path: root/src/Experiments/PartialEvaluationWithLetIn.v
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authorGravatar Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>2018-04-20 21:17:45 -0400
committerGravatar Jason Gross <jasongross9@gmail.com>2018-05-05 18:01:31 -0400
commit687d23d603c12bdbb15ea7e65b036bc5e924c4f1 (patch)
tree9458a10b3f051ed2e63560b81bc9102f075b362f /src/Experiments/PartialEvaluationWithLetIn.v
parent6a6a03fac7117e1c1e1923cddeb7c19f867c6f3a (diff)
Some experiments with partial evaluation with letin without cps
Jason & Andres
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Experiments/PartialEvaluationWithLetIn.v')
1 files changed, 185 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Experiments/PartialEvaluationWithLetIn.v b/src/Experiments/PartialEvaluationWithLetIn.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..173165f6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Experiments/PartialEvaluationWithLetIn.v
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations.
+Module type.
+ Inductive type := nat | prod (A B : type) | arrow (s d : type).
+End type.
+Notation type := type.type.
+Delimit Scope etype_scope with etype.
+Bind Scope etype_scope with type.type.
+Infix "->" := type.arrow : etype_scope.
+Infix "*" := type.prod : etype_scope.
+Module expr.
+ Section with_var.
+ Context {var : type -> Type}.
+ Inductive expr : type -> Type :=
+ | Literal (v : nat) : expr type.nat
+ | Var {t} (v : var t) : expr t
+ | Plus (x y : expr type.nat) : expr type.nat
+ | Abs {s d} (f : var s -> expr d) : expr (s -> d)
+ | App {s d} (f : expr (s -> d)) (x : expr s) : expr d
+ | Pair {A B} (a : expr A) (b : expr B) : expr (A * B)
+ | Fst {A B} (x : expr (A * B)) : expr A
+ | Snd {A B} (x : expr (A * B)) : expr B
+ | LetIn {A B} (x : expr A) (f : var A -> expr B) : expr B
+ .
+ End with_var.
+ Module Export Notations.
+ Delimit Scope expr_scope with expr.
+ Bind Scope expr_scope with expr.
+ Infix "@" := App : expr_scope.
+ Reserved Notation "\ x .. y , t" (at level 200, x binder, y binder, right associativity, format "\ x .. y , '//' t").
+ Notation "\ x .. y , f" := (Abs (fun x => .. (Abs (fun y => f%expr)) .. )) : expr_scope.
+ Notation "'λ' x .. y , f" := (Abs (fun x => .. (Abs (fun y => f%expr)) .. )) : expr_scope.
+ Notation "( x , y , .. , z )" := (Pair .. (Pair x%expr y%expr) .. z%expr) : expr_scope.
+ Notation "'expr_let' x := A 'in' b" := (LetIn A (fun x => b%expr)) : expr_scope.
+ Infix "+" := Plus : expr_scope.
+ Notation "' x" := (Literal x) (at level 9, format "' x") : expr_scope.
+ Notation "'$' x" := (Var x) (at level 9, format "'$' x") : expr_scope.
+ End Notations.
+End expr.
+Import expr.Notations.
+Notation expr := expr.expr.
+Module UnderLets.
+ Section with_var.
+ Context {var : type -> Type}.
+ Inductive UnderLets {T : Type} :=
+ | Base (v : T)
+ | UnderLet {A} (x : @expr var A) (f : var A -> UnderLets).
+ Fixpoint splice {A B} (x : @UnderLets A) (e : A -> @UnderLets B) : @UnderLets B
+ := match x with
+ | Base v => e v
+ | UnderLet A x f => UnderLet x (fun v => @splice _ _ (f v) e)
+ end.
+ Fixpoint to_expr {t} (x : @UnderLets (@expr var t)) : @expr var t
+ := match x with
+ | Base v => v
+ | UnderLet A x f
+ => expr.LetIn x (fun v => @to_expr _ (f v))
+ end.
+ End with_var.
+ Global Arguments UnderLets : clear implicits.
+End UnderLets.
+Delimit Scope under_lets_scope with under_lets.
+Bind Scope under_lets_scope with UnderLets.UnderLets.
+Notation "x <-- y ; f" := (UnderLets.splice y (fun x => f%under_lets)) : under_lets_scope.
+Module partial.
+ Import UnderLets.
+ Section with_var.
+ Context (var : type -> Type).
+ Definition value_step (value : type -> Type) (t : type)
+ := match t with
+ | type.nat as t
+ => @expr var t + nat
+ | type.prod A B as t
+ => @expr var t + value A * value B
+ | type.arrow s d
+ => value s -> value d
+ end%type.
+ Fixpoint value' (t : type)
+ := UnderLets var (value_step value' t).
+ Definition value (t : type)
+ := UnderLets var (value_step value' t).
+ Coercion value'_of_value {t} (x : value t) : value' t. destruct t; exact x. Defined.
+ Coercion value_of_value' {t} (x : value' t) : value t. destruct t; exact x. Defined.
+ Fixpoint reify {t} : value t -> @expr var t
+ := fun v
+ => UnderLets.to_expr
+ (v' <-- v;
+ Base
+ (match t return value_step value' t -> expr t with
+ | type.nat
+ => fun v''
+ => match v'' with
+ | inl e => e
+ | inr n => expr.Literal n
+ end
+ | type.prod A B
+ => fun v''
+ => match v'' with
+ | inl e => e
+ | inr (a, b)
+ => expr.Pair (@reify _ a) (@reify _ b)
+ end
+ | type.arrow s d
+ => fun f => λ x , @reify _ (f (@reflect _ (expr.Var x)))
+ end%core%expr v'))
+ with reflect {t} : @expr var t -> value t
+ := match t return expr t -> value t with
+ | type.nat
+ | type.prod _ _
+ => fun e => Base (inl e)
+ | type.arrow s d
+ => fun e => Base (fun v : value' s
+ => (@reflect d (e @ (@reify s v)) : value' d))%expr
+ end.
+ Fixpoint interp {t} (e : @expr value t) : value t
+ := match e in expr.expr t return value t with
+ | expr.Literal v => Base (inr v)
+ | expr.Var t v => v
+ | expr.Plus x y
+ => (x' <-- @interp _ x;
+ y' <-- @interp _ y;
+ Base (match x', y' with
+ | inr xv, inr yv => inr (xv + yv)
+ | _, _ => inl (expr.Plus (@reify type.nat (Base x'))
+ (@reify type.nat (Base y')))
+ end))
+ | expr.Abs s d f => Base (fun x : value' _ => value'_of_value (@interp d (f x)))
+ | expr.App s d f x
+ => (x' <-- @interp s x;
+ f' <-- @interp (s -> d)%etype f;
+ (f' (Base x' : value s) : value d))
+ | expr.Pair A B a b
+ => (a' <-- @interp A a;
+ b' <-- @interp B b;
+ Base (inr (value'_of_value (Base a'),
+ value'_of_value (Base b'))))
+ | expr.Fst A B x
+ => (x' <-- @interp _ x;
+ match x' return value _ with
+ | inl e => @reflect _ (expr.Fst e)
+ | inr (a, b) => a
+ end)
+ | expr.Snd A B x
+ => (x' <-- @interp _ x;
+ match x' return value _ with
+ | inl e => @reflect _ (expr.Snd e)
+ | inr (a, b) => b
+ end)
+ | expr.LetIn A B x f
+ => (x' <-- @interp _ x;
+ UnderLet
+ (reify (Base x'))
+ (fun x'v
+ => @interp _ (f (reflect (expr.Var x'v)))))
+ end%under_lets.
+ Definition eval {t} (e : @expr value t) : @expr var t
+ := reify (interp e).
+ End with_var.
+End partial.
+Import expr.
+Compute partial.eval _ (Fst (LetIn (Literal 10) (fun x => Pair (Var x) (Var x)))).
+Compute partial.eval _ ((\ x , expr_let y := '5 in Fst $x + (Fst $x + ($y + $y)))
+ @ ('1, '1))%expr.
+Compute partial.eval _ ((\ x , expr_let y := '5 in $y + ($y + (Fst $x + Snd $x)))
+ @ ('1, '7))%expr.
+Eval cbv in partial.eval _ (\z , ((\ x , expr_let y := '5 in $y + ($z + (Fst $x + Snd $x)))
+ @ ('1, '7)))%expr.