path: root/src/Specific/Framework/make_curve.py
diff options
authorGravatar Andres Erbsen <andreser@mit.edu>2019-01-08 04:21:38 -0500
committerGravatar Andres Erbsen <andreser@mit.edu>2019-01-09 22:49:02 -0500
commit3ca227f1137e6a3b65bc33f5689e1c230d591595 (patch)
treee1e5a2dd2a2f34f239d3276227ddbdc69eeeb667 /src/Specific/Framework/make_curve.py
parent3ec21c64b3682465ca8e159a187689b207c71de4 (diff)
remove old pipeline
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Specific/Framework/make_curve.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 542 deletions
diff --git a/src/Specific/Framework/make_curve.py b/src/Specific/Framework/make_curve.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 71f6d6ad7..000000000
--- a/src/Specific/Framework/make_curve.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,542 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from __future__ import with_statement
-import json, sys, os, math, re, shutil, io
-from fractions import Fraction
-### Python 2/3 compatibility hacks
-# unicode doesn't exist in python3 (str is unicode by default), so we
-# set unicode to str there (but we need proper unicode in python2)
- unicode
-except NameError:
- unicode = str
-def compute_bitwidth(base):
- return 2**int(math.ceil(math.log(base, 2)))
-def compute_sz(modulus, base):
- return 1 + int(math.ceil(math.log(modulus, 2) / base))
-def default_carry_chains(sz):
- return ['seq 0 (pred %(sz)s)' % locals(), '[0; 1]']
-def compute_s(modulus_str):
- base, exp, rest = re.match(r'\s*'.join(('^', '(2)', r'\^', '([0-9]+)', r'([0-9\^ +\*-]*)$')), modulus_str).groups()
- return '%s^%s' % (base, exp)
-def reformat_base(base):
- if '.' not in base: return base
- int_part, frac_part = base.split('.')
- return int_part + ' + ' + str(Fraction('.' + frac_part))
-def compute_c(modulus_str):
- base, exp, rest = re.match(r'\s*'.join(('^', '(2)', r'\^', '([0-9]+)', r'([0-9\^ +\*-]*)$')), modulus_str).groups()
- if rest.strip() == '': return []
- assert(rest.strip()[0] == '-')
- rest = negate_numexpr(rest.strip()[1:])
- ret = []
- for part in re.findall(r'(-?[0-9\^\*]+)', rest.replace(' ', '')):
- if part.isdigit() or (part[:1] == '-' and part[1:].isdigit()):
- ret.append(('1', part))
- elif part[:2] == '2^' and part[2:].isdigit():
- ret.append((part, '1'))
- elif part[:3] == '-2^' and part[3:].isdigit():
- ret.append((part[1:], '-1'))
- elif len(part.split('*')) == 2:
- a, b = part.split("*")
- if "^" not in b:
- ret.append((part, '1'))
- else:
- assert(b.replace(' ', '')[:2] == '2^')
- ret.append((a.strip(), b.strip()))
- else:
- raw_input('Unhandled part: %s' % part)
- ret = None
- break
- if ret is not None:
- return list(reversed(ret))
- # XXX FIXME: Is this the right way to extract c?
- return [('1', rest)]
-def parse_base(base):
- ret = 0
- for term in base.split('+'):
- term = term.strip()
- if term.isdigit():
- ret += int(term)
- elif '.' in term and '/' not in term:
- ret += float(term)
- elif '/' in term and '.' not in term:
- ret += Fraction(term)
- else:
- raw_input('Unhandled: %s' % term)
- assert(False)
- return ret
-def negate_numexpr(expr):
- remap = dict([(d, d) for d in '0123456789^* '] + [('-', '+'), ('+', '-')])
- return ''.join(remap[ch] for ch in expr)
-def usage(exitcode=0, errmsg=None):
- print('USAGE: %s [-f|--force] PARAMETERS.json OUTPUT_FOLDER' % sys.argv[0])
- if errmsg is not None:
- print(errmsg)
- sys.exit(exitcode)
-def get_file_root(folder=os.path.dirname(__file__), filename='Makefile'):
- dir_path = os.path.realpath(folder)
- while not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir_path, filename)) and dir_path != '/':
- dir_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(dir_path, '..'))
- if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir_path, filename)):
- print('ERROR: Could not find Makefile in the root of %s' % folder)
- raise Exception
- return dir_path
-def repeat_until_unchanged(update, arg):
- changed = True
- while changed:
- last = repr(arg)
- arg = update(arg)
- changed = (repr(arg) != last)
- return arg
-def format_c_code(header, code, numargs, sz, indent=' ', closing_indent=' '):
- if closing_indent is None: closing_indent = indent
- if code is None or code.strip() == '':
- return 'None'
- ARGS = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
- assert(numargs <= len(ARGS))
- if header is None:
- header = ''
- else:
- header = '\n%s%s' % (indent, header)
- ret = 'Some (fun %s =>%s' % (' '.join(ARGS[:numargs]), header)
- input_map = {}
- lines = [line for line in code.strip().split(';')]
- lines = [line.replace('do {', '') for line in lines]
- lines = [re.sub(r'\(u?int[0-9]+_t\) ', '', line) for line in lines]
- lines = [re.sub(r'\(limb\) ', '', line) for line in lines]
- lines = [re.sub(r'\(s32\) ', '', line) for line in lines]
- lines = [repeat_until_unchanged((lambda line: re.sub(r'\(([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\)', r'\1', line)),
- line)
- for line in lines]
- lines = [repeat_until_unchanged((lambda line: re.sub(r'\(([A-Za-z0-9_]+\[[0-9]+\])\)', r'\1', line)),
- line)
- for line in lines]
- out_match = re.match(r'^\s*u?int[0-9]+_t ([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*)\[([0-9]+)\]$', lines[0])
- if out_match is not None:
- out_var, out_count = out_match.groups()
- assert(int(out_count) == sz)
- else:
- assert('output[' in ';\n'.join(lines))
- out_var = 'output'
- ret_code = []
- do_fix = (lambda line: re.sub(r'([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)\[([0-9]+)\]', r'\1\2', line))
- for line in lines:
- out_match = re.match(r'^\s*u?int[0-9]+_t [A-Za-z_0-9]+\[[0-9]+\]$', line)
- limb_match = re.match(r'^\s*limb [a-zA-Z0-9, ]+$', line)
- in_match = re.match(r'^\s*([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)\s*=\s*in([0-9]*)\[([0-9]+)\]$', line)
- fixed_line = do_fix(line)
- normal_match = re.match(r'^(\s*)([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)(\s*)=(\s*)([A-Za-z_0-9\(\)\s<>*+-]+)$', fixed_line)
- upd_match = re.match(r'^(\s*)([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)(\s*)([*+])=(\s*)([A-Za-z_0-9\(\)\s<>*+-]+)$', fixed_line)
- if line == '':
- ret_code.append(line)
- elif out_match or limb_match: pass
- elif in_match:
- var, in_num, idx = in_match.groups()
- if in_num == '':
- assert('in1[' not in code)
- in_num = '1'
- in_num = int(in_num) - 1
- idx = int(idx)
- input_map[in_num] = input_map.get(in_num, {})
- input_map[in_num][idx] = var
- elif normal_match:
- s0, var, s1, s2, val = normal_match.groups()
- ret_code.append('%sdlet %s%s:=%s%s in' % (s0, var, s1, s2, val))
- elif upd_match:
- s0, var, s1, op, s2, val = upd_match.groups()
- ret_code.append('%sdlet %s%s:=%s%s %s %s in' % (s0, var, s1, s2, var, op, val))
- else:
- print('Unhandled line:')
- raw_input(line)
- ret_code = ' '.join(ret_code).strip().split('\n')
- ret_code = [((indent + i.strip(' \n')) if i.strip()[:len('dlet ')] == 'dlet '
- else (indent + ' ' + i.rstrip(' \n'))).rstrip()
- for i in ret_code]
- main_code = '\n'.join(ret_code)
- arg_code = []
- for in_count in sorted(input_map.keys()):
- arg_code.append("%slet '(%s) := %s in"
- % (indent,
- ', '.join(v for k, v in sorted(input_map[in_count].items(), reverse=True)),
- ARGS[in_count]))
- if len(input_map.keys()) == 0:
- for in_count in range(numargs):
- in_str = str(in_count + 1)
- if in_count == 0: in_str = ''
- arg_code.append("%slet '(%s) := %s in"
- % (indent,
- ', '.join(do_fix('in%s[%d]' % (in_str, v)) for v in reversed(range(sz))),
- ARGS[in_count]))
- ret += '\n%s\n' % '\n'.join(arg_code)
- ret += main_code
- ret += '\n%s(%s)' % (indent, ', '.join(do_fix('%s[%d]' % (out_var, i)) for i in reversed(range(sz))))
- ret += '\n%s)' % closing_indent
- return ret
-def nested_list_to_string(v):
- if isinstance(v, bool):
- return {True:'true', False:'false'}[v]
- elif isinstance(v, str) or isinstance(v, int) or isinstance(v, unicode):
- return str(v)
- elif isinstance(v, list):
- return '[%s]' % '; '.join(map(nested_list_to_string, v))
- elif isinstance(v, tuple):
- return '(%s)' % ', '.join(map(nested_list_to_string, v))
- else:
- print('ERROR: Invalid type in nested_list_to_string: %s' % str(type(v)))
- assert(False)
-def as_bool(v):
- if isinstance(v, str) or isinstance(v, unicode): return {'true':True, 'false':False}[v]
- if isinstance(v, bool): return v
- raise Exception('Not a bool: %s' % repr(v))
-def make_curve_parameters(parameters):
- def fix_option(term, scope_string=''):
- if not isinstance(term, str) and not isinstance(term, unicode):
- return term
- if term[:len('Some ')] != 'Some ' and term != 'None':
- if ' ' in term and (term[0] + term[-1]) not in ('()', '[]'):
- return 'Some (%s)%s' % (term, scope_string)
- return 'Some %s%s' % (term, scope_string)
- return term
- replacements = dict(parameters)
- assert(all(ch in '0123456789^+-* ' for ch in parameters['modulus']))
- modulus = eval(parameters['modulus'].replace('^', '**'))
- base = parse_base(parameters['base'])
- replacements['reformatted_base'] = reformat_base(parameters['base'])
- replacements['bitwidth'] = parameters.get('bitwidth', str(compute_bitwidth(base)))
- bitwidth = int(replacements['bitwidth'])
- replacements['sz'] = parameters.get('sz', str(compute_sz(modulus, base)))
- sz = int(replacements['sz'])
- replacements['a24'] = fix_option(parameters.get('a24', 'None'))
- replacements['carry_chains'] = fix_option(parameters.get('carry_chains', 'None'))
- if isinstance(replacements['carry_chains'], list):
- defaults = default_carry_chains(replacements['sz'])
- replacements['carry_chains'] \
- = ('Some %s%%nat'
- % nested_list_to_string([(v if v != 'default' else defaults[i])
- for i, v in enumerate(replacements['carry_chains'])]))
- elif replacements['carry_chains'] in ('default', 'Some default'):
- replacements['carry_chains'] = 'Some %s%%nat' % nested_list_to_string(default_carry_chains(replacements['sz']))
- replacements['s'] = parameters.get('s', compute_s(parameters['modulus']))
- replacements['c'] = parameters.get('c', compute_c(parameters['modulus']))
- for op, nargs in (('mul', 2), ('square', 1)):
- replacements[op] = format_c_code(parameters.get(op + '_header', None),
- parameters.get(op + '_code', None),
- nargs,
- sz)
- replacements['coef_div_modulus_raw'] = replacements.get('coef_div_modulus', '0')
- replacements['freeze'] = fix_option(nested_list_to_string(replacements.get('freeze', 'freeze' in parameters.get('operations', []))))
- replacements['ladderstep'] = nested_list_to_string(replacements.get('ladderstep', any(f in parameters.get('operations', []) for f in ('ladderstep', 'xzladderstep'))))
- for k, scope_string in (('upper_bound_of_exponent_loose', ''),
- ('upper_bound_of_exponent_tight', ''),
- ('allowable_bit_widths', '%nat'),
- ('freeze_extra_allowable_bit_widths', '%nat'),
- ('coef_div_modulus', '%nat'),
- ('modinv_fuel', '%nat'),
- ('karatsuba', ''),
- ('goldilocks', '')):
- replacements[k] = fix_option(nested_list_to_string(replacements.get(k, 'None')), scope_string=scope_string)
- for k in ('montgomery', ):
- if k not in replacements.keys():
- replacements[k] = False
- for k in ('s', 'c', 'karatsuba', 'goldilocks', 'montgomery'):
- replacements[k] = nested_list_to_string(replacements[k])
- for k in ('extra_prove_mul_eq', 'extra_prove_square_eq'):
- if k not in replacements.keys():
- replacements[k] = 'idtac'
- ret = r"""Require Import Crypto.Specific.Framework.RawCurveParameters.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.LetIn.
-Modulus : %(modulus)s
-Base: %(base)s
-Definition curve : CurveParameters :=
- {|
- sz := %(sz)s%%nat;
- base := %(reformatted_base)s;
- bitwidth := %(bitwidth)s;
- s := %(s)s;
- c := %(c)s;
- carry_chains := %(carry_chains)s;
- a24 := %(a24)s;
- coef_div_modulus := %(coef_div_modulus)s;
- goldilocks := %(goldilocks)s;
- karatsuba := %(karatsuba)s;
- montgomery := %(montgomery)s;
- freeze := %(freeze)s;
- ladderstep := %(ladderstep)s;
- mul_code := %(mul)s;
- square_code := %(square)s;
- upper_bound_of_exponent_loose := %(upper_bound_of_exponent_loose)s;
- upper_bound_of_exponent_tight := %(upper_bound_of_exponent_tight)s;
- allowable_bit_widths := %(allowable_bit_widths)s;
- freeze_extra_allowable_bit_widths := %(freeze_extra_allowable_bit_widths)s;
- modinv_fuel := %(modinv_fuel)s
- |}.
-Ltac extra_prove_mul_eq _ := %(extra_prove_mul_eq)s.
-Ltac extra_prove_square_eq _ := %(extra_prove_square_eq)s.
-""" % replacements
- return ret
-def make_synthesis(prefix):
- return r"""Require Import Crypto.Specific.Framework.SynthesisFramework.
-Require Import %s.CurveParameters.
-Module P <: PrePackage.
- Definition package : Tag.Context.
- Proof. make_Synthesis_package curve extra_prove_mul_eq extra_prove_square_eq. Defined.
-End P.
-Module Export S := PackageSynthesis P.
-""" % prefix
-def make_synthesized_arg(fearg, prefix, montgomery=False):
- def make_from_arg(arg, nargs, phi_arg_postfix='', phi_output_postfix='', prefix=prefix):
- LETTERS = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
- assert(nargs <= len(LETTERS))
- arg_names = ' '.join(LETTERS[:nargs])
- if not montgomery:
- arg_types = ' -> '.join(['feBW%s' % phi_arg_postfix] * nargs)
- mapped_args = ' '.join('(phiBW%s %s)' % (phi_arg_postfix, l)
- for l in LETTERS[:nargs])
- feBW_output = 'feBW' + phi_output_postfix
- phi_output = 'phiBW' + phi_output_postfix
- else:
- arg_types = ' -> '.join(['feBW_small'] * nargs)
- mapped_args = ' '.join('(phiM_small %s)' % l
- for l in LETTERS[:nargs])
- feBW_output = 'feBW_small'
- phi_output = 'phiM_small'
- return locals()
- GEN_PREARG = r"""Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.PrimeFieldTheorems.
-Require Import %(prefix)s.Synthesis.
-(* TODO : change this to field once field isomorphism happens *)
-Definition %(arg)s :
- { %(arg)s : %(arg_types)s -> %(feBW_output)s
- | forall %(arg_names)s, %(phi_output)s (%(arg)s %(arg_names)s) = """
- GEN_MIDARG = "F.%(arg)s %(mapped_args)s"
- SQUARE_MIDARG = "F.mul %(mapped_args)s %(mapped_args)s"
- CARRY_MIDARG = "%(mapped_args)s"
- GEN_POSTARG = r""" }.
- Set Ltac Profiling.
- Time synthesize_%(arg)s ().
- Show Ltac Profile.
-Time Defined.
-Print Assumptions %(arg)s.
- nargs_map = {'mul':2, 'sub':2, 'add':2, 'square':1, 'opp':1, 'carry':1}
- special_args = {'fecarry':CARRY_ARG, 'fecarry_square':SQUARE_ARG, 'fesquare':SQUARE_ARG}
- if fearg in ('fecarry_mul', 'fecarry_sub', 'fecarry_add', 'fecarry_square', 'fecarry_opp'):
- nargs = nargs_map[fearg.split('_')[-1]]
- ARG = special_args.get(fearg, GEN_ARG)
- return ARG % make_from_arg(fearg[2:], nargs=nargs, phi_arg_postfix='_tight', phi_output_postfix='_tight')
- elif fearg in ('femul', 'fesquare', 'fecarry'):
- ARG = special_args.get(fearg, GEN_ARG)
- nargs = nargs_map[fearg[2:]]
- return ARG % make_from_arg(fearg[2:], nargs=nargs, phi_arg_postfix='_loose', phi_output_postfix='_tight')
- if fearg in ('fesub', 'feadd', 'feopp'):
- nargs = nargs_map[fearg[2:]]
- return GEN_ARG % make_from_arg(fearg[2:], nargs=nargs, phi_arg_postfix='_tight', phi_output_postfix='_loose')
- elif fearg in ('freeze',):
- return r"""Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.PrimeFieldTheorems.
-Require Import %(prefix)s.Synthesis.
-(* TODO : change this to field once field isomorphism happens *)
-Definition freeze :
- { freeze : feBW_tight -> feBW_limbwidths
- | forall a, phiBW_limbwidths (freeze a) = phiBW_tight a }.
- Set Ltac Profiling.
- Time synthesize_freeze ().
- Show Ltac Profile.
-Time Defined.
-Print Assumptions freeze.
-""" % {'prefix':prefix}
- elif fearg in ('fenz',):
- assert(fearg == 'fenz')
- assert(montgomery)
- full_arg = 'nonzero'
- return r"""Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
-Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.PrimeFieldTheorems.
-Require Import %(prefix)s.Synthesis.
-Local Open Scope Z_scope.
-(* TODO : change this to field once field isomorphism happens *)
-Definition %(full_arg)s :
- { %(full_arg)s : feBW_small -> BoundedWord.BoundedWord 1 adjusted_bitwidth bound1
- | forall a, (BoundedWord.BoundedWordToZ _ _ _ (%(full_arg)s a) =? 0) = (if Decidable.dec (phiM_small a = F.of_Z m 0) then true else false) }.
- Set Ltac Profiling.
- Time synthesize_%(full_arg)s ().
- Show Ltac Profile.
-Time Defined.
-Print Assumptions %(full_arg)s.
-""" % {'prefix':prefix, 'full_arg':full_arg}
- elif fearg in ('ladderstep', 'xzladderstep'):
- return r"""Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.Core.
-Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.PrimeFieldTheorems.
-Require Import Crypto.Specific.Framework.ArithmeticSynthesis.Ladderstep.
-Require Import %(prefix)s.Synthesis.
-(* TODO : change this to field once field isomorphism happens *)
-Definition xzladderstep :
- { xzladderstep : feW -> feW * feW -> feW * feW -> feW * feW * (feW * feW)
- | forall x1 Q Q',
- let xz := xzladderstep x1 Q Q' in
- let eval := B.Positional.Fdecode wt in
- feW_tight_bounded x1
- -> feW_tight_bounded (fst Q) /\ feW_tight_bounded (snd Q)
- -> feW_tight_bounded (fst Q') /\ feW_tight_bounded (snd Q')
- -> ((feW_tight_bounded (fst (fst xz)) /\ feW_tight_bounded (snd (fst xz)))
- /\ (feW_tight_bounded (fst (snd xz)) /\ feW_tight_bounded (snd (snd xz))))
- /\ Tuple.map (n:=2) (Tuple.map (n:=2) phiW) xz = FMxzladderstep (m:=m) (eval (proj1_sig a24_sig)) (phiW x1) (Tuple.map (n:=2) phiW Q) (Tuple.map (n:=2) phiW Q') }.
- Set Ltac Profiling.
- synthesize_xzladderstep ().
- Show Ltac Profile.
-Time Defined.
-Print Assumptions xzladderstep.
-""" % {'prefix':prefix}
- else:
- print('ERROR: Unsupported operation: %s' % fearg)
- raise ArgumentError
-def make_display_arg(fearg, prefix):
- file_name = fearg
- function_name = fearg
- if fearg in ('femul', 'fesub', 'feadd', 'fesquare', 'feopp', 'fecarry',
- 'fecarry_mul', 'fecarry_sub', 'fecarry_add', 'fecarry_square', 'fecarry_opp'):
- function_name = fearg[2:]
- elif fearg in ('freeze', 'xzladderstep'):
- pass
- elif fearg in ('fenz',):
- function_name = 'nonzero'
- elif fearg in ('ladderstep', ):
- function_name = 'xzladderstep'
- else:
- print('ERROR: Unsupported operation: %s' % fearg)
- raise ArgumentError
- return r"""Require Import %(prefix)s.%(file_name)s.
-Require Import Crypto.Specific.Framework.IntegrationTestDisplayCommon.
-Check display %(function_name)s.
-""" % locals()
-def make_compiler(compiler):
- return r"""#!/bin/sh
-set -eu
-%s "$@"
-""" % compiler
-def make_py_interpreter(parameters):
- q = repr(str(parameters['modulus'])).replace('^', '**')
- modulus_bytes = repr(str(parameters['base']))
- a24 = repr(str(parameters.get('a24', DEFAULT_A24_FOR_BENCH)))
- return r"""#!/bin/sh
-set -eu
-/usr/bin/env python3 "$@" -Dq=%(q)s -Dmodulus_bytes=%(modulus_bytes)s -Da24=%(a24)s
-""" % locals()
-DONT_EDIT_STR = 'WARNING: This file was copied from %s.\n If you edit it here, changes will be erased the next time remake_curves.sh is run.'
- '.c' : '/* ' + DONT_EDIT_STR + ' */',
- '.h' : '/* ' + DONT_EDIT_STR + ' */',
- '.v' : '(* ' + DONT_EDIT_STR + ' *)',
- '.ml' : '(* ' + DONT_EDIT_STR + ' *)',
- '.ml4' : '(* ' + DONT_EDIT_STR + ' *)',
- '.py' : '# ' + DONT_EDIT_STR.replace('\n', '\n# '),
-def main(*args):
- if '--help' in args[1:] or '-h' in args[1:]: usage(0)
- force = any(f in args[1:] for f in ('-f', '--force'))
- args = [args[0]] + [arg for arg in args[1:] if arg not in ('-f', '--force')]
- if len(args) != 3: usage(1, errmsg='Error: Invalid number of arguments %d (%s)' % (len(args), ' '.join(args)))
- with open(args[1], 'r') as f:
- parameters = f.read()
- output_folder = os.path.realpath(args[2])
- parameters_folder = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(args[1]))
- parameters = json.loads(parameters, strict=False)
- root = get_file_root(folder=output_folder)
- output_prefix = 'Crypto.' + os.path.normpath(os.path.relpath(output_folder, os.path.join(root, 'src'))).replace(os.sep, '.')
- outputs = {}
- outputs['CurveParameters.v'] = make_curve_parameters(parameters)
- outputs['Synthesis.v'] = make_synthesis(output_prefix)
- for arg in parameters['operations']:
- outputs[arg + '.v'] = make_synthesized_arg(arg, output_prefix, montgomery=as_bool(parameters.get('montgomery', 'false')))
- outputs[arg + 'Display.v'] = make_display_arg(arg, output_prefix)
- for fname in parameters.get('extra_files', []):
- _, ext = os.path.splitext(fname)
- header = ''
- if ext in DONT_EDIT_HEADERS.keys():
- header = DONT_EDIT_HEADERS[ext] % os.path.relpath(fname, os.path.join(root, 'src'))
- outputs[os.path.basename(fname)] = header + '\n' + open(os.path.join(parameters_folder, fname), 'r').read()
- if 'compiler' in parameters.keys():
- outputs['compiler.sh'] = make_compiler(parameters['compiler'])
- if 'compilerxx' in parameters.keys():
- outputs['compilerxx.sh'] = make_compiler(parameters['compilerxx'])
- outputs['py_interpreter.sh'] = make_py_interpreter(parameters)
- file_list = tuple((k, os.path.join(output_folder, k)) for k in sorted(outputs.keys()))
- if not force:
- extant_files = [os.path.relpath(fname, os.getcwd())
- for k, fname in file_list
- if os.path.isfile(fname) and open(fname, 'r').read() != outputs[k]]
- if len(extant_files) > 0:
- print('ERROR: The files %s already exist; pass --force to overwrite them' % ', '.join(extant_files))
- sys.exit(1)
- if not os.path.isdir(output_folder):
- os.makedirs(output_folder)
- new_files = []
- for k, fname in file_list:
- if os.path.isfile(fname):
- if open(fname, 'r').read() == outputs[k]:
- continue
- new_files.append(fname)
- with io.open(fname, 'w', newline='\n') as f:
- f.write(unicode(outputs[k]))
- if any(fname.endswith(name) for name in ('compiler.sh', 'compilerxx.sh', 'py_interpreter.sh')):
- mode = os.fstat(f.fileno()).st_mode
- mode |= 0o111
- mode &= 0o7777
- if 'fchmod' in os.__dict__.keys():
- os.fchmod(f.fileno(), mode)
- else:
- os.chmod(f.name, mode)
- if len(new_files) > 0:
- print('git add ' + ' '.join('"%s"' % i for i in new_files))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main(*sys.argv)