path: root/src/Reflection/Z
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authorGravatar Rob Sloan <varomodt@google.com>2016-11-09 12:48:01 -0800
committerGravatar Rob Sloan <varomodt@google.com>2016-11-09 12:48:01 -0800
commit9e32f8427ed7b64b8f29f331a6154679d8cc59f8 (patch)
treeeabacf6c3125120aa8d6aa89813c1719dec9ab24 /src/Reflection/Z
parent759b1b8bd212d953ba1e2da0506bccf1ef616f8c (diff)
parent363af9e129eda8a05db701e75c3935c23f85ee98 (diff)
Rebase + remove WordizeUtil dependency from Z/Interpretations
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Reflection/Z')
2 files changed, 131 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/src/Reflection/Z/Interpretations.v b/src/Reflection/Z/Interpretations.v
index 9b58b5f5c..a3b51f28f 100644
--- a/src/Reflection/Z/Interpretations.v
+++ b/src/Reflection/Z/Interpretations.v
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
(** * Interpretation of PHOAS syntax for expression trees on ℤ *)
-Require Import Bedrock.Nomega.
Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
-Require Import Coq.NArith.NArith.
Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Z.Syntax.
Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Syntax.
Require Import Crypto.Reflection.Application.
@@ -16,9 +14,6 @@ Require Import Crypto.Util.Prod.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.
Require Import Crypto.Util.WordUtil.
Require Import Bedrock.Word.
-Require Import Crypto.Assembly.WordizeUtil.
-Require Import Crypto.Assembly.Evaluables.
-Require Import Crypto.Assembly.QhasmUtil.
Export Reflection.Syntax.Notations.
Local Notation eta x := (fst x, snd x).
@@ -215,16 +210,13 @@ Module Word64.
:= (forall x y z w,
bounds_statement (wop x y z w) (Zop (word64ToZ x) (word64ToZ y) (word64ToZ z) (word64ToZ w))).
- Require Import Crypto.Assembly.WordizeUtil.
Lemma word64ToZ_add : bounds_2statement add Z.add. Proof. w64ToZ_t. Qed.
Lemma word64ToZ_sub : bounds_2statement sub Z.sub. Proof. w64ToZ_t. Qed.
Lemma word64ToZ_mul : bounds_2statement mul Z.mul. Proof. w64ToZ_t. Qed.
Lemma word64ToZ_shl : bounds_2statement shl Z.shiftl.
w64ToZ_t; w64ToZ_extra_t; unfold word64ToZ, wordBin.
- rewrite wordToN_NToWord; [rewrite <- Z_inj_shiftl; reflexivity|].
+ rewrite wordToN_NToWord_idempotent; [rewrite <- Z_inj_shiftl; reflexivity|].
apply N2Z.inj_lt.
rewrite Z_inj_shiftl.
destruct (Z.lt_ge_cases 0 ((word64ToZ x) << (word64ToZ y)))%Z;
@@ -236,7 +228,7 @@ Module Word64.
Lemma word64ToZ_shr : bounds_2statement shr Z.shiftr.
w64ToZ_t; w64ToZ_extra_t; unfold word64ToZ, wordBin.
- rewrite wordToN_NToWord; [rewrite <- Z_inj_shiftr; reflexivity|].
+ rewrite wordToN_NToWord_idempotent; [rewrite <- Z_inj_shiftr; reflexivity|].
apply N2Z.inj_lt.
rewrite Z_inj_shiftr.
destruct (Z.lt_ge_cases 0 ((word64ToZ x) >> (word64ToZ y)))%Z;
@@ -434,9 +426,9 @@ Module ZBounds.
: Tuple.tuple t (S pred_n)
:= Tuple.push_option
match int_width, Tuple.lift_option modulus, Tuple.lift_option value with
- | Some int_width, Some modulus, Some value
- => if check_conditional_subtract_bounds pred_n int_width modulus value
- then Some (conditional_subtract' pred_n int_width modulus value)
+ | Some int_width, Some modulus, Some value'
+ => if check_conditional_subtract_bounds pred_n int_width modulus value'
+ then Some (conditional_subtract' pred_n int_width modulus value')
else None
| _, _, _ => None
@@ -684,6 +676,10 @@ Module BoundedWord64.
Ltac ktrans k := do k (etransitivity; [|eassumption]); assumption.
Ltac trans' := first [ assumption | ktrans ltac:1 | ktrans ltac:2 ].
+ Local Hint Resolve Word64.bit_width_pos : zarith.
+ Local Hint Extern 1 (Z.log2 _ < _)%Z => eapply Z.le_lt_trans; [ eapply Z.log2_le_mono; eassumption | eassumption ] : zarith.
+ (* Local *) Hint Resolve <- Z.log2_lt_pow2_alt : zarith.
(** TODO(jadep): Use the bounds lemma here to prove that if each
component of [ret_val] is [Some (l, v, u)], then we can fill in
@@ -696,6 +692,28 @@ Module BoundedWord64.
pred_n (BoundedWordToBounds x)
(Tuple.map BoundedWordToBounds y) (Tuple.map BoundedWordToBounds z) = true)
: HList.hlist
+ (fun vlu : Z * ZBounds.bounds =>
+ (0 <= ZBounds.lower (snd vlu))%Z /\
+ (ZBounds.lower (snd vlu) <= fst vlu <= ZBounds.upper (snd vlu))%Z /\
+ (Z.log2 (ZBounds.upper (snd vlu)) < Word64.bit_width)%Z)
+ (Tuple.map2 (fun v lu => (v, lu))
+ (ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.conditional_subtract_modulus
+ (S pred_n)
+ (Word64.word64ToZ (value x))
+ (Tuple.map Word64.word64ToZ (Tuple.map value y))
+ (Tuple.map Word64.word64ToZ (Tuple.map value z)))
+ (ZBounds.conditional_subtract'
+ pred_n (BoundedWordToBounds x)
+ (Tuple.map BoundedWordToBounds y) (Tuple.map BoundedWordToBounds z))).
+ Proof. Admitted.
+ Lemma conditional_subtract_bounded_word
+ (pred_n : nat) (x : BoundedWord)
+ (y z : Tuple.tuple BoundedWord (S pred_n))
+ (H : ZBounds.check_conditional_subtract_bounds
+ pred_n (BoundedWordToBounds x)
+ (Tuple.map BoundedWordToBounds y) (Tuple.map BoundedWordToBounds z) = true)
+ : HList.hlist
(fun vlu : Word64.word64 * ZBounds.bounds =>
(0 <= ZBounds.lower (snd vlu))%Z /\
(ZBounds.lower (snd vlu) <= Word64.word64ToZ (fst vlu) <= ZBounds.upper (snd vlu))%Z /\
@@ -706,12 +724,73 @@ Module BoundedWord64.
pred_n (BoundedWordToBounds x)
(Tuple.map BoundedWordToBounds y) (Tuple.map BoundedWordToBounds z))).
- Proof. Admitted.
+ Proof.
+ generalize (conditional_subtract_bounded pred_n x y z H).
+ unfold Word64.conditional_subtract; rewrite Tuple.map2_map_fst.
+ rewrite <- (Tuple.map_map2 (fun a b => (a, b)) (fun ab => (Word64.ZToWord64 (fst ab), snd ab))).
+ rewrite HList.hlist_map; simpl @fst; simpl @snd.
+ apply HList.hlist_impl, HList.const.
+ intros; destruct_head' and; repeat split;
+ autorewrite with push_word64ToZ; omega.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma conditional_subtract_bounded_lite_helper
+ (pred_n : nat) (x : BoundedWord)
+ (y z : Tuple.tuple BoundedWord (S pred_n))
+ (H : ZBounds.check_conditional_subtract_bounds
+ pred_n (BoundedWordToBounds x)
+ (Tuple.map BoundedWordToBounds y) (Tuple.map BoundedWordToBounds z) = true)
+ : HList.hlist
+ (fun v : Z =>
+ (0 <= v)%Z /\
+ (Z.log2 v < Word64.bit_width)%Z)
+ (Tuple.map
+ (@fst _ _)
+ (Tuple.map2 (fun v lu => (v, lu))
+ (ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.conditional_subtract_modulus
+ (S pred_n)
+ (Word64.word64ToZ (value x))
+ (Tuple.map Word64.word64ToZ (Tuple.map value y))
+ (Tuple.map Word64.word64ToZ (Tuple.map value z)))
+ (ZBounds.conditional_subtract'
+ pred_n (BoundedWordToBounds x)
+ (Tuple.map BoundedWordToBounds y) (Tuple.map BoundedWordToBounds z)))).
+ Proof.
+ generalize (conditional_subtract_bounded pred_n x y z H).
+ rewrite HList.hlist_map.
+ apply HList.hlist_impl, HList.const; intros.
+ destruct_head' and.
+ split; try omega; [].
+ eapply Z.le_lt_trans; [ eapply Z.log2_le_mono | eassumption ]; omega.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma conditional_subtract_bounded_lite
+ (pred_n : nat)
+ (xbw : BoundedWord) (ybw zbw : Tuple.tuple BoundedWord (S pred_n))
+ (x : Word64.word64) (y z : Tuple.tuple Word64.word64 (S pred_n))
+ (xb : ZBounds.bounds) (yb zb : Tuple.tuple ZBounds.bounds (S pred_n))
+ (Hx : value xbw = x) (Hy : Tuple.map value ybw = y) (Hz : Tuple.map value zbw = z)
+ (Hxb : BoundedWordToBounds xbw = xb)
+ (Hyb : Tuple.map BoundedWordToBounds ybw = yb) (Hzb : Tuple.map BoundedWordToBounds zbw = zb)
+ (Hc : ZBounds.check_conditional_subtract_bounds pred_n xb yb zb = true)
+ : HList.hlist (fun v : Z => (0 <= v)%Z /\ (Z.log2 v < Z.of_nat Word64.bit_width)%Z)
+ (ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.conditional_subtract_modulus
+ (S pred_n)
+ (Word64.word64ToZ x)
+ (Tuple.map Word64.word64ToZ y)
+ (Tuple.map Word64.word64ToZ z)).
+ Proof.
+ subst.
+ generalize (conditional_subtract_bounded_lite_helper pred_n xbw ybw zbw Hc).
+ rewrite Tuple.map_map2; simpl @fst.
+ rewrite Tuple.map2_fst, Tuple.map_id.
+ trivial.
+ Qed.
+ (* TODO (rsloan): not entirely sure what's the best way to match on these... *)
Local Ltac kill_assumptions :=
repeat split; abstract (cbn; assumption).
- (* TODO (rsloan): not entirely sure what's the best way to match on these... *)
Local Ltac apply_update lem lower0 value0 upper0 lower1 value1 upper1 := first
[ apply (lem 64 lower1 value1 upper1 lower0 value0 upper0); kill_assumptions
| apply (lem 64 lower0 value0 upper0 lower1 value1 upper1); kill_assumptions].
@@ -780,7 +859,7 @@ Module BoundedWord64.
| progress subst
| progress inversion_option
| intro
- | solve [ auto using conditional_subtract_bounded ] ]
+ | solve [ auto using conditional_subtract_bounded_word ] ]
@@ -851,18 +930,18 @@ Module BoundedWord64.
- Local Notation binop_correct_None op opW opB :=
+ Local Notation binop_correct_None op opB :=
(forall x y, op (Some x) (Some y) = None -> opB (Some (BoundedWordToBounds x)) (Some (BoundedWordToBounds y)) = None)
(only parsing).
- Local Notation op4_correct_None op opW opB :=
+ Local Notation op4_correct_None op opB :=
(forall x y z w, op (Some x) (Some y) (Some z) (Some w) = None
-> opB (Some (BoundedWordToBounds x)) (Some (BoundedWordToBounds y))
(Some (BoundedWordToBounds z)) (Some (BoundedWordToBounds w))
= None)
(only parsing).
- Local Notation op1_tuple2_correct_None op opW opB :=
+ Local Notation op1_tuple2_correct_None op opB :=
(forall x y z,
Tuple.lift_option (op (Some x) (Tuple.push_option (Some y)) (Tuple.push_option (Some z))) = None
-> Tuple.lift_option
@@ -873,7 +952,7 @@ Module BoundedWord64.
(only parsing).
Lemma t_map2_correct_None opW opB pf
- : binop_correct_None (t_map2 opW opB pf) opW opB.
+ : binop_correct_None (t_map2 opW opB pf) opB.
intros ?? H.
unfold t_map2 in H; convoy_destruct_in H; destruct_head' ZBounds.bounds;
@@ -883,7 +962,7 @@ Module BoundedWord64.
Lemma t_map4_correct_None opW opB pf
- : op4_correct_None (t_map4 opW opB pf) opW opB.
+ : op4_correct_None (t_map4 opW opB pf) opB.
intros ???? H.
unfold t_map4 in H; convoy_destruct_in H; destruct_head' ZBounds.bounds;
@@ -893,7 +972,7 @@ Module BoundedWord64.
Lemma t_map1_tuple2_correct_None {n} opW opB pf
- : op1_tuple2_correct_None (t_map1_tuple2 (n:=n) opW opB pf) opW opB.
+ : op1_tuple2_correct_None (t_map1_tuple2 (n:=n) opW opB pf) opB.
intros ??? H.
unfold t_map1_tuple2 in H; unfold BoundedWordToBounds in *.
diff --git a/src/Reflection/Z/Interpretations/Relations.v b/src/Reflection/Z/Interpretations/Relations.v
index 457d0d5ad..71d25fa3f 100644
--- a/src/Reflection/Z/Interpretations/Relations.v
+++ b/src/Reflection/Z/Interpretations/Relations.v
@@ -231,8 +231,8 @@ Lemma related_tuples_lift_relation2_untuple'
<-> LiftOption.lift_relation2
(interp_flat_type_rel_pointwise2 (fun _ => R))
- (option_map (flat_interp_untuple' (T:=Tbase TZ)) t)
- (option_map (flat_interp_untuple' (T:=Tbase TZ)) u).
+ (option_map (flat_interp_untuple' (interp_base_type:=fun _ => T) (T:=Tbase TZ)) t)
+ (option_map (flat_interp_untuple' (interp_base_type:=fun _ => U) (T:=Tbase TZ)) u).
induction n.
{ destruct_head' option; reflexivity. }
@@ -257,8 +257,8 @@ Lemma related_tuples_lift_relation2_untuple'_ext
<-> LiftOption.lift_relation2
(interp_flat_type_rel_pointwise2 (fun _ => R))
- (option_map (flat_interp_untuple' (T:=Tbase TZ)) (Tuple.lift_option (flat_interp_tuple (T:=Tbase TZ) t)))
- (option_map (flat_interp_untuple' (T:=Tbase TZ)) (Tuple.lift_option (flat_interp_tuple (T:=Tbase TZ) u))).
+ (option_map (flat_interp_untuple' (interp_base_type:=fun _ => T) (T:=Tbase TZ)) (Tuple.lift_option (flat_interp_tuple (T:=Tbase TZ) t)))
+ (option_map (flat_interp_untuple' (interp_base_type:=fun _ => U) (T:=Tbase TZ)) (Tuple.lift_option (flat_interp_tuple (T:=Tbase TZ) u))).
induction n.
{ destruct_head_hnf' option; reflexivity. }
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ Proof.
[ | first [ refine (f_equal (option_map (@fst _ _)) (_ : _ = Some (_, _))); eassumption
| refine (f_equal (option_map (@snd _ _)) (_ : _ = Some (_, _))); eassumption ] ]);
- simpl in *; break_match; simpl in *; congruence. }
+ instantiate; simpl in *; break_match; simpl in *; congruence. }
destruct_head_hnf' prod;
destruct_head_hnf' option;
simpl @fst in *; simpl @snd in *;
@@ -319,6 +319,7 @@ Local Arguments LiftOption.of' _ _ !_ / .
Local Arguments BoundedWord64.BoundedWordToBounds !_ / .
Local Ltac t_map1_tuple2_t_step :=
+ instantiate;
first [ exact I
| reflexivity
| progress destruct_head_hnf' False
@@ -330,7 +331,7 @@ Local Ltac t_map1_tuple2_t_step :=
| intro
| apply @related_tuples_None_left; constructor
| apply -> @related_tuples_Some_left
- | apply <- @related_tuples_proj_eq_rel_untuple
+ | refine (proj2 (@related_tuples_proj_eq_rel_untuple _ _ _ _ _ _) _)
| apply <- @related_tuples_lift_relation2_untuple'
| match goal with
| [ H : appcontext[LiftOption.lift_relation] |- _ ]
@@ -491,7 +492,7 @@ Local Ltac Word64.Rewrites.word64_util_arith ::=
auto with zarith ]
| apply Z.land_nonneg; Word64.Rewrites.word64_util_arith
| eapply Z.le_lt_trans; [ eapply Z.log2_le_mono | eassumption ];
- apply Z.min_case_strong; intros;
+ instantiate; apply Z.min_case_strong; intros;
first [ etransitivity; [ apply Z.land_upper_bound_l | ]; omega
| etransitivity; [ apply Z.land_upper_bound_r | ]; omega ]
| rewrite Z.log2_lor by omega;
@@ -556,10 +557,15 @@ Tactic Notation "admit" := abstract case proof_admitted.
Local Arguments related'_Z _ _ _ / .
Lemma related_Z_t_map1_tuple2 n opZ opW opB pf
(H : forall x y z bxs bys bzs brs,
- Tuple.push_option (Some brs) = opB (Some bxs) (Tuple.push_option (Some bys)) (Tuple.push_option (Some bzs))
+ Some brs = Tuple.lift_option (opB (Some bxs) (Tuple.push_option (Some bys)) (Tuple.push_option (Some bzs)))
-> is_in_bounds x bxs
- (*-> is_in_bounds y bys
- -> is_in_bounds z bzs
+ -> { ybw : Tuple.tuple BoundedWord64.BoundedWord _
+ | Tuple.map BoundedWord64.value ybw = y
+ /\ Tuple.map BoundedWord64.BoundedWordToBounds ybw = bys }
+ -> { zbw : Tuple.tuple BoundedWord64.BoundedWord _
+ | Tuple.map BoundedWord64.value zbw = z
+ /\ Tuple.map BoundedWord64.BoundedWordToBounds zbw = bzs }
+ (*
-> is_in_bounds (opW x y z) brs*)
-> Tuple.map Word64.word64ToZ (opW x y z) = (opZ (Word64.word64ToZ x) (Tuple.map Word64.word64ToZ y) (Tuple.map Word64.word64ToZ z)))
sv1 sv2
@@ -594,8 +600,13 @@ Local Ltac related_Z_op_fin_t_step :=
| progress inversion_option
| intro
| progress autorewrite with push_word64ToZ
- | match goal with H : andb _ _ = true |- _ => rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in H end
- | progress Z.ltb_to_lt ].
+ | match goal with
+ | [ H : andb _ _ = true |- _ ] => rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in H
+ | [ H : context[Tuple.lift_option (Tuple.push_option _)] |- _ ]
+ => rewrite Tuple.lift_push_option in H
+ end
+ | progress Z.ltb_to_lt
+ | (progress unfold ZBounds.conditional_subtract in * ); break_match_hyps ].
Local Ltac related_Z_op_fin_t := repeat related_Z_op_fin_t_step.
Local Opaque Word64.bit_width.
@@ -614,9 +625,13 @@ Proof.
{ apply related_Z_t_map4; related_Z_op_fin_t. }
{ apply related_Z_t_map4; related_Z_op_fin_t. }
{ apply related_Z_t_map1_tuple2; related_Z_op_fin_t;
- rewrite Word64.word64ToZ_conditional_subtract; try Word64.Rewrites.word64_util_arith.
- pose proof BoundedWord64.conditional_subtract_bounded.
- admit. (** TODO(jadep or jgross): Fill me in *) }
+ rewrite Word64.word64ToZ_conditional_subtract; try Word64.Rewrites.word64_util_arith; [].
+ destruct_head' sig; destruct_head' and; subst.
+ eapply BoundedWord64.conditional_subtract_bounded_lite
+ with (xbw := {| BoundedWord64.value := _ |});
+ [ .. | eassumption ]; reflexivity.
+ Grab Existential Variables.
+ omega. }
Create HintDb interp_related discriminated.