path: root/src/Reflection/Z
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authorGravatar Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>2016-11-10 21:24:54 -0500
committerGravatar Jason Gross <jasongross9@gmail.com>2016-11-11 16:07:28 -0500
commitb2e85f8b7983a72390e35c5509127dfabc68fbef (patch)
tree23260080c260eac8ad9d09940069695aaad9b264 /src/Reflection/Z
parent8e9b64460ac03810255529b16be49a8a4912d0d5 (diff)
Remove special code for reified conditional sub
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Reflection/Z')
4 files changed, 5 insertions, 463 deletions
diff --git a/src/Reflection/Z/Interpretations.v b/src/Reflection/Z/Interpretations.v
index 8a31b3947..0c6dcd2f1 100644
--- a/src/Reflection/Z/Interpretations.v
+++ b/src/Reflection/Z/Interpretations.v
@@ -168,9 +168,7 @@ Module Word64.
:= fun x y z w => ZToWord64 (ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.cmovne (word64ToZ x) (word64ToZ y) (word64ToZ z) (word64ToZ w)).
Definition cmovle : word64 -> word64 -> word64 -> word64 -> word64 (* TODO: FIXME? *)
:= fun x y z w => ZToWord64 (ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.cmovl (word64ToZ x) (word64ToZ y) (word64ToZ z) (word64ToZ w)).
- Definition conditional_subtract (pred_limb_count : nat) : word64 -> Tuple.tuple word64 (S pred_limb_count) -> Tuple.tuple word64 (S pred_limb_count) -> Tuple.tuple word64 (S pred_limb_count)
- := fun x y z => Tuple.map ZToWord64 (@ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.conditional_subtract_modulus
- (S pred_limb_count) (word64ToZ x) (Tuple.map word64ToZ y) (Tuple.map word64ToZ z)).
Infix "+" := add : word64_scope.
Infix "-" := sub : word64_scope.
Infix "*" := mul : word64_scope.
@@ -203,9 +201,6 @@ Module Word64.
Local Notation bounds_2statement wop Zop
:= (forall x y,
bounds_statement (wop x y) (Zop (word64ToZ x) (word64ToZ y))).
- Local Notation bounds_1_tuple2_statement wop Zop
- := (forall x y z,
- bounds_statement_tuple (wop x y z) (Zop (word64ToZ x) (Tuple.map word64ToZ y) (Tuple.map word64ToZ z))).
Local Notation bounds_4statement wop Zop
:= (forall x y z w,
bounds_statement (wop x y z w) (Zop (word64ToZ x) (word64ToZ y) (word64ToZ z) (word64ToZ w))).
@@ -247,20 +242,6 @@ Module Word64.
Proof. w64ToZ_t; w64ToZ_extra_t. Qed.
Lemma word64ToZ_cmovle : bounds_4statement cmovle ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.cmovl.
Proof. w64ToZ_t; w64ToZ_extra_t. Qed.
- Lemma word64ToZ_conditional_subtract pred_limb_count
- : bounds_1_tuple2_statement (@conditional_subtract pred_limb_count)
- (@ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.conditional_subtract_modulus (S pred_limb_count)).
- Proof.
- w64ToZ_t; unfold conditional_subtract; w64ToZ_extra_t.
- repeat first [ progress w64ToZ_extra_t
- | rewrite Tuple.map_map
- | rewrite HList.Tuple.map_id_ext
- | match goal with
- | [ H : HList.hlist _ _ |- HList.hlist _ _ ]
- => revert H; apply HList.hlist_impl
- end
- | apply HList.const ].
- Qed.
Definition interp_base_type (t : base_type) : Type
:= match t with
@@ -278,9 +259,6 @@ Module Word64.
| Neg => fun xy => neg (fst xy) (snd xy)
| Cmovne => fun xyzw => let '(x, y, z, w) := eta4 xyzw in cmovne x y z w
| Cmovle => fun xyzw => let '(x, y, z, w) := eta4 xyzw in cmovle x y z w
- | ConditionalSubtract pred_n
- => fun xyz => let '(x, y, z) := eta3 xyz in
- flat_interp_untuple' (T:=Tbase TZ) (@conditional_subtract pred_n x (flat_interp_tuple y) (flat_interp_tuple z))
Definition of_Z ty : Z.interp_base_type ty -> interp_base_type ty
@@ -315,8 +293,6 @@ Module Word64.
Hint Rewrite <- word64ToZ_cmovne using word64_util_arith : pull_word64ToZ.
Hint Rewrite word64ToZ_cmovle using word64_util_arith : push_word64ToZ.
Hint Rewrite <- word64ToZ_cmovle using word64_util_arith : pull_word64ToZ.
- Hint Rewrite word64ToZ_conditional_subtract using word64_util_arith : push_word64ToZ.
- Hint Rewrite <- word64ToZ_conditional_subtract using word64_util_arith : pull_word64ToZ.
End Rewrites.
End Word64.
@@ -458,9 +434,6 @@ Module ZBounds.
| Neg => fun xy => neg (fst xy) (snd xy)
| Cmovne => fun xyzw => let '(x, y, z, w) := eta4 xyzw in cmovne x y z w
| Cmovle => fun xyzw => let '(x, y, z, w) := eta4 xyzw in cmovle x y z w
- | ConditionalSubtract pred_n
- => fun xyz => let '(x, y, z) := eta3 xyz in
- flat_interp_untuple' (T:=Tbase TZ) (@conditional_subtract pred_n x (flat_interp_tuple y) (flat_interp_tuple z))
Definition of_word64 ty : Word64.interp_base_type ty -> interp_base_type ty
@@ -604,44 +577,6 @@ Module BoundedWord64.
| _, _, _, _ => None
- Definition t_map1_tuple2 {n}
- (opW : Word64.word64 -> Tuple.tuple Word64.word64 (S n) -> Tuple.tuple Word64.word64 (S n) -> Tuple.tuple Word64.word64 (S n))
- (opB : ZBounds.t -> Tuple.tuple ZBounds.t (S n) -> Tuple.tuple ZBounds.t (S n) -> Tuple.tuple ZBounds.t (S n))
- (pf : forall x y z bs,
- Tuple.lift_option
- (opB (Some (BoundedWordToBounds x)) (Tuple.push_option (Some (Tuple.map BoundedWordToBounds y)))
- (Tuple.push_option (Some (Tuple.map BoundedWordToBounds z))))
- = Some bs
- -> let val := opW (value x) (Tuple.map value y) (Tuple.map value z) in
- HList.hlist
- (fun vlu => let v := fst vlu in
- let lu : ZBounds.bounds := snd vlu in
- is_bounded_by v (ZBounds.lower lu) (ZBounds.upper lu))
- (Tuple.map2 (fun v (lu : ZBounds.bounds) => (v, lu))
- val bs))
- : t -> Tuple.tuple t (S n) -> Tuple.tuple t (S n) -> Tuple.tuple t (S n)
- := fun (x : t) (y z : Tuple.tuple t (S n))
- => Tuple.push_option
- match x, Tuple.lift_option y, Tuple.lift_option z with
- | Some x, Some y, Some z
- => match Tuple.lift_option (opB (Some (BoundedWordToBounds x))
- (Tuple.push_option (Some (Tuple.map BoundedWordToBounds y)))
- (Tuple.push_option (Some (Tuple.map BoundedWordToBounds z))))
- as bop return Tuple.lift_option _ = bop -> option (Tuple.tuple _ (S n)) with
- | Some bs
- => fun Heq
- => let v
- := HList.mapt
- (fun (vlu : Word64.word64 * ZBounds.bounds) pf
- => {| lower := ZBounds.lower (snd vlu) ; value := fst vlu ; upper := ZBounds.upper (snd vlu) ;
- in_bounds := pf |})
- (pf _ _ _ _ Heq) in
- Some v
- | None => fun _ => None
- end eq_refl
- | _, _, _ => None
- end.
Local Opaque Word64.bit_width.
Hint Resolve Z.ones_nonneg : zarith.
Local Ltac t_prestart :=
@@ -679,117 +614,11 @@ Module BoundedWord64.
=> apply (Z.max_case_strong x y)
end ].
- (** TODO(jadep): Use the bounds lemma here to prove that if each
- component of [ret_val] is [Some (l, v, u)], then we can fill in
- [pf] and return the tuple of [{| lower := l ; value := v ; upper
- := u ; in_bounds := pf |}]. *)
- Lemma conditional_subtract_bounded
- (pred_n : nat) (x : BoundedWord)
- (y z : Tuple.tuple BoundedWord (S pred_n))
- (H : ZBounds.check_conditional_subtract_bounds
- pred_n (BoundedWordToBounds x)
- (Tuple.map BoundedWordToBounds y) (Tuple.map BoundedWordToBounds z) = true)
- : HList.hlist
- (fun vlu : Z * ZBounds.bounds =>
- (0 <= ZBounds.lower (snd vlu))%Z /\
- (ZBounds.lower (snd vlu) <= fst vlu <= ZBounds.upper (snd vlu))%Z /\
- (Z.log2 (ZBounds.upper (snd vlu)) < Word64.bit_width)%Z)
- (Tuple.map2 (fun v lu => (v, lu))
- (ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.conditional_subtract_modulus
- (S pred_n)
- (Word64.word64ToZ (value x))
- (Tuple.map Word64.word64ToZ (Tuple.map value y))
- (Tuple.map Word64.word64ToZ (Tuple.map value z)))
- (ZBounds.conditional_subtract'
- pred_n (BoundedWordToBounds x)
- (Tuple.map BoundedWordToBounds y) (Tuple.map BoundedWordToBounds z))).
- Proof. Admitted.
Local Hint Resolve Word64.bit_width_pos : zarith.
Local Hint Extern 1 (Z.log2 _ < _)%Z => eapply Z.le_lt_trans; [ eapply Z.log2_le_mono; eassumption | eassumption ] : zarith.
(* Local *) Hint Resolve <- Z.log2_lt_pow2_alt : zarith.
- Lemma conditional_subtract_bounded_word
- (pred_n : nat) (x : BoundedWord)
- (y z : Tuple.tuple BoundedWord (S pred_n))
- (H : ZBounds.check_conditional_subtract_bounds
- pred_n (BoundedWordToBounds x)
- (Tuple.map BoundedWordToBounds y) (Tuple.map BoundedWordToBounds z) = true)
- : HList.hlist
- (fun vlu : Word64.word64 * ZBounds.bounds =>
- (0 <= ZBounds.lower (snd vlu))%Z /\
- (ZBounds.lower (snd vlu) <= Word64.word64ToZ (fst vlu) <= ZBounds.upper (snd vlu))%Z /\
- (Z.log2 (ZBounds.upper (snd vlu)) < Word64.bit_width)%Z)
- (Tuple.map2 (fun v lu => (v, lu))
- (Word64.conditional_subtract
- pred_n (value x) (Tuple.map value y) (Tuple.map value z))
- (ZBounds.conditional_subtract'
- pred_n (BoundedWordToBounds x)
- (Tuple.map BoundedWordToBounds y) (Tuple.map BoundedWordToBounds z))).
- Proof.
- generalize (conditional_subtract_bounded pred_n x y z H).
- unfold Word64.conditional_subtract; rewrite Tuple.map2_map_fst.
- rewrite <- (Tuple.map_map2 (fun a b => (a, b)) (fun ab => (Word64.ZToWord64 (fst ab), snd ab))).
- rewrite HList.hlist_map; simpl @fst; simpl @snd.
- apply HList.hlist_impl, HList.const.
- intros; destruct_head' and; repeat split;
- autorewrite with push_word64ToZ; omega.
- Qed.
- Lemma conditional_subtract_bounded_lite_helper
- (pred_n : nat) (x : BoundedWord)
- (y z : Tuple.tuple BoundedWord (S pred_n))
- (H : ZBounds.check_conditional_subtract_bounds
- pred_n (BoundedWordToBounds x)
- (Tuple.map BoundedWordToBounds y) (Tuple.map BoundedWordToBounds z) = true)
- : HList.hlist
- (fun v : Z =>
- (0 <= v)%Z /\
- (Z.log2 v < Word64.bit_width)%Z)
- (Tuple.map
- (@fst _ _)
- (Tuple.map2 (fun v lu => (v, lu))
- (ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.conditional_subtract_modulus
- (S pred_n)
- (Word64.word64ToZ (value x))
- (Tuple.map Word64.word64ToZ (Tuple.map value y))
- (Tuple.map Word64.word64ToZ (Tuple.map value z)))
- (ZBounds.conditional_subtract'
- pred_n (BoundedWordToBounds x)
- (Tuple.map BoundedWordToBounds y) (Tuple.map BoundedWordToBounds z)))).
- Proof.
- generalize (conditional_subtract_bounded pred_n x y z H).
- rewrite HList.hlist_map.
- apply HList.hlist_impl, HList.const; intros.
- destruct_head' and.
- split; try omega; [].
- eapply Z.le_lt_trans; [ eapply Z.log2_le_mono | eassumption ]; omega.
- Qed.
- Lemma conditional_subtract_bounded_lite
- (pred_n : nat)
- (xbw : BoundedWord) (ybw zbw : Tuple.tuple BoundedWord (S pred_n))
- (x : Word64.word64) (y z : Tuple.tuple Word64.word64 (S pred_n))
- (xb : ZBounds.bounds) (yb zb : Tuple.tuple ZBounds.bounds (S pred_n))
- (Hx : value xbw = x) (Hy : Tuple.map value ybw = y) (Hz : Tuple.map value zbw = z)
- (Hxb : BoundedWordToBounds xbw = xb)
- (Hyb : Tuple.map BoundedWordToBounds ybw = yb) (Hzb : Tuple.map BoundedWordToBounds zbw = zb)
- (Hc : ZBounds.check_conditional_subtract_bounds pred_n xb yb zb = true)
- : HList.hlist (fun v : Z => (0 <= v)%Z /\ (Z.log2 v < Z.of_nat Word64.bit_width)%Z)
- (ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.conditional_subtract_modulus
- (S pred_n)
- (Word64.word64ToZ x)
- (Tuple.map Word64.word64ToZ y)
- (Tuple.map Word64.word64ToZ z)).
- Proof.
- subst.
- generalize (conditional_subtract_bounded_lite_helper pred_n xbw ybw zbw Hc).
- rewrite Tuple.map_map2; simpl @fst.
- rewrite Tuple.map2_fst, Tuple.map_id.
- trivial.
- Qed.
Definition add : t -> t -> t.
refine (t_map2 Word64.add ZBounds.add _);
@@ -841,23 +670,6 @@ Module BoundedWord64.
Definition cmovle : t -> t -> t -> t -> t.
Proof. refine (t_map4 Word64.cmovle ZBounds.cmovle _); abstract t_start. Defined.
- Definition conditional_subtract (pred_n : nat)
- : forall (int_width : t) (modulus val : Tuple.tuple t (S pred_n)),
- Tuple.tuple t (S pred_n).
- Proof.
- refine (@t_map1_tuple2 pred_n (@Word64.conditional_subtract _) (@ZBounds.conditional_subtract _) _).
- abstract (
- repeat first [ progress unfold ZBounds.conditional_subtract
- | rewrite !Tuple.lift_push_option
- | progress break_match
- | congruence
- | progress subst
- | progress inversion_option
- | intro
- | solve [ auto using conditional_subtract_bounded_word ] ]
- ).
- Defined.
Local Notation binop_correct op opW opB :=
(forall x y v, op (Some x) (Some y) = Some v
-> value v = opW (value x) (value y)
@@ -871,17 +683,6 @@ Module BoundedWord64.
(Some (BoundedWordToBounds z)) (Some (BoundedWordToBounds w)))
(only parsing).
- Local Notation op1_tuple2_correct op opW opB :=
- (forall x y z v,
- Tuple.lift_option (op (Some x) (Tuple.push_option (Some y)) (Tuple.push_option (Some z))) = Some v
- -> Tuple.map value v = opW (value x) (Tuple.map value y) (Tuple.map value z)
- /\ Some (Tuple.map BoundedWordToBounds v)
- = Tuple.lift_option
- (opB (Some (BoundedWordToBounds x))
- (Tuple.push_option (Some (Tuple.map BoundedWordToBounds y)))
- (Tuple.push_option (Some (Tuple.map BoundedWordToBounds z)))))
- (only parsing).
Lemma t_map2_correct opW opB pf
: binop_correct (t_map2 opW opB pf) opW opB.
@@ -902,29 +703,6 @@ Module BoundedWord64.
- (* TODO: Automate this proof more *)
- Lemma t_map1_tuple2_correct {n} opW opB pf
- : op1_tuple2_correct (t_map1_tuple2 (n:=n) opW opB pf) opW opB.
- Proof.
- intros ???? H.
- unfold t_map1_tuple2 in H; unfold BoundedWordToBounds in *.
- rewrite !Tuple.lift_push_option in H.
- convoy_destruct_in H; [ | congruence ].
- rewrite_hyp *.
- inversion_option.
- symmetry in H.
- pose proof (f_equal (Tuple.map value) H) as H0'.
- pose proof (f_equal (Tuple.map BoundedWordToBounds) H) as H1'.
- unfold BoundedWordToBounds in *.
- rewrite_hyp !*.
- rewrite !HList.map_mapt; simpl @lower; simpl @upper; simpl @value.
- rewrite <- !HList.map_is_mapt.
- rewrite !Tuple.map_map2; simpl @fst; simpl @snd.
- rewrite !Tuple.map2_fst, !Tuple.map2_snd, Tuple.map_id, Tuple.map_id_ext
- by (intros [? ?]; reflexivity).
- eauto.
- Qed.
Local Notation binop_correct_None op opB :=
(forall x y, op (Some x) (Some y) = None -> opB (Some (BoundedWordToBounds x)) (Some (BoundedWordToBounds y)) = None)
(only parsing).
@@ -936,16 +714,6 @@ Module BoundedWord64.
= None)
(only parsing).
- Local Notation op1_tuple2_correct_None op opB :=
- (forall x y z,
- Tuple.lift_option (op (Some x) (Tuple.push_option (Some y)) (Tuple.push_option (Some z))) = None
- -> Tuple.lift_option
- (opB (Some (BoundedWordToBounds x))
- (Tuple.push_option (Some (Tuple.map BoundedWordToBounds y)))
- (Tuple.push_option (Some (Tuple.map BoundedWordToBounds z))))
- = None)
- (only parsing).
Lemma t_map2_correct_None opW opB pf
: binop_correct_None (t_map2 opW opB pf) opB.
@@ -966,15 +734,6 @@ Module BoundedWord64.
- Lemma t_map1_tuple2_correct_None {n} opW opB pf
- : op1_tuple2_correct_None (t_map1_tuple2 (n:=n) opW opB pf) opB.
- Proof.
- intros ??? H.
- unfold t_map1_tuple2 in H; unfold BoundedWordToBounds in *.
- rewrite !Tuple.lift_push_option in H.
- convoy_destruct_in H; congruence.
- Qed.
Module Export Notations.
Delimit Scope bounded_word_scope with bounded_word.
Notation "b[ l ~> u ]" := {| lower := l ; upper := u |} : bounded_word_scope.
@@ -998,9 +757,6 @@ Module BoundedWord64.
| Neg => fun xy => neg (fst xy) (snd xy)
| Cmovne => fun xyzw => let '(x, y, z, w) := eta4 xyzw in cmovne x y z w
| Cmovle => fun xyzw => let '(x, y, z, w) := eta4 xyzw in cmovle x y z w
- | ConditionalSubtract pred_n
- => fun xyz => let '(x, y, z) := eta3 xyz in
- flat_interp_untuple' (T:=Tbase TZ) (@conditional_subtract pred_n x (flat_interp_tuple y) (flat_interp_tuple z))
End BoundedWord64.
diff --git a/src/Reflection/Z/Interpretations/Relations.v b/src/Reflection/Z/Interpretations/Relations.v
index 963834a10..3760b15e0 100644
--- a/src/Reflection/Z/Interpretations/Relations.v
+++ b/src/Reflection/Z/Interpretations/Relations.v
@@ -96,15 +96,13 @@ Local Ltac related_word64_op_t_step :=
=> let H' := fresh in
rename H into H';
first [ pose proof (@BoundedWord64.t_map2_correct _ _ _ _ _ _ H') as H; clear H'
- | pose proof (@BoundedWord64.t_map4_correct _ _ _ _ _ _ H') as H; clear H'
- | pose proof (@BoundedWord64.t_map1_tuple2_correct _ _ _ _ _ _ H') as H; clear H' ];
+ | pose proof (@BoundedWord64.t_map4_correct _ _ _ _ _ _ H') as H; clear H' ];
simpl in H
| [ H : ?op _ _ = None |- _ ]
=> let H' := fresh in
rename H into H';
first [ pose proof (@BoundedWord64.t_map2_correct_None _ _ _ _ _ H') as H; clear H'
- | pose proof (@BoundedWord64.t_map4_correct_None _ _ _ _ _ H') as H; clear H'
- | pose proof (@BoundedWord64.t_map1_tuple2_correct_None _ _ _ _ _ H') as H; clear H' ];
+ | pose proof (@BoundedWord64.t_map4_correct_None _ _ _ _ _ H') as H; clear H' ];
simpl in H
| progress cbv [related'_word64 proj_eq_rel BoundedWord64.to_word64' BoundedWord64.boundedWordToWord64 BoundedWord64.value] in *
@@ -318,78 +316,11 @@ Local Arguments LiftOption.lift_relation _ _ _ _ !_ _ / .
Local Arguments LiftOption.of' _ _ !_ / .
Local Arguments BoundedWord64.BoundedWordToBounds !_ / .
-Local Ltac t_map1_tuple2_t_step :=
- instantiate;
- first [ exact I
- | reflexivity
- | progress destruct_head_hnf' False
- | progress subst
- | progress destruct_head_hnf' prod
- | progress destruct_head_hnf' and
- | progress destruct_head_hnf' option
- | progress inversion_option
- | intro
- | apply @related_tuples_None_left; constructor
- | apply -> @related_tuples_Some_left
- | refine (proj2 (@related_tuples_proj_eq_rel_untuple _ _ _ _ _ _) _)
- | apply <- @related_tuples_lift_relation2_untuple'
- | match goal with
- | [ H : appcontext[LiftOption.lift_relation] |- _ ]
- => eapply related_tuples_Some_left_ext in H; [ | eassumption ]
- | [ H : appcontext[proj_eq_rel] |- _ ]
- => apply -> @related_tuples_proj_eq_rel_tuple in H
- | [ H : appcontext[LiftOption.lift_relation2] |- _ ]
- => eapply (fun H => proj1 (related_tuples_lift_relation2_untuple'_ext H)) in H;
- [ | first [ left; eexists; eassumption | right; eexists; eassumption ] ]
- | [ H : Tuple.lift_option ?x = Some _, H' : context[?x] |- _ ]
- => setoid_rewrite H in H'
- | [ H : proj_eq_rel _ _ _ |- _ ] => hnf in H
- | [ H : Tuple.lift_option (flat_interp_tuple' ?x) = Some _ |- _ ]
- => is_var x; apply lift_option_flat_interp_tuple' in H
- end
- | progress rewrite ?HList.map'_mapt', <- ?HList.map_is_mapt'
- | progress rewrite ?Tuple.map_map2, ?Tuple.map2_fst, ?Tuple.map2_snd, ?Tuple.map_id
- | progress rewrite Tuple.map_id_ext by repeat (reflexivity || intros [] || intro)
- | progress rewrite ?flat_interp_tuple_untuple', ?flat_interp_tuple'_untuple' in *
- | progress unfold BoundedWord64.t_map1_tuple2, HList.mapt
- | progress unfold related_word64, related'_word64, related_bounds in *
- | progress simpl @BoundedWord64.to_word64' in *
- | progress simpl @fst in *
- | progress simpl @snd in *
- | progress simpl @option_map in *
- | progress simpl @BoundedWord64.BoundedWordToBounds in *
- | progress break_match
- | progress convoy_destruct
- | progress simpl @interp_flat_type_rel_pointwise2 in *
- | progress simpl @LiftOption.lift_relation in *
- | progress simpl @LiftOption.lift_relation2 in *
- | progress simpl @flat_interp_tuple in *
- | progress simpl @LiftOption.of' in *
- | progress simpl @smart_interp_flat_map in *
- | rewrite_hyp <- !*; reflexivity
- | solve [ eauto using lift_option_None_interp_flat_type_rel_pointwise2_1 ]
- | match goal with
- | [ H : LiftOption.lift_relation2 _ _ _ _ |- _ ] => unfold LiftOption.lift_relation2 in H
- | [ H : LiftOption.of' _ = _ |- _ ] => unfold LiftOption.of' in H
- | [ H : option_map _ _ = _ |- _ ] => unfold option_map in H
- end ].
-Local Ltac t_map1_tuple2_t := repeat t_map1_tuple2_t_step.
-Lemma related_word64_t_map1_tuple2 {n} opW opB pf
- sv1 sv2
- : interp_flat_type_rel_pointwise2 (t:=Prod (Prod (Tbase TZ) (Syntax.tuple (Tbase TZ) (S n))) (Syntax.tuple (Tbase TZ) (S n))) related_word64 sv1 sv2
- -> interp_flat_type_rel_pointwise2
- (t:=Syntax.tuple (Tbase TZ) (S n)) related_word64
- (Syntax.flat_interp_untuple' (n:=n) (T:=Tbase TZ) (BoundedWord64.t_map1_tuple2 (n:=n) opW opB pf (fst (fst sv1)) (Syntax.flat_interp_tuple (snd (fst sv1))) (Syntax.flat_interp_tuple (snd sv1))))
- (Syntax.flat_interp_untuple' (n:=n) (T:=Tbase TZ) (opW (fst (fst sv2)) (Syntax.flat_interp_tuple (snd (fst sv2))) (Syntax.flat_interp_tuple (snd sv2)))).
-Proof. t_map1_tuple2_t. Qed.
Lemma related_word64_op : related_op related_word64 (@BoundedWord64.interp_op) (@Word64.interp_op).
(let op := fresh in intros ?? op; destruct op; simpl);
try first [ apply related_word64_t_map2
- | apply related_word64_t_map4
- | apply related_word64_t_map1_tuple2 ].
+ | apply related_word64_t_map4 ].
Lemma related_bounds_t_map2 opW opB pf
@@ -428,36 +359,6 @@ Local Arguments Tuple.push_option : simpl never.
Local Arguments Tuple.map : simpl never.
Local Arguments Tuple.map2 : simpl never.
-Lemma related_bounds_t_map1_tuple2 {n} opW opB pf
- (HN0 : forall x y, opB None x y = Tuple.push_option None)
- (HN1 : forall x y z, Tuple.lift_option y = None -> opB x y z = Tuple.push_option None)
- (HN2 : forall x y z, Tuple.lift_option z = None -> opB x y z = Tuple.push_option None)
- (HN3 : forall x y z, Tuple.lift_option (opB x y z) = None -> opB x y z = Tuple.push_option None)
- sv1 sv2
- : interp_flat_type_rel_pointwise2 (t:=Prod (Prod (Tbase TZ) (Syntax.tuple (Tbase TZ) (S n))) (Syntax.tuple (Tbase TZ) (S n))) related_bounds sv1 sv2
- -> interp_flat_type_rel_pointwise2
- (t:=Syntax.tuple (Tbase TZ) (S n)) related_bounds
- (Syntax.flat_interp_untuple' (n:=n) (T:=Tbase TZ) (BoundedWord64.t_map1_tuple2 (n:=n) opW opB pf (fst (fst sv1)) (Syntax.flat_interp_tuple (snd (fst sv1))) (Syntax.flat_interp_tuple (snd sv1))))
- (Syntax.flat_interp_untuple' (n:=n) (T:=Tbase TZ) (opB (fst (fst sv2)) (Syntax.flat_interp_tuple (snd (fst sv2))) (Syntax.flat_interp_tuple (snd sv2)))).
- t_map1_tuple2_t;
- try first [ rewrite HN0 by (assumption || t_map1_tuple2_t)
- | rewrite HN1 by (assumption || t_map1_tuple2_t)
- | rewrite HN2 by (assumption || t_map1_tuple2_t)
- | rewrite HN3 by (assumption || t_map1_tuple2_t) ];
- t_map1_tuple2_t.
- { repeat match goal with
- | [ |- context[HList.mapt' _ ?ls] ]
- => not is_var ls; generalize ls; intro
- | [ H : Tuple.lift_option _ = Some _ |- _ ]
- => apply Tuple.push_lift_option in H; setoid_rewrite H
- | _ => progress (break_match_hyps; t_map1_tuple2_t)
- end. }
- { repeat (break_match_hyps; t_map1_tuple2_t).
- rewrite HN3 by (assumption || t_map1_tuple2_t).
- t_map1_tuple2_t. }
Local Arguments ZBounds.SmartBuildBounds _ _ / .
Lemma related_bounds_op : related_op related_bounds (@BoundedWord64.interp_op) (@ZBounds.interp_op).
@@ -472,12 +373,6 @@ Proof.
{ apply related_bounds_t_map2; intros; destruct_head' option; destruct_head' ZBounds.bounds; reflexivity. }
{ apply related_bounds_t_map4; intros; destruct_head' option; reflexivity. }
{ apply related_bounds_t_map4; intros; destruct_head' option; reflexivity. }
- { apply related_bounds_t_map1_tuple2; intros; destruct_head' option; try reflexivity;
- unfold ZBounds.conditional_subtract in *; rewrite ?Tuple.lift_push_option in *;
- repeat match goal with H : _ |- _ => rewrite !Tuple.lift_push_option in H end;
- try reflexivity;
- (rewrite_hyp ?* );
- break_match; try reflexivity. }
Local Ltac Word64.Rewrites.word64_util_arith ::=
@@ -553,68 +448,6 @@ Qed.
Local Arguments related_Z _ !_ _ / .
Local Arguments related'_Z _ _ _ / .
-Lemma related_Z_t_map1_tuple2 n opZ opW opB pf
- (H : forall x y z bxs bys bzs brs,
- Some brs = Tuple.lift_option (opB (Some bxs) (Tuple.push_option (Some bys)) (Tuple.push_option (Some bzs)))
- -> is_in_bounds x bxs
- -> { ybw : Tuple.tuple BoundedWord64.BoundedWord _
- | Tuple.map BoundedWord64.value ybw = y
- /\ Tuple.map BoundedWord64.BoundedWordToBounds ybw = bys }
- -> { zbw : Tuple.tuple BoundedWord64.BoundedWord _
- | Tuple.map BoundedWord64.value zbw = z
- /\ Tuple.map BoundedWord64.BoundedWordToBounds zbw = bzs }
- -> Tuple.map Word64.word64ToZ (opW x y z) = (opZ (Word64.word64ToZ x) (Tuple.map Word64.word64ToZ y) (Tuple.map Word64.word64ToZ z)))
- sv1 sv2
- : interp_flat_type_rel_pointwise2 (t:=(Tbase TZ * Syntax.tuple (Tbase TZ) (S n) * Syntax.tuple (Tbase TZ) (S n))%ctype) related_Z sv1 sv2
- -> interp_flat_type_rel_pointwise2
- related_Z
- (flat_interp_untuple' (T:=Tbase TZ) (BoundedWord64.t_map1_tuple2 opW opB pf (fst (fst sv1)) (flat_interp_tuple' (snd (fst sv1))) (flat_interp_tuple' (snd sv1))))
- (flat_interp_untuple' (T:=Tbase TZ) (opZ (fst (fst sv2)) (flat_interp_tuple' (snd (fst sv2))) (flat_interp_tuple' (snd sv2)))).
- repeat first [ progress simpl in *
- | progress intros
- | progress destruct_head_hnf' and
- | progress destruct_head_hnf' prod
- | progress destruct_head_hnf' option
- | progress (unfold proj_eq_rel in *; subst)
- | apply @related_tuples_None_left; constructor
- | apply -> @related_tuples_Some_left
- | refine (proj2 (@related_tuples_proj_eq_rel_untuple _ _ _ _ _ _) _)
- | apply <- @related_tuples_lift_relation2_untuple'
- | progress rewrite ?HList.map'_mapt', <- ?HList.map_is_mapt'
- | progress rewrite ?Tuple.map_map2, ?Tuple.map2_fst, ?Tuple.map2_snd, ?Tuple.map_id
- | progress convoy_destruct
- | match goal with
- | [ H : interp_flat_type_rel_pointwise2 _ ?u ?v |- _ ]
- => let lem := constr:(fun u' H => proj2 (@related_tuples_Some_left_ext _ _ _ (@related'_Z) u v u' H)) in
- let H' := fresh in
- lazymatch type of lem with
- | forall u', ?v = Some u' -> _
- => destruct v eqn:H'
- end;
- unfold BoundedWord64.t_map1_tuple2;
- simpl @flat_interp_tuple in *;
- simpl @Tuple.lift_option in *;
- change (LiftOption.interp_base_type' BoundedWord64.BoundedWord)
- with BoundedWord64.interp_base_type in *;
- rewrite H';
- [ apply (lem _ H') in H
- | solve [ break_match; apply @related_tuples_None_left; constructor ] ]
- | [ H : interp_flat_type_rel_pointwise2 _ _ ?v |- _ ]
- => rewrite <- (@flat_interp_untuple'_tuple' _ _ _ _ v) in H;
- let H' := fresh in
- rename H into H';
- pose proof (proj1 related_tuples_proj_eq_rel_untuple H') as H;
- clear H'
- end ].
- etransitivity; [ eapply H | ];
- [ symmetry; eassumption
- | destruct_head' BoundedWord64.BoundedWord; assumption
- | solve [ repeat esplit ]..
- | (rewrite_hyp <- !* );
- rewrite !Tuple.map_map;
- reflexivity ].
Local Ltac related_Z_op_fin_t_step :=
first [ progress subst
@@ -651,14 +484,6 @@ Proof.
{ apply related_Z_t_map2; related_Z_op_fin_t. }
{ apply related_Z_t_map4; related_Z_op_fin_t. }
{ apply related_Z_t_map4; related_Z_op_fin_t. }
- { apply related_Z_t_map1_tuple2; related_Z_op_fin_t;
- rewrite Word64.word64ToZ_conditional_subtract; try Word64.Rewrites.word64_util_arith; [].
- destruct_head' sig; destruct_head' and; subst.
- eapply BoundedWord64.conditional_subtract_bounded_lite
- with (xbw := {| BoundedWord64.value := _ |});
- [ .. | eassumption ]; reflexivity.
- Grab Existential Variables.
- omega. }
Create HintDb interp_related discriminated.
diff --git a/src/Reflection/Z/Reify.v b/src/Reflection/Z/Reify.v
index 6734d7d01..451e522d0 100644
--- a/src/Reflection/Z/Reify.v
+++ b/src/Reflection/Z/Reify.v
@@ -21,16 +21,6 @@ Ltac base_reify_op op op_head extra ::=
| @ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.neg => constr:(reify_op op op_head 2 Neg)
| @ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.cmovne => constr:(reify_op op op_head 4 Cmovne)
| @ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.cmovl => constr:(reify_op op op_head 4 Cmovle)
- | @ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.conditional_subtract_modulus
- => lazymatch extra with
- | @ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.conditional_subtract_modulus ?limb_count _ _ _
- => lazymatch (eval compute in limb_count) with
- | 0 => fail 1 "Cannot handle empty limb-list in reifying conditional_subtract_modulus"
- | S ?pred_limb_count => constr:(reify_op op op_head 3 (ConditionalSubtract pred_limb_count))
- | ?climb_count => fail 1 "Cannot handle non-ground length of limb-list in reifying conditional_subtract_modulus" "(" limb_count "which computes to" climb_count ")"
- end
- | _ => fail 100 "Anomaly: In Reflection.Z.base_reify_op: head is conditional_subtract_modulus but body is wrong:" extra
- end
Ltac base_reify_type T ::=
lazymatch T with
diff --git a/src/Reflection/Z/Syntax.v b/src/Reflection/Z/Syntax.v
index 5657fff32..116e3513e 100644
--- a/src/Reflection/Z/Syntax.v
+++ b/src/Reflection/Z/Syntax.v
@@ -41,12 +41,7 @@ Inductive op : flat_type base_type -> flat_type base_type -> Type :=
| Lor : op (tZ * tZ) tZ
| Neg : op (tZ * tZ) tZ
| Cmovne : op (tZ * tZ * tZ * tZ) tZ
-| Cmovle : op (tZ * tZ * tZ * tZ) tZ
-| ConditionalSubtract (pred_limb_count : nat)
- : op (tZ (* int_width *)
- * Syntax.tuple tZ (S pred_limb_count) (* modulus *)
- * Syntax.tuple tZ (S pred_limb_count) (* value *))
- (Syntax.tuple tZ (S pred_limb_count)).
+| Cmovle : op (tZ * tZ * tZ * tZ) tZ.
Definition interp_op src dst (f : op src dst) : interp_flat_type interp_base_type src -> interp_flat_type interp_base_type dst
:= match f in op src dst return interp_flat_type interp_base_type src -> interp_flat_type interp_base_type dst with
@@ -60,9 +55,6 @@ Definition interp_op src dst (f : op src dst) : interp_flat_type interp_base_typ
| Neg => fun xy => ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.neg (fst xy) (snd xy)
| Cmovne => fun xyzw => let '(x, y, z, w) := eta4 xyzw in cmovne x y z w
| Cmovle => fun xyzw => let '(x, y, z, w) := eta4 xyzw in cmovl x y z w
- | ConditionalSubtract pred_n
- => fun xyz => let '(x, y, z) := eta3 xyz in
- flat_interp_untuple' (T:=tZ) (@ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.conditional_subtract_modulus (S pred_n) x (flat_interp_tuple y) (flat_interp_tuple z))
Definition base_type_eq_semidec_transparent (t1 t2 : base_type)
@@ -97,8 +89,6 @@ Definition op_beq_hetero {t1 tR t1' tR'} (f : op t1 tR) (g : op t1' tR') : reifi
| Cmovne, _ => false
| Cmovle, Cmovle => true
| Cmovle, _ => false
- | ConditionalSubtract n, ConditionalSubtract m => NatUtil.nat_beq n m
- | ConditionalSubtract _, _ => false
Definition op_beq t1 tR (f g : op t1 tR) : reified_Prop
@@ -107,13 +97,6 @@ Definition op_beq t1 tR (f g : op t1 tR) : reified_Prop
Definition op_beq_hetero_type_eq {t1 tR t1' tR'} f g : to_prop (@op_beq_hetero t1 tR t1' tR' f g) -> t1 = t1' /\ tR = tR'.
destruct f, g; simpl; try solve [ repeat constructor | intros [] ].
- unfold op_beq_hetero; simpl.
- match goal with
- | [ |- context[to_prop (reified_Prop_of_bool ?x)] ]
- => destruct (Sumbool.sumbool_of_bool x) as [P|P]
- end.
- { apply NatUtil.internal_nat_dec_bl in P; subst; repeat constructor. }
- { intro H'; exfalso; rewrite P in H'; exact H'. }
Definition op_beq_hetero_type_eqs {t1 tR t1' tR'} f g : to_prop (@op_beq_hetero t1 tR t1' tR' f g) -> t1 = t1'
@@ -130,18 +113,6 @@ Definition op_beq_hetero_eq {t1 tR t1' tR'} f g
= g.
destruct f, g; simpl; try solve [ reflexivity | intros [] ].
- { unfold op_beq_hetero, op_beq_hetero_type_eqs, op_beq_hetero_type_eqd; simpl.
- intro pf; edestruct Sumbool.sumbool_of_bool.
- { simpl;
- lazymatch goal with
- | [ |- context[NatUtil.internal_nat_dec_bl ?x ?y ?pf] ]
- => generalize dependent (NatUtil.internal_nat_dec_bl x y pf); intro; subst
- end;
- reflexivity. }
- { match goal with
- | [ |- context[False_ind _ ?pf] ]
- => case pf
- end. } }
Lemma op_beq_bl : forall t1 tR x y, to_prop (op_beq t1 tR x y) -> x = y.