path: root/src/Util/Strings/OctalString.v
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authorGravatar Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>2018-04-09 14:08:39 -0400
committerGravatar Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>2018-04-09 14:08:39 -0400
commitccc79730a7585a3ce952c27d347b194562f4f473 (patch)
treedffe9ee88b51037c9a53afe5d5c029a45b3c4168 /src/Util/Strings/OctalString.v
parente2bf39c696a8ecc35c6d9b31011f54854ec3142a (diff)
Update number/string conversions
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Util/Strings/OctalString.v')
1 files changed, 171 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Util/Strings/OctalString.v b/src/Util/Strings/OctalString.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e771ad592
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Util/Strings/OctalString.v
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+Require Import Coq.Strings.Ascii Coq.Strings.String.
+Require Import Coq.Numbers.BinNums.
+Import BinNatDef.
+Import BinIntDef.
+Import BinPosDef.
+Local Open Scope positive_scope.
+Local Open Scope string_scope.
+Definition ascii_to_digit (ch : ascii) : option N
+ := (if ascii_dec ch "0" then Some 0
+ else if ascii_dec ch "1" then Some 1
+ else if ascii_dec ch "2" then Some 2
+ else if ascii_dec ch "3" then Some 3
+ else if ascii_dec ch "4" then Some 4
+ else if ascii_dec ch "5" then Some 5
+ else if ascii_dec ch "6" then Some 6
+ else if ascii_dec ch "7" then Some 7
+ else None)%N.
+Fixpoint pos_oct_app (p q:positive) : positive :=
+ match q with
+ | 1 => p~0~0~1
+ | 2 => p~0~1~0
+ | 3 => p~0~1~1
+ | 4 => p~1~0~0
+ | 5 => p~1~0~1
+ | 6 => p~1~1~0
+ | 7 => p~1~1~1
+ | q~0~0~0 => (pos_oct_app p q)~0~0~0
+ | q~0~0~1 => (pos_oct_app p q)~0~0~1
+ | q~0~1~0 => (pos_oct_app p q)~0~1~0
+ | q~0~1~1 => (pos_oct_app p q)~0~1~1
+ | q~1~0~0 => (pos_oct_app p q)~1~0~0
+ | q~1~0~1 => (pos_oct_app p q)~1~0~1
+ | q~1~1~0 => (pos_oct_app p q)~1~1~0
+ | q~1~1~1 => (pos_oct_app p q)~1~1~1
+ end.
+Module Raw.
+ Fixpoint of_pos (p : positive) (rest : string) : string
+ := match p with
+ | 1 => String "1" rest
+ | 2 => String "2" rest
+ | 3 => String "3" rest
+ | 4 => String "4" rest
+ | 5 => String "5" rest
+ | 6 => String "6" rest
+ | 7 => String "7" rest
+ | p'~0~0~0 => of_pos p' (String "0" rest)
+ | p'~0~0~1 => of_pos p' (String "1" rest)
+ | p'~0~1~0 => of_pos p' (String "2" rest)
+ | p'~0~1~1 => of_pos p' (String "3" rest)
+ | p'~1~0~0 => of_pos p' (String "4" rest)
+ | p'~1~0~1 => of_pos p' (String "5" rest)
+ | p'~1~1~0 => of_pos p' (String "6" rest)
+ | p'~1~1~1 => of_pos p' (String "7" rest)
+ end.
+ Fixpoint to_N (s : string) (rest : N)
+ : N
+ := match s with
+ | "" => rest
+ | String ch s'
+ => to_N
+ s'
+ match ascii_to_digit ch with
+ | Some v => N.add v (N.mul 8 rest)
+ | None => N0
+ end
+ end.
+ Fixpoint to_N_of_pos (p : positive) (rest : string) (base : N)
+ : to_N (of_pos p rest) base
+ = to_N rest match base with
+ | N0 => N.pos p
+ | Npos v => Npos (pos_oct_app v p)
+ end.
+ Proof.
+ do 3 try destruct p as [p|p|]; destruct base; try reflexivity;
+ cbn; rewrite to_N_of_pos; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+End Raw.
+Definition of_pos (p : positive) : string
+ := String "0" (String "o" (Raw.of_pos p "")).
+Definition of_N (n : N) : string
+ := match n with
+ | N0 => "0o0"
+ | Npos p => of_pos p
+ end.
+Definition of_Z (z : Z) : string
+ := match z with
+ | Zneg p => String "-" (of_pos p)
+ | Z0 => "0o0"
+ | Zpos p => of_pos p
+ end.
+Definition of_nat (n : nat) : string
+ := of_N (N.of_nat n).
+Definition to_N (s : string) : N
+ := match s with
+ | String s0 (String so s)
+ => if ascii_dec s0 "0"
+ then if ascii_dec so "o"
+ then Raw.to_N s N0
+ else N0
+ else N0
+ | _ => N0
+ end.
+Definition to_pos (s : string) : positive
+ := match to_N s with
+ | N0 => 1
+ | Npos p => p
+ end.
+Definition to_Z (s : string) : Z
+ := let '(is_neg, n) := match s with
+ | String s0 s'
+ => if ascii_dec s0 "-"
+ then (true, to_N s')
+ else (false, to_N s)
+ | EmptyString => (false, to_N s)
+ end in
+ match n with
+ | N0 => Z0
+ | Npos p => if is_neg then Zneg p else Zpos p
+ end.
+Definition to_nat (s : string) : nat
+ := N.to_nat (to_N s).
+Lemma to_N_of_N (n : N)
+ : to_N (of_N n)
+ = n.
+ destruct n; [ reflexivity | apply Raw.to_N_of_pos ].
+Lemma to_Z_of_Z (z : Z)
+ : to_Z (of_Z z)
+ = z.
+ cbv [of_Z to_Z]; destruct z as [|z|z]; cbn;
+ try reflexivity;
+ rewrite Raw.to_N_of_pos; cbn; reflexivity.
+Lemma to_nat_of_nat (n : nat)
+ : to_nat (of_nat n)
+ = n.
+ cbv [to_nat of_nat];
+ rewrite to_N_of_N, Nnat.Nat2N.id; reflexivity.
+Lemma to_pos_of_pos (p : positive)
+ : to_pos (of_pos p)
+ = p.
+ cbv [of_pos to_pos to_N]; cbn;
+ rewrite Raw.to_N_of_pos; cbn; reflexivity.
+Example of_pos_1 : of_pos 1 = "0o1" := eq_refl.
+Example of_pos_2 : of_pos 2 = "0o2" := eq_refl.
+Example of_pos_3 : of_pos 3 = "0o3" := eq_refl.
+Example of_pos_7 : of_pos 7 = "0o7" := eq_refl.
+Example of_pos_8 : of_pos 8 = "0o10" := eq_refl.
+Example of_N_0 : of_N 0 = "0o0" := eq_refl.
+Example of_Z_0 : of_Z 0 = "0o0" := eq_refl.
+Example of_Z_m1 : of_Z (-1) = "-0o1" := eq_refl.
+Example of_nat_0 : of_nat 0 = "0o0" := eq_refl.