize (Hmonotone1 vs).
+ destruct Hmonotone1 as [? Hmonotone1].
+ clear -IHn Hboundedx1 Hmonotone1.
+ cbn [lower upper] in *.
+ destruct_head'_bool.
+ all: split; etransitivity; [ | eapply Hmonotone1, Hboundedx1 | eapply Hmonotone1, Hboundedx1 | ].
+ all: first [ etransitivity; [ eapply IHn | ] | etransitivity; [ | eapply IHn ] ].
+ all: clear; t_fin. }
- Lemma monotone_apply_to_range_genb
- (f : Z -> zrange)
- (R := fun b : bool => if b then Z.le else Basics.flip Z.le)
- (Hmonotonel : exists b, Proper (R b ==> Z.le) (fun v => lower (f v)))
- (Hmonotoneu : exists b, Proper (R b ==> Z.le) (fun v => upper (f v)))
- x_bs x
- (Hboundedx : is_bounded_by_bool x x_bs)
- : is_tighter_than_bool (f x) (apply_to_range f x_bs).
+ Lemma monotone_n_corners_and_zero_genb
+ n f
+ (Hmonotone : @is_piecewise_monotone_on_projections n f)
+ v v_bs
+ (Hboundedx : @all_are_bounded_by_bool n v v_bs)
+ : is_bounded_by_bool (app f v) (app (n_corners_and_zero f) v_bs).
- apply (monotone_apply_to_range_genbP (fun _ => True)); cbv [Proper respectful] in *; eauto;
- destruct_head'_ex;
- match goal with
- | [ b : bool |- _ ] => exists b; destruct b; solve [ intuition eauto ]
- end.
+ destruct n as [|n].
+ { cbv [all_are_bounded_by_bool is_bounded_by_bool is_piecewise_monotone_on_projections is_true] in *; cbn in *.
+ rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff, Z.leb_le; split; reflexivity. }
+ cbv [app tuple all_are_bounded_by_bool fieldwiseb] in *.
+ induction n as [|n IHn].
+ { t_fin_pos. }
+ { destruct v_bs as [ v_bs [l u] ], v as [vs v]; cbn [lower upper] in *.
+ cbn [fieldwiseb' fst snd] in Hboundedx.
+ cbv [is_true] in *.
+ rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in Hboundedx.
+ destruct Hboundedx as [Hboundedx0 Hboundedx1].
+ destruct Hmonotone as [Hmonotone0 [Hmonotone1 Hmonotone2] ].
+ specialize (fun f pf => IHn f pf vs v_bs Hboundedx0).
+ specialize (fun x => IHn (f x) (Hmonotone0 _)).
+ cbn [app'].
+ set (Sn := S n) in *.
+ cbn [n_corners_and_zero].
+ set (f' := fun x => @n_corners_and_zero Sn (f x)).
+ lazymatch type of IHn with
+ | forall x, is_bounded_by_bool (@?B x) (app' _ ?v_bs) = true
+ => change (forall x, is_bounded_by_bool (B x) (app' (f' x) v_bs) = true) in IHn
+ end; cbv beta in *.
+ clearbody f'.
+ cbn -[Sn] in *.
+ cbv [is_bounded_by_bool app] in *.
+ unfold Sn in Hmonotone1, Hmonotone2.
+ setoid_rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in IHn.
+ rewrite ?Bool.andb_true_iff in *.
+ setoid_rewrite Z.leb_le in IHn.
+ rewrite !Z.leb_le in *.
+ specialize (Hmonotone1 vs).
+ specialize (Hmonotone2 vs).
+ destruct Hmonotone1 as [? Hmonotone1].
+ destruct Hmonotone2 as [? Hmonotone2].
+ clear -IHn Hboundedx1 Hmonotone1 Hmonotone2.
+ cbn [lower upper] in *.
+ destruct l as [|l|l], u as [|u|u], v as [|v|v].
+ all: try (exfalso; clear -Hboundedx1; lia).
+ all: cbn -[Sn] in *.
+ all: rewrite !pull_union_under_args2.
+ all: cbv [union]; cbn [lower upper].
+ all: repeat match goal with
+ | [ H : context[Zpos ?p <= Zpos ?q] |- _ ]
+ => unique assert (Pos.le p q) by lia
+ | [ H : context[Zneg ?p <= Zneg ?q] |- _ ]
+ => unique assert (Pos.le q p) by lia
+ end.
+ all: destruct_head'_bool.
+ all: first [ split; etransitivity;
+ [ | first [ eapply Hmonotone1 | eapply Hmonotone2 ];
+ first [ eassumption | eapply Pos.le_1_l ]
+ | first [ eapply Hmonotone1 | eapply Hmonotone2 ];
+ first [ eassumption | eapply Pos.le_1_l ] | ]
+ | split ].
+ all: first [ etransitivity; [ eapply IHn | ] | etransitivity; [ | eapply IHn ] ].
+ all: fast_split_min_max.
+ all: auto using Z.le_refl.
+ all: repeat t_fin_common_step. }
Lemma monotone_two_corners_genb'
(f : Z -> Z)
- (R := fun b : bool => if b then Z.le else Basics.flip Z.le)
(Hmonotone : exists b, Proper (R b ==> Z.le) f)
x_bs x
(Hboundedx : is_bounded_by_bool x x_bs)
: is_tighter_than_bool (constant (f x)) (two_corners f x_bs).
- cbv [two_corners].
- lazymatch goal with
- | [ |- context[apply_to_range ?f ?x_bs] ]
- => apply (monotone_apply_to_range_genb f); auto
- end.
+ exact (@monotone_n_corners_genb 1 f (ltac:(repeat split; auto)) x x_bs Hboundedx).
- Lemma monotone_two_corners_genb
+ Lemma monotone_two_corners_and_zero_genb'
(f : Z -> Z)
- (R := fun b : bool => if b then Z.le else Basics.flip Z.le)
- (Hmonotone : exists b, Proper (R b ==> Z.le) f)
+ (Hmonotonep : exists b, Proper (Rp b ==> Z.le) (fun x => f (Zpos x)))
+ (Hmonotonen : exists b, Proper (Rp b ==> Z.le) (fun x => f (Zneg x)))
x_bs x
- (Hboundedx : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None x_bs x)
- : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None (two_corners f x_bs) (f x).
+ (Hboundedx : is_bounded_by_bool x x_bs)
+ : is_tighter_than_bool (constant (f x)) (two_corners_and_zero f x_bs).
- pose proof (monotone_two_corners_genb' f Hmonotone x_bs x) as H.
- cbv [constant is_bounded_by' is_bounded_by_bool is_true is_tighter_than_bool] in *.
- cbn [upper lower] in *.
- rewrite ?Bool.andb_true_iff, ?Z.leb_le_iff in *.
- tauto.
+ unshelve eapply (@monotone_n_corners_and_zero_genb 1 f _ x x_bs Hboundedx).
+ repeat split; auto.
- Lemma monotone_two_corners_gen
+ Lemma monotoneb_two_corners_gen
(f : Z -> Z)
(Hmonotone : Proper (Z.le ==> Z.le) f \/ Proper (Basics.flip Z.le ==> Z.le) f)
x_bs x
- (Hboundedx : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None x_bs x)
- : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None (ZRange.two_corners f x_bs) (f x).
+ (Hboundedx : ZRange.is_bounded_by_bool x x_bs = true)
+ : ZRange.is_bounded_by_bool (f x) (ZRange.two_corners f x_bs) = true.
- eapply monotone_two_corners_genb; auto.
- destruct Hmonotone; [ exists true | exists false ]; assumption.
+ apply (fun pf => monotone_two_corners_genb' f pf _ _ Hboundedx).
+ rewrite Bool.ex_bool_iff_or; auto.
- Lemma monotone_two_corners
- (b : bool)
+ Lemma monotoneb_two_corners_and_zero_gen
(f : Z -> Z)
- (R := if b then Z.le else Basics.flip Z.le)
- (Hmonotone : Proper (R ==> Z.le) f)
+ (Hmonotonep : Proper (Pos.le ==> Z.le) (fun x => f (Zpos x)) \/ Proper (Basics.flip Pos.le ==> Z.le) (fun x => f (Zpos x)))
+ (Hmonotonen : Proper (Pos.le ==> Z.le) (fun x => f (Zneg x)) \/ Proper (Basics.flip Pos.le ==> Z.le) (fun x => f (Zneg x)))
x_bs x
- (Hboundedx : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None x_bs x)
- : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None (ZRange.two_corners f x_bs) (f x).
+ (Hboundedx : ZRange.is_bounded_by_bool x x_bs = true)
+ : ZRange.is_bounded_by_bool (f x) (ZRange.two_corners_and_zero f x_bs) = true.
- apply monotone_two_corners_genb; auto; subst R;
- exists b.
- intros ???; apply Hmonotone; auto.
+ apply (fun pf1 pf2 => monotone_two_corners_and_zero_genb' f pf1 pf2 _ _ Hboundedx).
+ all: rewrite Bool.ex_bool_iff_or; auto.
- (*
+ Local Ltac t_fill :=
+ intros; rewrite ?Bool.ex_bool_iff_or; auto;
+ cbn in *; cbv [is_true] in *; rewrite ?Bool.andb_true_iff; intuition eauto.
+ Local Ltac t_red :=
+ cbv [eight_corners_and_zero four_corners_and_zero two_corners_and_zero n_corners_and_zero apply_to_split_range apply_to_split_range_under_args apply_to_each_split_range apply_to_each_split_range_under_args under_args2 apply_to_range apply_to_range_under_args].
+ Lemma two_corners_and_zero_eq f x
+ : two_corners_and_zero f x = @n_corners_and_zero 1 f x.
+ Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma monotone_four_corners_genb'
(f : Z -> Z -> Z)
- (R := fun b : bool => if b then Z.le else Basics.flip Z.le)
- (Hmonotone1 : forall x, exists b, Proper (R b ==> Z.le) (f x))
+ (Hmonotone1 : forall x, exists b, Proper (R b ==> Z.le) (fun y => f x y))
(Hmonotone2 : forall y, exists b, Proper (R b ==> Z.le) (fun x => f x y))
- x_bs y_bs x y
+ x x_bs y y_bs
(Hboundedx : is_bounded_by_bool x x_bs)
(Hboundedy : is_bounded_by_bool y y_bs)
: is_tighter_than_bool (constant (f x y)) (four_corners f x_bs y_bs).
- cbv [four_corners].
- etransitivity;
- [ apply monotone_two_corners_genb'; solve [ eauto ]
- | ].
- cbv [apply_to_range union two_corners constant is_bounded_by_bool is_tighter_than_bool]; cbn [lower upper] in *.
- | lazymatch goal with
- | [ |- context[apply_to_range ?f ?x_bs] ]
- => apply (monotone_apply_to_range_genb f); [ | | eassumption ]
- end ];
- auto.
- { cbv [two_corners constant apply_to_range union flip].
- cbn [lower upper].
- subst R.
- cbv [is_bounded_by_bool is_true] in *; split_andb; Z.ltb_to_lt.
- assert (Hx_good : lower x_bs <= upper x_bs) by omega.
- assert (Hy_good : lower y_bs <= upper y_bs) by omega.
- pose proof (Hmonotone2 (lower y_bs)).
- pose proof (Hmonotone2 (upper y_bs)).
- destruct_head'_ex; destruct_head'_bool; [ exists true | | | exists false ];
- try intros ?? Hc;
- repeat match goal with
- | [ H : Proper _ _ |- _ ] => specialize (H _ _ Hc)
- end;
- split_min_max; cbn beta in *; try omega.
- all: pose proof (Hmonotone1 (lower x_bs)).
- all: pose proof (Hmonotone1 (upper x_bs)).
- all: destruct_head'_ex.
- all: destruct_head'_bool.
- all: repeat match goal with
- | [ H : Proper _ (fun x => ?f x _) |- _ ]
- => unique pose proof (H _ _ Hx_good)
- | [ H : Proper _ (?f _) |- _ ]
- => unique pose proof (H _ _ Hy_good)
- end;
- cbn beta in *.
- cbv [Basics.flip] in *.
- all:try omega.
- repeat match goal with
- | [
- { exists true.
- cbv [two_corners].
+ apply (fun pf => @monotone_n_corners_genb 2 f pf (y, x) (y_bs, x_bs)).
+ all: t_fill.
+ Qed.
- Qed.*)
+ Lemma four_corners_and_zero_eq f x y
+ : four_corners_and_zero f x y = @n_corners_and_zero 2 f x y.
+ Proof.
+ set (n:=1%nat).
+ cbv [four_corners_and_zero].
+ cbn [n_corners_and_zero].
+ generalize (fun x => two_corners_and_zero_eq (f x)).
+ subst n.
+ generalize (@two_corners_and_zero) (@n_corners_and_zero 1).
+ t_red.
+ break_innermost_match; intros ?? H; rewrite ?H; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
- Lemma monotone_four_corners_genb
+ Lemma monotone_four_corners_and_zero_genb'
(f : Z -> Z -> Z)
- (R := fun b : bool => if b then Z.le else Basics.flip Z.le)
- (Hmonotone1 : forall x, exists b, Proper (R b ==> Z.le) (f x))
- (Hmonotone2 : forall y, exists b, Proper (R b ==> Z.le) (fun x => f x y))
- x_bs y_bs x y
- (Hboundedx : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None x_bs x)
- (Hboundedy : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None y_bs y)
- : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None (ZRange.four_corners f x_bs y_bs) (f x y).
+ (Hmonotone1p : forall x, exists b, Proper (Rp b ==> Z.le) (fun y => f x (Zpos y)))
+ (Hmonotone1n : forall x, exists b, Proper (Rp b ==> Z.le) (fun y => f x (Zneg y)))
+ (Hmonotone2p : forall y, exists b, Proper (Rp b ==> Z.le) (fun x => f (Zpos x) y))
+ (Hmonotone2n : forall y, exists b, Proper (Rp b ==> Z.le) (fun x => f (Zneg x) y))
+ x x_bs y y_bs
+ (Hboundedx : is_bounded_by_bool x x_bs)
+ (Hboundedy : is_bounded_by_bool y y_bs)
+ : is_tighter_than_bool (constant (f x y)) (four_corners_and_zero f x_bs y_bs).
- destruct x_bs as [lx ux].
- cbn [ZRange.four_corners lower upper].
- pose proof (monotone_two_corners_genb (f lx) (Hmonotone1 _) _ _ Hboundedy) as Hmono_fl.
- pose proof (monotone_two_corners_genb (f ux) (Hmonotone1 _) _ _ Hboundedy) as Hmono_fu.
- repeat match goal with
- | [ |- context[ZRange.two_corners ?x ?y] ]
- => let l := fresh "lf" in
- let u := fresh "uf" in
- generalize dependent (ZRange.two_corners x y); intros [l u]; intros
- end.
- unfold ZRange.is_bounded_by', union in *; simpl in *; split; trivial.
- destruct_head'_and; destruct_head' True.
- pose proof (Hmonotone2 y).
- destruct_head'_ex.
- repeat match goal with
- | [ H : Proper (R ?b ==> Z.le) (f _) |- _ ]
- => unique assert (R b (if b then ly else y) (if b then y else ly)
- /\ R b (if b then y else uy) (if b then uy else y))
- by (unfold R, Basics.flip; destruct b; omega)
- | [ H : Proper (R ?b ==> Z.le) (fun x => f x _) |- _ ]
- => unique assert (R b (if b then lx else x) (if b then x else lx)
- /\ R b (if b then x else ux) (if b then ux else x))
- by (unfold R, Basics.flip; destruct b; omega)
- end.
- destruct_head' and.
- repeat match goal with
- | [ H : Proper (R ?b ==> Z.le) _, H' : R ?b _ _ |- _ ]
- => unique pose proof (H _ _ H')
- end; cbv beta in *.
- destruct_head bool.
- all: revert_min_max; intros.
- all: (split; [ repeat (etransitivity; [ | eassumption ]) | repeat (etransitivity; [ eassumption | ]) ]).
- all: auto using Z.le_min_l, Z.le_min_r, Z.le_max_l, Z.le_max_r.
+ rewrite four_corners_and_zero_eq.
+ exact (@monotone_n_corners_and_zero_genb 2 f ltac:(t_fill) (y, x) (y_bs, x_bs) ltac:(t_fill)).
- Lemma monotone_four_corners_gen
+ Lemma monotoneb_four_corners_gen
(f : Z -> Z -> Z)
- (Hmonotone1 : forall x, Proper (Z.le ==> Z.le) (f x) \/ Proper (Basics.flip Z.le ==> Z.le) (f x))
- (Hmonotone2 : forall y, Proper (Z.le ==> Z.le) (fun x => f x y) \/ Proper (Basics.flip Z.le ==> Z.le) (fun x => f x y))
- x_bs y_bs x y
- (Hboundedx : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None x_bs x)
- (Hboundedy : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None y_bs y)
- : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None (ZRange.four_corners f x_bs y_bs) (f x y).
+ (Hmonotone1 : forall x, Proper (R true ==> Z.le) (fun y => f x y) \/ Proper (R false ==> Z.le) (fun y => f x y))
+ (Hmonotone2 : forall y, Proper (R true ==> Z.le) (fun x => f x y) \/ Proper (R false ==> Z.le) (fun x => f x y))
+ x x_bs y y_bs
+ (Hboundedx : is_bounded_by_bool x x_bs)
+ (Hboundedy : is_bounded_by_bool y y_bs)
+ : is_tighter_than_bool (constant (f x y)) (four_corners f x_bs y_bs).
- eapply monotone_four_corners_genb; auto.
- { intro x'; destruct (Hmonotone1 x'); [ exists true | exists false ]; assumption. }
- { intro x'; destruct (Hmonotone2 x'); [ exists true | exists false ]; assumption. }
+ apply monotone_four_corners_genb'; t_fill.
- Lemma monotone_four_corners
- (b1 b2 : bool)
+ Lemma monotoneb_four_corners_and_zero_gen
(f : Z -> Z -> Z)
- (R1 := if b1 then Z.le else Basics.flip Z.le) (R2 := if b2 then Z.le else Basics.flip Z.le)
- (Hmonotone : Proper (R1 ==> R2 ==> Z.le) f)
- x_bs y_bs x y
- (Hboundedx : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None x_bs x)
- (Hboundedy : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None y_bs y)
- : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None (ZRange.four_corners f x_bs y_bs) (f x y).
+ (Hmonotone1p : forall x, Proper (Rp true ==> Z.le) (fun y => f x (Zpos y)) \/ Proper (Rp false ==> Z.le) (fun y => f x (Zpos y)))
+ (Hmonotone1n : forall x, Proper (Rp true ==> Z.le) (fun y => f x (Zneg y)) \/ Proper (Rp false ==> Z.le) (fun y => f x (Zneg y)))
+ (Hmonotone2p : forall y, Proper (Rp true ==> Z.le) (fun x => f (Zpos x) y) \/ Proper (Rp false ==> Z.le) (fun x => f (Zpos x) y))
+ (Hmonotone2n : forall y, Proper (Rp true ==> Z.le) (fun x => f (Zneg x) y) \/ Proper (Rp false ==> Z.le) (fun x => f (Zneg x) y))
+ x x_bs y y_bs
+ (Hboundedx : is_bounded_by_bool x x_bs)
+ (Hboundedy : is_bounded_by_bool y y_bs)
+ : is_tighter_than_bool (constant (f x y)) (four_corners_and_zero f x_bs y_bs).
- apply monotone_four_corners_genb; auto; intro x'; subst R1 R2;
- [ exists b2 | exists b1 ];
- [ eapply (Hmonotone x' x'); destruct b1; reflexivity
- | intros ???; apply Hmonotone; auto; destruct b2; reflexivity ].
+ apply monotone_four_corners_and_zero_genb'; t_fill.
- Lemma monotone_eight_corners_genb
+ Lemma monotone_eight_corners_genb'
(f : Z -> Z -> Z -> Z)
- (R := fun b : bool => if b then Z.le else Basics.flip Z.le)
- (Hmonotone1 : forall x y, exists b, Proper (R b ==> Z.le) (f x y))
+ (Hmonotone1 : forall x y, exists b, Proper (R b ==> Z.le) (fun z => f x y z))
(Hmonotone2 : forall x z, exists b, Proper (R b ==> Z.le) (fun y => f x y z))
(Hmonotone3 : forall y z, exists b, Proper (R b ==> Z.le) (fun x => f x y z))
- x_bs y_bs z_bs x y z
- (Hboundedx : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None x_bs x)
- (Hboundedy : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None y_bs y)
- (Hboundedz : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None z_bs z)
- : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None (ZRange.eight_corners f x_bs y_bs z_bs) (f x y z).
+ x x_bs y y_bs z z_bs
+ (Hboundedx : is_bounded_by_bool x x_bs)
+ (Hboundedy : is_bounded_by_bool y y_bs)
+ (Hboundedz : is_bounded_by_bool z z_bs)
+ : is_tighter_than_bool (constant (f x y z)) (eight_corners f x_bs y_bs z_bs).
+ Proof.
+ apply (fun pf => @monotone_n_corners_genb 3 f pf (z, y, x) (z_bs, y_bs, x_bs)).
+ all: t_fill.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eight_corners_and_zero_eq f x y z
+ : eight_corners_and_zero f x y z = @n_corners_and_zero 3 f x y z.
- destruct x_bs as [lx ux].
- unfold ZRange.eight_corners; cbn [lower upper].
- pose proof (monotone_four_corners_genb (f lx) (Hmonotone1 _) (Hmonotone2 _) _ _ _ _ Hboundedy Hboundedz) as Hmono_fl.
- pose proof (monotone_four_corners_genb (f ux) (Hmonotone1 _) (Hmonotone2 _) _ _ _ _ Hboundedy Hboundedz) as Hmono_fu.
- repeat match goal with
- | [ |- context[ZRange.four_corners ?x ?y ?z] ]
- => let l := fresh "lf" in
- let u := fresh "uf" in
- generalize dependent (ZRange.four_corners x y z); intros [l u]; intros
- end.
- unfold ZRange.is_bounded_by' in *; simpl in *; split; trivial.
- destruct_head'_and; destruct_head' True.
- pose proof (Hmonotone3 y z).
- destruct_head'_ex.
- repeat match goal with
- | [ H : Proper (R ?b ==> Z.le) (f _ _) |- _ ]
- => unique assert (R b (if b then lz else z) (if b then z else lz)
- /\ R b (if b then z else uz) (if b then uz else z))
- by (unfold R, Basics.flip; destruct b; omega)
- | [ H : Proper (R ?b ==> Z.le) (fun y' => f _ y' _) |- _ ]
- => unique assert (R b (if b then ly else y) (if b then y else ly)
- /\ R b (if b then y else uy) (if b then uy else y))
- by (unfold R, Basics.flip; destruct b; omega)
- | [ H : Proper (R ?b ==> Z.le) (fun x' => f x' _ _) |- _ ]
- => unique assert (R b (if b then lx else x) (if b then x else lx)
- /\ R b (if b then x else ux) (if b then ux else x))
- by (unfold R, Basics.flip; destruct b; omega)
- end.
- destruct_head' and.
- repeat match goal with
- | [ H : Proper (R ?b ==> Z.le) _, H' : R ?b _ _ |- _ ]
- => unique pose proof (H _ _ H')
- end.
- destruct_head bool.
- all: revert_min_max; intros.
- all: (split; [ repeat (etransitivity; [ | eassumption ]) | repeat (etransitivity; [ eassumption | ]) ]).
- all: auto using Z.le_min_l, Z.le_min_r, Z.le_max_l, Z.le_max_r.
+ set (n:=2%nat).
+ cbv [eight_corners_and_zero].
+ cbn [n_corners_and_zero].
+ generalize (fun x => four_corners_and_zero_eq (f x)).
+ subst n.
+ generalize (@four_corners_and_zero) (@n_corners_and_zero 2).
+ t_red.
+ break_innermost_match; intros ?? H; rewrite ?H; reflexivity.
- Lemma monotone_eight_corners
- (b1 b2 b3 : bool)
+ Lemma monotone_eight_corners_and_zero_genb'
(f : Z -> Z -> Z -> Z)
- (R1 := if b1 then Z.le else Basics.flip Z.le)
- (R2 := if b2 then Z.le else Basics.flip Z.le)
- (R3 := if b3 then Z.le else Basics.flip Z.le)
- (Hmonotone : Proper (R1 ==> R2 ==> R3 ==> Z.le) f)
- x_bs y_bs z_bs x y z
- (Hboundedx : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None x_bs x)
- (Hboundedy : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None y_bs y)
- (Hboundedz : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None z_bs z)
- : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None (ZRange.eight_corners f x_bs y_bs z_bs) (f x y z).
+ (Hmonotone1p : forall x y, exists b, Proper (Rp b ==> Z.le) (fun z => f x y (Zpos z)))
+ (Hmonotone1n : forall x y, exists b, Proper (Rp b ==> Z.le) (fun z => f x y (Zneg z)))
+ (Hmonotone2p : forall x z, exists b, Proper (Rp b ==> Z.le) (fun y => f x (Zpos y) z))
+ (Hmonotone2n : forall x z, exists b, Proper (Rp b ==> Z.le) (fun y => f x (Zneg y) z))
+ (Hmonotone3p : forall y z, exists b, Proper (Rp b ==> Z.le) (fun x => f (Zpos x) y z))
+ (Hmonotone3n : forall y z, exists b, Proper (Rp b ==> Z.le) (fun x => f (Zneg x) y z))
+ x x_bs y y_bs z z_bs
+ (Hboundedx : is_bounded_by_bool x x_bs)
+ (Hboundedy : is_bounded_by_bool y y_bs)
+ (Hboundedz : is_bounded_by_bool z z_bs)
+ : is_tighter_than_bool (constant (f x y z)) (eight_corners_and_zero f x_bs y_bs z_bs).
- apply monotone_eight_corners_genb; auto; intro x'; subst R1 R2 R3;
- [ exists b3 | exists b2 | exists b1 ];
- intros ???; apply Hmonotone; break_innermost_match; try reflexivity; trivial.
+ rewrite eight_corners_and_zero_eq.
+ exact (@monotone_n_corners_and_zero_genb 3 f ltac:(t_fill) (z, y, x) (z_bs, y_bs, x_bs) ltac:(t_fill)).
- Lemma monotonify2 (f : Z -> Z -> Z) (upper : Z -> Z -> Z)
- (Hbounded : forall a b, Z.abs (f a b) <= upper (Z.abs a) (Z.abs b))
- (Hupper_monotone : Proper (Z.le ==> Z.le ==> Z.le) upper)
- {xb yb x y}
- (Hboundedx : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None xb x)
- (Hboundedy : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None yb y)
- (abs_x := ZRange.upper (ZRange.abs xb))
- (abs_y := ZRange.upper (ZRange.abs yb))
- : ZRange.is_bounded_by'
- None
- {| ZRange.lower := -upper abs_x abs_y;
- ZRange.upper := upper abs_x abs_y |}
- (f x y).
+ Lemma monotoneb_eight_corners_gen
+ (f : Z -> Z -> Z -> Z)
+ (Hmonotone1 : forall x y, Proper (R true ==> Z.le) (fun z => f x y z) \/ Proper (R false ==> Z.le) (fun z => f x y z))
+ (Hmonotone2 : forall x z, Proper (R true ==> Z.le) (fun y => f x y z) \/ Proper (R false ==> Z.le) (fun y => f x y z))
+ (Hmonotone3 : forall y z, Proper (R true ==> Z.le) (fun x => f x y z) \/ Proper (R false ==> Z.le) (fun x => f x y z))
+ x x_bs y y_bs z z_bs
+ (Hboundedx : is_bounded_by_bool x x_bs)
+ (Hboundedy : is_bounded_by_bool y y_bs)
+ (Hboundedz : is_bounded_by_bool z z_bs)
+ : is_tighter_than_bool (constant (f x y z)) (eight_corners f x_bs y_bs z_bs).
- split; [ | exact I ]; subst abs_x abs_y; simpl.
- apply Z.abs_le.
- destruct Hboundedx as [Hx _], Hboundedy as [Hy _].
- etransitivity; [ apply Hbounded | ].
- apply Hupper_monotone;
- unfold ZRange.abs;
- repeat (apply Z.max_case_strong || apply Zabs_ind); omega.
+ apply monotone_eight_corners_genb'; t_fill.
+ Lemma monotoneb_eight_corners_and_zero_gen
+ (f : Z -> Z -> Z -> Z)
+ (Hmonotone1p : forall x y, Proper (Rp true ==> Z.le) (fun z => f x y (Zpos z)) \/ Proper (Rp false ==> Z.le) (fun z => f x y (Zpos z)))
+ (Hmonotone1n : forall x y, Proper (Rp true ==> Z.le) (fun z => f x y (Zneg z)) \/ Proper (Rp false ==> Z.le) (fun z => f x y (Zneg z)))
+ (Hmonotone2p : forall x z, Proper (Rp true ==> Z.le) (fun y => f x (Zpos y) z) \/ Proper (Rp false ==> Z.le) (fun y => f x (Zpos y) z))
+ (Hmonotone2n : forall x z, Proper (Rp true ==> Z.le) (fun y => f x (Zneg y) z) \/ Proper (Rp false ==> Z.le) (fun y => f x (Zneg y) z))
+ (Hmonotone3p : forall y z, Proper (Rp true ==> Z.le) (fun x => f (Zpos x) y z) \/ Proper (Rp false ==> Z.le) (fun x => f (Zpos x) y z))
+ (Hmonotone3n : forall y z, Proper (Rp true ==> Z.le) (fun x => f (Zneg x) y z) \/ Proper (Rp false ==> Z.le) (fun x => f (Zneg x) y z))
+ x x_bs y y_bs z z_bs
+ (Hboundedx : is_bounded_by_bool x x_bs)
+ (Hboundedy : is_bounded_by_bool y y_bs)
+ (Hboundedz : is_bounded_by_bool z z_bs)
+ : is_tighter_than_bool (constant (f x y z)) (eight_corners_and_zero f x_bs y_bs z_bs).
+ Proof.
+ apply monotone_eight_corners_and_zero_genb'; t_fill.
+ Qed.
+ Section legacy.
+ (** TODO: When we move to the new pipeline, remove this *)
+ Lemma monotone_two_corners_genb
+ (f : Z -> Z)
+ (Hmonotone : exists b, Proper (R b ==> Z.le) f)
+ x_bs x
+ (Hboundedx : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None x_bs x)
+ : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None (two_corners f x_bs) (f x).
+ Proof.
+ pose proof (monotone_two_corners_genb' f Hmonotone x_bs x) as H.
+ cbv [constant is_bounded_by' is_bounded_by_bool is_true is_tighter_than_bool] in *.
+ cbn [upper lower] in *.
+ rewrite ?Bool.andb_true_iff, ?Z.leb_le_iff in *.
+ tauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma monotone_two_corners_gen
+ (f : Z -> Z)
+ (Hmonotone : Proper (Z.le ==> Z.le) f \/ Proper (Basics.flip Z.le ==> Z.le) f)
+ x_bs x
+ (Hboundedx : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None x_bs x)
+ : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None (ZRange.two_corners f x_bs) (f x).
+ Proof.
+ eapply monotone_two_corners_genb; auto.
+ destruct Hmonotone; [ exists true | exists false ]; assumption.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma monotone_two_corners
+ (b : bool)
+ (f : Z -> Z)
+ (Hmonotone : Proper (R b ==> Z.le) f)
+ x_bs x
+ (Hboundedx : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None x_bs x)
+ : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None (ZRange.two_corners f x_bs) (f x).
+ Proof.
+ apply monotone_two_corners_genb; auto;
+ exists b.
+ intros ???; apply Hmonotone; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma monotone_four_corners_genb
+ (f : Z -> Z -> Z)
+ (Hmonotone1 : forall x, exists b, Proper (R b ==> Z.le) (f x))
+ (Hmonotone2 : forall y, exists b, Proper (R b ==> Z.le) (fun x => f x y))
+ x_bs y_bs x y
+ (Hboundedx : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None x_bs x)
+ (Hboundedy : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None y_bs y)
+ : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None (ZRange.four_corners f x_bs y_bs) (f x y).
+ Proof.
+ destruct x_bs as [lx ux].
+ pose proof (monotone_two_corners_genb (f lx) (Hmonotone1 _) _ _ Hboundedy) as Hmono_fl.
+ pose proof (monotone_two_corners_genb (f ux) (Hmonotone1 _) _ _ Hboundedy) as Hmono_fu.
+ unfold ZRange.is_bounded_by', union in *; simpl in *; split; trivial.
+ destruct_head'_and; destruct_head' True.
+ pose proof (Hmonotone2 y).
+ destruct_head'_ex.
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ H : Proper (R ?b ==> Z.le) (f _) |- _ ]
+ => unique assert (R b (if b then ly else y) (if b then y else ly)
+ /\ R b (if b then y else uy) (if b then uy else y))
+ by (unfold Basics.flip; destruct b; omega)
+ | [ H : Proper (R ?b ==> Z.le) (fun x => f x _) |- _ ]
+ => unique assert (R b (if b then lx else x) (if b then x else lx)
+ /\ R b (if b then x else ux) (if b then ux else x))
+ by (unfold Basics.flip; destruct b; omega)
+ end.
+ destruct_head' and.
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ H : Proper (R ?b ==> Z.le) _, H' : R ?b _ _ |- _ ]
+ => unique pose proof (H _ _ H')
+ end; cbv beta in *.
+ destruct_head bool.
+ all: revert_min_max; intros.
+ all: (split; [ repeat (etransitivity; [ | eassumption ]) | repeat (etransitivity; [ eassumption | ]) ]).
+ all: auto using Z.le_min_l, Z.le_min_r, Z.le_max_l, Z.le_max_r.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma monotone_four_corners_gen
+ (f : Z -> Z -> Z)
+ (Hmonotone1 : forall x, Proper (Z.le ==> Z.le) (f x) \/ Proper (Basics.flip Z.le ==> Z.le) (f x))
+ (Hmonotone2 : forall y, Proper (Z.le ==> Z.le) (fun x => f x y) \/ Proper (Basics.flip Z.le ==> Z.le) (fun x => f x y))
+ x_bs y_bs x y
+ (Hboundedx : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None x_bs x)
+ (Hboundedy : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None y_bs y)
+ : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None (ZRange.four_corners f x_bs y_bs) (f x y).
+ Proof.
+ eapply monotone_four_corners_genb; auto.
+ { intro x'; destruct (Hmonotone1 x'); [ exists true | exists false ]; assumption. }
+ { intro x'; destruct (Hmonotone2 x'); [ exists true | exists false ]; assumption. }
+ Qed.
+ Lemma monotone_four_corners
+ (b1 b2 : bool)
+ (f : Z -> Z -> Z)
+ (R1 := if b1 then Z.le else Basics.flip Z.le) (R2 := if b2 then Z.le else Basics.flip Z.le)
+ (Hmonotone : Proper (R1 ==> R2 ==> Z.le) f)
+ x_bs y_bs x y
+ (Hboundedx : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None x_bs x)
+ (Hboundedy : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None y_bs y)
+ : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None (ZRange.four_corners f x_bs y_bs) (f x y).
+ Proof.
+ apply monotone_four_corners_genb; auto; intro x'; subst R1 R2;
+ [ exists b2 | exists b1 ];
+ [ eapply (Hmonotone x' x'); destruct b1; reflexivity
+ | intros ???; apply Hmonotone; auto; destruct b2; reflexivity ].
+ Qed.
+ Lemma monotone_eight_corners_genb
+ (f : Z -> Z -> Z -> Z)
+ (Hmonotone1 : forall x y, exists b, Proper (R b ==> Z.le) (f x y))
+ (Hmonotone2 : forall x z, exists b, Proper (R b ==> Z.le) (fun y => f x y z))
+ (Hmonotone3 : forall y z, exists b, Proper (R b ==> Z.le) (fun x => f x y z))
+ x_bs y_bs z_bs x y z
+ (Hboundedx : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None x_bs x)
+ (Hboundedy : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None y_bs y)
+ (Hboundedz : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None z_bs z)
+ : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None (ZRange.eight_corners f x_bs y_bs z_bs) (f x y z).
+ Proof.
+ destruct x_bs as [lx ux].
+ unfold ZRange.eight_corners; cbn [lower upper].
+ pose proof (monotone_four_corners_genb (f lx) (Hmonotone1 _) (Hmonotone2 _) _ _ _ _ Hboundedy Hboundedz) as Hmono_fl.
+ pose proof (monotone_four_corners_genb (f ux) (Hmonotone1 _) (Hmonotone2 _) _ _ _ _ Hboundedy Hboundedz) as Hmono_fu.
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ |- context[ZRange.four_corners ?x ?y ?z] ]
+ => let l := fresh "lf" in
+ let u := fresh "uf" in
+ generalize dependent (ZRange.four_corners x y z); intros [l u]; intros
+ end.
+ unfold ZRange.is_bounded_by' in *; simpl in *; split; trivial.
+ destruct_head'_and; destruct_head' True.
+ pose proof (Hmonotone3 y z).
+ destruct_head'_ex.
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ H : Proper (R ?b ==> Z.le) (f _ _) |- _ ]
+ => unique assert (R b (if b then lz else z) (if b then z else lz)
+ /\ R b (if b then z else uz) (if b then uz else z))
+ by (unfold Basics.flip; destruct b; omega)
+ | [ H : Proper (R ?b ==> Z.le) (fun y' => f _ y' _) |- _ ]
+ => unique assert (R b (if b then ly else y) (if b then y else ly)
+ /\ R b (if b then y else uy) (if b then uy else y))
+ by (unfold Basics.flip; destruct b; omega)
+ | [ H : Proper (R ?b ==> Z.le) (fun x' => f x' _ _) |- _ ]
+ => unique assert (R b (if b then lx else x) (if b then x else lx)
+ /\ R b (if b then x else ux) (if b then ux else x))
+ by (unfold Basics.flip; destruct b; omega)
+ end.
+ destruct_head' and.
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ H : Proper (R ?b ==> Z.le) _, H' : R ?b _ _ |- _ ]
+ => unique pose proof (H _ _ H')
+ end.
+ destruct_head bool.
+ all: revert_min_max; intros.
+ all: (split; [ repeat (etransitivity; [ | eassumption ]) | repeat (etransitivity; [ eassumption | ]) ]).
+ all: auto using Z.le_min_l, Z.le_min_r, Z.le_max_l, Z.le_max_r.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma monotone_eight_corners
+ (b1 b2 b3 : bool)
+ (f : Z -> Z -> Z -> Z)
+ (R1 := if b1 then Z.le else Basics.flip Z.le)
+ (R2 := if b2 then Z.le else Basics.flip Z.le)
+ (R3 := if b3 then Z.le else Basics.flip Z.le)
+ (Hmonotone : Proper (R1 ==> R2 ==> R3 ==> Z.le) f)
+ x_bs y_bs z_bs x y z
+ (Hboundedx : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None x_bs x)
+ (Hboundedy : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None y_bs y)
+ (Hboundedz : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None z_bs z)
+ : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None (ZRange.eight_corners f x_bs y_bs z_bs) (f x y z).
+ Proof.
+ apply monotone_eight_corners_genb; auto; intro x'; subst R1 R2 R3;
+ [ exists b3 | exists b2 | exists b1 ];
+ intros ???; apply Hmonotone; break_innermost_match; try reflexivity; trivial.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma monotonify2 (f : Z -> Z -> Z) (upper : Z -> Z -> Z)
+ (Hbounded : forall a b, Z.abs (f a b) <= upper (Z.abs a) (Z.abs b))
+ (Hupper_monotone : Proper (Z.le ==> Z.le ==> Z.le) upper)
+ {xb yb x y}
+ (Hboundedx : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None xb x)
+ (Hboundedy : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None yb y)
+ (abs_x := ZRange.upper (ZRange.abs xb))
+ (abs_y := ZRange.upper (ZRange.abs yb))
+ : ZRange.is_bounded_by'
+ None
+ {| ZRange.lower := -upper abs_x abs_y;
+ ZRange.upper := upper abs_x abs_y |}
+ (f x y).
+ Proof.
+ split; [ | exact I ]; subst abs_x abs_y; simpl.
+ apply Z.abs_le.
+ destruct Hboundedx as [Hx _], Hboundedy as [Hy _].
+ etransitivity; [ apply Hbounded | ].
+ apply Hupper_monotone;
+ unfold ZRange.abs;
+ repeat (apply Z.max_case_strong || apply Zabs_ind); omega.
+ Qed.
+ End legacy.
End ZRange.