path: root/src/Util/NumTheoryUtil.v
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authorGravatar Jade Philipoom <jadep@mit.edu>2016-01-20 15:54:08 -0500
committerGravatar Jade Philipoom <jadep@mit.edu>2016-01-20 15:54:08 -0500
commit8b3728b68ea21e0cfedfc4eff7fa15830e84bdf1 (patch)
tree500975efd44b8b78985f8489b6cc5180fceaab0f /src/Util/NumTheoryUtil.v
parent40750bf32318eb8d93e9537083e4288e55b2555e (diff)
Import coqprime; use it to prove Euler's criterion.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Util/NumTheoryUtil.v')
1 files changed, 101 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/src/Util/NumTheoryUtil.v b/src/Util/NumTheoryUtil.v
index 55caf1e20..251f120b0 100644
--- a/src/Util/NumTheoryUtil.v
+++ b/src/Util/NumTheoryUtil.v
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
Require Import Zpower Znumtheory ZArith.ZArith ZArith.Zdiv.
Require Import Omega NPeano Arith.
Require Import Crypto.Util.NatUtil Crypto.Util.ZUtil.
+Require Import Coqprime.Zp.
Require Import VerdiTactics.
Local Open Scope Z.
@@ -95,7 +96,7 @@ Proof.
rewrite H1 in H6.
Fixpoint order_mod' y p i r :=
match i with
| O => r
@@ -241,12 +242,13 @@ Proof.
-Lemma order_mod_divide : forall x y p (prime_p : prime p), 1 <= x ->
+Lemma order_mod_divide : forall x y p (prime_p : prime p), 0 <= x ->
y ^ x mod p = 1 -> (order_mod y p | x).
pose proof (order_mod_bounds y p prime_p).
- apply pow_mod_order in H0; auto.
+ destruct (Z.eq_dec x 0); [subst; apply Z.divide_0_r|].
+ apply pow_mod_order in H0; (omega || auto).
assert (0 < order_mod y p) by omega.
apply (Z.mod_pos_bound x _) in H2.
pose proof (Z.nonpos_pos_cases (x mod order_mod y p)).
@@ -260,14 +262,77 @@ Proof.
-Lemma primitive_root_prime : forall p (prime_p : prime p),
- exists y, 1 <= y <= p - 1 /\ order_mod y p = p - 1.
+Lemma e_order_order_mod : forall y p (prime_p : prime p) (lt_1_p : 1 < p),
+ EGroup.e_order Z.eq_dec y (ZPGroup p lt_1_p) = FGroup.g_order (ZPGroup p lt_1_p)
+ -> order_mod y p = p - 1.
-Lemma exists_primitive_root_power : forall x y p (prime_p : prime p),
- order_mod y p = p - 1 -> exists j, 1 <= j <= p - 1 /\ y ^ j mod p = x mod p.
+Lemma in_ZPGroup_range (n : Z) (n_pos : 1 < n) (p : Z) :
+ List.In p (FGroup.s (ZPGroup n n_pos)) -> 1 <= p < n.
+unfold ZPGroup; simpl; intros Hin.
+pose proof (IGroup.isupport_incl Z (pmult n) (mkZp n) 1 Z.eq_dec).
+unfold List.incl in *.
+specialize (H p Hin).
+apply in_mkZp in H; auto.
+destruct (Z.eq_dec p 0); try subst.
+apply IGroup.isupport_is_inv_true in Hin.
+rewrite rel_prime_is_inv in Hin by auto.
+pose proof (not_rel_prime_0 n n_pos).
+destruct (rel_prime_dec 0 n) in Hin; try congruence.
+Lemma generator_subgroup_is_group p (lt_1_p : 1 < p): forall y,
+ (List.In y (FGroup.s (ZPGroup p lt_1_p))
+ /\ EGroup.e_order Z.eq_dec y (ZPGroup p lt_1_p) = FGroup.g_order (ZPGroup p lt_1_p))
+ -> forall a, List.In a (FGroup.s (ZPGroup p lt_1_p)) ->
+ List.In a (EGroup.support Z.eq_dec y (ZPGroup p lt_1_p)).
+ intros.
+ destruct H as [in_ZPGroup_y y_order].
+ pose proof (EGroup.support_incl_G Z Z.eq_dec (pmult p) y (ZPGroup p lt_1_p) in_ZPGroup_y).
+ eapply Permutation.permutation_in; [|eauto].
+ apply Permutation.permutation_sym.
+ eapply UList.ulist_eq_permutation; try apply EGroup.support_ulist; eauto.
+ unfold EGroup.e_order, FGroup.g_order in y_order.
+ apply Nat2Z.inj in y_order.
+ auto.
+Lemma exists_primitive_root_power : forall p (prime_p : prime p) (lt_1_p : 1 < p)
+ (p_odd : p <> 2) (* This is provable for p = 2, but we are lazy. *),
+ (exists y, List.In y (FGroup.s (ZPGroup p lt_1_p))
+ /\ EGroup.e_order Z.eq_dec y (ZPGroup p lt_1_p) = FGroup.g_order (ZPGroup p lt_1_p)
+ /\ (forall x (x_range : 1 <= x <= p - 1), exists j, 0 <= j <= p - 1 /\ y ^ j mod p = x)).
+ intros.
+ destruct (Zp_cyclic p lt_1_p prime_p) as [y [y_in_ZPGroup y_order]].
+ exists y; repeat split; auto.
+ intros x x_range.
+ pose proof (in_ZPGroup_range p lt_1_p y y_in_ZPGroup) as y_range1.
+ assert (0 <= y < p) as y_range0 by omega.
+ pose proof (rel_prime_le_prime y p prime_p y_range1) as rel_prime_y_p.
+ pose proof (in_ZPGroup p lt_1_p y rel_prime_y_p y_range0) as in_ZPGroup_y.
+ destruct (EGroup.support_gpow Z Z.eq_dec (pmult p) y (ZPGroup p lt_1_p) in_ZPGroup_y x) as [k [k_range gpow_y_k]].
+ assert (rel_prime x p) by (apply rel_prime_le_prime; (omega || auto)).
+ assert (List.In x (FGroup.s (ZPGroup p lt_1_p))).
+ apply in_ZPGroup; (omega || auto).
+ apply generator_subgroup_is_group; eauto.
+ exists k; split. {
+ split; try omega.
+ unfold EGroup.e_order in y_order.
+ rewrite y_order in k_range.
+ rewrite <- phi_is_order in k_range.
+ rewrite Euler.prime_phi_n_minus_1 in k_range; (omega || auto).
+ }
+ assert (y mod p = y) as y_small by (apply Z.mod_small; omega).
+ rewrite <- y_small in gpow_y_k.
+ rewrite <- (Zpower_mod_is_gpow y k p lt_1_p) in gpow_y_k by (omega || auto).
+ auto.
Lemma pred_odd : forall x, ~ (2 | x) -> (2 | x - 1).
@@ -338,32 +403,40 @@ Proof.
eapply Zdivide_intro; eauto.
+Ltac ereplace x := match type of x with ?t =>
+ let e := fresh "e" in evar (e:t); replace x with e; subst e end.
Lemma euler_criterion : forall (a x p : Z) (prime_p : prime p)
- (p_odd : p <> 2), x * 2 + 1 = p -> a ^ x mod p = 1 ->
- exists b : Z, b * b mod p = a mod p.
+ (p_odd : p <> 2) (a_range : 1 <= a <= p - 1) (x_div2_minus1p : x * 2 + 1 = p)
+ (pow_a_x : a ^ x mod p = 1), exists b : Z, b * b mod p = a mod p.
- destruct (primitive_root_prime p prime_p).
- intuition.
- pose proof (exists_primitive_root_power a x0 p prime_p H3).
- destruct H2.
- rewrite mod_pow in H0 by prime_bound.
- intuition.
- rewrite <- H6 in H0.
- rewrite <- mod_pow in H0 by prime_bound.
- rewrite <- Z.pow_mul_r in H0 by omega.
- assert (p - 1 | x1 * x). {
- rewrite <- H3.
- apply order_mod_divide; auto.
- assert (0 < x1 * x) by (apply Z.mul_pos_pos; omega).
- omega.
+ assert (1 < p) as lt_1_p by prime_bound.
+ destruct (exists_primitive_root_power p prime_p lt_1_p) as [y [in_ZPGroup_y [y_order gpow_y]]]; auto.
+ destruct (gpow_y a a_range) as [j [j_range pow_y_j]].
+ rewrite mod_pow in pow_a_x by prime_bound.
+ replace a with (a mod p) in pow_y_j by (apply Z.mod_small; omega).
+ rewrite <- pow_y_j in pow_a_x.
+ rewrite <- mod_pow in pow_a_x by prime_bound.
+ rewrite <- Z.pow_mul_r in pow_a_x by omega.
+ assert (p - 1 | j * x) as divide_mul_j_x. {
+ rewrite <- phi_is_order in y_order.
+ rewrite Euler.prime_phi_n_minus_1 in y_order by auto.
+ ereplace (p-1); try eapply EGroup.e_order_divide_gpow; eauto with zarith.
+ simpl.
+ apply in_ZPGroup_range in in_ZPGroup_y.
+ replace y with (y mod p) by (apply Z.mod_small; omega).
+ erewrite <- Zpower_mod_is_gpow; eauto.
+ apply rel_prime_le_prime; (omega || auto).
+ apply Z.mul_nonneg_nonneg; intuition; omega.
- exists (x0 ^ (x1 / 2)).
+ exists (y ^ (j / 2)).
rewrite <- Z.pow_add_r by (apply Z.div_pos; omega).
rewrite <- Z_div_plus by omega.
rewrite Z.mul_comm.
- rewrite (prime_minus1_div2_exact x p) in H5; auto.
- apply (divide_mul_div _ x1 2) in H5; try (apply prime_pred_divide2 || prime_bound); auto.
+ rewrite (prime_minus1_div2_exact x p) in divide_mul_j_x; auto.
+ apply (divide_mul_div _ j 2) in divide_mul_j_x;
+ try (apply prime_pred_divide2 || prime_bound); auto.
rewrite <- Zdivide_Zdiv_eq by (auto || omega).
rewrite Zplus_diag_eq_mult_2.
rewrite Z_div_mult by omega; auto.
@@ -428,7 +501,7 @@ Proof.
replace (p - 1) with ((p - 1) mod p) by (apply Zmod_small; omega).
assert (p <> 2) as neq_p_2 by intuition.
apply (euler_criterion (p - 1) (p / 2) p prime_p);
- [ auto | | apply minus1_even_pow; (omega || auto); apply Z_div_pos; omega].
+ [ auto | omega | | apply minus1_even_pow; (omega || auto); apply Z_div_pos; omega].
pose proof (prime_odd p prime_p neq_p_2).
rewrite <- Zdiv2_div.
rewrite Zodd_div2; (ring || auto).