path: root/src/Tactics/Algebra_syntax
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authorGravatar Andres Erbsen <andreser@mit.edu>2016-07-07 16:02:23 -0400
committerGravatar Andres Erbsen <andreser@mit.edu>2016-07-11 09:59:13 -0400
commit71179e46a7c404e76bc58c2465d547ead6df3e26 (patch)
tree92d4a0da87872b00ba99372fee29c369e49a7360 /src/Tactics/Algebra_syntax
parentd8b643de8922f788328bbe356506a39b1f664ca6 (diff)
wrap nsatz in Algebra
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Tactics/Algebra_syntax')
1 files changed, 159 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Tactics/Algebra_syntax/Nsatz.v b/src/Tactics/Algebra_syntax/Nsatz.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a5b04cfa2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Tactics/Algebra_syntax/Nsatz.v
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+(*** Tactics for manipulating polynomial equations *)
+Require Coq.nsatz.Nsatz.
+Require Import List.
+Generalizable All Variables.
+Lemma cring_sub_diag_iff {R zero eq sub} `{cring:Cring.Cring (R:=R) (ring0:=zero) (ring_eq:=eq) (sub:=sub)}
+ : forall x y, eq (sub x y) zero <-> eq x y.
+ split;intros Hx.
+ { eapply Nsatz.psos_r1b. eapply Hx. }
+ { eapply Nsatz.psos_r1. eapply Hx. }
+Ltac get_goal := lazymatch goal with |- ?g => g end.
+Ltac nsatz_equation_implications_to_list eq zero g :=
+ lazymatch g with
+ | eq ?p zero => constr:(p::nil)
+ | eq ?p zero -> ?g => let l := nsatz_equation_implications_to_list eq zero g in constr:(p::l)
+ end.
+Ltac nsatz_reify_equations eq zero :=
+ let g := get_goal in
+ let lb := nsatz_equation_implications_to_list eq zero g in
+ lazymatch (eval red in (Ncring_tac.list_reifyl (lterm:=lb))) with
+ (?variables, ?le) =>
+ lazymatch (eval compute in (List.rev le)) with
+ | ?reified_goal::?reified_givens => constr:((variables, reified_givens, reified_goal))
+ end
+ end.
+Ltac nsatz_get_free_variables reified_package :=
+ lazymatch reified_package with (?fv, _, _) => fv end.
+Ltac nsatz_get_reified_givens reified_package :=
+ lazymatch reified_package with (_, ?givens, _) => givens end.
+Ltac nsatz_get_reified_goal reified_package :=
+ lazymatch reified_package with (_, _, ?goal) => goal end.
+Require Import Coq.setoid_ring.Ring_polynom.
+(* Kludge for 8.4/8.5 compatibility *)
+Module Import mynsatz_compute.
+ Import Nsatz.
+ Global Ltac mynsatz_compute x := nsatz_compute x.
+End mynsatz_compute.
+Ltac nsatz_compute x := mynsatz_compute x.
+Ltac nsatz_compute_to_goal sugar nparams reified_goal power reified_givens :=
+ nsatz_compute (PEc sugar :: PEc nparams :: PEpow reified_goal power :: reified_givens).
+Ltac nsatz_compute_get_leading_coefficient :=
+ lazymatch goal with
+ |- Logic.eq ((?a :: _ :: ?b) :: ?c) _ -> _ => a
+ end.
+Ltac nsatz_compute_get_certificate :=
+ lazymatch goal with
+ |- Logic.eq ((?a :: _ :: ?b) :: ?c) _ -> _ => constr:((c,b))
+ end.
+Ltac nsatz_rewrite_and_revert domain :=
+ lazymatch type of domain with
+ | @Integral_domain.Integral_domain ?F ?zero _ _ _ _ _ ?eq ?Fops ?FRing ?FCring =>
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | |- eq _ zero => idtac
+ | |- eq _ _ => rewrite <-(cring_sub_diag_iff (cring:=FCring))
+ end;
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [H : eq _ zero |- _ ] => revert H
+ | [H : eq _ _ |- _ ] => rewrite <-(cring_sub_diag_iff (cring:=FCring)) in H; revert H
+ end
+ end.
+(** As per https://coq.inria.fr/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=4851, [nsatz]
+ cannot handle duplicate hypotheses. So we clear them. *)
+Ltac nsatz_clear_duplicates_for_bug_4851 domain :=
+ lazymatch type of domain with
+ | @Integral_domain.Integral_domain _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?eq _ _ _ =>
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ H : eq ?x ?y, H' : eq ?x ?y |- _ ] => clear H'
+ end
+ end.
+Ltac nsatz_nonzero :=
+ try solve [apply Integral_domain.integral_domain_one_zero
+ |apply Integral_domain.integral_domain_minus_one_zero
+ |trivial
+ |assumption].
+Ltac nsatz_domain_sugar_power domain sugar power :=
+ let nparams := constr:(BinInt.Zneg BinPos.xH) in (* some symbols can be "parameters", treated as coefficients *)
+ lazymatch type of domain with
+ | @Integral_domain.Integral_domain ?F ?zero _ _ _ _ _ ?eq ?Fops ?FRing ?FCring =>
+ nsatz_clear_duplicates_for_bug_4851 domain;
+ nsatz_rewrite_and_revert domain;
+ let reified_package := nsatz_reify_equations eq zero in
+ let fv := nsatz_get_free_variables reified_package in
+ let interp := constr:(@Nsatz.PEevalR _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fops fv) in
+ let reified_givens := nsatz_get_reified_givens reified_package in
+ let reified_goal := nsatz_get_reified_goal reified_package in
+ nsatz_compute_to_goal sugar nparams reified_goal power reified_givens;
+ let a := nsatz_compute_get_leading_coefficient in
+ let crt := nsatz_compute_get_certificate in
+ intros _ (* discard [nsatz_compute] output *); intros;
+ apply (fun Haa refl cond => @Integral_domain.Rintegral_domain_pow _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ domain (interp a) _ (BinNat.N.to_nat power) Haa (@Nsatz.check_correct _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FCring fv reified_givens (PEmul a (PEpow reified_goal power)) crt refl cond));
+ [ nsatz_nonzero; cbv iota beta delta [Nsatz.PEevalR PEeval InitialRing.gen_phiZ InitialRing.gen_phiPOS]
+ | solve [vm_compute; exact (eq_refl true)] (* exact_no_check (eq_refl true) *)
+ | solve [repeat (split; [assumption|]); exact I] ]
+ end.
+Ltac nsatz_guess_domain :=
+ match goal with
+ | |- ?eq _ _ => constr:(_:Integral_domain.Integral_domain (ring_eq:=eq))
+ | |- not (?eq _ _) => constr:(_:Integral_domain.Integral_domain (ring_eq:=eq))
+ | [H: ?eq _ _ |- _ ] => constr:(_:Integral_domain.Integral_domain (ring_eq:=eq))
+ | [H: not (?eq _ _) |- _] => constr:(_:Integral_domain.Integral_domain (ring_eq:=eq))
+ end.
+Ltac nsatz_sugar_power sugar power :=
+ let domain := nsatz_guess_domain in
+ nsatz_domain_sugar_power domain sugar power.
+Ltac nsatz_power power :=
+ let power_N := (eval compute in (BinNat.N.of_nat power)) in
+ nsatz_sugar_power BinInt.Z0 power_N.
+Ltac nsatz := nsatz_power 1%nat || nsatz_power 2%nat || nsatz_power 3%nat || nsatz_power 4%nat || nsatz_power 5%nat.
+Tactic Notation "nsatz" := nsatz.
+Tactic Notation "nsatz" constr(n) := nsatz_power n.
+(** If the goal is of the form [?x <> ?y] and assuming [?x = ?y]
+ contradicts any hypothesis of the form [?x' <> ?y'], we turn this
+ problem about inequalities into one about equalities and give it
+ to [nsatz]. *)
+Ltac nsatz_contradict_single_hypothesis domain :=
+ lazymatch type of domain with
+ | @Integral_domain.Integral_domain _ ?zero ?one _ _ _ _ ?eq ?Fops ?FRing ?FCring =>
+ unfold not in *;
+ match goal with
+ | [ H : eq _ _ -> False |- eq _ _ -> False ]
+ => intro; apply H; nsatz
+ | [ H : eq _ _ -> False |- False ]
+ => apply H; nsatz
+ end
+ end.
+Ltac nsatz_contradict :=
+ let domain := nsatz_guess_domain in
+ nsatz_contradict_single_hypothesis domain
+ || (unfold not;
+ intros;
+ lazymatch type of domain with
+ | @Integral_domain.Integral_domain _ ?zero ?one _ _ _ _ ?eq ?Fops ?FRing ?FCring =>
+ assert (eq one zero) as Hbad;
+ [nsatz; nsatz_nonzero
+ |destruct (Integral_domain.integral_domain_one_zero (Integral_domain:=domain) Hbad)]
+ end).