path: root/src/MiscCompilerPassesProofs.v
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authorGravatar Andres Erbsen <andreser@mit.edu>2019-01-08 01:59:52 -0500
committerGravatar Andres Erbsen <andreser@mit.edu>2019-01-09 12:44:11 -0500
commit3ec21c64b3682465ca8e159a187689b207c71de4 (patch)
tree2294367302480f1f4c29a2266e2d1c7c8af3ee48 /src/MiscCompilerPassesProofs.v
parentdf7920808566c0d70b5388a0a750b40044635eb6 (diff)
move src/Experiments/NewPipeline/ to src/
Diffstat (limited to 'src/MiscCompilerPassesProofs.v')
1 files changed, 187 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/MiscCompilerPassesProofs.v b/src/MiscCompilerPassesProofs.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ac3e7babd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/MiscCompilerPassesProofs.v
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
+Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
+Require Import Coq.Classes.Morphisms.
+Require Import Coq.MSets.MSetPositive.
+Require Import Coq.FSets.FMapPositive.
+Require Import Crypto.Language.
+Require Import Crypto.LanguageInversion.
+Require Import Crypto.LanguageWf.
+Require Import Crypto.MiscCompilerPasses.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.BreakMatch.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SplitInContext.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SpecializeAllWays.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.RewriteHyp.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Prod.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ListUtil.
+Import ListNotations. Local Open Scope list_scope.
+Module Compilers.
+ Import Language.Compilers.
+ Import LanguageInversion.Compilers.
+ Import LanguageWf.Compilers.
+ Import MiscCompilerPasses.Compilers.
+ Import expr.Notations.
+ Import invert_expr.
+ Import defaults.
+ Module Subst01.
+ Import MiscCompilerPasses.Compilers.Subst01.
+ Local Ltac simplifier_t_step :=
+ first [ progress cbn [fst snd] in *
+ | progress eta_expand ].
+ Section with_counter.
+ Context {T : Type}
+ (one : T)
+ (incr : T -> T).
+ Section with_ident.
+ Context {base_type : Type}.
+ Local Notation type := (type.type base_type).
+ Context {ident : type -> Type}.
+ Local Notation expr := (@expr.expr base_type ident).
+ Section with_var.
+ Context {doing_subst : forall T1 T2, T1 -> T2 -> T1}
+ {should_subst : T -> bool}
+ (Hdoing_subst : forall T1 T2 x y, doing_subst T1 T2 x y = x)
+ {var1 var2 : type -> Type}
+ (live : PositiveMap.t T).
+ Local Notation expr1 := (@expr.expr base_type ident var1).
+ Local Notation expr2 := (@expr.expr base_type ident var2).
+ Local Notation subst0n'1 := (@subst0n' T base_type ident doing_subst var1 should_subst live).
+ Local Notation subst0n'2 := (@subst0n' T base_type ident doing_subst var2 should_subst live).
+ Local Notation subst0n1 := (@subst0n T base_type ident doing_subst var1 should_subst live).
+ Local Notation subst0n2 := (@subst0n T base_type ident doing_subst var2 should_subst live).
+ Lemma wf_subst0n' G1 G2 t e1 e2 p
+ (HG1G2 : forall t v1 v2, List.In (existT _ t (v1, v2)) G1 -> expr.wf G2 v1 v2)
+ : expr.wf G1 (t:=t) e1 e2 -> expr.wf G2 (snd (subst0n'1 e1 p)) (snd (subst0n'2 e2 p))
+ /\ fst (subst0n'1 e1 p) = fst (subst0n'2 e2 p).
+ Proof using Hdoing_subst.
+ intro Hwf; revert dependent G2; revert p; induction Hwf;
+ cbn [subst0n'];
+ repeat first [ progress wf_safe_t
+ | simplifier_t_step
+ | progress split_and
+ | rewrite Hdoing_subst
+ | apply conj
+ | match goal with
+ | [ H : context[fst _ = fst _] |- _ ] => progress erewrite H by eauto
+ end
+ | break_innermost_match_step
+ | solve [ wf_t ] ].
+ Qed.
+ Lemma wf_subst0n t e1 e2
+ : expr.wf nil (t:=t) e1 e2 -> expr.wf nil (subst0n1 e1) (subst0n2 e2).
+ Proof using Hdoing_subst. clear -Hdoing_subst; intro Hwf; apply wf_subst0n' with (G1:=nil); cbn [In]; eauto with nocore; tauto. Qed.
+ End with_var.
+ Lemma Wf_Subst0n
+ {doing_subst : forall T1 T2, T1 -> T2 -> T1}
+ {should_subst : T -> bool}
+ (Hdoing_subst : forall T1 T2 x y, doing_subst T1 T2 x y = x)
+ {t} (e : @expr.Expr base_type ident t)
+ : expr.Wf e -> expr.Wf (Subst0n one incr doing_subst should_subst e).
+ Proof using Type. intros Hwf var1 var2; eapply wf_subst0n, Hwf; assumption. Qed.
+ Section interp.
+ Context {base_interp : base_type -> Type}
+ {interp_ident : forall t, ident t -> type.interp base_interp t}
+ {interp_ident_Proper : forall t, Proper (eq ==> type.eqv) (interp_ident t)}.
+ Section with_doing_subst.
+ Context {doing_subst : forall T1 T2, T1 -> T2 -> T1}
+ {should_subst : T -> bool}
+ (Hdoing_subst : forall T1 T2 x y, doing_subst T1 T2 x y = x).
+ Lemma interp_subst0n'_gen (live : PositiveMap.t T) G t (e1 e2 : expr t)
+ (HG : forall t v1 v2, List.In (existT _ t (v1, v2)) G -> expr.interp interp_ident v1 == v2)
+ (Hwf : expr.wf G e1 e2)
+ p
+ : expr.interp interp_ident (snd (subst0n' doing_subst should_subst live e1 p)) == expr.interp interp_ident e2.
+ Proof using Hdoing_subst interp_ident_Proper.
+ revert p; induction Hwf; cbn [subst0n']; cbv [Proper respectful] in *;
+ repeat first [ progress interp_safe_t
+ | simplifier_t_step
+ | rewrite Hdoing_subst
+ | break_innermost_match_step
+ | interp_unsafe_t_step ].
+ Qed.
+ Lemma interp_subst0n live t (e1 e2 : expr t)
+ (Hwf : expr.wf nil e1 e2)
+ : expr.interp interp_ident (subst0n doing_subst should_subst live e1) == expr.interp interp_ident e2.
+ Proof using Hdoing_subst interp_ident_Proper. clear -Hwf Hdoing_subst interp_ident_Proper. apply interp_subst0n'_gen with (G:=nil); cbn [In]; eauto with nocore; tauto. Qed.
+ Lemma Interp_Subst0n {t} (e : @expr.Expr base_type ident t) (Hwf : expr.Wf e)
+ : expr.Interp interp_ident (Subst0n one incr doing_subst should_subst e) == expr.Interp interp_ident e.
+ Proof using Hdoing_subst interp_ident_Proper. apply interp_subst0n, Hwf. Qed.
+ End with_doing_subst.
+ End interp.
+ End with_ident.
+ End with_counter.
+ Section with_ident.
+ Context {base_type : Type}.
+ Local Notation type := (type.type base_type).
+ Context {ident : type -> Type}.
+ Local Notation expr := (@expr.expr base_type ident).
+ Lemma Wf_Subst01 {t} (e : @expr.Expr base_type ident t)
+ : expr.Wf e -> expr.Wf (Subst01 e).
+ Proof using Type. eapply Wf_Subst0n; reflexivity. Qed.
+ Section interp.
+ Context {base_interp : base_type -> Type}
+ {interp_ident : forall t, ident t -> type.interp base_interp t}
+ {interp_ident_Proper : forall t, Proper (eq ==> type.eqv) (interp_ident t)}.
+ Lemma Interp_Subst01 {t} (e : @expr.Expr base_type ident t) (Hwf : expr.Wf e)
+ : expr.Interp interp_ident (Subst01 e) == expr.Interp interp_ident e.
+ Proof using interp_ident_Proper. apply Interp_Subst0n, Hwf; auto. Qed.
+ End interp.
+ End with_ident.
+ End Subst01.
+ Hint Resolve Subst01.Wf_Subst01 : wf.
+ Hint Rewrite @Subst01.Interp_Subst01 : interp.
+ Module DeadCodeElimination.
+ Import MiscCompilerPasses.Compilers.DeadCodeElimination.
+ (** Rather than proving correctness of the computation of live
+ variables and requiring something about [live], we instead
+ rely on the fact that DCE in fact just inlines code it
+ believes to be dead. *)
+ Local Transparent OUGHT_TO_BE_UNUSED.
+ Lemma OUGHT_TO_BE_UNUSED_id {T1 T2} (v : T1) (v' : T2) : OUGHT_TO_BE_UNUSED v v' = v.
+ Proof. exact eq_refl. Qed.
+ Local Opaque OUGHT_TO_BE_UNUSED.
+ Section with_ident.
+ Context {base_type : Type}.
+ Local Notation type := (type.type base_type).
+ Context {ident : type -> Type}.
+ Local Notation expr := (@expr.expr base_type ident).
+ Lemma Wf_EliminateDead {t} (e : @expr.Expr base_type ident t)
+ : expr.Wf e -> expr.Wf (EliminateDead e).
+ Proof using Type. apply Subst01.Wf_Subst0n, @OUGHT_TO_BE_UNUSED_id. Qed.
+ Section interp.
+ Context {base_interp : base_type -> Type}
+ {interp_ident : forall t, ident t -> type.interp base_interp t}
+ {interp_ident_Proper : forall t, Proper (eq ==> type.eqv) (interp_ident t)}.
+ Lemma Interp_EliminateDead {t} (e : @expr.Expr base_type ident t) (Hwf : expr.Wf e)
+ : expr.Interp interp_ident (EliminateDead e) == expr.Interp interp_ident e.
+ Proof using interp_ident_Proper. apply Subst01.Interp_Subst0n, Hwf; auto using @OUGHT_TO_BE_UNUSED_id. Qed.
+ End interp.
+ End with_ident.
+ End DeadCodeElimination.
+ Hint Resolve DeadCodeElimination.Wf_EliminateDead : wf.
+ Hint Rewrite @DeadCodeElimination.Interp_EliminateDead : interp.
+End Compilers.