path: root/src/Experiments/NewPipeline
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authorGravatar Jason Gross <jgross@mit.edu>2018-06-19 00:03:37 -0400
committerGravatar Jason Gross <jasongross9@gmail.com>2018-06-21 17:03:40 -0400
commitdfbdd15176a1d50ffc5468bb066a18b1bd539588 (patch)
treeaa2a365015e0a2a0de341aa15d3c0ae2b60e1614 /src/Experiments/NewPipeline
parent1759e06bdc9ef25125216e0398c4cabcd0c0b3f5 (diff)
Add [freeze] to Arithmetic
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Experiments/NewPipeline')
1 files changed, 239 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Arithmetic.v b/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Arithmetic.v
index a52a4ee52..44834e5e3 100644
--- a/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Arithmetic.v
+++ b/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Arithmetic.v
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.RunTacticAsConstr.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.Head.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Option.
Require Import Crypto.Util.OptionList.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Prod.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Sum.
Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.
Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Modulo Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Div Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Hints.Core.
@@ -459,9 +460,62 @@ Module Positional. Section Positional.
End sub.
Hint Rewrite @eval_opp @eval_sub : push_eval.
Hint Rewrite @length_sub @length_opp : distr_length.
+ Section select.
+ Definition select (mask cond:Z) (p:list Z) :=
+ dlet t := Z.zselect cond 0 mask in List.map (Z.land t) p.
+ Lemma map_and_0 n (p:list Z) : length p = n -> map (Z.land 0) p = zeros n.
+ Proof.
+ intro; subst; induction p as [|x xs IHxs]; [reflexivity | ].
+ cbn; f_equal; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eval_select n mask cond p (H:List.map (Z.land mask) p = p) :
+ length p = n
+ -> eval n (select mask cond p) =
+ if dec (cond = 0) then 0 else eval n p.
+ Proof.
+ cbv [select Let_In].
+ rewrite Z.zselect_correct; break_match.
+ { intros; erewrite map_and_0 by eassumption. apply eval_zeros. }
+ { rewrite H; reflexivity. }
+ Qed.
+ Lemma length_select mask cond p :
+ length (select mask cond p) = length p.
+ Proof using Type. clear dependent weight. cbv [select Let_In]; break_match; intros; distr_length. Qed.
+ End select.
End Positional.
(* Hint Rewrite disappears after the end of a section *)
-Hint Rewrite length_zeros length_add_to_nth length_from_associational @length_add @length_carry_reduce @length_chained_carries @length_encode @length_sub @length_opp : distr_length.
+Hint Rewrite length_zeros length_add_to_nth length_from_associational @length_add @length_carry_reduce @length_chained_carries @length_encode @length_sub @length_opp @length_select : distr_length.
+Hint Rewrite @eval_select : push_eval.
+Section Positional_nonuniform.
+ Context (weight weight' : nat -> Z).
+ Lemma eval_hd_tl n (xs:list Z) :
+ length xs = n ->
+ eval weight n xs = weight 0%nat * hd 0 xs + eval (fun i => weight (S i)) (pred n) (tl xs).
+ Proof.
+ intro; subst; destruct xs as [|x xs]; [ cbn; omega | ].
+ cbv [eval to_associational Associational.eval] in *; cbn.
+ rewrite <- map_S_seq; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eval_cons n (x:Z) (xs:list Z) :
+ length xs = n ->
+ eval weight (S n) (x::xs) = weight 0%nat * x + eval (fun i => weight (S i)) n xs.
+ Proof. intro; subst; apply eval_hd_tl; reflexivity. Qed.
+ Lemma eval_weight_mul n p k :
+ (forall i, In i (seq 0 n) -> weight i = k * weight' i) ->
+ eval weight n p = k * eval weight' n p.
+ Proof.
+ setoid_rewrite List.in_seq.
+ revert n weight weight'; induction p as [|x xs IHxs], n as [|n]; intros weight weight' Hwt;
+ cbv [eval to_associational Associational.eval] in *; cbn in *; try omega.
+ rewrite Hwt, Z.mul_add_distr_l, Z.mul_assoc by omega.
+ erewrite <- !map_S_seq, IHxs; [ reflexivity | ]; cbn; eauto with omega.
+ Qed.
+End Positional_nonuniform.
End Positional.
Record weight_properties {weight : nat -> Z} :=
@@ -1006,7 +1060,6 @@ Module Columns.
Qed. Hint Rewrite eval_cons_to_nth using (solve [distr_length]) : push_eval.
Hint Rewrite Positional.eval_zeros : push_eval.
- Hint Rewrite Positional.length_from_associational : distr_length.
Hint Rewrite Positional.eval_add_to_nth using (solve [distr_length]): push_eval.
(* from_associational *)
@@ -1108,13 +1161,13 @@ Module Rows.
destruct x; cbn [hd tl]; rewrite ?sum_nil, ?sum_cons; ring.
Qed. Hint Rewrite eval_extract_row using (solve [distr_length]) : push_eval.
- Lemma length_fst_extract_row n (inp : cols) :
- length inp = n -> length (fst (extract_row inp)) = n.
+ Lemma length_fst_extract_row (inp : cols) :
+ length (fst (extract_row inp)) = length inp.
Proof. cbv [extract_row]; autorewrite with cancel_pair; distr_length. Qed.
Hint Rewrite length_fst_extract_row : distr_length.
- Lemma length_snd_extract_row n (inp : cols) :
- length inp = n -> length (snd (extract_row inp)) = n.
+ Lemma length_snd_extract_row (inp : cols) :
+ length (snd (extract_row inp)) = length inp.
Proof. cbv [extract_row]; autorewrite with cancel_pair; distr_length. Qed.
Hint Rewrite length_snd_extract_row : distr_length.
@@ -1169,7 +1222,8 @@ Module Rows.
| _ => progress In_cases
| _ => split; try omega
| H: _ /\ _ |- _ => destruct H
- | _ => solve [auto using length_fst_extract_row, length_snd_extract_row]
+ | _ => progress distr_length
+ | _ => solve [auto]
Lemma length_fst_from_columns' m st :
@@ -1227,7 +1281,7 @@ Module Rows.
eapply length_snd_from_columns'; eauto.
autorewrite with cancel_pair; intros; In_cases.
- Hint Rewrite length_from_columns : distr_length.
+ Hint Rewrite length_from_columns using eassumption : distr_length.
(* from associational *)
Definition from_associational n (p : list (Z * Z)) := from_columns (Columns.from_associational weight n p).
@@ -1513,7 +1567,7 @@ Module Rows.
Lemma flatten_div_mod inp n :
(forall row, In row inp -> length row = n) ->
is_div_mod (Positional.eval weight n) (flatten n inp) (eval n inp) (weight n).
- Proof.
+ Proof using wprops.
intros; cbv [flatten].
destruct inp; [|destruct inp]; cbn [hd tl].
{ cbv [is_div_mod]; push.
@@ -1556,7 +1610,7 @@ Module Rows.
forall i, (i < n)%nat ->
nth_default 0 (fst (flatten' start_state inp)) i
= ((Positional.eval weight n (fst start_state) + eval n inp) mod weight (S i)) / (weight i).
- Proof.
+ Proof using wprops.
induction inp using rev_ind; push.
destruct (dec (inp = nil)).
{ subst inp; push. rewrite sum_rows_partitions with (n:=n) by eauto. push. }
@@ -1569,7 +1623,7 @@ Module Rows.
(forall row, In row inp -> length row = n) ->
forall i, (i < n)%nat ->
nth_default 0 (fst (flatten n inp)) i = (eval n inp mod weight (S i)) / (weight i).
- Proof.
+ Proof using wprops.
intros; cbv [flatten].
intros; destruct inp as [| ? [| ? ?] ]; try congruence; cbn [hd tl] in *; try solve [push].
{ cbn. autorewrite with push_nth_default.
@@ -1587,7 +1641,7 @@ Module Rows.
(forall i, (i < n)%nat -> nth_default 0 p i = (x mod weight (S i)) / weight i) ->
length p = n ->
p = partition n x.
- Proof.
+ Proof using Type.
cbv [partition]; induction p using rev_ind; intros; distr_length; subst n; [reflexivity|].
rewrite Nat.add_1_r, seq_snoc.
autorewrite with natsimplify push_map.
@@ -1601,18 +1655,18 @@ Module Rows.
Lemma partition_step n x :
partition (S n) x = partition n x ++ [(x mod weight (S n)) / weight n].
- Proof.
+ Proof using Type.
cbv [partition]. rewrite seq_snoc.
autorewrite with natsimplify push_map. reflexivity.
Lemma length_partition n x : length (partition n x) = n.
- Proof. cbv [partition]; distr_length. Qed.
+ Proof using Type. cbv [partition]; distr_length. Qed.
Hint Rewrite length_partition : distr_length.
Lemma eval_partition n x :
Positional.eval weight n (partition n x) = x mod (weight n).
- Proof.
+ Proof using wprops.
induction n; intros.
{ cbn. rewrite (weight_0); auto with zarith. }
{ rewrite (Z.div_mod (x mod weight (S n)) (weight n)) by auto.
@@ -1621,10 +1675,26 @@ Module Rows.
omega. }
+ Lemma partition_Proper n :
+ Proper (Z.equiv_modulo (weight n) ==> eq) (partition n).
+ Proof using wprops.
+ cbv [Proper Z.equiv_modulo respectful].
+ intros x y Hxy; induction n; intros.
+ { reflexivity. }
+ { assert (Hxyn : x mod weight n = y mod weight n).
+ { erewrite (Znumtheory.Zmod_div_mod _ (weight (S n)) x), (Znumtheory.Zmod_div_mod _ (weight (S n)) y), Hxy
+ by (try apply Z.mod_divide; auto);
+ reflexivity. }
+ rewrite !partition_step, IHn by eauto.
+ rewrite (Z.div_mod (x mod weight (S n)) (weight n)), (Z.div_mod (y mod weight (S n)) (weight n)) by auto.
+ rewrite <-!Znumtheory.Zmod_div_mod by (try apply Z.mod_divide; auto).
+ rewrite Hxy, Hxyn; reflexivity. }
+ Qed.
Lemma flatten_partitions' inp n :
(forall row, In row inp -> length row = n) ->
fst (flatten n inp) = partition n (eval n inp).
- Proof. auto using nth_default_partitions, flatten_partitions, length_flatten. Qed.
+ Proof using wprops. auto using nth_default_partitions, flatten_partitions, length_flatten. Qed.
End Flatten.
Section Ops.
@@ -1639,6 +1709,10 @@ Module Rows.
fine; we should check this. *)
Definition sub n p q := flatten n [p; map (fun x => dlet y := x in Z.opp y) q].
+ Definition conditional_add n mask cond (p q:list Z) :=
+ let qq := Positional.select mask cond q in
+ add n p qq.
Hint Rewrite eval_cons eval_nil using solve [auto] : push_eval.
Definition mul base n m (p q : list Z) :=
@@ -1675,17 +1749,34 @@ Module Rows.
Lemma add_partitions n p q :
n <> 0%nat -> length p = n -> length q = n ->
fst (add n p q) = partition n (Positional.eval weight n p + Positional.eval weight n q).
- Proof. solver. Qed.
+ Proof using wprops. solver. Qed.
Lemma add_div n p q :
n <> 0%nat -> length p = n -> length q = n ->
snd (add n p q) = (Positional.eval weight n p + Positional.eval weight n q) / weight n.
- Proof. solver. Qed.
+ Proof using wprops. solver. Qed.
+ Lemma conditional_add_partitions n mask cond p q :
+ n <> 0%nat -> length p = n -> length q = n -> map (Z.land mask) q = q ->
+ fst (conditional_add n mask cond p q)
+ = partition n (Positional.eval weight n p + if dec (cond = 0) then 0 else Positional.eval weight n q).
+ Proof using wprops.
+ cbv [conditional_add]; intros; rewrite add_partitions by (distr_length; auto).
+ autorewrite with push_eval; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma conditional_add_div n mask cond p q :
+ n <> 0%nat -> length p = n -> length q = n -> map (Z.land mask) q = q ->
+ snd (conditional_add n mask cond p q) = (Positional.eval weight n p + if dec (cond = 0) then 0 else Positional.eval weight n q) / weight n.
+ Proof using wprops.
+ cbv [conditional_add]; intros; rewrite add_div by (distr_length; auto).
+ autorewrite with push_eval; auto.
+ Qed.
Lemma eval_map_opp q :
forall n, length q = n ->
Positional.eval weight n (map Z.opp q) = - Positional.eval weight n q.
- Proof.
+ Proof using Type.
induction q using rev_ind; intros;
repeat match goal with
| _ => progress autorewrite with push_map push_eval
@@ -1698,23 +1789,23 @@ Module Rows.
Lemma sub_partitions n p q :
n <> 0%nat -> length p = n -> length q = n ->
fst (sub n p q) = partition n (Positional.eval weight n p - Positional.eval weight n q).
- Proof. solver. Qed.
+ Proof using wprops. solver. Qed.
Lemma sub_div n p q :
n <> 0%nat -> length p = n -> length q = n ->
snd (sub n p q) = (Positional.eval weight n p - Positional.eval weight n q) / weight n.
- Proof. solver. Qed.
+ Proof using wprops. solver. Qed.
Lemma mul_partitions base n m p q :
base <> 0 -> n <> 0%nat -> m <> 0%nat -> length p = n -> length q = n ->
fst (mul base n m p q) = partition m (Positional.eval weight n p * Positional.eval weight n q).
- Proof. solver. Qed.
+ Proof using wprops. solver. Qed.
Lemma eval_sat_reduce base s c p :
base <> 0 -> s - Associational.eval c <> 0 -> s <> 0 ->
Associational.eval (sat_reduce base s c p) mod (s - Associational.eval c)
= Associational.eval p mod (s - Associational.eval c).
- Proof.
+ Proof using Type.
intros; cbv [sat_reduce].
autorewrite with push_eval.
rewrite <-Associational.reduction_rule by omega.
@@ -1726,7 +1817,7 @@ Module Rows.
base <> 0 -> s - Associational.eval c <> 0 -> s <> 0 ->
Associational.eval (repeat_sat_reduce base s c p n) mod (s - Associational.eval c)
= Associational.eval p mod (s - Associational.eval c).
- Proof.
+ Proof using Type.
intros; cbv [repeat_sat_reduce].
apply fold_right_invariant; intros; autorewrite with push_eval; auto.
@@ -1738,13 +1829,16 @@ Module Rows.
(Positional.eval weight n (fst (mulmod base s c n nreductions p q))
+ weight n * (snd (mulmod base s c n nreductions p q))) mod (s - Associational.eval c)
= (Positional.eval weight n p * Positional.eval weight n q) mod (s - Associational.eval c).
- Proof.
+ Proof using wprops.
rewrite <-Z.div_mod'' by auto.
autorewrite with push_eval; reflexivity.
End Ops.
End Rows.
+ Hint Rewrite length_from_columns using eassumption : distr_length.
+ Hint Rewrite length_sum_rows using solve [ reflexivity | eassumption | distr_length; eauto ] : distr_length.
+ Hint Rewrite length_fst_extract_row length_snd_extract_row length_flatten length_flatten' length_partition length_fst_from_columns' length_snd_from_columns' : distr_length.
End Rows.
Module BaseConversion.
@@ -1762,7 +1856,7 @@ Module BaseConversion.
Lemma eval_convert_bases sn dn p :
(dn <> 0%nat) -> length p = sn ->
eval dw dn (convert_bases sn dn p) = eval sw sn p.
- Proof.
+ Proof using dwprops.
cbv [convert_bases]; intros.
rewrite eval_chained_carries_no_reduce; auto using ZUtil.Z.positive_is_nonzero.
rewrite eval_from_associational; auto.
@@ -1792,7 +1886,7 @@ Module BaseConversion.
Lemma eval_reordering_carry w fw p (_:fw<>0):
Associational.eval (reordering_carry w fw p) = Associational.eval p.
- Proof.
+ Proof using Type.
cbv [reordering_carry]. induction p; [reflexivity |].
autorewrite with push_fold_right. break_match; push_eval.
@@ -1814,13 +1908,13 @@ Module BaseConversion.
Lemma eval_to_associational n m p :
m <> 0%nat -> length p = n ->
Associational.eval (to_associational n m p) = Positional.eval sw n p.
- Proof. cbv [to_associational]; push_eval. Qed.
+ Proof using dwprops. cbv [to_associational]; push_eval. Qed.
Hint Rewrite eval_to_associational using solve [push_eval; distr_length] : push_eval.
Lemma eval_from_associational idxs n p :
n <> 0%nat -> 0 <= Associational.eval p < sw n ->
Positional.eval sw n (from_associational idxs n p) = Associational.eval p.
- Proof.
+ Proof using dwprops swprops.
cbv [from_associational]; intros.
rewrite Rows.flatten_mod by eauto using Rows.length_from_associational.
rewrite Associational.bind_snd_correct.
@@ -1831,7 +1925,7 @@ Module BaseConversion.
Lemma from_associational_partitions n idxs p (_:n<>0%nat):
forall i, (i < n)%nat ->
nth_default 0 (from_associational idxs n p) i = (Associational.eval p) mod (sw (S i)) / sw i.
- Proof.
+ Proof using dwprops swprops.
intros; cbv [from_associational].
rewrite Rows.flatten_partitions with (n:=n) by (eauto using Rows.length_from_associational; omega).
rewrite Associational.bind_snd_correct.
@@ -1840,7 +1934,7 @@ Module BaseConversion.
Lemma from_associational_eq n idxs p (_:n<>0%nat):
from_associational idxs n p = Rows.partition sw n (Associational.eval p).
- Proof.
+ Proof using dwprops swprops.
intros. cbv [from_associational].
rewrite Rows.flatten_partitions' with (n:=n) by eauto using Rows.length_from_associational.
rewrite Associational.bind_snd_correct.
@@ -1898,13 +1992,13 @@ Module BaseConversion.
length p1 = n1 -> length p2 = n2 ->
0 <= (Positional.eval sw n1 p1 * Positional.eval sw n2 p2) < sw n3 ->
Positional.eval sw n3 (mul_converted n1 n2 m1 m2 n3 idxs p1 p2) = (Positional.eval sw n1 p1) * (Positional.eval sw n2 p2).
- Proof. cbv [mul_converted]; push_eval. Qed.
+ Proof using dwprops swprops. cbv [mul_converted]; push_eval. Qed.
Hint Rewrite eval_mul_converted : push_eval.
Lemma mul_converted_partitions n1 n2 m1 m2 n3 idxs p1 p2 (_:n3<>0%nat) (_:m1<>0%nat) (_:m2<>0%nat):
length p1 = n1 -> length p2 = n2 ->
mul_converted n1 n2 m1 m2 n3 idxs p1 p2 = Rows.partition sw n3 (Positional.eval sw n1 p1 * Positional.eval sw n2 p2).
- Proof.
+ Proof using dwprops swprops.
intros; cbv [mul_converted].
rewrite from_associational_eq by auto. push_eval.
@@ -1931,7 +2025,7 @@ Module BaseConversion.
Lemma widemul_correct a b :
0 <= a * b < 2^log2base * 2^log2base ->
widemul a b = [(a * b) mod 2^log2base; (a * b) / 2^log2base].
- Proof.
+ Proof using dwprops swprops.
cbv [widemul]; intros.
rewrite mul_converted_partitions by auto with zarith.
subst nout sw; cbv [weight]; cbn.
@@ -1980,3 +2074,114 @@ Module BaseConversion.
End widemul.
End BaseConversion.
+(* TODO: rename this module? (Should it be, e.g., [Rows.freeze]?) *)
+Module Freeze.
+ Section Freeze.
+ Context weight {wprops : @weight_properties weight}.
+ Definition freeze n mask (m p:list Z) : list Z :=
+ let '(p, carry) := Rows.sub weight n p m in
+ let '(r, carry) := Rows.conditional_add weight n mask carry p m in
+ r.
+ Lemma freezeZ m s c y :
+ m = s - c ->
+ 0 < c < s ->
+ s <> 0 ->
+ 0 <= y < 2*m ->
+ ((y - m) + (if (dec ((y - m) / s = 0)) then 0 else m)) mod s
+ = y mod m.
+ Proof using Type.
+ clear; intros.
+ transitivity ((y - m) mod m);
+ repeat first [ progress intros
+ | progress subst
+ | break_innermost_match_step
+ | progress autorewrite with zsimplify_fast
+ | rewrite Z.div_small_iff in * by auto
+ | progress (Z.rewrite_mod_small; push_Zmod; Z.rewrite_mod_small)
+ | progress destruct_head'_or
+ | omega ].
+ Qed.
+ Lemma length_freeze n mask m p :
+ length m = n -> length p = n -> length (freeze n mask m p) = n.
+ Proof using wprops.
+ cbv [freeze Rows.conditional_add Rows.add]; eta_expand; intros.
+ distr_length; try assumption; cbn; intros; destruct_head'_or; destruct_head' False; subst;
+ distr_length.
+ erewrite Rows.length_sum_rows by (reflexivity || eassumption || distr_length); distr_length.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eval_freeze_eq n mask m p
+ (n_nonzero:n<>0%nat)
+ (Hmask : List.map (Z.land mask) m = m)
+ (Hplen : length p = n)
+ (Hmlen : length m = n)
+ : Positional.eval weight n (@freeze n mask m p)
+ = (Positional.eval weight n p - Positional.eval weight n m +
+ (if dec ((Positional.eval weight n p - Positional.eval weight n m) / weight n = 0) then 0 else Positional.eval weight n m))
+ mod weight n.
+ (*if dec ((Positional.eval weight n p - Positional.eval weight n m) / weight n = 0)
+ then Positional.eval weight n p - Positional.eval weight n m
+ else Positional.eval weight n p mod weight n.*)
+ Proof using wprops.
+ pose proof (@weight_positive weight wprops n).
+ cbv [freeze Z.equiv_modulo]; eta_expand.
+ repeat first [ solve [auto]
+ | rewrite Rows.conditional_add_partitions
+ | rewrite Rows.sub_partitions
+ | rewrite Rows.sub_div
+ | rewrite Rows.eval_partition
+ | progress distr_length
+ | progress pull_Zmod (*
+ | progress break_innermost_match_step
+ | progress destruct_head'_or
+ | omega
+ | f_equal; omega
+ | rewrite Z.div_small_iff in * by (auto using (@weight_positive weight ltac:(assumption)))
+ | progress Z.rewrite_mod_small *) ].
+ Qed.
+ Lemma eval_freeze n c mask m p
+ (n_nonzero:n<>0%nat)
+ (Hc : 0 < Associational.eval c < weight n)
+ (Hmask : List.map (Z.land mask) m = m)
+ modulus (Hm : Positional.eval weight n m = Z.pos modulus)
+ (Hp : 0 <= Positional.eval weight n p < 2*(Z.pos modulus))
+ (Hsc : Z.pos modulus = weight n - Associational.eval c)
+ (Hplen : length p = n)
+ (Hmlen : length m = n)
+ : Positional.eval weight n (@freeze n mask m p)
+ = Positional.eval weight n p mod (Z.pos modulus).
+ Proof using wprops.
+ pose proof (@weight_positive weight wprops n).
+ rewrite eval_freeze_eq by assumption.
+ erewrite freezeZ; try eassumption; try omega.
+ f_equal; omega.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma freeze_partitions n c mask m p
+ (n_nonzero:n<>0%nat)
+ (Hc : 0 < Associational.eval c < weight n)
+ (Hmask : List.map (Z.land mask) m = m)
+ modulus (Hm : Positional.eval weight n m = Z.pos modulus)
+ (Hp : 0 <= Positional.eval weight n p < 2*(Z.pos modulus))
+ (Hsc : Z.pos modulus = weight n - Associational.eval c)
+ (Hplen : length p = n)
+ (Hmlen : length m = n)
+ : @freeze n mask m p = Rows.partition weight n (Positional.eval weight n p mod (Z.pos modulus)).
+ Proof using wprops.
+ pose proof (@weight_positive weight wprops n).
+ pose proof (fun v => Z.mod_pos_bound v (weight n) ltac:(lia)).
+ pose proof (Z.mod_pos_bound (Positional.eval weight n p) (Z.pos modulus) ltac:(lia)).
+ erewrite <- eval_freeze by eassumption.
+ cbv [freeze]; eta_expand.
+ rewrite Rows.conditional_add_partitions by (auto; rewrite Rows.sub_partitions; auto; distr_length).
+ rewrite !Rows.eval_partition by assumption.
+ apply Rows.partition_Proper; [ assumption .. | ].
+ cbv [Z.equiv_modulo].
+ pull_Zmod; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ End Freeze.
+End Freeze.