path: root/src/Experiments/SimplyTypedArithmetic.v
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authorGravatar Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>2018-02-12 21:42:29 -0500
committerGravatar Jason Gross <jasongross9@gmail.com>2018-02-18 19:25:23 -0500
commitae4f8c9a53717c3733a29abfb8dfe716c38d21a8 (patch)
treee04fc47af4630d56c73973ad728822fa1f50d233 /src/Experiments/SimplyTypedArithmetic.v
parent7b84df346c6a56b1b51cce73078411767122caa4 (diff)
WIP on more general continuations
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Experiments/SimplyTypedArithmetic.v')
1 files changed, 458 insertions, 87 deletions
diff --git a/src/Experiments/SimplyTypedArithmetic.v b/src/Experiments/SimplyTypedArithmetic.v
index c033b4c88..f9db6517c 100644
--- a/src/Experiments/SimplyTypedArithmetic.v
+++ b/src/Experiments/SimplyTypedArithmetic.v
@@ -278,6 +278,44 @@ Module Positional. Section Positional.
End Carries.
+ Section carry_mulmod.
+ Context (m:Z) (s:Z)
+ (c:list (Z*Z))
+ (n : nat)
+ (len_c : nat)
+ (idxs : list nat)
+ (len_idxs : nat)
+ (fg : list Z * list Z).
+ Derive carry_mulmod
+ SuchThat (forall (f := fst fg) (g := snd fg)
+ (m_nz:m <> 0) (s_nz:s <> 0) (Hm:m = s - Associational.eval c)
+ (Hf : length f = n)
+ (Hg : length g = n)
+ (Hn_nz : n <> 0%nat)
+ (Hc : length c = len_c)
+ (Hidxs : length idxs = len_idxs)
+ (Hw_div_nz : forall i : nat, weight (S i) / weight i <> 0),
+ (eval n carry_mulmod) mod (s - Associational.eval c)
+ = (eval n f * eval n g) mod (s - Associational.eval c))
+ As carry_mulmod_correct.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ erewrite <-eval_mulmod with (s:=s) (c:=c)
+ by (subst; try assumption; try reflexivity).
+ etransitivity;
+ [ | rewrite <- @eval_chained_carries with (s:=s) (c:=c) (idxs:=idxs) (modulo:=fun x y => Z.modulo x y) (div:=fun x y => Z.div x y)
+ by (subst; try assumption; auto using Z.div_mod); reflexivity ].
+ eapply f_equal2; [|trivial]. eapply f_equal.
+ erewrite <- (expand_list_correct _ (-1)%Z f),
+ <- (expand_list_correct _ (-1)%Z g),
+ <- (expand_list_correct _ 0%nat idxs),
+ <- (expand_list_correct _ (-1,-1)%Z c)
+ by eassumption.
+ subst carry_mulmod; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ End carry_mulmod.
End Positional. End Positional.
Module Compilers.
@@ -299,6 +337,24 @@ Module Compilers.
| bool => Datatypes.bool
+ Fixpoint final_codomain (t : type) : type
+ := match t with
+ | type_primitive _ as t
+ | prod _ _ as t
+ | list _ as t
+ => t
+ | arrow s d => final_codomain d
+ end.
+ Fixpoint under_arrows (t : type) (f : type -> type) : type
+ := match t with
+ | type_primitive _ as t
+ | prod _ _ as t
+ | list _ as t
+ => f t
+ | arrow s d => arrow s (under_arrows d f)
+ end.
Ltac reify_primitive ty :=
lazymatch eval cbv beta in ty with
| Datatypes.unit => unit
@@ -1620,6 +1676,59 @@ Module Compilers.
=> (untranslate R t -> R)%ctype
| type.list A => Compilers.type.list (untranslate R A)
+ Fixpoint try_untranslate (t : type)
+ : option Compilers.type.type
+ := match t with
+ | type.type_primitive t => @Some Compilers.type.type t
+ | type.list A => option_map Compilers.type.list (try_untranslate A)
+ | A * B
+ => match try_untranslate A, try_untranslate B with
+ | Some A, Some B => Some (A * B)%ctype
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | (s * (d --->) --->)
+ => match try_untranslate s, try_untranslate d with
+ | Some s, Some d => Some (s -> d)%ctype
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | (_ --->) => None
+ end%cpstype.
+ Fixpoint try_transport_untranslate (P : type -> Type) (t : type)
+ : P t -> option { t : _ & P (translate t) }
+ := match t with
+ | type.type_primitive t
+ => fun v => Some (existT _ (t : Compilers.type.type) v)
+ | type.list A
+ => fun v => option_map
+ (fun '(existT A v) => existT (fun t => P (translate t))
+ (Compilers.type.list A)
+ v)
+ (@try_transport_untranslate (fun t => P (type.list t)) A v)
+ | A * B
+ => fun v : P (A * B)
+ => match @try_transport_untranslate (fun a => P (a * _)) A v with
+ | Some (existT A v)
+ => match @try_transport_untranslate (fun b => P (_ * b)) B v with
+ | Some (existT B v)
+ => Some (existT _ (A * B)%ctype v)
+ | None => None
+ end
+ | None => None
+ end
+ | (s * (d --->) --->)
+ => fun v
+ => match @try_transport_untranslate (fun s => P ((s * _) --->)) s v with
+ | Some (existT s v)
+ => match @try_transport_untranslate (fun d => P (_ * (d --->) --->)) d v with
+ | Some (existT d v)
+ => Some (existT _ (s -> d)%ctype v)
+ | None => None
+ end
+ | None => None
+ end
+ | (_ --->) => fun _ => None
+ end%cpstype.
End translate.
End type.
@@ -2103,23 +2212,332 @@ Module Compilers.
: @Compilers.Uncurried.expr.default.Expr R
:= expr.CallWithContinuation (@ident.untranslate _) (@ident.fst) (@ident.snd) (@ident.bool_rect) e k.
+ Module type_descr.
+ Import Compilers.type.
+ Inductive flat_type :=
+ | type_primitive (_ : primitive)
+ | prod (_ : flat_type) (_ : flat_type)
+ | list (_ : flat_type).
+ Inductive argtype :=
+ | flat_arg (_ : flat_type)
+ | arrow_arg (s : flat_type) (d : argtype)
+ | prod_arg (_ _ : argtype).
+ Inductive type :=
+ | flat (_ : flat_type)
+ | arrow (s : argtype) (d : type).
+ Module Export Coercions.
+ Coercion type_primitive : primitive >-> flat_type.
+ Coercion flat_arg : flat_type >-> argtype.
+ Coercion flat : flat_type >-> type.
+ End Coercions.
+ Fixpoint flat_to_type (t : flat_type) : Compilers.type.type
+ := match t with
+ | type_primitive x => x
+ | prod A B => Compilers.type.prod (flat_to_type A) (flat_to_type B)
+ | list A => Compilers.type.list (flat_to_type A)
+ end.
+ Fixpoint arg_to_type (t : argtype) : Compilers.type.type
+ := match t with
+ | flat_arg t => flat_to_type t
+ | arrow_arg s d => Compilers.type.arrow (flat_to_type s) (arg_to_type d)
+ | prod_arg A B => Compilers.type.prod (arg_to_type A) (arg_to_type B)
+ end.
+ Fixpoint to_type (t : type) : Compilers.type.type
+ := match t with
+ | flat t => flat_to_type t
+ | arrow s d => Compilers.type.arrow (arg_to_type s) (to_type d)
+ end.
+ Fixpoint flat_of_type (t : Compilers.type.type) : option flat_type
+ := match t with
+ | Compilers.type.type_primitive x => @Some flat_type x
+ | Compilers.type.prod A B
+ => match flat_of_type A, flat_of_type B with
+ | Some A, Some B => @Some flat_type (prod A B)
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | type.arrow s d => None
+ | Compilers.type.list A
+ => option_map list (flat_of_type A)
+ end.
+ Fixpoint arg_of_type (t : Compilers.type.type) : option argtype
+ := match t with
+ | Compilers.type.prod A B as t
+ => match flat_of_type t, arg_of_type A, arg_of_type B with
+ | Some t, _, _
+ => @Some argtype t
+ | None, Some A, Some B
+ => @Some argtype (prod_arg A B)
+ | _, _, _ => None
+ end
+ | type.arrow s d
+ => match flat_of_type s, arg_of_type d with
+ | Some s, Some d => Some (arrow_arg s d)
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | Compilers.type.type_primitive _ as t
+ | Compilers.type.list _ as t
+ => option_map flat_arg (flat_of_type t)
+ end.
+ Fixpoint of_type (t : Compilers.type.type) : option type
+ := match t with
+ | type.arrow s d
+ => match arg_of_type s, of_type d with
+ | Some s, Some d => Some (arrow s d)
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | Compilers.type.prod _ _ as t
+ | Compilers.type.type_primitive _ as t
+ | Compilers.type.list _ as t
+ => option_map flat (flat_of_type t)
+ end.
+ Fixpoint try_transport_flat_of_type P (t : Compilers.type.type)
+ : P t -> option { t' : _ & P (flat_to_type t') }
+ := match t with
+ | Compilers.type.type_primitive x
+ => fun v => Some (existT _ (x : flat_type) v)
+ | Compilers.type.prod A B
+ => fun v
+ => match try_transport_flat_of_type (fun a => P (a * _)%ctype) A v with
+ | Some (existT A v)
+ => match try_transport_flat_of_type (fun b => P (_ * b)%ctype) B v with
+ | Some (existT B v)
+ => Some (existT _ (prod A B) v)
+ | None => None
+ end
+ | None => None
+ end
+ | type.arrow s d => fun _ => None
+ | Compilers.type.list A
+ => fun v
+ => option_map
+ (fun '(existT A v) => existT (fun t => P (flat_to_type t)) (list A) v)
+ (try_transport_flat_of_type (fun a => P (Compilers.type.list a)) A v)
+ end.
+ Fixpoint try_transport_arg_of_type P (t : Compilers.type.type)
+ : P t -> option { t' : _ & P (arg_to_type t') }
+ := match t with
+ | Compilers.type.prod A B as t
+ => fun v
+ => match try_transport_flat_of_type P t v with
+ | Some (existT t v) => Some (existT (fun t' => P (arg_to_type t')) t v)
+ | None
+ => match try_transport_arg_of_type (fun a => P (a * _)%ctype) A v with
+ | Some (existT A v)
+ => match try_transport_arg_of_type (fun b => P (_ * b)%ctype) B v with
+ | Some (existT B v)
+ => Some (existT _ (prod_arg A B) v)
+ | None => None
+ end
+ | None => None
+ end
+ end
+ | type.arrow s d
+ => fun v
+ => match try_transport_flat_of_type (fun s => P (s -> _)%ctype) s v with
+ | Some (existT s v)
+ => match try_transport_flat_of_type (fun d => P (_ -> d)%ctype) d v with
+ | Some (existT d v)
+ => Some (existT (fun t' => P (arg_to_type t')) (arrow_arg s d) v)
+ | None => None
+ end
+ | None => None
+ end
+ | Compilers.type.type_primitive _ as t
+ | Compilers.type.list _ as t
+ => fun v
+ => option_map
+ (fun '(existT t v) => existT (fun t => P (arg_to_type t)) (flat_arg t) v)
+ (try_transport_flat_of_type P t v)
+ end.
+ Fixpoint try_transport_of_type P (t : Compilers.type.type)
+ : P t -> option { t' : _ & P (to_type t') }
+ := match t with
+ | type.arrow s d
+ => fun v
+ => match try_transport_arg_of_type (fun s => P (s -> _)%ctype) s v with
+ | Some (existT s v)
+ => match try_transport_of_type (fun d => P (_ -> d)%ctype) d v with
+ | Some (existT d v)
+ => Some (existT (fun t' => P (to_type t')) (arrow s d) v)
+ | None => None
+ end
+ | None => None
+ end
+ | Compilers.type.prod _ _ as t
+ | Compilers.type.type_primitive _ as t
+ | Compilers.type.list _ as t
+ => fun v
+ => option_map
+ (fun '(existT t v) => existT (fun t => P (to_type t)) (flat t) v)
+ (try_transport_flat_of_type P t v)
+ end.
+ End type_descr.
+ Import type_descr.Coercions.
+ Fixpoint untranslate_translate_flat
+ (P : Compilers.type.type -> Type)
+ {R}
+ {t : type_descr.flat_type}
+ (e : P (type_descr.to_type t))
+ {struct t}
+ : P (type.untranslate R (type.translate (type_descr.to_type t)))
+ := match t return P (type_descr.to_type t)
+ -> P (type.untranslate R (type.translate (type_descr.to_type t)))
+ with
+ | type_descr.type_primitive x => id
+ | type_descr.prod A B
+ => fun ab : P (type_descr.flat_to_type A * type_descr.flat_to_type B)%ctype
+ => @untranslate_translate_flat
+ (fun a => P (a * _)%ctype)
+ R A
+ (@untranslate_translate_flat
+ (fun b => P (_ * b)%ctype)
+ R B
+ ab)
+ | type_descr.list A
+ => @untranslate_translate_flat
+ (fun t => P (Compilers.type.list t))
+ R A
+ end e.
+ Fixpoint untranslate_translate_flat'
+ (P : Compilers.type.type -> Type)
+ {R}
+ {t : type_descr.flat_type}
+ (e : P (type.untranslate R (type.translate (type_descr.to_type t))))
+ {struct t}
+ : P (type_descr.to_type t)
+ := match t return P (type.untranslate R (type.translate (type_descr.to_type t)))
+ -> P (type_descr.to_type t)
+ with
+ | type_descr.type_primitive x => id
+ | type_descr.prod A B
+ => fun ab :
+ (* ignore this line *) P (type.untranslate R (type.translate (type_descr.flat_to_type A)) * type.untranslate R (type.translate (type_descr.flat_to_type B)))%ctype
+ => @untranslate_translate_flat'
+ (fun a => P (a * _)%ctype)
+ R A
+ (@untranslate_translate_flat'
+ (fun b => P (_ * b)%ctype)
+ R B
+ ab)
+ | type_descr.list A
+ => @untranslate_translate_flat'
+ (fun t => P (Compilers.type.list t))
+ R A
+ end e.
+ Definition transport_final_codomain_flat P {t}
+ : P (type_descr.flat_to_type t)
+ -> P (type.final_codomain (type_descr.flat_to_type t))
+ := match t with
+ | type_descr.type_primitive x => id
+ | type_descr.prod x x0 => id
+ | type_descr.list x => id
+ end.
+ Definition transport_final_codomain_flat' P {t}
+ : P (type.final_codomain (type_descr.flat_to_type t))
+ -> P (type_descr.flat_to_type t)
+ := match t with
+ | type_descr.type_primitive x => id
+ | type_descr.prod x x0 => id
+ | type_descr.list x => id
+ end.
+ Fixpoint untranslate_translate_arg
+ {var}
+ {R}
+ {t : type_descr.argtype}
+ (e : @Compilers.Uncurried.expr.default.expr var (type_descr.arg_to_type t))
+ {struct t}
+ : @Compilers.Uncurried.expr.default.expr var (type.untranslate R (type.translate (type_descr.arg_to_type t)))
+ := match t return Compilers.Uncurried.expr.default.expr (type_descr.arg_to_type t)
+ -> Compilers.Uncurried.expr.default.expr (type.untranslate R (type.translate (type_descr.arg_to_type t)))
+ with
+ | type_descr.flat_arg t
+ => untranslate_translate_flat _
+ | type_descr.arrow_arg s d
+ => fun e'
+ => Abs (fun v :
+ (* ignore this line *) var (type.untranslate R (type.translate (type_descr.flat_to_type s)) * (type.untranslate R (type.translate (type_descr.arg_to_type d)) -> R))%ctype
+ => (ident.snd @@ Var v)
+ @ (@untranslate_translate_arg
+ var R d
+ (e' @ (untranslate_translate_flat' _ (ident.fst @@ Var v)))))%expr
+ | type_descr.prod_arg A B
+ => fun e' : expr.default.expr (type_descr.arg_to_type A * type_descr.arg_to_type B)
+ => ((Abs (fun a => Abs (fun b => (Var a, Var b))))
+ @ (@untranslate_translate_arg var R A (ident.fst @@ e'))
+ @ (@untranslate_translate_arg var R B (ident.snd @@ e')))%expr
+ end e.
+ Local Notation "x <-- e1 ; e2" := (expr.splice e1 (fun x => e2%cpsexpr)) : cpsexpr_scope.
+ Fixpoint call_fun_with_id_continuation'
+ {var}
+ {t : type_descr.type}
+ (R := type.final_codomain (type_descr.to_type t))
+ (e : @expr (fun t0 =>
+ @Uncurried.expr.expr default.ident.ident var (type.untranslate R t0))
+ (type.translate (type_descr.to_type t)))
+ {struct t}
+ : @Compilers.Uncurried.expr.default.expr var (type_descr.to_type t)
+ := match t
+ return (@expr (fun t0 =>
+ @Uncurried.expr.expr default.ident.ident var (type.untranslate (type.final_codomain (type_descr.to_type t)) t0))
+ (type.translate (type_descr.to_type t)))
+ -> @Compilers.Uncurried.expr.default.expr var (type_descr.to_type t)
+ with
+ | type_descr.flat t
+ => fun e'
+ => transport_final_codomain_flat'
+ _
+ (@call_with_continuation
+ var _ _ e'
+ (fun e'' => transport_final_codomain_flat _ (untranslate_translate_flat' _ e'')))
+ | type_descr.arrow s d
+ => fun e' :
+ (* ignore this line *) expr (type.translate (type_descr.arg_to_type s) * (type.translate (type_descr.to_type d) --->) --->)
+ => Abs (s:=type_descr.arg_to_type s) (d:=type_descr.to_type d)
+ (fun v
+ => @call_fun_with_id_continuation'
+ var d
+ (f <-- e';
+ k <- (λ r, expr.Halt r);
+ p <- (untranslate_translate_arg (Var v), k);
+ f @ p)%cpsexpr)
+ end e.
Definition CallFunWithIdContinuation'
- {R}
- {s d} (e : Expr (type.translate (s -> d)))
- (k : forall var, var (type.untranslate R (type.translate d)) -> var R)
- : @Compilers.Uncurried.expr.default.Expr (type.untranslate R (type.translate s) -> R)
- := fun var
- => Abs (fun x => @call_with_continuation
- var R _ (e _)
- (fun e : expr.default.expr (type.untranslate _ (type.translate s) * (type.untranslate _ (type.translate d) -> _) -> _)
- => e @ (Var x, λ v , Var (k _ v)))%expr).
- Notation CallFunWithIdContinuation e
- := (@CallFunWithIdContinuation'
- ((fun s d (e' : Expr (type.translate (s -> d))) => d) _ _ e)
- _ _
- e
- (fun _ => id))
- (only parsing).
+ {t : type_descr.type}
+ (e : Expr (type.translate (type_descr.to_type t)))
+ : @Compilers.Uncurried.expr.default.Expr (type_descr.to_type t)
+ := fun var => @call_fun_with_id_continuation' _ t (e _).
+ Definition CallFunWithIdContinuation
+ {t}
+ (e : Expr t)
+ := match type.try_transport_untranslate Expr _ e as o return match o with None => _ | _ => _ end with
+ | Some v
+ => match type_descr.try_transport_of_type (fun t => Expr (type.translate t)) _
+ (projT2 v)
+ as o return match o with None => _ | _ => _ end
+ with
+ | Some v => CallFunWithIdContinuation' (projT2 v)
+ | None => I
+ end
+ | None => I
+ end.
End default.
Include default.
End CPS.
@@ -3348,39 +3766,6 @@ Local Coercion QArith_base.inject_Z : Z >-> Q.
- reassociation
- indexed + bounds analysis + of phoas *)
-(* TODO: is this the right way to do things? *)
-Definition expand_list_helper {A} (default : A) (ls : list A) (n : nat) (idx : nat) : list A
- := nat_rect
- (fun _ => nat -> list A)
- (fun _ => nil)
- (fun n' rec_call idx
- => cons (List.nth_default default ls idx) (rec_call (S idx)))
- n
- idx.
-Definition expand_list {A} (default : A) (ls : list A) (n : nat) : list A
- := expand_list_helper default ls n 0.
-Require Import Coq.micromega.Lia.
-(* TODO: MOVE ME *)
-Lemma expand_list_helper_correct {A} (default : A) (ls : list A) (n idx : nat) (H : (idx + n <= length ls)%nat)
- : expand_list_helper default ls n idx
- = List.firstn n (List.skipn idx ls).
- cbv [expand_list_helper]; revert idx H.
- induction n as [|n IHn]; cbn; intros.
- { reflexivity. }
- { rewrite IHn by omega.
- erewrite (@skipn_nth_default _ idx ls) by omega.
- reflexivity. }
-Lemma expand_list_correct (n : nat) {A} (default : A) (ls : list A) (H : List.length ls = n)
- : expand_list default ls n = ls.
- subst; cbv [expand_list]; rewrite expand_list_helper_correct by reflexivity.
- rewrite skipn_0, firstn_all; reflexivity.
Delimit Scope RT_expr_scope with RT_expr.
Import Uncurried.
Import expr.
@@ -3463,11 +3848,9 @@ Module test3.
(z * z)%RT) in
pose v as E.
vm_compute in E.
- pose (CPS.CallFunWithIdContinuation (CPS.Translate (canonicalize_list_recursion E))) as E'.
+ pose (PartialReduce (CPS.CallFunWithIdContinuation (CPS.Translate (canonicalize_list_recursion E)))) as E'.
vm_compute in E'.
- pose (PartialReduce E') as E''.
- lazy in E''.
- lazymatch (eval cbv delta [E''] in E'') with
+ lazymatch (eval cbv delta [E'] in E') with
| (fun var : type -> Type =>
(λ x : var (type.type_primitive type.Z),
expr_let x0 := Var x * Var x in
@@ -3480,7 +3863,7 @@ Module test3.
Import BoundsAnalysis.ident.
Import BoundsAnalysis.Notations.
pose (projT2 (Option.invert_Some (BoundsAnalysis.OfPHOAS.AnalyzeBounds
- (fun x => Some x) E'' r[0~>10]%zrange))) as E'''.
+ (fun x => Some x) E' r[0~>10]%zrange))) as E'''.
lazy in E'''.
lazymatch (eval cbv delta [E'''] in E''') with
| (expr_let 2 := mul r[0 ~> 10]%btype r[0 ~> 10]%btype r[0 ~> 100]%btype @@ (x_ 1, x_ 1) in
@@ -3579,7 +3962,6 @@ End test6.
Axiom admit : forall {T}, T.
-(** TODO: split this into [carry_mul_gen] which does not use PHOAS stuff, and version that synthesizes a reified thing *)
Derive carry_mul_gen
SuchThat (forall (w : nat -> Z)
(fg : list Z * list Z)
@@ -3600,40 +3982,30 @@ Derive carry_mul_gen
(Hsc_nz : s - Associational.eval c <> 0)
(Hs_nz : s <> 0)
(Hn_nz : n <> 0%nat),
- let fg' := carry_mul_gen w fg n s c len_c idxs len_idxs in
- (eval w n fg') mod (s - Associational.eval c)
- = (eval w n f * eval w n g) mod (s - Associational.eval c))
+ (* N.B. type must be a tuple for CPS.CallFunWithIdContinuation to work *)
+ Interp (t:=((type.nat*type.Z*type.list (type.Z * type.Z)*type.nat*type.list type.nat*type.nat*(type.nat->type.Z))*(type.list type.Z * type.list type.Z)->type.list type.Z)%ctype)
+ carry_mul_gen ((n, s, c, len_c, idxs, len_idxs, w), fg)
+ = carry_mulmod w s c n len_c idxs len_idxs fg)
As carry_mul_gen_correct.
- intros; subst carry_mul_gen.
- erewrite <-eval_mulmod with (s:=s) (c:=c)
- by (try assumption; try reflexivity).
- (* eval w n (fg' w fg n s c len_c) mod (s - Associational.eval c) =
- eval w n (mulmod w s c n f g) mod (s - Associational.eval c) *)
- etransitivity;
- [ | rewrite <- eval_chained_carries with (s:=s) (c:=c) (idxs:=idxs) (modulo:=fun x y => Z.modulo x y) (div:=fun x y => Z.div x y)
- by (try assumption; auto using Z.div_mod); reflexivity ].
- eapply f_equal2; [|trivial]. eapply f_equal.
- erewrite <- (expand_list_correct _ (-1)%Z f),
- <- (expand_list_correct _ (-1)%Z g),
- <- (expand_list_correct _ 0%nat idxs),
- <- (expand_list_correct _ (-1,-1)%Z c)
- by eassumption.
- pose (idxs, len_idxs, n, s, c, len_c, w, fg) as args.
- subst f g.
- change fg with (snd args).
- change w with (snd (fst args)).
- change len_c with (snd (fst (fst args))).
- change c with (snd (fst (fst (fst args)))).
- change s with (snd (fst (fst (fst (fst args))))).
- change n with (snd (fst (fst (fst (fst (fst args)))))).
- change len_idxs with (snd (fst (fst (fst (fst (fst (fst args))))))).
- change idxs with (fst (fst (fst (fst (fst (fst (fst args))))))).
- remember args as args' eqn:Hargs.
+ intros; subst carry_mul_gen; cbv [carry_mulmod].
+ clear.
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ |- context[(?x, ?y)] ]
+ => is_var x; is_var y;
+ let args := fresh "args" in
+ let args' := fresh "args'" in
+ let Hargs := fresh "Hargs" in
+ set (args := (x, y));
+ change x with (fst args);
+ change y with (snd args);
+ remember args as args' eqn:Hargs; subst args;
+ try subst x; try subst y
+ end.
Focus 2.
- { subst fg'.
- repeat match goal with H : _ |- _ => clear H end; revert args'.
+ { repeat match goal with H : _ |- _ => clear H end.
+ repeat match goal with H : _ |- _ => revert H end.
lazymatch goal with
| [ |- forall args, ?ev = @?RHS args ]
=> refine (fun args => f_equal (fun F => F args) (_ : _ = RHS))
@@ -3648,8 +4020,7 @@ Proof.
let E' := (eval vm_compute in E') in (* 0.131 for vm, about 0.6 for lazy, slower for native and cbv *)
pose E' as E''.
transitivity (Interp E'' (fst (fst args'), (fun '((i, k) : nat * (Z -> list Z)) => k (w i)), snd args')); [ clear E | exact admit ].
- subst args' args; cbn [fst snd].
- subst fg'.
+ subst args'; cbn [fst snd].