path: root/src/Spec
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authorGravatar Andres Erbsen <andreser@mit.edu>2016-02-13 22:09:21 -0500
committerGravatar Robert Sloan <varomodt@gmail.com>2016-06-22 13:39:04 -0400
commit75926e67a551d99153bccf8fe82c8eabc0b9ebcd (patch)
treefda18a059a2e774b74146496104092114e2a6030 /src/Spec
parentbca928f049b75c13fd3c376c287c568020935534 (diff)
Spec/EdDSA: cleanup; refactor lemmas to src/EdDSAProofs.v
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Spec')
1 files changed, 85 insertions, 249 deletions
diff --git a/src/Spec/EdDSA.v b/src/Spec/EdDSA.v
index bc81dce01..c7314486e 100644
--- a/src/Spec/EdDSA.v
+++ b/src/Spec/EdDSA.v
@@ -1,19 +1,17 @@
-Require Import ZArith NPeano Znumtheory.
-Require Import Bedrock.Word.
-Require Import Crypto.Spec.CompleteEdwardsCurve Crypto.CompleteEdwardsCurve.CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.
-Require Import Crypto.ModularArithmetic.PrimeFieldTheorems Crypto.ModularArithmetic.ModularArithmeticTheorems.
-Require Import Util.ListUtil Util.CaseUtil Util.ZUtil.
-Require Import VerdiTactics.
+Require Import Crypto.Spec.ModularArithmetic.
+Require Import Crypto.Spec.CompleteEdwardsCurve.
-Local Open Scope nat_scope.
-Local Coercion Z.to_nat : Z >-> nat.
+Require Bedrock.Word.
+Require Znumtheory BinInt.
+Require NPeano.
(* TODO : where should this be? *)
-Definition wfirstn {m} {n} (w : word m) (H : n <= m) : word n.
- refine (split1 n (m - n) (match _ in _ = N return word N with
+Definition wfirstn n {m} (w : Word.word m) {H : n <= m} : Word.word n.
+ refine (Word.split1 n (m - n) (match _ in _ = N return Word.word N with
| eq_refl => w
- end)); abstract omega.
+ end)); abstract omega. Defined.
+Coercion Word.wordToNat : Word.word >-> nat.
Class Encoding (T B:Type) := {
enc : T -> B ;
@@ -22,243 +20,81 @@ Class Encoding (T B:Type) := {
Notation "'encoding' 'of' T 'as' B" := (Encoding T B) (at level 50).
-(* Spec from <https://eprint.iacr.org/2015/677.pdf> *)
-Module Type EdDSAParams.
- Parameter q : Z.
- Axiom q_prime : prime q.
- Axiom q_odd : (2 < q)%Z.
- (* Choosing q sufficiently large is important for security, since the size of
- * q constrains the size of l below. *)
- (* GF is the finite field of integers modulo q *)
- Module Modulus_q <: PrimeModulus.
- Definition modulus := q.
- Definition prime_modulus := q_prime.
- End Modulus_q.
- Parameter b : nat.
- Axiom b_valid : (2^(Z.of_nat b - 1) > q)%Z.
- Notation secretkey := (word b) (only parsing).
- Notation publickey := (word b) (only parsing).
- Notation signature := (word (b + b)) (only parsing).
- Parameter H : forall {n}, word n -> word (b + b).
- (* A cryptographic hash function. Conservative hash functions are recommended
- * and do not have much impact on the total cost of EdDSA. *)
- Parameter c : nat.
- Axiom c_valid : c = 2 \/ c = 3.
- (* Secret EdDSA scalars are multiples of 2^c. The original specification of
- * EdDSA did not include this parameter: it implicitly took c = 3. *)
- Parameter n : nat.
- Axiom n_ge_c : n >= c.
- Axiom n_le_b : n <= b.
- Module Import Field := FieldModulo Modulus_q.
- Definition Fq := F q.
- Local Open Scope F_scope.
- (* Secret EdDSA scalars have exactly n + 1 bits, with the top bit
- * (the 2n position) always set and the bottom c bits always cleared.
- * The original specification of EdDSA did not include this parameter:
- * it implicitly took n = b−2.
- * Choosing n sufficiently large is important for security:
- * standard “kangaroo” attacks use approximately 1.36\sqrt(2n−c) additions
- * on average to determine an EdDSA secret key from an EdDSA public key *)
- Parameter a : Fq.
- Axiom a_nonzero : a <> 0%F.
- Axiom a_square : exists sqrt_a, sqrt_a^2 = a.
- (* The usual recommendation for best performance is a = −1 if q mod 4 = 1,
- * and a = 1 if q mod 4 = 3.
- * The original specification of EdDSA did not include this parameter:
- * it implicitly took a = −1 (and required q mod 4 = 1). *)
- Parameter d : Fq.
- Axiom d_nonsquare : forall x, x^2 <> d.
- (* The exact choice of d (together with a and q) is important for security,
- * and is the main topic considered in “curve selection”. *)
- (* E = {(x, y) \in Fq x Fq : ax^2 + y^2 = 1 + dx^2y^2}.
- * This set forms a group with neutral element 0 = (0, 1) under the
- * twisted Edwards addition law. *)
- Definition CurveParameters : TwistedEdwardsParams :=
- Build_TwistedEdwardsParams q a d q_prime q_odd a_nonzero a_square d_nonsquare.
- Definition pt := @point CurveParameters.
- Parameter B : pt. (* element of E *)
- Axiom B_not_identity : B <> zero.
- (*
- * An odd prime l such that lB = 0 and (2^c)l = #E.
- * The number #E is part of the standard data provided for an elliptic
- * curve E.
- * Choosing l sufficiently large is important for security: standard “rho”
- * attacks use approximately 0.886√l additions on average to determine an
- * EdDSA secret key from an EdDSA public key.
- *)
- Parameter l : Z.
- Axiom l_prime : prime l.
- Axiom l_odd : (l > 2)%nat.
- Axiom l_order_B : scalarMult l B = zero.
- (* TODO: (2^c)l = #E *)
- (*
- * A “prehash” function H'.
- * PureEdDSA means EdDSA where H' is the identity function, i.e. H'(M) = M.
- * HashEdDSA means EdDSA where H' generates a short output, no matter how
- * long the message is; for example, H'(M) = SHA-512(M).
- * The original specification of EdDSA did not include this parameter:
- * it implicitly took H0 as the identity function.
- *)
- Parameter H'_out_len : nat -> nat.
- Parameter H' : forall {n}, word n -> word (H'_out_len n).
- Parameter FqEncoding : encoding of Fq as word (b-1).
- Parameter FlEncoding : encoding of {s:nat | s mod l = s} as word b.
- Parameter PointEncoding : encoding of pt as word b.
+Infix "^" := NPeano.pow.
+Infix "mod" := NPeano.modulo.
+Infix "++" := Word.combine.
+Section EdDSAParams.
+ Class EdDSAParams := { (* <https://eprint.iacr.org/2015/677.pdf> *)
+ E : TwistedEdwardsParams; (* underlying elliptic curve *)
+ b : nat;
+ b_valid : 2^(b - 1) > BinInt.Z.to_nat q;
+ FqEncoding : encoding of F q as Word.word (b-1);
+ PointEncoding : encoding of point as Word.word b;
+ H : forall {n}, Word.word n -> Word.word (b + b); (* main hash function *)
+ c : nat; (* cofactor E = 2^c *)
+ c_valid : c = 2 \/ c = 3;
+ n : nat;
+ n_ge_c : n >= c;
+ n_le_b : n <= b;
+ B : point;
+ B_not_identity : B <> zero;
+ l : nat; (* order of the subgroup of E generated by B *)
+ l_prime : Znumtheory.prime (BinInt.Z.of_nat l);
+ l_odd : l > 2;
+ l_order_B : scalarMult l B = zero;
+ FlEncoding : encoding of F (BinInt.Z.of_nat l) as Word.word b;
+ H'_out_len : nat -> nat;
+ H' : forall {n}, Word.word n -> Word.word (H'_out_len n) (* prehash function *)
+ }.
End EdDSAParams.
-Hint Rewrite Nat.mod_mod using omega.
-Ltac arith' := intros; autorewrite with core; try (omega || congruence).
-Ltac arith := arith';
- repeat match goal with
- | [ H : _ |- _ ] => rewrite H; arith'
- end.
-Definition modularNat (l : nat) (l_odd : l > 2) (n : nat) : {s : nat | s mod l = s}.
- exists (n mod l); abstract arith.
-Module Type EdDSA (Import P : EdDSAParams).
- Infix "++" := combine.
- Infix "*" := scalarMult.
- Infix "+" := unifiedAdd.
- Coercion wordToNat : word >-> nat.
- Definition curveKey sk := let N := wfirstn sk n_le_b in
- (N - (N mod pow2 c) + pow2 n)%nat.
- Definition randKey (sk:secretkey) := split2 b b (H sk).
- Definition modL := modularNat l l_odd.
- Parameter public : secretkey -> publickey.
- Axiom public_spec : forall sk, public sk = enc (curveKey sk * B).
- (* TODO: use GF for both GF(q) and GF(l) *)
- Parameter sign : publickey -> secretkey -> forall {n}, word n -> signature.
- Axiom sign_spec : forall A_ sk {n} (M : word n), sign A_ sk M =
- let r := H (randKey sk ++ M) in
- let R := r * B in
- let s := curveKey sk in
- let S := (r + H (enc R ++ public sk ++ M) * s)%nat in
- enc R ++ enc (modL S).
- Parameter verify : publickey -> forall {n}, word n -> signature -> bool.
- Axiom verify_spec : forall A_ sig {n} (M : word n), verify A_ M sig = true <-> (
- let R_ := split1 b b sig in
- let S_ := split2 b b sig in
- exists A, dec A_ = Some A /\
- exists R, dec R_ = Some R /\
- exists S : {s:nat | s mod l = s}, dec S_ = Some S /\
- proj1_sig S * B = R + wordToNat (H (R_ ++ A_ ++ M)) * A).
-End EdDSA.
-Module EdDSAFacts (Import P : EdDSAParams) (Import Impl : EdDSA P).
- Hint Rewrite sign_spec split1_combine split2_combine.
- (* for signature (R_, S_), R_ = encode_point (r * B) *)
- Lemma decode_sign_split1 : forall A_ sk {n} (M : word n),
- split1 b b (sign A_ sk M) = enc (wordToNat (H (randKey sk ++ M)) * B).
- Proof.
- arith.
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite decode_sign_split1.
- (* for signature (R_, S_), S_ = encode_scalar (r + H(R_, A_, M)s) *)
- Lemma decode_sign_split2 : forall sk {n} (M : word n),
- split2 b b (sign (public sk) sk M) =
- let r := H (randKey sk ++ M) in
- let R := r * B in
- let s := curveKey sk in
- let S := (r + (H ((enc R) ++ (public sk) ++ M) * s))%nat in
- enc (modL S).
- Proof.
- arith.
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite decode_sign_split2.
- Existing Instance CurveParameters.
- Lemma zero_times : forall n, 0 * n = zero.
- Proof.
- auto.
- Qed.
- Lemma zero_plus : forall n, zero + n = n.
- Proof.
- intros; rewrite twistedAddComm; apply zeroIsIdentity.
- Qed.
- Lemma times_S : forall n m, S n * m = m + n * m.
- Proof.
- auto.
- Qed.
- Lemma times_S_nat : forall n m, (S n * m = m + n * m)%nat.
- Proof.
- auto.
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite plus_O_n plus_Sn_m times_S times_S_nat.
- Hint Rewrite zeroIsIdentity zero_times zero_plus twistedAddAssoc.
- Lemma scalarMult_distr : forall n0 m, (n0 + m) * B = unifiedAdd (n0 * B) (m * B).
- Proof.
- induction n0; arith.
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite scalarMult_distr.
- Lemma scalarMult_assoc : forall (n0 m : nat), n0 * (m * B) = (n0 * m) * B.
- Proof.
- induction n0; arith.
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite scalarMult_assoc.
- Lemma scalarMult_zero : forall m, m * zero = zero.
- Proof.
- induction m; arith.
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite scalarMult_zero.
- Hint Rewrite l_order_B.
- Lemma l_order_B' : forall x, l * x * B = zero.
- Proof.
- intros; rewrite mult_comm; rewrite <- scalarMult_assoc; arith.
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite l_order_B'.
- Lemma scalarMult_mod_l : forall n0, n0 mod l * B = n0 * B.
- Proof.
- intros.
- rewrite (div_mod n0 l) at 2 by (generalize l_odd; omega).
- arith.
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite scalarMult_mod_l.
- Hint Rewrite verify_spec public_spec.
- Hint Resolve @encoding_valid.
- Lemma verify_valid_passes : forall sk {n} (M : word n),
- verify (public sk) M (sign (public sk) sk M) = true.
- Proof.
- arith; simpl.
- repeat eexists; eauto; simpl; arith.
- Qed.
-End EdDSAFacts.
+Section EdDSA.
+ Context {prm:EdDSAParams}.
+ Existing Instance E.
+ Existing Instance PointEncoding.
+ Existing Instance FlEncoding.
+ Existing Class le.
+ Existing Instance n_le_b.
+ Notation secretkey := (Word.word b) (only parsing).
+ Notation publickey := (Word.word b) (only parsing).
+ Notation signature := (Word.word (b + b)) (only parsing).
+ (* TODO: proofread curveKey and definition of n *)
+ Definition curveKey (sk:secretkey) : nat :=
+ let x := wfirstn n sk in (* first half of the secret key is a scalar *)
+ let x := x - (x mod (2^c)) in (* it is implicitly 0 mod (2^c) *)
+ x + 2^n. (* and the high bit is always set *)
+ Definition prngKey (sk:secretkey) : Word.word b := Word.split2 b b (H sk).
+ Definition public (sk:secretkey) : publickey := enc (curveKey sk * B)%E.
+ Definition sign (A_:publickey) sk {n} (M : Word.word n) :=
+ let r : nat := H (prngKey sk ++ M) in (* secret nonce *)
+ let R : point := (r * B)%E in (* commitment to nonce *)
+ let s : nat := curveKey sk in (* secret scalar *)
+ let S : F (BinInt.Z.of_nat l) := ZToField (BinInt.Z.of_nat
+ (r + H (enc R ++ public sk ++ M) * s)) in
+ enc R ++ enc S.
+ Axiom point_eq_dec : forall P Q : point, {P = Q} + {P <> Q}.
+ Infix "==" := point_eq_dec (no associativity, at level 70) : E_scope.
+ Definition verify (A_:publickey) {n:nat} (M : Word.word n) (sig:signature) : bool :=
+ let R_ := Word.split1 b b sig in
+ let S_ := Word.split2 b b sig in
+ match dec A_ : option point with None => false | Some A =>
+ match dec R_ : option point with None => false | Some R =>
+ match dec S_ : option (F (BinInt.Z.of_nat l)) with None => false | Some S' =>
+ if BinInt.Z.to_nat (FieldToZ S') * B == R + (H (R_ ++ A_ ++ M)) * A
+ then true else false
+ end
+ end
+ end%E.
+End EdDSA. \ No newline at end of file