path: root/src/Experiments
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authorGravatar Jade Philipoom <jadep@google.com>2018-05-02 09:55:42 +0200
committerGravatar jadephilipoom <jade.philipoom@gmail.com>2018-05-07 04:29:09 -0400
commitde3ec0210ea1d40e2e796591c9a192711e79a03f (patch)
tree22e8c80aa59d1f3bbbe83a1a28883e38970ae2c7 /src/Experiments
parent6f8733f05344bda560fabb384ac25971089e7783 (diff)
Move straightline and prefancy stuff above barrett reduction
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Experiments')
1 files changed, 369 insertions, 371 deletions
diff --git a/src/Experiments/SimplyTypedArithmetic.v b/src/Experiments/SimplyTypedArithmetic.v
index 9618588d4..a1fec63ff 100644
--- a/src/Experiments/SimplyTypedArithmetic.v
+++ b/src/Experiments/SimplyTypedArithmetic.v
@@ -7917,6 +7917,375 @@ fun var : type -> Type =>
End X25519_32.
+Module Straightline.
+ Module expr.
+ Section with_var.
+ Context {var : type.type -> Type}.
+ Context {dummy_var : forall t, var t}.
+ Let uexpr t := @Uncurried.expr.expr ident.ident var t.
+ Section with_ident.
+ Context {ident : type.type -> type.type -> Type}.
+ Inductive expr : type.type -> Type :=
+ | Scalar {t} : scalar t -> expr t
+ | LetInAppIdentZ {s d} : zrange -> ident s (type.Z) -> scalar s -> (var (type.Z) -> expr d) -> expr d
+ | LetInAppIdentZZ {s d} : zrange * zrange -> ident s (type.Z*type.Z) -> scalar s -> (var (type.Z*type.Z) -> expr d) -> expr d
+ with scalar : type.type -> Type :=
+ | Var t : var t -> scalar t
+ | TT : scalar (type.type_primitive type.unit)
+ | Pair {a b} : scalar a -> scalar b -> scalar (a * b)
+ | Cast : zrange -> scalar type.Z -> scalar type.Z
+ | Cast2 : zrange * zrange -> scalar (type.Z*type.Z) -> scalar (type.Z*type.Z)
+ | Fst {a b} : scalar (a * b) -> scalar a
+ | Snd {a b} : scalar (a * b) -> scalar b
+ | Shiftr : Z -> scalar type.Z -> scalar type.Z
+ | Shiftl : Z -> scalar type.Z -> scalar type.Z
+ | Land : Z -> scalar type.Z -> scalar type.Z
+ | Primitive {t} : type.interp (type.type_primitive t) -> scalar t
+ .
+ End with_ident.
+ Fixpoint dummy t : @expr ident.ident t := Scalar (Var t (dummy_var t)).
+ Definition scalar_of_uncurried_ident {s d} (idc : ident.ident s d)
+ : scalar s -> option (scalar d) :=
+ match idc in ident.ident s d return scalar (ident:=ident.ident) s -> option (scalar d) with
+ | ident.Z.cast r => fun args => Some (Cast r args)
+ | ident.Z.cast2 r => fun args => Some (Cast2 r args)
+ | @ident.fst A B => fun args => Some (Fst args)
+ | @ident.snd A B => fun args => Some (Snd args)
+ | ident.Z.shiftr n => fun args => Some (Shiftr n args)
+ | ident.Z.shiftl n => fun args => Some (Shiftl n args)
+ | ident.Z.land n => fun args => Some (Land n args)
+ | @ident.primitive p x => fun _ => Some (Primitive x)
+ | _ => fun _ => None
+ end.
+ Fixpoint scalar_of_uncurried {t} (e : uexpr t) : option (scalar t) :=
+ match e in Uncurried.expr.expr t return option (scalar t) with
+ | expr.Var t v as e => Some (Var t v)
+ | expr.TT as e => Some TT
+ | expr.Pair A B a b
+ => match scalar_of_uncurried a, scalar_of_uncurried b with
+ | Some x, Some y => Some (Pair x y)
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | expr.AppIdent _ _ idc args
+ => match scalar_of_uncurried args with
+ | Some x => scalar_of_uncurried_ident idc x
+ | None => None
+ end
+ | _ => None
+ end.
+ Fixpoint range_type t : Type :=
+ match t with
+ | type.type_primitive type.Z => zrange
+ | type.prod x y => range_type x * range_type y
+ | _ => unit
+ end.
+ Definition invert_cast {t} (e : uexpr t)
+ : option (range_type t * uexpr t) :=
+ match invert_AppIdent e with
+ | Some (existT s (idc, x)) =>
+ (match idc in ident.ident s t return uexpr s -> option (range_type t * uexpr t) with
+ | ident.Z.cast r => fun x => Some (r, x)
+ | ident.Z.cast2 r => fun x => Some (r, x)
+ | _ => fun _ => None
+ end) x
+ | None => None
+ end.
+ (* ident.Let_In @@ (cast r x) => r, x *)
+ Definition invert_LetInCast {tx tC} (args : uexpr (tx * (tx -> tC)))
+ : option (range_type tx * uexpr tx * uexpr (tx -> tC)) :=
+ match invert_Pair args with
+ | Some (x, e) =>
+ match invert_cast x with
+ | Some (r, x') => Some (r, x', e)
+ | None => None
+ end
+ | None => None
+ end.
+ Definition invert_LetInAppIdent {tx tC} (args : uexpr (tx * (tx -> tC)))
+ : option { s : type.type & (range_type tx * ident.ident s tx * scalar s * (var tx -> uexpr tC))%type } :=
+ match invert_LetInCast args with
+ | Some (r, x, e) =>
+ match invert_AppIdent x with
+ | Some (existT s idc_x') =>
+ match scalar_of_uncurried (snd idc_x') with
+ | Some x'' =>
+ match invert_Abs e with
+ | Some k => Some (existT _ s (r, fst idc_x', x'', k))
+ | None => None
+ end
+ | None => None
+ end
+ | None => None
+ end
+ | None => None
+ end.
+ Definition mk_LetInAppIdent {s d t} (default : expr t)
+ : range_type d -> ident.ident s d -> scalar s -> (var d -> expr t) -> expr t :=
+ match d as d0 return range_type d0 -> ident.ident s d0 -> scalar s -> (var d0 -> expr t) -> expr t with
+ | type.type_primitive type.Z =>
+ fun r idc x k => @LetInAppIdentZ ident.ident s t r idc x k
+ | type.prod type.Z type.Z =>
+ fun r idc x k => @LetInAppIdentZZ ident.ident s t r idc x k
+ | _ => fun _ _ _ _ => default
+ end.
+ Definition of_uncurried_step {t} (e : uexpr t)
+ (of_uncurried : forall {t}, uexpr t -> expr t)
+ : expr t -> expr t :=
+ match e in Uncurried.expr.expr t return expr t -> expr t with
+ | AppIdent s d idc args =>
+ (match idc in ident.ident s d return uexpr s -> expr d -> expr d with
+ | ident.Let_In tx tC =>
+ fun args default =>
+ match invert_LetInAppIdent args return expr tC with
+ | Some (existT s (r, idc, x, k)) =>
+ @mk_LetInAppIdent s tx tC default r idc x (fun y : var tx => of_uncurried (k y))
+ | None => default
+ end
+ | ident.Z.cast r =>
+ fun (args : uexpr _) default =>
+ match invert_AppIdent args with
+ | Some (existT s idc_x') =>
+ match scalar_of_uncurried (snd idc_x') with
+ | Some x'' =>
+ @mk_LetInAppIdent s type.Z type.Z default r (fst idc_x') x'' (fun y => Scalar (Var _ y))
+ | None => default
+ end
+ | None => default
+ end
+ | ident.Z.cast2 r =>
+ fun (args : uexpr _) default =>
+ match invert_AppIdent args with
+ | Some (existT s idc_x') =>
+ match scalar_of_uncurried (snd idc_x') with
+ | Some x'' =>
+ @mk_LetInAppIdent s (type.Z*type.Z) (type.Z*type.Z) default r (fst idc_x') x'' (fun y => Scalar (Var _ y))
+ | None => default
+ end
+ | None => default
+ end
+ | _ => fun _ default => default
+ end) args
+ | _ as e =>
+ (fun default =>
+ match scalar_of_uncurried e with
+ | Some s => Scalar s
+ | None => default
+ end)
+ end.
+ (* TODO : uses fuel; ideally want a cleaner termination proof *)
+ Fixpoint of_uncurried (fuel : nat) {t} (e : uexpr t)
+ : expr t :=
+ match fuel with
+ | S fuel' => of_uncurried_step e (@of_uncurried fuel') (dummy t)
+ | O => dummy t
+ end.
+ End with_var.
+ End expr.
+ Fixpoint depth {var t} (dummy_var : forall t, var t) (e : @Uncurried.expr.expr ident.ident var t) : nat :=
+ match e with
+ | Uncurried.expr.Var _ _ => O
+ | Uncurried.expr.TT => O
+ | Uncurried.expr.AppIdent _ _ idc args => S (depth dummy_var args)
+ | Uncurried.expr.App _ _ f x => S (Nat.max (depth dummy_var f) (depth dummy_var x))
+ | Uncurried.expr.Pair _ _ x y => S (Nat.max (depth dummy_var x) (depth dummy_var y))
+ | Uncurried.expr.Abs _ _ f => S (depth dummy_var (f (dummy_var _)))
+ end.
+ (* TODO : Can I avoid having dummy_var appear here? *)
+ Definition of_Expr {s d} (e : Expr (s->d)) (var : type -> Type) (x:var s) dummy_var : expr.expr d
+ :=
+ match invert_Abs (e var) with
+ | Some f => expr.of_uncurried (dummy_var:=dummy_var) (depth dummy_var (f x)) (f x)
+ | None => expr.dummy (dummy_var:=dummy_var) d
+ end.
+End Straightline.
+Module StraightlineTest.
+ Definition test : Expr (type.Z -> type.Z) :=
+ fun var =>
+ Abs
+ (fun (x : var type.Z) =>
+ AppIdent (var:=var) ident.Let_In
+ (Pair (AppIdent (var:=var) (ident.Z.cast r[0~>4294967295]%zrange) (AppIdent (var:=var) (ident.Z.shiftr 8) (Var x)))
+ (Abs (fun x : var type.Z => expr.Var x)))).
+ Eval vm_compute in (Straightline.of_Expr test).
+ Definition test_mul : Expr (type.Z -> type.Z) :=
+ fun var =>
+ Abs
+ (fun (x : var type.Z) =>
+ AppIdent (var:=var) ident.Let_In
+ (Pair (AppIdent (var:=var) (ident.Z.cast r[0~>4294967295]%zrange) (AppIdent (var:=var) (ident.Z.shiftr 8) (Var x)))
+ (Abs (fun y : var type.Z =>
+ AppIdent ident.Let_In
+ (Pair (AppIdent (ident.Z.cast r[0~>4294967295]%zrange) (AppIdent ident.Z.mul (Pair (AppIdent (@ident.primitive type.Z 12) TT) (Var y))))
+ (Abs (fun z : var type.Z => (AppIdent (ident.Z.cast r[0~>4294967295]%zrange) (AppIdent (ident.Z.shiftr 3) (Var z)))))
+ ))))).
+ Eval vm_compute in (Straightline.of_Expr test_mul).
+End StraightlineTest.
+(* Convert straightline code to code that uses only a certain set of identifiers *)
+Module PreFancy.
+ Section with_var.
+ Import Straightline.expr.
+ Context {var : type -> Type} (dummy_var : forall t, var t) (log2wordsize : Z)
+ (constant_to_scalar : forall ident, Z -> option (@scalar var ident type.Z)).
+ Local Notation Z := (type.type_primitive type.Z).
+ Let wordsize := 2 ^ log2wordsize.
+ Let half_bits := log2wordsize / 2.
+ Let half_wordsize := 2 ^ half_bits.
+ Inductive ident : type -> type -> Type :=
+ | add : ident (Z * Z) (Z * Z)
+ | addc : ident (Z * Z * Z) (Z * Z)
+ | mulll : ident (Z * Z) Z
+ | mullh : ident (Z * Z) Z
+ | mulhl : ident (Z * Z) Z
+ | mulhh : ident (Z * Z) Z
+ | sub : ident (Z * Z) (Z * Z)
+ | shiftr : BinInt.Z -> ident Z Z
+ | shiftl : BinInt.Z -> ident Z Z
+ | sel : ident (Z * Z * Z) Z
+ | addm : ident (Z * Z * Z) Z
+ .
+ Let dummy t : @expr var ident t := Scalar (Var _ (dummy_var t)).
+ Definition invert_lower' {t} (e : @scalar var ident t) :
+ option (@scalar var ident Z) :=
+ match e in scalar t return option (@scalar var ident Z) with
+ | Cast r (Land n x) =>
+ if (lower r =? 0) && (upper r =? (half_wordsize - 1)) && (n =? 2^half_bits-1)
+ then Some x
+ else None
+ | _ => None
+ end.
+ Definition invert_upper' {t} (e : @scalar var ident t) :
+ option (@scalar var ident Z) :=
+ match e in scalar t return option (@scalar var ident Z) with
+ | Cast r (Shiftr n x) =>
+ if (lower r =? 0) && (upper r =? (half_wordsize - 1)) && (n =? half_bits)
+ then Some x
+ else None
+ | _ => None
+ end.
+ Definition invert_lower {t} (e : @scalar var ident t) :
+ option (@scalar var ident Z) :=
+ match e in scalar t return option (@scalar var ident Z) with
+ | Primitive type.Z x =>
+ match constant_to_scalar ident x with
+ | Some y => invert_lower' y
+ | None => None
+ end
+ | _ => invert_lower' e
+ end.
+ Definition invert_upper {t} (e : @scalar var ident t) :
+ option (@scalar var ident Z) :=
+ match e in scalar t return option (@scalar var ident Z) with
+ | Primitive type.Z x =>
+ match constant_to_scalar ident x with
+ | Some y => invert_upper' y
+ | None => None
+ end
+ | _ => invert_upper' e
+ end.
+ Definition of_straightline_ident {s d} (idc : ident.ident s d)
+ : forall t, range_type d -> @scalar var ident s -> (var d -> @expr var ident t) -> @expr var ident t :=
+ match idc in ident.ident s d return forall t, range_type d -> scalar s -> (var d -> @expr var ident t) -> @expr var ident t with
+ | ident.Z.add_get_carry_concrete w =>
+ fun t r x f =>
+ if w =? wordsize
+ then LetInAppIdentZZ r add x f
+ else dummy _
+ | ident.Z.add_with_get_carry_concrete w =>
+ fun t r x f =>
+ if w =? wordsize
+ then LetInAppIdentZZ r addc x f
+ else dummy _
+ | ident.Z.sub_get_borrow_concrete w =>
+ fun t r x f =>
+ if w =? wordsize
+ then LetInAppIdentZZ r sub x f
+ else dummy _
+ | ident.Z.shiftr n => fun _ r => LetInAppIdentZ r (shiftr n)
+ | ident.Z.shiftl n => fun _ r => LetInAppIdentZ r (shiftl n)
+ | ident.Z.zselect => fun _ r => LetInAppIdentZ r sel
+ | ident.Z.add_modulo => fun _ r => LetInAppIdentZ r addm
+ | ident.Z.mul =>
+ fun t r x f =>
+ match x return expr t with
+ | Pair _ _ x0 x1 =>
+ match invert_lower x0, invert_lower x1 with
+ | Some y0, Some y1 => LetInAppIdentZ r mulll (Pair y0 y1) f
+ | Some y0, None =>
+ match invert_upper x1 with
+ | Some y1 => LetInAppIdentZ r mullh (Pair y0 y1) f
+ | None => dummy _
+ end
+ | None, Some y1 =>
+ match invert_upper x0 with
+ | Some y0 => LetInAppIdentZ r mulhl (Pair y0 y1) f
+ | None => dummy _
+ end
+ | None, None =>
+ match invert_upper x0, invert_upper x1 with
+ | Some y0, Some y1 => LetInAppIdentZ r mulhh (Pair y0 y1) f
+ | _,_ => dummy _
+ end
+ end
+ | _ => dummy _
+ end
+ | _ => fun t _ _ _ => dummy t
+ end.
+ Fixpoint of_straightline_scalar {t} (s : @scalar var ident.ident t)
+ : @scalar var ident t :=
+ match s with
+ | Var _ v => Var _ v
+ | TT => TT
+ | Pair _ _ x y => Pair (of_straightline_scalar x) (of_straightline_scalar y)
+ | Cast r x => Cast r (of_straightline_scalar x)
+ | Cast2 r x => Cast2 r (of_straightline_scalar x)
+ | Fst _ _ x => Fst (of_straightline_scalar x)
+ | Snd _ _ x => Snd (of_straightline_scalar x)
+ | Shiftr n x => Shiftr n (of_straightline_scalar x)
+ | Shiftl n x => Shiftl n (of_straightline_scalar x)
+ | Land n x => Land n (of_straightline_scalar x)
+ | Primitive _ x => Primitive x
+ end.
+ Fixpoint of_straightline {t} (e : @expr var ident.ident t)
+ : @expr var ident t :=
+ match e with
+ | Scalar _ s => Scalar (of_straightline_scalar s)
+ | LetInAppIdentZ _ t r idc x f =>
+ of_straightline_ident idc t r (of_straightline_scalar x) (fun y => of_straightline (f y))
+ | LetInAppIdentZZ _ t r idc x f =>
+ of_straightline_ident idc t r (of_straightline_scalar x) (fun y => of_straightline (f y))
+ end.
+ End with_var.
+End PreFancy.
Module BarrettReduction.
(* TODO : generalize to multi-word and operate on (list Z) instead of T; maybe stop taking ops as context variables *)
Section Generic.
@@ -8919,377 +9288,6 @@ Module P256_32.
End P256_32.
-Require Import Coq.Program.Wf.
-Module Straightline.
- Module expr.
- Section with_var.
- Context {var : type.type -> Type}.
- Context {dummy_var : forall t, var t}.
- Let uexpr t := @Uncurried.expr.expr ident.ident var t.
- Section with_ident.
- Context {ident : type.type -> type.type -> Type}.
- Inductive expr : type.type -> Type :=
- | Scalar {t} : scalar t -> expr t
- | LetInAppIdentZ {s d} : zrange -> ident s (type.Z) -> scalar s -> (var (type.Z) -> expr d) -> expr d
- | LetInAppIdentZZ {s d} : zrange * zrange -> ident s (type.Z*type.Z) -> scalar s -> (var (type.Z*type.Z) -> expr d) -> expr d
- with scalar : type.type -> Type :=
- | Var t : var t -> scalar t
- | TT : scalar (type.type_primitive type.unit)
- | Pair {a b} : scalar a -> scalar b -> scalar (a * b)
- | Cast : zrange -> scalar type.Z -> scalar type.Z
- | Cast2 : zrange * zrange -> scalar (type.Z*type.Z) -> scalar (type.Z*type.Z)
- | Fst {a b} : scalar (a * b) -> scalar a
- | Snd {a b} : scalar (a * b) -> scalar b
- | Shiftr : Z -> scalar type.Z -> scalar type.Z
- | Shiftl : Z -> scalar type.Z -> scalar type.Z
- | Land : Z -> scalar type.Z -> scalar type.Z
- | Primitive {t} : type.interp (type.type_primitive t) -> scalar t
- .
- End with_ident.
- Fixpoint dummy t : @expr ident.ident t := Scalar (Var t (dummy_var t)).
- Definition scalar_of_uncurried_ident {s d} (idc : ident.ident s d)
- : scalar s -> option (scalar d) :=
- match idc in ident.ident s d return scalar (ident:=ident.ident) s -> option (scalar d) with
- | ident.Z.cast r => fun args => Some (Cast r args)
- | ident.Z.cast2 r => fun args => Some (Cast2 r args)
- | @ident.fst A B => fun args => Some (Fst args)
- | @ident.snd A B => fun args => Some (Snd args)
- | ident.Z.shiftr n => fun args => Some (Shiftr n args)
- | ident.Z.shiftl n => fun args => Some (Shiftl n args)
- | ident.Z.land n => fun args => Some (Land n args)
- | @ident.primitive p x => fun _ => Some (Primitive x)
- | _ => fun _ => None
- end.
- Fixpoint scalar_of_uncurried {t} (e : uexpr t) : option (scalar t) :=
- match e in Uncurried.expr.expr t return option (scalar t) with
- | expr.Var t v as e => Some (Var t v)
- | expr.TT as e => Some TT
- | expr.Pair A B a b
- => match scalar_of_uncurried a, scalar_of_uncurried b with
- | Some x, Some y => Some (Pair x y)
- | _, _ => None
- end
- | expr.AppIdent _ _ idc args
- => match scalar_of_uncurried args with
- | Some x => scalar_of_uncurried_ident idc x
- | None => None
- end
- | _ => None
- end.
- Fixpoint range_type t : Type :=
- match t with
- | type.type_primitive type.Z => zrange
- | type.prod x y => range_type x * range_type y
- | _ => unit
- end.
- Definition invert_cast {t} (e : uexpr t)
- : option (range_type t * uexpr t) :=
- match invert_AppIdent e with
- | Some (existT s (idc, x)) =>
- (match idc in ident.ident s t return uexpr s -> option (range_type t * uexpr t) with
- | ident.Z.cast r => fun x => Some (r, x)
- | ident.Z.cast2 r => fun x => Some (r, x)
- | _ => fun _ => None
- end) x
- | None => None
- end.
- (* ident.Let_In @@ (cast r x) => r, x *)
- Definition invert_LetInCast {tx tC} (args : uexpr (tx * (tx -> tC)))
- : option (range_type tx * uexpr tx * uexpr (tx -> tC)) :=
- match invert_Pair args with
- | Some (x, e) =>
- match invert_cast x with
- | Some (r, x') => Some (r, x', e)
- | None => None
- end
- | None => None
- end.
- Definition invert_LetInAppIdent {tx tC} (args : uexpr (tx * (tx -> tC)))
- : option { s : type.type & (range_type tx * ident.ident s tx * scalar s * (var tx -> uexpr tC))%type } :=
- match invert_LetInCast args with
- | Some (r, x, e) =>
- match invert_AppIdent x with
- | Some (existT s idc_x') =>
- match scalar_of_uncurried (snd idc_x') with
- | Some x'' =>
- match invert_Abs e with
- | Some k => Some (existT _ s (r, fst idc_x', x'', k))
- | None => None
- end
- | None => None
- end
- | None => None
- end
- | None => None
- end.
- Definition mk_LetInAppIdent {s d t} (default : expr t)
- : range_type d -> ident.ident s d -> scalar s -> (var d -> expr t) -> expr t :=
- match d as d0 return range_type d0 -> ident.ident s d0 -> scalar s -> (var d0 -> expr t) -> expr t with
- | type.type_primitive type.Z =>
- fun r idc x k => @LetInAppIdentZ ident.ident s t r idc x k
- | type.prod type.Z type.Z =>
- fun r idc x k => @LetInAppIdentZZ ident.ident s t r idc x k
- | _ => fun _ _ _ _ => default
- end.
- Definition of_uncurried_step {t} (e : uexpr t)
- (of_uncurried : forall {t}, uexpr t -> expr t)
- : expr t -> expr t :=
- match e in Uncurried.expr.expr t return expr t -> expr t with
- | AppIdent s d idc args =>
- (match idc in ident.ident s d return uexpr s -> expr d -> expr d with
- | ident.Let_In tx tC =>
- fun args default =>
- match invert_LetInAppIdent args return expr tC with
- | Some (existT s (r, idc, x, k)) =>
- @mk_LetInAppIdent s tx tC default r idc x (fun y : var tx => of_uncurried (k y))
- | None => default
- end
- | ident.Z.cast r =>
- fun (args : uexpr _) default =>
- match invert_AppIdent args with
- | Some (existT s idc_x') =>
- match scalar_of_uncurried (snd idc_x') with
- | Some x'' =>
- @mk_LetInAppIdent s type.Z type.Z default r (fst idc_x') x'' (fun y => Scalar (Var _ y))
- | None => default
- end
- | None => default
- end
- | ident.Z.cast2 r =>
- fun (args : uexpr _) default =>
- match invert_AppIdent args with
- | Some (existT s idc_x') =>
- match scalar_of_uncurried (snd idc_x') with
- | Some x'' =>
- @mk_LetInAppIdent s (type.Z*type.Z) (type.Z*type.Z) default r (fst idc_x') x'' (fun y => Scalar (Var _ y))
- | None => default
- end
- | None => default
- end
- | _ => fun _ default => default
- end) args
- | _ as e =>
- (fun default =>
- match scalar_of_uncurried e with
- | Some s => Scalar s
- | None => default
- end)
- end.
- (* TODO : uses fuel; ideally want a cleaner termination proof *)
- Fixpoint of_uncurried (fuel : nat) {t} (e : uexpr t)
- : expr t :=
- match fuel with
- | S fuel' => of_uncurried_step e (@of_uncurried fuel') (dummy t)
- | O => dummy t
- end.
- End with_var.
- End expr.
- Fixpoint depth {var t} (dummy_var : forall t, var t) (e : @Uncurried.expr.expr ident.ident var t) : nat :=
- match e with
- | Uncurried.expr.Var _ _ => O
- | Uncurried.expr.TT => O
- | Uncurried.expr.AppIdent _ _ idc args => S (depth dummy_var args)
- | Uncurried.expr.App _ _ f x => S (Nat.max (depth dummy_var f) (depth dummy_var x))
- | Uncurried.expr.Pair _ _ x y => S (Nat.max (depth dummy_var x) (depth dummy_var y))
- | Uncurried.expr.Abs _ _ f => S (depth dummy_var (f (dummy_var _)))
- end.
- (* TODO : Can I avoid having dummy_var appear here? *)
- Definition of_Expr {s d} (e : Expr (s->d)) (var : type -> Type) (x:var s) dummy_var : expr.expr d
- :=
- match invert_Abs (e var) with
- | Some f => expr.of_uncurried (dummy_var:=dummy_var) (depth dummy_var (f x)) (f x)
- | None => expr.dummy (dummy_var:=dummy_var) d
- end.
-End Straightline.
-Module StraightlineTest.
- Definition test : Expr (type.Z -> type.Z) :=
- fun var =>
- Abs
- (fun (x : var type.Z) =>
- AppIdent (var:=var) ident.Let_In
- (Pair (AppIdent (var:=var) (ident.Z.cast r[0~>4294967295]%zrange) (AppIdent (var:=var) (ident.Z.shiftr 8) (Var x)))
- (Abs (fun x : var type.Z => expr.Var x)))).
- Eval vm_compute in (Straightline.of_Expr test).
- Definition test_mul : Expr (type.Z -> type.Z) :=
- fun var =>
- Abs
- (fun (x : var type.Z) =>
- AppIdent (var:=var) ident.Let_In
- (Pair (AppIdent (var:=var) (ident.Z.cast r[0~>4294967295]%zrange) (AppIdent (var:=var) (ident.Z.shiftr 8) (Var x)))
- (Abs (fun y : var type.Z =>
- AppIdent ident.Let_In
- (Pair (AppIdent (ident.Z.cast r[0~>4294967295]%zrange) (AppIdent ident.Z.mul (Pair (AppIdent (@ident.primitive type.Z 12) TT) (Var y))))
- (Abs (fun z : var type.Z => (AppIdent (ident.Z.cast r[0~>4294967295]%zrange) (AppIdent (ident.Z.shiftr 3) (Var z)))))
- ))))).
- Eval vm_compute in (Straightline.of_Expr test_mul).
-End StraightlineTest.
-(* Convert straightline code to code that uses only a certain set of identifiers *)
-Module PreFancy.
- Section with_var.
- Import Straightline.expr.
- Context {var : type -> Type} (dummy_var : forall t, var t) (log2wordsize : Z)
- (constant_to_scalar : forall ident, Z -> option (@scalar var ident type.Z)).
- Local Notation Z := (type.type_primitive type.Z).
- Let wordsize := 2 ^ log2wordsize.
- Let half_bits := log2wordsize / 2.
- Let half_wordsize := 2 ^ half_bits.
- Inductive ident : type -> type -> Type :=
- | add : ident (Z * Z) (Z * Z)
- | addc : ident (Z * Z * Z) (Z * Z)
- | mulll : ident (Z * Z) Z
- | mullh : ident (Z * Z) Z
- | mulhl : ident (Z * Z) Z
- | mulhh : ident (Z * Z) Z
- | sub : ident (Z * Z) (Z * Z)
- | shiftr : BinInt.Z -> ident Z Z
- | shiftl : BinInt.Z -> ident Z Z
- | sel : ident (Z * Z * Z) Z
- | addm : ident (Z * Z * Z) Z
- .
- Let dummy t : @expr var ident t := Scalar (Var _ (dummy_var t)).
- Definition invert_lower' {t} (e : @scalar var ident t) :
- option (@scalar var ident Z) :=
- match e in scalar t return option (@scalar var ident Z) with
- | Cast r (Land n x) =>
- if (lower r =? 0) && (upper r =? (half_wordsize - 1)) && (n =? 2^half_bits-1)
- then Some x
- else None
- | _ => None
- end.
- Definition invert_upper' {t} (e : @scalar var ident t) :
- option (@scalar var ident Z) :=
- match e in scalar t return option (@scalar var ident Z) with
- | Cast r (Shiftr n x) =>
- if (lower r =? 0) && (upper r =? (half_wordsize - 1)) && (n =? half_bits)
- then Some x
- else None
- | _ => None
- end.
- Definition invert_lower {t} (e : @scalar var ident t) :
- option (@scalar var ident Z) :=
- match e in scalar t return option (@scalar var ident Z) with
- | Primitive type.Z x =>
- match constant_to_scalar ident x with
- | Some y => invert_lower' y
- | None => None
- end
- | _ => invert_lower' e
- end.
- Definition invert_upper {t} (e : @scalar var ident t) :
- option (@scalar var ident Z) :=
- match e in scalar t return option (@scalar var ident Z) with
- | Primitive type.Z x =>
- match constant_to_scalar ident x with
- | Some y => invert_upper' y
- | None => None
- end
- | _ => invert_upper' e
- end.
- Definition of_straightline_ident {s d} (idc : ident.ident s d)
- : forall t, range_type d -> @scalar var ident s -> (var d -> @expr var ident t) -> @expr var ident t :=
- match idc in ident.ident s d return forall t, range_type d -> scalar s -> (var d -> @expr var ident t) -> @expr var ident t with
- | ident.Z.add_get_carry_concrete w =>
- fun t r x f =>
- if w =? wordsize
- then LetInAppIdentZZ r add x f
- else dummy _
- | ident.Z.add_with_get_carry_concrete w =>
- fun t r x f =>
- if w =? wordsize
- then LetInAppIdentZZ r addc x f
- else dummy _
- | ident.Z.sub_get_borrow_concrete w =>
- fun t r x f =>
- if w =? wordsize
- then LetInAppIdentZZ r sub x f
- else dummy _
- | ident.Z.shiftr n => fun _ r => LetInAppIdentZ r (shiftr n)
- | ident.Z.shiftl n => fun _ r => LetInAppIdentZ r (shiftl n)
- | ident.Z.zselect => fun _ r => LetInAppIdentZ r sel
- | ident.Z.add_modulo => fun _ r => LetInAppIdentZ r addm
- | ident.Z.mul =>
- fun t r x f =>
- match x return expr t with
- | Pair _ _ x0 x1 =>
- match invert_lower x0, invert_lower x1 with
- | Some y0, Some y1 => LetInAppIdentZ r mulll (Pair y0 y1) f
- | Some y0, None =>
- match invert_upper x1 with
- | Some y1 => LetInAppIdentZ r mullh (Pair y0 y1) f
- | None => dummy _
- end
- | None, Some y1 =>
- match invert_upper x0 with
- | Some y0 => LetInAppIdentZ r mulhl (Pair y0 y1) f
- | None => dummy _
- end
- | None, None =>
- match invert_upper x0, invert_upper x1 with
- | Some y0, Some y1 => LetInAppIdentZ r mulhh (Pair y0 y1) f
- | _,_ => dummy _
- end
- end
- | _ => dummy _
- end
- | _ => fun t _ _ _ => dummy t
- end.
- Fixpoint of_straightline_scalar {t} (s : @scalar var ident.ident t)
- : @scalar var ident t :=
- match s with
- | Var _ v => Var _ v
- | TT => TT
- | Pair _ _ x y => Pair (of_straightline_scalar x) (of_straightline_scalar y)
- | Cast r x => Cast r (of_straightline_scalar x)
- | Cast2 r x => Cast2 r (of_straightline_scalar x)
- | Fst _ _ x => Fst (of_straightline_scalar x)
- | Snd _ _ x => Snd (of_straightline_scalar x)
- | Shiftr n x => Shiftr n (of_straightline_scalar x)
- | Shiftl n x => Shiftl n (of_straightline_scalar x)
- | Land n x => Land n (of_straightline_scalar x)
- | Primitive _ x => Primitive x
- end.
- Fixpoint of_straightline {t} (e : @expr var ident.ident t)
- : @expr var ident t :=
- match e with
- | Scalar _ s => Scalar (of_straightline_scalar s)
- | LetInAppIdentZ _ t r idc x f =>
- of_straightline_ident idc t r (of_straightline_scalar x) (fun y => of_straightline (f y))
- | LetInAppIdentZZ _ t r idc x f =>
- of_straightline_ident idc t r (of_straightline_scalar x) (fun y => of_straightline (f y))
- end.
- End with_var.
-End PreFancy.
Module MontgomeryReduction.
Section MontRed'.
Context (N R N' R' : Z).