path: root/src/Galois
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authorGravatar Jade Philipoom <jadep@mit.edu>2016-02-07 12:56:03 -0500
committerGravatar Jade Philipoom <jadep@mit.edu>2016-02-07 12:56:03 -0500
commit7987ddbbe7ce69d5046b7b56b1b3769e44d85652 (patch)
treed29d7e94a773425d0212004c701dd26ca832cd71 /src/Galois
parent83072499ef2e3723fd7fc1de18c5541da8f6fae2 (diff)
EdDSA25519 : wrote and proved optimized PointEncoding, which encodes y and the sign bit of x, then solves the curve equation for x ^ 2. Required adding several lemmas to GaloisField (and moving others there from PointFormats).
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Galois')
2 files changed, 177 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/src/Galois/GaloisField.v b/src/Galois/GaloisField.v
index d87e35dc4..f3c769e67 100644
--- a/src/Galois/GaloisField.v
+++ b/src/Galois/GaloisField.v
@@ -116,4 +116,128 @@ Module GaloisField (M: Modulus).
div GFmorph_div_theory,
power_tac GFpower_theory [GFexp_tac]).
+ Local Open Scope GF_scope.
+ Lemma GF_mul_eq : forall x y z, z <> 0 -> x * z = y * z -> x = y.
+ Proof.
+ intros ? ? ? z_nonzero mul_z_eq.
+ replace x with (x * 1) by field.
+ rewrite <- (GF_multiplicative_inverse z_nonzero).
+ replace (x * (GFinv z * z)) with ((x * z) * GFinv z) by ring.
+ rewrite mul_z_eq.
+ replace (y * z * GFinv z) with (y * (GFinv z * z)) by ring.
+ rewrite GF_multiplicative_inverse; auto; field.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma GF_mul_0_l : forall x, 0 * x = 0.
+ Proof.
+ intros; field.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma GF_mul_0_r : forall x, x * 0 = 0.
+ Proof.
+ intros; field.
+ Qed.
+ Definition GF_eq_dec : forall x y : GF, {x = y} + {x <> y}.
+ intros.
+ assert (H := Z.eq_dec (inject x) (inject y)).
+ destruct H.
+ - left; galois; intuition.
+ - right; intuition.
+ rewrite H in n.
+ assert (y = y); intuition.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma mul_nonzero_l : forall a b, a*b <> 0 -> a <> 0.
+ intros; intuition; subst.
+ assert (0 * b = 0) by field; intuition.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma mul_nonzero_r : forall a b, a*b <> 0 -> b <> 0.
+ intros; intuition; subst.
+ assert (a * 0 = 0) by field; intuition.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma mul_zero_why : forall a b, a*b = 0 -> a = 0 \/ b = 0.
+ intros.
+ assert (Z := GF_eq_dec a 0); destruct Z.
+ - left; intuition.
+ - assert (a * b / a = 0) by
+ ( rewrite H; field; intuition ).
+ field_simplify in H0.
+ replace (b/1) with b in H0 by (field; intuition).
+ right; intuition.
+ apply n in H0; intuition.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma mul_nonzero_nonzero : forall a b, a <> 0 -> b <> 0 -> a*b <> 0.
+ intros; intuition; subst.
+ apply mul_zero_why in H1.
+ destruct H1; subst; intuition.
+ Qed.
+ Hint Resolve mul_nonzero_nonzero.
+ Lemma GFexp_distr_mul : forall x y z, (0 <= z)%N ->
+ (x ^ z) * (y ^ z) = (x * y) ^ z.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ replace z with (Z.to_N (Z.of_N z)) by apply N2Z.id.
+ apply natlike_ind with (x := Z.of_N z); simpl; [ field | |
+ replace 0%Z with (Z.of_N 0%N) by auto; apply N2Z.inj_le; auto].
+ intros z' z'_nonneg IHz'.
+ rewrite Z2N.inj_succ by auto.
+ rewrite (GFexp_pred x) by apply N.neq_succ_0.
+ rewrite (GFexp_pred y) by apply N.neq_succ_0.
+ rewrite (GFexp_pred (x * y)) by apply N.neq_succ_0.
+ rewrite N.pred_succ.
+ rewrite <- IHz'.
+ field.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma GF_square_mul : forall x y z, (y <> 0) ->
+ x ^ 2 = z * y ^ 2 -> exists sqrt_z, sqrt_z ^ 2 = z.
+ Proof.
+ intros ? ? ? y_nonzero A.
+ exists (x / y).
+ assert ((x / y) ^ 2 = x ^ 2 / y ^ 2) as square_distr_div. {
+ unfold GFdiv, GFexp, GFexp'.
+ replace (GFinv (y * y)) with (GFinv y * GFinv y); try ring.
+ unfold GFinv.
+ destruct (N.eq_dec (N.pred (totientToN totient)) 0) as [ eq_zero | neq_zero ];
+ [ rewrite eq_zero | rewrite GFexp_distr_mul ]; try field.
+ simpl.
+ do 2 rewrite <- Z2N.inj_pred.
+ replace 0%N with (Z.to_N 0%Z) by auto.
+ apply Z2N.inj_le; modulus_bound.
+ }
+ assert (y ^ 2 <> 0) as y2_nonzero by (apply mul_nonzero_nonzero; auto).
+ rewrite (GF_mul_eq _ z (y ^ 2)); auto.
+ unfold GFdiv.
+ rewrite <- A.
+ field; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma sqrt_solutions : forall x y, y ^ 2 = x ^ 2 -> y = x \/ y = GFopp x.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ (* TODO(jadep) *)
+ Admitted.
+ Lemma GFopp_swap : forall x y, GFopp x = y <-> x = GFopp y.
+ Proof.
+ split; intro; subst; field.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma GFopp_involutive : forall x, GFopp (GFopp x) = x.
+ Proof.
+ intros; field.
+ Qed.
End GaloisField.
diff --git a/src/Galois/GaloisTheory.v b/src/Galois/GaloisTheory.v
index 6bf0621eb..feb37007a 100644
--- a/src/Galois/GaloisTheory.v
+++ b/src/Galois/GaloisTheory.v
@@ -246,22 +246,20 @@ Module GaloisTheory (M: Modulus).
Lemma GFexp'_pred : forall x p,
- p <> 0
- -> x <> 1%positive
+ x <> 1%positive
-> GFexp' p x = GFexp' p (Pos.pred x) * p.
intros; rewrite <- (Pos.succ_pred x) at 1; auto using GFexp'_pred'.
- Lemma GFexp_pred : forall p x,
- p <> 0
- -> x <> 0%N
+ Lemma GFexp_pred : forall x p,
+ x <> 0%N
-> p^x = p^N.pred x * p.
destruct x; simpl; intuition.
- destruct (Pos.eq_dec p0 1); subst; simpl; try ring.
+ destruct (Pos.eq_dec p 1); subst; simpl; try ring.
rewrite GFexp'_pred by auto.
- destruct p0; intuition.
+ destruct p; intuition.
(* Show that GFinv actually defines multiplicative inverses *)
@@ -301,11 +299,16 @@ Module GaloisTheory (M: Modulus).
Ltac modulus_bound :=
pose proof (prime_ge_2 (primeToZ modulus) (proj2_sig modulus)); omega.
- Lemma GFexp_Zpow : forall (a : GF) (a_nonzero : a <> 0)
+ Lemma GFToZ_inject : forall x, GFToZ (inject x) = (x mod primeToZ modulus)%Z.
+ Proof.
+ intros; unfold GFToZ, proj1_sig, inject; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma GFexp_Zpow : forall (a : GF)
(k : Z) (k_nonneg : (0 <= k)%Z),
a ^ (Z.to_N k) = ((GFToZ a) ^ k)%Z.
- intros a a_nonzero.
+ intro a.
apply natlike_ind; [ galois; symmetry; apply Z.mod_small; modulus_bound | ].
intros k k_nonneg IHk.
rewrite Z2N.inj_succ by auto.
@@ -316,11 +319,6 @@ Module GaloisTheory (M: Modulus).
- Lemma GFToZ_inject : forall x, GFToZ (inject x) = (x mod primeToZ modulus)%Z.
- Proof.
- intros; unfold GFToZ, proj1_sig, inject; reflexivity.
- Qed.
Lemma GF_Zmod : forall x, ((GFToZ x) mod primeToZ modulus = GFToZ x)%Z.
@@ -350,9 +348,32 @@ Module GaloisTheory (M: Modulus).
- Lemma GFexp_0 : forall e : N, e <> 0%N -> 0 ^ e = 0.
+ Lemma inject_Zmod : forall x y, inject x = inject y <-> (x mod primeToZ modulus = y mod primeToZ modulus)%Z.
- Admitted.
+ split; intros A.
+ + apply gf_eq in A.
+ do 2 rewrite GFToZ_inject in A; auto.
+ + rewrite (inject_mod_eq x).
+ rewrite (inject_mod_eq y).
+ rewrite A; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma GFexp_0 : forall e : N, (0 < e)%N -> 0 ^ e = 0.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ replace e with (Z.to_N (Z.of_N e)) by apply N2Z.id.
+ replace e with (N.succ (N.pred e)) by (apply N.succ_pred_pos; auto).
+ rewrite N2Z.inj_succ.
+ apply natlike_ind with (x := Z.of_N (N.pred e)); try reflexivity.
+ + intros x x_pos IHx.
+ rewrite Z2N.inj_succ by omega.
+ rewrite GFexp_pred by apply N.neq_succ_0.
+ rewrite N.pred_succ.
+ rewrite IHx; ring.
+ + replace 0%Z with (Z.of_N 0%N) by auto.
+ rewrite <- N2Z.inj_le.
+ apply N.lt_le_pred; auto.
+ Qed.
Lemma nonzero_Zmod_GF : forall a,
(inject a <> 0) <-> (a mod primeToZ modulus <> 0)%Z.
@@ -384,4 +405,20 @@ Module GaloisTheory (M: Modulus).
+ Lemma GF_mod_bound : forall (x : GF), (0 <= x < modulus)%Z.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ assert (0 < modulus)%Z as gt_0_modulus by modulus_bound.
+ pose proof (Z.mod_pos_bound x modulus gt_0_modulus).
+ rewrite <- (inject_eq x).
+ unfold GFToZ, inject in *.
+ auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma GF_minus_plus : forall x y z, x + y = z <-> x = z - y.
+ Proof.
+ split; intros A; [ symmetry in A | ]; rewrite A; ring.
+ Qed.
End GaloisTheory. \ No newline at end of file