path: root/src/Util/Strings
diff options
authorGravatar Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>2019-01-13 04:42:03 -0500
committerGravatar Jason Gross <jasongross9@gmail.com>2019-01-14 11:25:10 -0800
commit08222f8c6228eaf3a6be44c4dbdca066813efd8c (patch)
tree437fe03546bdfff932bad932904264cadc93effb /src/Util/Strings
parentfa3ae820b785c2d98248bf805c76acfd7cc47e17 (diff)
Autocompute s and c in WBW Montgomery
This allows us to support primes which are not a power of 2. We also add p484 as an example. To support this, I added a small parser combinator library which can parse arithmetic expressions involving `()^*/+-` and decimal digits. Closes #486 Closes #342 After | File Name | Before || Change | % Change -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22m14.42s | Total | 12m14.76s || +9m59.65s | +81.61% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9m41.91s | p484_32.c | N/A || +9m41.90s | ∞ 0m11.51s | p484_64.c | N/A || +0m11.50s | ∞ 3m16.22s | p384_32.c | 3m12.02s || +0m04.19s | +2.18% 4m12.18s | PushButtonSynthesis.vo | 4m10.16s || +0m02.02s | +0.80% 0m45.08s | ExtractionHaskell/word_by_word_montgomery | 0m45.24s || -0m00.16s | -0.35% 0m38.14s | p521_32.c | 0m38.12s || +0m00.02s | +0.05% 0m31.80s | p521_64.c | 0m31.78s || +0m00.01s | +0.06% 0m31.09s | ExtractionHaskell/unsaturated_solinas | 0m30.77s || +0m00.32s | +1.03% 0m24.18s | ExtractionHaskell/saturated_solinas | 0m24.21s || -0m00.03s | -0.12% 0m17.38s | ExtractionOCaml/word_by_word_montgomery | 0m17.35s || +0m00.02s | +0.17% 0m13.39s | secp256k1_32.c | 0m13.59s || -0m00.19s | -1.47% 0m13.14s | p256_32.c | 0m13.04s || +0m00.10s | +0.76% 0m10.58s | ExtractionOCaml/unsaturated_solinas | 0m10.73s || -0m00.15s | -1.39% 0m10.23s | ExtractionOCaml/word_by_word_montgomery.ml | 0m10.34s || -0m00.10s | -1.06% 0m07.88s | ExtractionOCaml/saturated_solinas | 0m07.94s || -0m00.06s | -0.75% 0m06.78s | ExtractionOCaml/unsaturated_solinas.ml | 0m06.86s || -0m00.08s | -1.16% 0m06.28s | ExtractionHaskell/word_by_word_montgomery.hs | 0m06.42s || -0m00.13s | -2.18% 0m06.00s | p224_32.c | 0m05.97s || +0m00.03s | +0.50% 0m05.50s | p384_64.c | 0m05.35s || +0m00.15s | +2.80% 0m05.28s | ExtractionOCaml/saturated_solinas.ml | 0m05.08s || +0m00.20s | +3.93% 0m05.10s | ExtractionHaskell/unsaturated_solinas.hs | 0m04.98s || +0m00.11s | +2.40% 0m04.12s | ExtractionHaskell/saturated_solinas.hs | 0m04.15s || -0m00.03s | -0.72% 0m02.14s | curve25519_32.c | 0m02.28s || -0m00.13s | -6.14% 0m01.44s | CLI.vo | 0m01.42s || +0m00.02s | +1.40% 0m01.44s | curve25519_64.c | 0m01.57s || -0m00.13s | -8.28% 0m01.14s | StandaloneOCamlMain.vo | 0m01.11s || +0m00.02s | +2.70% 0m01.12s | p256_64.c | 0m00.98s || +0m00.14s | +14.28% 0m01.11s | StandaloneHaskellMain.vo | 0m01.17s || -0m00.05s | -5.12% 0m01.03s | secp256k1_64.c | 0m01.15s || -0m00.11s | -10.43% 0m01.02s | p224_64.c | 0m00.99s || +0m00.03s | +3.03% 0m00.21s | Util/Strings/ParseArithmetic.vo | N/A || +0m00.21s | ∞
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Util/Strings')
1 files changed, 194 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Util/Strings/ParseArithmetic.v b/src/Util/Strings/ParseArithmetic.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2ae6ea347
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Util/Strings/ParseArithmetic.v
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+Require Import Coq.Strings.Ascii Coq.Strings.String Coq.Lists.List.
+Require Import Coq.Numbers.BinNums.
+Require Import Coq.ZArith.BinInt.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Option.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Strings.Equality.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Strings.Decimal.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations.
+Import ListNotations.
+Import BinPosDef.
+Local Open Scope option_scope.
+Local Open Scope list_scope.
+Local Open Scope char_scope.
+Local Open Scope string_scope.
+Definition is_num (ch : ascii) : bool
+ := (ascii_beq ch "0"
+ || ascii_beq ch "1"
+ || ascii_beq ch "2"
+ || ascii_beq ch "3"
+ || ascii_beq ch "4"
+ || ascii_beq ch "5"
+ || ascii_beq ch "6"
+ || ascii_beq ch "7"
+ || ascii_beq ch "8"
+ || ascii_beq ch "9")%bool.
+Fixpoint split_before_first (f : ascii -> bool) (s : string) : string * string
+ := match s with
+ | EmptyString => (EmptyString, EmptyString)
+ | String ch rest
+ => if f ch
+ then (EmptyString, s)
+ else let '(s1, s2) := split_before_first f rest in
+ (String ch s1, s2)
+ end.
+Definition parse_N (s : string) : option (N * string)
+ := let '(n, rest) := split_before_first (fun ch => negb (is_num ch)) s in
+ match Z_of_decimal_string n, Nat.eqb (String.length n) 0 with
+ | Zneg _, _ | _, true => None
+ | Z0, _ => Some (N0, rest)
+ | Zpos p, _ => Some (Npos p, rest)
+ end.
+Definition parse_ch {T} (ls : list (ascii * T)) (s : string) : option (T * string)
+ := match s with
+ | EmptyString => None
+ | String ch s
+ => List.fold_right
+ (fun '(ch', t) default
+ => if ascii_beq ch ch' then Some (t, s) else default)
+ None
+ ls
+ end.
+Inductive plus_or_minus := PLUS | MINUS.
+Inductive mul_or_div := MUL | DIV.
+Definition parse_plus_or_minus := parse_ch [("+", PLUS); ("-", MINUS)]%char.
+Definition parse_mul_or_div := parse_ch [("*", MUL); ("/", DIV)]%char.
+Definition parse_open := parse_ch [("(", tt)]%char.
+Definition parse_close := parse_ch [(")", tt)]%char.
+Definition parse_pow := parse_ch [("^", tt)]%char.
+Delimit Scope parse_scope with parse.
+Definition maybe_parse {A} (parse : string -> option (A * string))
+ (s : string)
+ : option (option A * string)
+ := Some match parse s with
+ | Some (a, rest) => (Some a, rest)
+ | None => (None, s)
+ end.
+Global Arguments maybe_parse {A%type} parse%parse s%string.
+Definition bind_parse {A B} (parse_A : string -> option (A * string))
+ (parse_B : A -> string -> option (B * string))
+ (s : string)
+ : option (B * string)
+ := (a <- parse_A s;
+ let '(a, s) := a in
+ parse_B a s).
+Global Arguments bind_parse {A B}%type (parse_A parse_B)%parse s%string.
+Definition ret {A} (a : A) (s : string) : option (A * string)
+ := Some (a, s).
+Definition orelse {A}
+ (parse parse' : string -> option (A * string))
+ (s : string)
+ : option (A * string)
+ := match parse s with
+ | Some v => Some v
+ | None => parse' s
+ end.
+Global Arguments orelse {A%type} (parse parse')%parse s%string.
+Local Open Scope parse_scope.
+Notation "a <- parse_A ; parse_B" := (bind_parse parse_A%parse (fun a => parse_B%parse)) : parse_scope.
+Notation "?" := maybe_parse : parse_scope.
+Infix "||" := orelse : parse_scope.
+Fixpoint parse_Z (s : string) : option (Z * string)
+ := match s with
+ | String ch rest
+ => if ascii_beq ch "+"
+ then parse_Z rest
+ else if ascii_beq ch "-"
+ then match parse_Z rest with
+ | Some (z, s) => Some (-z, s)%Z
+ | None => None
+ end
+ else match parse_N s with
+ | Some (v, s) => Some (Z.of_N v, s)
+ | None => None
+ end
+ | EmptyString => None
+ end.
+Fixpoint parseZ_op_fueled
+ (ops : list (ascii * (Z -> Z -> Z)))
+ (prev_parse : string -> option (Z * string))
+ (fuel : nat) (acc : Z) : string -> option (Z * string)
+ := match fuel with
+ | O => ret acc
+ | S fuel'
+ => (op <- parse_ch ops;
+ z <- prev_parse;
+ let acc := op acc z in
+ parseZ_op_fueled ops prev_parse fuel' acc)
+ || ret acc
+ end.
+Definition parseZ_op_from_acc
+ (ops : list (ascii * (Z -> Z -> Z)))
+ (prev_parse : string -> option (Z * string))
+ (acc : Z) (s : string) : option (Z * string)
+ := parseZ_op_fueled ops prev_parse (String.length s) acc s.
+Definition parseZ_op
+ (ops : list (ascii * (Z -> Z -> Z)))
+ (prev_parse : string -> option (Z * string))
+ : string -> option (Z * string)
+ := acc <- prev_parse;
+ parseZ_op_from_acc ops prev_parse acc.
+Fixpoint parseZ_parens_fueled
+ (prev_parse : string -> option (Z * string))
+ (fuel : nat) : string -> option (Z * string)
+ := match fuel with
+ | O => fun _ => None
+ | S fuel'
+ => ((_ <- parse_open;
+ z <- prev_parse;
+ _ <- parse_close;
+ ret z)
+ || parse_Z)
+ end.
+Section step.
+ Context (parseZ : string -> option (Z * string)).
+ Definition parseZ_parens (s : string) : option (Z * string)
+ := parseZ_parens_fueled parseZ (String.length s) s.
+ Definition parseZ_exp : string -> option (Z * string)
+ := parseZ_op [("^", Z.pow)]%char parseZ_parens.
+ Definition parseZ_mul_div : string -> option (Z * string)
+ := parseZ_op [("*", Z.mul); ("/", Z.div)]%char parseZ_exp.
+ Definition parseZ_add_sub : string -> option (Z * string)
+ := parseZ_op [("+", Z.add); ("-", Z.sub)]%char parseZ_mul_div.
+End step.
+Fixpoint parseZ_arith_fueled (fuel : nat) : string -> option (Z * string)
+ := match fuel with
+ | O => parseZ_add_sub parse_Z
+ | S fuel' => parseZ_add_sub (parseZ_arith_fueled fuel')
+ end.
+Definition parseZ_arith_prefix (s : string) : option (Z * string)
+ := parseZ_arith_fueled (String.length s) s.
+Fixpoint remove_spaces (s : string) : string
+ := match s with
+ | EmptyString => EmptyString
+ | String ch s
+ => let s' := remove_spaces s in
+ if ascii_beq ch " " then s' else String ch s'
+ end.
+Definition parseZ_arith (s : string) : option Z
+ := match parseZ_arith_prefix (remove_spaces s) with
+ | Some (z, EmptyString) => Some z
+ | _ => None
+ end.