path: root/src/RewriterProofs.v
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authorGravatar Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>2019-04-03 16:43:48 -0400
committerGravatar Jason Gross <jasongross9@gmail.com>2019-04-09 21:59:06 -0400
commit067d1f14b03d83dcb1c0a60808919ceff6205836 (patch)
treeab6612a1c1a07321a264b4c3e02d31eb7baac8ff /src/RewriterProofs.v
parentde6be31e9e0f6be7ca2f61159d6a5a0e6f3969be (diff)
Automate more of the rewriter reification, proof
Now we actually make use of the rewrite-rule-specific proofs, rather than duplicating them inline. We now support reifying `ident.gets_inlined` to `SubstVarLike.is_var_fst_snd_pair_opp_cast`. We also now fix a bug where we previously incorrectly substituted context variables when reifying side conditions (needed for correct reification of split-mul things, coming up soon). Things are unfortunately a bit slow. I'm not sure what's up with my proof of `reflect_ident_iota_interp_related`; it seems more complicated than it should be (maybe partly due to funext concerns). Next up is to split out the rewrite rule generation bits into separate files and have a single tactic that builds the entire package for us (in prep for making the rewriter builder a vernacular). After that I want to more fully parameterize things over `ident`, and then also over the non-container base-types (which will require some reworking of how we handle special identifiers). Additionally, I want to make the rewrite rule definitions not depend on Language.v. After | File Name | Before || Change | % Change ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20m50.18s | Total | 23m01.24s || -2m11.06s | -9.48% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0m27.24s | RewriterRulesGood.vo | 1m34.94s || -1m07.70s | -71.30% 0m54.89s | RewriterRulesInterpGood.vo | 1m57.72s || -1m02.82s | -53.37% 1m37.88s | RewriterWf2.vo | 1m47.69s || -0m09.81s | -9.10% 1m16.71s | Rewriter.vo | 1m12.61s || +0m04.10s | +5.64% 0m37.14s | ExtractionHaskell/unsaturated_solinas | 0m40.06s || -0m02.92s | -7.28% 0m36.10s | RewriterWf1.vo | 0m33.12s || +0m02.98s | +8.99% 0m18.31s | p256_32.c | 0m20.70s || -0m02.39s | -11.54% 1m43.31s | Fancy/Barrett256.vo | 1m42.09s || +0m01.21s | +1.19% 0m32.46s | ExtractionHaskell/saturated_solinas | 0m30.92s || +0m01.53s | +4.98% 0m23.44s | ExtractionOCaml/word_by_word_montgomery | 0m22.26s || +0m01.17s | +5.30% 0m12.17s | ExtractionOCaml/word_by_word_montgomery.ml | 0m13.58s || -0m01.41s | -10.38% 0m10.04s | p224_32.c | 0m08.20s || +0m01.83s | +22.43% 0m09.98s | ExtractionOCaml/saturated_solinas | 0m11.67s || -0m01.68s | -14.48% 0m07.80s | ExtractionOCaml/saturated_solinas.ml | 0m06.16s || +0m01.63s | +26.62% 0m06.87s | ExtractionHaskell/saturated_solinas.hs | 0m04.98s || +0m01.88s | +37.95% 3m23.11s | p384_32.c | 3m22.61s || +0m00.50s | +0.24% 0m59.32s | ExtractionHaskell/word_by_word_montgomery | 0m58.76s || +0m00.56s | +0.95% 0m46.19s | p521_32.c | 0m47.16s || -0m00.96s | -2.05% 0m45.26s | RewriterInterpProofs1.vo | 0m45.64s || -0m00.38s | -0.83% 0m39.50s | p521_64.c | 0m38.97s || +0m00.53s | +1.36% 0m36.38s | PushButtonSynthesis/UnsaturatedSolinas.vo | 0m36.00s || +0m00.38s | +1.05% 0m34.40s | Fancy/Montgomery256.vo | 0m34.63s || -0m00.23s | -0.66% 0m26.95s | PushButtonSynthesis/WordByWordMontgomery.vo | 0m26.44s || +0m00.50s | +1.92% 0m25.62s | SlowPrimeSynthesisExamples.vo | 0m26.04s || -0m00.41s | -1.61% 0m24.39s | RewriterRulesProofs.vo | 0m24.18s || +0m00.21s | +0.86% 0m20.49s | PushButtonSynthesis/BarrettReduction.vo | 0m20.62s || -0m00.13s | -0.63% 0m18.54s | p448_solinas_64.c | 0m19.15s || -0m00.60s | -3.18% 0m17.37s | secp256k1_32.c | 0m17.70s || -0m00.32s | -1.86% 0m14.80s | p434_64.c | 0m14.16s || +0m00.64s | +4.51% 0m14.05s | ExtractionOCaml/unsaturated_solinas | 0m14.28s || -0m00.22s | -1.61% 0m09.17s | ExtractionOCaml/unsaturated_solinas.ml | 0m09.58s || -0m00.41s | -4.27% 0m08.47s | ExtractionHaskell/word_by_word_montgomery.hs | 0m08.22s || +0m00.25s | +3.04% 0m07.69s | p384_64.c | 0m07.72s || -0m00.02s | -0.38% 0m06.80s | BoundsPipeline.vo | 0m06.65s || +0m00.14s | +2.25% 0m06.49s | ExtractionHaskell/unsaturated_solinas.hs | 0m05.59s || +0m00.90s | +16.10% 0m03.54s | PushButtonSynthesis/Primitives.vo | 0m03.46s || +0m00.08s | +2.31% 0m03.35s | PushButtonSynthesis/SmallExamples.vo | 0m03.36s || -0m00.00s | -0.29% 0m03.19s | PushButtonSynthesis/SaturatedSolinas.vo | 0m03.15s || +0m00.04s | +1.26% 0m02.79s | curve25519_32.c | 0m03.32s || -0m00.52s | -15.96% 0m02.66s | PushButtonSynthesis/FancyMontgomeryReduction.vo | 0m02.73s || -0m00.06s | -2.56% 0m02.55s | RewriterRules.vo | 0m02.52s || +0m00.02s | +1.19% 0m01.98s | curve25519_64.c | 0m01.57s || +0m00.40s | +26.11% 0m01.78s | p224_64.c | 0m01.30s || +0m00.48s | +36.92% 0m01.60s | secp256k1_64.c | 0m01.74s || -0m00.13s | -8.04% 0m01.45s | p256_64.c | 0m01.55s || -0m00.10s | -6.45% 0m01.34s | RewriterProofs.vo | 0m01.16s || +0m00.18s | +15.51% 0m01.33s | CLI.vo | 0m01.40s || -0m00.06s | -4.99% 0m01.12s | StandaloneOCamlMain.vo | 0m01.09s || +0m00.03s | +2.75% 0m01.10s | CompilersTestCases.vo | 0m01.08s || +0m00.02s | +1.85% 0m01.08s | StandaloneHaskellMain.vo | 0m01.02s || +0m00.06s | +5.88%
Diffstat (limited to 'src/RewriterProofs.v')
1 files changed, 38 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/src/RewriterProofs.v b/src/RewriterProofs.v
index 0587aec51..6da5a9e47 100644
--- a/src/RewriterProofs.v
+++ b/src/RewriterProofs.v
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ Require Import Crypto.Rewriter.
Require Import Crypto.RewriterWf1.
Require Import Crypto.RewriterWf2.
Require Import Crypto.RewriterInterpProofs1.
+Require Import Crypto.RewriterRulesProofs.
Require Import Crypto.RewriterRulesGood.
Require Import Crypto.RewriterRulesInterpGood.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.BreakMatch.
@@ -54,14 +55,25 @@ Module Compilers.
Module Import RewriteRules.
- Local Ltac start_Wf_or_interp_proof rewrite_head_eq all_rewrite_rules_eq rewrite_head0 :=
+ Local Ltac start_Wf_or_interp_proof Rewrite_folded :=
let Rewrite := lazymatch goal with
| [ |- Wf ?e ] => head e
| [ |- expr.Interp _ ?e == _ ] => head e
end in
- cbv [Rewrite]; rewrite rewrite_head_eq; cbv [rewrite_head0]; rewrite all_rewrite_rules_eq.
- Local Ltac start_Wf_proof rewrite_head_eq all_rewrite_rules_eq rewrite_head0 :=
- start_Wf_or_interp_proof rewrite_head_eq all_rewrite_rules_eq rewrite_head0;
+ progress change Rewrite with Rewrite_folded; cbv [Rewrite_folded];
+ let data := lazymatch goal with |- context[Make.Rewrite ?data] => data end in
+ let data_head := head data in
+ cbv [Make.Rewrite];
+ rewrite (rewrite_head_eq data);
+ let lem := fresh in
+ pose proof (all_rewrite_rules_eq data) as lem;
+ cbv [data_head rewrite_head0 default_fuel all_rewrite_rules rewrite_rules];
+ unfold data_head at 1 in lem;
+ cbv [all_rewrite_rules] in lem;
+ let h := lazymatch goal with |- context[Compile.Rewrite ?rewrite_head] => head rewrite_head end in
+ cbv [h]; rewrite lem; clear lem.
+ Local Ltac start_Wf_proof Rewrite_folded :=
+ start_Wf_or_interp_proof Rewrite_folded;
apply Compile.Wf_Rewrite; [ | assumption ];
let wf_do_again := fresh "wf_do_again" in
(intros ? ? ? ? wf_do_again ? ?);
@@ -70,8 +82,8 @@ Module Compilers.
pattern.Raw.ident.to_typed_invert_bind_args, pattern.ident.eta_ident_cps_correct
with nocore;
try reflexivity.
- Local Ltac start_Interp_proof rewrite_head_eq all_rewrite_rules_eq rewrite_head0 :=
- start_Wf_or_interp_proof rewrite_head_eq all_rewrite_rules_eq rewrite_head0;
+ Local Ltac start_Interp_proof Rewrite_folded :=
+ start_Wf_or_interp_proof Rewrite_folded;
eapply Compile.InterpRewrite; [ | assumption ];
intros; eapply Compile.interp_assemble_identifier_rewriters with (pident_to_typed:=@pattern.ident.to_typed);
eauto using
@@ -81,22 +93,22 @@ Module Compilers.
Lemma Wf_RewriteNBE {t} e (Hwf : Wf e) : Wf (@RewriteNBE t e).
- start_Wf_proof nbe_rewrite_head_eq nbe_all_rewrite_rules_eq (@nbe_rewrite_head0).
+ start_Wf_proof RewriteNBE_folded.
apply nbe_rewrite_rules_good.
Lemma Wf_RewriteArith (max_const_val : Z) {t} e (Hwf : Wf e) : Wf (@RewriteArith max_const_val t e).
- start_Wf_proof arith_rewrite_head_eq arith_all_rewrite_rules_eq (@arith_rewrite_head0).
+ start_Wf_proof RewriteArith_folded.
apply arith_rewrite_rules_good.
Lemma Wf_RewriteArithWithCasts {t} e (Hwf : Wf e) : Wf (@RewriteArithWithCasts t e).
- start_Wf_proof arith_with_casts_rewrite_head_eq arith_with_casts_all_rewrite_rules_eq (@arith_with_casts_rewrite_head0).
+ start_Wf_proof RewriteArithWithCasts_folded.
apply arith_with_casts_rewrite_rules_good.
Lemma Wf_RewriteStripLiteralCasts {t} e (Hwf : Wf e) : Wf (@RewriteStripLiteralCasts t e).
- start_Wf_proof strip_literal_casts_rewrite_head_eq strip_literal_casts_all_rewrite_rules_eq (@strip_literal_casts_rewrite_head0).
+ start_Wf_proof RewriteStripLiteralCasts_folded.
apply strip_literal_casts_rewrite_rules_good.
Lemma Wf_RewriteToFancy (invert_low invert_high : Z -> Z -> option Z)
@@ -104,8 +116,8 @@ Module Compilers.
(Hhigh : forall s v v', invert_high s v = Some v' -> v = Z.shiftr v' (s/2))
{t} e (Hwf : Wf e) : Wf (@RewriteToFancy invert_low invert_high t e).
- start_Wf_proof fancy_rewrite_head_eq fancy_all_rewrite_rules_eq (@fancy_rewrite_head0).
- eapply fancy_rewrite_rules_good; eassumption.
+ start_Wf_proof RewriteToFancy_folded.
+ apply fancy_rewrite_rules_good; assumption.
Lemma Wf_RewriteToFancyWithCasts (invert_low invert_high : Z -> Z -> option Z)
@@ -114,39 +126,39 @@ Module Compilers.
(Hhigh : forall s v v', invert_high s v = Some v' -> v = Z.shiftr v' (s/2))
{t} e (Hwf : Wf e) : Wf (@RewriteToFancyWithCasts invert_low invert_high value_range flag_range t e).
- start_Wf_proof fancy_with_casts_rewrite_head_eq fancy_with_casts_all_rewrite_rules_eq (@fancy_with_casts_rewrite_head0).
- eapply fancy_with_casts_rewrite_rules_good; eassumption.
+ start_Wf_proof RewriteToFancyWithCasts_folded.
+ apply fancy_with_casts_rewrite_rules_good; assumption.
Lemma Interp_gen_RewriteNBE {cast_outside_of_range t} e (Hwf : Wf e)
: expr.Interp (@ident.gen_interp cast_outside_of_range) (@RewriteNBE t e)
== expr.Interp (@ident.gen_interp cast_outside_of_range) e.
- start_Interp_proof nbe_rewrite_head_eq nbe_all_rewrite_rules_eq (@nbe_rewrite_head0).
- apply nbe_rewrite_rules_interp_good.
+ start_Interp_proof RewriteNBE_folded.
+ apply nbe_rewrite_rules_interp_good, nbe_rewrite_rules_proofs.
Lemma Interp_gen_RewriteArith {cast_outside_of_range} (max_const_val : Z) {t} e (Hwf : Wf e)
: expr.Interp (@ident.gen_interp cast_outside_of_range) (@RewriteArith max_const_val t e)
== expr.Interp (@ident.gen_interp cast_outside_of_range) e.
- start_Interp_proof arith_rewrite_head_eq arith_all_rewrite_rules_eq (@arith_rewrite_head0).
- apply arith_rewrite_rules_interp_good.
+ start_Interp_proof RewriteArith_folded.
+ apply arith_rewrite_rules_interp_good, arith_rewrite_rules_proofs.
Lemma Interp_gen_RewriteArithWithCasts {cast_outside_of_range} {t} e (Hwf : Wf e)
: expr.Interp (@ident.gen_interp cast_outside_of_range) (@RewriteArithWithCasts t e)
== expr.Interp (@ident.gen_interp cast_outside_of_range) e.
- start_Interp_proof arith_with_casts_rewrite_head_eq arith_with_casts_all_rewrite_rules_eq (@arith_with_casts_rewrite_head0).
- apply arith_with_casts_rewrite_rules_interp_good.
+ start_Interp_proof RewriteArithWithCasts_folded.
+ apply arith_with_casts_rewrite_rules_interp_good, arith_with_casts_rewrite_rules_proofs.
Lemma Interp_gen_RewriteStripLiteralCasts {cast_outside_of_range} {t} e (Hwf : Wf e)
: expr.Interp (@ident.gen_interp cast_outside_of_range) (@RewriteStripLiteralCasts t e)
== expr.Interp (@ident.gen_interp cast_outside_of_range) e.
- start_Interp_proof strip_literal_casts_rewrite_head_eq strip_literal_casts_all_rewrite_rules_eq (@strip_literal_casts_rewrite_head0).
- apply strip_literal_casts_rewrite_rules_interp_good.
+ start_Interp_proof RewriteStripLiteralCasts_folded.
+ apply strip_literal_casts_rewrite_rules_interp_good, strip_literal_casts_rewrite_rules_proofs.
Lemma Interp_gen_RewriteToFancy {cast_outside_of_range} (invert_low invert_high : Z -> Z -> option Z)
@@ -156,8 +168,8 @@ Module Compilers.
: expr.Interp (@ident.gen_interp cast_outside_of_range) (@RewriteToFancy invert_low invert_high t e)
== expr.Interp (@ident.gen_interp cast_outside_of_range) e.
- start_Interp_proof fancy_rewrite_head_eq fancy_all_rewrite_rules_eq (@fancy_rewrite_head0).
- eapply fancy_rewrite_rules_interp_good; eassumption.
+ start_Interp_proof RewriteToFancy_folded.
+ apply fancy_rewrite_rules_interp_good; try assumption; apply fancy_rewrite_rules_proofs; assumption.
Lemma Interp_gen_RewriteToFancyWithCasts {cast_outside_of_range} (invert_low invert_high : Z -> Z -> option Z)
@@ -168,8 +180,8 @@ Module Compilers.
: expr.Interp (@ident.gen_interp cast_outside_of_range) (@RewriteToFancyWithCasts invert_low invert_high value_range flag_range t e)
== expr.Interp (@ident.gen_interp cast_outside_of_range) e.
- start_Interp_proof fancy_with_casts_rewrite_head_eq fancy_with_casts_all_rewrite_rules_eq (@fancy_with_casts_rewrite_head0).
- eapply fancy_with_casts_rewrite_rules_interp_good; eassumption.
+ start_Interp_proof RewriteToFancyWithCasts_folded.
+ apply fancy_with_casts_rewrite_rules_interp_good; try assumption; apply fancy_with_casts_rewrite_rules_proofs; assumption.
Lemma Interp_RewriteNBE {t} e (Hwf : Wf e) : Interp (@RewriteNBE t e) == Interp e.