path: root/src/Experiments/SimplyTypedArithmetic.v
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authorGravatar Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>2017-11-24 18:19:12 -0500
committerGravatar Jason Gross <jasongross9@gmail.com>2018-01-29 18:04:58 -0500
commit20de7a22f740afe92570223b10347c9773598de7 (patch)
treef16b2ccaf09d50da834b3279e4a1853733e23128 /src/Experiments/SimplyTypedArithmetic.v
parent23b11c08bb5b810aa934d26e5f0596ff099d5389 (diff)
Partial work on implementing partial reduction
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Experiments/SimplyTypedArithmetic.v')
1 files changed, 591 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Experiments/SimplyTypedArithmetic.v b/src/Experiments/SimplyTypedArithmetic.v
index 6584e813e..8bda15482 100644
--- a/src/Experiments/SimplyTypedArithmetic.v
+++ b/src/Experiments/SimplyTypedArithmetic.v
@@ -451,6 +451,590 @@ Module Compilers.
Definition Interp {t} (e : Expr t) := interp (e _).
+ Definition const {var t} (v : type.interp t) : @expr var t
+ := Op (op.Const v) TT.
+ Section option_partition.
+ Context {A : Type} (f : A -> option Datatypes.bool).
+ Fixpoint option_partition (l : list A) : option (list A * list A)
+ := match l with
+ | nil => Some (nil, nil)
+ | cons x tl
+ => match option_partition tl, f x with
+ | Some (g, d), Some fx
+ => Some (if fx then (x :: g, d) else (g, x :: d))
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ end.
+ End option_partition.
+ Section option_flat_map.
+ Context {A B : Type} (f : A -> option (list B)).
+ Fixpoint option_flat_map (l : list A) : option (list B)
+ := match l with
+ | nil => Some nil
+ | cons x t => match f x, option_flat_map t with
+ | Some fx, Some ft
+ => Some (fx ++ ft)
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ end.
+ End option_flat_map.
+ Definition lift_option_list {A} (ls : list (option A)) : option (list A)
+ := list_rect
+ (fun _ => _)
+ (Some nil)
+ (fun x _ xs
+ => match x, xs with
+ | Some x, Some xs => Some (cons x xs)
+ | _, _ => None
+ end)
+ ls.
+ Section invert.
+ Context {var : type -> Type}.
+ Definition invert_Var {t} (e : @expr var t) : option (var t)
+ := match e with
+ | Var t v => Some v
+ | _ => None
+ end.
+ Definition invert_Abs {s d} (e : @expr var (type.arrow s d)) : option (var s -> @expr var d)
+ := match e in expr t return option match t with
+ | type.arrow _ _ => _
+ | _ => True
+ end with
+ | Abs s d f => Some f
+ | _ => None
+ end.
+ Definition invert_Pair {A B} (e : @expr var (type.prod A B)) : option (@expr var A * @expr var B)
+ := match e in expr t return option match t with
+ | type.prod _ _ => _
+ | _ => True
+ end with
+ | Pair _ _ a b => Some (a, b)
+ | _ => None
+ end.
+ Definition invert_Op {t} (e : @expr var t) : option { s : _ & op s t * @expr var s }%type
+ := match e with
+ | Op s d opc args => Some (existT _ s (opc, args))
+ | _ => None
+ end.
+ Definition invert_OpConst {t} (e : @expr var t) : option (type.interp t)
+ := match invert_Op e with
+ | Some (existT s (opc, args))
+ => match opc with
+ | op.Const t v => Some v
+ | _ => None
+ end
+ | None => None
+ end.
+ Definition invert_op_S (e : @expr var type.nat) : option (@expr var type.nat)
+ := match invert_Op e with
+ | Some (existT s (opc, args))
+ => match opc in op s d return expr s -> option (expr type.nat) with
+ | op.S => fun args => Some args
+ | _ => fun _ => None
+ end args
+ | None => None
+ end.
+ Definition invert_Z (e : @expr var type.Z) : option Z := invert_OpConst e.
+ Definition invert_bool (e : @expr var type.bool) : option bool := invert_OpConst e.
+ Fixpoint invert_nat_full (e : @expr var type.nat) : option nat
+ := match e with
+ | Op _ _ op.S args
+ => option_map S (invert_nat_full args)
+ | Op _ _ (op.Const type.nat v) _
+ => Some v
+ | _ => None
+ end.
+ (* oh, the horrors of not being able to use non-linear deep pattern matches *)
+ Fixpoint invert_list_full {t} (e : @expr var (type.list t))
+ : option (list (@expr var t))
+ := match e in expr t return option match t with
+ | type.list t => list (expr t)
+ | _ => True
+ end
+ with
+ | Op s d opc args
+ => match opc in op s d
+ return option match s with
+ | type.prod A (type.list B) => expr A * list (expr B)
+ | _ => True
+ end
+ -> option match d with
+ | type.list t => list (expr t)
+ | _ => True
+ end
+ with
+ | op.Const (type.list _) v => fun _ => Some (List.map const v)
+ | op.cons _ => option_map (fun '(x, xs) => cons x xs)
+ | op.nil _ => fun _ => Some nil
+ | _ => fun _ => None
+ end
+ (match args in expr t
+ return option match t with
+ | type.prod A (type.list B) => expr A * list (expr B)
+ | _ => True
+ end
+ with
+ | Pair _ (type.list _) x xs
+ => match @invert_list_full _ xs with
+ | Some xs => Some (x, xs)
+ | None => None
+ end
+ | _ => None
+ end)
+ | _ => None
+ end.
+ (*Section with_map.
+ (* oh, the horrors of not being able to use non-linear deep
+ pattern matches. Luckily Coq's guard checker unfolds things,
+ so as long as the thing we need to evaluate at the bottom is
+ generic in what type it's looking at, we're good. We can
+ even give it data of the right type, which we need, but it
+ costs us a lot *)
+ Context (extra_dataT : type -> Type) {U} (f : forall t (d : extra_dataT t), @expr var t -> U t d).
+ Local Notation list_to_extra_dataT t
+ := (match t%ctype return Type with
+ | type.list t' => extra_dataT t'
+ | _ => True
+ end).
+ Local Notation list_to_forall_data_option_list t
+ := (forall (d : list_to_extra_dataT t),
+ option (match t%ctype as t'
+ return list_to_extra_dataT t' -> Type
+ with
+ | type.list t' => fun d => list (U t' d)
+ | _ => fun _ => True
+ end d)).
+ Local Notation prod_list_to_extra_dataT t
+ := (match t%ctype return Type with
+ | type.prod _ (type.list t') => extra_dataT t'
+ | _ => True
+ end).
+ Local Notation prod_list_to_forall_data_option_list t
+ := (forall (d : prod_list_to_extra_dataT t),
+ option (match t%ctype as t'
+ return prod_list_to_extra_dataT t' -> Type
+ with
+ | type.prod A (type.list t') => fun d => (expr A * list (U t' d))%type
+ | _ => fun _ => True
+ end d)).
+ Fixpoint invert_map_list_full {t} (e : @expr var (type.list t))
+ : forall d : extra_dataT t, option (list (U t d))
+ := match e in expr t return list_to_forall_data_option_list t
+ with
+ | Op s d opc args
+ => match opc in op s d
+ return (prod_list_to_forall_data_option_list s
+ -> list_to_forall_data_option_list d)
+ with
+ | op.Const (type.list _) v
+ => fun _ data => Some (List.map (f _ data) (List.map const v))
+ | op.cons _
+ => fun xs data
+ => option_map (fun '(x, xs) => cons (f _ data x) xs) (xs data)
+ | op.nil _
+ => fun _ _ => Some nil
+ | _ => fun _ _ => None
+ end
+ (match args in expr t
+ return prod_list_to_forall_data_option_list t
+ with
+ | Pair _ (type.list _) x xs
+ => fun data
+ => match @invert_map_list_full _ xs data with
+ | Some xs => Some (x, xs)
+ | None => None
+ end
+ | _ => fun _ => None
+ end)
+ | _ => fun _ => None
+ end.
+ End with_map.*)
+ End invert.
+ Section gallina_reify.
+ Context {var : type -> Type}.
+ Definition reify_list {t} (ls : list (@expr var t)) : @expr var (type.list t)
+ := list_rect
+ (fun _ => _)
+ (Op op.nil TT)
+ (fun x _ xs => Op op.cons (x, xs))
+ ls.
+ End gallina_reify.
+ Module arguments.
+ Inductive arguments : type -> Set :=
+ | generic {T} : arguments T
+ (*| cps {T} (aT : arguments T) : arguments T*)
+ | arrow {A B} (aB : arguments B) : arguments (A -> B)
+ | unit : arguments type.unit
+ | prod {A B} (aA : arguments A) (aB : arguments B) : arguments (A * B)
+ | list {T} (aT : arguments T) : arguments (type.list T)
+ | nat : arguments type.nat
+ | Z : arguments type.Z
+ | bool : arguments type.bool.
+ Fixpoint ground {t : type} : arguments t
+ := match t with
+ | type.unit => unit
+ | type.prod A B => prod (@ground A) (@ground B)
+ | type.arrow s d => arrow (@ground d)
+ | type.list A => list (@ground A)
+ | type.nat => nat
+ | type.Z => Z
+ | type.bool => bool
+ end.
+ Module type.
+ Local Notation interp_type := type.interp.
+ Section interp.
+ Context (var_dom var_cod : type -> Type).
+ Fixpoint interp {t} (a : arguments t) : Type
+ := match a with
+ | generic T => var_cod T
+ (*| cps T aT => forall U, (@interp T aT -> var U) -> var U*)
+ | arrow A B aB => var_dom A -> @interp B aB
+ | unit => Datatypes.unit
+ | prod A B aA aB => @interp A aA * @interp B aB
+ | list T aT => Datatypes.list (@interp T aT)
+ | nat => Datatypes.nat
+ | Z => BinInt.Z
+ | bool => Datatypes.bool
+ end%type.
+ End interp.
+ Section ground.
+ Context {var_dom var_cod : type -> Type}.
+ Fixpoint const_of_ground {t}
+ : interp_type t -> option (interp var_dom (@expr var_cod) (@ground t))
+ := match t return interp_type t -> option (interp var_dom expr (@ground t)) with
+ | type.prod A B
+ => fun '((a, b) : interp_type A * interp_type B)
+ => match @const_of_ground A a, @const_of_ground B b with
+ | Some a', Some b' => Some (a', b')
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | type.arrow s d => fun _ => None
+ | type.list A
+ => fun ls : Datatypes.list (interp_type A)
+ => lift_option_list
+ (List.map (@const_of_ground A) ls)
+ | type.unit
+ | type.nat
+ | type.Z
+ | type.bool
+ => fun v => Some v
+ end.
+ End ground.
+ Module option.
+ Section interp.
+ Context (var_dom var_cod : type -> Type).
+ Fixpoint interp {t} (a : arguments t) : Type
+ := match a with
+ | generic T => var_cod T
+ (*| cps T aT => forall U, (@interp T aT -> var U) -> var U*)
+ | arrow A B aB => var_dom A -> @interp B aB
+ | unit => Datatypes.unit
+ | prod A B aA aB => option (@interp A aA * @interp B aB)
+ | list T aT => option (Datatypes.list (@interp T aT))
+ | nat => option Datatypes.nat
+ | Z => option BinInt.Z
+ | bool => option Datatypes.bool
+ end%type.
+ End interp.
+ Section flat_interp.
+ Context (var_generic var_dom : type -> Type) (var_cod : forall t, arguments t -> Type).
+ Fixpoint flat_interp {t} (a : arguments t) : Type
+ := match a with
+ | generic T => var_generic T
+ (*| cps T aT => forall U, (@interp T aT -> var U) -> var U*)
+ | arrow A B aB => var_dom A -> var_cod B aB
+ | unit => Datatypes.unit
+ | prod A B aA aB => @flat_interp A aA * @flat_interp B aB
+ | list T aT => Datatypes.list (@flat_interp T aT)
+ | nat => Datatypes.nat
+ | Z => BinInt.Z
+ | bool => Datatypes.bool
+ end%type.
+ End flat_interp.
+ Definition interp_to_arrow_or_generic var_dom var_cod {t} a
+ := @flat_interp var_cod var_dom (@interp var_dom var_cod) t a.
+ Section lift_option.
+ Context {var_dom var_cod : type -> Type}.
+ Fixpoint lift_interp {t} {a : arguments t}
+ : interp var_dom var_cod a -> option (interp_to_arrow_or_generic var_dom var_cod a)
+ := match a in arguments t
+ return interp var_dom var_cod a -> option (interp_to_arrow_or_generic var_dom var_cod a)
+ with
+ | prod A B aA aB
+ => fun ab : option (interp _ _ aA * interp _ _ aB)
+ => match ab with
+ | Some (a, b)
+ => match @lift_interp A aA a, @lift_interp B aB b with
+ | Some a, Some b => Some (a, b)
+ | _, _ => None
+ end
+ | None => None
+ end
+ | list T aT
+ => fun ls : option (Datatypes.list (interp _ _ aT))
+ => match ls with
+ | Some ls
+ => lift_option_list
+ (List.map (@lift_interp T aT) ls)
+ | None => None
+ end
+ | arrow _ _ _
+ | generic _
+ | unit
+ => fun v => Some v
+ | nat
+ | Z
+ | bool
+ => fun x => x
+ end.
+ End lift_option.
+ End option.
+ End type.
+ Module expr.
+ Section interp.
+ Context (var : type -> Type).
+ Fixpoint interp {t} (a : arguments t)
+ : @expr var t -> type.option.interp (@expr var) (@expr var) a
+ := match a in arguments t return expr t -> type.option.interp expr expr a with
+ | generic T => fun e => e
+ (*| cps T aT => fun e*)
+ | arrow A B aB
+ => fun e arg
+ => @interp
+ B aB
+ match invert_Abs e, invert_Var arg with
+ | Some f, Some arg => f arg
+ | _, _ => Op op.App (e, arg)
+ end
+ | unit => fun _ => tt
+ | prod A B aA aB
+ => fun e
+ => option_map (fun '(a, b)
+ => (@interp A aA a, @interp B aB b))
+ (invert_Pair e)
+ | list T aT
+ => fun e
+ => option_map
+ (List.map (@interp T aT))
+ (invert_list_full e)
+ | nat => invert_nat_full
+ | Z => invert_Z
+ | bool => invert_bool
+ end.
+ End interp.
+ Section reify.
+ Context (var : type -> Type).
+ Fixpoint reify {t} (a : arguments t)
+ : type.interp var (@expr var) a -> @expr var t
+ := match a in arguments t return type.interp var expr a -> expr t with
+ | generic T => fun e => e
+ | arrow A B aB => fun f => Abs (fun x => @reify B aB (f x))
+ | unit => fun _ => TT
+ | prod A B aA aB
+ => fun '((a, b) : type.interp _ _ aA * type.interp _ _ aB)
+ => (@reify A aA a, @reify B aB b)%expr
+ | list T aT
+ => fun ls
+ => reify_list (List.map (@reify T aT) ls)
+ | nat => @const var type.nat
+ | Z => @const var type.Z
+ | bool => @const var type.bool
+ end.
+ End reify.
+ End expr.
+ Module Export Notations.
+ Delimit Scope arguments_scope with arguments.
+ Bind Scope arguments_scope with arguments.
+ Notation "()" := unit : arguments_scope.
+ Notation "A * B" := (prod A B) : arguments_scope.
+ Notation "A -> B" := (@arrow A _ B) (only printing) : arguments_scope.
+ Notation "A -> B" := (arrow B) (only parsing) : arguments_scope.
+ Global Coercion generic : type.type >-> arguments.
+ Notation arguments := arguments.
+ End Notations.
+ Module op.
+ Local Open Scope arguments_scope.
+ Definition lookup {s d} (opc : op s d) : arguments s * arguments d
+ := match opc in op s d return arguments s * arguments d with
+ | op.Const t v => (generic, ground)
+ | op.Let_In tx tC => (tx * (tx -> tC), generic)
+ | op.App s d => ((s -> d) * s, generic)
+ | op.S => (ground, ground)
+ | op.nil t => (generic, ground)
+ | op.cons t => (t * list t, list t)
+ | op.fst A B => (A * B, generic)
+ | op.snd A B => (A * B, generic)
+ | op.bool_rect T => (T * T * bool, generic)
+ | op.nat_rect P => (P * (nat -> P -> P) * nat, generic)
+ | op.pred => (nat, ground)
+ | op.List_seq => (nat * nat, ground)
+ | op.List_repeat A => (A * nat, list A)
+ | op.List_combine A B => (list A * list B, list (A * B))
+ | op.List_map A B => ((A -> B) * list A, list B)
+ | op.List_flat_map A B => ((A -> list B) * list A, list B)
+ | op.List_partition A => ((A -> bool) * list A, list A * list A)
+ | op.List_app A => (list A * list A, list A)
+ | op.List_fold_right A B => ((B -> A -> A) * A * list B, generic)
+ | op.List_update_nth T => (nat * (T -> T) * list T, list T)
+ | op.Z_runtime_mul => (Z * Z, Z)
+ | op.Z_runtime_add => (Z * Z, Z)
+ | op.Z_add => (Z * Z, Z)
+ | op.Z_mul => (Z * Z, Z)
+ | op.Z_pow => (Z * Z, Z)
+ | op.Z_opp => (Z, Z)
+ | op.Z_div => (Z * Z, Z)
+ | op.Z_modulo => (Z * Z, Z)
+ | op.Z_eqb => (Z * Z, bool)
+ | op.Z_of_nat => (nat, Z)
+ end.
+ Definition lookup_src {s d} opc := fst (@lookup s d opc).
+ Definition lookup_dst {s d} opc := snd (@lookup s d opc).
+ Definition option_map_prod {A B C} (f : A -> B -> C) (v : option (option A * option B))
+ : option C
+ := match v with
+ | Some (Some a, Some b) => Some (f a b)
+ | _ => None
+ end.
+ Definition rewrite
+ {var : type -> Type}
+ {s d} (opc : op s d)
+ (exploded_arguments : type.option.interp (@expr var) (@expr var) (lookup_src opc))
+ : option (type.interp var (@expr var) (lookup_dst opc))
+ := match opc in op s d
+ return
+ (forall (exploded_arguments' : option (type.option.interp_to_arrow_or_generic expr expr (lookup_src opc))),
+ option (type.interp var expr (lookup_dst opc)))
+ with
+ | op.Const t v => fun _ => arguments.type.const_of_ground v
+ | op.Let_In tx tC
+ => option_map
+ (fun '(ex, eC)
+ => match invert_Var ex, invert_OpConst ex with
+ | Some v, _ => eC ex
+ | None, Some v => eC ex
+ | None, None => Op op.Let_In (ex, Abs (fun v => eC (Var v)))
+ end)
+ | op.App s d => option_map (fun '(f, x) => f x)
+ | op.S as opc
+ | op.pred as opc
+ | op.Z_runtime_mul as opc
+ | op.Z_runtime_add as opc
+ | op.Z_add as opc
+ | op.Z_mul as opc
+ | op.Z_pow as opc
+ | op.Z_opp as opc
+ | op.Z_div as opc
+ | op.Z_modulo as opc
+ | op.Z_eqb as opc
+ | op.Z_of_nat as opc
+ => option_map (op.interp opc)
+ | op.nil t => fun _ => Some (@nil (type.interp _ _ ground))
+ | op.cons t => option_map (op.curry2 cons)
+ | op.fst A B => option_map (@fst (expr A) (expr B))
+ | op.snd A B => option_map (@snd (expr A) (expr B))
+ | op.bool_rect T => option_map (op.curry3 (bool_rect (fun _ => _)))
+ | op.nat_rect P
+ => option_map
+ (fun '(O_case, S_case, v)
+ => nat_rect (fun _ => expr P) O_case (fun n (v : expr P) => S_case (@const _ type.nat n) v) v)
+ | op.List_seq => option_map (op.curry2 List.seq)
+ | op.List_repeat A => option_map (op.curry2 (@List.repeat (expr A)))
+ | op.List_combine A B => option_map (op.curry2 (@List.combine (expr A) (expr B)))
+ | op.List_map A B => option_map (op.curry2 (@List.map (expr A) (expr B)))
+ | op.List_flat_map A B
+ => fun args : option ((expr A -> option (Datatypes.list (expr B))) * Datatypes.list (expr A))
+ => match args with
+ | Some (f, ls) => option_flat_map f ls
+ | None => None
+ end
+ | op.List_partition A
+ => fun args : option ((expr A -> option Datatypes.bool) * Datatypes.list (expr A))
+ => match args with
+ | Some (f, ls) => option_partition f ls
+ | None => None
+ end
+ | op.List_app A => option_map (op.curry2 (@List.app (expr A)))
+ | op.List_fold_right A B => option_map (op.curry3 (@List.fold_right (expr A) (expr B)))
+ | op.List_update_nth T => option_map (op.curry3 (@update_nth (expr T)))
+ end
+ (type.option.lift_interp exploded_arguments).
+ End op.
+ End arguments.
+ Export arguments.Notations.
+ Section partial_reduce.
+ Context {var : type -> Type}.
+ Fixpoint partial_reduce_cps {T} {t} (e : @expr (@expr var) t)
+ : (@expr var t -> @expr var T) -> @expr var T
+ := match e in expr t return (expr t -> expr T) -> expr T with
+ | TT => fun k => k TT
+ | Pair A B a b
+ => fun k
+ => @partial_reduce_cps
+ T A a
+ (fun a'
+ => @partial_reduce_cps
+ T B b
+ (fun b' => k (Pair a' b')))
+ | Var t v => fun k => k v
+ | Abs s d f
+ => fun k
+ => k (Abs (fun x => @partial_reduce_cps _ d (f (Var x)) id))
+ | Op s d opc args
+ => fun k
+ => @partial_reduce_cps
+ T s args
+ (fun args'
+ => k
+ match arguments.op.rewrite
+ opc
+ (arguments.expr.interp _ _ args')
+ with
+ | Some e => arguments.expr.reify _ _ e
+ | None => Op opc args'
+ end)
+ end.
+ Definition partial_reduce {t} (e : @expr (@expr var) t) : @expr var t
+ := @partial_reduce_cps t t e id.
+ End partial_reduce.
+ Definition PartialReduce {t} (e : Expr t) : Expr t
+ := fun var => @partial_reduce var t (e _).
Ltac is_known_const_cps2 term on_success on_failure :=
let recurse term := is_known_const_cps2 term on_success on_failure in
lazymatch term with
@@ -749,6 +1333,13 @@ Example base_25_5_mul (*(f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 g0 g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 g7 g
cbv [n].
cbv delta [mulmod w to_associational mul to_associational reduce from_associational add_to_nth zeros place split].
Reify_rhs ().
+ let e := match goal with |- _ = Interp ?e => e end in
+ pose e as E.
+ exfalso.
+ Timeout 2 vm_compute in E.
+ pose (PartialReduce E) as E'.
+ Timeout 2 vm_compute in E'.
(*cbv -[runtime_mul runtime_add]; cbv [runtime_mul runtime_add].
(* ?fg =